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Warning, /Utilities/ReleaseScripts/ignominy/iggnuplot is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #!/usr/bin/env perl
0002 use File::Basename;
0003 use Getopt::Long;
0004 $|=1;
0006 local $SCRIPT_DIR=dirname($0);
0007 &GetOptions(
0008             "config=s",\$config,
0009             "xscale=f",\$xscale,
0010             "yscale=f",\$yscale,
0011             "cols=i",\$cols,
0012             "field=s",\@fields,
0013             "key=s",\%KEYS,
0014             "help",\$help,
0015             "eps",\$eps,
0016             "sfile=s",\$sfile,
0017           );
0019 my $tmp="";
0020 my %KEYS_INT=();
0021 local %IKEYS=();
0022 $IKEYS{FIELD}=1;
0024 local %KEYS_EXTRA=();
0026 $tmp=`whoami`; chomp $tmp; $KEYS_INT{USER}=$tmp;
0027 $tmp=`/bin/pwd`; chomp $tmp; $KEYS_INT{PWD}=$tmp;
0028 $KEYS_INT{TIME}=time;
0029 $KEYS_INT{PID}=$$;
0030 $KEYS_INT{PPID}=getppid();
0032 $KEYS_INT{THIS_DIR}="";
0034 if(defined $help){&IGGNUPlot::help();}
0036 foreach my $k (keys %KEYS)
0037 {
0038   if(exists $KEYS_INT{$k}){print "WARNING: \"$k\" is an internal key and you should not be passing it via command-line.\n";}
0039   $KEYS{$k}=&IGGNUPlot::expandValue($KEYS{$k});
0040 }
0042 if((!defined $config) || ($config=~/^\s*$/)){$config="${SCRIPT_DIR}/iggnuplot.conf";}
0043 if(!-f $config){die "Can not find the configuration file \"$config\".";}
0044 $KEYS_INT{THIS_DIR}=dirname($config);
0046 if((defined $sfile) && (!-f $sfile))
0047 {die "Specific search file \"$file\" does not exist.";}
0049 if((!defined $xscale) || ($xscale=~/^\s*$/) || ($xscale<=0)){$xscale=1;}
0050 if((!defined $yscale) || ($yscale=~/^\s*$/) || ($yscale<=0)){$yscale=1;}
0051 if((!defined $cols)   || ($cols=~/^\s*$/)   || ($cols<=0)){$cols=1;}
0052 if(defined $eps){$eps=1;}
0053 else{$eps=0;}
0055 if((defined @fields) && (@fields > 0))
0056 {
0057   my %fields1=();
0058   my @fields2=();
0059   foreach my $d (@fields)
0060   {
0061     foreach my $d1 (split /,/, $d)
0062     {
0063       if($d1=~/^\s*([^\s]+)\s*$/)
0064       {
0065         $d1=$1;
0066         if(!exists $fields1{$d1}){$fields1{$d1}=1; push @fields2,$d1;}
0067       }
0068     }
0069   }
0070   @fields=@fields2;
0071 }
0073 if(@fields==0){die "You must atleast use one --field <field> command-line option.";}
0075 &IGGNUPlot::readConfig($config);
0076 if(!exists $KEYS{FILTER})
0077 {die "Missing FILTER key(s) in \"$config\" file.";}
0078 elsif((!exists $KEYS{FILES}) || ($KEYS{FILES}=~/^\s*$/))
0079 {die "Missing \"FILES\" keys in the \"$config\" file.";}
0080 elsif((!exists $KEYS{XTAG}) || ($KEYS{XTAG}=~/^\s*$/))
0081 {die "Missing \"XTAG\" key in the \"$config\" file.";}
0083 my $template="";
0084 if((!exists $KEYS{TEMPLATE}) || ($KEYS{TEMPLATE}=~/^\s*$/))
0085 {$template="${SCRIPT_DIR}/Template.gnu";}
0086 else{$template=$KEYS{TEMPLATE};}
0087 if(!-f $template)
0088 {die "Missing gnuplot template file for common.";}
