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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:32:50

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0003 """
0004 Copied from GEMCode/GEMValidation
0005 """
0007 from ROOT import gStyle, TCanvas, gPad, TF1, TPaveText, TCanvas, TFile
0009 import os
0010 import sys
0011 #sys.argv.append( '-b' )
0012 import ROOT
0013 ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1)
0015 import optparse
0016 def getEtaRange( station ) :
0017   etaRange = [1.55,2.15,1.65,2.45]
0018   if ( station ==1 or station==2 ) :
0019     return etaRange[ (station-1)*2], etaRange[ (station-1)*2+1 ]
0020   else :
0021     print "Something is wrong"
0022     return 1.5,2.6
0024 def draw_occ(target_dir, h, ext =".png", opt = ""):
0025   gStyle.SetStatStyle(0)
0026   gStyle.SetOptStat(1110)
0027   c = TCanvas(h.GetTitle(),h.GetName(),600,600)
0028   c_title = c.GetTitle()
0029   c.Clear()
0030   if not h:
0031     sys.exit('h does not exist')
0032   h.SetLineWidth(2)
0033   h.SetLineColor(kBlue)
0034   h.Draw(opt)
0035   c.SaveAs(target_dir + c_title + ext)
0037 def draw_bx(target_dir, h , ext = ".png", opt = ""):
0038   gStyle.SetStatStyle(0)
0039   gStyle.SetOptStat(1110)
0040   c = TCanvas(h.GetTitle(),h.GetName(),600,600)
0041   c_title = c.GetTitle()
0042   gPad.SetLogy()
0043   h.SetLineWidth(2)
0044   h.SetLineColor(kBlue)
0045   h.Draw(opt)
0046   h.SetMinimum(1.)
0047   c.SaveAs(target_dir + c_title + ext)
0049 def draw_simple_zr(target_dir, h, ext =".png",opt="colz"):
0050   gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
0051   c = TCanvas(h.GetName(),h.GetName(),600,600)
0052   c.Divide(2,1)
0053   c_title = c.GetTitle()
0054   #c.Clear()
0055   if not h:
0056     sys.exit('h does not exist')
0057   h.SetLineWidth(2)
0058   h.SetLineColor(kBlue)
0060   gPad.SetRightMargin(0)
0061   gPad.SetBorderMode(0)
0062   h1 = h.Clone()
0063   h1.SetAxisRange(564,572)
0064   h1.Draw("col")
0066   h2 = h.Clone()
0067   gPad.SetLeftMargin(0)
0068   gPad.SetBorderMode(0)
0069   h2.SetAxisRange(793,800)
0070   h2.Draw(opt)
0072   #c.Draw()
0073   #c.Update()
0074   c.SaveAs(target_dir + c_title + ext)
0077 def draw_col_nostat(target_dir, h, ext =".png", opt = "colz"):
0078   gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
0079   c = TCanvas(h.GetTitle(),h.GetName(),800,600)
0080   c_title = c.GetTitle()
0081   c.Clear()
0082   if not h:
0083     sys.exit('h does not exist')
0084   h.SetLineWidth(2)
0085   h.SetLineColor(kBlue)
0086   h.Draw(opt)
0087   c.SaveAs(target_dir + c_title + ext)
0089 def draw_col_eff(target_dir, h, ext =".png", opt = "colz"):
0090   gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
0091   c = TCanvas(h.GetTitle(),h.GetName(),800,600)
0092   c_title = c.GetTitle()
0093   c.Clear()
0094   if not h:
0095     sys.exit('h does not exist')
0096   h.SetLineWidth(2)
0097   h.SetLineColor(kBlue)
0098   h.SetMaximum(1.2)
0099   h.Draw(opt)
0100   c.SaveAs(target_dir + c_title + ext)
0104 def draw_col(target_dir, h, ext =".png", opt = "col"):
0105   gStyle.SetStatStyle(0)
0106   gStyle.SetOptStat(1110)
0107   c = TCanvas(h.GetTitle(),h.GetName(),600,600)
0108   c_title = c.GetTitle()
0109   c.Clear()
0110   if not h:
0111     sys.exit('h does not exist')
0112   h.SetLineWidth(2)
0113   h.SetLineColor(kBlue)
0114   h.Draw(opt)
0115   c.SaveAs(target_dir + c_title + ext)
0117 def draw_col_userRange( target_dir, h, ext =".png", opt = "col"):
