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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:31:46

0001 #!/bin/sh
0003 prefix=`echo "$APP" | sed 's/ .*//' | tr a-z A-Z`
0004 binsel="Direct binary"
0005 srcsel="Direct source"
0006 comsel="Direct combined"
0007 domsel="Domain only"
0009 bindep="$APP Direct Binary Dependencies"
0010 srcdep="$APP Direct Source Dependencies"
0011 dirdep="$APP Direct Dependencies"
0012 apps="Ig_Examples Ig_Applications Cmscan/Example"
0013 opts="--shape=ellipse"
0014 confp="--url=$UTILSDIR/url.conf --group=$UTILSDIR/group-purpose.conf --rename=$UTILSDIR/rename-short.conf"
0015 confo="--url=$UTILSDIR/url.conf --group=$UTILSDIR/group-origin.conf --rename=$UTILSDIR/rename-short.conf"
0016 confd="--url=$UTILSDIR/url.conf --group=$UTILSDIR/group-domain.conf"
0018 hpgl_packages=
0019 grep '^found package.* of type `leaf' $DEPDIR/log | sed 's/.* package `//; s/'\''.*//' > /tmp/$$
0020 grep 'instantiating package' $DEPDIR/log | sed 's/.*package //' | grep -v '<' >> /tmp/$$
0021 ps_packages=`cat /tmp/$$`
0022 grep '^found package.* of type `subsystem' $DEPDIR/log | sed 's/.* package `//; s/'\''.*//' > /tmp/$$
0023 grep 'instantiating package' $DEPDIR/log | sed 's/.*package //; /^[^\/]*$/d; s|/.*||' >> /tmp/$$
0024 ps_subsystems=`sort < /tmp/$$ | uniq`
0025 ps_subsystems="$ps_subsystems"
0026 rm -f /tmp/$$
0028 rm -f $DEPDIR/*.dot $DEPDIR/*.ps $DEPDIR/*.hpgl $DEPDIR/*.gif
0030 b=$prefix-00-Domains-O
0031 deps2dot $opts $confd $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$domsel" \
0032   "$dirdep:\\nDomains Only by Origin" no '^\(.*\)$' > $DEPDIR/$
0033 dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0034 b=$prefix-00-Domains-OS
0035 deps2dot $opts $confd --long-edges=no $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$domsel" \
0036   "$dirdep:\\nDomains Only by Origin\\n(Edges Suppressed!)" no '^\(.*\)$' > $DEPDIR/$
0037 dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0039 b=$prefix-01-ImportAndExternal-P
0040 deps2dot $opts $confp $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0041   "$dirdep:\\nImported/LHC++ by Purpose" no $apps 'Ig[A-Z0-9]' Cmscan \
0042   > $DEPDIR/$
0043 dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0044 b=$prefix-01-ImportAndExternal-PS
0045 deps2dot $opts $confp --long-edges=no $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0046   "$dirdep:\\nImported/LHC++ by Purpose\\n(Edges Suppressed!)" no $apps 'Ig[A-Z0-9]' Cmscan \
0047   > $DEPDIR/$
0048 dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0049 b=$prefix-01-ImportAndExternal-O
0050 deps2dot $opts $confo $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0051   "$dirdep:\\nImported/LHC++ by Origin" no $apps 'Ig[A-Z0-9]' Cmscan\
0052   > $DEPDIR/$
0053 dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0054 b=$prefix-01-ImportAndExternal-OS
0055 deps2dot $opts $confo --long-edges=no $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0056   "$dirdep:\\nImported/LHC++ by Origin\\n(Edges Suppressed!)" no $apps 'Ig[A-Z0-9]' Cmscan\
0057   > $DEPDIR/$
0058 dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0060 b=$prefix-01-AllLibs-P
0061 deps2dot $opts $confp $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0062   "$dirdep:\\nLibraries by Purpose" no $apps \
0063   > $DEPDIR/$
0064 dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0065 b=$prefix-01-AllLibs-PS
0066 deps2dot $opts $confp --long-edges=no $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0067   "$dirdep:\\nLibraries by Purpose\\n(Edges Suppressed!)" no $apps \
0068   > $DEPDIR/$
