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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from Validation.RecoMuon.selectors_cff import *
0004 from Validation.RecoMuon.histoParameters_cff import *
0006 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
0007 muonTrackValidator = DQMEDAnalyzer("MuonTrackValidator",
0008     # define the TrackingParticleSelector for evaluation of efficiency
0009     muonTPSelector = cms.PSet(muonTPSet),
0010     # input TrackingParticle collections
0011     label_tp = cms.InputTag("mix","MergedTrackTruth"),
0012     label_tp_refvector = cms.bool(False),
0013     label_pileupinfo = cms.InputTag("addPileupInfo"),
0014     #
0015     # input reco::Track collection
0016     label = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("globalMuons")),
0017     beamSpot = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
0018     #
0019     # set true if you do not want that MTV launch an exception
0020     # if the track collection is missing (e.g. HLT):
0021     ignoremissingtrackcollection=cms.untracked.bool(False),
0022     #
0023     # collision-like tracks
0024     parametersDefiner = cms.string('LhcParametersDefinerForTP'),
0025     # cosmics tracks
0026     # parametersDefiner = cms.string('CosmicParametersDefinerForTP'), 
0027     #
0028     # map linking SimHits to TrackingParticles, needed for cosmics validation`
0029     simHitTpMapTag = cms.InputTag("simHitTPAssocProducer"), 
0030     #
0031     # if !UseAssociators the association map has to be given in input 
0032     associators = cms.vstring('MuonAssociationByHits'),
0033     UseAssociators = cms.bool(False),
0034     useGEMs = cms.bool(False),
0035     useME0 = cms.bool(False),
0036     associatormap = cms.InputTag("tpToMuonTrackAssociation"),
0037     #
0038     # BiDirectional Logic for RecoToSim association corrects the Fake rates (counting ghosts and split tracks as fakes)
0039     #  setting it to False the ghost and split tracks are counted as good ones
0040     #  the default setting is True: should NOT be changed !
0041     BiDirectional_RecoToSim_association = cms.bool(True),
0042     #
0043     # Output File / Directory
0044     outputFile = cms.string(''),
0045     dirName = cms.string('Muons/RecoMuonV/MuonTrack/'),
0046     #
0047     # Parameters defining which histograms to make and their attributes (nbins, range: min, max...)
0048     muonHistoParameters = cms.PSet(defaultMuonHistoParameters)
0049 )
0051 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run3_GEM_cff import run3_GEM
0052 run3_GEM.toModify( muonTrackValidator, useGEMs = cms.bool(True) )
0053 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_muon_cff import phase2_muon
0054 phase2_muon.toModify( muonTrackValidator, useME0 = cms.bool(True) )
0055 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_GE0_cff import phase2_GE0
0056 phase2_GE0.toModify( muonTrackValidator, useME0 = cms.bool(False) )
0058 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.premix_stage2_cff import premix_stage2
0059 premix_stage2.toModify(muonTrackValidator,
0060     label_tp = "mixData:MergedTrackTruth"
0061 )