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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:10:34

0001 #include "EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/interface/DCCEBTCCBlock.h"
0002 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0003 #include "EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/interface/EcalElectronicsMapper.h"
0004 #include "EventFilter/EcalRawToDigi/interface/DCCDataUnpacker.h"
0006 DCCEBTCCBlock::DCCEBTCCBlock(DCCDataUnpacker* u, EcalElectronicsMapper* m, DCCEventBlock* e, bool unpack)
0007     : DCCTCCBlock(u, m, e, unpack) {
0008   blockLength_ = mapper_->getEBTCCBlockLength();
0009   expNumbTTs_ = TCC_EB_NUMBTTS;
0010 }
0012 void DCCEBTCCBlock::updateCollectors() { tps_ = unpacker_->ecalTpsCollection(); }
0014 bool DCCEBTCCBlock::checkTccIdAndNumbTTs() {
0015   expTccId_ = mapper_->getActiveSM() + TCCID_SMID_SHIFT_EB;
0017   if (tccId_ != expTccId_) {
0018     if (!DCCDataUnpacker::silentMode_) {
0019       edm::LogWarning("IncorrectBlock") << "Error on event " << event_->l1A() << " with bx " << event_->bx()
0020                                         << " in fed " << mapper_->getActiveDCC() << "\n TCC id is " << tccId_
0021                                         << " while expected is " << expTccId_ << "\n TCC Block Skipped ...";
0022       //todo : add this to error colection
0023     }
0024     return false;
0025   }
0027   //Check number of TT Flags
0028   if (nTTs_ != expNumbTTs_) {
0029     if (!DCCDataUnpacker::silentMode_) {
0030       edm::LogWarning("IncorrectBlock") << "Unable to unpack TCC block for event " << event_->l1A() << " in fed "
0031                                         << mapper_->getActiveDCC() << "\n Number of TTs " << nTTs_
0032                                         << " is different from expected " << expNumbTTs_ << "\n TCC Block Skipped ...";
0033       //todo : add this to error colection
0034     }
0035     return false;
0036   }
0037   return true;
0038 }
0040 void DCCEBTCCBlock::addTriggerPrimitivesToCollection() {
0041   //point to trigger data
0042   data_++;
0044   unsigned int towersInPhi = EcalElectronicsMapper::kTowersInPhi;
0046   const uint16_t* tccP_ = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(data_);
0048   for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= expNumbTTs_; i++) {
0049     unsigned int theTT = i;
0051     if (NUMB_SM_EB_PLU_MIN <= mapper_->getActiveSM() && mapper_->getActiveSM() <= NUMB_SM_EB_PLU_MAX) {
0052       unsigned int u = (i - 1) % towersInPhi;
0053       u = towersInPhi - u;
0054       theTT = ((i - 1) / towersInPhi) * towersInPhi + u;
0055     }
0057     pTP_ = mapper_->getTPPointer(tccId_, theTT);
0058     for (unsigned int ns = 0; ns < nTSamples_; ns++, tccP_++) {
0059       pTP_->setSampleValue(ns, (*tccP_));
0060       (*tps_)->push_back(*pTP_);
0061     }
0062   }
0063 }