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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 //
0003 // Package:    StripClusterMCanalysis
0004 // Class:      StripClusterMCanalysis
0005 //
0006 /**\class StripClusterMCanalysis UserCode/WTFord/detAnalysis/StripClusterMCanalysis/src/
0008  Description:  Analyze siStrip clusters for multiple track crossings
0010  The original purpose was to explore the separation via dE/dx between clusters
0011  originating from a single minimum-ionizing charged particle and those from
0012  overlap of multiple particles.  To this end we create a flat root ntuple 
0013  providing for each cluster information extracted from associated simTracks and 
0014  simHits regarding the charge, path length, particle ID, originating physics
0015  process, etc.
0017  Implementation:
0018      <Notes on implementation>
0019 */
0020 //
0021 //   Original Author:  William T. Ford
0022 //           Created:  Sat Nov 21 18:02:42 MST 2009
0023 // Adapted for CMSSW:  September, 2015
0024 // $Id:,v 1.3 2011/06/01 23:22:26 wtford Exp $
0025 //
0026 //
0028 // this class header
0030 // system include files
0031 #include <memory>
0033 // user include files
0034 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0035 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0036 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/one/EDAnalyzer.h"
0037 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0038 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDGetToken.h"
0039 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0040 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
0042 #include "TH1F.h"
0043 #include "TH2F.h"
0044 #include "TROOT.h"
0046 #include "TObject.h"
0047 #include "TH1D.h"
0048 #include "TTree.h"
0049 #include "CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/TFileService.h"
0051 // Data Formats
0052 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/DetSet.h"
0053 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/DetSetVector.h"
0054 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/DetSetVectorNew.h"
0055 #include "DataFormats/BeamSpot/interface/BeamSpot.h"
0056 #include "DataFormats/VertexReco/interface/Vertex.h"
0057 #include "DataFormats/VertexReco/interface/VertexFwd.h"
0058 #include "DataFormats/SiStripCluster/interface/SiStripCluster.h"
0059 #include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
0060 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/StripSubdetector.h"
0061 #include "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/TrackerTopology.h"
0062 #include "SimDataFormats/CrossingFrame/interface/CrossingFrame.h"
0063 #include "SimDataFormats/CrossingFrame/interface/MixCollection.h"
0064 #include "SimDataFormats/TrackerDigiSimLink/interface/StripDigiSimLink.h"
0065 #include "SimDataFormats/TrackingHit/interface/PSimHitContainer.h"
0066 #include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/TrackerGeometry.h"
0067 #include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/StripGeomDetUnit.h"
0068 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerDigiGeometryRecord.h"
0069 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerTopologyRcd.h"  // PR#7802
0071 //
0072 //  Particle interaction process codes are found in
0073 // SimG4Core/Physics/src/
0074 // See also
0075 //
0077 //
0078 // class declaration
0079 //
0081 class StripClusterMCanalysis : public edm::one::EDAnalyzer<edm::one::SharedResources> {
0082 public:
0083   explicit StripClusterMCanalysis(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0084   ~StripClusterMCanalysis() override;
0086 private:
0087   void beginJob() override;
0088   void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
0090   typedef std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> simHitCollectionID;
0091   typedef std::pair<simHitCollectionID, unsigned int> simhitAddr;
0092   typedef std::map<simHitCollectionID, std::vector<PSimHit> > simhit_collectionMap;
0093   simhit_collectionMap SimHitCollMap_;
0095   void makeMap(const edm::Event& theEvent);
0097   // ----------member data ---------------------------
0099 private:
0100   const edm::ESGetToken<TrackerTopology, TrackerTopologyRcd> topoToken_;
