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Identifier search

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Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for event_

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member AlignmentStats /Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/plugins/ 107
class, struct, or union member LhcTrackAnalyzer /Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/plugins/ 75
class, struct, or union member OverlapValidation /Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 150
class, struct, or union member SplitVertexResolution /Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 250
class, struct, or union member cms::cuda::ProductBase /CUDADataFormats/Common/interface/ProductBase.h 80
class, struct, or union member analyzer::SiPixelLorentzAngle /CalibTracker/SiPixelLorentzAngle/src/SiPixelLorentzAngle.h 103
class, struct, or union member SiPixelLorentzAnglePCLWorker /CalibTracker/SiPixelLorentzAngle/src/ 141
local variable /CalibTracker/SiPixelLorentzAngle/test/calculateLorentzAngleFromClusterSize.C 84
local variable /CalibTracker/SiPixelLorentzAngle/test/calculateLorentzAngleFromClusterSizeFpix.C 90
variable definition /CalibTracker/SiPixelLorentzAngle/test/calculateLorentzAngleFromNtpl.C 28
class, struct, or union member record /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/macros/CalibSort.C 182
class, struct, or union member recordEvent /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/macros/CalibSort.C 197
class, struct, or union member IsoTrkOfflineAnalyzer::record /Calibration/IsolatedParticles/macros/IsoTrkOfflineAnalyzer.C 91
class, struct, or union member EcalHexDisplay /CaloOnlineTools/EcalTools/plugins/EcalHexDisplay.h 35
class, struct, or union member TrackerDpgAnalysis /DPGAnalysis/SiStripTools/plugins/ 178
class, struct, or union member SiStripFineDelayHit /DQM/SiStripCommissioningSources/plugins/tracking/SiStripFineDelayHit.h 77
class, struct, or union member fwlite::ChainEvent /DataFormats/FWLite/interface/ChainEvent.h 143
class, struct, or union member fwlite::EventHistoryGetter /DataFormats/FWLite/interface/EventHistoryGetter.h 39
class, struct, or union member fwlite::internal::ProductGetter /DataFormats/FWLite/src/ 108
class, struct, or union member fwlite::internal::MultiProductGetter /DataFormats/FWLite/src/ 56
class, struct, or union member edm::EventID /DataFormats/Provenance/interface/EventID.h 111
class, struct, or union member edm::FileIndex::Element /DataFormats/Provenance/interface/FileIndex.h 45
class, struct, or union member edm::IndexIntoFile::EventEntry /DataFormats/Provenance/interface/IndexIntoFile.h 546
class, struct, or union member edm::IndexIntoFile::IndexRunLumiEventKey /DataFormats/Provenance/interface/IndexIntoFile.h 1106
class, struct, or union member SiStripEventSummary /DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/SiStripEventSummary.h 177
class, struct, or union member DCCDataBlockPrototype /EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/interface/DCCDataBlockPrototype.h 70
class, struct, or union member EcalHexDumperModule /EventFilter/EcalTBRawToDigi/test/stubs/ 51
class, struct, or union member l1t::UnpackerCollections /EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/interface/UnpackerCollections.h 15
class, struct, or union member sistrip::RawToDigiUnpacker /EventFilter/SiStripRawToDigi/plugins/SiStripRawToDigiUnpacker.h 140
