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0001 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
0002       subroutine hnbaaa(ip,iret)  !former hnbaaa156 from epos-yyy
0003 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 c  microcanonical decay of cluster ip via loop over hnbmet
0005 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
0006       include ''
0007       common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
0008      *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
0009       parameter(maxp=500)
0010       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
0011       common/citer/iter,itermx
0012       double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
0013       common /cttaus/  tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
0014       integer jc(nflav,2)
0015       double precision p(5),c(5)
0016       parameter(maxit=50000)
0017       common/count/nacc,nrej,naccit(maxit),nptot,npit(maxit)
0018       dimension be(4),pe(5),pa(5)
0019       common/yradx/yrad(maxp),phirad(maxp)
0020       common/xxxspecsy/ndrop(-4:4,-4:4,-4:4)
0021       common/cdelzet/delzet,delsgr /cvocell/vocell
0022       call utpri('hnbaaa',ish,ishini,4)
0025       ntry=0
0026  10   continue
0027       ntry=ntry+1
0029       if(
0030       write(ifch,140)sngl(ttaus)
0031   140 format(/' ----------------------------------'/
0032      *'    droplet decay  at tau =',f6.2/
0033      *' ----------------------------------')
0034       write(ifch,*)'droplet:'
0035       call alist('&',ip,ip)
0036       endif
0038       iret=0
0039       do j=1,5
0040       c(j)=pptl(j,ip)
0041       enddo
0043       call idquac(ip,nqi,nsi,nai,jc)
0044       keu=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
0045       ked=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
0046       kes=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
0047       kec=jc(4,1)-jc(4,2)
0048       keb=jc(5,1)-jc(5,2)
0049       ket=jc(6,1)-jc(6,2)
0050 c      write(ifch,*)'droplet uds=',keu,ked,kes,'   E=',pptl(5,ip)
0052     !~~~~~redefine energy in case of radial flow
0053       amin=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,4)   !utamnu(...,4) and not utamnu(...,5)
0054       aumin=amuseg+yrmaxi        !for rad and long flow  
0055       ipo=ip                                   !could be too light after flow
0056       if(ityptl(ip).eq.60)ipo=iorptl(ip)
0057       tecmor=pptl(5,ipo)
0058       if(
0059      &.or.ityptl(ip).eq.40.or.ityptl(ip).eq.50)then !not for droplets from remnants
0060         yrmax=0
0061       else
0062         yrmax=yrmaxi
0063                   !aumin=amin
0064                   !if(*,'===',tecmor,aamin,yrmax
0065       endif
0066       fradflo=1.
0067       if(
0068       tecm=pptl(5,ip)
0069       if(
0070         iret=1
0071         if(,*)'Decay skipped (M too low) !'
0072      &                           ,tecm,amin
0073         goto 1000
0074       endif
0075       if(
0076      &.or.ityptl(ip).eq.40.or.ityptl(ip).eq.50)then !not for droplets from remnants
0077         yco=0
0078       else
0079        if(
0080         yco=delzet !* 1.75
0081        else
0082         yco=ylongmx
0083        endif
0084       endif
0085       corrco=1.
0086       if(
0089       tecmxx=tecm
0090       if(iLHC.eq.1)then
0091         corr=fradflo/corrco
0092         if(tecm*
0093           fradflo=min(1.,1.1*amin/tecm*corrco) !if flow too large, do something anyway (saturation of flow)
0094           corr=fradflo/corrco
0095         endif
0096       else
0097         if(tecm**amin/tecm  !if flow too large, do something anyway (saturation of flow)
0098         corr=fradflo
0099       endif
0100       if(
0101      &  .and.tecm* then
0102         ! redefine energy to account for collective flow
0103         ! \int_0^yrmax f(y) d2y = E_new (effective mass)
0104         ! \int_0^yrmax cosh(y) f(y) d2y = E_old
0105         tecm=tecm*fradflo
0106         if('aaahnb: small mass. should not happen.   '
0107       else
0108         yrmax=0.
0109       endif
0110     !~~~~~redefine energy in case of long coll flow
0112 ! because of the grid structure for the cluster, fluctuations in eta
0113 ! appears if there is no smearing with long flow !
0114       tecmx=tecm
0115 c      if( then
0116       if( then
0117         if(
0118           tecm=tecm/corrco
0119           do while(
0120             yco=yco*0.5
0121             corrco=sinh(yco)/yco
0122             tecm=tecmx/corrco
0123           enddo
0124         else
0125           tecm=tecm/corrco
0126           if(  !security to avoid minimum mass
0127             tecm=tecmx
0128             yco=0.
0129           endif
0130         endif
0131       else
0132         yco=0.
0133       endif
0134       if(,*)'===== cluster energy: '
0135      &                               ,pptl(5,ip),tecmx,tecm,amin,aumin
0136      &                               ,delzet,yrmax,yco,ityptl(ip)
0138     !~~~~~~~~~define volume~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0140       volu=tecm/epscri(1)
0142     !~~~~~~~~~decay~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0143       call hnbini(iret)
0144       !if(,*)'***** unsucessfull hnbini *****'
0145       if( 1000
0146       if( 1
0148       do iter=1,itermx
0149         naccit(iter)=0
0150         call hnbmet
0151       enddo
0153 1     continue
0155       if(ioceau.eq.1.and.iappl.eq.1)call xhnbte(ip)
0157     !~~~~~~~~~~long coll flow -> particles~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0158       tecmxxx=tecm
0159       if( then
0160         errlim=0.0001
0161         tecm=tecmx
0162         niter=0
0163  611    energ=0.
0164         niter=niter+1
0165         do i=1,np
0166           yrad(i)=(2*rangen()-1)*yco
0167           be(3)=sinh(yrad(i))
0168           be(4)=cosh(yrad(i))
0169           energ=energ+be(4)*pcm(4,i)-be(3)*pcm(3,i)
0170         enddo
0171         if(abs(energ-tecm)
0172           goto 611
0173         elseif(
0174           if(,*)'Long Flow failed:'
0175      &                             ,energ,tecm
0176           yco=0
0177           tecm=tecmxxx
0178           goto 400
0179         endif
0180                 !print*,'===== energy after flow boosts',energ,'   soll: ',tecm
0181         do j=1,4
0182           pe(j)=0.
0183         enddo
0184         do i=1,np
0185           be(1)= 0
0186           be(2)= 0
0187           be(3)= sinh(yrad(i))
0188           be(4)= cosh(yrad(i))
0189           call utlob3(1,be(1),be(2),be(3),be(4),1e0
0190      *         , pcm(1,i), pcm(2,i), pcm(3,i), pcm(4,i))
0191           do j=1,4
0192           pe(j)=pe(j)+pcm(j,i)
0193           enddo
0194         enddo
0195         pe(5)=sqrt(pe(4)**2-pe(3)**2-pe(2)**2-pe(1)**2)
0196        !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')'flow boosts',pe
0197         do j=1,4
0198           pa(j)=0.
0199         enddo
0200         do i=1,np
0201           call utlob3(1,pe(1),pe(2),pe(3),pe(4),pe(5)
0202      *         , pcm(1,i), pcm(2,i), pcm(3,i), pcm(4,i))
0203           do j=1,4
0204             pa(j)=pa(j)+pcm(j,i)
0205           enddo
0206         enddo
0207         pa(5)=sqrt(pa(4)**2-pa(3)**2-pa(2)**2-pa(1)**2)
0208                 !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')' cms boost ',pa
0209         esoll=tecm
0210         scal=1.
0211         do ipass=1,200
0212           sum=0.
0213           do  j=1,np
0214             do k=1,3
0215               pcm(k,j)=scal*pcm(k,j)
0216             enddo
0217             pcm(4,j)=sqrt(pcm(1,j)**2+pcm(2,j)**2+pcm(3,j)**2
0218      *           +amass(j)**2)
0219             sum=sum+pcm(4,j)
0220           enddo
0221           scal=esoll/sum
0222           !write(6,*)'ipass,scal,e,esoll:'
0223           !    $         ,ipass,scal,sum,esoll
0224           if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim) goto301
0225         enddo
0226  301    continue
0227         do j=1,4
0228           pa(j)=0.
0229         enddo
0230         do i=1,np
0231           do j=1,4
0232             pa(j)=pa(j)+pcm(j,i)
0233           enddo
0234         enddo
0235         pa(5)=sqrt(pa(4)**2-pa(3)**2-pa(2)**2-pa(1)**2)
0236         !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')' rescaling ',pa
0237       endif
0239  400  continue
0240     !~~~~~~~~~~radial flow -> particles~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0241       if( then
0242         fecc=0
0243         aa=1
0244         bb=0
0245         cc=0
0246         dd=1
0247         if(ityptl(ip).eq.60)then
0248           ipo=iorptl(ip)
0249           xx=uptl(ipo)   ! <x**2>
0250           yy=optl(ipo)   ! <y**2>
0251           xy=desptl(ipo) ! <x*y>
0252           dta=0.5*abs(xx-yy)
0253           ev1=(xx+yy)/2+sqrt(dta**2+xy**2)
0254           ev2=(xx+yy)/2-sqrt(dta**2+xy**2)
0255           if(
0256             theta=0.5*atan(-xy/dta)
0257           elseif(
0258             theta=-0.5*atan(xy/dta)
0259           else
0260             theta=0
0261           endif
0262 c          if(
0263 c            theta=0.5*atan(abs(xy)/abs(dta))
0264 c            if(
0265 c              theta=theta
0266 c            elseif(
0267 c              theta=-theta
0268 c            elseif(
0269 c              theta=pi-theta
0270 c            elseif(
0271 c              theta=theta-pi
0272 c            endif
0273 c          else
0274 c            theta=2.*pi*rangen()
0275 c          endif
0276           !eccx=(yy-xx)/(yy+xx)
0277           yy=ev1
0278           xx=ev2
0279           ecc=(yy-xx)/(yy+xx)
0280 c          print*,'AA',ecc,theta
0281           if(iLHC.eq.1)then
0282             fecc=min(facecc,ecc) !be careful : fecc change <pt> since it is the elliptical deformation of the sub cluster(give strength of v2)
0283           else
0284             fecc=facecc*ecc
0285             fecc=min(0.3,fecc) !be careful : fecc change <pt> since it is the 
0286           endif
0287           phiclu=mod(phievt+theta,2.*pi) !do not change otherwise v2 is gone
0288           if(*pi
0289           if(*pi
0290           aa=cos(phiclu)
0291           bb=sin(phiclu)
0292           cc=-sin(phiclu)
0293           dd=cos(phiclu)
0294         endif
0295         errlim=0.0001
0296         tecm=tecmxx
0297         niter=0
0298  610    energ=0.
0299         niter=niter+1
0300         do i=1,np
0301           yrad(i)=sqrt(rangen())
0302           phirad(i)=2.*pi*rangen()
0303           pt2=0.
0304           if(iLHC.eq.1)pt2=(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2) !+amass(i)**2)
0305           bex=dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*cos(phirad(i))
0306      *       *(1+fecc/(1.+pt2))
0307           bey=dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*sin(phirad(i))
0308      *       *(1-fecc/(1.+pt2))
0309           be(1)=aa*bex+cc*bey
0310           be(2)=bb*bex+dd*bey
0311           be(3)=-0d0
0312           be(4)=sqrt(1+be(1)**2+be(2)**2)
0313           bp=0d0
0314           do k=1,3
0315             bp=bp+pcm(k,i)*be(k)
0316           enddo
0317           en=be(4)*pcm(4,i)+bp
0318           energ=energ+en
0319 c          bp=sqrt(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2)**yradpp
0320 cc          bp=sqrt(amass(i)**2+pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2)**yradpp
0321 c          be(1)=pcm(1,i)-bp*(aa*bex+cc*bey)
0322 c          be(2)=pcm(2,i)-bp*(bb*bex+dd*bey)
0323 c          be(4)=sqrt(be(1)**2+be(2)**2+pcm(3,i)**2
0324 c     *           +amass(i)**2)
0325 c          en=be(4)
0326 c          energ=energ+en
0327         enddo
0328         if(abs(energ-tecm)
0329           goto 610
0330         elseif(
0331           if(,*)'Radial Flow failed:'
0332      &                             ,yrmax,energ,tecm,np
0333           iret=1
0334           if(,*)'Decay skipped !'
0335           goto 1000
0336 c          goto 300
0337         endif
0338         energ=0.
0339         do i=1,np
0340           pt2=0.
0341           if(iLHC.eq.1)pt2=(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2)!+amass(i)**2)
0342           bex=dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*cos(phirad(i))
0343      *       *(1+fecc/(1.+pt2))
0344           bey=dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*sin(phirad(i))
0345      *       *(1-fecc/(1.+pt2))
0346           be(1)=aa*bex+cc*bey
0347           be(2)=bb*bex+dd*bey
0348           be(3)=0d0
0349           be(4)=sqrt(1+be(1)**2+be(2)**2)
0350           call utlob3(1,be(1),be(2),be(3),be(4),1e0
0351      *         , pcm(1,i), pcm(2,i), pcm(3,i), pcm(4,i))
0352 c          bp=sqrt(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2)**yradpp
0353 cc          bp=sqrt(amass(i)**2+pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2)
0354 c          pcm(1,i)=pcm(1,i)-bp*(aa*bex+cc*bey)
0355 c          pcm(2,i)=pcm(2,i)-bp*(bb*bex+dd*bey)
0356 c          pcm(4,i)=sqrt(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2+pcm(3,i)**2
0357 c     *           +amass(i)**2)
0358           energ=energ+pcm(4,i)
0359         enddo
0360         esoll=tecm
0361         scal=1.
0362         do ipass=1,200
0363           sum=0.
0364           do  j=1,np
0365             do k=1,3
0366               pcm(k,j)=scal*pcm(k,j)
0367             enddo
0368             pcm(4,j)=sqrt(pcm(1,j)**2+pcm(2,j)**2+pcm(3,j)**2
0369      *           +amass(j)**2)
0370             sum=sum+pcm(4,j)
0371           enddo
0372           scal=esoll/sum
0373 c          write(6,*)'ipass,scal,e,esoll:'
0374 c     $         ,ipass,scal,sum,esoll
0375           if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim) goto300
0376         enddo
0377  300    continue
0378       else
0379         do n=1,np
0380           yrad(n)=0.
0381           phirad(n)=0.
0382         enddo
0383       endif
0384     !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0386       nptlb=nptl
0387       do n=1,np
0388         nptl=nptl+1
0389         if( utstop('hnbptl: mxptl too small&')
0390         idptl(nptl)=ident(n)
0391         do j=1,4
0392           p(j)=pcm(j,n)
0393         enddo
0394         p(5)=amass(n)
0395         call utlob2(-1,c(1),c(2),c(3),c(4),c(5),p(1),p(2),p(3),p(4),10)
0396         do j=1,5
0397           pptl(j,nptl)=p(j)
0398         enddo
0399         if(
0400           ityptl(nptl)=60
0401         elseif(ityptl(ip).eq.40.or.ityptl(ip).eq.50)then
0402           ityptl(nptl)=ityptl(ip)+1
0403         else
0404           ityptl(nptl)=19
0405         endif
0406         ipo=iorptl(ip)
0407         iorptl(nptl)=ip
0408         jorptl(nptl)=ipo
0409 c protection against very high momentum particle (it can happen very very boosted cluster (which do no really make sense anyway))
0410         if(iLHC.eq.1.and.p(4).ge.0.5*engy)then
0411           if( alist('&',nptlb+1,nptl)
0412           nptl=nptlb
0413           iret=1
0414           if(,*)'Decay skipped (p4 too high) !', ntry
0415           if( 10
0416           goto 1000
0417         endif
0418         if(ityptl(ip).eq.60)then
0419           if(ityptl(nptl).eq.60)then
0420             xx=uptl(ipo)        ! <x**2>
0421             yy=optl(ipo)        ! <y**2>
0422             rini=sqrt(5./3.*(xx+yy)) !<r**2>=3/5*R**2 for sphere of radius R
0423             r=1.15*rini*yrad(n) !yrad=y/ymax
0424             tau=2.25/sqrt(yrad(n)**2+0.04)-0.75
0425             z=xorptl(3,ipo)
0426             t=xorptl(4,ipo)
0427            !zeta=0.5*log((t+z)/(t-z))-0.5*delzet+2*0.5*delzet*rangen()
0428             zeta=0.5*log((p(4)+p(3))/(p(4)-p(3)))
0429             z=tau*sinh(zeta)
0430             t=tau*cosh(zeta)
0431             xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,ipo)+r*cos(phirad(n))
0432             xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,ipo)+r*sin(phirad(n))
0433             xorptl(3,nptl)=z
0434             xorptl(4,nptl)=t
0435           else
0436             xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,ip)
0437             xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,ip)
0438             xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,ip)
0439             xorptl(4,nptl)=xorptl(4,ip)
0440           endif
0441         endif
0442       enddo
0444       if(
0445         write(ifch,*)'decay products:'
0446         call alist('&',nptlb+1,nptl)
0447         if(
0448           write(ifch,*)'momentum sum:'
0449           do kk=1,5
0450             pptl(kk,nptl+1)=0
0451             do ii=nptlb+1,nptl
0452               pptl(kk,nptl+1)=pptl(kk,nptl+1)+pptl(kk,ii)
0453             enddo
0454             pptl(kk,nptl+2)=c(kk)
0455           enddo
0456           call alist('&',nptl+1,nptl+2)
0457         endif
0458       endif
0460  1000 continue
0461       call utprix('hnbaaa',ish,ishini,4)
0462       return
0463       end
0466 c####################################################################################
0467 c####################################################################################
0468 c####################################################################################
0469 c####################################################################################
0470 c####################################################################################
0471 c#########                                                                  #########
0472 c#########                  hnb and hgc routines                            #########
0473 c#########                                                                  #########
0474 c####################################################################################
0475 c####################################################################################
0476 c####################################################################################
0477 c####################################################################################
0478 c####################################################################################
0481 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0482       subroutine hgcaaa
0483 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0484 c hadronic resonance gas in grand canonical treatment
0485 c returns T, chemical potentials and hadronic yield
0486 c (hadron chemical potentials as combinations of quark chemical potentials)
0487 c
0488 c input:
0489 c   iostat: 1: Boltzmann approximation, 0: quantum statistics  /metr3/
0490 c   tecm:                    droplet energy      /confg/
0491 c   volu:                    droplet volume      /confg/
0492 c   keu ked kes kec keb ket: net flavor number   /drop5/
0493 c
0494 c output:
0495 c   tem    : temperature [GeV]                            /cgchg/
0496 c   chem(1:nflav): quark chem. pot. [GeV]                 /cflav/
0497 c   chemgc(1:nspecs): hadron chem. pot. [GeV]             /cgchg/
0498 c   ptlngc(1:nspecs): hadron number                       /cgchg/
0499 c   rmsngc(1:nspecs): standard deviation of hadron number /cgchg/
0500 c
0501 c exact treatment (iostat=0):
0502 c for massive hadrons     : first in Boltzmann approximation with analytical
0503 c                           expressions for particle and energy densities,
0504 c                           then by using quantum statistics in integral form,
0505 c                           extracting mu and T using numerical integration
0506 c                           and an iterative procedure to solve for mu, T
0507 c for massless hadrons    : using analytic expressions for massles particles
0508 c                           and employing the  same algorithm as for massive
0509 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
0510       include ''
0511       parameter (mspecs=56)
0512       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
0513       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
0514       common/cbol/rmsbol(mspecs),ptlbol(mspecs),chebol(mspecs),tembol
0515       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
0516       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
0517       common/cnrit/nrit
0518       gen=10.0**(-epsgc)
0519       genm=gen/10.
0521       isho=ish
0522       if(ishsub/100.eq.51)ish=mod(ishsub,100)
0524       iug=(1+iospec)/2*2-1
0527 c     initialization
0528 c     --------------
0529       kef(1)=keu
0530       kef(2)=ked
0531       kef(3)=kes
0532       kef(4)=kec
0533       kef(5)=keb
0534       kef(6)=ket
0536       if(iug.eq.1)nflavs=1
0537       if(iug.eq.3)nflavs=2
0538       if(iug.eq.5)nflavs=2
0539       if(iug.eq.7)nflavs=3
0540       if(iug.eq.9)nflavs=3
0541       if(iug.eq.11)nflavs=3
0542       tem=0.0
0543       do i=1,nflavs
0544       chem(i)=0.0
0545       enddo
0546       call hgchac(0)
0547       do i=1,nspecs
0548       ptlngc(i)=0.0
0549       rmsngc(i)=0.0
0550       enddo
0551       nrit=0
0553       if(
0554         write(ifch,*)('-',l=1,10)
0555      *,' entry sr hgcaaa ',('-',l=1,30)
0556         write(ifch,'(1x,a,2x,3i3)')
0557      *'>>> grand canonical hadron gas for droplet with u d s content:'
0558      *,keu,ked,kes
0559         write(ifch,'(1x,a,2x,f7.3,2x,a,2x,f7.3)')
0560      *'mass [GeV]:',tecm,'volume [fm^3]:',volu
0561       endif
0563       if(
0564       write(ifch,*)'inversion impossible !!!'
