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0001 #!/bin/bash
0003 ###########################################################################
0004 ## This bash script is designed to be called from some sort of batch     ##
0005 ## system that does NOT have a local run area. DO NOT USE THIS TO RUN ON ##
0006 ## CONDOR.  It assumes that you are running in a CMSSW release and want  ##
0007 ## the CMSSW environment setup.                                          ##
0008 ##                                                                       ##
0009 ## You call the script:                                                  ##
0010 ## runCMScommand.bash directory  logfile executable [arg1 arg2...]       ##
0011 ##                                                                       ##
0012 ## cplager  090924                                                       ##
0013 ###########################################################################
0015 ## Used to run executables.
0016 if [ -z "$3" ]; then
0017   echo Usage: $0 directory logname executable \[arg1 arg2...\]
0018   exit;
0019 fi
0021 unset DISPLAY
0023 ## setup variables
0024 export DIR=$1
0025 shift
0026 export LOG=$1.log
0027 shift
0028 export EXE=$1
0029 shift
0031 # go to directory (which had better be in a CMSSW release)
0032 cd $DIR
0034 # setup CMS environment
0035 . /uscmst1/prod/sw/cms/shrc prod
0036 eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`
0038 echo "hostname:" `hostname` > $LOG
0039 date >> $LOG
0040 pwd >> $LOG
0041 echo $EXE $@ >> $LOG 2>&1
0042 (time $EXE $@)  >> $LOG 2>&1