class, struct, or union member DataModeFRD /EventFilter/Utilities/interface/DAQSourceModelsFRD.h 79
class, struct, or union member FedRawDataInputSource /EventFilter/Utilities/interface/FedRawDataInputSource.h 118
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ThingAnalyzer /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 44
class, struct, or union member FWLiteJobMetadataUpdateRequest /Fireworks/Core/interface/FWLiteJobMetadataUpdateRequest.h 16
class, struct, or union member test::FailingHad /GeneratorInterface/Core/test/ 109
class, struct, or union member HLTPrescaleRecorder /HLTrigger/HLTcore/interface/HLTPrescaleRecorder.h 68
class, struct, or union member FastTimerService::PlotsPerProcess /HLTrigger/Timer/plugins/FastTimerService.h 407
class, struct, or union member FastTimerService::PlotsPerJob /HLTrigger/Timer/plugins/FastTimerService.h 433
class, struct, or union member ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::device::Event /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaCore/interface/alpaka/Event.h 147
class, struct, or union member cms::cuda::ScopedContextProduce /HeterogeneousCore/CUDACore/interface/ScopedContext.h 183
class, struct, or union member NVProfilerService /HeterogeneousCore/CUDAServices/plugins/ 295
class, struct, or union member edm::streamer::EventHeader /IOPool/Streamer/interface/EventMessage.h 65
class, struct, or union member edm::streamer::FRDEventHeader_V6 /IOPool/Streamer/interface/FRDEventMessage.h 80
class, struct, or union member edm::streamer::FRDEventHeader_V5 /IOPool/Streamer/interface/FRDEventMessage.h 89
class, struct, or union member edm::streamer::FRDEventHeader_V3 /IOPool/Streamer/interface/FRDEventMessage.h 109
class, struct, or union member edm::streamer::FRDEventHeader_V2 /IOPool/Streamer/interface/FRDEventMessage.h 119
class, struct, or union member edm::streamer::FRDEventHeader_V1 /IOPool/Streamer/interface/FRDEventMessage.h 124
class, struct, or union member edm::streamer::FRDEventMsgView /IOPool/Streamer/interface/FRDEventMessage.h 166
local variable /L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/macros/deriveMETPUM.cxx 327
class, struct, or union member HGCalTriggerNtupleEvent /L1Trigger/L1THGCalUtilities/test/ntuples/ 14
class, struct, or union member emtf::phase2::SectorProcessor /L1Trigger/L1TMuonEndCapPhase2/interface/SectorProcessor.h 31
class, struct, or union member L1Analysis::L1AnalysisEvent /L1Trigger/L1TNtuples/interface/L1AnalysisEvent.h 55
class, struct, or union member L1TCorrelatorLayer1Producer /L1Trigger/Phase2L1ParticleFlow/plugins/ 75
class, struct, or union member trklet::MemoryBase /L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/MemoryBase.h 51
class, struct, or union member fwlite::Scanner /PhysicsTools/FWLite/interface/Scanner.h 707
class, struct, or union member tnp::BaseTreeFiller /PhysicsTools/TagAndProbe/interface/BaseTreeFiller.h 218
class, struct, or union member Trktree /RecoTracker/LSTCore/standalone/code/core/Trktree.h 299
class, struct, or union member CaloParticle /SimDataFormats/CaloAnalysis/interface/CaloParticle.h 200
class, struct, or union member SimCluster /SimDataFormats/CaloAnalysis/interface/SimCluster.h 251
class, struct, or union member MuProp /TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/test/MuProp.h 38
class, struct, or union member SteppingHelixPropagatorAnalyzer /TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/test/ 151

60 declarations in 52 files.

