File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:32:00
0001 #ifndef Validation_DTRecHits_Histograms_h
0002 #define Validation_DTRecHits_Histograms_h
0010 #include <cmath>
0011 #include <iostream>
0012 #include <string>
0014 #include <TH1F.h>
0016 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/DQMStore.h"
0020 inline void divide(dqm::legacy::MonitorElement* eff,
0021 const dqm::legacy::MonitorElement* numerator,
0022 const dqm::legacy::MonitorElement* denominator) {
0023 TH1* effH = eff->getTH1();
0024 TH1* numH = numerator->getTH1();
0025 TH1* denH = denominator->getTH1();
0026 effH->Divide(numH, denH);
0029 int bins = effH->GetNbinsX();
0030 for (int bin = 1; bin <= bins; ++bin) {
0031 float den = denH->GetBinContent(bin);
0032 float eff = effH->GetBinContent(bin);
0033 float err = 0;
0034 if (den != 0) {
0035 err = sqrt(eff * (1 - eff) / den);
0036 }
0037 effH->SetBinError(bin, err);
0038 }
0039 return;
0040 }
0044 class HRes1DHit {
0045 public:
0046 typedef dqm::legacy::DQMStore DQMStore;
0047 typedef dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement;
0049 HRes1DHit(const std::string& name, DQMStore::IBooker& booker, bool doall = true, bool local = true) {
0050 std::string pre = "1D_";
0051 pre += name;
0052 doall_ = doall;
0053 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/1DRecHits/Res/");
0054 if (doall) {
0055 hDist = booker.book1D(pre + "_hDist", "1D RHit distance from wire", 100, 0, 2.5);
0056 hResVsAngle =
0057 booker.book2D(pre + "_hResVsAngle", "1D RHit residual vs impact angle", 100, -1.2, 1.2, 100, -0.2, 0.2);
0058 hResVsDistFE =
0059 booker.book2D(pre + "_hResVsDistFE", "1D RHit residual vs FE distance", 100, 0., 400., 150, -0.5, 0.5);
0060 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/1DRecHits/Pull/");
0061 hPullVsPos = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullVsPos", "1D RHit pull vs position", 100, 0, 2.5, 100, -5, 5);
0062 hPullVsAngle = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullVsAngle", "1D RHit pull vs impact angle", 100, -1.2, 1.2, 100, -5, 5);
0063 hPullVsDistFE = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullVsDistFE", "1D RHit pull vs FE distance", 100, 0., 400., 100, -5, 5);
0064 }
0065 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/1DRecHits/Res/");
0066 hRes = booker.book1D(pre + "_hRes", "1D RHit residual", 300, -0.5, 0.5);
0067 hResSt[0] = booker.book1D(pre + "_hResMB1", "1D RHit residual", 300, -0.5, 0.5);
0068 hResSt[1] = booker.book1D(pre + "_hResMB2", "1D RHit residual", 300, -0.5, 0.5);
0069 hResSt[2] = booker.book1D(pre + "_hResMB3", "1D RHit residual", 300, -0.5, 0.5);
0070 hResSt[3] = booker.book1D(pre + "_hResMB4", "1D RHit residual", 300, -0.5, 0.5);
0071 hResVsEta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResVsEta", "1D RHit residual vs eta", 50, -1.25, 1.25, 150, -0.5, 0.5);
0072 hResVsPhi = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResVsPhi", "1D RHit residual vs phi", 100, -3.2, 3.2, 150, -0.5, 0.5);
0073 hResVsPos = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResVsPos", "1D RHit residual vs position", 100, 0, 2.5, 150, -0.5, 0.5);
0075 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/1DRecHits/Pull/");
0076 hPull = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPull", "1D RHit pull", 100, -5, 5);
0077 hPullSt[0] = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPullMB1", "1D RHit residual", 100, -5, 5);
0078 hPullSt[1] = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPullMB2", "1D RHit residual", 100, -5, 5);
0079 hPullSt[2] = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPullMB3", "1D RHit residual", 100, -5, 5);
0080 hPullSt[3] = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPullMB4", "1D RHit residual", 100, -5, 5);
0081 }
0083 void fill(float distSimHit,
0084 float thetaSimHit,
0085 float distFESimHit,
0086 float distRecHit,
0087 float etaSimHit,
0088 float phiSimHit,
0089 float errRecHit,
0090 int station) {
0092 float res = distRecHit - distSimHit;
0093 if (doall_) {
0094 hDist->Fill(distRecHit);
0095 hResVsAngle->Fill(thetaSimHit, res);
0096 hResVsDistFE->Fill(distFESimHit, res);
0097 }
0098 hRes->Fill(res);
0099 hResSt[station - 1]->Fill(res);
0100 hResVsEta->Fill(etaSimHit, res);
0101 hResVsPhi->Fill(phiSimHit, res);
0102 hResVsPos->Fill(distSimHit, res);
0103 if (errRecHit != 0) {
0104 float pull = res / errRecHit;
0105 hPull->Fill(pull);
0106 hPullSt[station - 1]->Fill(pull);
0107 if (doall_) {
0108 hPullVsPos->Fill(distSimHit, pull);
0109 hPullVsAngle->Fill(thetaSimHit, pull);
0110 hPullVsDistFE->Fill(distFESimHit, pull);
0111 }
0112 } else {
0113 std::cout << "Error: RecHit error = 0" << std::endl;
0114 }
0115 }
0117 private:
0118 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hDist;
0119 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hRes;
0120 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResSt[4];
0121 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResVsEta;
0122 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResVsPhi;
0123 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResVsPos;
0124 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResVsAngle;
0125 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResVsDistFE;
0127 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPull;
0128 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullSt[4];