0565       write(ifch,*)'keu=0 required for this option'
0566       write(ifch,*)'T = mu(i) = 0 returned'
0567       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
0568      *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
0569       return
0570       endif
0571       if(iug.eq.3.and.(keu+ked)
0572       write(ifch,*)'inversion impossible !!!'
0573       write(ifch,*)'keu+ked=0 required for this option'
0574       write(ifch,*)'T = mu(i) = 0 returned'
0575       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
0576      *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
0577       return
0578       endif
0579       kf=keu+ked+kes+kec+keb+ket
0580       kf=abs(kf)
0581       if(
0582       if(mod(kf,3)
0583       write(ifch,*)'inversion impossible !!!'
0584       write(ifch,*)'sum must be multiple of three'
0585       write(ifch,*)'T = mu(i) = 0 returned'
0586       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
0587      *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
0588       return
0589       endif
0590       endif
0593 c     initial T (m=0, baryon free)
0594 c     -------------------------------
0595       gfac=0.0
0597        if(iostat.eq.0.and.iospec.eq.iug)then
0598       do i=1,nspecs
0599       igsp=int(gspecs(i))
0600       if(mod(igsp,2).eq.0)then
0601       gfac=gfac+7.*gspecs(i)/8.
0602       else
0603       gfac=gfac+gspecs(i)
0604       endif
0605       enddo
0606       if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)gfac=gfac+16.
0607       tem=(tecm/volu*hquer**3*30./pi**2/gfac)**.25
0608        else
0609       do i=1,nspecs
0610       gfac=gfac+gspecs(i)
0611       enddo
0612       if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)gfac=gfac+16.
0613       tem=(tecm/volu*hquer**3*pi**2/gfac/3.)**.25
0614       tem=2.*tem
0615        endif
0617       if(,1)'initial T :',tem
0618 1     format(1x,a,3x,f9.6)
0620       if(,*)'iospec: ',iospec
0622        if(
0623       write(ifch,*)'inversion in Boltzmann approx. :'
0624        elseif(
0625       write(ifch,*)'inversion for massless hadrons :'
0626        endif
0628        if(
0629       if(nflavs.eq.1)write(ifch,'(3x,a,8x,a)')
0630      *'T:','chemu:'
0631       if(nflavs.eq.2)write(ifch,'(3x,a,8x,a,5x,a)')
0632      *'T:','chemu:','chemd:'
0633       if(nflavs.eq.3)write(ifch,'(3x,a,8x,a,5x,a,5x,a)')
0634      *'T:','chemu:','chemd:','chems:'
0635        endif
0637       k=1
0638 10    continue
0639       if(,10).eq.0)
0640      *write(ifch,*)'hgc iteration:',k
0641       if( hgccch(1)
0643 c     search for temperature (chem=const)
0644 c     -----------------------------------
0645       idt=0
0646       temo=tem
0648        if(iospec.eq.iug)then
0650 c     massless particles
0651 c     ------------------
0652       if(iostat.eq.0)then
0653       if(
0654      *write(ifch,*)'iteration (massless):',k
0655       call hgctm0
0656       elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
0657       if(
0658      *write(ifch,*)'iteration (Boltzmann, massless):',k
0659       call hgctbo(ibna)
0660       if(ibna.eq.1)then
0661       tem=temo
0662       goto20
0663       endif
0664       endif
0666        else
0668 c     Boltzmann approxiamtion (massive particles)
0669 c     -------------------------------------------
0670       if(
0671      *write(ifch,*)'iteration (Boltzmann, massive):',k
0672       call hgctbo(ibna)
0673       if(ibna.eq.1)then
0674       tem=temo
0675       goto20
0676       endif
0678        endif
0680       if(
0681       write(ifch,*)'inversion imposssible'
0682       write(ifch,*)'T:',tem
0683       if( hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
0684       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
0685      *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
0686       ish=isho
0687       return
0688       endif
0690       dt=abs(temo-tem)
0691       if(dt.le.gen*temo.or.dt.le.genm)idt=1
0693 c     search for chemical potentials (tem=const)
0694 c     ------------------------------------------
0695       idch=0
0696       ibna=0
0698         do iafs=1,nflavs
0699       chemo=chem(iafs)
0701        if(iospec.eq.iug)then
0703 c     massless particles
0704 c     ------------------
0705       if(iostat.eq.0)then
0706       call hgccm0
0707       elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
0708       call hgccbo(ibna)
0709       endif
0711        else
0713 c     Boltzmann approxiamtion (massive particles)
0714 c     -------------------------------------------
0715       call hgccbo(ibna)
0717        endif
0719       dch=abs(chemo-chem(iafs))
0720       if(,*)'dch:',dch
0721       if(dch.le.abs(gen*chemo).or.dch.le.genm)idch=idch+1
0722       if(ibna.eq.1)then
0723       chem(iafs)=chemo
0724       call hgchac(0)
0725       goto20
0726       endif
0728         enddo
0731 c     new hadron chem. potentials
0732 c     ---------------------------
0733       call hgchac(0)
0736       if(
0737      *write(ifch,'(1x,f8.6,2x,f9.6)')
0738      *tem,chem(1)
0739       if(
0740      *write(ifch,'(1x,f8.6,2x,f9.6,2x,f9.6)')
0741      *tem,chem(1),chem(2)
0742       if(
0743      *write(ifch,'(1x,f8.6,2x,f9.6,2x,f9.6,2x,f9.6)')
0744      *tem,chem(1),chem(2),chem(3)
0745       if(idch.eq.nflavs.and.idt.eq.1)goto20
0748       k=k+1
0750        if(
0751        if(
0752      *write(ifch,*)'failure in approximate solution'
0753       goto20
0754        endif
0756       goto10
0758 20    continue
0759       if( hgccch(0)
0760       if(,'(1x,a,1x,f9.6)')'  T  :',tem
0761       do i=1,nflavs
0762       if(
0763      *write(ifch,'(1x,a,1x,f9.6)')'chemu:',chem(1)
0764       if(
0765      *write(ifch,'(1x,a,1x,f9.6)')'chemd:',chem(2)
0766       if(
0767      *write(ifch,'(1x,a,1x,f9.6)')'chems:',chem(3)
0768       enddo
0771 c     checking results
0772 c     ----------------
0773       if( hgcchb
0775 c     particle yield
0776 c     --------------
0777       call hgcpyi(1)
0779 c     checking flavor conservation
0780 c     ----------------------------
0781       if( hgccfc
0783       if(iug.eq.iospec.and.iostat.eq.0)then
0784       if(,*)
0785      *'approximation and exact treatment equal'
0786       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
0787      *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
0788       ish=isho
0789       return
0790       endif
0792 c     continue or return approximate values
0793 c     -------------------------------------
0794       do i=1,nspecs
0795       rmsbol(i)=rmsngc(i)
0796       ptlbol(i)=ptlngc(i)
0797       chebol(i)=chemgc(i)
0798       enddo
0799       tembol=tem
0800       if(iostat.eq.1)then
0801       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
0802      *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
0803       ish=isho
0804       return
0805       endif
0808 c     quantum statistics
0809 c     ------------------
0810       if(,*)'quantum statistics:'
0811       if(,'(3x,a,8x,a)')
0812      *'T:','chemu:'
0813       if(,'(3x,a,8x,a,6x,a)')
0814      *'T:','chemu:','chemd:'
0815       if(,'(3x,a,8x,a,6x,a,6x,a)')
0816      *'T:','chemu:','chemd:','chems:'
0817       k=1
0819 30    continue
0820       if(,10).eq.0)
0821      *write(ifch,*)'hgc iteration:',k
0823 c     new temperature
0824 c     ---------------
0825       idt=0
0826       temo=tem
0827       call hgctex
0828       if(
0829      *write(ifch,'(1x,f10.8,2x,f10.7)')
0830      *tem,chem(1)
0831       if(
0832      *write(ifch,'(1x,f10.8,2x,f10.7,2x,f10.7)')
0833      *tem,chem(1),chem(2)
0834       if(
0835      *write(ifch,'(1x,f10.8,2x,f10.7,2x,f10.7,2x,f10.7)')
0836      *tem,chem(1),chem(2),chem(3)
0838       if(
0839       write(ifch,*)'inversion imposssible'
0840       write(ifch,*)'T:',tem
0841       call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
0842       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
0843      *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
0844       ish=isho
0845       return
0846       endif
0848       dt=abs(temo-tem)
0849       if(dt.le.gen*temo.or.dt.le.genm)idt=1
0850       if(,*)'dtem:',dt
0852 c     new quark chem. potentials
0853 c     --------------------------
0854       idch=0
0855       do iafs=1,nflavs
0856       chemo=chem(iafs)
0857       call hgccex
0858       dch=abs(chemo-chem(iafs))
0859       if(,*)'dche:',dch
0860       if(dch.le.abs(gen*chemo).or.dch.le.genm)idch=idch+1
0861       enddo
0863 c     new hadron chem. potentials
0864 c     ---------------------------
0865       call hgchac(0)
0867        if(idch.eq.nflavs.and.idt.eq.1)then
0869       if(,*)'results:'
0870       if(,51)'  T  :',tem
0871       if(,51)'chemu:',chem(1)
0872       if(,51)'chemd:',chem(2)
0873       if(,51)'chems:',chem(3)
0874 51    format(1x,a,3x,f9.6)
0876 c     checking results
0877 c     ----------------
0878       if( hgcchh(i)
0880 c     particle yield
0881 c     --------------
0882       call hgcpyi(0)
0884 c     checking flavor conservation
0885 c     ----------------------------
0886       call hgccfc
0888       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
0889      *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
0890       ish=isho
0891       return
0892        endif
0894        if(
0895        if(
0896      *write(ifch,*)'failure in exact solution'
0897       if(,*)'results:'
0898       if(,51)'  T  :',tem
0899       if(,51)'chemu:',chem(1)
0900       if(,51)'chemd:',chem(2)
0901       if(,51)'chems:',chem(3)
0903 c     particle yield
0904 c     --------------
0905       call hgcpyi(0)
0907       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
0908      *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
0909       ish=isho
0910       return
0912        endif
0914       k=k+1
0915       goto30
0917       end
0920 c---------------------------------------------------------------------
0921       function hgcbi0(x)
0922 c---------------------------------------------------------------------
0923       DOUBLE PRECISION p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9,y
0924       SAVE p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9
0925       DATA p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7/1.0d0,3.5156229d0,3.0899424d0,
0926      *1.2067492d0,0.2659732d0,0.360768d-1,0.45813d-2/
0927       DATA q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9/0.39894228d0,0.1328592d-1,
0928      *0.225319d-2,-0.157565d-2,0.916281d-2,-0.2057706d-1,0.2635537d-1,
0929      *-0.1647633d-1,0.392377d-2/
0930       if (abs(x).lt.3.75) then
0931         y=dble((x/3.75)**2)
0932         hgcbi0=sngl(p1+y*(p2+y*(p3+y*(p4+y*(p5+y*(p6+y*p7))))))
0933       else
0934         ax=abs(x)
0935         y=dble(3.75/ax)
0936         hgcbi0=(exp(ax)/sqrt(ax))*(q1+y*(q2+y*(q3+y*(q4+y*(q5+y*(q6+y*
0937      *(q7+y*(q8+y*q9))))))))
0938       endif
0939       return
0940       end
0943 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
0944       function hgcbi1(x)
0945 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
0946       DOUBLE PRECISION p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9,y
0947       SAVE p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9
0948       DATA p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7/0.5d0,0.87890594d0,0.51498869d0,
0949      *0.15084934d0,0.2658733d-1,0.301532d-2,0.32411d-3/
0950       DATA q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9/0.39894228d0,-0.3988024d-1,
0951      *-0.362018d-2,0.163801d-2,-0.1031555d-1,0.2282967d-1,-0.2895312d-1,
0952      *0.1787654d-1,-0.420059d-2/
0953       if (abs(x).lt.3.75) then
0954         y=dble((x/3.75)**2)
0955         hgcbi1=x*(p1+y*(p2+y*(p3+y*(p4+y*(p5+y*(p6+y*p7))))))
0956       else
0957         ax=abs(x)
0958         y=dble(3.75/ax)
0959         hgcbi1=(exp(ax)/sqrt(ax))*(q1+y*(q2+y*(q3+y*(q4+y*(q5+y*(q6+y*
0960      *(q7+y*(q8+y*q9))))))))
0961         if(
0962       endif
0963       return
0964       END
0967 c---------------------------------------------------------------------
0968       function hgcbk0(x)
0969 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
0970       DOUBLE PRECISION p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,y
0971       SAVE p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7
0972       DATA p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7/-0.57721566d0,0.42278420d0,0.23069756d0,
0973      *0.3488590d-1,0.262698d-2,0.10750d-3,0.74d-5/
0974       DATA q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7/1.25331414d0,-0.7832358d-1,0.2189568d-1,
0975      *-0.1062446d-1,0.587872d-2,-0.251540d-2,0.53208d-3/
0976       if (x.le.2.0) then
0977         y=dble(x*x/4.0)
0978         hgcbk0=(-log(x/2.0)*hgcbi0(x))+(p1+y*(p2+y*(p3+y*(p4+y*(p5+y*
0979      *(p6+y*p7))))))
0980       else
0981         y=dble(2.0/x)
0982         hgcbk0=(exp(-x)/sqrt(x))*(q1+y*(q2+y*(q3+y*(q4+y*(q5+y*(q6+y*
0983      *q7))))))
0984       endif
0985       return
0986       END
0989 c---------------------------------------------------------------
0990       function hgcbk1(x)
0991 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
0992       DOUBLE PRECISION p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,y
0993       SAVE p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7
0994       DATA p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7/1.0d0,0.15443144d0,-0.67278579d0,
0995      *-0.18156897d0,-0.1919402d-1,-0.110404d-2,-0.4686d-4/
0996       DATA q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7/1.25331414d0,0.23498619d0,-0.3655620d-1,
0997      *0.1504268d-1,-0.780353d-2,0.325614d-2,-0.68245d-3/
0998       if (x.le.2.0) then
0999         y=dble(x*x/4.0)
1000         hgcbk1=(log(x/2.0)*hgcbi1(x))+(1.0/x)*(p1+y*(p2+y*(p3+y*(p4+y*
1001      *(p5+y*(p6+y*p7))))))
1002       else
1003         y=dble(2.0/x)
1004         hgcbk1=(exp(-x)/sqrt(x))*(q1+y*(q2+y*(q3+y*(q4+y*(q5+y*(q6+y*
1005      *q7))))))
1006       endif
1007       return
1008       END
1011 c-------------------------------------------------------------------
1012       function hgcbk(n,x)
1013 c------------------------------------------------------------------
1014       tox=2.0/x
1015       bkm=hgcbk0(x)
1016       bk=hgcbk1(x)
1017       do 11 j=1,n-1
1018         bkp=bkm+j*tox*bk
1019         bkm=bk
1020         bk=bkp
1021 11    continue
1022       hgcbk=bk
1023       return
1024       END
1027 c----------------------------------------------------------------
1028       subroutine hgccbo(iba)
1029 c----------------------------------------------------------------
1030 c returns new chem(iafs) for boltzmann statistics
1031 c  input:
1032 c    tem
1033 c    kef/volu
1034 c  output:
1035 c    chem(iafs)
1036 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1037       common/cnsta/pi,pii,hquer,prom,piom,ainfin
1038       common/drop6/tecm,volu
1039       parameter (mspecs=56)
1040       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1041       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1042       parameter(nflav=6)
1043       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
1044       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
1045       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1046       external hgcbk
1047       k=1
1048       iba=0
1049       c1=-0.5
1050       c2=0.5
1051       goto11
1053 c     new chemical potential
1054 c     ----------------------
1055 10    chem(iafs)=c1+0.5*(c2-c1)
1056 11    continue
1057       fd=0.0
1058       call hgchac(0)
1060         do i=1,nspecs
1062         if(ifok(iafs,i).ne.0)then
1063        if((chemgc(i)/tem).gt.70.)then
1064       hpd=1.e30
1065        else
1066       hpd=exp(chemgc(i)/tem)
1067        endif
1068        if(aspecs(i).ne.0.)then
1069       fk2=hgcbk(2,aspecs(i)/tem)
1070       hpd=hpd*gspecs(i)*aspecs(i)**2*tem*fk2
1071      */2./pi**2/hquer**3
1072        else
1073       hpd=hpd*gspecs(i)*tem**3/pi**2/hquer**3
1074        endif
1075       hfd=ifok(iafs,i)*hpd
1076       fd=fd+hfd
1077         endif
1079         enddo
1081       dfd=abs(fd-(kef(iafs)/volu))
1082       if(dfd.le.abs(gen*(kef(iafs)/volu)).or.dfd.le.genm)return
1083 c     if(abs(fd).ge.100.)then
1084 c     iba=1
1085 c     return
1086 c     endif
1089        if(
1090       c2=chem(iafs)
1091       else
1092       c1=chem(iafs)
1093        endif
1095       k=k+1
1096       if(
1098       goto10
1100       end
1103 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
1104       subroutine hgccch(iii)
1105 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
1106 c checks convergence of iterative algorithm
1107 c plots iteration values for T and mu_i
1108 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
1109       include ''
1110       parameter (mspecs=56)
1111       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1112       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
1113       parameter (nbin=500)
1114       common/cdatc/data(nbin),datb(nbin),datc(nbin),datd(nbin)
1115      *,date(nbin),datf(nbin),datg(nbin),dath(nbin),dati(nbin)
1116       common/cnrit/nrit
1117       character cen*4,cvol*4,cu*3,cd*3,cs*3
1119            if(
1121       nrit=nrit+1
1122       data(nrit)=nrit
1123       datb(nrit)=tem
1124       datc(nrit)=chem(1)
1125       datd(nrit)=chem(2)
1126       date(nrit)=chem(3)
1128            elseif(iii.eq.0)then
1130       nrit=nrit+1
1131       data(nrit)=nrit
1132       datb(nrit)=tem
1133       datc(nrit)=chem(1)
1134       datd(nrit)=chem(2)
1135       date(nrit)=chem(3)
1136       do i=1,nrit
1137       datf(i)=datb(nrit)
1138       datg(i)=datc(nrit)
1139       dath(i)=datd(nrit)
1140       dati(i)=date(nrit)
1141       enddo
1143       x1=data(1)
1144       x2=data(nrit)
1145       write(cen,'(f4.1)')tecm
1146       write(cvol,'(f4.1)')volu
1147       write(cu,'(i3)')keu
1148       write(cd,'(i3)')ked
1149       write(cs,'(i3)')kes
1152       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'newpage zone 1 4 1 openhisto'
1153       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
1154       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis Iteration"'
1155       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis T (GeV)"'
1156       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.15 0.9 "E= '//cen//'"'
1157       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.4 0.9 "V= '//cvol//'"'
1158       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
1159       write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
1160       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
1161       do j=1,nrit
1162       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datb(j)
1163       enddo
1164       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
1165       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
1167       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
1168       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
1169       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
1170       write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
1171       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
1172       do j=1,nrit
1173       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datf(j)
1174       enddo
1175       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
1176       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
1178       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
1179       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
1180       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis Iteration"'
1181       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis [m]^1! (GeV)"'
1182       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.15 0.9 "Q^1!= '//cu//'"'
1183       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
1184       write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
1185       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
1186       do j=1,nrit
1187       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datc(j)
1188       enddo
1189       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
1190       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
1192       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
1193       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
1194       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
1195       write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
1196       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
1197       do j=1,nrit
1198       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datg(j)
1199       enddo
1200       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
1201       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
1203       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
1204       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
1205       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis Iteration"'
1206       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis [m]^2! (GeV)"'
1207       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.15 0.9 "Q^2!= '//cd//'"'
1208       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
1209       write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
1210       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
1211       do j=1,nrit
1212       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datd(j)
1213       enddo
1214       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
1215       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
1217       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
1218       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
1219       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
1220       write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
1221       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
1222       do j=1,nrit
1223       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),dath(j)
1224       enddo
1225       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
1226       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
1228       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
1229       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
1230       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis Iteration"'
1231       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis [m]^3! (GeV)"'
1232       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.15 0.9 "Q^3!= '//cs//'"'
1233       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
1234       write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
1235       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
1236       do j=1,nrit
