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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for q1

Type Member of File Line
local variable /Alignment/MuonAlignment/src/ 1443
local variable /CalibCalorimetry/EcalLaserAnalyzer/plugins/ 617
local variable /CalibCalorimetry/EcalLaserAnalyzer/src/ 151
local variable /CalibCalorimetry/HcalPlugins/test/ 138
local variable /Calibration/HcalConnectivity/test/CCApatternmaker.C 532
local variable /CommonTools/CandUtils/interface/CandCombinerBase.h 137
local variable /CommonTools/CandUtils/src/ 40
function prototype or declaration /CondCore/CondDB/src/ 63
local variable /DQM/HLTEvF/plugins/ 493
local variable /DQM/HcalTasks/plugins/ 1325
local variable /DQMOffline/Lumi/plugins/ 489
class, struct, or union member testParticle /DataFormats/Candidate/test/ 43
local variable /DataFormats/DTRecHit/interface/DTDriftTimeParameters.icc 508
local variable /DataFormats/HcalRecHit/src/ 7
local variable /EventFilter/CSCRawToDigi/src/ 201
local variable /GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/src/CrossSection.cpp 755
local and common block variable /GeneratorInterface/GenExtensions/bin/HARDCOL/bfkl.f 118
local variable /HLTrigger/JetMET/src/ 119
local variable /L1Trigger/DTUtilities/src/ 385
variable /L1Trigger/L1TMuonBarrel/test/kalmanTools/ 85
variable /L1Trigger/L1TMuonBarrel/test/kalmanTools/ 89
local variable /RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelRecHits/src/ 551
local variable /RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelRecHits/src/ 438
local variable /RecoLocalTracker/SiStripRecHitConverter/src/ 22
local variable /RecoLocalTracker/SiStripRecHitConverter/src/ 556
local variable /RecoLuminosity/LumiProducer/plugins/ 126
local variable /RecoLuminosity/LumiProducer/plugins/ 151
local variable /RecoMuon/MuonSeedGenerator/test/MuonSeedPTAnalysis/SeedParaFit.C 388
local variable /RecoMuon/MuonSeedGenerator/test/MuonSeedPTAnalysis/SeedPtScale.C 279
local variable /RecoTracker/MkFit/plugins/ 112
local variable /RecoTracker/MkFit/plugins/ 127
class, struct, or union member mkfit::DeadRegion /RecoTracker/MkFitCore/interface/Hit.h 277
class, struct, or union member mkfit::Bins /RecoTracker/MkFitCore/src/ 796
class, struct, or union member BinSearch /RecoTracker/MkFitCore/standalone/RntDumper/RntStructs.h 62
local variable /RecoVertex/PrimaryVertexProducer/src/ 947
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 80
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 82
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 452
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 454
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 531
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 533
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 731
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 745
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 928
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 930
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 1157
local variable /SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 1238
local variable /TopQuarkAnalysis/TopEventProducers/src/ 289
local variable /TopQuarkAnalysis/TopHitFit/src/ 557
local variable /TopQuarkAnalysis/TopHitFit/src/ 633
local variable /Utilities/XrdAdaptor/src/ 1006
local variable /Validation/RecoEgamma/plugins/ 1511

52 declarations in 38 files.