0129 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullVsPos;
0130 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullVsAngle;
0131 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullVsDistFE;
0132 bool doall_;
0133 std::string name_;
0134 };
0138 class HEff1DHit {
0139 public:
0140 typedef dqm::legacy::DQMStore DQMStore;
0141 typedef dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement;
0143 HEff1DHit(const std::string& name, DQMStore::IBooker& booker) {
0144 std::string pre = "1D_";
0145 pre += name;
0146 name_ = pre;
0147 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/1DRecHits/");
0148 hEtaMuSimHit = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEtaMuSimHit", "SimHit Eta distribution", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0149 hEtaRecHit = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEtaRecHit", "SimHit Eta distribution with 1D RecHit", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0150 hPhiMuSimHit = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPhiMuSimHit", "SimHit Phi distribution", 100, -M_PI, M_PI);
0151 hPhiRecHit = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPhiRecHit", "SimHit Phi distribution with 1D RecHit", 100, -M_PI, M_PI);
0152 hDistMuSimHit = booker.book1D(pre + "_hDistMuSimHit", "SimHit Distance from wire distribution", 100, 0, 2.5);
0153 hDistRecHit =
0154 booker.book1D(pre + "_hDistRecHit", "SimHit Distance from wire distribution with 1D RecHit", 100, 0, 2.5);
0155 }
0157 void fill(float distSimHit, float etaSimHit, float phiSimHit, bool fillRecHit) {
0158 hEtaMuSimHit->Fill(etaSimHit);
0159 hPhiMuSimHit->Fill(phiSimHit);
0160 hDistMuSimHit->Fill(distSimHit);
0161 if (fillRecHit) {
0162 hEtaRecHit->Fill(etaSimHit);
0163 hPhiRecHit->Fill(phiSimHit);
0164 hDistRecHit->Fill(distSimHit);
0165 }
0166 }
0168 private:
0169 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hEtaMuSimHit;
0170 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hEtaRecHit;
0172 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPhiMuSimHit;
0173 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPhiRecHit;
0175 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hDistMuSimHit;
0176 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hDistRecHit;
0178 std::string name_;
0179 };
0183 class HEff1DHitHarvest {
0184 public:
0185 typedef dqm::legacy::DQMStore DQMStore;
0186 typedef dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement;
0188 HEff1DHitHarvest(const std::string& name, DQMStore::IBooker& booker, DQMStore::IGetter& getter) {
0189 std::string pre = "1D_";
0190 pre += name;
0191 name_ = pre;
0192 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/1DRecHits/");
0193 hEffVsEta = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsEta", "1D RecHit Efficiency as a function of Eta", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0194 hEffVsPhi = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsPhi", "1D RecHit Efficiency as a function of Phi", 100, -M_PI, M_PI);
0195 hEffVsDist = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsDist", "1D RecHit Efficiency as a function of Dist", 100, 0, 2.5);
0197 computeEfficiency(getter);
0198 }
0200 void computeEfficiency(DQMStore::IGetter& getter) {
0201 std::string pre = "DT/1DRecHits/" + name_;
0202 divide(hEffVsEta, getter.get(pre + "_hEtaMuRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hEtaMuSimHit"));
0203 divide(hEffVsPhi, getter.get(pre + "_hPhiMuRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hPhiMuSimHit"));
0204 divide(hEffVsDist, getter.get(pre + "_hDistMuRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hDistMuSimHit"));
0205 }
0207 private:
0208 MonitorElement* hEffVsEta;
0209 MonitorElement* hEffVsPhi;
0210 MonitorElement* hEffVsDist;
0212 std::string name_;
0213 };
0217 class HRes2DHit {
0218 public:
0219 typedef dqm::legacy::DQMStore DQMStore;
0220 typedef dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement;
0222 HRes2DHit(const std::string& name, DQMStore::IBooker& booker, bool doall = true, bool local = true) {
0223 doall_ = doall;
0224 std::string pre = "2D_";
0225 pre += name;
0226 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/2DSegments/Res/");
0227 if (doall) {
0228 hRecAngle = booker.book1D(pre + "_hRecAngle", "Distribution of Rec segment angles;angle (rad)", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0229 hSimAngle =
0230 booker.book1D(pre + "_hSimAngle", "Distribution of segment angles from SimHits;angle (rad)", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0231 hRecVsSimAngle =
0232 booker.book2D(pre + "_hRecVsSimAngle", "Rec angle vs sim angle;angle (rad)", 100, -1.5, 1.5, 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0233 hResAngleVsEta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResAngleVsEta",
0234 "Residual on 2D segment angle vs Eta; #eta; res (rad)",
0235 100,
0236 -2.5,
0237 2.5,
0238 200,
0239 -0.2,
0240 0.2);
0241 hResAngleVsPhi = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResAngleVsPhi",
0242 "Residual on 2D segment angle vs Phi; #phi (rad);res (rad)",
0243 100,
0244 -3.2,
0245 3.2,
0246 150,
0247 -0.2,
0248 0.2);
0249 hResPosVsEta = booker.book2D(
0250 pre + "_hResPosVsEta", "Residual on 2D segment position vs Eta;#eta;res (cm)", 100, -2.5, 2.5, 150, -0.2, 0.2);
0251 hResPosVsPhi = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResPosVsPhi",
