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0001 #include "Validation/HLTrigger/interface/HLTGenValHistCollFilter.h"
0003 // constructor
0004 HLTGenValHistCollFilter::HLTGenValHistCollFilter(edm::ParameterSet filterCollConfig) {
0005   objType_ = filterCollConfig.getParameter<std::string>("objType");
0006   filter_ = filterCollConfig.getParameter<std::string>("filterName");
0007   path_ = filterCollConfig.getParameter<std::string>("pathName");
0008   hltProcessName_ = filterCollConfig.getParameter<std::string>("hltProcessName");
0009   dR2limit_ = filterCollConfig.getParameter<double>("dR2limit");
0010   separator_ = "__";
0011 }
0013 edm::ParameterSetDescription HLTGenValHistCollFilter::makePSetDescription() {
0014   edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0015   desc.add<std::string>("objType", "");
0016   desc.add<std::string>("hltProcessName", "HLT");
0017   desc.add<double>("dR2limit", 0.1);
0018   desc.add<std::string>("filterName", "");
0019   desc.add<std::string>("pathName", "");
0020   return desc;
0021 }
0023 // general hist booking function, receiving configurations for 1D and 2D hists and calling the respective functions
0024 void HLTGenValHistCollFilter::bookHists(DQMStore::IBooker& iBooker,
0025                                         const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>& histConfigs,
0026                                         const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>& histConfigs2D) {
0027   for (const auto& histConfig : histConfigs)
0028     book1D(iBooker, histConfig);
0029   for (const auto& histConfig : histConfigs2D)
0030     book2D(iBooker, histConfig);
0031 }
0033 // histogram filling routine
0034 void HLTGenValHistCollFilter::fillHists(const HLTGenValObject& obj, edm::Handle<trigger::TriggerEvent>& triggerEvent) {
0035   // this handles the "before" step, denoted by a "dummy" filter called "beforeAnyFilter"
0036   // the histogram is filled without any additional requirements for all objects
0037   if (filter_ == "beforeAnyFilter") {
0038     for (auto& hist : hists_)
0039       hist->fill(obj);
0040   } else {
0041     // main filling code
0043     // get filter object from filter name
0044     edm::InputTag filterTag(filter_, "", hltProcessName_);
0045     size_t filterIndex = triggerEvent->filterIndex(filterTag);
0047     // get trigger objects passing filter in question
0048     trigger::TriggerObjectCollection allTriggerObjects = triggerEvent->getObjects();  // all objects
0049     trigger::TriggerObjectCollection selectedObjects;  // vector to fill with objects passing our filter
0050     if (filterIndex < triggerEvent->sizeFilters()) {
0051       const auto& keys = triggerEvent->filterKeys(filterIndex);
0052       for (unsigned short key : keys) {
0053         trigger::TriggerObject foundObject = allTriggerObjects[key];
0054         selectedObjects.push_back(foundObject);
0055       }
0056     }
0058     // differentiate between event level and particle level variables
0059     const static std::vector<std::string> eventLevelVariables = {"AK4HT", "AK8HT", "MET"};
0060     if (std::find(eventLevelVariables.begin(), eventLevelVariables.end(), objType_) != eventLevelVariables.end()) {
0061       // for these event level variables we only require the existence of a trigger object, but no matching
0062       if (!selectedObjects.empty())
0063         for (auto& hist : hists_)
0064           hist->fill(obj);
0065     } else {
0066       // do a deltaR matching between trigger object and GEN object
0067       double mindR2 = 99999;
0068       for (const auto& filterobj : selectedObjects) {
0069         double dR = deltaR2(obj, filterobj);
0070         if (dR < mindR2)
0071           mindR2 = dR;
0072       }
0073       if (mindR2 < dR2limit_)
0074         for (auto& hist : hists_)
0075           hist->fill(obj);
0076     }
0077   }
0078 }
0080 // booker function for 1D hists
0081 void HLTGenValHistCollFilter::book1D(DQMStore::IBooker& iBooker, const edm::ParameterSet& histConfig) {
0082   // extracting parameters from configuration
0083   auto vsVar = histConfig.getParameter<std::string>("vsVar");
0084   auto vsVarFunc = hltdqm::getUnaryFuncFloat<HLTGenValObject>(vsVar);
0086   // this class parses any potential additional cuts, changes in binning or tags
0087   HLTGenValPathSpecificSettingParser parser =
0088       HLTGenValPathSpecificSettingParser(histConfig.getParameter<std::string>("pathSpecificCuts"),
0089                                          histConfig.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>>("binnings"),
0090                                          vsVar);
0092   // getting the bin edges, path-specific overwrites general if present
0093   auto binLowEdgesDouble = histConfig.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("binLowEdges");
0094   if (parser.havePathSpecificBins())
0095     binLowEdgesDouble = *parser.getPathSpecificBins();
0097   // additional cuts applied to this histogram, combination of general ones and path-specific ones
0098   std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> allCutsVector = histConfig.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>>("rangeCuts");