References to q1

File Line
/Alignment/MuonAlignment/src/ 1443 1447 1447 1447 1448 1449 1449 1449 1450 1451 1451 1452 1452
/CalibCalorimetry/EcalLaserAnalyzer/plugins/ 617 621 622
/CalibCalorimetry/EcalLaserAnalyzer/src/ 151 154 155
/CalibCalorimetry/HcalPlugins/test/ 138 143 147
/Calibration/HcalConnectivity/test/CCApatternmaker.C 277 532 536 543 556 557 558 559 560 561 562
/Calibration/IsolatedParticles/macros/IsoTrkOfflineAnalyzer.C 2235 2236 2237
/CommonTools/CandUtils/interface/CandCombiner.h 56 56 58 58 60 60 64 64 66 67 69 70 75 76 78 79 81 82 86 87 89 90 93 94
/CommonTools/CandUtils/interface/CandCombinerBase.h 100 102 107 109 115 117 137 138 138
/CommonTools/CandUtils/src/ 9 11 15 17 22 24 40 41 41
/CommonTools/CandUtils/test/ 32 33 42
/CommonTools/CandUtils/test/ 36 37 54
/CondCore/CondDB/src/ 342 343 344 346 348 349 350 352
/CondCore/CondDB/src/ 63 64 66 83 84 85
/DQM/HLTEvF/plugins/ 493 495
/DQM/HcalTasks/plugins/ 1325 1327
/DQMOffline/Lumi/plugins/ 489 522 627
/DataFormats/Candidate/test/ 46 48 64
/DataFormats/Candidate/test/ 43 151 152 153 154 180 181 182 183 211 212 213 214 241 242 243 244 270 271 272 273 301 302 303 304
/DataFormats/DTRecHit/interface/DTDriftTimeParameters.icc 508 511 515 519 520 523 524
/DataFormats/HcalRecHit/src/ 7 8 10
/EventFilter/CSCRawToDigi/src/ 201 208
/FWCore/Reflection/python/ 29 31 32 35 35
/GeneratorInterface/AMPTInterface/src/zpc.f 3794 3803 3805 3805 3807 3858 3922 3931 3933 3933 3935 3992 4207 4216 4218 4218 4220 4271 4363 4372 4374 4374 4376 4433 4667 4676 4678 4678 4680 4740 4749 4831 4840 4842 4842 4844 4913 4922 5159 5168 5170 5170 5172 5234 5243 5327 5336 5338 5338 5340 5411 5420
/GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/src/CrossSection.cpp 755 806 807 811 811 812
/GeneratorInterface/GenExtensions/bin/HARDCOL/bfkl.f 118 139 156 156 157 157 162 162 164 164 165
/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/src/epos-hnb.f 923 924 927 936 946 947 950 959 970 971 974 982 992 993 996 1004
/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/src/epos-qsh.f 2318 2333 2336 2342 2349 2355 2370 2380 2389 2390 2395 2522 2536 2639 2654 2661 2674 2691 2710 2728 2743 2758 2763 2783 2794 2811 2847 2851
/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/src/epos-sem.f 3347 3769 3774 3854 4458 4496 4498 4507 4509 4518 4520 4521 4529 4531 4532 4561 4579 4581 4584 4585 4614 4616 4625 4643 4646 4683 4721 4795 4814 4816 4848 4894 4896
/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/src/qgsjet-II-04.f 13678 13700 13704 13736 13751 13773 13777 13809 13824 13844 13847 13855 13860 13906 13926 13929 13938 13940 13940 13970 13970 16960 16977 16977 16994 17008 17022 17032 17050 17053 17068 17071 17085 17087 17100 17132 17133 17133 17158 17159 17162 17162
/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/src/qgsjet03.f 3116 3136 3154 3157 3206 3226 3244 3247 3296 3314 3319 3327 3360 3493 3511 3517 3525 3558
/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/src/sibyll_21.f 4260 4269 4284 4294 4328 4338 4353 4363
/HLTrigger/JetMET/src/ 119 139 173 227 268 272 273 276 278
/L1Trigger/DTUtilities/src/ 385 387
/L1Trigger/L1TMuonBarrel/test/kalmanTools/ 42 43 45 47 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 49 50 50 50 85 89 102 123 124 125 126
/L1Trigger/L1TMuonBarrel/test/kalmanTools/ 19 21 21 23 23
/L1Trigger/L1TMuonBarrel/test/kalmanTools/ 152 155
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCValidation/macros/myFunctions.C 993 1004 1004 1007 1007 1019 1099 1110 1110 1113 1113 1124 1173 1184 1184 1187 1187 1198 1921 1960 1960 1963 1963 1988 2155 2194 2194 2197 2197 2221 2318 2357 2357 2360 2360 2384 2481 2520 2520 2523 2523 2547
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCValidation/macros/myFunctions_OLD.C 605 616 616 619 619 631 711 722 722 725 725 736 785 796 796 799 799 810 1520 1558 1558 1561 1561 1572 1710 1748 1748 1751 1751 1762 1844 1882 1882 1885 1885 1896
/RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelRecHits/src/ 551 603 606
/RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelRecHits/src/ 438 489 492
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripRecHitConverter/src/ 22 23 24
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripRecHitConverter/src/ 556 608 611
/RecoLuminosity/LumiProducer/plugins/ 126 127 128 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 140 152 160
/RecoLuminosity/LumiProducer/plugins/ 151 154 155 156 157 162
/RecoMuon/MuonSeedGenerator/test/MuonSeedPTAnalysis/SeedParaFit.C 388 465
/RecoMuon/MuonSeedGenerator/test/MuonSeedPTAnalysis/SeedPtScale.C 279 281 411 425
/RecoTracker/MkFit/plugins/ 112 115 127 130 136 145
/RecoTracker/MkFitCore/interface/Hit.h 277 278
/RecoTracker/MkFitCore/interface/IterationConfig.h 44 47
/RecoTracker/MkFitCore/src/ 137
/RecoTracker/MkFitCore/src/ 796 881 899 901 919 922 959
/RecoTracker/MkFitCore/standalone/RntDumper/RntStructs.h 62
/RecoVertex/PrimaryVertexProducer/src/ 947 955
/SimG4Core/CheckSecondary/test/PlotITEP.C 80 82 83 91 124 452 454 455 464 531 533 534 558 566 731 745 746 928 930 931 1157 1159 1160 1169 1238 1240 1241 1262 1270
/SimG4Core/CustomPhysics/src/ 90 102
/TopQuarkAnalysis/TopEventProducers/src/ 289 291 294 295
/TopQuarkAnalysis/TopHitFit/src/ 557 558 570 633 634 650
/Utilities/XrdAdaptor/src/ 1006 1010 1010 1012 1012 1012 1012 1038
/Validation/RecoEgamma/plugins/ 1511 1517 1517 1518 1519 1519 1520

598 references in 59 files.