0252 "Residual on 2D segment position vs Phi;#phi (rad);res (cm)",
0253 100,
0254 -3.2,
0255 3.2,
0256 150,
0257 -0.2,
0258 0.2);
0259 hResPosVsResAngle = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResPosVsResAngle",
0260 "Residual on 2D segment position vs Residual on 2D "
0261 "segment angle;angle (rad);res (cm)",
0262 100,
0263 -0.3,
0264 0.3,
0265 150,
0266 -0.2,
0267 0.2);
0268 }
0269 hResAngle = booker.book1D(
0270 pre + "_hResAngle", "Residual on 2D segment angle;angle_{rec}-angle_{sim} (rad)", 50, -0.01, 0.01);
0271 hResPos = booker.book1D(
0272 pre + "_hResPos", "Residual on 2D segment position (x at SL center);x_{rec}-x_{sim} (cm)", 150, -0.2, 0.2);
0274 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/2DSegments/Pull/");
0275 hPullAngle = booker.book1D(
0276 pre + "_hPullAngle", "Pull on 2D segment angle;(angle_{rec}-angle_{sim})/#sigma (rad)", 150, -5, 5);
0277 hPullPos = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPullPos",
0278 "Pull on 2D segment position (x at SL "
0279 "center);(x_{rec}-x_{sim} (cm))/#sigma",
0280 150,
0281 -5,
0282 5);
0283 }
0285 void fill(float angleSimSegment,
0286 float angleRecSegment,
0287 float posSimSegment,
0288 float posRecSegment,
0289 float etaSimSegment,
0290 float phiSimSegment,
0291 float sigmaPos,
0292 float sigmaAngle) {
0293 float resAngle = angleRecSegment - angleSimSegment;
0294 hResAngle->Fill(resAngle);
0295 float resPos = posRecSegment - posSimSegment;
0296 hResPos->Fill(resPos);
0297 hPullAngle->Fill(resAngle / sigmaAngle);
0298 hPullPos->Fill(resPos / sigmaPos);
0299 if (doall_) {
0300 hRecAngle->Fill(angleRecSegment);
0301 hSimAngle->Fill(angleSimSegment);
0302 hRecVsSimAngle->Fill(angleSimSegment, angleRecSegment);
0303 hResAngleVsEta->Fill(etaSimSegment, resAngle);
0304 hResAngleVsPhi->Fill(phiSimSegment, resAngle);
0305 hResPosVsEta->Fill(etaSimSegment, resPos);
0306 hResPosVsPhi->Fill(phiSimSegment, resPos);
0307 hResPosVsResAngle->Fill(resAngle, resPos);
0308 }
0309 }
0311 private:
0312 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hRecAngle;
0313 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hSimAngle;
0314 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hRecVsSimAngle;
0315 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResAngle;
0316 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResAngleVsEta;
0317 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResAngleVsPhi;
0318 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResPos;
0319 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResPosVsEta;
0320 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResPosVsPhi;
0321 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResPosVsResAngle;
0322 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullAngle;
0323 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullPos;
0325 std::string name_;
0326 bool doall_;
0327 };
0331 class HEff2DHit {
0332 public:
0333 typedef dqm::legacy::DQMStore DQMStore;
0334 typedef dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement;
0336 HEff2DHit(const std::string& name, DQMStore::IBooker& booker) {
0337 std::string pre = "2D_";
0338 pre += name;
0339 name_ = pre;
0340 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/2DSegments/");
0341 hEtaSimSegm = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEtaSimSegm", "Eta of SimHit segment", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0342 hEtaRecHit =
0343 booker.book1D(pre + "_hEtaRecHit", "Eta distribution of SimHit segment with 2D RecHit", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0344 hPhiSimSegm = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPhiSimSegm", "Phi of SimHit segment", 100, -M_PI, M_PI);
0345 hPhiRecHit =
0346 booker.book1D(pre + "_hPhiRecHit", "Phi distribution of SimHit segment with 2D RecHit", 100, -M_PI, M_PI);
0347 hPosSimSegm = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPosSimSegm", "Position in SL of SimHit segment (cm)", 100, -250, 250);
0348 hPosRecHit =
0349 booker.book1D(pre + "_hPosRecHit", "Position in SL of SimHit segment with 2D RecHit (cm)", 100, -250, 250);
0350 hAngleSimSegm = booker.book1D(pre + "_hAngleSimSegm", "Angle of SimHit segment (rad)", 100, -2, 2);
0351 hAngleRecHit = booker.book1D(pre + "_hAngleRecHit", "Angle of SimHit segment with 2D RecHit (rad)", 100, -2, 2);
0352 }
0354 void fill(float etaSimSegm, float phiSimSegm, float posSimSegm, float angleSimSegm, bool fillRecHit) {
0355 hEtaSimSegm->Fill(etaSimSegm);
0356 hPhiSimSegm->Fill(phiSimSegm);
0357 hPosSimSegm->Fill(posSimSegm);
0358 hAngleSimSegm->Fill(angleSimSegm);
0360 if (fillRecHit) {
0361 hEtaRecHit->Fill(etaSimSegm);
0362 hPhiRecHit->Fill(phiSimSegm);
0363 hPosRecHit->Fill(posSimSegm);
0364 hAngleRecHit->Fill(angleSimSegm);
0365 }
0366 }
0368 private:
0369 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hEtaSimSegm;
0370 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hEtaRecHit;
0371 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPhiSimSegm;
0372 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPhiRecHit;
0373 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPosSimSegm;
0374 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPosRecHit;
0375 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hAngleSimSegm;
0376 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hAngleRecHit;
