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File indexing completed on 2024-11-26 02:34:35

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python
0002 # coding: utf-8
0003 '''
0004 Generates static HTML for the given database file.
0005 Warrning!: did not finish the implementation, see TODO comment.
0007 Author:  Albertas Gimbutas,  Vilnius University (LT)
0008 e-mail:
0009 '''
0010 import sqlite3
0011 import re
0012 from os import listdir, makedirs, getcwd
0013 from os.path import isfile, join, exists, dirname, basename
0014 from .app_utils import *
0015 from optparse import OptionParser
0017 from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, escape
0018 env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates'))  # Template directory has to exist
0020 parser = OptionParser(usage='Usage: %prog --db PATH_TO_DB [options]')
0021 parser.add_option('--db', action='store', dest='db_name',
0022         help='Absolute path to SQLite3 database file.')
0023 parser.add_option('--th', action='store', dest='threshold', default=1e-5,
0024         help='Threshold to use for static HTML statistics. Default: %default.')
0026 def create_page(path, content):
0027     path = join(*path)
0028     if not exists(dirname(path)):
0029         makedirs(dirname(path))
0030     f = open(path + '.html', 'w')
0031     f.write(content)
0032     f.close()
0034 def dbfile2html(db_name, work_path, threshold=1e-5):
0035     """
0036     Generates static HTML from given release comparison database file.
0037     Algorithm: iterates through database, renders Jinja2 templates and saves
0038     them to static HTML files.
0039     """
0040     if not exists(db_name):
0041         print("\nError: SQLite3 database file does not exsits. Exitting...\n")
0042         exit()
0044     conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name)
0045     c = conn.cursor()
0047     ## Initialise working directory.
0048     path = join(work_path, 'static_html')
0049     if not exists(path):
0050         makedirs(path)
0052     global_context = {'db_name': None , 'threshold': threshold,
0053                                 'file_id': None, 'args': [], 'kwargs': None}
0054     global_context['static_html'] = True
0055     global_context['base_path'] = work_path.strip('/')
0057     ## Generate DB list page
0058     context = global_context.copy()
0059     db_list_temp = env.get_template('db_list.html')
0060     context['db_list'] = db_list_with_releases(work_path)
0061     f = open(join(path, 'index.html'), 'w')
0062     f.write(db_list_temp.render(context))
0064     ## Generate ReleaseComparison html pages
0065     c.execute('''SELECT id, title, statistical_test FROM ReleaseComparison;''')
0066     releases = c.fetchall()
0067     rel_summary_temp = env.get_template('release_summary.html')
0068     dir_summary_temp = env.get_template('directory_summary.html')
0071     for rel_id, release_title, st_test in releases:
0072         context = global_context.copy()
0073         context.update(get_release_summary_stats(c, release_title, st_test, threshold))
0074         context['release_title'] = release_title
0075         context['st_test'] = st_test
0076         create_page([path, release_title, st_test], rel_summary_temp.render(context))
0078         ## Generate RootFileComparison html pages
0079         print('Generating %s (%s) comparison pages...' % (release_title, st_test))
0080         c.execute('''SELECT id, directory_id FROM RootFileComparison WHERE release_comparison_id = ?;''', (rel_id,))
0081         for file_id, file_top_dir_id in c.fetchall():
0082             context['file_id'] = file_id
0083             context.update(get_directory_summary_stats(c, [], file_id, threshold))
0084             create_page([path, release_title, st_test, str(file_id)], dir_summary_temp.render(context))
0086             c.execute('''SELECT id FROM Directory WHERE parent_id=?''', (file_top_dir_id,))
0087             children_dirs = c.fetchall()
0089             ## Generate Directory html pages
0090             def create_dir_pages(c, dir_id, dir_path):
0091                 # Generate Directory page
0092                 c.execute('''SELECT name FROM Directory WHERE id=?''', (dir_id,))
0093                 dir_path.append(c.fetchone()[0])
0094                 context.update(get_directory_summary_stats(c, dir_path, file_id, threshold))
0095                 create_page([path, release_title, st_test, str(file_id)] + dir_path, dir_summary_temp.render(context))
0096                 # TODO: Call for subdirectories
0098             for children_dir in children_dirs:
0099                 create_dir_pages(c, children_dir[0], [])
0100         print('Done.')
0103 if __name__ == '__main__':
0104     opts, args = parser.parse_args()
0105     dbfile2html(opts.db_name, dirname(opts.db_name), opts.threshold)