0101   const edm::ESGetToken<TrackerGeometry, TrackerDigiGeometryRecord> tkGeomToken_;
0102   edm::ParameterSet conf_;
0103   edm::InputTag beamSpotLabel_;
0104   edm::InputTag primaryVertexLabel_;
0105   edm::InputTag stripClusterSourceLabel_;
0106   edm::InputTag stripSimLinkLabel_;
0107   int printOut_;
0108   edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::BeamSpot> beamSpotToken_;
0109   edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::VertexCollection> primaryVertexToken_;
0110   edm::EDGetTokenT<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> > clusterToken_;
0111   edm::EDGetTokenT<edm::DetSetVector<StripDigiSimLink> > stripSimlinkToken_;
0112   std::vector<edm::EDGetTokenT<CrossingFrame<PSimHit> > > cfTokens_;
0113   std::vector<edm::EDGetTokenT<std::vector<PSimHit> > > simHitTokens_;
0115   edm::Handle<edm::DetSetVector<StripDigiSimLink> > stripdigisimlink;
0117   int evCnt_;
0119   TTree* clusTree_;  // tree filled for each cluster
0120   struct ClusterStruct {
0121     int subDet;
0122     float thickness;
0123     int width;
0124     int NsimHits;
0125     int firstProcess;
0126     int secondProcess;
0127     int thirdProcess;
0128     int fourthProcess;
0129     int firstPID;
0130     int secondPID;
0131     int thirdPID;
0132     int fourthPID;
0133     int Ntp;
0134     float firstTkChg;
0135     float secondTkChg;
0136     float thirdTkChg;
0137     float fourthTkChg;
0138     float charge;
0139     float firstPmag;
0140     float secondPmag;
0141     float thirdPmag;
0142     float fourthPmag;
0143     float firstPathLength;
0144     float secondPathLength;
0145     float thirdPathLength;
0146     float fourthPathLength;
0147     float pathLstraight;
0148     float allHtPathLength;
0149     float Eloss;
0150     int sat;
0151     int tkFlip;
0152     int ovlap;
0153     int layer;
0154     int stereo;
0155   } clusNtp_;
0157   TTree* pvTree_;  // tree filled for each pixel vertex
0158   struct pvStruct {
0159     int isValid;
0160     int isFake;
0161     int Ntrks;
0162     int nDoF;
0163     float chisq;
0164     float xV;
0165     float yV;
0166     float zV;
0167     float xVsig;
0168     float yVsig;
0169     float zVsig;
0170   } pvNtp_;
0172   TH1F* hNpv;
0173   TH2F* hzV_Iev;
0174   TH2F* hNtrk_zVerrPri;
0175   TH2F* hNtrk_zVerrSec;
0176   TH1F* hZvPri;
0177   TH1F* hZvSec;
0178 };
0180 //
0181 // constructors and destructor
0182 //
0183 StripClusterMCanalysis::StripClusterMCanalysis(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
0184     : topoToken_(esConsumes()),
0185       tkGeomToken_(esConsumes()),
0186       conf_(iConfig),
0187       beamSpotLabel_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("beamSpot")),
0188       primaryVertexLabel_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("primaryVertex")),
0189       stripClusterSourceLabel_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("stripClusters")),
0190       stripSimLinkLabel_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("stripSimLinks")),
0191       printOut_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("printOut")) {
0192   //now do whatever initialization is needed
0193   usesResource(TFileService::kSharedResource);
0195   beamSpotToken_ = consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(beamSpotLabel_);
0196   primaryVertexToken_ = consumes<reco::VertexCollection>(primaryVertexLabel_);
0197   clusterToken_ = consumes<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> >(stripClusterSourceLabel_);
0198   stripSimlinkToken_ = consumes<edm::DetSetVector<StripDigiSimLink> >(stripSimLinkLabel_);
0200   std::vector<std::string> trackerContainers(iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("ROUList"));
0201   cfTokens_.reserve(trackerContainers.size());
0202   simHitTokens_.reserve(trackerContainers.size());
0203   for (auto const& trackerContainer : trackerContainers) {
0204     cfTokens_.push_back(consumes<CrossingFrame<PSimHit> >(edm::InputTag("mix", trackerContainer)));
0205     simHitTokens_.push_back(consumes<std::vector<PSimHit> >(edm::InputTag("g4SimHits", trackerContainer)));
0206   }
0207 }
0209 StripClusterMCanalysis::~StripClusterMCanalysis() = default;
0211 //
