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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:32:50

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0003 """
0004 Copied from GEMCode/GEMValidation
0005 """
0007 from ROOT import TFile, gStyle, TCanvas, gPad, TH1F
0009 import os
0010 import sys
0011 import ROOT
0012 ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1)
0014 import optparse
0016 output = TFile("output.root","RECREATE")
0019 def draw_occ(target_dir, h1,h2, ext =".png", opt = ""):
0020   gStyle.SetStatStyle(0)
0021   gStyle.SetOptStat(1110)
0022   c = TCanvas(h1.GetTitle(),h1.GetName(),600,600)
0023   c_title = c.GetTitle()
0024   c.Clear()
0025   if not h1 or not h2:
0026     sys.exit('h1 or h2 does not exist')
0027   h1.SetLineWidth(2)
0028   h1.SetLineColor(kBlue)
0029   h1.SetMarkerColor(kBlue)
0030   h1.SetTitle(args[0])
0031   h1.Draw(opt)
0032   h2.SetLineWidth(2)
0033   h2.SetLineColor(kRed)
0034   h2.SetMarkerColor(kRed)
0035   h2.SetTitle(args[1])
0036   h2.Draw("same"+opt)
0037   gPad.SetTitle(c_title)
0038   leg = gPad.BuildLegend()
0039   h1.SetTitle(c_title)
0040   c.Update()
0041   c.SaveAs(target_dir + c_title + ext)
0044 def draw_diff_strip(target_dir, h1,h2, ext =".png", opt = ""):
0045   gStyle.SetStatStyle(0)
0046   gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
0047   c = TCanvas("c1",("strip_diff_%s")%(h1.GetName()),600,600)
0048   c_title = c.GetTitle()
0049   c.Clear()
0050   if not h1 or not h2:
0051     sys.exit('h1 or h2 does not exist')
0052   xbin = h1.GetXaxis().GetNbins()
0053   xmin = h1.GetXaxis().GetXmin()
0054   xmax = h1.GetXaxis().GetXmax()
0055   title = ("Difference of strip phi between %s and %s")%(h1.GetName(),h2.GetName())
0056   h = TH1F("strip_diff",title,xbin,xmin,xmax)
0057   for x in range( xbin ) :
0058     value1 = h1.GetBinContent( x + 1 )  
0059     value2 = h2.GetBinContent( x + 1 )  
0060     h.SetBinContent( x+1, value1 - value2)
0061   h.Draw(opt)
0062   gPad.SetTitle(c_title)
0063   #leg = gPad.BuildLegend().SetFillColor(kWhite)
0064   c.Update()
0065   c.SaveAs(target_dir + c_title + ext)
0066   output.ReOpen("UPDATE")
0067   h.Write()
0069 def draw_plot( file1, file2, tDir,oDir ) :
0070   c = TCanvas("c","c",600,600)
0071   dqm_file1 = TFile( file1)
0072   dqm_file2 = TFile( file2)
0073   d1 = dqm_file1.Get(tDir)
0074   d2 = dqm_file2.Get(tDir)
0075   key_list =[]
0077   tlist1 = d1.GetListOfKeys()
0078   for x in tlist1 :
0079     key_list.append(x.GetName())
0081   for hist in key_list :
0082     if ( hist.find("_phiz_") != -1 ) :
0083       draw_occ( oDir,d1.Get(hist), d2.Get(hist),".png","col");
0084     elif ( hist.find("strip_phi_dist") != -1 ) :
0085       draw_diff_strip( oDir, d1.Get(hist), d2.Get(hist) )
0086     elif ( hist.find("sp") != -1) :
0087       draw_occ( oDir, d1.Get(hist), d2.Get(hist))
0089 if __name__ == '__main__' :
0090   usage = ": %prog DQM_file1.root file2.root \negs) ./%prog -o c_temp_plot DQM_v6.root DQM_v7.root"
0091   parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
0092   parser.add_option("-o",dest='directory',help='Name of output directory(Default : c_temp_plot)',default="c_temp_plot")
0093   options, args = parser.parse_args()
0095   if len(args)==0 :
0096     print "Input file name is None."
0097     print "Use default name.[ DQM_v6.root and DQM_v7.root]"
0098     args.append("DQM_v6.root")
0099     args.append("DQM_v7.root")
0101   tDir = "DQMData/Run 1/MuonGEMDigisV/Run summary/GEMDigisTask"
0102   oDir ="_GEMDigis/"
0103   os.system("mkdir -p "+oDir )
0104   draw_plot(args[0],args[1],tDir,oDir)