1237       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),date(j)
1238       enddo
1239       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
1240       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
1242       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
1243       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
1244       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
1245       write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
1246       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
1247       do j=1,nrit
1248       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),dati(j)
1249       enddo
1250       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
1251       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
1253            endif
1255        return
1257        end
1259 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1260       subroutine hgccex
1261 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1262 c returns new chem(iafs) for massive quantum statistics
1263 c  input:
1264 c    tem
1265 c    kef/volu
1266 c  output:
1267 c    chem(iafs)
1268 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1269       include ''
1270       parameter (mspecs=56)
1271       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1272       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
1273       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
1274       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1275       external hgcfhn
1277       k=1
1279       c1=-0.5
1280       c2=0.5
1281       goto11
1283 c     new chemical potential
1284 c     ----------------------
1285 10    chem(iafs)=c1+0.5*(c2-c1)
1286 11    continue
1288       fd=0.0
1289         do ians=1,nspecs
1290        if(ifok(iafs,ians).ne.0)then
1292       call hgchac(0)
1293       call hgclim(a,b)
1294       if(b.eq.0.0)then
1295       hpd=0.0
1296       else
1297       call uttraq(hgcfhn,a,b,hpd)
1298       endif
1299       hpd=hpd*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
1300       fd=fd+hpd*ifok(iafs,ians)
1302        endif
1303         enddo
1305       dfd=abs(fd-(kef(iafs)/volu))
1306       if(dfd.le.abs(gen*(kef(iafs)/volu)).or.dfd.le.genm)return
1308        if(
1309       c2=chem(iafs)
1310       else
1311       c1=chem(iafs)
1312        endif
1314       k=k+1
1315       if(
1316       if(
1317      *write(ifch,*)'failure at cex at iafs:',iafs
1318       return
1319       endif
1321       goto10
1323       end
1326 c------------------------------------------------------------------
1327       subroutine hgccfc
1328 c------------------------------------------------------------------
1329 c checks flavor conservation in particle yield
1330 c------------------------------------------------------------------
1331       include ''
1332       parameter (mspecs=56)
1333       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1334       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1335       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
1336       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
1338       if(,*)'checking flavor conservation'
1339       do i=1,nflavs
1340       ckef=0.0
1341       do ii=1,nspecs
1342       ckef=ckef+ifok(i,ii)*ptlngc(ii)
1343       enddo
1344       dkef=abs(ckef-kef(i))
1345       if(dkef.le.1.e-2)then
1346       if(,*)'u conserved'
1347       if(,*)'d conserved'
1348       if(,*)'s conserved'
1349       else
1350       if(,*)'u not conserved'
1351       if(,*)'d not conserved'
1352       if(,*)'s not conserved'
1353       if(,*)'df:',dkef
1354       endif
1355       enddo
1357       return
1358       end
1360 c----------------------------------------------------------------
1361       subroutine hgcchb
1362 c----------------------------------------------------------------
1363 c checks results by numerical integration
1364 c----------------------------------------------------------------
1365       include ''
1366       parameter (mspecs=56)
1367       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1368       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1369       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
1370       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
1371       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1372       external hgcfbe
1373       external hgcfbn
1374       if(,*)
1375      *'check by numer. calc. of expect. values:'
1376       iced=0
1377       ceden=0.0
1378        do ians=1,nspecs
1379       call hgclim(a,b)
1380       if(b.eq.0.0)then
1381       cedh=0.0
1382       else
1383       call uttraq(hgcfbe,a,b,cedh)
1384       endif
1385       if(,*)'cedh:',cedh
1386       ced=cedh*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
1387       ceden=ceden+ced
1388        enddo
1390       if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)
1391      *ceden=ceden+(8.*pi**2*tem**4/15.+bag4rt**4)/hquer**3
1393       if(,*)'energy density   :',ceden
1394       ded=abs((tecm/volu)-ceden)
1395       if((tecm/volu)*
1396       icfd=0
1398        do i=1,nflavs
1399       cfd=0.0
1400       do ians=1,nspecs
1401       call hgclim(a,b)
1402       if(b.eq.0.0)then
1403       hpd=0.0
1404       else
1405       call uttraq(hgcfbn,a,b,hpd)
1406       endif
1407       hfd=ifok(i,ians)*hpd*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
1408       if(,*)'hfd:',hfd
1409       cfd=cfd+hfd
1410       enddo
1411       if(,5)'flavor density u :',cfd
1412       if(,5)'flavor density d :',cfd
1413       if(,5)'flavor density s :',cfd
1414 5     format(1x,a,1x,f12.6)
1415       dfd=abs(cfd-(kef(i)/volu))
1416       if(abs(gen*(kef(i)/volu)).ge.dfd.or.dfd.le.gen)
1417      *icfd=icfd+1
1418        enddo
1420        if(iced.eq.1.and.icfd.eq.nflavs)then
1421       if(,*)'results agree'
1422       else
1423       if(,*)'results disagree'
1424        endif
1426       return
1427       end
1429 c----------------------------------------------------------------
1430       subroutine hgcchh(icorr)
1431 c----------------------------------------------------------------
1432 c checks results by numerical integration
1433 c----------------------------------------------------------------
1434       include ''
1435       parameter (mspecs=56)
1436       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1437       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1438       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
1439       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
1440       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1441       external hgcfhe
1442       external hgcfhn
1443       icorr=0
1444       if(,*)
1445      *'check by numer. calc. of expect. values:'
1447       iced=0
1448       ceden=0.0
1449        do ians=1,nspecs
1450       call hgclim(a,b)
1451       if(b.eq.0.0)then
1452       cedh=0.0
1453       else
1454       call uttraq(hgcfhe,a,b,cedh)
1455       endif
1456       if(,*)'cedh:',cedh
1457       ced=cedh*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
1458       ceden=ceden+ced
1459        enddo
1461       if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)
1462      *ceden=ceden+(8.*pi**2*tem**4/15.+bag4rt**4)/hquer**3
1464       if(,*)'energy density   :',ceden
1465       ded=abs((tecm/volu)-ceden)
1466       if((tecm/volu)*
1468       icfd=0
1470        do i=1,nflavs
1471       cfd=0.0
1472       do ians=1,nspecs
1473       call hgclim(a,b)
1474       if(b.eq.0.0)then
1475       hpd=0.0
1476       else
1477       call uttraq(hgcfhn,a,b,hpd)
1478       endif
1479       hfd=ifok(i,ians)*hpd*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
1480       if(,*)'hfd:',hfd
1481       cfd=cfd+hfd
1482       enddo
1483       if(,5)'flavor density u :',cfd
1484       if(,5)'flavor density d :',cfd
1485       if(,5)'flavor density s :',cfd
1486 5     format(1x,a,1x,f9.6)
1487       dfd=abs(cfd-(kef(i)/volu))
1488       if(abs(gen*(kef(i)/volu)).ge.dfd.or.dfd.le.gen)
1489      *icfd=icfd+1
1490        enddo
1492        if(iced.eq.1.and.icfd.eq.nflavs)then
1493       if(,*)'results agree'
1494       icorr=1
1495       else
1496       if(,*)'results disagree'
1497        endif
1499       return
1500       end
1503 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
1504       subroutine hgccm0
1505 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
1506 c returns new quark chemical potentials for massless quantum statistics
1507 c input:
1508 c  tem
1509 c  kef/volu
1510 c output:
1511 c  chem
1512 c---------------------------------------------------------------------
1513       include ''
1514       parameter (mspecs=56)
1515       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1516       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1517       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
1518       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
1519       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1520       external hgcfhn
1521       k=1
1522       z3=1.2020569
1524       c1=-0.5
1525       c2=0.5
1526       goto11
1528 c     new chemical potential
1529 c     ----------------------
1530 10    chem(iafs)=c1+0.5*(c2-c1)
1531 11    continue
1533       fd=0.0
1534       call hgchac(0)
1536                do i=1,nspecs
1537               if(ifok(iafs,i).ne.0)then
1539            igsp=int(gspecs(i))
1540           if(mod(igsp,2).eq.0)then
1542        if(ispecs(i).gt.0)then
1543       hpd=gspecs(i)*(chemgc(i)*tem**2+chemgc(i)**3/pi**2)/6./hquer**3
1544        else
1545       hpd=0.0
1546        endif
1548 c            else
1549 c      if(ispecs(i).gt.0)then
1550 c     hpd=gspecs(i)*(chemgc(i)*tem**2/3.-chemgc(i)**3/pi**2/6.)/hquer**3
1551 c      else
1552 c     hpd=0.0
1553 c      endif
1554 c        endif
1556 c     n=1
1557 c0    xx=n*abs(chemgc(i))/tem
1558 c     if(xx.le.60.)then
1559 c     hpd=hpd+(-1.)**(n+1)/n**3/exp(xx)
1560 c     n=n+1
1561 c     goto20
1562 c     endif
1563 c     hpd=hpd*gspecs(i)*tem**3/pi**2/hquer**3
1564 c     if(chemgc(i).eq.abs(chemgc(i)))then
1565 c     hpd=gspecs(i)*(chemgc(i)*tem**2+chemgc(i)**3/pi**2)/6./hquer**3
1566 c    *-hpd
1567 c     endif
1569 c      else
1570 c     hpd=3.*gspecs(i)*tem**3*z3/4./pi**2/hquer**3
1571 c      endif
1573          else
1575       hpd=gspecs(i)*tem**3*z3/pi**2/hquer**3
1577          endif
1579       hfd=hpd*ifok(iafs,i)
1580       fd=fd+hfd
1582        endif
1583         enddo
1585       dfd=abs(fd-(kef(iafs)/volu))
1586       if(dfd.le.abs(gen*(kef(iafs)/volu)).or.dfd.le.genm)return
1588        if(
1589       c2=chem(iafs)
1590       else
1591       c1=chem(iafs)
1592        endif
1594       k=k+1
1595       if(
1596       if(
1597      *write(ifch,*)'failure at cm0 at iafs:',iafs
1598       return
1599       endif
1600       goto10
1601       end
1603 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1604       function hgcfbe(x)
1605 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1606 c integrand of energy density
1607 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
1608       parameter (mspecs=56)
1609       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1610       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1611       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1612       eex=81.
1613       hgcfbe=0.0
1614       sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
1615       if(
1616       if(
1617       if(
1618       hgcfbe=1.e25
1619       return
1620       endif
1622       hgcfbe=sq*x**2*exp(-eex)
1624       return
1625       end
1627 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1628       function hgcfbf(x)
1629 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1630 c integrand of mean square variance of  energy
1631 c----------------------------------------------------------------
1632       parameter (mspecs=56)
1633       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1634       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1635       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1636       eex=61
1637       hgcfbf=0.0
1639       sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
1640       if(
1641       if(
1642       if(
1643       hgcfbf=1.e25
1644       return
1645       endif
1647       hgcfbf=(aspecs(ians)**2+x**2)*x**2*exp(-eex)
1649       return
1650       end
1652 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1653       function hgcfbn(x)
1654 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1655 c integrand of hadron density
1656 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1657       parameter (mspecs=56)
1658       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1659       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1660       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1661       eex=81.
1662       hgcfbn=0.0
1664       sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
1665       if(
1666       if(
1667       if(
1668       hgcfbn=1.e25
1669       return
1670       endif
1672       hgcfbn=x**2*exp(-eex)
1674       return
1675       end
1677 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1678       function hgcfhe(x)
1679 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1680 c integrand of energy density
1681 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
1682       parameter (mspecs=56)
1683       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1684       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1685       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1686       eex=81.
1687       hgcfhe=0.0
1688       igsp=int(gspecs(ians))
1690       sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
1691       if(
1692       if(
1694        if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0)then
1695       d=-1.0
1696       if(
1697        else
1698       d=1.0
1699        endif
1701       hgcfhe=sq*x**2/(exp(eex)+d)
1703       return
1704       end
1706 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1707       function hgcfhf(x)
1708 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1709 c integrand of mean square variance of  energy
1710 c----------------------------------------------------------------
1711       parameter (mspecs=56)
1712       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1713       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1714       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1715       eex=61
1716       hgcfhf=0.0
1717       igsp=int(gspecs(ians))
1719       sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
1720       if(
1721       if(
1722       if(
1724        if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0)then
1725       d=-1.0
1726       if(
1727        else
1728       d=1.0
1729        endif
1731       hgcfhf=(aspecs(ians)**2+x**2)*x**2/(exp(eex)+2.0*d+exp(-eex))
1733       return
1734       end
1736 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1737       function hgcfhn(x)
1738 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1739 c integrand of hadron density
1740 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1741       parameter (mspecs=56)
1742       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1743       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1744       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1745       eex=81.
1746       hgcfhn=0.0
1747       igsp=int(gspecs(ians))
1749       sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
1750       if(
1751       if(
1753        if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0)then
1754       d=-1.0
1755       if(
1756        else
1757       d=1.0
1758        endif
1760       hgcfhn=x**2/(exp(eex)+d)
1762       return
1763       end
1765 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1766       function hgcfhw(x)
1767 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1768 c integrand of mean square variance of hadron yield
1769 c----------------------------------------------------------------
1770       parameter (mspecs=56)
1771       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1772       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1773       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1774       eex=61
1775       hgcfhw=0.0
1776       igsp=int(gspecs(ians))
1778       sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
1779       if(
1780       if(
1781       if(
1783        if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0)then
1784       d=-1.0
1785       if(
1786        else
1787       d=1.0
1788        endif
1790       hgcfhw=x**2/(exp(eex)+2.0*d+exp(-eex))
1792       return
1793       end
1796 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
1797       subroutine hgchac(iboco)
1798 c------------------------------------------------------------------
1799 c returns hadronic chemical potentials as combinations of quark
1800 c chemical potentials
1801 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
1802       include ''
1803       parameter (mspecs=56)
1804       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1805       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1806       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
1807       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
1809        do i=1,nspecs
1810       chemgc(i)=0.0
1811       do ii=1,nflavs
1812       chemgc(i)=chemgc(i)+ifok(ii,i)*chem(ii)
1813       if(,*)'mu_i:',chem(ii),' k_i:',ifok(ii,i)
1814       enddo
1815       if(,*)'mu_nu:',chemgc(i)
1816       igsp=int(gspecs(i))
1817       if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0.and.chemgc(i).gt.aspecs(i).and.iboco.eq.0)
1818      *chemgc(i)=aspecs(i)
1819        enddo
1821       return
1822       end
1825 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1826       subroutine hgclim(a,b)
1827 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
1828 c returns integration limits for numerical evaluation of particle
1829 c and energy densities using quantum statistics
1830 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
1831       include ''
1832       parameter (mspecs=56)
1833       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1834       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1835       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
1837       igsp=int(gspecs(ians))
1839        if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0)then
1840       a=0.001
1841        else
1842       a=0.0
1843        endif
1845       b=0.0
1846       bb=(chemgc(ians)+tem*80.)**2-aspecs(ians)**2
1847       if(,*)'bb:',bb
1848       if(
1849       if(
1850       if(,*)'failure at hgclim, bb=',bb
1851       if(,'(1x,a,i5,a,2x,f12.6,1x,a,2x,f9.6)')
1852      *'mu(',ispecs(ians),'):',chemgc(ians),' T:',tem
1853       endif
1854       if(,*)'ians:',ians,' a:',a,' b:',b
1855       return
1856       end
1858 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
1859       subroutine hgcnbi(iret)
1860 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1861 c uses hgcaaa results to generate initial hadron set, nlattc, iozero
1862 c input:
1863 c    ptlngc(1:nspecs): particle number expectation values  /cgchg/
1864 c output:
1865 c     nump:           number of hadrons   /chnbin/
1866 c     ihadro(1:nump): hadron ids          /chnbin/
1867 c     nlattc:         lattice size        /clatt/
1868 c     iozero:         zero weight         /metr1/
1869 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1870       include ''
1871       parameter(maxp=500)
1872       common/chnbin/nump,ihadro(maxp)
1873       parameter (mspecs=56)
1874       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
1875       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
1876       common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
1877       common/camgc/amgc,samgc,amtot
1878       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
1879       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
1880       common/clatt/nlattc,npmax
1881       common/cgcnb/nptlgc(mspecs)
1882       common/ctaue/taue
1883       common/cgck/k(nflav),kp(nflav),kps(nflav)
1884      *,idp(maxp),ida(mspecs),idb(mspecs)
1885       integer hgcndn
1887       iret=0
1888       isho=ish
1889       if(ishsub/100.eq.50)ish=mod(ishsub,100)
1891       if(,*)('-',l=1,10)
1892      *,' entry sr hgcnbi ',('-',l=1,30)
1895       nh=nint(ptltot)
1896       iug=(1+iospec)/2*2-1
1897       if( utstop('hgcnbi: iospec < 9&')
1899 c     determine nlattc
1900 c     ----------------
1901         if(ionlat.eq.1)then
1902       s1=ptltot+2.*rmstot
1903       s2=1.3*ptltot
1904       s=max(s1,s2,6.)
1905       nlattc=nint(s)
1906        elseif(ionlat.eq.2)then
1907       s1=ptltot+3.*rmstot
1908       s2=1.5*ptltot
1909       s=max(s1,s2,6.)
1910       nlattc=nint(s)
1911        elseif(ionlat.eq.3)then
1912       s1=ptltot+4.*rmstot
1913       s2=2.*ptltot
1914       s=max(s1,s2,6.)
1915       nlattc=nint(s)
1916         elseif(ionlat.eq.0)then
1917       nlattc=8*(tecm/10)*(1/(tecm/volu))**0.2*(nspecs/3.)**0.3
1918       if(aspecs(1).lt.0.010)nlattc=nlattc*3
1919       nlattc=max(nlattc,20)
1920         endif
1922       if(,*)'nlattc:',nlattc
1924 c     determine iozero
1925 c     ----------------
1926       if(iozero.eq.-1)then
1927       iozero=nspecs
1928       elseif(iozero.eq.-2)then
1929       iozero=nspecs*int(sqrt(volu/tecm))
1930       endif
1932 c     modify iozero for testing
1933 c     -------------------------
1934       if(
1935       iozero=(nrevt/iozevt+1)*iozinc   !nrevt=event number - 1 !!
1936       write(ifch,*)'nrevt+1:',nrevt+1,'   iozero:',iozero
1937       endif
1939 c     initial hadron set
1940 c     ------------------
1941       ammin=2.*aspecs(1)
1942       if(
1943       write(ifch,*)'impossible to generate hadron configuration'
1944       call utstop('hgcnbi: tecm less than two pi0 masses&')
1945       endif
1947       kk=1
1948 100   continue
1950        if(
1951        iret=1
1952       if(
1953       write(ifch,*)'failed to generate hadron set for'
1954      *,' event:',nrevt+1
1955       write(ifch,*)'u d s :',keu,ked,kes,' E:',tecm
1956       write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
1957      *,' exit sr hgcnbi ',('-',i=1,10)
1958       endif
1959       ish=isho
1960       return
1961         endif
1963       amtot=0.0
1964       do i=1,nspecs
1965       nptlgc(i)=0
1966       enddo
1967       do ii=1,nflavs
1968       k(ii)=kef(ii)
1969       enddo
1971       if(,*)
1972      *'sample hadron multiplicities and total mass:'
1974       kbar=keu+ked+kes
1975       kpar=iabs(keu)+iabs(ked)+iabs(kes)
1976       nbar=kbar/3.
