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File indexing completed on 2024-12-01 23:40:44

0001 #! /usr/bin/env python3
0002 import fileinput
0003 import networkx as nx
0004 from builtins import range
0005 import re
0006 topfunc = re.compile(r"::(produce|analyze|filter|beginLuminosityBlock|beginRun|beginStream|streamBeginRun|streamBeginLuminosityBlock|streamEndRun|streamEndLuminosityBlock|globalBeginRun|globalEndRun|globalBeginLuminosityBlock|globalEndLuminosityBlock|endRun|endLuminosityBlock)\(")
0007 baseclass = re.compile(
0008     "edm::(one::|stream::|global::)?ED(Producer|Filter|Analyzer)(Base)?")
0009 farg = re.compile(r"\(.*\)")
0010 fre = re.compile("function")
0012 statics = set()
0013 toplevelfuncs = set()
0014 skipfunc = re.compile(r"(edm::(LuminosityBlock::|Run::|Event::|Principal::)getBy(Label|Token))|(fwlite::|edm::EDProductGetter::getIt|edm::Event::|edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecord::get|edm::eventsetup::DataProxy::getImpl|edm::EventPrincipal::unscheduledFill|edm::ServiceRegistry::get|edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecord::getImplementation|edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecord::getFromProxy|edm::eventsetup::DataProxy::get|edm::serviceregistry::ServicesManager::MakerHolder::add|(cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::(writeOne|appendSinceTime|tagInfo))|edm::EventProcessor::|edm::SubProcess::)")
0015 skipfuncs = set()
0017 G = nx.DiGraph()
0019 for line in fileinput.input(files=('function-statics-db.txt', 'function-calls-db.txt')):
0020     if
0021         fields = line.split("'")
0022         if[1]) and not[1]):
0023             toplevelfuncs.add(fields[1])
0024         if fields[2] == ' calls function ':
0025             if
0026                 skipfuncs.add(line)
0027             else:
0028                 G.add_edge(fields[1], fields[3], kind=fields[2])
0029         if fields[2] == ' overrides function ':
0030             if[3]):
0031                 if[3]):
0032                     toplevelfuncs.add(fields[1])
0033                 G.add_edge(fields[1], fields[3], kind=fields[2])
0034             else:
0035                 if
0036                     skipfuncs.add(line)
0037                 else:
0038                     G.add_edge(fields[3], fields[1], kind=' calls function ')
0039         if fields[2] == ' static variable ':
0040             G.add_edge(fields[1], fields[3], kind=fields[2])
0041             statics.add(fields[3])
0042         if fields[2] == ' known thread unsafe function ':
0043             G.add_edge(fields[1], fields[3],
0044                        kind=' known thread unsafe function ')
0045             statics.add(fields[3])
0046 fileinput.close()
0048 for tfunc in sorted(toplevelfuncs):
0049     for static in sorted(statics):
0050         if G.has_node(tfunc) and G.has_node(static) and nx.has_path(G, tfunc, static):
0051             path = nx.shortest_path(G, tfunc, static)
0053             if 'kind' in G[path[len(path)-2]][path[len(path)-1]] and G[path[len(path)-2]][path[len(path)-1]]['kind'] == ' static variable ':
0054                 for key in G[tfunc].keys():
0055                     if 'kind' in G[tfunc][key] and G[tfunc][key]['kind'] == ' overrides function ':
0056                         print("Non-const static variable \'"+re.sub(farg, "()",
0057                                                                     static)+"' is accessed in call stack '", end=' ')
0058                         for i in range(0, len(path)-1):
0059                             print(re.sub(farg, "()", path[i]) +
0060                                   G[path[i]][path[i+1]]['kind'], end=' ')
0061                         print(re.sub(farg, "()", path[i+1])+"' ,", end=' ')
0062                         print("'"+re.sub(farg, "()", tfunc)+"' overrides '" +
0063                               re.sub(farg, "()", key)+"'", end=' ')
0064                         print()
0066                         print("In call stack ' ", end=' ')
0067                         for i in range(0, len(path)-1):
0068                             print(re.sub(farg, "()", path[i]) +
0069                                   G[path[i]][path[i+1]]['kind'], end=' ')
0070                         print(re.sub(farg, "()", path[i+1])+"' is accessed ,", end=' ')
0071                         print("'"+re.sub(farg, "()", tfunc)+"' overrides '" +
0072                               re.sub(farg, "()", key)+"'", end=' ')
0073                         print()
0075             else:
0076                 for key in G[tfunc].keys():
0077                     if 'kind' in G[tfunc][key] and G[tfunc][key]['kind'] == ' overrides function ' and not (key.startswith('edm::one') and 'TFileService::' in static):
0078                         print("Known thread unsafe function '"+re.sub(farg, "()",
0079                                                                        static)+"' is called in call stack '", end=' ')
0080                         for i in range(0, len(path)-1):
0081                             print(re.sub(farg, "()", path[i]) +
0082                                   G[path[i]][path[i+1]]['kind'], end=' ')
0083                         print(re.sub(farg, "()", path[i+1])+"' ,", end=' ')
0084                         print("'"+re.sub(farg, "()", tfunc)+"' overrides '" +
0085                                   re.sub(farg, "()", key)+"'", end=' ')
0086                         print()
0088                         print("In call stack ' ", end=' ')
0089                         for i in range(0, len(path)-1):
0090                             print(re.sub(farg, "()", path[i]) +
0091                                   G[path[i]][path[i+1]]['kind'], end=' ')
0092                         print(re.sub(farg, "()", path[i+1])+"' known thread unsafe function '"+re.sub(farg, "()", static)+"' is called, ", end=' ')
0093                         print("'"+re.sub(farg, "()", tfunc)+"' overrides '" +
0094                                       re.sub(farg, "()", key)+"'", end=' ')
0095                         print()