0069 dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0070 b=$prefix-01-AllLibs-O
0071 deps2dot $opts $confo $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0072   "$dirdep:\\nLibraries by Origin" no $apps \
0073   > $DEPDIR/$
0074 dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0075 b=$prefix-01-AllLibs-OS
0076 deps2dot $opts $confo --long-edges=no $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0077   "$dirdep:\\nLibraries by Origin\\n(Edges Suppressed!)" no $apps \
0078   > $DEPDIR/$
0079 dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0081 for f in $ps_subsystems; do
0082   case $f in Ig_Documentation | SW ) continue ;; esac
0083   frx=`echo $f | sed 's/+/\\\\+/g'`
0084   case $f in
0085     Ig_* | Cmscan ) res_title="IGUANA only" res="Ig_ Cmscan" ;;
0086     * )             res_title="LHC++ only"  res=$frx/ ;;
0087   esac
0089   b=$prefix-02-$f-RP
0090   deps2dot $opts $confp $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0091     "$dirdep:\\nSubsystem $f by Purpose\\n(Restricted to $res_title)" \
0092     yes $frx/ ! yes $res > $DEPDIR/$
0093   dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0095   b=$prefix-02-$f-RPS
0096   deps2dot $opts $confp --long-edges=no $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0097     "$dirdep:\\nSubsystem $f by Purpose\\n(Restricted to $res_title)\\n(Edges Suppressed!)" \
0098     yes $frx/ ! yes $res > $DEPDIR/$
0099   dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0101   b=$prefix-02-$f-RO
0102   deps2dot $opts $confo $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0103     "$dirdep:\\nSubsystem $f by Origin\\n(Restricted to $res_title)" \
0104     yes $frx/ ! yes $res > $DEPDIR/$
0105   dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0107   b=$prefix-02-$f-ROS
0108   deps2dot $opts $confo --long-edges=no $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0109     "$dirdep:\\nSubsystem $f by Origin\\n(Restricted to $res_title)\\n(Edges Suppressed!)" \
0110     yes $frx/ ! yes $res > $DEPDIR/$
0111   dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0112 done
0114 for f in $ps_packages; do
0115   case $f in
0116     Ig_Documentation* | Ig_Infrastructure* | Ig_Utilities* | \
0117     SW/* | System/* | CERNLIB/* | ASIS/* | XMLTools/* )
0118       continue ;;
0119   esac
0120   frx=`echo $f | sed 's/+/\\\\+/g'`
0121   res="! no IgCxxFeatures IgConfiguration"
0123   b=$prefix-`echo $f | sed 's|/|-|g'`-P
0124   deps2dot $opts $confp $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0125     "$dirdep:\\n$f by Purpose" yes $frx\$ $res > $DEPDIR/$
0126   dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0128   b=$prefix-`echo $f | sed 's|/|-|g'`-PS
0129   deps2dot $opts $confp --long-edges=no $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0130     "$dirdep:\\n$f by Purpose\\n(Edges Suppressed!)" yes $frx\$ $res > $DEPDIR/$
0131   dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0133   b=$prefix-`echo $f | sed 's|/|-|g'`-O
0134   deps2dot $opts $confo $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0135     "$dirdep:\\n$f by Origin" yes $frx\$ $res > $DEPDIR/$
0136   dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0138   b=$prefix-`echo $f | sed 's|/|-|g'`-OS
0139   deps2dot $opts $confo --long-edges=no $DEPDIR/dependencies.txt "$comsel" \
0140     "$dirdep:\\n$f by Origin\\n(Edges Suppressed!)" yes $frx\$ $res > $DEPDIR/$
0141   dot -Tps -o $DEPDIR/$ $DEPDIR/$
0142 done
0144 # for f in $hpgl_packages; do
0145 #   b=$prefix-`echo $f | sed 's|/|-|g'`-P
0146 #   dot -Thpgl -o $DEPDIR/$b.hpgl $DEPDIR/$
0147 # done
0149 cd $DEPDIR
0150 rescale $prefix-*.ps