0378 std::string name_;
0379 };
0383 class HEff2DHitHarvest {
0384 public:
0385 typedef dqm::legacy::DQMStore DQMStore;
0386 typedef dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement;
0388 HEff2DHitHarvest(const std::string& name, DQMStore::IBooker& booker, DQMStore::IGetter& getter) {
0389 std::string pre = "2D_";
0390 pre += name;
0391 name_ = pre;
0392 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/2DSegments/");
0393 hEffVsEta = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsEta", "2D RecHit Efficiency as a function of Eta", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0394 hEffVsPhi = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsPhi", "2D RecHit Efficiency as a function of Phi", 100, -M_PI, M_PI);
0395 hEffVsPos =
0396 booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsPos", "2D RecHit Efficiency as a function of position in SL", 100, -250, 250);
0397 hEffVsAngle = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsAngle", "2D RecHit Efficiency as a function of angle", 100, -2, 2);
0399 computeEfficiency(getter);
0400 }
0402 void computeEfficiency(DQMStore::IGetter& getter) {
0403 std::string pre = "DT/2DSegments/" + name_;
0404 divide(hEffVsEta, getter.get(pre + "_hEtaRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hEtaSimSegm"));
0405 divide(hEffVsPhi, getter.get(pre + "_hPhiRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hPhiSimSegm"));
0406 divide(hEffVsPos, getter.get(pre + "_hPosRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hPosSimSegm"));
0407 divide(hEffVsAngle, getter.get(pre + "_hAngleRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hAngleSimSegm"));
0408 }
0410 private:
0411 MonitorElement* hEffVsEta;
0412 MonitorElement* hEffVsPhi;
0413 MonitorElement* hEffVsPos;
0414 MonitorElement* hEffVsAngle;
0416 std::string name_;
0417 };
0421 class HRes4DHit {
0422 public:
0423 typedef dqm::legacy::DQMStore DQMStore;
0424 typedef dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement;
0426 HRes4DHit(const std::string& name, DQMStore::IBooker& booker, bool doall = true, bool local = true) : local_(local) {
0427 std::string pre = "4D_";
0428 pre += name;
0429 doall_ = doall;
0431 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/4DSegments/Res/");
0432 if (doall) {
0433 hRecAlpha =
0434 booker.book1D(pre + "_hRecAlpha", "4D RecHit alpha (RPhi) distribution;#alpha^{x} (rad)", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0435 hRecBeta = booker.book1D(pre + "_hRecBeta", "4D RecHit beta distribution:#alpha^{y} (rad)", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0437 hSimAlpha = booker.book1D(
0438 pre + "_hSimAlpha", "4D segment from SimHit alpha (RPhi) distribution;i#alpha^{x} (rad)", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0439 hSimBeta =
0440 booker.book1D(pre + "_hSimBeta", "4D segment from SimHit beta distribution;#alpha^{y} (rad)", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0441 hRecVsSimAlpha = booker.book2D(pre + "_hRecVsSimAlpha",
0442 "4D segment rec alpha {v}s sim alpha (RPhi);#alpha^{x} (rad)",
0443 100,
0444 -1.5,
0445 1.5,
0446 100,
0447 -1.5,
0448 1.5);
0449 hRecVsSimBeta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hRecVsSimBeta",
0450 "4D segment rec beta vs sim beta (RZ);#alpha^{y} (rad)",
0451 100,
0452 -1.5,
0453 1.5,
0454 100,
0455 -1.5,
0456 1.5);
0458 hResAlphaVsEta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResAlphaVsEta",
0459 "4D RecHit residual on #alpha_x direction vs "
0460 "eta;#eta;#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim} (rad)",
0461 100,
0462 -2.5,
0463 2.5,
0464 100,
0465 -0.025,
0466 0.025);
0467 hResAlphaVsPhi = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResAlphaVsPhi",
0468 "4D RecHit residual on #alpha_x direction vs phi (rad);#phi "
0469 "(rad);#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim} (rad)",
0470 100,
0471 -3.2,
0472 3.2,
0473 100,
0474 -0.025,
0475 0.025);
0476 hResBetaVsEta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResBetaVsEta",
0477 "4D RecHit residual on beta direction vs "
0478 "eta;#eta;#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
0479 100,
0480 -2.5,
0481 2.5,
0482 200,
0483 -0.2,
0484 0.2);
0485 hResBetaVsPhi = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResBetaVsPhi",
0486 "4D RecHit residual on beta direction vs phi;#phi "
0487 "(rad);#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
0488 100,
0489 -3.2,
0490 3.2,
0491 200,
0492 -0.2,
0493 0.2);
0495 hResXVsEta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResXVsEta",
0496 "4D RecHit residual on position (x) in "
0497 "chamber vs eta;#eta;x_{rec}-x_{sim} (cm)",
0498 100,
0499 -2.5,
0500 2.5,
0501 150,
0502 -0.3,
0503 0.3);
0504 hResXVsPhi = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResXVsPhi",
0505 "4D RecHit residual on position (x) in chamber vs "
0506 "phi;#phi (rad);x_{rec}-x_{sim} (cm)",
0507 100,
0508 -3.2,
0509 3.2,
0510 150,
0511 -0.3,
0512 0.3);
0514 hResYVsEta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResYVsEta",
0515 "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in "
0516 "chamber vs eta;#eta;y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)",
0517 100,
0518 -2.5,
0519 2.5,
0520 150,
0521 -0.6,
0522 0.6);
0523 hResYVsPhi = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResYVsPhi",