1977       if(,*)'baryon number:',nbar,' parton number:'
1978      *,kpar
1980       nn=2
1981       if(
1982       nn=hgcndn(0)
1983       else
1984       nn=nh
1985       endif
1986       nb=iabs(nbar)
1987       if(,*)'<n>:',nh,' n_sample:',nn,' n_bar:',nb
1988       if(
1989       if(
1990       km=kpar-iabs(kbar)
1991       nt=km/2+nb
1992       if(
1993       nn=max(nn,2)
1995       if(ioinco.eq.2)then
1996       nit=15*taue
1997       else
1998       itpn=100
1999       nit=nn*itpn
2000       endif
2001       nbb=0
2002       n=0
2004 c     start with nb protons
2005       nptlgc(19)=nptlgc(19)+nb
2006       n=nb
2007       amtot=amtot+nb*aspecs(19)
2008       do ii=1,nflavs
2009       k(ii)=k(ii)-ifok(ii,19)*nb
2010       enddo
2011       nbb=nbb+nb
2014        do it=1,nit
2016       xsp=nspecs
2017       x0=0.5
2018       xib=x0+xsp*rangen()
2019       ib=nint(xib)
2020       if(
2021       if(
2022       kb=ifok(1,ib)+ifok(2,ib)+ifok(3,ib)
2023       if(rangen().lt.0.5.and.nptlgc(ib).ge.1)then
2024       ni=-1
2025       else
2026       ni=1
2027       endif
2028       as=1.0
2029       if(nptlgc(ib).eq.0)as=0.5
2030       if(nptlgc(ib)
2031       if(,*)
2032      *'id:',ispecs(ib),' <i>:',ptlngc(ib),' ni:',ni
2034          if(
2036        if(ptlngc(ib).gt.5.0)then
2038       pnla=hgcpnl(ib,0)
2039       pnlb=hgcpnl(ib,ni)
2040       pnlog=-pnla+pnlb
2041       if(,*)'pnlog:',pnlog
2042       if(
2043       pn=exp(pnlog)
2044       else
2045       pn=1.1
2046       endif
2048        else
2050       if(ni.eq.1)then
2051       pn=ptlngc(ib)/(nptlgc(ib)+1)
2052       elseif(ni.eq.(-1).and.ptlngc(ib).gt.1.e-20)then
2053       pn=nptlgc(ib)/ptlngc(ib)
2054       elseif(nptlgc(ib).gt.0)then
2055       pn=1.1
2056       else
2057       pn=0.0
2058       endif
2060        endif
2062        pm=1.0
2063        if(
2064       pmla=hgcpml(ib,0,ib,0)
2065       pmlb=hgcpml(ib,ni,ib,0)
2066       pmlog=-pmla+pmlb
2067       if(,*)'pmlog:',pmlog
2068       if(
2069       pm=exp(pmlog)
2070       else
2071       pm=1.1
2072       endif
2073        endif
2075       p=pn*pm*as
2076       r=rangen()
2077       if(r.le.p)then
2078       nptlgc(ib)=nptlgc(ib)+ni
2079       n=n+ni
2080       amtot=amtot+ni*aspecs(ib)
2081       do ii=1,nflavs
2082       k(ii)=k(ii)-ifok(ii,ib)*ni
2083       enddo
2084       if(
2085       if(,*)'add:'
2086       if(,*)'remove:'
2087       if(,*)'id:',ispecs(ib),' <n_i>:',ptlngc(ib)
2088      *,' n_i:',nptlgc(ib)
2089       if(,*)'<n>:',nn,' it:',it
2090       if(,*)'<M>:',amgc,' M:',amtot
2091       if(,*)'p:',p,' r:',r
2092       if(,*)'flav defect: u:',k(1),' d:'
2093      *,k(2),' s:',k(3)
2094       if(
2095       endif
2097        endif
2099        enddo
2102 102   continue
2104        ndd=0
2105 c      if(
2106 c      nba=nb-nbb
2107 c     if(
2108 c     if(,*)'add protons: nba:',nba
2109 c     nptlgc(19)=nptlgc(19)+nba
2110 c     n=n+nba
2111 c     amtot=amtot+aspecs(19)*nba
2112 c     elseif(
2113 c     if(,*)'add aprotons: nba:',nba
2114 c     nptlgc(20)=nptlgc(20)+nba
2115 c     n=n+nba
2116 c     amtot=amtot+aspecs(20)*nba
2117 c     endif
2118 c      endif
2119        if(
2120       ndd=nn-n
2121       nd=mod(ndd,4)
2122       xn=n
2123       xnn=nn
2124       xl=(xnn-xn)/4.
2125       l=aint(xl)
2126       if(,*)'add pions/etas: ndd:',ndd
2127      *,' l:',l,' nd:',nd
2128         if(
2129        do j=1,l
2130       nptlgc(1)=nptlgc(1)+1
2131       nptlgc(2)=nptlgc(2)+1
2132       nptlgc(3)=nptlgc(3)+1
2133       nptlgc(8)=nptlgc(8)+1
2134       amtot=amtot+aspecs(1)+aspecs(2)+aspecs(3)+aspecs(8)
2135        enddo
2136         endif
2137       if(nd.eq.1)then
2138       nptlgc(1)=nptlgc(1)+1
2139       amtot=amtot+aspecs(1)
2140       elseif(nd.eq.2)then
2141       nptlgc(2)=nptlgc(2)+1
2142       nptlgc(3)=nptlgc(3)+1
2143       amtot=amtot+aspecs(2)+aspecs(3)
2144       elseif(nd.eq.3)then
2145       nptlgc(2)=nptlgc(2)+1
2146       nptlgc(3)=nptlgc(3)+1
2147       nptlgc(1)=nptlgc(1)+1
2148       amtot=amtot+aspecs(2)+aspecs(3)+aspecs(1)
2149       endif
2150        endif
2152        if(n.eq.0.and.ioinco.eq.2)then
2153       nptlgc(2)=nptlgc(2)+1
2154       nptlgc(3)=nptlgc(3)+1
2155       amtot=amtot+aspecs(2)+aspecs(3)
2156        elseif(n.eq.1.and.ioinco.eq.2)then
2157       nptlgc(1)=nptlgc(1)+1
2158       amtot=amtot+aspecs(1)
2159        endif
2161       if(
2162       if(,*)
2163      *'total mass exceeded , redo configuration'
2164       kk=kk+1
2165       goto100
2166       endif
2169       iii=0
2170       if(
2171         write(ifch,*)'u d s :',keu,ked,kes,' E:',tecm
2172         write(ifch,*)
2173      *'hadron set without flavor conservation:'
2174       endif
2175       do i=1,nspecs
2176       n=nptlgc(i)
2177       if(
2178       do j=1,n
2179       iii=iii+1
2180       if('iii>maxp in hgcnbi'
2181       idp(iii)=ispecs(i)
2182       enddo
2183       endif
2184       enddo
2185       if(
2186         write(ifch,'(1x,10i6)')(idp(i),i=1,iii)
2187         write(ifch,*)'flav defect: u:',k(1),' d:'
2188      *,k(2),' s:',k(3)
2189         write(ifch,*)'M:',amtot,' <M>:',amgc
2190       endif
2191       if(ioinfl.le.0)goto1000
2193       ll=1
2194       llmax=nn*25
2195       ior=1
2197 120        if(k(1).ne.0.or.k(2).ne.0.or.k(3).ne.0)then
2199         if(
2201       if(,*)
2202      *'remaining flavor defect before operation:',ll
2203       if(,*)'flav defect: u:',k(1),' d:'
2204      *,k(2),' s:',k(3)
2206       nida=0
2207       do i=1,nspecs
2208       if(nptlgc(i).gt.0)then
2209       nida=nida+1
2210       ida(nida)=i
2211       endif
2212       enddo
2214       if(nida.eq.0)then
2215       if(,*)'no proposals in a , redo'
2216       kk=kk+1
2217       goto100
2218       endif
2221       xna=0.5+nida*rangen()
2222       na=nint(xna)
2223       if(
2224       if(
2225       ia=ida(na)
2226       if(,*)'nida:',nida,' ia:',ia
2228       nidb=0
2229       do ii=1,nflavs
2230       kp(ii)=k(ii)+ifok(ii,ia)
2231       kps(ii)=isign(1,kp(ii))
2232       enddo
2233       if(,*)
2234      *'   assemble: u:',kp(1),' d:',kp(2),' s:',kp(3)
2235       do i=1,nspecs
2236       iacc=0
2237       naccsp=0
2238       naccmi=1
2239       do ii=1,nflavs
2240       naccsp=naccsp+iabs(ifok(ii,i))
2241       if(kp(ii).ne.0)then
2242       if(kps(ii)*ifok(ii,i).le.kps(ii)*kp(ii)
2243      *.and.kps(ii)*ifok(ii,i).gt.0)iacc=iacc+iabs(ifok(ii,i))
2244       endif
2245       enddo
2246       if(kp(1)
2247       if(
2248       nidb=nidb+1
2249       idb(nidb)=i
2250       endif
2251       enddo
2253       if(nidb.eq.0)then
2254       if(,*)'no proposals in b , redo'
2255       kk=kk+1
2256       goto100
2257       endif
2259       xnb=0.5+nidb*rangen()
2260       nb=nint(xnb)
2261       if(
2262       if(
2263       ib=idb(nb)
2264       if(,*)'nidb:',nidb,' ib:',ib
2265       if(,*)
2266      *'proposal:',ispecs(ia),' --> ',ispecs(ib)
2268       asym=1.0
2270 c      if(
2272        if(ptlngc(ia).gt.5.0)then
2273       pnali=hgcpnl(ia,0)
2274       pnalf=hgcpnl(ia,-1)
2275       pnalog=-pnali+pnalf
2276       if(,*)'pnalog:',pnalog
2277       if(
2278       pna=exp(pnalog)
2279       else
2280       pna=1.1
2281       endif
2282        else
2283       if(ptlngc(ia).gt.1.e-20)then
2284       pna=nptlgc(ia)/ptlngc(ia)
2285       elseif(nptlgc(ia).gt.0)then
2286       pna=1.1
2287       else
2288       pna=0.0
2289       endif
2290        endif
2292        if(ptlngc(ib).gt.5.0)then
2293       pnbli=hgcpnl(ib,0)
2294       pnblf=hgcpnl(ib,1)
2295       pnblog=-pnbli+pnblf
2296       if(,*)'pnblog:',pnblog
2297       if(
2298       pnb=exp(pnblog)
2299       else
2300       pnb=1.1
2301       endif
2302        else
2303       pnb=ptlngc(ib)/(nptlgc(ib)+1)
2304        endif
2307       pmli=hgcpml(ia,0,ib,0)
2308       pmlf=hgcpml(ia,-1,ib,1)
2309       pmlog=-pmli+pmlf
2310       if(,*)'pmlog:',pmlog
2311       if(
2312       pm=exp(pmlog)
2313       else
2314       pm=1.1
2315       endif
2317       p=pna*pnb*pm*asym
2318       if(ior.eq.0)then
2319       r=0.0
2320       else
2321       r=rangen()
2322       endif
2324 c      else
2326 c     r=1.0
2327 c     p=0.0
2329 c      endif
2331        if(
2332       if(,*)'p:',p,' r:',r,' asymmetry:',asym
2333       if(,*)'remove ',ispecs(ia),'  add ',ispecs(ib)
2334      *,'  proposal accepted'
2335       nptlgc(ia)=nptlgc(ia)-1
2336       nptlgc(ib)=nptlgc(ib)+1
2337       amtot=amtot-aspecs(ia)+aspecs(ib)
2338       do ii=1,nflavs
2339       k(ii)=k(ii)+ifok(ii,ia)-ifok(ii,ib)
2340       enddo
2341        endif
2344         if(k(1).ne.0.or.k(2).ne.0.or.k(3).ne.0)then
2345        ll=ll+1
2346       if(ll.le.llmax)then
2347       goto120
2348       else
2349       if(,*)'failed to remove defect, redo'
2350       kk=kk+1
2351       goto100
2352        endif
2353         endif
2355          endif
2357 1000  continue
2359       nump=0
2360       kcu=0
2361       kcd=0
2362       kcs=0
2363       do i=1,nspecs
2364       n=nptlgc(i)
2365       if(
2366       do j=1,n
2367       nump=nump+1
2368       ihadro(nump)=ispecs(i)
2369       kcu=kcu+ifok(1,i)
2370       kcd=kcd+ifok(2,i)
2371       kcs=kcs+ifok(3,i)
2372       enddo
2373       endif
2374       enddo
2376           if(
2377         if(
2378       if(,*)
2379      *'failed to remove flavor defect, redo configuration'
2380       kk=kk+1
2381       goto100
2382         endif
2383           endif
2385       if(
2386         chitot=0.0
2387         nutot=nspecs
2388         do i=1,nspecs
2389         chi=0.0
2390         if(rmsngc(i).gt.1.e-10)chi=(ptlngc(i)-nptlgc(i))/rmsngc(i)
2391         chitot=chitot+chi**2
2392         enddo
2393         call xhgccc(chitot)
2395         u=0
2396         d=0
2397         s=0
2398         do i=1,nspecs
2399         u=u+ifok(1,i)*nptlgc(i)
2400         d=d+ifok(2,i)*nptlgc(i)
2401         s=s+ifok(3,i)*nptlgc(i)
2402         enddo
2403         call xhgcfl(u,d,s,0)
2404         call xhgcam(amtot,0)
2405       endif
2407       if(
2408         write(ifch,*)
2409      *'initial hadron set for droplet decay:'
2410         write(ifch,'(1x,10i6)')(ihadro(i),i=1,nump)
2411       endif
2412        if(
2413          nlattc=nump+1
2414          if(
2415            write(ifch,*)'initial set > nlattc !'
2416            write(ifch,*)'new nlattc:',nlattc
2417          endif
2418        endif
2419        if(
2420          write(ifch,*)'keu:',kef(1),' kcu:',kcu,' ku:',k(1)
2421          write(ifch,*)'ked:',kef(2),' kcd:',kcd,' kd:',k(2)
2422          write(ifch,*)'kes:',kef(3),' kcs:',kcs,' ks:',k(3)
2423          write(ifch,*)' nh:',nh,' nump:',nump
2424          write(ifch,*)' nu:',nutot,'  chi^2:',chitot
2425          write(ifch,*)'iozero:',iozero,'  iomom:',iomom
2426          write(ifch,*)
2427      *'total mass:',amtot,' droplet mass:',tecm
2428          write(ifch,*)'trials needed:',kk
2429      *,' operations needed:',ll
2430          write(ifch,*)'iterations:',it,' pions added:',ndd
2431          write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
2432      *,' exit sr hgcnbi ',('-',i=1,10)
2433        endif
2434       ish=isho
2435       return
2437       end
2439 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2440       integer function hgcndn(i)
2441 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2442 c returns random multiplicity from gaussian distribution for species i
2443 c---------------------------------------------------------------------
2444       include ''
2445       parameter (mspecs=56)
2446       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
2447       common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
2448       common/clatt/nlattc,npmax
2449       a=iowidn
2450       kk=0
2452        if(i.eq.0)then
2454 1     continue
2455       kk=kk+1
2456       p=0.0
2457       nmin=2
2458       nh=nint(ptltot)
2459       nmax=nlattc
2460       xn=1.5+(nmax-nmin)*rangen()
2461       n=nint(xn)
2462       x=(n-ptltot)**2/2.0
2463       y=-70.
2464       if(**2*a**2
2465       if(
2466       if(*pi)/rmstot
2467       if(
2468       hgcndn=n
2469       if(,*)'hgcndn: k:',kk,' n:',hgcndn
2470       return
2471       else
2472       if(kk.le.25)goto1
2473       hgcndn=max(2,nh)
2474       if(,*)'hgcndn: k:',kk,' n:',hgcndn
2475       return
2476       endif
2478        else
2480 2     continue
2481       kk=kk+1
2482       p=0.0
2483       nmin=0
2484       nh=nint(ptlngc(i))
2485       nmax=2*nh
2486       nmax=max(2,nmax)
2487       xn=-0.5+(nmax-nmin)*rangen()
2488       n=nint(xn)
2489       x=(n-ptlngc(i))**2/2.0
2490       if(
2491       p=1.
2492       else
2493       y=-70.
2494       if(rmsngc(i).gt.1.e-15)y=-x/rmsngc(i)**2
2495       if(
2496       if(rmsngc(i)
2497      *p=p/sqrt(2.*pi)/rmsngc(i)
2498       endif
2499       if(
2500       hgcndn=n
2501       if(,*)'hgcndn: k:',kk,' n:',hgcndn
2502       return
2503       else
2504       if(kk.le.25)goto2
2505       hgcndn=nh
2506       if(,*)'hgcndn: k:',kk,' n:',hgcndn
2507       return
2508       endif
2510        endif
2512       end
2514 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2515       function hgcpml(i1,n1,i2,n2)
2516 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2517       include ''
2518       parameter (mspecs=56)
2519       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
2520       common/camgc/amgc,samgc,amtot
2521       common/cgcnb/nptlgc(mspecs)
2522       if(,*)'i1:',i1,' i2:',i2
2523       if(,*)'n1:',n1,' n2:',n2
2524       hgcpml=-1.e30
2525       ampr=n1*aspecs(i1)+n2*aspecs(i2)
2526       if((amtot+ampr).lt.tecm.and.(amtot+ampr).ge.0
2527      *.and.nptlgc(i1).ge.(-n1).and.nptlgc(i2).ge.(-n2))then
2528       hgcpml=0.0
2529       pl=(amtot-amgc+ampr)**2/2.0
2530       if(
2531       hgcpml=0.0
2532       return
2533       endif
2534       if(**2
2535       endif
2536       if(,*)'hgcpml:',hgcpml
2537       return
2538       end
2540 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2541       function hgcpnl(i,n)
2542 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2543       include ''
2544       parameter (mspecs=56)
2545       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
2546       common/cgcnb/nptlgc(mspecs)
2547       if(,*)'i:',i,' n:',n
2548       hgcpnl=-1.e30
2549       if(nptlgc(i).ge.(-n))then
2550       pl=(nptlgc(i)-ptlngc(i)+n)**2/2.0
2551       if(
2552       hgcpnl=0.0
2553       return
2554       endif
2555       if(rmsngc(i).gt.1.e-15)hgcpnl=-pl/rmsngc(i)**2
2556       endif
2557       if(,*)'hgcpnl:',hgcpnl
2558       return
2559       end
2562 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2563       subroutine hgcpen
2564 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2565 c returns array for twodimensional plot of energy- and flavor-
2566 c density
2567 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2568 c xpar1,xpar2 temperature range
2569 c xpar3       # of bins for temperature
2570 c xpar4,xpar5 chem.pot. range
2571 c xpar6       # of bins for chem.pot.
2572 c xpar7       max. density
2573 c xpar8       strange chem.pot.
2574 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2575       include ''
2576       parameter (mspecs=56)
2577       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
2578       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
2579       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
2580       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
2581       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
2582       parameter (nbin=100)
2583       real edensi(nbin,nbin),qdensi(nbin,nbin)
2584       external hgcfhe
2585       external hgcfhn
2586       external hgcfbe
2587       external hgcfbn
2589       iug=(1+iospec)/2*2-1
2591 c     initialization
2592 c     --------------
2594       if(iug.eq.1)nflavs=1
2595       if(iug.eq.3)nflavs=2
2596       if(iug.eq.5)nflavs=2
2597       if(iug.eq.7)nflavs=3
2598       if(iug.eq.9)nflavs=3
2599       if(iug.eq.11)nflavs=3
2600       tem=0.0
2601       do i=1,nflavs
2602       chem(i)=0.0
2603       enddo
2604       call hgchac(0)
2605       do i=1,nspecs
2606       ptlngc(i)=0.0
2607       rmsngc(i)=0.0
2608       enddo
2610       nbt=nint(xpar3)
2611       nbc=nint(xpar6)
2612       nbc=min(nbc,100)
2613       nbt=min(nbt,100)
2614       dt=(xpar2-xpar1)/nbt
2615       dc=(xpar5-xpar4)/nbc
2616       ymax=xpar7
2617       cs=xpar8
2620       t0=xpar1+dt/2.
