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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:31:48

0001 {% extends "base.html" %}
0002 {% block title_block %}RelMon Summary{% endblock title_block %}
0003 {% block scripts %}
0004     <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
0005     <script type="text/javascript" src=";v=1&amp;packages=corechart"></script>
0006     <script type="text/javascript" src=",default,corechart.I.js"></script>
0007     <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
0008     <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
0009     <script type="text/javascript">
0010       google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});
0011       google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);
0012       function drawChart() {
0013         var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
0014         data.addColumn('string', 'DQM Directory');
0015         data.addColumn('number', 'Success Rate');
0017         data.addRows({{ detailed_ratios|length }});
0018         {% for name, value in detailed_ratios %}
0019         {% if value %}
0020             data.setValue({{ loop.index0 }}, 0, '{{ name }}');
0021             data.setValue({{ loop.index0 }}, 1, {{ value|round(2) }});
0022         {% endif %}
0023         {% endfor %}
0025         var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById('dir_chart'));
0026         chart.draw(data, {width: 1024, height: 840, title: 'Success Rate',
0027                 vAxis: {title: 'DQM Directory',
0028                 titleTextStyle: {color: 'red'},textStyle: {fontSize: 14}} });
0029       }
0030     </script>
0032     <script type="text/javascript">
0033       google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});
0034       google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);
0035       function drawChart() {
0036         var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
0037         data.addColumn('string', 'DQM Directory');
0038         data.addColumn('number', 'Success Rate');
0040         data.addRows({{ summary_ratios|length }});
0041         {% for name, value in summary_ratios %}
0042         {% if value %}
0043         data.setValue({{ loop.index0 }}, 0, '{{ name }}');
0044         data.setValue({{ loop.index0 }}, 1, {{ value|round(2) }});
0045         {% endif %}
0046         {% endfor %}
0048         var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById('cat_chart'));
0049         chart.draw(data, {width: 1024, height: 680, title: 'Success Rate',
0050                 vAxis: {title: 'Category', titleTextStyle:
0051                 {color: 'red'},textStyle: {fontSize: 14}} });
0052       }
0053     </script>
0054 {% endblock scripts %}
0057 {% block content %}
0058     {% block header %}
0059     <div class="span-20"><h2>
0060         <a href="" name="top">RelMon</a>
0061             Global Report: {{ release_title }}
0062     </h2></div>
0063     <div class="span-1"><h2>
0064             <a href="{% if static_html %}{{ base_path }}/index.html{% else %}http://localhost:8080/{% endif %}">main...</a>
0065     </h2></div>
0066     <hr>
0067     {% endblock %}
0069     {% block release_summary %}
0070     <div class="span-8"><h3>Summary</h3><p>
0071         <span class="caps alt">{{ total }} comparisons:</span></p>
0072         <ul>
0073             <li><span class="caps">Success: {{ success }}% ({{ successes }})</span></li>
0074             <li><span class="caps">Null: {{ null }}% ({{ nulls }})</span></li>
0075             <li><span class="caps">Fail: {{ fail }}% ({{ fails }})</span></li>
0076         </ul>
0077          <a href="{{run1}};dataset=/{{sample1}}/{{release1}}/DQMIO;sampletype=offline_data;filter=all;referencepos=on-side;referenceshow=all;referencenorm=True;referenceobj1=other:{{run2}}:/{{sample2}}/{{release2}}/DQMIO:;referenceobj2=none;referenceobj3=none;referenceobj4=none;search=;striptype=object;stripruns=;stripaxis=run;stripomit=none;workspace=Everything;size=M;focus=;zoom=no;">To the DQM GUI...</a>
0078     </div>
0079     <div class="span-5 colborder">
0080         <img class="top right" src=";chco=00FF00|FFFF00|FF0000&amp;chs=200x200&amp;chd=t:{{ success }},{{ null }},{{ fail }}">
0081     </div>
0082     <div class="span-9 last">
0083         <h3>Releases:</h3>
0084             <ul>
0085                 <li><p>{{ release1 }}</p></li>