0212 // member functions
0213 //
0215 // ------------ method called to for each event  ------------
0216 void StripClusterMCanalysis::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
0217   using namespace edm;
0218   using namespace std;
0220   if (printOut_ > 0)
0221     std::cout << std::endl;
0223   evCnt_++;
0225   // Retrieve tracker topology from geometry
0226   const TrackerTopology* const tTopo = &iSetup.getData(topoToken_);
0228   // Get the beam spot
0229   edm::Handle<reco::BeamSpot> recoBeamSpotHandle;
0230   iEvent.getByToken(beamSpotToken_, recoBeamSpotHandle);
0231   const reco::BeamSpot& bs = *recoBeamSpotHandle;
0232   reco::Vertex::Point estPriVtx(bs.position());
0234   // and the primary vertex
0235   edm::Handle<reco::VertexCollection> pixelVertexCollectionHandle;
0236   if (iEvent.getByToken(primaryVertexToken_, pixelVertexCollectionHandle)) {
0237     const reco::VertexCollection pixelVertexColl = *(pixelVertexCollectionHandle.product());
0238     hNpv->Fill(int(pixelVertexColl.size()));
0239     float zv = 0, zverr = 0;
0240     reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator vi = pixelVertexColl.begin();
0241     if (vi != pixelVertexColl.end() && vi->isValid()) {
0242       estPriVtx = vi->position();
0243       zv = vi->z();
0244       zverr = vi->zError();
0245     }
0246     hZvPri->Fill(zv);
0247     //    iterate over pixel vertices and fill the pixel vertex Ntuple
0248     int iVtx = 0;
0249     for (reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator vi = pixelVertexColl.begin(); vi != pixelVertexColl.end(); ++vi) {
0250       if (printOut_ > 0)
0251         std::cout << "  " << vi->tracksSize() << "  " << vi->z() << "+/-" << vi->zError() << std::endl;
0252       pvNtp_.isValid = int(vi->isValid());
0253       pvNtp_.isFake = int(vi->isFake());
0254       pvNtp_.Ntrks = vi->tracksSize();
0255       pvNtp_.nDoF = vi->ndof();
0256       pvNtp_.chisq = vi->chi2();
0257       pvNtp_.xV = vi->x();
0258       pvNtp_.yV = vi->y();
0259       pvNtp_.zV = vi->z();
0260       pvNtp_.xVsig = vi->xError();
0261       pvNtp_.yVsig = vi->yError();
0262       pvNtp_.zVsig = vi->zError();
0263       pvTree_->Fill();
0264       hzV_Iev->Fill(vi->z(), evCnt_);
0265       if (iVtx == 0) {
0266         hNtrk_zVerrPri->Fill(vi->zError(), vi->tracksSize());
0267       } else {
0268         hNtrk_zVerrSec->Fill(vi->zError(), vi->tracksSize());
0269         hZvSec->Fill(vi->z() - zv);
0270       }
0271       ++iVtx;
0272     }
0273     if (printOut_ > 0)
0274       std::cout << "  zv = " << zv << " +/- " << zverr << std::endl;
0275   } else {
0276     if (printOut_ > 0)
0277       std::cout << "No vertices found." << std::endl;
0278   }
0280   // Get the simHit info
0281   makeMap(iEvent);
0283   /////////////////////////
0284   // Cluster collections //
0285   /////////////////////////
0286   Handle<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> > dsv_SiStripCluster;
0287   iEvent.getByToken(clusterToken_, dsv_SiStripCluster);
0289   iEvent.getByToken(stripSimlinkToken_, stripdigisimlink);
0290   edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> tkgeom = iSetup.getHandle(tkGeomToken_);
0291   if (!tkgeom.isValid()) {
0292     std::cout << "Unable to find TrackerDigiGeometryRecord in event!";
0293     return;
0294   }
0295   const TrackerGeometry& tracker(*tkgeom);
0297   // Loop over subdetectors
0298   int clusterCount = 0;
0299   int clustersNoDigiSimLink = 0;
0300   for (edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster>::const_iterator DSViter = dsv_SiStripCluster->begin();
0301        DSViter != dsv_SiStripCluster->end();
0302        DSViter++) {
0303     uint32_t detID = DSViter->id();
0304     DetId theDet(detID);
0305     int subDet = theDet.subdetId();
0307     // Find the path length of a straight track from the primary vertex
0308     const StripGeomDetUnit* DetUnit = nullptr;
0309     DetUnit = (const StripGeomDetUnit*)tracker.idToDetUnit(theDet);
0310     float thickness = 0;
0311     if (DetUnit != nullptr)
0312       thickness = DetUnit->surface().bounds().thickness();
0313     int layer = 0;
0314     int stereo = 0;
0315     if (subDet == int(StripSubdetector::TIB)) {