0118   gStyle.SetStatStyle(0)
0119   c = TCanvas(h.GetTitle(),h.GetName(),1600,1600)
0120   c_title = c.GetTitle()
0121   c.Clear()
0122   if not h:
0123     sys.exit('h does not exist')
0124   h.SetLineWidth(2)
0125   h.SetLineColor(kBlue)
0126   h.SetLabelSize(0.02,"Y")
0127   h.SetLabelOffset(0,"Y")
0128   axis_title = h.GetXaxis().GetTitle()
0129   axis_title = axis_title+ "/"+str(h.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1))
0130   h.GetXaxis().SetTitle( axis_title)
0131   h.SetAxisRange(14.5,15.5)
0132   h.Draw(opt)
0133   c.SaveAs(target_dir + c_title + ext)
0136 def draw_col_overflow(target_dir, h, ext =".png", opt = "col"):
0137   gStyle.SetStatStyle(0)
0138   gStyle.SetOptStat(110200)
0139   c = TCanvas(h.GetTitle(),h.GetName(),600,600)
0140   c_title = c.GetTitle()
0141   c.Clear()
0142   if not h:
0143     sys.exit('h does not exist')
0144   h.SetLineWidth(2)
0145   h.SetLineColor(kBlue)
0146   h.Draw(opt)
0147   c.SaveAs(target_dir + c_title + ext)
0149 def draw_eff(target_dir, h, ext = ".png", opt = ""):
0150   c = TCanvas(h.GetTitle(), h.GetName(),600,600)
0151   c_title = c.GetTitle()
0152   c.Clear()
0153   if not h: 
0154     sys.exit('h does not exist')
0155   gPad.SetGrid(1)
0156   gStyle.SetStatStyle(0)
0157   gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
0158   gStyle.SetOptFit(0)
0159   h.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,1.05)
0160   h.SetLineWidth(2)
0161   h.SetLineColor(kBlue)
0162   h.SetMarkerStyle(1)
0163   h.SetMarkerColor(kBlue)
0164   h.SetMarkerSize(1)
0165   h.Draw(opt);
0166   xmin=h.GetXaxis().GetXmin()
0167   xmax=h.GetXaxis().GetXmax()
0168   if ( h.GetName().find("eta") != -1) :
0169     if ( h.GetName().find("st1") != -1) :
0170       xmin,xmax = getEtaRange(1)
0171     elif ( h.GetName().find("st2") != -1 ) :
0172       xmin,xmax = getEtaRange(2)
0173     else :
0174       print "Use default setting."
0176   f1 = TF1("fit1","pol0", xmin, xmax )
0177   r = h.Fit("fit1","RQS")
0178   ptstats = TPaveStats(0.25,0.35,0.75,0.55,"brNDC")
0179   ptstats.SetName("stats")
0180   ptstats.SetBorderSize(0)
0181   ptstats.SetLineWidth(0)
0182   ptstats.SetFillColor(0)
0183   ptstats.SetTextAlign(11)
0184   ptstats.SetTextFont(42)
0185   ptstats.SetTextSize(.05)
0186   ptstats.SetTextColor(kRed)
0187   ptstats.SetOptStat(0)
0188   ptstats.SetOptFit(1111)
0189   chi2 = int(r.Chi2())
0190   ndf = int(r.Ndf())
0191    ## prob = r.Prob()
0192   round(2.675, 2)
0193   p0 = f1.GetParameter(0)
0194   p0e = f1.GetParError(0)
0195   ptstats.AddText("#chi^{2} / ndf: %d/%d" %(chi2,ndf))
0196   ## ptstats.AddText("Fit probability: %f %" %(prob))
0197   ptstats.AddText("Efficiency: %f #pm %f %%"%(p0,p0e))
0198   ptstats.Draw("same")
0199   pt = TPaveText(0.09899329,0.9178322,0.8993289,0.9737762,"blNDC")
0200   pt.SetName("title")
0201   pt.SetBorderSize(1)
0202   pt.SetFillColor(0)
0203   pt.SetFillStyle(0)
0204   pt.SetTextFont(42)
0205   pt.AddText(h.GetTitle())
0206   pt.Draw("same")
0207   c.SaveAs(target_dir + c_title + ext)
0210 def draw_plot( file, tDir,oDir ) :
0211   c = TCanvas("c","c",600,600)
0212   dqm_file = TFile( file)
0213   d1 = dqm_file.Get(tDir)
0214   key_list =[]
0216   try :
0217     tlist = d1.GetListOfKeys()
0218   except :
0219     print oDir
0220     if ( oDir.find("Digi") != -1 ):
0221       tDir = "DQMData/Run 1/MuonGEMDigisV/Run summary/GEMDigiTask"
0222       d1 = dqm_file.Get(tDir)
0223       tlist = d1.GetListOfKeys()
