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0001 #ifndef HeterogeneousCore_CUDACore_ScopedContext_h
0002 #define HeterogeneousCore_CUDACore_ScopedContext_h
0004 #include <optional>
0006 #include "CUDADataFormats/Common/interface/Product.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/Concurrency/interface/WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder.h"
0008 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0009 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDGetToken.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDPutToken.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/StreamID.h"
0012 #include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDACore/interface/ContextState.h"
0013 #include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/EventCache.h"
0014 #include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/SharedEventPtr.h"
0015 #include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/SharedStreamPtr.h"
0017 namespace cms {
0018   namespace cudatest {
0019     class TestScopedContext;
0020   }
0022   namespace cuda {
0024     namespace impl {
0025       // This class is intended to be derived by other ScopedContext*, not for general use
0026       class ScopedContextBase {
0027       public:
0028         int device() const { return currentDevice_; }
0030         // cudaStream_t is a pointer to a thread-safe object, for which a
0031         // mutable access is needed even if the ScopedContext itself
0032         // would be const. Therefore it is ok to return a non-const
0033         // pointer from a const method here.
0034         cudaStream_t stream() const { return stream_.get(); }
0035         const SharedStreamPtr& streamPtr() const { return stream_; }
0037       protected:
0038         // The constructors set the current device, but the device
0039         // is not set back to the previous value at the destructor. This
0040         // should be sufficient (and tiny bit faster) as all CUDA API
0041         // functions relying on the current device should be called from
0042         // the scope where this context is. The current device doesn't
0043         // really matter between modules (or across TBB tasks).
0044         explicit ScopedContextBase(edm::StreamID streamID);
0046         explicit ScopedContextBase(const ProductBase& data);
0048         explicit ScopedContextBase(int device, SharedStreamPtr stream);
0050       private:
0051         int currentDevice_;
0052         SharedStreamPtr stream_;
0053       };
0055       class ScopedContextGetterBase : public ScopedContextBase {
0056       public:
0057         template <typename T>
0058         const T& get(const Product<T>& data) {
0059           synchronizeStreams(data.device(),, data.isAvailable(), data.event());
0060           return data.data_;
0061         }
0063         template <typename T>
0064         const T& get(const edm::Event& iEvent, edm::EDGetTokenT<Product<T>> token) {
0065           return get(iEvent.get(token));
0066         }
0068       protected:
0069         template <typename... Args>
0070         ScopedContextGetterBase(Args&&... args) : ScopedContextBase(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
0072         void synchronizeStreams(int dataDevice, cudaStream_t dataStream, bool available, cudaEvent_t dataEvent);
0073       };
0075       class ScopedContextHolderHelper {
0076       public:
0077         ScopedContextHolderHelper(edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder waitingTaskHolder)
0078             : waitingTaskHolder_{std::move(waitingTaskHolder)} {}
0080         template <typename F>
0081         void pushNextTask(F&& f, ContextState const* state);
0083         void replaceWaitingTaskHolder(edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder waitingTaskHolder) {
0084           waitingTaskHolder_ = std::move(waitingTaskHolder);
0085         }
0087         void enqueueCallback(int device, cudaStream_t stream);
0089       private:
0090         edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder waitingTaskHolder_;
0091       };
0092     }  // namespace impl
0094     /**
0095      * The aim of this class is to do necessary per-event "initialization" in ExternalWork acquire():
0096      * - setting the current device
0097      * - calling edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder::doneWaiting() when necessary
0098      * - synchronizing between CUDA streams if necessary
0099      * and enforce that those get done in a proper way in RAII fashion.
0100      */
0101     class ScopedContextAcquire : public impl::ScopedContextGetterBase {
0102     public:
0103       /// Constructor to create a new CUDA stream (no need for context beyond acquire())
0104       explicit ScopedContextAcquire(edm::StreamID streamID, edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder waitingTaskHolder)
0105           : ScopedContextGetterBase(streamID), holderHelper_{std::move(waitingTaskHolder)} {}
0107       /// Constructor to create a new CUDA stream, and the context is needed after acquire()
0108       explicit ScopedContextAcquire(edm::StreamID streamID,
0109                                     edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder waitingTaskHolder,
0110                                     ContextState& state)
0111           : ScopedContextGetterBase(streamID), holderHelper_{std::move(waitingTaskHolder)}, contextState_{&state} {}
0113       /// Constructor to (possibly) re-use a CUDA stream (no need for context beyond acquire())
0114       explicit ScopedContextAcquire(const ProductBase& data, edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder waitingTaskHolder)
0115           : ScopedContextGetterBase(data), holderHelper_{std::move(waitingTaskHolder)} {}
0117       /// Constructor to (possibly) re-use a CUDA stream, and the context is needed after acquire()
0118       explicit ScopedContextAcquire(const ProductBase& data,
0119                                     edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder waitingTaskHolder,
0120                                     ContextState& state)
0121           : ScopedContextGetterBase(data), holderHelper_{std::move(waitingTaskHolder)}, contextState_{&state} {}
0123       ~ScopedContextAcquire() noexcept(false);
0125       template <typename F>
0126       void pushNextTask(F&& f) {
0127         if (contextState_ == nullptr)
0128           throwNoState();
0129         holderHelper_.pushNextTask(std::forward<F>(f), contextState_);
0130       }
0132       void replaceWaitingTaskHolder(edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder waitingTaskHolder) {
0133         holderHelper_.replaceWaitingTaskHolder(std::move(waitingTaskHolder));
0134       }
0136     private:
0137       void throwNoState();
0139       impl::ScopedContextHolderHelper holderHelper_;
0140       ContextState* contextState_ = nullptr;
0141     };
0143     /**
0144      * The aim of this class is to do necessary per-event "initialization" in ExternalWork produce() or normal produce():
0145      * - setting the current device
0146      * - synchronizing between CUDA streams if necessary
0147      * and enforce that those get done in a proper way in RAII fashion.