0316       layer = tTopo->tibLayer(detID);
0317       if (tTopo->tibIsStereo(detID))
0318         stereo = 1;
0319     }
0320     if (printOut_ > 0) {
0321       std::cout << tTopo->print(detID);
0322       std::cout << " thickness " << thickness << std::endl;
0323     }
0325     LocalPoint locVtx = DetUnit->toLocal(GlobalPoint(estPriVtx.X(), estPriVtx.Y(), estPriVtx.Z()));
0326     float modPathLength = fabs(thickness * locVtx.mag() / locVtx.z());
0327     if (printOut_ > 0) {
0328       std::cout << "  Module at " << DetUnit->position() << std::endl;
0329       std::cout << "  PriVtx at " << locVtx;
0330       printf("%s%7.4f%s%4d%s\n", " path ", modPathLength, ", ", DSViter->size(), " clusters");
0331     }
0333     edm::DetSetVector<StripDigiSimLink>::const_iterator isearch = stripdigisimlink->find(detID);
0335     // Traverse the clusters for this subdetector
0336     for (edmNew::DetSet<SiStripCluster>::const_iterator ClusIter = DSViter->begin(); ClusIter != DSViter->end();
0337          ClusIter++) {
0338       clusterCount++;
0340       // Look for a digisimlink matching this cluster
0341       if (isearch == stripdigisimlink->end()) {
0342         clustersNoDigiSimLink++;
0343         if (printOut_ > 0)
0344           std::cout << "No digisimlinks for this module" << std::endl;
0345         continue;
0346       }
0348       const SiStripCluster* clust = ClusIter;
0349       auto const& amp = clust->amplitudes();
0350       int clusiz = amp.size();
0351       int first = clust->firstStrip();
0352       int last = first + clusiz;
0353       float charge = 0;
0354       bool saturates = false;
0355       for (int i = 0; i < clusiz; ++i) {
0356         charge += amp[i];
0357         if (amp[i] == 254 || amp[i] == 255)
0358           saturates = true;
0359       }
0360       if (printOut_ > 0) {
0361         std::cout << "Cluster (width, first, last) = (" << clusiz << ", " << first << ", " << last - 1
0362                   << ")  charge = " << charge;
0363         if (saturates)
0364           std::cout << "  (saturates)";
0365         std::cout << endl;
0366       }
0367       float clusEloss = 0;
0368       int tkFlip = 0;
0369       int ovlap = 0;
0370       std::vector<unsigned int> trackID;
0371       std::vector<simhitAddr> CFaddr;
0372       std::vector<unsigned int> hitProcess;
0373       std::vector<int> hitPID;
0374       std::vector<float> trackCharge;
0375       std::vector<float> hitPmag;
0376       std::vector<float> hitPathLength;
0378       int prevIdx = -1;
0379       edm::DetSet<StripDigiSimLink> link_detset = (*isearch);
0380       for (edm::DetSet<StripDigiSimLink>::const_iterator linkiter =,
0381                                                          linkEnd =;
0382            linkiter != linkEnd;
0383            ++linkiter) {
0384         int theChannel = linkiter->channel();
0385         if (printOut_ > 3)
0386           printf("  %s%4d%s\n", "channel = ", theChannel, " before matching to cluster");
0387         if (theChannel >= first && theChannel < last) {
0388           // This digisimlink points to a strip in the current cluster
0389           int stripIdx = theChannel - first;
0390           uint16_t rawAmpl = amp[stripIdx];
0391           if (printOut_ > 1)
0392             printf("  %s%4d%s%8d%s%8d%s%2d%s%8d%s%8.4f%s%5d\n",
0393                    "channel = ",
0394                    linkiter->channel(),
0395                    " TrackID = ",
0396                    linkiter->SimTrackId(),
0397                    " EventID = ",
0398                    linkiter->eventId().rawId(),
0399                    " TofBin = ",
0400                    linkiter->TofBin(),
0401                    " CFPos = ",
0402                    linkiter->CFposition(),
0403                    " fraction = ",
0404                    linkiter->fraction(),
0405                    " amp = ",
0406                    rawAmpl);
0408           //
0409           // Find simTracks associated with this cluster
0410           //
0411           unsigned int thisTrackID = linkiter->SimTrackId();
0412           // Does at least one strip have >1 track?
0413           if (stripIdx == prevIdx)
0414             ovlap = 1;
0415           // Have we seen this track yet?