2621       c0=xpar4+dc/2
2622       do i=1,nbc
2623       chem(1)=c0+(i-1)*dc
2624       chem(2)=chem(1)
2625       chem(3)=cs
2626       chem(4)=0.0
2627       chem(5)=0.0
2628       chem(6)=0.0
2629       call hgchac(0)
2630       do ii=1,nbt
2631       tem=t0+(ii-1)*dt
2632       if(,*)' mu:',chem(1),' T:',tem
2634        qd=0.0
2635        ed=0.0
2637       do ians=1,nspecs
2639       call hgclim(a,b)
2641       if(b.eq.0.0)then
2642       hden=0.0
2643       elseif(iostat.eq.0)then
2644       call uttraq(hgcfhn,a,b,hden)
2645       elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
2646       call uttraq(hgcfbn,a,b,hden)
2647       endif
2648       hd=hden*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
2650       if(,*)'i:',ians,' n_u:',ifok(1,ians),' hd:',hd
2652       qd=qd+ifok(1,ians)*hd+ifok(2,ians)*hd
2653       if(
2654 c     if(
2655       if(
2656 c     if(
2659       if(b.eq.0.0)then
2660       edi=0.0
2661       elseif(iostat.eq.0)then
2662       call uttraq(hgcfhe,a,b,edi)
2663       elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
2664       call uttraq(hgcfbe,a,b,edi)
2665       endif
2666       edi=edi*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
2668       if(,*)'i:',ians,' mu:',chemgc(ians)
2669      *                        ,' edi:',edi
2671       ed=ed+edi
2672       if(
2673 c     if(
2674       enddo
2676       if(,*)' ed:',ed,' qd:',qd
2677       edensi(i,ii)=ed
2678       qdensi(i,ii)=qd
2680       enddo
2681       enddo
2683       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
2684       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar1,xpar2
2685       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',xpar4,xpar5
2686       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'set ityp2d 5'
2687       write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array2d',nbt
2688       do j=1,nbc
2689       do jj=1,nbt
2690       write(ifhi,'(e11.3)') edensi(j,jj)
2691       enddo
2692       enddo
2693       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
2694       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
2696       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
2697       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar1,xpar2
2698       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',xpar4,xpar5
2699       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'set ityp2d 5'
2700       write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array2d',nbt
2701       do j=1,nbc
2702       do jj=1,nbt
2703       write(ifhi,'(e11.3)') qdensi(j,jj)
2704       enddo
2705       enddo
2706       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
2707       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
2709         return
2710         end
2712 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2713       subroutine hgcpfl
2714 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2715 c returns array for twodimensional plot of energy- and flavor-
2716 c density fluctuations
2717 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2718 c xpar1,xpar2 temperature range
2719 c xpar3       # of bins for temperature
2720 c xpar4,xpar5 chem.pot. range
2721 c xpar6       # of bins for chem.pot.
2722 c xpar7       max. density
2723 c xpar8       strange chem.pot.
2724 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2725       include ''
2726       parameter (mspecs=56)
2727       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
2728       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
2729       common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
2730       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
2731       parameter (nbin=100)
2732       real efl(nbin,nbin),qfl(nbin,nbin),v(nbin),wn(nbin),we(nbin)
2733       external hgcfhf
2734       external hgcfhe
2735       external hgcfhn
2736       external hgcfhw
2737       external hgcfbf
2738       external hgcfbe
2739       external hgcfbn
2741       iug=(1+iospec)/2*2-1
2743 c     initialization
2744 c     --------------
2746       if(iug.eq.1)nflavs=1
2747       if(iug.eq.3)nflavs=2
2748       if(iug.eq.5)nflavs=2
2749       if(iug.eq.7)nflavs=3
2750       if(iug.eq.9)nflavs=3
2751       if(iug.eq.11)nflavs=3
2752       tem=0.0
2753       do i=1,nflavs
2754       chem(i)=0.0
2755       enddo
2756       call hgchac(0)
2757       do i=1,nspecs
2758       ptlngc(i)=0.0
2759       rmsngc(i)=0.0
2760       enddo
2762       nbt=nint(xpar3)
2763       nbv=nint(xpar6)
2764       nbv=min(nbv,100)
2765       nbt=min(nbt,100)
2766       dt=(xpar2-xpar1)/nbt
2767       dv=(xpar5-xpar4)/nbv
2768       ymax=1.e20
2769       chem(1)=xpar7
2770       chem(2)=xpar7
2771       chem(3)=xpar8
2772       call hgchac(0)
2775       t0=xpar1+dt/2.
2776       v0=xpar4
2777       do i=1,nbv
2778       volu=v0+(i-1)*dv
2779       do ii=1,nbt
2780       tem=t0+(ii-1)*dt
2781       if(,*)'volu:',volu,' tem:',tem
2783        ev=0.0
2784        ee=0.0
2785        qv=0.0
2786        qe=0.0
2788       do ians=1,nspecs
2790       call hgclim(a,b)
2792       if(b.eq.0.0)then
2793       hn=0.0
2794       hv=0.0
2795       elseif(iostat.eq.0)then
2796       call uttraq(hgcfhn,a,b,hn)
2797       call uttraq(hgcfhw,a,b,hv)
2798       elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
2799       call uttraq(hgcfbn,a,b,hn)
2800       hv=hn
2801       endif
2802       hn=hn*volu*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
2803       hv=hv*volu*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
2804       if(,*)'hn:',hn,' hv:',hv
2806       hn=max(hn,1.e-15)
2807       qv=qv+hv
2808       qe=qe+hn
2811       if(
2812       if(
2815       if(b.eq.0.0)then
2816       eei=0.0
2817       evi=0.0
2818       elseif(iostat.eq.0)then
2819       call uttraq(hgcfhe,a,b,eei)
2820       call uttraq(hgcfhf,a,b,evi)
2821       elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
2822       call uttraq(hgcfbe,a,b,eei)
2823       call uttraq(hgcfbf,a,b,evi)
2824       endif
2825       eei=eei*volu*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
2826       evi=evi*volu*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
2827       if(,*)'eei:',eei,' evi:',evi
2830       eei=max(eei,1.e-15)
2831       ev=ev+evi
2832       ee=ee+eei
2833       if(
2834       if(
2835       enddo
2836       if(,*)'qv:',qv,' ev:',ev
2838       qfl(i,ii)=0.
2839       efl(i,ii)=0.
2840       if(,ii)=sqrt(ev)/ee
2841       if(,ii)=sqrt(qv)/qe
2842       if(tem.eq.0.195)then
2843       we(i)=efl(i,ii)
2844       wn(i)=qfl(i,ii)
2845       v(i)=volu
2846       endif
2848       enddo
2849       enddo
2851       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
2852       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar1,xpar2
2853       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',xpar4,xpar5
2854       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'set ityp2d 5'
2855       write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array2d',nbt
2856       do j=1,nbv
2857       do jj=1,nbt
2858       write(ifhi,'(e11.3)') efl(j,jj)
2859       enddo
2860       enddo
2861       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
2862       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
2864       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
2865       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar1,xpar2
2866       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',xpar4,xpar5
2867       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'set ityp2d 5'
2868       write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array2d',nbt
2869       do j=1,nbv
2870       do jj=1,nbt
2871       write(ifhi,'(e11.3)') qfl(j,jj)
2872       enddo
2873       enddo
2874       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
2875       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
2877       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'newpage zone 1 2 1'
2878       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
2879       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar4,xpar5
2880       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
2881       write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array 2'
2882       do j=1,nbv
2883       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')v(j),we(j)
2884       enddo
2885       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
2886       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
2888       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
2889       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar4,xpar5
2890       write(ifhi,'(a)')      'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
2891       write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array 2'
2892       do j=1,nbv
2893       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')v(j),wn(j)
2894       enddo
2895       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
2896       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
2899         return
2900         end
2903 c------------------------------------------------------------------
2904       subroutine hgcpyi(ist)
2905 c------------------------------------------------------------------
2906 c returns particle yield
2907 c input:
2908 c   tem   : temperature
2909 c   chemgc: chemical potentials
2910 c output:
2911 c   ptlngc: expectation value of particle number for each species
2912 c   rmsngc: standard deviation of ptlngc
2913 c   ptltot: total particle number
2914 c   rmstot: standard deviation of ptltot
2915 c works for hadrons and partons
2916 c  ist=1 boltzmann statistics
2917 c  ist=0 quantum statistics
2918 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
2919       include ''
2920       parameter (mspecs=56)
2921       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
2922       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
2923       common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
2924       common/camgc/amgc,samgc,amtot
2925       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
2926       external hgcfhw
2927       external hgcfhn
2929        if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)then
2931 c     parton yield
2932 c     ------------
2933       if(,*)'parton yield:'
2934       gln=16.*1.20206*tem**3/pi**2*volu/hquer**3
2935       sdg=sqrt(gln)   !!???
2936       if(,'(1x,a,f10.4,2x,a,f9.4,a)')
2937      *'<N(    0)> :',gln,' sigma :',sdg,' (qm-statistics!)'
2938       ptltot=gln
2939       rmstot=0.0
2940       vartot=gln
2942        else
2944       if(,*)'hadronic yield:'
2945       ptltot=0.0
2946       rmstot=0.0
2947       vartot=0.0
2949        endif
2951       amgc=0.0
2952       samgc=0.0
2954        do ians=1,nspecs
2956 c     hadronic yield
2957 c     --------------
2958        if(ist.eq.0)then
2960       call hgclim(a,b)
2961       if(b.eq.0.0)then
2962       hden=0.0
2963       else
2964       call uttraq(hgcfhn,a,b,hden)
2965       endif
2966       ptlngc(ians)=hden*volu*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
2968        else
2970        if((chemgc(ians)/tem).gt.70.)then
2971       hpd=1.e30
2972        else
2973       hpd=exp(chemgc(ians)/tem)
2974        endif
2975        if(aspecs(ians).ne.0.)then
2976       fk2=hgcbk(2,aspecs(ians)/tem)
2977       hpd=hpd*gspecs(ians)*aspecs(ians)**2*tem*fk2
2978      */2./pi**2/hquer**3
2979        else
2980       hpd=hpd*gspecs(ians)*tem**3/pi**2/hquer**3
2981        endif
2982       ptlngc(ians)=hpd*volu
2984        endif
2986       ptltot=ptltot+ptlngc(ians)
2987       amgc=amgc+ptlngc(ians)*aspecs(ians)
2988       if(*0.9
2990 c     standard deviation
2991 c     ------------------
2992       rmsngc(ians)=0.0
2994        if(ist.eq.0)then
2996       call uttraq(hgcfhw,a,b,var)
2997       var=var*gspecs(ians)*volu/2./pi**2/hquer**3
2998       vartot=vartot+var
2999       if(
3000       samgc=samgc+var*aspecs(ians)
3002        else
3004       if(ptlngc(ians).ge.0.0)rmsngc(ians)=sqrt(ptlngc(ians))
3005       vartot=vartot+ptlngc(ians)
3006       samgc=samgc+ptlngc(ians)*aspecs(ians)
3008        endif
3011       if(,'(2x,a,i5,a,2x,f8.4,5x,a,3x,f8.4)')
3012      *'m(',ispecs(ians),')  :',aspecs(ians),'mu :',chemgc(ians)
3013       if(,'(1x,a,i5,a,2x,f8.4,2x,a,2x,f10.4)')
3014      *'<N(',ispecs(ians),')> :',ptlngc(ians),'sigma :',rmsngc(ians)
3016        enddo
3018       if(
3019       if(
3020       if(
3021       if(,'(1x,a,2x,f8.4,2x,a,2x,f10.4)')
3022      *'<N(  all)> :',ptltot,'sigma :',rmstot
3023       if(,'(1x,a,2x,f8.4,2x,a,2x,f10.4)')
3024      *'<M_tot>    :',amgc,'sigma :',samgc
3026       return
3027       end
3029 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
3030       subroutine hgctbo(iba)
3031 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
3032 c returns new tem using boltzmann statistics in analytic form
3033 c  input:
3034 c    chemgc
3035 c    tecm/volu
3036 c  output:
3037 c    tem
3038 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3039       include ''
3040       parameter (mspecs=56)
3041       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
3042       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
3043       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
3044       external hgcbk
3045       external hgcbk1
3046       iba=0
3047       k=1
3048       t1=0.0
3049       t2=1.0
3051       goto15
3053 10    tem=t1+.5*(t2-t1)
3054       if(tem.le.1.e-7)return
3055 15    eden=0.0
3057         do i=1,nspecs
3059        if(aspecs(i).ne.0)then
3060       if(
3061       cba=(aspecs(i)/tem+12.*tem/aspecs(i)-3.*chemgc(i)/aspecs(i))
3062      **hgcbk(2,arr)+(3.-chemgc(i)/tem)*hgcbk1(arr)
3063        else
3064       cba=4.*tem-chemgc(i)
3065        endif
3067       if(
3068       iba=1
3069       return
3070       endif
3072       x=0.
3073       if(
3075        if(x.le.70.)then
3076       y=exp(x)
3077        else
3078       y=1.e30
3079        endif
3081        if(aspecs(i).ne.0.)then
3082       edi=y*(3./arr*hgcbk(2,arr)+hgcbk1(arr))
3083      **gspecs(i)*aspecs(i)**3*tem/2./pi**2/hquer**3
3084        else
3085       edi=y*3.*gspecs(i)*tem**4/pi**2/hquer**3
3086        endif
3088       eden=eden+edi
3090         enddo
3092       if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)
3093      *eden=eden+(8.*pi**2*tem**4/15.+bag4rt**4)/hquer**3
3095       de=abs(eden-(tecm/volu))
3096       if(de.le.gen*(tecm/volu)
3097 c     if(
3099        if(
3100       t2=tem
3101       else
3102       t1=tem
3103        endif
3105        if(
3107       k=k+1
3108       goto10
3109       end
3111 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3112       subroutine hgctex
3113 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3114 c returns new tem using massive quantum statistics in integral form
3115 c  input:
3116 c    chemgc
3117 c    tecm/volu
3118 c  output:
3119 c    tem
3120 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3121       include ''
3122       parameter (mspecs=56)
3123       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
3124       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
3125       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
3126       external hgcfhe
3127       k=1
3128       t1=0.0
3129       t2=tem+0.1
3130       goto15
3132 c     new temperature
3133 c     ---------------
3134 10    tem=t1+.5*(t2-t1)
3135 15    continue
3136       if(tem.le.1.e-6)return
3137       eden=0.0
3139        do ians=1,nspecs
3140       call hgclim(a,b)
3141       if(b.eq.0.0)then
3142       edi=0.0
3143       else
3144       call uttraq(hgcfhe,a,b,edi)
3145       endif
3146       edi=edi*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
3147       eden=eden+edi
3148        enddo
3150       if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)
3151      *eden=eden+(8.*pi**2*tem**4/15.+bag4rt**4)/hquer**3
3153       de=abs(eden-(tecm/volu))
3154       if(de.le.gen*(tecm/volu)
3156        if(
3157       t2=tem
3158       else
3159       t1=tem
3160        endif
3162        if(
3163        if(
3164      *write(ifch,*)'failure in tex'
3165       return
3166        endif
3168       k=k+1
3169       goto10
3170       end
3172 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
3173       subroutine hgctm0
3174 c-----------------------------------------------------------------
3175 c returns new tem using massless quantum statistics in analytic form
3176 c  input:
3177 c    chemgc
3178 c    tecm/volu
3179 c  output:
3180 c    tem
3181 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3183       include ''
3184       parameter (mspecs=56)
3185       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
3186       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
3187       common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
3189       k=1
3191       t1=0.0
3192       t2=1.0
3193 10    tem=t1+.5*(t2-t1)
3194       if(tem.le.1.e-6)return
3195       eden=0.0
3197         do i=1,nspecs
3199       igsp=int(gspecs(i))
3200       if(mod(igsp,2).eq.0)then
3201       edhm0=7./240.*pi**2*tem**4+chemgc(i)**2*tem**2/8.
3202      *+chemgc(i)**4/pi**2/16.
3203       else
3204       edhm0=pi**2*tem**4/30.+chemgc(i)**2*tem**2/4.
3205      *-chemgc(i)**4/pi**2/16.
3206       endif
3207       edi=edhm0*gspecs(i)/hquer**3
3210       eden=eden+edi
3211         enddo
3213       if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)
3214      *eden=eden+(8.*pi**2*tem**4/15.+bag4rt**4)/hquer**3
3216       de=abs(eden-(tecm/volu))
3217       if(de.le.gen*(tecm/volu)
3219        if(
3220       t2=tem
3221       else
3222       t1=tem
3223        endif
3225        if(
3226        if(
3227      *write(ifch,*)'failure in tm0'
3228       return
3229        endif
3231       k=k+1
3232       goto10
3233       end
3235 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3236       subroutine hnbcor(mode)
3237 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3238 c determines(mode=1) and plots (mode=2) two particle  correlations
3239 c for the configurations /confg/
3240 c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3241       include ''
3242       integer bns
3243       parameter (maxp=500,bns=100)
3244       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
3245       dimension zwei(bns),zz(bns)!,phi(bns),yy(bns)
3246       common/cor/wert(bns),cwert(bns)
3247       character*6 cen,cvol
3249            if(mode.eq.1)then
3251       nctcor=nctcor+1
3253       if(nctcor.eq.1)then
3254       do nn=1,bns
3255       wert(nn)=0
3256       cwert(nn)=0
3257       enddo
3258       endif
3260       ll=0
3262       do ii=1,np-1
3263       do jj=ii+1,np
3265       ll=ll+1
3266       prod=0
3268       do kk=1,3
3269       prod=prod+pcm(kk,ii)*pcm(kk,jj)
3270       enddo
3272       cs=prod/pcm(5,ii)/pcm(5,jj)
3274       if(abs(cs).gt.1.)then
3275       cs=aint(cs)
3276       ang=acos(cs)
3277       else
3278       ang=acos(cs)
3279       endif
3281       if(cs.eq.1.)then
3282       nk=bns
3283       nw=1
3284       elseif(ang.eq.pi)then
3285       nk=1
3286       nw=bns
3287       else
3288       nw=1+aint(ang/pi*bns)
3289       nk=1+aint((cs+1.)/2.*bns)
3290       endif
3291       nw=min(nw,bns)
3292       nk=min(nk,bns)
3294       wert(nw)=wert(nw)+1
3295       cwert(nk)=cwert(nk)+1
3297       enddo
3298       enddo
3300            elseif(mode.eq.2)then
3302       do mm=1,bns
3303 c      phi(mm)=.5*pi/bns+(mm-1)*pi/bns
3304       zwei(mm)=.5*2./bns+(mm-1)*2./bns-1.
3305 c      yy(mm)=wert(mm)/nctcor
3306       zz(mm)=cwert(mm)/nctcor
3307       enddo
3309       write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
3310       write(cvol,'(f6.1)')volu
3312       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'newpage zone 1 1 1 openhisto'
3313       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
3314       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'xrange -1 1'
3315       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis cosine"'
3316       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis counts"'
3317       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
3318       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
3319       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'array 2'
3320          do mm=1,bns
3321       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')zwei(mm),zz(mm)
3322          enddo
3323       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
3324       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
3326            endif
3328       return
3329       end
3331 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3332       subroutine hnbfac(faclog)
3333 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3334 c  returns log of factor for phase space weight
3335 c  faclog= log{ prod[ m_i*(2*s_i+1)*volu/4/pi**3/hquer**3/(n_l+1-i) ] }
3336 c      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3337 c  corresponds to eq. 67 of micro paper :
3338 c         Cvol * Cdeg * Cident * Cmicro
3339 c    the factors partly compensate each other !!
3340 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3341       include ''
3342       parameter(maxp=500)
3343       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
3344 c      integer ii(maxp)
3345       common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
3347       faclog=0
3349 c sum_i log m_i*g_i*volu/4/pi**3/hquer**3/(n_l+1-i) -> flog
3350       flog=0
3351       do i=1,np
3352       call hnbfaf(i,gg,am,ioma)
3353       flog=flog+alog(gg*am*volu/4/pi**3/hquer**3/(nlattc+1-i))
3354       enddo
3355       faclog=faclog+flog
3357       return
3358       end
3360 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3361       subroutine hnbfaf(i,gg,am,ioma)
3362 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3363 c  returns degeneracy gg and mass am  for factor f5
3364 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3365       common/metr1/iospec,iocova,iopair,iozero,ioflac,iomom
3366       parameter(maxp=500)
3367       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
3368       common/drop6/tecm,volu
3370       ioma=5
3372       hquer=0.197327
3373       cc=0.216416
3374       dd=13.773935
3376       call hnbspi(ident(i),spideg)
3377       gg=spideg
3379       if(ioma.eq.1)am=amass(i)
3380       if(ioma.eq.2)am=tecm/np
3381       if(ioma.eq.3)am=1
3382       if(ioma.eq.4)
3383      *am=cc*dd*gg**(-0.25)*(tecm/volu)**(0.25)*hquer**(0.75)
3384       if(ioma.eq.5)am=0.5   ! 1GeV / 2  (dimension energy)
3385       if(iocova.eq.2)then
3386       am=0.5                ! 1 / 2     (no dimension)
3387       ioma=0
3388       endif
3389       return
3390       end
3392 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
3393 c      subroutine hnbids(jc,ids,iwts,i)
3394 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
3395 cc  returns i id-codes ids() corr to jc  and their weights iwts()
3396 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
3397 c      parameter (mxids=200,mspecs=56,nflav=6)
3398 c      common/metr1/iospec,iocova,iopair,iozero,ioflac,iomom
3399 c      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
3400 c      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
3401 c      integer ids(mxids),jc(nflav,2),iwts(mxids),jc1mi2(nflav)
3402 c
3403 c      if( utstop('hnbids: mxids too small&')
3404 c
3405 c      do n=1,nflav
3406 c      jc1mi2(n)=jc(n,1)-jc(n,2)
3407 c      enddo
3408 c
3409 c      i=0
3410 c
3411 c      do n=1,nflav
3412 c      if(jc1mi2(n).ne.0)goto1
3413 c      enddo
3414 c      i=i+1
3415 c      ids(i)=0
3416 c      iwts(i)=iozero
3417 c    1 continue
3418 c
3419 c           do j=1,nspecs
3420 c      do n=1,nflav
3421 c      if(jc1mi2(n).ne.ifok(n,j))goto2
3422 c      enddo
3423 c      i=i+1
3424 c      ids(i)=ispecs(j)
3425 c      iwts(i)=1
3426 c    2 continue
3427 c           enddo
3428 c
3429 c      return
3430 c      end
3431 c
3432 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3433       subroutine hnbiiw(x,f,df)
3434 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3435 c returns fctn value and first derivative at x of the
3436 c i-th integrated weight fctn minus random number
3437 c for the asympotic phase space integral.
