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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:33:05

0001 #include <TObjArray.h>
0003 TH1F * DivideHistos
0004  ( TFile * f,
0005    TH1 * h_proto,
0006    const TString & num_name,
0007    const TString & denom_name )
0008  {
0009   TH1F * h_num = (TH1F *)f->Get(num_name) ;
0010   TH1F * h_denom = (TH1F *)f->Get(denom_name) ;
0011 //  std::cout
0012 //   <<"DIVIDING "<<num_name<<" ("<<h_num->GetEntries()<<" entries)"
0013 //   <<" by "<<denom_name<<" ("<<h_denom->GetEntries()<<" entries)"
0014 //   <<std::endl ;
0015   TH1F * h_res = (TH1F*)h_proto->Clone();
0016   h_res->Divide(h_num,h_denom,1,1,"b") ;
0017 //  h_res->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(h_proto->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()) ;
0018 //  h_res->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(h_proto->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()) ;
0019 ////  h_res->SetName(h_proto->GetName()) ;
0020 //  h_res->SetTitle(h_proto->GetTitle()) ;
0021   return h_res ;
0022  }
0024 void Join
0025  ( const TObjArray * tokens, TString & common )
0026  {
0027   tokens->Compress() ;
0028   if (tokens->GetEntries()==0)
0029    { common = "" ; return ; }
0030   else
0031    { common = ((TObjString *)(tokens->At(0)))->GetString() ; }
0032   if (tokens->GetEntries()==1)
0033    { return ; }
0034   TObjString * token_obj ;
0035   Int_t token, max_token = tokens->GetEntries() ;
0036   for ( token=1 ; token<max_token ; ++token )
0037    {
0038     common += "_" ;
0039     token_obj = (TObjString *)(tokens->At(token)) ;
0040     common += token_obj->GetString() ;
0041    }
0042  }
0044 void CompareHistoNames
0045  ( const TString & h1_name,
0046    const TString & h2_name,
0047    TString &  common,
0048    TString &  h1_specific,
0049    TString &  h2_specific )
0050  {
0051   TObjArray * h1_tokens = h1_name.Tokenize("_") ;
0052   TObjArray * h2_tokens = h2_name.Tokenize("_") ;
0053   TObjArray * common_tokens = new TObjArray ;
0054   Int_t h1_nb_tokens = h1_tokens->GetEntries() ;
0055   Int_t h2_nb_tokens = h2_tokens->GetEntries() ;
0056   Int_t token, max_token = (h1_nb_tokens<h2_nb_tokens?h1_nb_tokens:h2_nb_tokens) ;
0057   for ( token=0 ; token<max_token ; ++token )
0058    {
0059     if (h1_tokens->At(token)->IsEqual(h2_tokens->At(token))==kFALSE) break ;
0060     common_tokens->Add(h1_tokens->At(token)) ;
0061     h1_tokens->RemoveAt(token) ;
0062     h2_tokens->RemoveAt(token) ;
0063    }
0064   Join(common_tokens,common) ;
0065   Join(h1_tokens,h1_specific) ;
0066   Join(h2_tokens,h2_specific) ;
0067  }
0069 void RenderHisto( TObject * obj, TCanvas * canvas )
0070  {
0071   assert(obj->InheritsFrom("TH1")) ;
0072   TH1 * histo = dynamic_cast<TH1*>(obj) ;
0073   assert(histo) ;
0075   TString histo_option = ((TH1 *)obj)->GetOption() ;
0076   if ((histo_option.Contains("ELE_LOGY")==kTRUE)&&(histo->GetMaximum()>0))
0077    { canvas->SetLogy(1) ; }
0079   int histo_name_flag = 1 ; // use 0 to switch off
0080   if ( obj->InheritsFrom("TH2") )
0081    {
0082     gStyle->SetPalette(1) ;
0083     gStyle->SetOptStat(110+histo_name_flag) ;
0084    }
0085   else if ( obj->InheritsFrom("TProfile") )
0086    { gStyle->SetOptStat(110+histo_name_flag) ; }
0087   else // TH1
0088    { gStyle->SetOptStat(111110+histo_name_flag) ; }
0089  }
0092 int electronValidation()
0093  {
0094   TString DBS_SAMPLE = gSystem->Getenv("DD_SAMPLE") ;
0095   TString DBS_COND = gSystem->Getenv("DD_COND") ;