0086                 <li><p>{{ release2 }}</p></li>
0087            </ul>
0088            <h3>Statistical Test (Pvalue threshold):</h3>
0089            <p><ul><li>
0090                <div class="caps" style="display: inline-block;width: 100px;">{{ st_test }} (<label id="threshold"></label>)</div>{% if not static_html %}
0091                <span id="slider" class='ui-slider ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'></span>
0092                <input type="button" class="defaultbtn" value="Default" title="">
0093              {% endif %}
0094            </li></ul></p>
0095         </div>
0096     <hr>
0097     {% endblock %}
0099     {% block content_table %}
0100     <div class="span-20 colborder"><h2 class="alt">Sections:</h2>
0101         <ul>
0102             <li> <a href="#summary_barchart">Summary Barchart</a></li>
0103             <li><a href="#categories">Categories</a></li>
0104             <li><a href="#detailed_barchart">Detailed Barchart</a></li>
0105             <li><a href="#summary_table">Summary Table</a></li>
0106             {# <li><a href="#rank_summary">Ranks Summary</a></li>
0107             <li><a href="#twiki_table">Twiki Table</a></li> #}
0108         </ul>
0109     </div>
0110     <hr>
0111     {% endblock %}
0113     {% block summary_barchart %}
0114     <div class="span-24"><h2 class="alt"><a name="summary_barchart">Summary Barchart</a></h2></div>
0115     <div id="cat_chart" style="position: relative;">
0116         <iframe width="1024" scrolling="no" height="680" frameborder="0"
0117             name="Drawing_Frame_96360" id="Drawing_Frame_96360"
0118             marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
0119         </iframe><div></div>
0120     </div>
0121     <a href="#top">Top...</a>
0122     <hr>
0123     {% endblock %}
0125     {% block categories %}
0126     <div class="span-20 colborder"><h2 class="alt"><a name="categories">Categories:</a></h2>
0127         {% for name, value in summary_ratios %}
0128         <div class="span-3 prepend-0 colborder">
0129             <h3>{{ name }}</h3>
0130             <div><span class="alt">Avg. Success rate:</span></div>
0131             <div><span class="alt">{{ 100 * value|round(2) }}%</span></div>
0132         </div>
0133         <div class="span-9">
0134             <div><p><span class="caps alt">DQM Directories (? comparisons):</span></p></div>
0135             <div><p><span class="alt">name: succ. rate - rel. weight</span></p></div>
0136             <ul>
0137                 <li><span class="caps">-</span></li>
0138             </ul>
0139         </div>
0140         <div class="span-6 last">
0141             <img
0142             src="{{ 500 * value|round(2) - 400 }}&chxt=x,y&chxl=0:|{{ 100 * value|round(2) }}%|1:|80%|90%|100%&chma=10,10,10,0">
0143         </div>
0144         <hr>
0145         {% endfor %}
0146         <br><a href="#top">Top...</a> </div>
0148     <hr>
0149     {% endblock %}
0151     {% block detailed_barchart %}
0152     <div class="span-24"><h2 class="alt"><a name="detailed_barchart">Detailed Barchart</a></h2></div>
0153     <div id="dir_chart" style="position: relative;"><iframe width="1024"
0154         scrolling="no" height="840" frameborder="0" name="Drawing_Frame_32197"
0155         id="Drawing_Frame_32197" marginheight="0"
0156         marginwidth="0"></iframe><div></div></div>
0157     <a href="#top">Top...</a>
0158     <hr>
0159     {% endblock %}
0161     {% block summary_table %}
0162     <div class="span-24"><p></p></div>
0163     <div class="span-24"><p></p></div>
0164     <div class="span-24"><h2 class="alt"><a name="summary_table">Summary Table</a></h2></div>
0165     <div class="span-24"><p></p></div>
0166     <div class="span-24"><p></p></div>
0167     <div class="span-24"><p></p></div>
0168     <div class="span-24"><p></p></div>
0169     <div class="span-24"><p></p></div>
0170     <table border="1">
0171         <tbody>
0172             {# Show titles #}
0173               <tr>
0174                   <td> </td>          
0175                   {% for file in folders[0][1] %}
0176                     {% if loop.first %}
0177                       <td><div class="span-1"><p style="alt" class="rotation"><b>{{ file[1] }}</b></p></div></td>
0178                     {% else %}
0179                       <td><div class="span-1"><p style="" class="rotation">{{ file[1] }}</p></div></td>
0180                     {% endif %}