3438 c input:
3439 c   x:   x-value
3440 c   iii: i-value (via common/ciiw/iii,rrr)
3441 c   rrr: random number   ( " )
3442 c output:
3443 c   f:   fctn value
3444 c   df:  first derivative
3445 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3446       common/ciiw/iii,rrr
3447       i=iii
3448       f=x**(2*i-2)*(i-(i-1)*x**2)-rrr
3449       df=2*i*(i-1)*(x**(2*i-3)-x**(2*i-1))
3450       return
3451       end
3453 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3454       subroutine hnbini(iret)
3455 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3456 c  generates initial configuration
3457 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3458       include ''
3459       parameter(maxp=500)
3460       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
3461       parameter (mspecs=56)
3462       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
3463       common/crnoz/rnoz(maxp-1)
3464       common/citer/iter,itermx
3465       common/cfact/faclog
3466       common/chnbin/nump,ihadro(maxp)
3467       common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
3468       parameter(maxit=50000)
3469       common/count/nacc,nrej,naccit(maxit),nptot,npit(maxit)
3470       common/ctaue/taue
3471       if(,*)('-',i=1,10)
3472      *,' entry sr hnbini ',('-',i=1,30)
3474       iter=0
3476       nlattc=8*(tecm/10)*(1/(tecm/volu))**0.2*(nspecs/3.)**0.3
3477       if(aspecs(1).lt.0.010)nlattc=nlattc*3
3478       nlattc=max(nlattc,20)
3479       if(*nlattc
3481       itermx=iterma
3482       if(itermx.le.0)then
3483         e=tecm/volu
3484         b=1.1*(e+0.33)**0.66
3485         a=13.*(e+0.13)**(-0.65)
3486         tm=34.*(e+0.65)**(-0.61)
3487         t=a+b*volu
3488         taue=max(t,tm)
3489         itermx=(-itermx)*taue
3490       else
3491         taue=0
3492       endif
3493       if(,*)'itermx:',itermx
3495       if(
3497       if(ioinco.eq.0)then
3498             call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
3499             if(iograc.eq.1)call hgcaaa
3500       elseif(
3501             nk=keu+ked+ked+kec
3502             if(
3503                       call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
3504             elseif(
3505                       call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
3506             else
3507                       call hgcaaa
3508                       call hgcnbi(iret)
3509                       if(iret.eq.1)then
3510                         call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
3511                         if(
3512                           write(ifch,*)'hadron set from hnbmin:'
3513                           write(ifch,'(10i6)')(ihadro(k),k=1,nump)
3514                         endif
3515                       endif
3516            endif
3517       endif
3519       np=nump+nadd
3520       if('np too large'
3522       nlattc=max(nlattc,1+int(np*1.2))
3523 c      print *,np,nlattc
3524       if('maxp too small'
3526       do i= 1, nlattc-1
3527       rnoz(i)=rangen()
3528       enddo
3530       if(
3531       do i=nump+1,np
3532       ihadro(i)=110
3533       enddo
3534       endif
3536            do i=1,np
3537       ident(i)=ihadro(i)
3538       amass(i)=-1
3539       do j=1,nspecs
3540       if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(j))then
3541       amass(i)=aspecs(j)
3542       goto1
3543       endif
3544       enddo
3545     1 continue
3546       if(amass(i).lt.0.)
3547      *call utstop('hnbini: invalid particle species&')
3548            enddo
3550       if(iocova.eq.1)call hnbody    !covariant
3551       if(iocova.eq.2)call hnbodz    !noncovariant
3552       call hnbfac(faclog)
3553       wtlog=wtxlog+faclog
3555       iret=0
3556       if(wtlog.le.-0.99999E+35)then
3557         if( then
3558           call utmsg('hnbini')
3559           write(ifch,*)'*****  wtlog for initl config < -1E+35'
3560           write(ifch,*)'***** wtlog:',wtlog
3561           write(ifch,*)'***** droplet mass:',tecm
3562           write(ifch,*)'***** flavour:'
3563           write(ifch,*)'*****',keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket
3564           write(ifch,'(1x,a,1x,10i6)')'*****',(ihadro(i),i=1,nump)
3565           call utmsgf
3566         endif
3567         iret=1
3568         goto1000
3569       endif
3571       if(
3572         write(ifch,*)'initial configuration:'
3573         call hnbwri
3574       endif
3576       itermx=iterma
3577       if(itermx.le.0)then
3578       e=tecm/volu
3579       b=1.1*(e+0.33)**0.66
3580       a=13.*(e+0.13)**(-0.65)
3581       tm=34.*(e+0.65)**(-0.61)
3582       t=a+b*volu
3583       taue=max(t,tm)
3584       itermx=(-itermx)*taue
3585       else
3586       taue=0
3587       endif
3588       if(,*)'itermx:',itermx
3590       if(
3592       nacc=0
3593       nrej=0
3595  1000 continue
3597       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
3598      *,' exit sr hnbini ',('-',i=1,10)
3600       return
3601       end
3603 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
3604 c      subroutine hnbint(tecmx,nevtxx,nsho)
3605 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
3606 cc  calculates phase space integral of the minimal hadron configuration
3607 cc  compatibel with keu, ked, kes, kec for a total mass of tecm
3608 cc  by employing nevtxx simulations and printing results every nsho events
3609 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
3610 c      include ''
3611 c      parameter(maxp=500)
3612 c      common/chnbin/nump,ihadro(maxp)
3613 c      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
3614 c      tecm=tecmx
3615 c      write(ifch,*)
3616 c      write(ifch,'(1x,a,4i3,a,f10.4)')'droplet id:',keu,ked,kes,kec
3617 c     *,'   droplet mass:',tecm
3618 c      call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
3619 c      np=nump
3620 c      if('np too large'
3621 c      do i=1,np
3622 c      id=ihadro(i)
3623 c      if(id.eq.30)then
3624 c          call idmass(2130,am)
3625 c          amass(i)=2*am-0.100
3626 c      else
3627 c         call idmass(id,amass(i))
3628 c      endif
3629 c      enddo
3630 c      wts=0
3631 c      n=0
3632 c           do ll=1,nevtxx
3633 c      n=n+1
3634 c      if(iocova.eq.1)call hnbody
3635 c      if(iocova.eq.2)call hnbodz
3636 c      wt=exp(wtxlog)
3637 c      wts=wts+wt
3638 c      if(mod(n,nsho).eq.0)
3639 c     *write(ifch,'(a,i7,3x,a,e13.6,3x,a,e13.6,3x,a,e13.6)')
3640 c     *'n:',n,'weight:',wt,'wts/n:',wts/n,'error:',wts/n/sqrt(1.*n)
3641 c           enddo
3642 c      return
3643 c      end
3644 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
3645       subroutine hnbmet
3646 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3647 c  change (or not) configuration via metropolis
3648 c  configuration=np,tecm,amass(),ident(),pcm(),volu,wtlog
3649 c    (common /confg/)
3650 c  nlattc (in /clatt/) must be set before calling this routine
3651 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3652       include ''
3653       parameter(maxp=500)
3654       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
3655       common/crnoz/rnoz(maxp-1)
3656       real rnozo(maxp-1)
3657       common/cfact/faclog
3658       dimension amasso(maxp),idento(maxp),pcmo(5,maxp)
3659       integer jc(nflav,2),jc1(nflav,2),jc2(nflav,2)
3660       common/citer/iter,itermx
3661       parameter (mspecs=56)
3662       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
3663       parameter (literm=500)
3664       common/cmet/kspecs(mspecs),liter,lspecs(literm,mspecs)
3665      *,iterl(literm),iterc(literm)
3666 c      parameter (mxpair=mspecs**2*4)
3667       common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
3668       parameter (nhise=100)
3669       common/chise/hise(mspecs,nhise)
3670       integer id1old(2),id2old(2),id1new(2),id2new(2)
3671       parameter(maxit=50000)
3672       common/count/nacc,nrej,naccit(maxit),nptot,npit(maxit)
3673       if(
3674         write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
3675      *,' entry sr hnbmet ',('-',i=1,30)
3676         write(ifch,'(1x,a,i4)')'iteration:',iter
3677       endif
3678       if(mod(iter,iterpr).eq.0)write(ifmt,*)'iteration:',iter
3679       if(
3680       do n=np+1,maxp
3681       ident(n)=0
3682       enddo
3683       endif
3685 c     for iter=1
3686 c     ----------
3687            if(iter.eq.1)then
3688       liter=1
3689       do i=1,nspecs
3690       kspecs(i)=0
3691       nptot=0
3692       do li=1,literm
3693       lspecs(li,i)=0
3694       enddo
3695       enddo
3696       do li=1,literm
3697       iterc(li)=0
3698       enddo
3699       do j=1,mspecs
3700       do i=1,nhise
3701       hise(j,i)=0
3702       enddo
3703       enddo
3704       call hnbzmu(-1)
3705            endif
3707 c     remember old configuration
3708 c     --------------------------
3709       wtlo=wtlog
3710       wtlox=wtxlog
3711       faclo=faclog
3712       npo=np
3713       if(
3714       do i=1,np-1
3715       rnozo(i)=rnoz(i)
3716       enddo
3717       endif
3718       if(
3719       do i=1,np
3720       amasso(i)=amass(i)
3721       idento(i)=ident(i)
3722       do j=1,5
3723       pcmo(j,i)=pcm(j,i)
3724       enddo
3725       enddo
3726       endif
3728 c     determine pair, construct new pair, update ident
3729 c     ------------------------------------------------
3730       xab=1
3731       xba=1
3732            if(iopair.eq.1)then
3733 c     (single pair method)
3734       call hnbpad(1,n1,n2,n3,n4,mm,jc)
3735       id1old(1)=ident(n1)
3736       id2old(1)=ident(n2)
3737       id1old(2)=0
3738       id2old(2)=0
3739       call hnbpaj(jc,iwpair,id1,id2)
3740       ident(n1)=id1
3741       ident(n2)=id2
3742       call hnbrmz
3743       id1new(1)=id1
3744       id2new(1)=id2
3745       id1new(2)=0
3746       id2new(2)=0
3747       xab=1
3748       xba=1
3749       nzold=0
3750       if(id1old(1).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
3751       if(id2old(1).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
3752       nznew=0
3753       if(id1new(1).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
3754       if(id2new(1).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
3756 c     determine 2 pairs, construct 2 new pairs, update ident
3757 c     ------------------------------------------------------
3758            elseif(iopair.eq.2)then
3759 c     (double pair method)
3760       kkk=0
3761    25 call hnbpad(1,n1,n2,n3,n4,mm,jc)
3762       kkk=kkk+1
3763       id1old(1)=ident(n1)
3764       id2old(1)=ident(n2)
3765       call hnbpai(id1,id2,jc1)
3766       ident(n1)=id1
3767       ident(n2)=id2
3768       id1new(1)=id1
3769       id2new(1)=id2
3770       do i=1,nflav
3771       do j=1,2
3772       jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)-jc1(i,j)
3773       jc2(i,j)=jc(i,j)
3774       enddo
3775       enddo
3776     2 call hnbpad(2,n1,n2,n3,n4,mm,jc1)
3777       id1old(2)=ident(n3)
3778       id2old(2)=ident(n4)
3779       do i=1,nflav
3780       do j=1,2
3781       jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)+jc1(i,j)
3782       enddo
3783       enddo
3784       call hnbpaj(jc,iwpair,id1,id2)
3785       if(iwpair.eq.0)then
3786       do i=1,nflav
3787       do j=1,2
3788       jc(i,j)=jc2(i,j)
3789       enddo
3790       enddo
3791       if(,*)'no pair possible'
3792       goto2
3793       endif
3794       ident(n3)=id1
3795       ident(n4)=id2
3796       id1new(2)=id1
3797       id2new(2)=id2
3798       call hnbrmz
3799       if(,*)'wt-sum of 2. pairs (-->):',iwpair
3800      *,'   chosen pair:',id1,id2
3801       call hnbpaj(jc1,iwpais,idum1,idum2)
3802       if(,*)'wt-sum of 2. pairs (<--):',iwpais
3803       nzold=0
3804       if(id1old(1).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
3805       if(id2old(1).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
3806       if(id1old(2).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
3807       if(id2old(2).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
3808       if(,*)'number of zeros (old):',nzold
3809       nznew=0
3810       if(id1new(1).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
3811       if(id2new(1).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
3812       if(id1new(2).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
3813       if(id2new(2).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
3814       if(,*)'number of zeros (new):',nznew
3815       if(iorejz.eq.1.and.nzold.eq.4.and.nznew.eq.4.and.kkk.le.50)goto25
3816       xab=1./iwpair*iozero**nznew
3817       xba=1./iwpais*iozero**nzold
3818       if(,*)'asymmetry factor:',xba/xab
3819            else
3820       call utstop('hnbmet: invalid choice for iopair&')
3821            endif
3823 c     determine masses/momenta/weight of trial configuration
3824 c     ------------------------------------------------------
3825       if(
3826            do i=1,np
3827       amass(i)=-1
3828       do j=1,nspecs
3829       if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(j))then
3830       amass(i)=aspecs(j)
3831       goto1
3832       endif
3833       enddo
3834     1 continue
3835       if(amass(i).lt.0.)
3836      *call utstop('hnbmet: invalid particle species&')
3837            enddo
3838       keepr=0
3839 c-c   call hnbolo(1000) !instead of "call hnbody" for testing
3840       keepr=1
3841       if(iocova.eq.1)call hnbody
3842       if(iocova.eq.2)call hnbodz
3843       else
3844       wtxlog=-1e35
3845       endif
3846       call hnbfac(faclog)
3847       wtlog=wtxlog+faclog
3848       if(
3849         write(ifch,*)'trial configuration:'
3850         call hnbwri
3851       endif
3853 c     accept or not trial configuration (metropolis)
3854 c     ----------------------------------------------
3855       if(,'(1x,a,4i5,a,4i5,a)')
3856      *'metropolis decision for '
3857      *,id1old(1),id2old(1),id1old(2),id2old(2),'   -->  '
3858      *,id1new(1),id2new(1),id1new(2),id2new(2),' :'
3859       iacc=0
3860            if(
3861       q=exp(wtlog-wtlo)*xba/xab
3862       r=rangen()
3863       if(r.le.q)iacc=1
3864       if(,*)'new weight / old weight:',q,'    '
3865      *,'random number:',r
3866            else
3867       iacc=1
3868       if(,*)'log new weight / old weight:'
3869      *,wtlog-wtlo
3870            endif
3871            if(iacc.eq.1)then
3872       if(,*)'new configuration accepted'
3873       nacc=nacc+1
3874       naccit(iter)=1
3875            else
3876       if(,*)'old configuration kept'
3877       nrej=nrej+1
3878       wtlog=wtlo
3879       wtxlog=wtlox
3880       faclog=faclo
3881       np=npo
3882       if(
3883       do i=1,np-1
3884       rnoz(i)=rnozo(i)
3885       enddo
3886       endif
3887       if(
3888       do i=1,np
3889       amass(i)=amasso(i)
3890       ident(i)=idento(i)
3891       do j=1,5
3892       pcm(j,i)=pcmo(j,i)
3893       enddo
3894       enddo
3895       endif
3896            endif
3897            if(ioobsv.eq.0)then
3898       npit(iter)=np
3899       if(
3900       else
3901       npob=0
3902       do i=1,np
3903       if(ioobsv.eq.ident(i))npob=npob+1
3904       enddo
3905       npit(iter)=npob
3906       if(
3907            endif
3908       if(
3909         write(ifch,*)'actual configuration:'
3910         call hnbwri
3911         if(ish.eq.27)stop'change this?????????????' !call hnbcor(1)
3912       endif
3914 c     printout/return
3915 c     ---------------
3916       if(
3917       npmax=max(npmax,np)
3918            if(liter.le.literm)then
3919       iterc(liter)=iterc(liter)+1
3920       do i=1,np
3921       do j=1,nspecs
3922       if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(j))then
3923       lspecs(liter,j)=lspecs(liter,j)+1
3924       goto8
3925       endif
3926       enddo
3927     8 continue
3928       enddo
3929       if(mod(iter,iterpl).eq.0)then
3930       iterl(liter)=iter
3931       liter=liter+1
3932 c     if(liter.le.literm)then
3933 c     iterc(liter)=iterc(liter-1)
3934 c     do j=1,nspecs
3935 c     lspecs(liter,j)=lspecs(liter-1,j)
3936 c     enddo
3937 c     endif
3938       endif
3939            endif
3940       if(iter.le.iternc)return
3942            do i=1,np
3943       call hnbzen(i)  !fill energy histogram
3944       do j=1,nspecs
3945       if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(j))then
3946       kspecs(j)=kspecs(j)+1
3947       goto7
3948       endif
3949       enddo
3950     7 continue
3951            enddo
3952       call hnbzmu(1)  !fill multiplicity histogram
3954            if(
3955       call utmsg('hnbmet')
3956       write(ifch,*)'*****  nlattc too small'
3957       write(ifch,*)'nlattc:',nlattc,'   npmax:',npmax
3958       call utmsgf
3959            endif
3961 1000  continue
3962       if(
3963         write(ifch,*)'accepted proposals:',nacc
3964      *,'  rejected proposals:',nrej
3965         write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
3966      *,' exit sr hnbmet ',('-',i=1,10)
3967       endif
3968       return
3969       end
3971 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3972       subroutine hnbmin(keux,kedx,kesx,kecx)
3973 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3974 c  returns min hadron set with given u,d,s,c content
3975 c  input:
3976 c     keux: net u quark number
3977 c     kedx: net d quark number
3978 c     kesx: net s quark number
3979 c     kecx: net c quark number
3980 c  output (written to /chnbin/):
3981 c     nump: number of hadrons
3982 c     ihadro(n): hadron id for n'th hadron
3983 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
3984       include ''
3985       parameter(maxp=500)
3986       common/chnbin/nump,ihadro(maxp)
3987       logical wri
3988       character f1*11
3989       wri=.false.