0524 "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in chamber vs "
0525 "phi;#phi (rad);y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)",
0526 100,
0527 -3.2,
0528 3.2,
0529 150,
0530 -0.6,
0531 0.6);
0533 hResAlphaVsResBeta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResAlphaVsResBeta",
0534 "4D RecHit residual on alpha vs residual on beta",
0535 200,
0536 -0.3,
0537 0.3,
0538 500,
0539 -0.15,
0540 0.15);
0541 hResXVsResY = booker.book2D(
0542 pre + "_hResXVsResY", "4D RecHit residual on X vs residual on Y", 150, -0.6, 0.6, 50, -0.3, 0.3);
0543 hResAlphaVsResX = booker.book2D(
0544 pre + "_hResAlphaVsResX", "4D RecHit residual on alpha vs residual on x", 150, -0.3, 0.3, 500, -0.15, 0.15);
0546 hResAlphaVsResY = booker.book2D(
0547 pre + "_hResAlphaVsResY", "4D RecHit residual on alpha vs residual on y", 150, -0.6, 0.6, 500, -0.15, 0.15);
0549 hRecBetaRZ = booker.book1D(pre + "_hRecBetaRZ", "4D RecHit beta distribution:#alpha^{y} (rad)", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0551 hSimBetaRZ = booker.book1D(
0552 pre + "_hSimBetaRZ", "4D segment from SimHit beta distribution in RZ SL;#alpha^{y} (rad)", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0553 hRecVsSimBetaRZ = booker.book2D(pre + "_hRecVsSimBetaRZ",
0554 "4D segment rec beta vs sim beta (RZ) in RZ SL;#alpha^{y} (rad)",
0555 100,
0556 -1.5,
0557 1.5,
0558 100,
0559 -1.5,
0560 1.5);
0562 hResBetaVsEtaRZ = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResBetaVsEtaRZ",
0563 "4D RecHit residual on beta direction vs eta;#eta in "
0564 "RZ SL;#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
0565 100,
0566 -2.5,
0567 2.5,
0568 200,
0569 -0.2,
0570 0.2);
0571 hResBetaVsPhiRZ = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResBetaVsPhiRZ",
0572 "4D RecHit residual on beta direction vs phi in RZ "
0573 "SL;#phi (rad);#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
0574 100,
0575 -3.2,
0576 3.2,
0577 200,
0578 -0.2,
0579 0.2);
0580 hResYVsEtaRZ = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResYVsEtaRZ",
0581 "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in chamber vs eta "
0582 "in RZ SL;#eta;y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)",
0583 100,
0584 -2.5,
0585 2.5,
0586 150,
0587 -0.6,
0588 0.6);
0589 hResYVsPhiRZ = booker.book2D(pre + "_hResYVsPhiRZ",
0590 "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in chamber vs phi "
0591 "in RZ SL;#phi (rad);y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)",
0592 100,
0593 -3.2,
0594 3.2,
0595 150,
0596 -0.6,
0597 0.6);
0599 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/4DSegments/Pull/");
0600 hPullAlphaVsEta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullAlphaVsEta",
0601 "4D RecHit pull on #alpha_x direction vs "
0602 "eta;#eta;(#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim})/#sigma",
0603 100,
0604 -2.5,
0605 2.5,
0606 100,
0607 -5,
0608 5);
0609 hPullAlphaVsPhi = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullAlphaVsPhi",
0610 "4D RecHit pull on #alpha_x direction vs phi (rad);#phi "
0611 "(rad);(#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim})/#sigma",
0612 100,
0613 -3.2,
0614 3.2,
0615 100,
0616 -5,
0617 5);
0618 hPullBetaVsEta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullBetaVsEta",
0619 "4D RecHit pull on beta direction vs "
0620 "eta;#eta;(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
0621 100,
0622 -2.5,
0623 2.5,
0624 200,
0625 -5,
0626 5);
0627 hPullBetaVsPhi = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullBetaVsPhi",
0628 "4D RecHit pull on beta direction vs phi;#phi "
0629 "(rad);(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
0630 100,
0631 -3.2,
0632 3.2,
0633 200,
0634 -5,
0635 5);
0636 hPullXVsEta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullXVsEta",
0637 "4D RecHit pull on position (x) in chamber "
0638 "vs eta;#eta;(x_{rec}-x_{sim})#sigma",
0639 100,
0640 -2.5,
0641 2.5,
0642 150,
0643 -5,
0644 5);
0645 hPullXVsPhi = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullXVsPhi",
0646 "4D RecHit pull on position (x) in chamber "
0647 "vs phi;#phi (rad);(x_{rec}-x_{sim})/#sigma",
0648 100,
0649 -3.2,
0650 3.2,
0651 150,
0652 -5,
0653 5);
0654 hPullYVsEta = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullYVsEta",
0655 "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber "
0656 "vs eta;#eta;(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma",
0657 100,
0658 -2.5,
0659 2.5,
0660 150,
0661 -5,
0662 5);
0663 hPullYVsPhi = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullYVsPhi",
0664 "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber "
0665 "vs phi;#phi (rad);(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma",
0666 100,
0667 -3.2,
0668 3.2,
0669 150,
0670 -5,
0671 5);
0672 hPullBetaVsEtaRZ = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullBetaVsEtaRZ",
0673 "4D RecHit pull on beta direction vs eta;#eta in RZ "
0674 "SL;(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
0675 100,
0676 -2.5,
0677 2.5,
0678 200,
0679 -5,
0680 5);
0681 hPullBetaVsPhiRZ = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullBetaVsPhiRZ",
0682 "4D RecHit pull on beta direction vs phi in RZ SL;#phi "
0683 "(rad);(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
0684 100,
0685 -3.2,
0686 3.2,
0687 200,
0688 -5,
0689 5);
