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0001 import time
0002 import os
0003 from json import loads, dumps
0004 from types import GeneratorType
0005 import subprocess
0007 #Copied from
0009 def convert_time(val):
0010     "Convert given timestamp into human readable format"
0011     if  isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float):
0012         return time.strftime('%d/%b/%Y_%H:%M:%S_GMT', time.gmtime(val))
0013     return val
0015 def size_format(uinput, ibase=0):
0016     """
0017     Format file size utility, it converts file size into KB, MB, GB, TB, PB units
0018     """
0019     if  not ibase:
0020         return uinput
0021     try:
0022         num = float(uinput)
0023     except Exception as _exc:
0024         return uinput
0025     if  ibase == 2.: # power of 2
0026         base  = 1024.
0027         xlist = ['', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB']
0028     else: # default base is 10
0029         base  = 1000.
0030         xlist = ['', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB']
0031     for xxx in xlist:
0032         if  num < base:
0033             return "%3.1f%s" % (num, xxx)
0034         num /= base
0036 def extract_value(row, key, base=10):
0037     """Generator which extracts row[key] value"""
0038     if  isinstance(row, dict) and key in row:
0039         if  key == 'creation_time':
0040             row = convert_time(row[key])
0041         elif  key == 'size':
0042             row = size_format(row[key], base)
0043         else:
0044             row = row[key]
0045         yield row
0046     if  isinstance(row, list) or isinstance(row, GeneratorType):
0047         for item in row:
0048             for vvv in extract_value(item, key, base):
0049                 yield vvv
0051 def get_value(data, filters, base=10):
0052   """Filter data from a row for given list of filters"""
0053   for ftr in filters:
0054     if  ftr.find('>') != -1 or ftr.find('<') != -1 or ftr.find('=') != -1:
0055       continue
0056     row = dict(data)
0057     values = []
0058     keys = ftr.split('.')
0059     for key in keys:
0060       val = [v for v in extract_value(row, key, base)]
0061       if  key == keys[-1]: # we collect all values at last key
0062         values += [dumps(i) for i in val]
0063       else:
0064         row = val
0065       if  len(values) == 1:
0066         yield values[0]
0067       else:
0068         yield values
0070 def get_data(query, limit=None, threshold=None, idx=None, host=None, cmd=None):
0071   cmd_opts = "--format=json"
0072   if threshold is not None: cmd_opts += " --threshold=%s" % threshold
0073   if limit     is not None: cmd_opts += " --limit=%s"     % limit
0074   if idx       is not None: cmd_opts += " --idx=%s"       % idx
0075   if host      is not None: cmd_opts += " --host=%s"      % host
0076   if not cmd:
0077     cmd = "das_client"
0078     for path in os.getenv('PATH').split(':'):
0079       if  os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, 'dasgoclient')):
0080         cmd = "dasgoclient"
0081         break
0083   p = subprocess.Popen("%s %s --query '%s'" % (cmd, cmd_opts, query),shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
0084   stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
0085   if not p.returncode: return loads(stdout)
0086   return {'status' : 'error', 'reason' : stdout}