File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:31:48
0002 use File::Basename;
0003 use lib dirname($0);
0004 use Getopt::Long;
0005 use SCRAMGenUtils;
0007 $|=1;
0008 if(&GetOptions(
0009 "--dir=s",\$dir,
0010 "--release=s",\$rel,
0011 "--common",\$common,
0012 "--help",\$help,
0013 ) eq ""){print STDERR "#Wrong arguments.\n"; &usage_msg();}
0014 if(defined $help){&usage_msg();}
0015 if((!defined $dir) || ($dir=~/^\s*$/) || (!-d $dir)){print STDERR "Missing directory path where the newly auto generated BuildFiles exist.\n"; &usage_msg();}
0016 if((!defined $rel) || ($rel=~/^\s*$/) || (!-d $rel)){print STDERR "Missing Project release base.\n"; &usage_msg();}
0017 if(defined $common){$common=1;}
0018 else{$common=0;}
0019 $dir=&SCRAMGenUtils::fixPath($dir);
0020 my $release=&SCRAMGenUtils::scramReleaseTop(&SCRAMGenUtils::fixPath($rel));
0021 if(!-d "${release}/.SCRAM"){print STDERR "ERROR: $rel is not under a SCRAM-based project.\n"; exit 1;}
0022 &SCRAMGenUtils::init ($release);
0023 my $scram_ver=&SCRAMGenUtils::scramVersion($release);
0024 if($scram_ver=~/^V1_0_/)
0025 {
0026 print STDERR "ERROR: This version of script will only work with SCRAM versions V1_1* and above.\n";
0027 print STDERR "\"$release\" is based on SCRAM version $scram_ver.\n";
0028 exit 1;
0029 }
0030 &process($dir);
0031 exit 0;
0033 sub process ()
0034 {
0035 my $dir=shift || return;
0036 my $xml=shift || 0;
0037 if(!-d $dir){return;}
0038 my %bfs=();
0039 my $timestamp=0;
0040 foreach my $file (&SCRAMGenUtils::readDir("$dir",0))
0041 {
0042 my $fpath="${dir}/${file}";
0043 if(-d $fpath){&process($fpath,$xml);}
0044 elsif($file=~/^BuildFile(.xml|)\.auto$/){my @s=stat("${dir}/${file}");$timestamp=$s[9];}
0045 elsif($file=~/^(.+?)BuildFile(\.xml|)\.auto$/)
0046 {
0047 if($2 eq ".xml"){$xml=1;}
0048 my @s=stat("${dir}/${file}");
0049 $bfs{$file}=$s[9];
0050 }
0051 }
0052 if(scalar(keys %bfs)==0){return;}
0053 if ($timestamp)
0054 {
0055 my $new=0;
0056 foreach my $f (keys %bfs){if ($timestamp <= $bfs{$f}){$new=1;last;}}
0057 if (!$new){return;}
0058 }
0059 print "Working on $dir\n";
0060 my %commontools=();
0061 if($common)
0062 {
0063 my $flag=0;
0064 foreach my $file (keys %bfs)
0065 {
0066 if(($flag) && (scalar(keys %{$commontools{use}})==0) && (scalar(keys %{$commontools{lib}})==0)){last;}
0067 my $bf=&SCRAMGenUtils::readBuildFile("${dir}/${file}");
0068 foreach my $type ("bin", "library")
0069 {
0070 if(exists $bf->{$type})
0071 {
0072 foreach my $prod (keys %{$bf->{$type}})
0073 {
0074 my %local=();
0075 foreach my $x ("use","lib")
0076 {
0077 if(exists $bf->{$type}{$prod}{deps}{$x})
0078 {foreach my $u (keys %{$bf->{$type}{$prod}{deps}{$x}}){$local{$x}{$u}=1;}}
0079 }
0080 if($flag==0)
0081 {
0082 foreach my $x ("use","lib")
0083 {
0084 foreach my $u (keys %{$local{$x}}){$commontools{$x}{$u}=1;}
0085 }
0086 $flag=1;
0087 }
0088 else
0089 {
0090 foreach my $x ("use","lib")
0091 {foreach my $u (keys %{$commontools{$x}}){if(!exists $local{$x}{$u}){delete $commontools{$x}{$u};}}}
0092 }
0093 }
0094 }
0095 }
0096 }
0097 }
0098 my $mbf="${dir}/";
0099 if ($xml){$mbf="${dir}/";}
0100 my $outfile;
0101 open($outfile,">$mbf") || die "Can not open \"$mbf\" for writing.";
0102 if($common)
0103 {
0104 foreach my $x ("use","lib")
0105 {
0106 foreach my $u (keys %{$commontools{$x}})
0107 {
0108 print $outfile "<$x name=\"$u\"";
0109 if ($xml){print $outfile "/";}
0110 print $outfile ">\n";
0111 }
0112 }
0113 }
0114 my $c=scalar(keys %bfs);
0115 print "Files:$c\n";
0116 foreach my $file (keys %bfs)
0117 {
0118 my $infile;
0119 open($infile,"${dir}/${file}") || die "Can not open \"${dir}/${file}\" for reading.";
0120 my $line="";
0121 while($line=$line || <$infile>)
0122 {
0123 chomp $line;
0124 if($common)
0125 {
0126 foreach my $x ("use","lib")
0127 {
0128 foreach my $u (keys %{$commontools{$x}})
0129 {if($line=~/^\s*<$x\s+name=\"$u\"(\/|)\s*>(.*)$/){$line=$2;}}
0130 }
0131 }
0132 if($line!~/^\s*$/){print $outfile "$line\n";$line="";}
0133 }
0134 close($infile);
0135 }
0136 close($outfile);
0137 my @s=stat($mbf);
0138 utime($s[9]+1,$s[9]+1,$mbf);
0139 }
0141 sub usage_msg()
0142 {
0143 my $script=basename($0);
0144 print "Usage: $script --dir <dir> --release <path> [--common]\n\n";
0145 print " --dir <dir> Path of the directory where the newly generated files exist.\n";
0146 print " --release <path> Path of SCRAM-based project release area.\n";
0147 print " --common To Search for common tools used by different products (library/bin) in a\n";
0148 print " test/bin area and add those tools once in the BuildFile.\n";
0149 exit 0;
0150 }