0690 hPullYVsEtaRZ = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullYVsEtaRZ",
0691 "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber vs eta in "
0692 "RZ SL;#eta;(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma",
0693 100,
0694 -2.5,
0695 2.5,
0696 150,
0697 -5,
0698 5);
0699 hPullYVsPhiRZ = booker.book2D(pre + "_hPullYVsPhiRZ",
0700 "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber vs phi in "
0701 "RZ SL;#phi (rad);(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma",
0702 100,
0703 -3.2,
0704 3.2,
0705 150,
0706 -5,
0707 5);
0708 }
0709 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/4DSegments/Res/");
0710 hResAlpha = booker.book1D(pre + "_hResAlpha",
0711 "4D RecHit residual on #alpha_x "
0712 "direction;#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim} (rad)",
0713 200,
0714 -0.015,
0715 0.015);
0717 hResBeta = booker.book1D(pre + "_hResBeta",
0718 "4D RecHit residual on beta "
0719 "direction;#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
0720 200,
0721 -0.1,
0722 0.1);
0723 hResX = booker.book1D(
0724 pre + "_hResX", "4D RecHit residual on position (x) in chamber;x_{rec}-x_{sim} (cm)", 150, -0.15, 0.15);
0725 hResY = booker.book1D(
0726 pre + "_hResY", "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in chamber;y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)", 150, -0.6, 0.6);
0729 hResBetaRZ = booker.book1D(pre + "_hResBetaRZ",
0730 "4D RecHit residual on beta direction in RZ "
0731 "SL;#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim} (rad)",
0732 200,
0733 -0.1,
0734 0.1);
0736 hResYRZ = booker.book1D(pre + "_hResYRZ",
0737 "4D RecHit residual on position (y) in chamber in "
0738 "RZ SL;y_{rec}-y_{sim} (cm)",
0739 150,
0740 -0.15,
0741 0.15);
0744 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/4DSegments/Pull/");
0746 hPullAlpha = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPullAlpha",
0747 "4D RecHit pull on #alpha_x "
0748 "direction;(#alpha^{x}_{rec}-#alpha^{x}_{sim})/#sigma",
0749 200,
0750 -5,
0751 5);
0752 hPullBeta = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPullBeta",
0753 "4D RecHit pull on beta "
0754 "direction;(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
0755 200,
0756 -5,
0757 5);
0759 hPullX =
0760 booker.book1D(pre + "_hPullX", "4D RecHit pull on position (x) in chamber;(x_{rec}-x_{sim})#sigma", 150, -5, 5);
0762 hPullY = booker.book1D(
0763 pre + "_hPullY", "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber;(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma", 150, -5, 5);
0765 hPullBetaRZ = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPullBetaRZ",
0766 "4D RecHit pull on beta direction in RZ "
0767 "SL;(#alpha^{y}_{rec}-#alpha^{y}_{sim})/#sigma",
0768 200,
0769 -5,
0770 5);
0772 hPullYRZ = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPullYRZ",
0773 "4D RecHit pull on position (y) in chamber in RZ "
0774 "SL;(y_{rec}-y_{sim})/#sigma",
0775 150,
0776 -5,
0777 5);
0780 if (local_) {
0781 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/4DSegments/");
0782 hHitMult = booker.book2D(pre + "_hNHits", "NHits", 12, 0, 12, 6, 0, 6);
0783 ht0 = booker.book2D(pre + "_ht0", "t0", 200, -25, 25, 200, -25, 25);
0784 }
0785 }
0787 void fill(float simDirectionAlpha,
0788 float recDirectionAlpha,
0789 float simDirectionBeta,
0790 float recDirectionBeta,
0791 float simX,
0792 float recX,
0793 float simY,
0794 float recY,
0795 float simEta,
0796 float simPhi,
0797 float recYRZ,
0798 float simYRZ,
0799 float recBetaRZ,
0800 float simBetaRZ,
0801 float sigmaAlpha,
0802 float sigmaBeta,
0803 float sigmaX,
0804 float sigmaY,
0805 float sigmaBetaRZ,
0806 float sigmaYRZ,
0807 int nHitsPhi,
0808 int nHitsTheta,
0809 float t0Phi,
0810 float t0Theta) {
0811 float resAlpha = recDirectionAlpha - simDirectionAlpha;
0812 hResAlpha->Fill(resAlpha);
0813 hPullAlpha->Fill(resAlpha / sigmaAlpha);
0814 float resBeta = recDirectionBeta - simDirectionBeta;
0815 hResBeta->Fill(resBeta);
0816 hPullBeta->Fill(resBeta / sigmaBeta);
0817 float resX = recX - simX;
0818 hResX->Fill(resX);
0819 hPullX->Fill(resX / sigmaX);
0820 float resY = recY - simY;
0821 hResY->Fill(resY);
0822 hPullY->Fill(resY / sigmaY);
0824 float resBetaRZ = recBetaRZ - simBetaRZ;
0825 hResBetaRZ->Fill(resBetaRZ);
0826 hPullBetaRZ->Fill(resBetaRZ / sigmaBetaRZ);
0827 float resYRZ = recYRZ - simYRZ;
0828 hResYRZ->Fill(resYRZ);
0829 hPullYRZ->Fill(resYRZ / sigmaYRZ);
0830 if (doall_) {
0831 hRecAlpha->Fill(recDirectionAlpha);
0832 hRecBeta->Fill(recDirectionBeta);
0833 hSimAlpha->Fill(simDirectionAlpha);
0834 hSimBeta->Fill(simDirectionBeta);
0835 hRecVsSimAlpha->Fill(simDirectionAlpha, recDirectionAlpha);
0836 hRecVsSimBeta->Fill(simDirectionBeta, recDirectionBeta);
0837 hResAlphaVsEta->Fill(simEta, resAlpha);
0838 hResAlphaVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resAlpha);
0839 hPullAlphaVsEta->Fill(simEta, resAlpha / sigmaAlpha);
0840 hPullAlphaVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resAlpha / sigmaAlpha);
0841 hResBetaVsEta->Fill(simEta, resBeta);
0842 hResBetaVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resBeta);
0843 hPullBetaVsEta->Fill(simEta, resBeta / sigmaBeta);
0844 hPullBetaVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resBeta / sigmaBeta);
0845 hResXVsEta->Fill(simEta, resX);
0846 hResXVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resX);