3990       if(
3991       if(wri)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
3992      *,' entry sr hnbmin ',('-',i=1,30)
3994       nump=0
3995       f1='(4i3,i7,i6)'
3996       ke=iabs(keux+kedx+kesx+kecx)
3998       if(
3999       keu=keux
4000       ked=kedx
4001       kes=kesx
4002       kec=kecx
4003       isi=1
4004       else
4005       keu=-keux
4006       ked=-kedx
4007       kes=-kesx
4008       kec=-kecx
4009       isi=-1
4010       endif
4011       if(wri)write(ifch,'(4i3)')keux,kedx,kesx,kecx
4012       if(wri)write(ifch,'(4i3)')keu,ked,kes,kec
4014 c get rid of anti-c and c (140, 240, -140, -240)
4015       if(
4016    10 continue
4017       if(
4018       kec=kec+1
4019       if(
4020       keu=keu-1
4021       nump=nump+1
4022       ihadro(nump)=140
4023       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4024       else
4025       ked=ked-1
4026       nump=nump+1
4027       ihadro(nump)=240
4028       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4029       endif
4030       goto10
4031       endif
4032    11 continue
4033       if(
4034       kec=kec-1
4035       if(
4036       keu=keu+1
4037       nump=nump+1
4038       ihadro(nump)=-140
4039       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4040       else
4041       ked=ked+1
4042       nump=nump+1
4043       ihadro(nump)=-240
4044       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4045       endif
4046       goto11
4047       endif
4048       endif
4050 c get rid of anti-s (130,230)
4051     5 continue
4052       if(
4053       kes=kes+1
4054       if(
4055       keu=keu-1
4056       nump=nump+1
4057       ihadro(nump)=130
4058       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4059       else
4060       ked=ked-1
4061       nump=nump+1
4062       ihadro(nump)=230
4063       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4064       endif
4065       goto5
4066       endif
4068 c get rid of anti-d (120, -230)
4069    6  continue
4070       if(
4071       ked=ked+1
4072       if(
4073       keu=keu-1
4074       nump=nump+1
4075       ihadro(nump)=120
4076       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4077       else
4078       kes=kes-1
4079       nump=nump+1
4080       ihadro(nump)=-230
4081       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4082       endif
4083       goto6
4084       endif
4086 c get rid of anti-u (-120, -130)
4087     7 continue
4088       if(
4089       keu=keu+1
4090       if(
4091       ked=ked-1
4092       nump=nump+1
4093       ihadro(nump)=-120
4094       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4095       else
4096       kes=kes-1
4097       nump=nump+1
4098       ihadro(nump)=-130
4099       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4100       endif
4101       goto7
4102       endif
4104       if( utstop('hnbmin: sum_kei /= ke&')
4106       keq=keu+ked
4108 c get rid of s (3331, x330, xx30)
4109       i=4
4110     2 i=i-1
4111     3 continue
4112       if((4-i)**keq)then
4113       kes=kes-i
4114       keq=keq-3+i
4115       nump=nump+1
4116       if(i.eq.3)ihadro(nump)=3331
4117       if(i.eq.2)ihadro(nump)=0330
4118       if(i.eq.1)ihadro(nump)=0030
4119            if(
4120       do j=1,3-i
4121       l=1+2*rangen()
4122       if(
4123       if(
4124       if(l.eq.1)keu=keu-1
4125       if(l.eq.2)ked=ked-1
4126       ihadro(nump)=ihadro(nump)+l*10**(4-j)
4127       enddo
4128            endif
4129       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4130       if( utstop('hnbmin: negative kes&')
4131       if( utstop('hnbmin: negative keq&')
4132       goto3
4133       endif
4134       if(
4136       if( utstop('hnbmin: keu+ked /= keq&')
4138 c get rid of d (2221, 1220, 1120)
4139       i=4
4140    12 i=i-1
4141    13 continue
4142       if((4-i)**keu)then
4143       ked=ked-i
4144       keu=keu-3+i
4145       if(i.eq.3)then
4146       nump=nump+2
4147       ihadro(nump)=1220
4148       ihadro(nump-1)=-120
4149       else
4150       nump=nump+1
4151       if(i.eq.2)ihadro(nump)=1220
4152       if(i.eq.1)ihadro(nump)=1120
4153       endif
4154       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4155       if( utstop('hnbmin: negative ked&')
4156       if( utstop('hnbmin: negative keu&')
4157       goto13
4158       endif
4159       if(
4161       if( utstop('hnbmin: ked .ne. 0&')
4163 c get rid of u (1111)
4164     9 continue
4165       if(
4166       keu=keu-3
4167       nump=nump+2
4168       ihadro(nump)=1120
4169       ihadro(nump-1)=120
4170       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4171       if( utstop('hnbmin: negative keu&')
4172       goto9
4173       endif
4175       if( utstop('hnbmin: keu .ne. 0&')
4177       if(isi.eq.-1)then
4178       do i=1,nump
4179       ihadro(i)=isi*ihadro(i)
4180       enddo
4181       endif
4183       do lo=1,2
4184       if(
4185       nump=nump+1
4186       ihadro(nump)=110
4187       if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
4188       endif
4189       enddo
4191       if(wri)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
4192      *,' exit sr hnbmin ',('-',i=1,10)
4193       return
4194       end
4196 c-------------------------------------------------------------
4197       subroutine hnbody
4198 c-------------------------------------------------------------
4199 c   formerly subr genbod from genlib (cernlib).
4200 c   modified by K. Werner, march 94.
4201 c   subr to generate n-body event
4202 c   according to fermi lorentz-invariant phase space.
4203 c   the phase space integral is the sum over the weights wt divided
4204 c   by the number of events (sum wt / n).
4205 c   adapted from fowl (cern w505) sept. 1974 by f. james.
4206 c   events are generated in their own center-of-mass,
4207 c   but may be transformed to any frame using loren4.
4208 c
4209 c   input to and output from subr thru common block config.
4210 c   input:
4211 c             np=number of outgoing particles
4212 c             tecm=total energy in center-of-mass
4213 c             amass(i)=mass of ith outgoing particle
4214 c   output:
4215 c             pcm(1,i)=x-momentum if ith particle
4216 c             pcm(2,i)=y-momentum if ith particle
4217 c             pcm(3,i)=z-momentum if ith particle
4218 c             pcm(4,i)=energy of ith particle
4219 c             pcm(5,i)=momentum of ith particle
4220 c             wtxlog=log of weight of event
4221 c--------------------------------------------------------------
4222       include ''
4223       parameter(maxp=500)
4224       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
4225       dimension emm(maxp)
4226       dimension rno(3*maxp-4)
4227 c     !pcm1 is linear equiv. of pcm to avoid double indices
4228       dimension em(maxp),pd(maxp),ems(maxp),sm(maxp)
4229      *,pcm1(5*maxp)
4230       common/cffq/ffqlog(maxp)
4231       common/ciiw/iii,rrr
4232       equivalence (nt,np),(amass(1),em(1)),(pcm1(1),pcm(1,1))
4233       logical wri
4234       data twopi/6.2831853073/
4235       external hnbiiw
4236 ctp060829      nas=5 !must be at least 3
4237       wri=.false.
4238       if(
4239       if(wri)then
4240         write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
4241      *,' entry sr hnbody ',('-',i=1,30)
4242         write(ifch,1200)np,tecm
4243         write(ifch,*)'particle masses:'
4244         write(ifch,'(1x,10f6.3)')(amass(n),n=1,np)
4245       endif
4247 c..... initialization
4249       ktnbod=ktnbod + 1
4250       if(ktnbod.le.1)then
4251         !... ffq(n) = pi * (twopi)**(n-2) / (n-2)!
4252         ffqlog(1)=-1e35
4253         ffqlog(2)=alog(pi)
4254         do n=3,maxp
4255         ffqlog(n)=ffqlog(n-1)+log(twopi/(n-2))
4256         enddo
4257       endif
4259       if( goto 1001
4260       if( goto 1002
4261       ntm1=nt-1
4262       ntm2=nt-2
4263       ntnm4=3*nt - 4
4264       emm(1)=em(1)
4265       tm=0.0
4266       do 2 i=1,nt
4267       ems(i)=em(i)**2
4268       tm=tm+em(i)
4269     2 sm(i)=tm
4270       tecmtm=tecm-tm
4271       if(tecmtm.le.0.0) goto 1000
4272       emm(nt)=tecm
4273       wtmlog=alog(tecmtm)*ntm2 + ffqlog(nt) - alog(tecm)
4275 c...fill rno with 3*nt-4 random numbers, the first nt-2 being ordered
4277       do 3 i= 1, ntnm4
4278     3 rno(i)=rangen()
4279       if(ntm2) 9,5,4
4280     4 continue
4281       call flpsore(rno,ntm2)
4283 c...calculate emm().......M_i
4285       do 6 j=2,ntm1
4286     6 emm(j)=rno(j-1)*tecmtm+sm(j)
4288 c...calculate wtlog
4290     5 continue
4291       wtxlog=wtmlog
4292       ir=ntm2
4293       do 7 i=1,ntm1
4294         pd(i)=hnbpdk(emm(i+1),emm(i),em(i+1))
4295         if(pd(i).gt.0.)then
4296           pdlog=alog(pd(i))
4297         else
4298           pdlog=-1e35
4299         endif
4300         wtxlog=wtxlog+pdlog
4301     7 continue
4303 c...complete specification of event (raubold-lynch method)
4305       pcm(1,1)=0.0
4306       pcm(2,1)=pd(1)
4307       pcm(3,1)=0.0
4308       do i=2,nt
4309         pcm(1,i)=0.0
4310         pcm(2,i)=-pd(i-1)
4311         pcm(3,i)=0.0
4312         ir=ir+1
4313         bang=twopi*rno(ir)
4314         cb=cos(bang)
4315         sb=sin(bang)
4316         ir=ir+1
4317         c=2.0*rno(ir)-1.0
4318         s=sqrt(1.0-c*c)
4319         if(
4320           esys=sqrt(pd(i)**2+emm(i)**2)
4321           beta=pd(i)/esys
4322           gama=esys/emm(i)
4323           do j=1,i
4324             ndx=5*j - 5
4325             aa= pcm1(ndx+1)**2 + pcm1(ndx+2)**2 + pcm1(ndx+3)**2
4326             pcm1(ndx+5)=sqrt(aa)
4327             pcm1(ndx+4)=sqrt(aa+ems(j))
4328             call hnbrt2(c,s,cb,sb,pcm,j)
4329             psave=gama*(pcm(2,j)+beta*pcm(4,j))
4330             pcm(2,j)=psave
4331           enddo
4332         else !(i.eq.nt)
4333           do j=1,i
4334             aa=pcm(1,j)**2 + pcm(2,j)**2 + pcm(3,j)**2
4335             pcm(5,j)=sqrt(aa)
4336             pcm(4,j)=sqrt(aa+ems(j))
4337             call hnbrt2(c,s,cb,sb,pcm,j)
4338           enddo
4339         endif
4340       enddo
4342 c...returns
4344   9   continue
4345       goto1111
4347  1000 continue
4348       if(wri)
4349      *write(ifch,*)'available energy zero or negative -> wtxlog=-1e35'
4350       wtxlog=-1e35
4351       goto1111
4353  1001 continue
4354       if(wri)
4355      *write(ifch,*)'less than 2 outgoing particles -> wtxlog=-1e35'
4356       wtxlog=-1e35
4357       goto1111
4359  1002 continue
4360       write(ifch,*)'too many outgoing particles'
4361       write(ifch,1150) ktnbod
4362  1150 format(47h0 above error detected in hnbody at call number,i7)
4363       write(ifch,1200) np,tecm
4364  1200 format(' np:',i6/' tecm:',f10.5)
4365       write(ifch,*)'particle masses:'
4366       write(ifch,'(1x,10f6.3)')(amass(jk),jk=1,np)
4367       stop
4369 1111  continue
4370       if(wri)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
4371      *,' exit sr hnbody ',('-',i=1,10)
4372       return
4373       end
4375 c---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4377 C---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4378 C CERN PROGLIB# M103    FLPSOR          .VERSION KERNFOR  3.15  820113
4379 C ORIG. 29/04/78
4380 C
4383 C
4385 C----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4386       DIMENSION A(N)
4387       COMMON /SLATE/ LT(20),RT(20)
4388       INTEGER R,RT
4389 C
4390       LEVEL=1
4391       LT(1)=1
4392       RT(1)=N
4393    10 L=LT(LEVEL)
4394       R=RT(LEVEL)
4395       LEVEL=LEVEL-1
4396    20 IF(R.GT.L) GO TO 200
4397       IF(LEVEL) 50,50,10
4398 C
4404 C
4405   200 I=L
4406       J=R
4407       M=(L+R)/2
4408       X=A(M)
4409   220 IF(A(I).GE.X) GO TO 230
4410       I=I+1
4411       GO TO 220
4412   230 IF(A(J).LE.X) GO TO 231
4413       J=J-1
4414       GO TO 230
4415 C
4416   231 IF(I.GT.J) GO TO 232
4417       W=A(I)
4418       A(I)=A(J)
4419       A(J)=W
4420       I=I+1
4421       J=J-1
4422       IF(I.LE.J) GO TO 220
4423 C
4424   232 LEVEL=LEVEL+1
4425       IF((R-I).GE.(J-L)) GO TO 30
4426       LT(LEVEL)=L
4427       RT(LEVEL)=J
4428       L=I
4429       GO TO 20
4430    30 LT(LEVEL)=I
4431       RT(LEVEL)=R
4432       R=J
4433       GO TO 20
4434    50 continue
4436       do i=1,n-1
4437         if(a(i).gt.a(i+1))stop'FLPSORE: ERROR.                    '
4438       enddo
4440       RETURN
4441       END
4447 c-------------------------------------------------------------
4448       subroutine hnbodz
4449 c-------------------------------------------------------------
4450 c   subr to generate n-body event
4451 c   according to non-invariant phase space.
4452 c   the phase space integral is the sum over the weights exp(wtxlog)
4453 c   divided by the number of events.
4454 c   ref.: hagedorn, nuov. cim. suppl ix, x (1958) 646.
4455 c   events are generated in their own center-of-mass.
4456 c
4457 c   input to and output from subr is thru common block config.
4458 c   input:
4459 c             np=number of outgoing particles
4460 c             tecm=total energy in center-of-mass
4461 c             amass(i)=mass of ith outgoing particle
4462 c   output:
4463 c             pcm(1,i)=x-momentum of ith particle
4464 c             pcm(2,i)=y-momentum of ith particle
4465 c             pcm(3,i)=z-momentum of ith particle
4466 c             pcm(4,i)=energy of ith particle
4467 c             pcm(5,i)=momentum of ith particle
4468 c             wtxlog=log of weight of event
4469 c--------------------------------------------------------------
4470       include ''
4471       parameter(maxp=500)
4472       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
4473       common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
4474       common/cffq/ffqlog(maxp)
4475       dimension ti(maxp),xi(maxp),si(maxp),zi(maxp)
4476       common/crnoz/rnoz(maxp-1)
4477       double precision ps(5)
4479       call utpri('hnbodz',ish,ishini,6)
4480       if(,1200)np,tecm
4481       if(,*)'particle masses:'
4482       if(,'(1x,10f6.3)')(amass(n),n=1,np)
4484 c initialization ktnbod=1
4485       ktnbod=ktnbod + 1
4486       if( goto 1
4487 c     !ffqlog(n) = log{ (4*pi)**n  / (n-1)! }
4488       ffqlog(1)=alog(4*pi)
4489       do n=2,maxp
4490       ffqlog(n)=ffqlog(n-1)+alog(4*pi/(n-1))
4491       enddo
4492     1 continue
4493 c set wtxlog -infinity for np<2
4494       if( goto 1001
4495 c special treatment for np=2
4496       if(np.eq.2)then
4497       if(
4498       p0=utpcm(tecm,amass(1),amass(2))
4499       wtxlog=alog( 4*pi*p0
4500      */(1/sqrt(amass(1)**2+p0**2)+1/sqrt(amass(2)**2+p0**2)) )
4501       if(
4502      *write(ifch,*)'wtxlog:',wtxlog,'   (np=2 treatment)'
4503       bang=2*pi*rangen()
4504       cb=cos(bang)
4505       sb=sin(bang)
4506       c=2.0*rangen()-1.0
4507       s=sqrt(1.0-c*c)
4508       do 9 i=1,2
4509       is=2*i-3
4510       pcm(5,i)=p0
4511       pcm(1,i)=is*pcm(5,i)*s*cb
4512       pcm(2,i)=is*pcm(5,i)*s*sb
4513       pcm(3,i)=is*pcm(5,i)*c
4514       pcm(4,i)=sqrt(amass(i)**2+p0**2)
4515     9 continue
4516       goto1111
4517       endif
4518 c stop if np too large
4519       if( goto 1002
4520 c initialization all ktnbod
4521       tm=0.0
4522       do 2 i=1,np
4523       tm=tm+amass(i)
4524     2 continue
4525       tt=tecm-tm
4526       if(tt.le.0.0) goto 1000
4527 c prefactor
4528       wtxlog=alog(tt)*(np-1) + ffqlog(np)
4529       if(
4530      *write(ifch,*)'wtxlog:',wtxlog,'   (prefactor)'
4531 c fill rnoz with np-1 random numbers
4532       if(keepr.eq.0)then
4533       do 3 i= 1, np-1
4534     3 rnoz(i)=rangen()
4535       else
4536       do lo=1,iomom
4537       j=1+rangen()*nlattc
4538       rnoz(j)=rangen()
4539       enddo
4540       endif
4541 c calculate z_i distributed as i*z*(i-1)
4542       do i= 1, np-1
4543       zi(i)=rnoz(i)**(1./i)
4544       enddo
4545 c calculate x_i
4546       xi(np)=1
4547       do i=np-1,1,-1
4548       xi(i)=zi(i)*xi(i+1)
4549       enddo
4550 c calculate t_i, e_i, p_i
4551       if(,*)'calculate t_i, e_i, p_i ...'