References to event_

File Line
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/plugins/ 107 172 289 292
/Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/plugins/ 75 168 189 332 391
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 150 255 347
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 250 393 394 395 403 663 678 679 970
/CUDADataFormats/Common/interface/ProductBase.h 29 29 34 34 55 59 80
/CUDADataFormats/Common/src/ 7 10 25 26
/CalibTracker/SiPixelLorentzAngle/src/ 78 106 207
/CalibTracker/SiPixelLorentzAngle/src/SiPixelLorentzAngle.h 103
/CalibTracker/SiPixelLorentzAngle/src/ 141 242 279 345
/CalibTracker/SiPixelLorentzAngle/test/calculateLorentzAngleFromClusterSize.C 84 135
/CalibTracker/SiPixelLorentzAngle/test/calculateLorentzAngleFromClusterSizeFpix.C 90 143
/CalibTracker/SiPixelLorentzAngle/test/calculateLorentzAngleFromNtpl.C 28 79
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/macros/CalibSort.C 180 182 188 188 189 189 195 197 202 202 764 803 814 814 825 825 892 903 914 914 924 924 2121 2234 2327
/Calibration/IsolatedParticles/macros/IsoTrkOfflineAnalyzer.C 85 88 91 687 687 698 698 720 720 731 731 743 743
/CaloOnlineTools/EcalTools/plugins/ 15 22 23 23 37
/CaloOnlineTools/EcalTools/plugins/EcalHexDisplay.h 35
/DPGAnalysis/SiStripTools/plugins/ 178 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 475 477 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 1023 1127 1128
/DQM/SiStripCommissioningDbClients/data/ 16
/DQM/SiStripCommissioningSources/plugins/tracking/ 65 188 391 523
/DQM/SiStripCommissioningSources/plugins/tracking/SiStripFineDelayHit.h 77
/DataFormats/FWLite/interface/ChainEvent.h 69 88 99 101 143
/DataFormats/FWLite/interface/EventHistoryGetter.h 39
/DataFormats/FWLite/src/ 36 93 94 98 99 129 139 154 176 185 195 199 202 204 206 208 210 217 221 225 230 236 242 245 246 252 260 264 267 270
/DataFormats/FWLite/src/ 60 62 72 89 102 108
/DataFormats/FWLite/src/ 21 28
/DataFormats/FWLite/src/ 32 34 38 44 50 56 219
/DataFormats/Provenance/interface/EventID.h 33 35 40 44 45 59 60 77 77 111
/DataFormats/Provenance/interface/FileIndex.h 35 37 38 41 42 45
/DataFormats/Provenance/interface/IndexIntoFile.h 535 536 538 546 1082 1087 1093 1106
/DataFormats/Provenance/src/ 81 105 110 113 172 180 188 188 198 198 200 202 222
/DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/SiStripEventSummary.h 177 219 252
/DataFormats/SiStripCommon/src/ 16
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/interface/DCCDataBlockPrototype.h 70
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/src/ 10
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/src/ 24 59
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/src/ 19 19 30
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/src/ 25 28 29 214 214 227 227
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/src/ 32 54 66 81 94 95 96 104 104 120 136 149 165 176 189 214
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/src/ 42 61 72 83 95 96 97 103 103 116 130 186 241
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/src/ 36 62 96 193 193 232 233 257 278
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/src/ 32 50 61 62 63 69 69
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/src/ 19 35 58 67 68 69 75 75
/EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/src/ 35 68 105 202 202 243 244 271
/EventFilter/EcalTBRawToDigi/test/stubs/ 37 51 60 61 61 76
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/interface/UnpackerCollections.h 11 15
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/implementations_stage1/ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/implementations_stage2/ 8 9 12 13
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/implementations_stage2/ 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/implementations_stage2/ 8 9 10 13 15
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/implementations_stage2/ 7
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/implementations_stage2/ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/implementations_stage2/ 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 26
/EventFilter/L1TRawToDigi/plugins/implementations_stage2/ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27