0097   TString val_ref_file_name = gSystem->Getenv("VAL_REF_FILE") ;
0098   TString val_new_file_name = gSystem->Getenv("VAL_NEW_FILE") ;
0099   TString val_ref_release = gSystem->Getenv("VAL_REF_RELEASE") ;
0100   TString val_new_release = gSystem->Getenv("VAL_NEW_RELEASE") ;
0101   TString val_analyzer = gSystem->Getenv("VAL_ANALYZER") ;
0102   TString val_configuration = gSystem->Getenv("VAL_CONFIGURATION") ;
0103   TString val_comment = gSystem->Getenv("VAL_COMMENT") ;
0105   TString val_web = gSystem->Getenv("VAL_WEB") ;
0106   TString val_web_sub_dir = gSystem->Getenv("VAL_WEB_SUB_DIR") ;
0107   TString val_web_url = gSystem->Getenv("VAL_URL") ;
0109   std::string val_web_path = val_web+"/"+val_new_release+"/Electrons/vs"+val_ref_release+"/"+val_web_sub_dir ;
0110   std::string val_web_url_path = val_web_url+"/"+val_new_release+"/Electrons/vs"+val_ref_release+"/"+val_web_sub_dir ;
0111   std::string histos_path = val_web_path+"/histos.txt" ;
0112   std::string index_path = val_web_path+"/index.html" ;
0114   // style:
0115   TStyle *eleStyle = new TStyle("eleStyle","Style for electron validation");
0116   eleStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0);
0117   eleStyle->SetCanvasColor(kWhite);
0118   eleStyle->SetCanvasDefH(600);
0119   eleStyle->SetCanvasDefW(800);
0120   eleStyle->SetCanvasDefX(0);
0121   eleStyle->SetCanvasDefY(0);
0122   eleStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0);
0123   eleStyle->SetPadColor(kWhite);
0124   eleStyle->SetPadGridX(false);
0125   eleStyle->SetPadGridY(false);
0126   eleStyle->SetGridColor(0);
0127   eleStyle->SetGridStyle(3);
0128   eleStyle->SetGridWidth(1);
0129   eleStyle->SetOptStat(1);
0130   eleStyle->SetPadTickX(1);
0131   eleStyle->SetPadTickY(1);
0132   eleStyle->SetHistLineColor(1);
0133   eleStyle->SetHistLineStyle(0);
0134   eleStyle->SetHistLineWidth(2);
0135   eleStyle->SetEndErrorSize(2);
0136   eleStyle->SetErrorX(0.);
0137   eleStyle->SetOptStat(1);
0138   eleStyle->SetTitleColor(1, "XYZ");
0139   eleStyle->SetTitleFont(42, "XYZ");
0140   eleStyle->SetTitleXOffset(1.0);
0141   eleStyle->SetTitleYOffset(1.0);
0142   eleStyle->SetLabelOffset(0.005, "XYZ");
0143   eleStyle->SetTitleSize(0.05, "XYZ");
0144   eleStyle->SetTitleFont(22,"X");
0145   eleStyle->SetTitleFont(22,"Y");
0146   eleStyle->SetHistLineWidth(2);
0147   eleStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.13);
0148   eleStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.15);
0149   eleStyle->SetMarkerStyle(21);
0150   eleStyle->SetMarkerSize(0.8);
0152   eleStyle->cd();
0154   gROOT->ForceStyle();
0156   TString internal_path("DQMData/Run 1/EgammaV/Run summary/") ;
0157   TString old_internal_path("DQMData/EgammaV/") ;
0159   TString val_ref_file_url ;
0160   TString file_ref_dir ;
0161   TFile * file_ref = 0 ;
0162   if ( val_ref_file_name != "" )
0163    {
0164     file_ref = TFile::Open(val_ref_file_name) ;
0165     if (file_ref!=0)
0166      {
0167       std::cout<<"open "<<val_ref_file_name<<std::endl ;
0168       if (val_ref_file_name.BeginsWith(val_web)==kTRUE)
0169        {
0170         val_ref_file_url = val_ref_file_name ;
0171         val_ref_file_url.Remove(0,val_web.Length()) ;
0172         val_ref_file_url.Prepend(val_web_url) ;
0173        }
0174       if (file_ref->cd(internal_path)==kTRUE)
0175        {
0176         std::cerr<<"cd "<<internal_path<<std::endl ;
0177         file_ref_dir = internal_path ;
0178         file_ref->cd() ;
0179        }