0847 hPullXVsEta->Fill(simEta, resX / sigmaX);
0848 hPullXVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resX / sigmaX);
0849 hResYVsEta->Fill(simEta, resY);
0850 hResYVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resY);
0851 hPullYVsEta->Fill(simEta, resY / sigmaY);
0852 hPullYVsPhi->Fill(simPhi, resY / sigmaY);
0853 hResAlphaVsResBeta->Fill(resBeta, resAlpha);
0854 hResXVsResY->Fill(resY, resX);
0855 hResAlphaVsResX->Fill(resX, resAlpha);
0856 hResAlphaVsResY->Fill(resY, resAlpha);
0859 hRecBetaRZ->Fill(recBetaRZ);
0860 hSimBetaRZ->Fill(simBetaRZ);
0861 hRecVsSimBetaRZ->Fill(simBetaRZ, recBetaRZ);
0862 hResBetaVsEtaRZ->Fill(simEta, resBetaRZ);
0863 hResBetaVsPhiRZ->Fill(simPhi, resBetaRZ);
0864 hPullBetaVsEtaRZ->Fill(simEta, resBetaRZ / sigmaBetaRZ);
0865 hPullBetaVsPhiRZ->Fill(simPhi, resBetaRZ / sigmaBetaRZ);
0866 hResYVsEtaRZ->Fill(simEta, resYRZ);
0867 hResYVsPhiRZ->Fill(simPhi, resYRZ);
0868 hPullYVsEtaRZ->Fill(simEta, resYRZ / sigmaYRZ);
0869 hPullYVsPhiRZ->Fill(simPhi, resYRZ / sigmaYRZ);
0870 }
0871 if (local_) {
0872 hHitMult->Fill(nHitsPhi, nHitsTheta);
0873 ht0->Fill(t0Phi, t0Theta);
0874 }
0875 }
0877 private:
0878 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hRecAlpha;
0879 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hRecBeta;
0880 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hSimAlpha;
0881 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hSimBeta;
0882 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hRecVsSimAlpha;
0883 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hRecVsSimBeta;
0884 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResAlpha;
0885 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResAlphaVsEta;
0886 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResAlphaVsPhi;
0887 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResBeta;
0888 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResBetaVsEta;
0889 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResBetaVsPhi;
0890 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResX;
0891 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResXVsEta;
0892 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResXVsPhi;
0893 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResY;
0894 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResYVsEta;
0895 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResYVsPhi;
0896 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResAlphaVsResBeta;
0897 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResXVsResY;
0898 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResAlphaVsResX;
0899 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResAlphaVsResY;
0900 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullAlpha;
0901 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullAlphaVsEta;
0902 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullAlphaVsPhi;
0903 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullBeta;
0904 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullBetaVsEta;
0905 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullBetaVsPhi;
0906 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullX;
0907 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullXVsEta;
0908 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullXVsPhi;
0909 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullY;
0910 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullYVsEta;
0911 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullYVsPhi;
0914 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hRecBetaRZ;
0915 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hSimBetaRZ;
0916 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hRecVsSimBetaRZ;
0917 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResBetaRZ;
0918 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResBetaVsEtaRZ;
0919 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResBetaVsPhiRZ;
0920 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResYRZ;
0921 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResYVsEtaRZ;
0922 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hResYVsPhiRZ;
0923 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullBetaRZ;
0924 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullBetaVsEtaRZ;
0925 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullBetaVsPhiRZ;
0926 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullYRZ;
0927 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullYVsEtaRZ;
0928 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPullYVsPhiRZ;
0930 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hHitMult;
0931 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* ht0;
0933 bool doall_;
0934 bool local_;
0935 std::string name_;
0936 };
0940 class HEff4DHit {
0941 public:
0942 typedef dqm::legacy::DQMStore DQMStore;
0943 typedef dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement;
0945 HEff4DHit(const std::string& name, DQMStore::IBooker& booker) {
0946 std::string pre = "4D_";
0947 pre += name;
0948 name_ = pre;
0949 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/4DSegments/");
0950 hEtaSimSegm = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEtaSimSegm", "Eta of SimHit segment", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0951 hEtaRecHit =