0099   std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> pathSpecificCutsVector = *parser.getPathSpecificCuts();
0100   allCutsVector.insert(allCutsVector.end(), pathSpecificCutsVector.begin(), pathSpecificCutsVector.end());
0101   VarRangeCutColl<HLTGenValObject> rangeCuts(allCutsVector);
0103   // getting the custom tag
0104   const std::string tag = *parser.getTag();
0106   // checking validity of vsVar
0107   if (!vsVarFunc) {
0108     throw cms::Exception("ConfigError") << " vsVar " << vsVar << " is giving null ptr (likely empty) in " << __FILE__
0109                                         << "," << __LINE__ << std::endl;
0110   }
0112   // converting bin edges to float
0113   std::vector<float> binLowEdges;
0114   binLowEdges.reserve(binLowEdgesDouble.size());
0115   for (double lowEdge : binLowEdgesDouble)
0116     binLowEdges.push_back(lowEdge);
0118   // name and title are systematically constructed
0120   // remove potential leading "-" (which denotes that that trigger is ignored)
0121   std::string filterName = filter_;
0122   if (filterName.rfind('-', 0) == 0)
0123     filterName.erase(0, 1);
0125   std::string histName, histTitle;
0126   if (filter_ == "beforeAnyFilter") {  // this handles the naming of the "before" hist
0127     histName = objType_ + separator_ + path_ + separator_ + "GEN" + separator_ + "vs" + vsVar;
0128     histTitle = objType_ + " " + path_ + " GEN vs " + vsVar;
0129     if (!tag.empty()) {
0130       histName += separator_ + tag;
0131       histTitle += " " + tag;
0132     }
0133   } else {  // naming of all regular hists
0134     histName = objType_ + separator_ + path_ + separator_ + filterName + separator_ + "vs" + vsVar;
0135     histTitle = objType_ + " " + path_ + " " + filterName + " vs" + vsVar;
0137     // appending the tag, in case it is filled
0138     if (!tag.empty()) {
0139       histName += separator_ + tag;
0140       histTitle += " " + tag;
0141     }
0142   }
0144   auto me = iBooker.book1D(
0145       histName.c_str(), histTitle.c_str(), binLowEdges.size() - 1,;  // booking MonitorElement
0147   std::unique_ptr<HLTGenValHist> hist;  // creating the hist object
0149   hist = std::make_unique<HLTGenValHist1D>(me->getTH1(), vsVar, vsVarFunc, rangeCuts);
0151   hists_.emplace_back(std::move(hist));
0152 }
0154 // booker function for 2D hists
0155 void HLTGenValHistCollFilter::book2D(DQMStore::IBooker& iBooker, const edm::ParameterSet& histConfig2D) {
0156   // extracting parameters from configuration
0157   auto vsVarX = histConfig2D.getParameter<std::string>("vsVarX");
0158   auto vsVarY = histConfig2D.getParameter<std::string>("vsVarY");
0159   auto vsVarFuncX = hltdqm::getUnaryFuncFloat<HLTGenValObject>(vsVarX);
0160   auto vsVarFuncY = hltdqm::getUnaryFuncFloat<HLTGenValObject>(vsVarY);
0161   auto binLowEdgesDoubleX = histConfig2D.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("binLowEdgesX");
0162   auto binLowEdgesDoubleY = histConfig2D.getParameter<std::vector<double>>("binLowEdgesY");
0164   // checking validity of vsVar
0165   if (!vsVarFuncX) {
0166     throw cms::Exception("ConfigError") << " vsVar " << vsVarX << " is giving null ptr (likely empty) in " << __FILE__
0167                                         << "," << __LINE__ << std::endl;
0168   }
0169   if (!vsVarFuncY) {
0170     throw cms::Exception("ConfigError") << " vsVar " << vsVarY << " is giving null ptr (likely empty) in " << __FILE__
0171                                         << "," << __LINE__ << std::endl;
0172   }
0174   // converting bin edges to float
0175   std::vector<float> binLowEdgesX;
0176   std::vector<float> binLowEdgesY;
0177   binLowEdgesX.reserve(binLowEdgesDoubleX.size());
0178   binLowEdgesY.reserve(binLowEdgesDoubleY.size());
0179   for (double lowEdge : binLowEdgesDoubleX)
0180     binLowEdgesX.push_back(lowEdge);
0181   for (double lowEdge : binLowEdgesDoubleY)
0182     binLowEdgesY.push_back(lowEdge);
0184   // name and title are systematically constructed
0186   // remove potential leading "-" (which denotes that that trigger is ignored)
0187   std::string filterName = filter_;
0188   if (filterName.rfind('-', 0) == 0)
0189     filterName.erase(0, 1);
0191   std::string histName, histTitle;
0192   if (filter_ == "beforeAnyFilter") {
0193     histName = objType_ + separator_ + path_ + separator_ + "GEN" + separator_ + "2Dvs" + vsVarX + separator_ + vsVarY;
0194     histTitle = objType_ + " " + path_ + " GEN 2D vs " + vsVarX + " " + vsVarY;
0195   } else {
0196     histName = objType_ + separator_ + path_ + separator_ + filterName + separator_ + "2Dvs" + vsVarX + vsVarY;
0197     histTitle = objType_ + " " + path_ + " " + filterName + " 2D vs" + vsVarX + " " + vsVarY;
0198   }
0200   auto me = iBooker.book2D(histName.c_str(),
0201                            histTitle.c_str(),
0202                            binLowEdgesX.size() - 1,
0203                  ,
0204                            binLowEdgesY.size() - 1,
0205                  ;
0207   std::unique_ptr<HLTGenValHist> hist;
0209   hist = std::make_unique<HLTGenValHist2D>(me->getTH2F(), vsVarX, vsVarY, vsVarFuncX, vsVarFuncY);
0211   hists_.emplace_back(std::move(hist));
0212 }