0416           bool newTrack = true;
0417           if (std::find(trackID.begin(), trackID.end(), thisTrackID) != trackID.end())
0418             newTrack = false;
0419           if (newTrack) {
0420             // This is the first time we've encountered this track (linked to this cluster)
0421             trackID.push_back(thisTrackID);
0423             trackCharge.push_back(linkiter->fraction() * rawAmpl);
0424           } else {
0425             for (unsigned int i = 0; i < trackID.size(); ++i)
0426               if (trackID[i] == thisTrackID)
0427                 trackCharge[i] += linkiter->fraction() * rawAmpl;
0428           }  // if newTrack ... else
0429           if (printOut_ > 2) {
0430             std::cout << "    Track charge accumulator = ";
0431             for (unsigned int it = 0; it < trackCharge.size(); ++it)
0432               printf("%7.1f  ", trackCharge[it]);
0433             std::cout << std::endl;
0434           }
0436           //
0437           // Find simHits associaed with this cluster
0438           //
0439           unsigned int currentCFPos = linkiter->CFposition();
0440           unsigned int tofBin = linkiter->TofBin();
0441           simHitCollectionID theSimHitCollID = std::make_pair(theDet.subdetId(), tofBin);
0442           simhitAddr currentAddr = std::make_pair(theSimHitCollID, currentCFPos);
0443           bool newHit = true;
0444           if (std::find(CFaddr.begin(), CFaddr.end(), currentAddr) != CFaddr.end())
0445             newHit = false;
0446           if (newHit) {
0447             simhit_collectionMap::const_iterator it = SimHitCollMap_.find(theSimHitCollID);
0448             if (it != SimHitCollMap_.end()) {
0449               if (currentCFPos < (it->second).size()) {
0450                 const PSimHit& theSimHit = (it->second)[currentCFPos];
0451                 CFaddr.push_back(currentAddr);
0452                 hitProcess.push_back(theSimHit.processType());
0453                 hitPID.push_back(theSimHit.particleType());
0454                 hitPmag.push_back(theSimHit.pabs());
0455                 Local3DPoint entry = theSimHit.entryPoint();
0456                 Local3DPoint exit = theSimHit.exitPoint();
0457                 Local3DVector segment = exit - entry;
0458                 hitPathLength.push_back(segment.mag());
0459                 clusEloss += theSimHit.energyLoss();  // Add up the contributions of all simHits to this cluster
0460                 if (printOut_ > 1 && theSimHit.pabs() >= 1.0)
0461                   printf("    %s%3d%s%3d%s%5d%s%7.2f%s%10.6f%s%8.4f%s%8.4f\n",
0462                          "SimHit ",
0463                          int(CFaddr.size()),
0464                          ", process = ",
0465                          theSimHit.processType(),
0466                          ", PID = ",
0467                          theSimHit.particleType(),
0468                          ", p = ",
0469                          theSimHit.pabs(),
0470                          ", Eloss = ",
0471                          theSimHit.energyLoss(),
0472                          ", segment = ",
0473                          segment.mag(),
0474                          ", str segment = ",
0475                          modPathLength);
0476               } else {
0477                 std::cout << "currentCFPos " << currentCFPos << " is out of range for " << (it->second).size()
0478                           << std::endl;
0479               }
0480             }
0481           }  // if (newHit)
0482           prevIdx = stripIdx;
0483         }  // DigiSimLink belongs to this cluster
0484       }  // Traverse DigiSimLinks
0485       if (prevIdx == -1)
0486         continue;  // No truth information for this cluster; move on to the next one.
