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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 ##########################################################
0004 # See HLT Config Browser, for up-to-date HLT paths
0005 #
0006 #
0007 # This config is for
0008 #  HLT_HIPhoton15
0009 #    A single photon trigger, requiring at least one HLT photon with ET > 15 GeV.
0010 #    No isolation is required.
0011 #
0012 # This path contains 5 steps:
0013 #  HLT_HIPhoton15 = cms.Path( HLTBeginSequenceBPTX +
0014 #                             hltHIL1sPhoton15 +
0015 #                             hltHIPrePhoton15 +
0016 #                             HLTDoCaloSequence +
0017 #                             HLTDoHIEcalClusSequence +
0018 #                             hltHIPhoton15 +
0019 #                             HLTEndSequence )
0020 #
0021 # The two filter steps:
0022 #   1. hltHIL1sPhoton15
0023 #   2. hltHIPhoton15
0024 #
0025 # ...are what go into the "HLTCollectionLabels" below.
0026 ##########################################################
0029 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
0030 HLT_HIPhoton15_DQM = DQMEDAnalyzer('EmDQM',
0031     triggerobject = cms.InputTag("hltTriggerSummaryRAW","","HLT"),
0032     pdgGen = cms.int32(22),     
0033     genEtaAcc = cms.double(2.5),
0034     genEtAcc = cms.double(10.0),
0035     reqNum = cms.uint32(1),
0036     PtMax = cms.untracked.double(200.0),
0037     useHumanReadableHistTitles = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0039     # Filters from collections listed above.  theHLTOutputTypes defined at the following:
0040     #      
0041     filters = cms.VPSet(
0042         cms.PSet(
0043             PlotBounds = cms.vdouble(0.0, 0.0),
0044             HLTCollectionLabels = cms.InputTag("hltHIL1sPhoton15","","HLT"),
0045             IsoCollections = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("none")),
0046             theHLTOutputTypes = cms.int32(-82),       
0047             HLTCollectionHumanName = cms.untracked.string("Level 1"),
0048             ncandcut = cms.int32(1)
0049         ),
0050         cms.PSet(
0051             PlotBounds = cms.vdouble(0.0, 0.0),
0052             HLTCollectionLabels = cms.InputTag("hltHIPhoton15","","HLT"),
0053             IsoCollections = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("none")),
0054             theHLTOutputTypes = cms.int32(81),
0055             HLTCollectionHumanName = cms.untracked.string("Photon 15"),
0056             ncandcut = cms.int32(1)
0057         )
0058     )
0059 )