0180       else if (file_ref->cd(old_internal_path)==kTRUE)
0181        {
0182         std::cerr<<"cd "<<old_internal_path<<std::endl ;
0183         file_ref_dir = old_internal_path ;
0184         file_ref->cd() ;
0185        }
0186       else
0187        {
0188         std::cerr<<"Failed move to: "<<internal_path<<" and "<<old_internal_path<<std::endl ;
0189         file_ref_dir = "" ;
0190        }
0191      }
0192     else
0193      { std::cerr<<"Failed to open: "<<val_ref_file_name<<std::endl ; }
0194    }
0196   TString val_new_file_url ;
0197   TString file_new_dir = internal_path  ;
0198   TFile * file_new = 0 ;
0199   if ( val_new_file_name != "" )
0200    {
0201     file_new = TFile::Open(val_new_file_name) ;
0202     if (file_new!=0)
0203      {
0204       std::cout<<"open "<<val_new_file_name<<std::endl ;
0205       if (val_new_file_name.BeginsWith(val_web)==kTRUE)
0206        {
0207         val_new_file_url = val_new_file_name ;
0208         val_new_file_url.Remove(0,val_web.Length()) ;
0209         val_new_file_url.Prepend(val_web_url) ;
0210        }
0211       if (file_new->cd(internal_path)==kTRUE)
0212        {
0213         std::cerr<<"cd "<<internal_path<<std::endl ;
0214         file_new_dir = internal_path ;
0215         file_new->cd() ;
0216        }
0217       else if (file_new->cd(old_internal_path)==kTRUE)
0218        {
0219         std::cerr<<"cd "<<old_internal_path<<std::endl ;
0220         file_new_dir = old_internal_path ;
0221         file_new->cd() ;
0222        }
0223       else
0224        {
0225         std::cerr<<"Failed move to: "<<internal_path<<" and "<<old_internal_path<<std::endl ;
0226         file_new_dir = "" ;
0227        }
0228      }
0229     else
0230      { std::cerr<<"Failed to open: "<<val_new_file_name<<std::endl ; }
0231    }
0233   TCanvas * canvas ;
0234   TH1 * histo_ref, * histo_new ;
0235   TPaveStats * st_ref, * st_new ;
0237   std::ofstream web_page(index_path.c_str()) ;
0239   web_page
0240     <<"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\n"
0241     <<"<html>\n"
0242     <<"<head>\n"
0243     <<"<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\n"
0244     <<"<title>"<<val_new_release<<" vs "<<val_ref_release<<" / "<<DBS_SAMPLE<<" / "<<DBS_COND<<"</title>\n"
0245     <<"</head>\n"
0246     <<"<h1><a href=\"../\"><img border=0 width=\"22\" height=\"22\" src=\"../../../../img/up.gif\" alt=\"Up\"/></a>&nbsp;"<<val_new_release<<" vs "<<val_ref_release<<" / "<<DBS_SAMPLE<<" / "<<DBS_COND<<"</h1>\n" ;
0248   web_page<<"<p>"<<val_comment ;
0249   if (file_ref==0)
0250    {
0251     web_page
0252      <<" In all plots below"
0253      <<", there was no "<<val_ref_release<<" histograms to compare with"
0254        <<", and the <a href=\""<<val_new_file_url<<"\">"<<val_new_release<<" histograms</a> are in red"
0255      <<"." ;
0256    }
0257   else
0258    {
0259     web_page
0260      <<" In all plots below"
0261        <<", the <a href=\""<<val_new_file_url<<"\">"<<val_new_release<<" histograms</a> are in red"
0262      <<", and the <a href=\""<<val_ref_file_url<<"\">"<<val_ref_release<<" histograms</a> are in blue"
0263      <<"." ;
0264    }
0265   web_page
0266     <<" They were made using analyzer "
0267     <<"<a href=\""<<val_analyzer<<".h\">"
0268     <<"Validation/RecoEgamma/plugins/"<<val_analyzer<<".h"
0269     <<"</a> and configuration "
0270     <<"<a href=\""<<val_configuration<<"\">"
0271     <<"Validation/RecoEgamma/test/"<<val_configuration