0090 my $searchFunction="IGGNUPlot::fileSearchFunc";
0091 if($sfile)
0092 {
0093   require $sfile;
0094   $searchFunction="specialSearchFunction";
0095 }
0097 my %cache=();
0098 my @sorted=();
0099 foreach my $file (`ls $KEYS{FILES}`)
0100 {
0101   chomp $file;
0102   my $xtag=$KEYS{XTAG};
0103   $file=~/$xtag/;
0104   my $ver=$1;
0105   if($ver eq ""){next;}
0106   foreach my $k (@fields)
0107   {$cache{$ver}{$k}=0;}
0108   push @sorted, $ver;
0109   foreach my $f (@fields)
0110   {
0111     foreach my $filter (keys %{$KEYS{FILTER}})
0112     {
0113       $KEYS_EXTRA{FIELD}=$f;
0114       $filter=&IGGNUPlot::expandValue("$filter", 1);
0115       my $value=&$searchFunction($file,$filter);
0116       if(defined $value)
0117       {$cache{$ver}{$f}=$value;last;}
0118       delete $KEYS_EXTRA{FIELD};
0119     }
0120   }
0121 }
0123 my $count=scalar(@sorted);
0124 if($count==0)
0125 {print "Nothing to plot for $PROJECT release.\n"; exit 0;}
0126 else
0127 { 
0128   my $maxVersions=$KEYS{MAX_XCOUNT} || 10;
0129   my $xscale1=1+($count-($count%$maxVersions))/$maxVersions;
0130   $xscale*=$xscale1;
0131   open(GNUFILE, ">common.gnu") || die "Can not open common.gnu for writing.";
0132   open(DATAFILE, ">") || die "Can not open for writing.";
0133   print GNUFILE "set xtics (  \\\n";
0134   print DATAFILE "#Tag_Index ".join(" ", @fields)."\n";
0135   my $i=0;
0136   for($i=0;$i<$count-1;$i++)
0137   {
0138     my $ver=$sorted[$i];
0139     print GNUFILE  "\t\"$ver\" $i, \\\n";
0140     print DATAFILE "$i ";
0141     foreach my $k (@fields)
0142     {print DATAFILE $cache{$ver}{$k}." ";}
0143     print DATAFILE "\n";
0144   }
0145   my $ver=$sorted[$i];
0146   print GNUFILE  "\t\"$ver\" $i )\n";
0147   print DATAFILE "$i ";
0148   foreach my $k (@fields)
0149   {print DATAFILE $cache{$ver}{$k}." ";}
0150   print DATAFILE "\n";
0151   print GNUFILE "set size $xscale,$yscale\n";
0152   print GNUFILE "set grid\n";
0153   print GNUFILE "set term postscript eps color solid\n";
0154   print GNUFILE "set data style linespoints\n";
0155   close(GNUFILE);
0156   close(DATAFILE);
0157 }
0159 if(@fields>1)
0160 {
0161   open(ALLINONEFILE, ">AllInOne.gnu") || die "Can not open AllInOne.gnu for writing.";
0162   my $ydiv=1;
0163   my $total=@fields-1;
0164   if(($total%$cols)==0){$ydiv=0;}
0165   my $ydiv=@fields;
0166   if($cols>1)
0167   {$ydiv=(@fields+($cols-(@fields%$cols)))/$cols;}
0168   my $delta=0.1;
0170   print ALLINONEFILE "load \"common.gnu\"\n";
0171   print ALLINONEFILE "set size ",$cols*$xscale,",",($ydiv+$delta)*$yscale,"\n";
0172   print ALLINONEFILE "set output 'AllInOne.eps'\n";
0173   print ALLINONEFILE "set multiplot\n";
0174   my $label="Results";
0175   if(exists $KEYS{ALLINONE_LABEL}){$label=$KEYS{ALLINONE_LABEL};}
0176   print ALLINONEFILE "set label \"$label\" at screen ",$xscale*$cols/2,",",$yscale*$delta/2," center\n";
0177   print ALLINONEFILE "set size $xscale,$yscale\n\n";
0179   for(my $i=0; $i<@fields; $i++)