0488       if (ovlap && trackID[1] < trackID[0])
0489         tkFlip = 1;
0491       // RecoTracker/DeDx/python/, line 12 -- MeVperADCStrip = cms.double(3.61e-06*250)
0493       // Fill the cluster Ntuple
0494       clusNtp_.subDet = subDet;
0495       clusNtp_.thickness = thickness;
0496       clusNtp_.width = amp.size();
0497       clusNtp_.NsimHits = CFaddr.size();
0498       clusNtp_.firstProcess = !hitProcess.empty() ? hitProcess[0] : -1;
0499       clusNtp_.secondProcess = hitProcess.size() > 1 ? hitProcess[1] : -1;
0500       clusNtp_.thirdProcess = hitProcess.size() > 2 ? hitProcess[2] : -1;
0501       clusNtp_.fourthProcess = hitProcess.size() > 3 ? hitProcess[3] : -1;
0502       clusNtp_.firstPID = !hitPID.empty() ? hitPID[0] : 0;
0503       clusNtp_.secondPID = hitPID.size() > 1 ? hitPID[1] : 0;
0504       clusNtp_.thirdPID = hitPID.size() > 2 ? hitPID[2] : 0;
0505       clusNtp_.fourthPID = hitPID.size() > 3 ? hitPID[3] : 0;
0506       clusNtp_.firstPmag = !hitPmag.empty() ? hitPmag[0] : 0;
0507       clusNtp_.secondPmag = hitPmag.size() > 1 ? hitPmag[1] : 0;
0508       clusNtp_.thirdPmag = hitPmag.size() > 2 ? hitPmag[2] : 0;
0509       clusNtp_.fourthPmag = hitPmag.size() > 3 ? hitPmag[3] : 0;
0510       clusNtp_.firstPathLength = !hitPathLength.empty() ? hitPathLength[0] : 0;
0511       clusNtp_.secondPathLength = hitPathLength.size() > 1 ? hitPathLength[1] : 0;
0512       clusNtp_.thirdPathLength = hitPathLength.size() > 2 ? hitPathLength[2] : 0;
0513       clusNtp_.fourthPathLength = hitPathLength.size() > 3 ? hitPathLength[3] : 0;
0514       clusNtp_.pathLstraight = modPathLength;
0515       float allHtPathLength = 0;
0516       for (unsigned int ih = 0; ih < hitPathLength.size(); ++ih)
0517         allHtPathLength += hitPathLength[ih];
0518       clusNtp_.allHtPathLength = allHtPathLength;
0519       clusNtp_.Ntp = trackID.size();
0520       if (printOut_ > 0 && trackCharge.size() == 2)
0521         cout << "  charge 1st, 2nd, dE/dx 1st, 2nd, asymmetry = " << trackCharge[0] << "  " << trackCharge[1] << "  "
0522              << 3.36e-4 * trackCharge[0] / modPathLength << "  " << 3.36e-4 * trackCharge[1] / modPathLength << "  "
0523              << (trackCharge[0] - trackCharge[1]) / (trackCharge[0] + trackCharge[1]) << "  " << tkFlip << endl;
0524       clusNtp_.firstTkChg = !trackCharge.empty() ? trackCharge[0] : 0;
0525       clusNtp_.secondTkChg = trackCharge.size() > 1 ? trackCharge[1] : 0;
0526       clusNtp_.thirdTkChg = trackCharge.size() > 2 ? trackCharge[2] : 0;
0527       clusNtp_.fourthTkChg = trackCharge.size() > 3 ? trackCharge[3] : 0;
0528       clusNtp_.charge = charge;
0529       clusNtp_.Eloss = clusEloss;
0530       clusNtp_.sat = saturates ? 1 : 0;
0531       clusNtp_.tkFlip = tkFlip;
0532       clusNtp_.ovlap = ovlap;
0533       clusNtp_.layer = layer;
0534       clusNtp_.stereo = stereo;
0535       clusTree_->Fill();
0536     }  // traverse clusters in subdetector
0537   }  // traverse subdetectors
0538   if (printOut_ > 0)
0539     std::cout << clusterCount << " total clusters; " << clustersNoDigiSimLink << " without digiSimLinks" << std::endl;
0540 }
0542 // ------------ method called once each job just before starting event loop  ------------
0543 void StripClusterMCanalysis::beginJob() {
0544   int bufsize = 64000;
0545   edm::Service<TFileService> fs;
0546   // Create the cluster tree
0547   clusTree_ = fs->make<TTree>("ClusterNtuple", "Cluster analyzer ntuple");
0548   clusTree_->Branch(
0549       "cluster",
0550       &clusNtp_,
0551       "subDet/I:thickness/F:width/"
0552       "I:NsimHits:firstProcess:secondProcess:thirdProcess:fourthProcess:firstPID:secondPID:thirdPID:fourthPID:Ntp:"
0553       "firstTkChg/F:secondTkChg:thirdTkChg/"
0554       "F:fourthTkChg:charge:firstPmag:secondPmag:thirdPmag:fourthPmag:firstPathLength:secondPathLength:thirdPathLength:"
0555       "fourthPathLength:pathLstraight:allHtPathLength:Eloss:sat/I:tkFlip:ovlap:layer:stereo",