0272     <<"</a>, with dataset "<<DBS_SAMPLE<<" as input." ;
0273   web_page
0274     <<" Some more details"
0275     <<": <a href=\"electronValidation.C\">script</a> used to make the plots"
0276     <<", <a href=\"histos.txt\">specification</a> of histograms"
0277     <<", <a href=\"gifs/\">images</a> of histograms"
0278     <<"." ;
0279   web_page<<"</p>\n" ;
0281   // canvas_name std::string => TString
0282   TString canvas_name, histo_name, histo_full_path, gif_name, gif_path ;
0283   TString short_histo_name ;
0284   TString first_short_histo_name, first_histo_name ;
0285   TString dl_short_histo_name, dl_histo_name ;
0286   TString num_ref, denom_ref, num_full, denom_full ;
0287   Int_t n_ele_charge ;
0288   int scaled, err ;
0289   int divide;
0290   std::string cat, line, histo_path, num, denom ;
0291   int eol ; // end of line
0292   int eoc ; // enf of category
0293   double rescale_factor = 0. ;
0295   std::ifstream histo_file1(histos_path.c_str()) ;
0297   web_page
0298     <<"<br><table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"5\" width=\"100%\">"
0299     <<"<tr valign=\"top\"><td width=\"20%\">\n" ;
0300   int cat_num = 0 ;
0302   cat = "" ;
0303   do
0304    {
0305     std::getline(histo_file1,cat) ;
0306    } while (cat.find_first_not_of(" \t")==std::string::npos) ;
0308   web_page<<"<b>"<<cat<<"</b><br><br>" ;
0310   while (std::getline(histo_file1,line))
0311    {
0312     if (line.empty()) continue ;
0313     std::size_t first = line.find_first_not_of(" \t") ;
0314     if (first==std::string::npos) continue ;
0315     if (line[first]=='#') continue ;
0317     std::istringstream linestream(line) ;
0318     divide = 0 ; num = denom = "" ;
0319     linestream >> histo_path >> scaled >> err >> eol >> eoc >> divide >> num >> denom ;
0321     histo_name = histo_path ;
0322     Ssiz_t pos = histo_name.Last('/') ;
0323     if (pos!=kNPOS) histo_name.Remove(0,pos+1) ;
0324     short_histo_name = histo_name ;
0325     short_histo_name.Remove(0,2) ;
0326     if (short_histo_name.BeginsWith("ele_"))
0327      { short_histo_name.Remove(0,4) ; }
0329     if (first_histo_name.IsNull())
0330      {
0331       first_short_histo_name = short_histo_name ;
0332       first_histo_name = histo_name ;
0333       dl_short_histo_name = short_histo_name ;
0334       dl_histo_name = histo_name ;
0335      }
0336     else
0337      {
0338       TString common ;
0339       TString first_specific ;
0340       TString second_specific ;
0341       CompareHistoNames(first_short_histo_name,short_histo_name,common,first_specific,second_specific) ;
0342       if (!dl_histo_name.IsNull())
0343        {
0344         if (first_specific.IsNull())
0345          { web_page<<"<a href=\"#"<<first_histo_name<<"\">"<<first_short_histo_name<<"</a>" ; }
0346         else
0347          { web_page<<common<<"&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#"<<first_histo_name<<"\">"<<first_specific<<"</a>" ; }
0348         dl_short_histo_name = dl_histo_name = "" ;
0349        }
0350       web_page<<"&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href=\"#"<<histo_name<<"\">"<<second_specific<<"</a>" ;
0351      }
0353     if ((eol)||(eoc))
0354      {
0355       if (!dl_histo_name.IsNull())
0356        { web_page<<"<a href=\"#"<<dl_histo_name<<"\">"<<dl_short_histo_name<<"</a>" ; }
0357       web_page<<"<br>\n" ;
0358       first_histo_name = first_short_histo_name = "" ;
0359      }
0361     if (eoc)
0362      {
0363       cat_num++ ;