0180   {
0181     my $k=$fields[$i];
0182     my $index=$i+2;
0183     $KEYS_EXTRA{FIELD}=$k;
0184     $KEYS_EXTRA{INDEX}=$index;
0186     print ALLINONEFILE "set origin ",($i%$cols)*$xscale,",",($ydiv-1)-$yscale*(($i-$i%$cols)/$cols)+$delta,"\n";
0187     print ALLINONEFILE "plot '' using 1:$index title \"$k\"\n\n";
0189     open(XFILE, ">$k.gnu") || die "Can not open $k.gnu file for writing.";
0190     foreach my $line (`cat $template`)
0191     {
0192       chomp $line;
0193       $line=&IGGNUPlot::expandValue($line,1);
0194       print XFILE "$line\n";
0195     }
0196     close("$k.gnu");
0197     delete $KEYS_EXTRA{FIELD};
0198     delete $KEYS_EXTRA{INDEX};
0199     if($eps)
0200     {system("gnuplot $k.gnu"); print "$k.eps Done\n";}
0201   }
0202   print ALLINONEFILE "exit\n";
0203   close(ALLINONEFILE);
0204   if($eps)
0205   {system("gnuplot AllInOne.gnu");print "AllInOne.eps Done\n";}
0206 }
0207 else
0208 {
0209   for(my $i=0; $i<@fields; $i++)
0210   {
0211     my $k=$fields[$i];
0212     my $index=$i+2;
0213     $KEYS_EXTRA{FIELD}=$k;
0214     $KEYS_EXTRA{INDEX}=$index;
0215     open(XFILE, ">$k.gnu") || die "Can not open $k.gnu file for writing.";
0216     foreach my $line (`cat $template`)
0217     {
0218       chomp $line;
0219       $line=&IGGNUPlot::expandValue($line,1);
0220       print XFILE "$line\n";
0221     }
0222     close("$k.gnu");
0223     delete $KEYS_EXTRA{FIELD};
0224     delete $KEYS_EXTRA{INDEX};
0225     if($eps)
0226     {system("gnuplot $k.gnu");print "$k.eps Done\n";}
0227   }
0228 }
0231 sub IGGNUPlot::readConfig ()
0232 {
0233   my $config=shift || return;
0234   foreach my $line (`cat $config`)
0235   {
0236     chomp $line;
0237     if($line=~/^\s*(#.*|)$/){next;}
0238     if($line=~/^\s*FILTER\s*=(.+)$/)
0239     {$KEYS{FILTER}{&IGGNUPlot::expandValue($1)}=1;}
0240     elsif($line=~/^\s*(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/)
0241     {
0242       my $k=&IGGNUPlot::expandValue($1);
0243       if(exists $KEYS{$k}){next;}
0244       my $v=&IGGNUPlot::expandValue($2);
0245       $KEYS{$k}=$v;
0246     }
0247   }
0248 }
0250 sub IGGNUPlot::expandValue ()
0251 {
0252   my $value=shift || return "";
0253   my $noikeys=shift;
0254   my $error=0;
0255   my $newvalue="";
0256   while($value=~/^(.*?)\$\{(.+?)\}(.*)$/)
0257   {
0258     $value=$3;
0259     $newvalue="${newvalue}$1";
0260     my $key=$2;
0261     if((!defined $noikeys) && (exists $IKEYS{$key}))
0262     {$newvalue="${newvalue}\$\{$key\}";}
0263     elsif(exists $KEYS_EXTRA{$key}){$newvalue="${newvalue}".&IGGNUPlot::expandValue($KEYS_EXTRA{$key},$noikeys);}
0264     elsif(exists $KEYS_INT{$key})  {$newvalue="${newvalue}".&IGGNUPlot::expandValue($KEYS_INT{$key},$noikeys);}
0265     elsif(exists $KEYS{$key})      {$newvalue="${newvalue}".&IGGNUPlot::expandValue($KEYS{$key},$noikeys);}
0266     elsif(exists $ENV{$key})       {$newvalue="${newvalue}".&IGGNUPlot::expandValue($ENV{$key},$noikeys);}