0556       bufsize);
0557   // Create the vertex tree
0558   pvTree_ = fs->make<TTree>("pVertexNtuple", "Pixel vertex ntuple");
0559   pvTree_->Branch("pVertex", &pvNtp_, "isValid/I:isFake:Ntrks:nDoF:chisq/F:xV:yV:zV:xVsig:yVsig:zVsig", bufsize);
0561   // Book some histograms
0562   hNpv = fs->make<TH1F>("hNpv", "No. of pixel vertices", 40, 0, 40);
0563   hzV_Iev = fs->make<TH2F>("hzV_Iev", "Zvertex vs event index", 20, -10, 10, 100, 0, 100);
0564   hNtrk_zVerrPri = fs->make<TH2F>("hzVerr_NtrkPri", "Ntracks vs Zvertex error, primary", 50, 0, 0.025, 30, 0, 150);
0565   hNtrk_zVerrSec = fs->make<TH2F>("hzVerr_NtrkSec", "Ntracks vs Zvertex error, secondary", 50, 0, 0.025, 30, 0, 150);
0566   hZvPri = fs->make<TH1F>("hZvPri", "Zvertex, primary", 48, -15, 15);
0567   hZvSec = fs->make<TH1F>("hZvSec", "Zvertex, secondary", 48, -15, 15);
0568   evCnt_ = 0;
0569 }
0571 void StripClusterMCanalysis::makeMap(const edm::Event& theEvent) {
0572   //  The simHit collections are specified in trackerContainers, and can
0573   //  be either crossing frames (e.g., mix/g4SimHitsTrackerHitsTIBLowTof)
0574   //  or just PSimHits (e.g., g4SimHits/TrackerHitsTIBLowTof)
0576   SimHitCollMap_.clear();
0577   for (auto const& cfToken : cfTokens_) {
0578     edm::Handle<CrossingFrame<PSimHit> > cf_simhit;
0579     int Nhits = 0;
0580     // if (theEvent.getByToken(cfToken, cf_simhit)) {
0581     if (theEvent.getByToken(cfToken, cf_simhit)) {
0582       std::unique_ptr<MixCollection<PSimHit> > thisContainerHits(new MixCollection<PSimHit>(cf_simhit.product()));
0583       for (auto const& isim : *thisContainerHits) {
0584         DetId theDet(isim.detUnitId());
0585         edm::EDConsumerBase::Labels labels;
0586         theEvent.labelsForToken(cfToken, labels);
0587         std::string trackerContainer(labels.productInstance);
0588         if (printOut_ && Nhits == 0)
0589           std::cout << "  trackerContainer " << trackerContainer << std::endl;
0590         unsigned int tofBin = StripDigiSimLink::LowTof;
0591         if (trackerContainer.find(std::string("HighTof")) != std::string::npos)
0592           tofBin = StripDigiSimLink::HighTof;
0593         simHitCollectionID theSimHitCollID = std::make_pair(theDet.subdetId(), tofBin);
0594         SimHitCollMap_[theSimHitCollID].push_back(isim);
0595         ++Nhits;
0596       }
0597       if (printOut_ > 0)
0598         std::cout << "simHits from crossing frames; map size = " << SimHitCollMap_.size() << ", Hit count = " << Nhits
0599                   << ", " << sizeof(SimHitCollMap_) << " bytes" << std::endl;
0600     }
0601   }
0602   for (auto const& simHitToken : simHitTokens_) {
0603     edm::Handle<std::vector<PSimHit> > simHits;
0604     int Nhits = 0;
0605     if (theEvent.getByToken(simHitToken, simHits)) {
0606       for (auto const& isim : *simHits) {
0607         DetId theDet(isim.detUnitId());
0608         edm::EDConsumerBase::Labels labels;
0609         theEvent.labelsForToken(simHitToken, labels);
0610         std::string trackerContainer(labels.productInstance);
0611         if (printOut_ && Nhits == 0)
0612           std::cout << "  trackerContainer " << trackerContainer << std::endl;
0613         unsigned int tofBin = StripDigiSimLink::LowTof;
0614         if (trackerContainer.find(std::string("HighTof")) != std::string::npos)
0615           tofBin = StripDigiSimLink::HighTof;
0616         simHitCollectionID theSimHitCollID = std::make_pair(theDet.subdetId(), tofBin);
0617         SimHitCollMap_[theSimHitCollID].push_back(isim);
0618         ++Nhits;
0619       }
0620       if (printOut_ > 0)
0621         std::cout << "simHits from hard-scatter collection; map size = " << SimHitCollMap_.size()
0622                   << ", Hit count = " << Nhits << ", " << sizeof(SimHitCollMap_) << " bytes" << std::endl;
0623     }
0624   }
0625 }
0627 //define this as a plug-in
0628 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(StripClusterMCanalysis);