/EventFilter/SiStripRawToDigi/plugins/ 42 144 225 398
/EventFilter/SiStripRawToDigi/plugins/SiStripRawToDigiUnpacker.h 140
/EventFilter/Utilities/interface/DAQSourceModelsFRD.h 31 48 50 79
/EventFilter/Utilities/interface/FedRawDataInputSource.h 118
/EventFilter/Utilities/src/ 41 44 48 57 81 82 129 130 132 132 132 133 140 141 141 142 150
/EventFilter/Utilities/src/ 295 298 304 305 509 510 512 512 512 513 517 527 529 530 560 561 563 563 563 564 568 573 573 597 609 614 616 616 617 621 624 626 626 628 632 651 660 670 727 728
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 44 52 81
/Fireworks/Core/interface/FWLiteJobMetadataUpdateRequest.h 14 16
/Fireworks/Core/src/ 35 38
/GeneratorInterface/Core/test/ 35 46 50 109
/HLTrigger/HLTcore/interface/HLTPrescaleRecorder.h 68
/HLTrigger/HLTcore/plugins/ 31 54 73 190
/HLTrigger/Timer/plugins/ 649 660 678 710 749
/HLTrigger/Timer/plugins/FastTimerService.h 407 433
/HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaCore/interface/alpaka/EDMetadata.h 64 75 76 91
/HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaCore/interface/alpaka/Event.h 36 110 118 120 128 134 136 147
/HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaCore/src/alpaka/ 26 29 39 67 71 79
/HeterogeneousCore/CUDACore/interface/ScopedContext.h 167 172 180 183
/HeterogeneousCore/CUDACore/src/ 90
/HeterogeneousCore/CUDAServices/plugins/ 295 516 758 765 766
/IOPool/Streamer/interface/EventMessage.h 65
/IOPool/Streamer/interface/FRDEventMessage.h 80 89 109 119 124 150 166
/IOPool/Streamer/src/ 80
/IOPool/Streamer/src/ 39
/IOPool/Streamer/src/ 28 77 80
/IOPool/Streamer/src/ 350
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/macros/deriveMETPUM.cxx 327 328 445
/L1Trigger/L1THGCalUtilities/test/ntuples/ 14 27 34 40
/L1Trigger/L1TMuonEndCapPhase2/interface/SectorProcessor.h 31
/L1Trigger/L1TMuonEndCapPhase2/src/ 31 67 358
/L1Trigger/L1TNtuples/interface/L1AnalysisEvent.h 40 41 55
/L1Trigger/L1TNtuples/src/ 32 33 34 35 36 37 49 86 87 93
/L1Trigger/Phase2L1ParticleFlow/plugins/ 75 435 505 505 544 545 555 564 564 565 566 566 567 568 568 569 569 569 573 574 574 574 586 587 587 588 588 629 632 636 647 651 652 656 657 658 675 676 677 682 683 685 697 703 705 707 710 711 712 714 714 715 715 720 721 722 723 730 731 739 740 745 749 756 943 959 974 990 1021 1022 1023 1044 1065 1067 1102 1102 1112 1113 1116 1117 1148 1203 1207 1211 1215 1224 1245
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/MemoryBase.h 51
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 27 37
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 41 56
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 26 44 59
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 52 61
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 17 96 99
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 21 32
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 22 33
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 26 35
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 32 41
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 50 60
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 39 49
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 35 52
/PhysicsTools/FWLite/interface/Scanner.h 53 118 118 118 119 121 131 162 162 162 165 167 181 181 181 184 218 218 218 221 223 341 341 341 344 346 432 432 432 435 437 488 488 488 491 493 565 565 565 568 570 656 656 656 659 661 707
/PhysicsTools/TagAndProbe/interface/BaseTreeFiller.h 218
/PhysicsTools/TagAndProbe/src/ 78 189
/RecoTracker/LSTCore/standalone/code/core/ 661 4171
/RecoTracker/LSTCore/standalone/code/core/Trktree.h 299
/SimDataFormats/CaloAnalysis/interface/CaloParticle.h 54 200
/SimDataFormats/CaloAnalysis/interface/SimCluster.h 70 251
/SimDataFormats/CaloAnalysis/src/ 17 24
/SimDataFormats/CaloAnalysis/src/ 15 22
/SimDataFormats/CaloAnalysis/src/ 13 21
/SimDataFormats/CaloAnalysis/src/ 13 21
/SimDataFormats/CaloAnalysis/src/ 12 20 30
/SimDataFormats/CaloAnalysis/src/ 17 25
/TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/test/MuProp.h 38 153
/TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/test/ 151 193 247 249

725 references in 114 files.