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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # Not actually functioning at the moment, use primaryChgSimTracks - Matt Nguyen, 24/7/2013
0004 findableSimTracks = cms.EDFilter("HitPixelLayersTPSelection",
0005     src = cms.InputTag("mix","MergedTrackTruth"),
0006     tripletSeedOnly = cms.bool(True),
0007     chargedOnly = cms.bool(True),
0008     signalOnly = cms.bool(False),
0009         primaryOnly = cms.bool(True),
0010         tpStatusBased = cms.bool(True), # for primary particle definition
0011     ptMin = cms.double(2.0),
0012     minHit = cms.int32(8),
0013     minRapidity = cms.double(-2.5),
0014     maxRapidity = cms.double(2.5),
0015     tip = cms.double(3.5),
0016     lip = cms.double(30.0),
0017     pdgId = cms.vint32()
0018 )
0021 primaryChgSimTracks = cms.EDFilter("HitPixelLayersTPSelection",
0022     src = cms.InputTag("mix","MergedTrackTruth"),
0023           tripletSeedOnly = cms.bool(False),
0024           chargedOnly = cms.bool(True),
0025           signalOnly = cms.bool(False),
0026           primaryOnly = cms.bool(True),
0027           tpStatusBased = cms.bool(True),
0028           ptMin = cms.double(0.1),
0029           minHit = cms.int32(3),
0030           minRapidity = cms.double(-2.5),
0031           maxRapidity = cms.double(2.5),
0032           tip = cms.double(3.5),
0033           lip = cms.double(30.0),
0034           pdgId = cms.vint32()
0035 )