0364       if ((cat_num%5)==0)
0365        { web_page<<"<br></td></tr>\n<tr valign=\"top\"><td width=\"20%\">" ; }
0366       else
0367        { web_page<<"<br></td><td width=\"20%\">\n" ; }
0368       cat = "" ;
0369       do
0370        {
0371         std::getline(histo_file1,cat) ;
0372        } while (cat.find_first_not_of(" \t")==std::string::npos) ;
0373       web_page<<"<b>"<<cat<<"</b><br><br>" ;
0374      }
0375    }
0376   web_page<<"<br></td></tr></table>\n" ;
0377   histo_file1.close() ;
0379   web_page<<"<br><br><table cellpadding=\"5\"><tr valign=\"top\"><td><a href=\""<<val_web_url_path<<"\"><img width=\"18\" height=\"18\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" src=\"../../../../img/up.gif\" alt=\"Top\"/></a></td><td>\n" ;
0380   std::ifstream histo_file2(histos_path.c_str()) ;
0382   n_ele_charge = 0 ;
0383   cat = "" ;
0384   do
0385    {
0386     std::getline(histo_file2,cat) ;
0387    } while (cat.empty()) ;
0389   while (std::getline(histo_file2,line))
0390    {
0391     if (line.empty()) continue ;
0392     std::size_t first = line.find_first_not_of(" \t") ;
0393     if (first==std::string::npos) continue ;
0394     if (line[first]=='#') continue ;
0396     std::istrstream linestream(line) ;
0397     divide = 0 ; num = denom = "" ;
0398     linestream >> histo_path >> scaled >> err >> eol >> eoc >> divide >> num >> denom ;
0400     histo_name = histo_path.c_str() ;
0401     histo_ref = 0 ;
0402     histo_new = 0 ;
0403     st_ref = 0 ;
0404     st_new = 0 ;
0406     Ssiz_t pos = histo_name.Last('/') ;
0407     if (pos!=kNPOS) histo_name.Remove(0,pos+1) ;
0408     short_histo_name = histo_name ;
0409     short_histo_name.Remove(0,2) ;
0411     gif_name = "gifs/" ; gif_name += histo_name ; gif_name += ".gif" ;
0412     gif_path = val_web_path ; gif_path += "/" ; gif_path += gif_name ;
0413     canvas_name = "c" ; canvas_name += histo_name ;
0414     canvas = new TCanvas(canvas_name) ;
0415     canvas->SetFillColor(10) ;
0417     web_page<<"<a id=\""<<histo_name<<"\" name=\""<<short_histo_name<<"\"></a>" ;
0419     // search histo_ref
0420     if ( file_ref != 0 )
0421      {
0422       if (file_ref_dir.IsNull())
0423        { histo_full_path = histo_name ; }
0424       else
0425        { histo_full_path = file_ref_dir ; histo_full_path += histo_path.c_str() ; }
0426       histo_ref = (TH1 *)file_ref->Get(histo_full_path) ;
0427       if (histo_ref!=0)
0428        {
0429         // renaming those histograms avoid very strange bugs because they
0430         // have the same names as the ones loaded from the new file
0431         histo_ref->SetName(TString(histo_ref->GetName())+"_ref") ;
0432        }
0433       else
0434        {
0435         web_page<<"No <b>"<<histo_path<<"</b> for "<<val_ref_release<<".<br>" ;
0436        }
0437      }
0439     // search histo_new
0440     histo_full_path = file_new_dir ; histo_full_path += histo_path.c_str() ;
0441     histo_new = (TH1 *)file_new->Get(histo_full_path) ;
0443     // special treatments
0444     if ((scaled==1)&&(histo_new!=0)&&(histo_ref!=0)&&(histo_ref->GetEntries()!=0))
0445      {
0446       Int_t new_entries = histo_new->GetEntries() ;
0447       if (new_entries==0) { new_entries = n_ele_charge ; }
0448       if (new_entries==0)
0449        { std::cerr<<"DO NOT KNOW HOW TO RESCALE "<<histo_name<<std::endl ; }
0450       else
0451        {
0452         // we want to reuse the rescale factor of the first histogram
0453         // for all the subsequent histograms.