0181                   {% endfor %}
0182               </tr>
0184             {# Show charts #}
0185             {% for folder_name, folder in folders %}
0186               <tr>
0187                 {% if loop.first %}
0188                   {# Show summary charts #}
0189                   {% for file_id, filename, success, null, fail in folder %}
0190                       {% if loop.first %}
0191                           <td style="background-color:white;"><div
0192                                   class="span-1"><b>{{ folder_name }}</b></div></td>
0193                           <td class="colborder" style="background-color:white;">
0194                               <div class="span-1">
0195                                   {% if not success and not null and not fail %}
0196                                       <img width="50" height="50" title="N/A"
0197                                       src="">
0198                                   {% else %}
0199                                       <img alt="global S:{{ success }}% N:{{ null }}% F:{{ fail }}%"
0200                                       src=";chco=00FF00|FFFF00|FF0000&amp;chs=55x55&amp;chd=t:{{ success }},{{ null }},{{ fail }}">
0201                                   {% endif %}
0202                               </div>
0203                           </td>
0204                       {% else %}
0205                           <td style="background-color:white;">
0206                               <div class="span-1">
0207                                   <a href="{% if static_html %}{{ base_path }}{% else %}/{{ db_name }}{% endif %}/{{ release_title }}/{{ st_test }}/{{ file_id }}{% if static_html %}.html{% endif %}{% if threshold %}?threshold={{ threshold }}{% endif %}"><img title="{{ filename }} S:{{ success }}% N:{{ null }}% F:{{ fail }}%" src=";chco=00FF00|FFFF00|FF0000&amp;chs=55x55&amp;chd=t:{{ success }},{{ null }},{{ fail }}"></a>
0208                               </div>
0209                           </td>
0210                       {% endif %}
0211                   {% endfor %}
0212                 {% else %}
0213                   {# Show row #}
0214                   {% for file_id, filename, success, null, fail in folder %}
0215                       {% if loop.first %}
0216                           {# Show summary chart #}
0217                           <td style="background-color:white;">{{ folder_name }}</td>
0218                           <td style="background-color:white;">
0219                               <div class="span-1">
0220                                   <img title="Row summary
0221                                   S:{{ success }}% N:{{ null }}% F:{{ fail }}%"
0222                                   src=";chco=00FF00|FFFF00|FF0000&amp;chs=55x55&amp;chd=t:{{ success }},{{ null }},{{ fail }}">
0223                               </div>
0224                           </td>
0225                       {% else %}
0226                           {# Show file folder chart #}
0227                           <td style="background-color:white;">
0228                               <div class="span-1">
0229                                   {% if not success and not null and not fail %}
0230                                       <img width="50" height="50" title="N/A"
0231                                       src="">
0232                                   {% else %}
0233                                       <a href="{% if static_html %}{{ base_path }}{% else %}/{{ db_name }}{% endif %}/{{ release_title }}/{{ st_test }}/{{ file_id }}/{{ folder_name }}{% if static_html %}.html{% endif %}{% if threshold %}?threshold={{ threshold }}{% endif %}"><img width="50" height="50" title="{{ filename }} S:{{ success }}% N:{{ null }}% F:{{ fail }}%" src=";chco=00FF00|FFFF00|FF0000&amp;chs=50x50&amp;chd=t:{{ success }},{{ null }},{{ fail }}"></a>
0234                                   {% endif %}
0235                               </div>
0236                           </td>
0237                       {% endif %}
0238                   {% endfor %}
0239                 {% endif %}
0240               </tr>
0241             {% endfor %}
0242         </tbody>
0243     </table>
0244     <a href="#top">Top...</a>
0245     <hr>
0246     {% endblock %}
0248     {% block ranks_summary %}
0249     {% endblock %}
0251     {% block twiki_table %}
0252     {% endblock %}
0254 {% endblock %}