0267     else
0268     {
0269       while($value=~s/\$\{$key\}//){}
0270       print "ERROR: The variable \"$key\" is not passed using \"--key $key=value\" and also not available in your environment variables.\n";
0271       $error=1;
0272     }
0273   }
0274   $newvalue="${newvalue}${value}";
0275   if($error){exit 1;}
0276   return $newvalue;
0277 }
0279 sub IGGNUPlot::fileSearchFunc ()
0280 {
0281   my $file=shift || return undef;
0282   my $filter=shift || return undef;
0283   if(!-f $file){return undef;}
0284   foreach my $line (`cat $file`)
0285   {
0286     chomp $line;
0287     if($line=~/$filter/)
0288     {return $1;}
0289   }
0290   return undef;
0291 }
0293 sub IGGNUPlot::usage ()
0294 {
0295   print "$0 \\\n";
0296   print "\t[--help] [--eps] [--config <configfile>] \\\n";
0297   print "\t[--xscale <xscale>] [--yscale <yscale>] \\\n";
0298   print "\t[--cols <number of graphs per row>] \\\n";
0299   print "\t[--field <comma separated list> [--field <comma separated list> [...]]] \\\n";
0300   print "\t[--key <key=value> [--key <key=value> [...]]]\\\n";
0301   print "\t[--sfile <file>]\n\n";
0302 }
0304 sub IGGNUPlot::help()
0305 {
0306   &IGGNUPlot::usage();
0307   print "This script is to help you to generate grapghs using gnuplot. Idea is that you have many files\n";
0308   print "in different directories and you want to search all these files and plot it. e.g. you have \n";
0309   print "/home/dir1/file, /home/dir2/file, /home/dir3/file.../home/dirn/file and each file contains a field\n";
0310   print "  \"MyData <some number>\"\nNow you want to generate a plot b/w dirname and MyData then this script\n";
0311   print "will search all the files and generate plots. (filters for file names, field search hould be\n";
0312   print "available in the configuration file. for this example your configuration file should look like\n\n";
0313   print "TEMPLATE=\${THIS_DIR}/IgGNUPlotTemplate_CMS.gnu\n";
0314   print "FILES=/home/dir*/file\n";
0315   print "FILTER=^\\s*\${FIELD}\\s+(\\d+(\\.\\d+|))\\s*\$\n";
0316   print "XTAG=\\/home\\/(dir\\d+)\\/.+\n";
0317   print "ALLINONE_LABEL=My test data results\n";
0318   print "TEMPLATE_XLABEL=Version(s)\n";
0319   print "TEMPLATE_TITLE=Version(s) vs \${FIELD}\n\n";
0320   print "Command-line argument keys override the keys defined in the configuration file.\n\n"; 
0321   print "One can write a perl script with specialSearchFunction(file, filter); sub-routine in it to\n";
0322   print "implement a special search method. e.g. if you want to plot the size of same file exist in different\n";
0323   print "version then your sfile could have some thing like\n";
0324   print "  sub specialSearchFunction(){\n";
0325   print "    my \$file=shift;\n";
0326   print "    my \$filter=shift;\n";
0327   print "    my \@data=stat \$file;\n";
0328   print "    return \$data[7];\n";
0329   print "  }\n";
0330   print "  1;\n\n";
0331   exit 0;
0332 }