0148      */
0149     class ScopedContextProduce : public impl::ScopedContextGetterBase {
0150     public:
0151       /// Constructor to create a new CUDA stream (non-ExternalWork module)
0152       explicit ScopedContextProduce(edm::StreamID streamID) : ScopedContextGetterBase(streamID) {}
0154       /// Constructor to (possibly) re-use a CUDA stream (non-ExternalWork module)
0155       explicit ScopedContextProduce(const ProductBase& data) : ScopedContextGetterBase(data) {}
0157       /// Constructor to re-use the CUDA stream of acquire() (ExternalWork module)
0158       explicit ScopedContextProduce(ContextState& state)
0159           : ScopedContextGetterBase(state.device(), state.releaseStreamPtr()) {}
0161       /// Record the CUDA event, all asynchronous work must have been queued before the destructor
0162       ~ScopedContextProduce();
0164       template <typename T>
0165       std::unique_ptr<Product<T>> wrap(T data) {
0166         // make_unique doesn't work because of private constructor
0167         return std::unique_ptr<Product<T>>(new Product<T>(device(), streamPtr(), event_, std::move(data)));
0168       }
0170       template <typename T, typename... Args>
0171       auto emplace(edm::Event& iEvent, edm::EDPutTokenT<T> token, Args&&... args) {
0172         return iEvent.emplace(token, device(), streamPtr(), event_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
0173       }
0175     private:
0176       friend class cudatest::TestScopedContext;
0178       // This construcor is only meant for testing
0179       explicit ScopedContextProduce(int device, SharedStreamPtr stream, SharedEventPtr event)
0180           : ScopedContextGetterBase(device, std::move(stream)), event_{std::move(event)} {}
0182       // create the CUDA Event upfront to catch possible errors from its creation
0183       SharedEventPtr event_ = getEventCache().get();
0184     };
0186     /**
0187      * The aim of this class is to do necessary per-task "initialization" tasks created in ExternalWork acquire():
0188      * - setting the current device
0189      * - calling edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder::doneWaiting() when necessary
0190      * and enforce that those get done in a proper way in RAII fashion.
0191      */
0192     class ScopedContextTask : public impl::ScopedContextBase {
0193     public:
0194       /// Constructor to re-use the CUDA stream of acquire() (ExternalWork module)
0195       explicit ScopedContextTask(ContextState const* state, edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder waitingTaskHolder)
0196           : ScopedContextBase(state->device(), state->streamPtr()),  // don't move, state is re-used afterwards
0197             holderHelper_{std::move(waitingTaskHolder)},
0198             contextState_{state} {}
0200       ~ScopedContextTask();
0202       template <typename F>
0203       void pushNextTask(F&& f) {
0204         holderHelper_.pushNextTask(std::forward<F>(f), contextState_);
0205       }
0207       void replaceWaitingTaskHolder(edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder waitingTaskHolder) {
0208         holderHelper_.replaceWaitingTaskHolder(std::move(waitingTaskHolder));
0209       }
0211     private:
0212       impl::ScopedContextHolderHelper holderHelper_;
0213       ContextState const* contextState_;
0214     };
0216     /**
0217      * The aim of this class is to do necessary per-event "initialization" in analyze()
0218      * - setting the current device
0219      * - synchronizing between CUDA streams if necessary
0220      * and enforce that those get done in a proper way in RAII fashion.
0221      */
0222     class ScopedContextAnalyze : public impl::ScopedContextGetterBase {
0223     public:
0224       /// Constructor to (possibly) re-use a CUDA stream
0225       explicit ScopedContextAnalyze(const ProductBase& data) : ScopedContextGetterBase(data) {}
0226     };
0228     namespace impl {
0229       template <typename F>
0230       void ScopedContextHolderHelper::pushNextTask(F&& f, ContextState const* state) {
0231         auto group =;
0232         replaceWaitingTaskHolder(edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder{
0233             *group,
0234             edm::make_waiting_task_with_holder(std::move(waitingTaskHolder_),
0235                                                [state, func = std::forward<F>(f)](edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder h) {
0236                                                  func(ScopedContextTask{state, std::move(h)});
0237                                                })});
0238       }
0239     }  // namespace impl
0240   }  // namespace cuda
0241 }  // namespace cms
0243 #endif