0454         if (rescale_factor==0.) { rescale_factor = new_entries/histo_ref->GetEntries() ; }
0455         histo_ref->Scale(rescale_factor) ;
0456        }
0457      }
0458     if ((histo_new!=0)&&(histo_ref!=0)&&(histo_ref->GetMaximum()>histo_new->GetMaximum()))
0459      { histo_new->SetMaximum(histo_ref->GetMaximum()*1.1) ; }
0461     if (histo_new==0)
0462      {
0463       web_page<<"No <b>"<<histo_path<<"</b> for "<<val_new_release<<".<br>" ;
0464      }
0465     else
0466      {
0467       // catch n_ele_charge
0468       if (histo_name=="h_ele_charge")
0469        { n_ele_charge = histo_new->GetEntries() ; }
0471       // draw histo_new
0472       TString newDrawOptions(err==1?"E1 P":"hist") ;
0473       gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning ;
0474       if (divide!=0)
0475        {
0476         num_full = file_new_dir ; num_full += num.c_str() ;
0477         denom_full = file_new_dir ; denom_full += denom.c_str() ;
0478         histo_new = DivideHistos(file_new,histo_new,num_full,denom_full) ;
0479        }
0480       histo_new->SetLineColor(kRed) ;
0481       histo_new->SetMarkerColor(2) ;
0482       histo_new->SetLineWidth(3) ;
0483       RenderHisto(histo_new,canvas) ;
0484       histo_new->Draw(newDrawOptions) ;
0485       canvas->Update() ;
0486       st_new = (TPaveStats*)histo_new->FindObject("stats");
0487       st_new->SetTextColor(kRed) ;
0489       // draw histo_ref
0490       if (histo_ref!=0)
0491        {
0492         if (divide!=0)
0493          {
0494           num_ref = num ;
0495           denom_ref = denom ;
0496           if (file_ref_dir.IsNull())
0497            {
0498             pos = num_ref.Last('/') ;
0499             if (pos!=kNPOS) num_ref.Remove(0,pos+1) ;
0500             pos = denom_ref.Last('/') ;
0501             if (pos!=kNPOS) denom_ref.Remove(0,pos+1) ;
0502            }
0503           histo_ref = DivideHistos(file_ref,histo_ref,file_ref_dir+num_ref,file_ref_dir+denom_ref) ;
0504          }
0505         RenderHisto(histo_ref,canvas) ;
0506         histo_ref->SetLineColor(kBlue) ;
0507         histo_ref->SetLineWidth(3) ;
0508         histo_ref->Draw("sames hist") ;
0509         canvas->Update() ;
0510         st_ref = (TPaveStats*)histo_ref->FindObject("stats");
0511         st_ref->SetTextColor(kBlue) ;
0512         Double_t y1 = st_ref->GetY1NDC() ;
0513         Double_t y2 = st_ref->GetY2NDC() ;
0514         st_ref->SetY1NDC(2*y1-y2) ;
0515         st_ref->SetY2NDC(y1) ;
0516        }
0518       // Redraws
0519       newDrawOptions = "sames " ;
0520       newDrawOptions += (err==1?"E1 P":"hist") ;
0521       histo_new->Draw(newDrawOptions) ;
0522       if (st_ref!=0) st_ref->Draw() ;
0523       if (st_new!=0) st_new->Draw() ;
0525       // eventual log scale
0526       //if ( (log==1) && ( (histo_new->GetEntries()>0) || ( (histo_ref!=0) && (histo_ref->GetEntries()!=0) ) ) )
0527       // { canvas->SetLogy(1) ; }
0529       std::cout<<histo_name
0530         <<" has "<<histo_new->GetEffectiveEntries()<<" entries"
0531         <<" of mean value "<<histo_new->GetMean()
0532         <<std::endl ;
0533       canvas->SaveAs(gif_path.Data()) ;
0534       web_page<<"<a href=\""<<gif_name<<"\"><img border=\"0\" class=\"image\" width=\"440\" src=\""<<gif_name<<"\"></a><br>" ;
0535      }
0537 //    else if ((file_ref!=0)&&(histo_ref!=0))
0538 //     {
0539 //      std::cout<<histo_path<<" NOT FOUND"<<std::endl ;
0540 //      web_page<<"<br>(no such histo)" ;
0541 //      canvas->SaveAs(gif_path.Data()) ;
0542 //      web_page<<"<a href=\""<<gif_name<<"\"><img border=\"0\" class=\"image\" width=\"440\" src=\""<<gif_name<<"\"></a><br>" ;
0543 //     }
0545     if (eol)
0546      { web_page<<"</td></tr>\n<tr valign=\"top\"><td><a href=\""<<val_web_url_path<<"\"><img width=\"18\" height=\"18\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" src=\"../../../../img/up.gif\" alt=\"Top\"/></a></td><td>" ; }
0547     else
0548      { web_page<<"</td><td>" ; }
0549     if (eoc)
0550      {
0551       cat = "" ;
0552       do
0553        {
0554         std::getline(histo_file2,cat) ;
0555        } while (cat.empty()) ;
0556      }
0557    }
0558   histo_file2.close() ;
0559   web_page<<"</td></tr></table>\n" ;
0561   web_page<<"\n</html>"<<std::endl ;
0562   web_page.close() ;
0564  }