Warning, /Utilities/ReleaseScripts/scripts/cmssmap is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 #!/usr/bin/env perl
0002 #
0003 #
0004 # Script to present, in a simpler format, the smap numbers for a given
0005 # from /proc/<pid>/smaps. The script is run as:
0006 #
0007 # cmssmap <pid>
0008 #
0009 # where <pid> is the unix process id of the process to examine.
0010 #
0011 # Peter Elmer, Princeton University 13 July, 2008
0012 #
0013 #############################################################################
0015 #
0016 # Options
0017 #
0018 use Getopt::Long;
0019 my $brieffmt;
0020 my $unused;
0021 my $noheader;
0022 GetOptions("brief|b" => \$brieffmt,
0023 "noheader|n" => \$noheader,
0024 "unused|u" => \$unused);
0026 #
0027 # Find the appropriate file in /proc
0028 #
0029 $thepid = shift; chomp($thepid);
0030 # (Should check that a pid was provided)
0031 $procsmaps = "/proc/".$thepid."/smaps";
0032 # (Should check that the file exists)
0034 #
0035 # Get SCRAM runtime envvars in order to simply printout
0036 #
0037 $baserel = $ENV{CMSSW_BASE};
0038 $testrel = $ENV{CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE};
0039 $scramarch = $ENV{SCRAM_ARCH};
0040 $cmspath = $ENV{CMS_PATH};
0041 $baselibdir = $baserel."/lib/".$scramarch."/";
0042 $testlibdir = $testrel."/lib/".$scramarch."/";
0043 $basebindir = $baserel."/bin/".$scramarch."/";
0044 $testbindir = $testrel."/bin/".$scramarch."/";
0046 #
0047 # Parse the smaps file and print
0048 #
0049 open(PROCSMAPS,"$procsmaps");
0050 if ($unused && !$noheader) {
0051 printf("%8s %8s %8s %s\n", "SIZE", "RSS", "UNUSED", "NAME");
0052 } else {
0053 printf("%8s %8s %s\n", "SIZE", "RSS", "NAME");
0054 }
0055 while ($line = <PROCSMAPS>) {
0056 ($a1,$a2,$a3,$a4,$a5,$thelib) = split(' ',$line);
0057 if ($brieffmt) { # Shorten the library paths
0058 # Remove the directory structure for CMSSW and externals for simplicity
0059 $thelib =~ s/$baselibdir//g;
0060 $thelib =~ s/$testlibdir//g;
0061 $thelib =~ s/$basebindir//g;
0062 $thelib =~ s/$testbindir//g;
0063 # These two should be last. There are two to deal with the non-standard
0064 # structure of the SW area at CERN.
0065 $thelib =~ s/$cmspath\/sw\/$scramarch\///g;
0066 $thelib =~ s/$cmspath\/$scramarch\///g;
0067 }
0068 # Now the next 8 entries should be of the form:
0069 # Size: 8 kB
0070 # Rss: 8 kB
0071 # Shared_Clean: 0 kB
0072 # Shared_Dirty: 0 kB
0073 # Private_Clean: 0 kB
0074 # Private_Dirty: 8 kB
0075 # Swap: 0 kB (this field only in SLC5 kernels)
0076 # Pss: 0 kB (this field only in SLC5 kernels)
0077 $procsize = <PROCSMAPS>; chomp($procsize);
0078 $procrss = <PROCSMAPS>; chomp($procrss);
0079 $procshrclean = <PROCSMAPS>; chomp($procshrclean);
0080 $procshrdirty = <PROCSMAPS>; chomp($procshrdirty);
0081 $procprivclean = <PROCSMAPS>; chomp($privclean);
0082 $procprivdirty = <PROCSMAPS>; chomp($procprivdirty);
0083 $procswap = <PROCSMAPS>; chomp($procswap);
0084 $procpss = <PROCSMAPS>; chomp($procpss);
0085 ($a1,$vsize,$a3) = split(' ',$procsize);
0086 ($a1,$rss,$a3) = split(' ',$procrss);
0087 #print $vsize." ".$rss." ".$thelib."\n";
0088 if ($unused) {
0089 printf("%7uK %7uK %7uK %s\n", $vsize, $rss, $vsize-$rss, $thelib);
0090 } else {
0091 printf("%7uK %7uK %s\n", $vsize, $rss, $thelib);
0092 }
0093 }