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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:32:26

0001 #! /bin/csh
0003 eval `scramv1 ru -csh`
0005 setenv GLBLREFDIR /afs/
0006 setenv LOCLREFDIR ${CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE}/src/Validation/GlobalRecHitss/data
0008 echo "============> Validating Global RecHits <============"
0009 echo "......producing output file with this release"
0010 if ( -e MessageLogger.log ) rm MessageLogger.log
0011 if ( -e output.log ) rm output.log
0012 if ( -e FrameworkJobReport.xml ) rm FrameworkJobReport.xml
0013 #comment out if RefPoolSource.cfi modified to use /afs location directly
0014 #cp ${GLBLREFDIR}/MC_010p2_minbias.root .
0015 cmsRun DetSim+Digi+Reco+Global.cfg >& output.log
0016 echo "......creating histogram file with this release"
0017 root -b -q MakeHistograms.C\(\"GlobalRecHits.root\",\"GlobalRecHitsHistograms\"\)
0018 echo "......comparing against reference file from previous release"
0019 cp ${LOCLREFDIR}/GlobalRecHitsHistograms-reference.root .
0020 root -b -q MakeValidation.C\(\"GlobalRecHitsHistograms.root\",\"GlobalRecHitsHistograms-reference.root\",\"GlobalRecHitsHistogramsCompare\"\)
0021 echo "......results of validation in"
0022 echo "============> Validating Global RecHits <============"