0952 booker.book1D(pre + "_hEtaRecHit", "Eta distribution of SimHit segment with 4D RecHit", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0954 hPhiSimSegm = booker.book1D(pre + "_hPhiSimSegm", "Phi of SimHit segment", 100, -M_PI, M_PI);
0955 hPhiRecHit =
0956 booker.book1D(pre + "_hPhiRecHit", "Phi distribution of SimHit segment with 4D RecHit", 100, -M_PI, M_PI);
0958 hXSimSegm = booker.book1D(pre + "_hXSimSegm", "X position in Chamber of SimHit segment (cm)", 100, -200, 200);
0959 hXRecHit =
0960 booker.book1D(pre + "_hXRecHit", "X position in Chamber of SimHit segment with 4D RecHit (cm)", 100, -200, 200);
0962 hYSimSegm = booker.book1D(pre + "_hYSimSegm", "Y position in Chamber of SimHit segment (cm)", 100, -200, 200);
0963 hYRecHit =
0964 booker.book1D(pre + "_hYRecHit", "Y position in Chamber of SimHit segment with 4D RecHit (cm)", 100, -200, 200);
0966 hAlphaSimSegm = booker.book1D(pre + "_hAlphaSimSegm", "Alpha of SimHit segment (rad)", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0967 hAlphaRecHit = booker.book1D(pre + "_hAlphaRecHit", "Alpha of SimHit segment with 4D RecHit (rad)", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
0969 hBetaSimSegm = booker.book1D(pre + "_hBetaSimSegm", "Beta of SimHit segment (rad)", 100, -2, 2);
0970 hBetaRecHit = booker.book1D(pre + "_hBetaRecHit", "Beta of SimHit segment with 4D RecHit (rad)", 100, -2, 2);
0972 hNSeg = booker.book1D(pre + "_hNSeg", "Number of rec segment per sim seg", 20, 0, 20);
0973 }
0975 void fill(float etaSimSegm,
0976 float phiSimSegm,
0977 float xSimSegm,
0978 float ySimSegm,
0979 float alphaSimSegm,
0980 float betaSimSegm,
0981 bool fillRecHit,
0982 int nSeg) {
0983 hEtaSimSegm->Fill(etaSimSegm);
0984 hPhiSimSegm->Fill(phiSimSegm);
0985 hXSimSegm->Fill(xSimSegm);
0986 hYSimSegm->Fill(ySimSegm);
0987 hAlphaSimSegm->Fill(alphaSimSegm);
0988 hBetaSimSegm->Fill(betaSimSegm);
0989 hNSeg->Fill(nSeg);
0991 if (fillRecHit) {
0992 hEtaRecHit->Fill(etaSimSegm);
0993 hPhiRecHit->Fill(phiSimSegm);
0994 hXRecHit->Fill(xSimSegm);
0995 hYRecHit->Fill(ySimSegm);
0996 hAlphaRecHit->Fill(alphaSimSegm);
0997 hBetaRecHit->Fill(betaSimSegm);
0998 }
0999 }
1001 private:
1002 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hEtaSimSegm;
1003 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hEtaRecHit;
1004 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPhiSimSegm;
1005 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hPhiRecHit;
1006 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hXSimSegm;
1007 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hXRecHit;
1008 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hYSimSegm;
1009 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hYRecHit;
1010 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hAlphaSimSegm;
1011 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hAlphaRecHit;
1012 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hBetaSimSegm;
1013 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hBetaRecHit;
1015 dqm::reco::MonitorElement* hNSeg;
1017 std::string name_;
1018 };
1022 class HEff4DHitHarvest {
1023 public:
1024 typedef dqm::legacy::DQMStore DQMStore;
1025 typedef dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement;
1027 HEff4DHitHarvest(const std::string& name, DQMStore::IBooker& booker, DQMStore::IGetter& getter) {
1028 std::string pre = "4D_";
1029 pre += name;
1030 name_ = pre;
1031 booker.setCurrentFolder("DT/4DSegments/");
1032 hEffVsEta = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsEta", "4D RecHit Efficiency as a function of Eta", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
1033 hEffVsPhi = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsPhi", "4D RecHit Efficiency as a function of Phi", 100, -M_PI, M_PI);
1034 hEffVsX =
1035 booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsX", "4D RecHit Efficiency as a function of x position in Chamber", 100, -200, 200);
1036 hEffVsY =
1037 booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsY", "4D RecHit Efficiency as a function of y position in Chamber", 100, -200, 200);
1038 hEffVsAlpha = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsAlpha", "4D RecHit Efficiency as a function of alpha", 100, -1.5, 1.5);
1039 hEffVsBeta = booker.book1D(pre + "_hEffVsBeta", "4D RecHit Efficiency as a function of beta", 100, -2, 2);
1041 computeEfficiency(getter);
1042 }
1044 void computeEfficiency(DQMStore::IGetter& getter) {
1045 std::string pre = "DT/4DSegments/" + name_;
1046 divide(hEffVsEta, getter.get(pre + "_hEtaRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hEtaSimSegm"));
1047 divide(hEffVsPhi, getter.get(pre + "_hPhiRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hPhiSimSegm"));
1048 divide(hEffVsX, getter.get(pre + "_hXRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hXSimSegm"));
1049 divide(hEffVsY, getter.get(pre + "_hYRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hYSimSegm"));
1050 divide(hEffVsAlpha, getter.get(pre + "_hAlphaRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hAlphaSimSegm"));
1051 divide(hEffVsBeta, getter.get(pre + "_hBetaRecHit"), getter.get(pre + "_hBetaSimSegm"));
1052 }
1054 private:
1055 MonitorElement* hEffVsEta;
1056 MonitorElement* hEffVsPhi;
1058 MonitorElement* hEffVsX;
1059 MonitorElement* hEffVsY;
1061 MonitorElement* hEffVsAlpha;
1062 MonitorElement* hEffVsBeta;
1064 std::string name_;
1065 };
1067 #endif