0224     elif ( oDir.find("RecHit") != -1 ):
0225       tDir = "DQMData/Run 1/MuonGEMRecHitsV/Run summary/GEMRecHitTask"
0226       d1 = dqm_file.Get(tDir)
0227       tlist = d1.GetListOfKeys()
0228     else :
0229       print "error"
0230       exit(-1)
0231   for x in tlist :
0232     key_list.append(x.GetName())
0233   for hist in key_list :
0234     if hist.find("track_") != -1 :
0235       draw_occ( oDir,d1.Get(hist)) 
0236     elif (hist.find("dcEta") !=-1 ) :
0237       draw_col_nostat( oDir,d1.Get(hist))
0238     elif (hist.find("simple_zr")!= -1 ) :
0239       draw_simple_zr( oDir,d1.Get(hist))
0240     elif (hist.find("eff_DigiHit") != -1 ) :
0241       draw_col_eff( oDir, d1.Get(hist))
0242     elif (hist.find("lx") !=-1 or hist.find("ly") != -1 or hist.find("dphi") != -1 or hist.find("_phi_dist") != -1 ) :
0243       draw_occ( oDir,d1.Get(hist))
0244     elif ( hist.find("bx") != -1 ) :
0245       draw_bx( oDir, d1.Get(hist)  )
0246     elif ( hist.find("xy") !=-1 or hist.find("zr") !=-1 or hist.find("roll_vs_strip")!= -1 or hist.find("phipad")!=-1 or hist.find("phistrip") != -1 or hist.find("sp")!=-1 or hist.find("sub")!=-1 ) :
0247       draw_col( oDir, d1.Get(hist) )
0248     elif ( hist.find("phiz") != -1 ) :
0249       draw_col_overflow( oDir, d1.Get(hist) )
0250     elif ( hist.find("eff") != -1 ) :
0251       draw_eff( oDir, d1.Get(hist) )
0252       #print "found "
0253     elif ( hist.find("geo_phi") != -1) :
0254       draw_col_userRange( oDir, d1.Get(hist))
0255     else :
0256       draw_occ( oDir, d1.Get(hist) )
0260 if __name__ == '__main__' :
0261   usage = ": %prog [option] DQM_filename.root\negs) ./%prog -a DQM_V0001_R000000001__Global__CMSSW_X_Y_Z__RECO.root"
0262   parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
0263   #parser.add_option("-i",dest='dqmfile',help='Input DQM filename',default="DQM_V0001_R000000001__Global__CMSSW_X_Y_Z__RECO.root")
0264   parser.add_option("-o",dest='directory',help='Name of output directory(Default : temp_plot)',default="temp_plot")
0265   parser.add_option("-a",action='store_true',dest='all',help='Enable all step option.(-s -d -r)',default=False)
0266   parser.add_option("-s",action='store_true',dest='simhit',help='Run simhit plotter',default=False)
0267   parser.add_option("-d",action='store_true',dest='digi',help='Run digi plotter',default=False)
0268   parser.add_option("-r",action='store_true',dest='reco',help='Run reco plotter',default=False)
0269   options, args = parser.parse_args()
0271   if len(sys.argv) ==1 :
0272     parser.print_help()
0273     exit()
0274   # If no argument, default name will be used.
0275   if len(args)==0 :
0276     print "Input file name is None."
0277     print "Use default name."
0278     args.append("DQM_V0001_R000000001__Global__CMSSW_X_Y_Z__RECO.root")
0280   if len(args) != 1 : 
0281     print "Can not understand input argument"
0282     parser.print_help()
0284   steps= []
0285   if ( options.all ) :
0286     options.simhit=True
0287     options.digi=True
0288     options.reco=True
0290   if ( options.simhit) :
0291     steps.append("GEMHits")
0292   if ( options.digi) :
0293     steps.append("GEMDigis")
0294   if ( options.reco) :
0295     steps.append("GEMRecHits")
0297   for step in steps :
0298     tDir = "DQMData/Run 1/Muon%sV/Run summary/%sTask"%(step,step)
0299     oDir ="_%s"%(step)+'/'
0300     os.system("mkdir -p "+oDir )
0301     draw_plot(args[0],tDir,oDir)  
0302     #print args[0],tDir, oDir