4552       do i=1,np-1
4553       si(i)=xi(i)*tt
4554       enddo
4555       ti(1)=si(1)
4556       if(ti(1).le.0.)ti(1)=1e-10
4557       ti(np)=tt-si(np-1)
4558       if(ti(np).le.0.)ti(np)=1e-10
4559       do i=np-1,2,-1
4560       ti(i)=si(i)-si(i-1)
4561       if(ti(i).le.0.)ti(i)=1e-10
4562       enddo
4563       do i=1,np
4564       pcm(1,i)=0
4565       pcm(2,i)=0
4566       pcm(3,i)=0
4567       pcm(4,i)=ti(i)+amass(i)
4568       p52=ti(i)*(ti(i)+2*amass(i))
4569       if(
4570       pcm(5,i)=sqrt(p52)
4571       else
4572       pcm(5,i)=ti(i)*sqrt(1+2*amass(i)/ti(i))
4573       endif
4574       enddo
4575 c calculate wtxlog
4576       call hnbraw(7,200,w)
4577       if(
4578       wtxlog=wtxlog+alog(w)
4579       else
4580       wtxlog=wtxlog-1e+30
4581       endif
4582       do 7 i=1,np
4583       wtxlog=wtxlog+alog(pcm(5,i))+alog(ti(i)+amass(i))
4584     7 continue
4585       if(
4586      *write(ifch,*)'wtxlog:',wtxlog
4587 c print
4588       if(
4589       write(ifch,*)'momenta:'
4590       do j=1,4
4591       ps(j)=0
4592       enddo
4593       do i=1,np
4594       do j=1,4
4595       ps(j)=ps(j)+pcm(j,i)
4596       enddo
4597       write(ifch,'(1x,i3,5x,5f12.5)')i,(pcm(j,i),j=1,5)
4598       enddo
4599       ps(5)=dsqrt(ps(1)**2+ps(2)**2+ps(3)**2)
4600       write(ifch,'(1x,a4,8x,5f12.5)')'sum:',(sngl(ps(j)),j=1,5)
4601       endif
4602       if(w.le.0.)goto1111
4603 c complete specification of event (random rotations and then deformations)
4604       call hnbrot
4605       if(,*)'momenta after rotations:'
4606       call hnbrop(96,0)
4607       call hnbrod
4608       if(,*)'momenta after deformations:'
4609       call hnbrop(96,1)
4610       goto1111
4612 c error returns
4613  1000 continue
4614       if(
4615      *write(ifch,*)'available energy zero or negative -> wtxlog=-1e35'
4616       wtxlog=-1e35
4617       goto1111
4619  1001 continue
4620       if(
4621      *write(ifch,*)'less than 2 outgoing particles -> wtxlog=-1e35'
4622       wtxlog=-1e35
4623       goto1111
4625  1002 continue
4626       write(ifch,*)'too many outgoing particles'
4627       write(ifch,1150) ktnbod
4628  1150 format(47h0 above error detected in hnbody at call number,i7)
4629       write(ifch,1200) np,tecm
4630  1200 format(' np:',i6/' tecm:',f10.5)
4631       write(ifch,*)'particle masses:'
4632       write(ifch,'(1x,10f6.3)')(amass(jk),jk=1,np)
4633       stop
4635 1111  continue
4636       call utprix('hnbodz',ish,ishini,6)
4637       return
4638       end
4640 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4641       subroutine hnbolo(loops)
4642 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4643 c  loop over hnbody
4644 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4645       include ''
4646       parameter(maxp=500)
4647       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
4648       a=0
4649       k=0
4650       do j=1,loops
4651 c-c   if(mod(j,iterpr).eq.0)write(ifmt,*)'     iteration:',iter,j
4652       if(iocova.eq.1)call hnbody
4653       if(iocova.eq.2)call hnbodz
4654       if(,*)'j:',j,'   wtxlog:',wtxlog
4655            if(
4656       k=k+1
4657       if(k.eq.1)c=wtxlog
4658            if(
4659       if(alog(a).lt.wtxlog-c-20)then
4660       a=0
4661       c=wtxlog
4662       endif
4663            endif
4664       a=a+exp(wtxlog-c)
4665            endif
4666       if(,*)'k:',k,'   c:',c
4667       enddo
4668       a=a/loops
4669       wtxlog=alog(a)+c
4670       return
4671       end
4673 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4674       function hnbpdk(a,b,c)
4675 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4676 c  formerly pdk from cernlib
4677 c  returns momentum p for twobody decay  a --> b + c
4678 c           a, b, c are the three masses
4679 c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4680 c  this p is related to twobody phase space as R2 = pi * p /a
4681 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
4682       double precision aa,bb,cc,a2,b2,c2
4683       aa=a
4684       bb=b
4685       cc=c
4686       a2=aa*aa
4687       b2=bb*bb
4688       c2=cc*cc
4689       if(a2 + (b2-c2)**2/a2-2.0*(b2+c2).le.0.)then
4690       hnbpdk = 0
4691       else
4692       hnbpdk = 0.5*dsqrt(a2 + (b2-c2)**2/a2 - 2.0*(b2+c2))
4693       endif
4694       return
4695       end
4697 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
4698       subroutine hnbpad(k,n1,n2,n3,n4,mm,jc)
4699 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
4700 c  k=1: determ pair indices k1,k2
4701 c  k=2: determ pair indices k3,k4 (.ne. n1,n2)
4702 c  k=1 and k=2: mm: type of pair, jc: flavour of pair
4703 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
4704       include ''
4705       integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2),jc1(nflav,2),ic1(2),jc2(nflav,2),ic2(2)
4706       common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
4707       parameter(maxp=500)
4708       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
4710       k1=n1
4711       k2=n2
4713 c     determine n1,n2 and mm
4714 c     ----------------------
4715     1 continue
4716       n1=1+rangen()*nlattc
4717       n1=min(n1,nlattc)
4718     2 continue
4719       n2=1+rangen()*nlattc
4720       n2=min(n2,nlattc)
4721       if(n2.eq.n1)goto2
4722       if(
4723       n1r=n1
4724       n1=n2
4725       n2=n1r
4726       endif
4727       if(k.eq.2)then
4728       if(n1.eq.k1.or.n1.eq.k2.or.n2.eq.k1.or.n2.eq.k2)goto1
4729       endif
4730       if(ident(n1).ne.0.and.ident(n2).ne.0)mm=1  ! hadron-hadron
4731       if(ident(n1).ne.0.and.ident(n2).eq.0)mm=2  ! hadron-empty
4732       if(ident(n1).eq.0.and.ident(n2).ne.0)mm=2  ! empty-hadron
4733       if(ident(n1).eq.0.and.ident(n2).eq.0)mm=3  ! empty-empty
4734       if(
4735         write(ifch,'(a,i2)')' mm:',mm
4736         write(ifch,*)'to be replaced:',n1,ident(n1)
4737         write(ifch,*)'to be replaced:',n2,ident(n2)
4738       endif
4740 c     flavour of n1+n2 --> jc
4741 c     -----------------------
4742            if(mm.eq.1)then
4743       call idtr4(ident(n1),ic1)
4744       call iddeco(ic1,jc1)
4745       call idtr4(ident(n2),ic2)
4746       call iddeco(ic2,jc2)
4747       do i=1,nflav
4748       do j=1,2
4749       jc(i,j)=jc1(i,j)+jc2(i,j)
4750       enddo
4751       enddo
4752            elseif(mm.eq.2.and.ident(n1).ne.0)then
4753       call idtr4(ident(n1),ic)
4754       call iddeco(ic,jc)
4755            elseif(mm.eq.2.and.ident(n2).ne.0)then
4756       call idtr4(ident(n2),ic)
4757       call iddeco(ic,jc)
4758            else
4759       do i=1,nflav
4760       do j=1,2
4761       jc(i,j)=0
4762       enddo
4763       enddo
4764            endif
4766       if(k.eq.2)then
4767       n3=n1
4768       n4=n2
4769       endif
4771       return
4772       end
4774 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
4775       subroutine hnbpai(id1,id2,jc)
4776 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
4777 c  returns arbitrary hadron pair id1,id2, flavour written to jc
4778 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
4779       include ''
4780       integer jc(nflav,2),jc1(nflav,2),ic1(2),jc2(nflav,2),ic2(2)
4781       parameter (mspecs=56)
4782       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
4784 c     construct pair id1,id2
4785 c     ----------------------
4786       i1=rangen()*(nspecs+iozero)-(iozero-1)
4787       i1=max(i1,0)
4788       i1=min(i1,nspecs)
4789       if(i1.eq.0)then
4790       id1=0
4791       do i=1,nflav
4792       do j=1,2
4793       jc1(i,j)=0
4794       enddo
4795       enddo
4796       else
4797       id1=ispecs(i1)
4798       call idtr4(id1,ic1)
4799       call iddeco(ic1,jc1)
4800       endif
4801       if(,'(1x,a,i3,a,i5,a,6i2,3x,6i2)')
4802      *'i1:',i1,'   id1:',id1,'   jc1:',jc1
4803       i2=rangen()*(nspecs+iozero)-(iozero-1)
4804       i2=max(i2,0)
4805       i2=min(i2,nspecs)
4806       if(i2.eq.0)then
4807       id2=0
4808       do i=1,nflav
4809       do j=1,2
4810       jc2(i,j)=0
4811       enddo
4812       enddo
4813       else
4814       id2=ispecs(i2)
4815       call idtr4(id2,ic2)
4816       call iddeco(ic2,jc2)
4817       endif
4818       if(,'(1x,a,i3,a,i5,a,6i2,3x,6i2)')
4819      *'i2:',i2,'   id2:',id2,'   jc2:',jc2
4820       if(,'(a,i6,i6)')' pair:',id1,id2
4822 c     determine jc
4823 c     ------------
4824       do i=1,nflav
4825       do j=1,2
4826       jc(i,j)=jc1(i,j)+jc2(i,j)
4827       enddo
4828       enddo
4829       do i=1,nflav
4830       j12=jc(i,1)-jc(i,2)
4831       if(
4832       jc(i,1)=j12
4833       jc(i,2)=0
4834       else
4835       jc(i,1)=0
4836       jc(i,2)=-j12
4837       endif
4838       enddo
4839       if(,'(a,6i2,3x,6i2)')' jc:',jc
4841       return
4842       end
4844 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
4845       subroutine hnbpaj(jc,iwpair,id1,id2)
4846 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
4847 c  returns sum of weights iwpair of possible pairs
4848 c  and randomly chosen hadron pair id1,id2 for given flavour jc
4849 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
4850       include ''
4851       parameter(mspecs=56,mxids=200)
4852       parameter(mxpair=mspecs**2*4)
4853       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
4854       common/cspec2/jspecs(2,nflav,mspecs)
4855       common/cspec3/lkfok(8,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3)  !-charm
4856       common/cspec5/idpairst(2,mxpair,3**6),iwtpaist(0:mxpair,3**6)
4857      &              ,idxpair(0:2,0:2,0:2,-1:1,-1:1,-1:1),ipairst(3**6)
4858       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
4859       dimension ids(mxids),iwts(mxids),jc(nflav,2)!,jc2(nflav,2)
4860       dimension idpair(2,mxpair),iwtpai(mxpair)
4861       dimension jc1mi2(nflav),jcmi(nflav)
4863 c      nflv=nflav
4864 c      if(
4865 c     *call utstop('hnbpaj: modify this routine&')
4867 c     construct possible pairs id1,id2
4868 c     --------------------------------
4870       ipair=0
4871       iwpair=0
4872       idx=0
4873       if(jc(1,1).gt.2)then
4874         goto 1
4875       elseif(jc(1,1).lt.0)then
4876         goto 1
4877       elseif(jc(2,1).gt.2)then
4878         goto 1
4879       elseif(jc(2,1).lt.0)then
4880         goto 1
4881       elseif(jc(3,1).gt.2)then
4882         goto 1
4883       elseif(jc(3,1).lt.0)then
4884         goto 1
4885       elseif(jc(1,2).gt.1)then
4886         goto 1
4887       elseif(jc(1,2).lt.-1)then
4888         goto 1
4889       elseif(jc(2,2).gt.1)then
4890         goto 1
4891       elseif(jc(2,2).lt.-1)then
4892         goto 1
4893       elseif(jc(3,2).gt.1)then
4894         goto 1
4895       elseif(jc(3,2).lt.-1)then
4896         goto 1
4897       elseif((abs(jc(4,1))+abs(jc(5,1))+abs(jc(6,1))+abs(jc(4,2))
4898      &       +abs(jc(5,2))+abs(jc(6,2))).gt.0)then
4899         goto 1
4900       endif
4901       idx=idxpair(jc(1,1),jc(2,1),jc(3,1),jc(1,2),jc(2,2),jc(3,2))
4902       ipair=ipairst(idx)
4903       if(ipair.eq.0)return
4904       iwpair=iwtpaist(0,idx)
4905       do i=1,ipair
4906         idpair(1,i)=idpairst(1,i,idx)
4907         idpair(2,i)=idpairst(2,i,idx)
4908         iwtpai(i)=iwtpaist(i,idx)
4909       enddo
4910       goto 4           !pair fixed via table
4912 c  id1=0:
4913  1    continue
4914       if( utstop('hnbpaj: mxids too small&')
4916       jc1mi2(1)=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
4917       jc1mi2(2)=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
4918       jc1mi2(3)=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
4919       jc1mi2(4)=jc(4,1)-jc(4,2)
4920       jc1mi2(5)=jc(5,1)-jc(5,2)
4921       jc1mi2(6)=jc(6,1)-jc(6,2)
4923       nids=0
4925       if(jc1mi2(1).ne.0)goto11
4926       if(jc1mi2(2).ne.0)goto11
4927       if(jc1mi2(3).ne.0)goto11
4928       if(jc1mi2(4).ne.0)goto11
4929       if(jc1mi2(5).ne.0)goto11
4930       if(jc1mi2(6).ne.0)goto11
4931       nids=nids+1
4932       ids(nids)=0
4933       iwts(nids)=iozero
4934    11 continue
4936       do j=1,nspecs
4937       if(jc1mi2(1).ne.ifok(1,j))goto22
4938       if(jc1mi2(2).ne.ifok(2,j))goto22
4939       if(jc1mi2(3).ne.ifok(3,j))goto22
4940       if(jc1mi2(4).ne.ifok(4,j))goto22
4941       if(jc1mi2(5).ne.ifok(5,j))goto22
4942       if(jc1mi2(6).ne.ifok(6,j))goto22
4943       nids=nids+1
4944       ids(nids)=ispecs(j)
4945       iwts(nids)=1
4946    22 continue
4947       enddo
4949       if(nids.eq.0)goto2
4950       if( utstop('hnbpaj: mxpair too small&')
4951       do k=1,nids
4952       ipair=ipair+1
4953       idpair(1,ipair)=0
4954       idpair(2,ipair)=ids(k)
4955       iwtpai(ipair)=iozero*iwts(k)
4956       iwpair=iwpair+iwtpai(ipair)
4957 c      if(,'(a,i5,5x,a,i6,i6,5x,a,i6)')' pair nr:'
4958 c     *,ipair,'ids:',0,ids(k),'weight:',iwtpai(ipair)
4959       enddo
4960     2 continue
4962 c  id1>0:
4964         do i1=1,nspecs
4966 c        if(
4967 c        do i=1,nflav
4968 c      jc2(i,1)=jc(i,1)-jspecs(1,i,i1)
4969 c      jc2(i,2)=jc(i,2)-jspecs(2,i,i1)
4970 c        enddo
4971 c      write(ifch,'(1x,a,i3,a,i6,a,6i2,3x,6i2)')
4972 c     *'i1:',i1,'   id1:',ispecs(i1),'   jc1:'
4973 c     *,(jspecs(1,i,i1),i=1,6),(jspecs(2,i,i1),i=1,6)
4974 c      write(ifch,'(a,6i2,3x,6i2)')' jc2:',jc2
4975 c        endif
4977       jcmi(1)=jc1mi2(1)-jspecs(1,1,i1)+jspecs(2,1,i1)
4978       jcmi(2)=jc1mi2(2)-jspecs(1,2,i1)+jspecs(2,2,i1)
4979       jcmi(3)=jc1mi2(3)-jspecs(1,3,i1)+jspecs(2,3,i1)
4980       jcmi(4)=jc1mi2(4)-jspecs(1,4,i1)+jspecs(2,4,i1)
4981       jcmi(5)=jc1mi2(5)-jspecs(1,5,i1)+jspecs(2,5,i1)
4982       jcmi(6)=jc1mi2(6)-jspecs(1,6,i1)+jspecs(2,6,i1)
4983 c-charm      if(jcmi(4).ne.0)stop'HNBPAJ: c not treated'
4984       if(jcmi(5).ne.0)stop'HNBPAJ: b not treated'
4985       if(jcmi(6).ne.0)stop'HNBPAJ: t not treated'
4987       nids=0
4989       if(abs(jcmi(1)).gt.3)goto3
4990       if(abs(jcmi(2)).gt.3)goto3
4991       if(abs(jcmi(3)).gt.3)goto3
4992       if(abs(jcmi(4)).gt.3)goto3   !-charm
4994       if(jcmi(1).ne.0)goto111
4995       if(jcmi(2).ne.0)goto111
4996       if(jcmi(3).ne.0)goto111
4997       if(jcmi(4).ne.0)goto111  !-charm
4998       nids=nids+1
4999       ids(nids)=0
5000       iwts(nids)=iozero
5001   111 continue
5003       lkfok1=lkfok(1,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
5004       if(
5005        nids=nids+1
5006        ids(nids)=lkfok(2,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
5007        iwts(nids)=1
5008        if(
5009         nids=nids+1
5010         ids(nids)=lkfok(3,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
5011         iwts(nids)=1
5012         if(
5013          if(       !-charm
5014      *   stop'HNBPAJ: dimension of lkfok too small'
5015          do ii=3,lkfok1
5016          nids=nids+1
5017          ids(nids)=lkfok(1+ii,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
5018          iwts(nids)=1
5019          enddo
5020         endif
5021        endif
5022       endif
5024 c             do j=1,nspecs
5025 c      if(jcmi(1).ne.ifok(1,j))goto222
5026 c      if(jcmi(2).ne.ifok(2,j))goto222
5027 c      if(jcmi(3).ne.ifok(3,j))goto222
5028 c      if(jcmi(4).ne.ifok(4,j))goto222
5029 c      if(jcmi(5).ne.ifok(5,j))goto222
5030 c      if(jcmi(6).ne.ifok(6,j))goto222
5031 c      nids=nids+1
5032 c      ids(nids)=ispecs(j)
5033 c      iwts(nids)=1
5034 c  222 continue
5035 c             enddo
5037       if(nids.eq.0)goto3
5038       if( utstop('hnbpaj: mxpair too small&')
5039       do k=1,nids
5040       ipair=ipair+1
5041       idpair(1,ipair)=ispecs(i1)
5042       idpair(2,ipair)=ids(k)
5043       iwtpai(ipair)=iwts(k)
5044       iwpair=iwpair+iwtpai(ipair)
5045       enddo
5046       if(
5047       ipair0=ipair-nids
5048       do k=1,nids
5049       ipair0=ipair0+1
5050       write(ifch,'(a,i5,5x,a,i6,i6,5x,a,i6)')' pair nr:'
5051      *,ipair0,'ids:',ispecs(i1),ids(k),'weight:',iwtpai(ipair0)
5052       enddo
5053       endif
5054     3 continue
5056         enddo
5058 c     no pair found
5059 c     -------------
5060       if(ipair.eq.0)then
5061       if( utstop('hnbpaj:')
5062       return
5063       endif
5066  4    continue
5067 c     select pair
5068 c     -----------
5069       r=rangen()
5070       ir=1+r*iwpair
5071       ir=min(ir,iwpair)
5072       is=0
5073       do ip=1,ipair
5074       is=is+iwtpai(ip)
5075       if(
5076       id1=idpair(1,ip)
5077       id2=idpair(2,ip)
5078 c      if(,*)'random number:',r
5079 c     *,' --> chosen pair:',ip
5080       goto 1000
5081       endif
5082       enddo
5083       write(ifmt,*)'hnbpaj:',jc,idx,ipair,iwpair,r,ir
5084       call utstop('hnbpaj: no pair selected&')
5086 1000  continue
5088       return
5089       end
5091 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5092       subroutine hnbpajini
5093 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5094 c  initialize array to speed up hnbpaj calculation
5095 c  store sum of weights iwpair of possible pairs in an array
5096 c  for any combinations of quarks
5097 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5098       include ''
5099       parameter(mspecs=56,mxids=200)
5100       parameter(mxpair=mspecs**2*4)
5101       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
5102       common/cspec2/jspecs(2,nflav,mspecs)
5103       common/cspec3/lkfok(8,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3)  !-charm
5104       common/cspec5/idpairst(2,mxpair,3**6),iwtpaist(0:mxpair,3**6)
5105      &              ,idxpair(0:2,0:2,0:2,-1:1,-1:1,-1:1),ipairst(3**6)
5106       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
5107       dimension ids(mxids),iwts(mxids)
5108       dimension jc1mi2(3),jcmi(4)
5111 c      write(ifmt,*)' Initialize droplet decay ...'
5113 c     construct possible pairs id1,id2
5114 c     --------------------------------
5115       idx=0
5116       do iaqs=-1,1
5117         do iaqd=-1,1
5118           do iaqu=-1,1
5119             do iqs=0,2
5120               do iqd=0,2
5121                 do iqu=0,2
5123       idx=idx+1
5124       idxpair(iqu,iqd,iqs,iaqu,iaqd,iaqs)=idx
5126       ipair=0
5127       iwtpaist(0,idx)=0
5128       do i=1,mxids
5129         ids(i)=0
5130         iwts(i)=0
5131       enddo
5132       do i=1,mxpair
5133         idpairst(1,i,idx)=0
5134         idpairst(2,i,idx)=0
5135         iwtpaist(i,idx)=0
5136       enddo
5138 c  id1=0:
5140       if( utstop('hnbpajini: mxids too small&')
5142       jc1mi2(1)=iqu-iaqu
5143       jc1mi2(2)=iqd-iaqd
5144       jc1mi2(3)=iqs-iaqs
5146       nids=0
5148       if(jc1mi2(1).ne.0)goto11
5149       if(jc1mi2(2).ne.0)goto11
5150       if(jc1mi2(3).ne.0)goto11
5151       nids=nids+1
5152       ids(nids)=0
5153       iwts(nids)=iozero
5154    11 continue
5156       do j=1,nspecs
5157       if(jc1mi2(1).ne.ifok(1,j))goto22
5158       if(jc1mi2(2).ne.ifok(2,j))goto22
5159       if(jc1mi2(3).ne.ifok(3,j))goto22
5160       nids=nids+1
5161       ids(nids)=ispecs(j)
5162       iwts(nids)=1
5163    22 continue
5164       enddo
5166       if(nids.eq.0)goto2
5167       if( utstop('hnbpajini: mxpair too small&')
5168       do k=1,nids
5169       ipair=ipair+1
5170       idpairst(1,ipair,idx)=0
5171       idpairst(2,ipair,idx)=ids(k)
5172       iwtpaist(ipair,idx)=iozero*iwts(k)
5173       iwtpaist(0,idx)=iwtpaist(0,idx)+iwtpaist(ipair,idx)
5174 c      if(,'(a,i5,5x,a,i6,i6,5x,a,i6)')' pair nr:'
5175 c     *,ipair,'ids:',0,ids(k),'weight:',iwtpai(ipair)
5176       enddo
5177     2 continue
5179 c  id1>0:
5181         do i1=1,nspecs
5183 c        if(
5184 c        do i=1,nflav
5185 c      jc2(i,1)=jc(i,1)-jspecs(1,i,i1)
5186 c      jc2(i,2)=jc(i,2)-jspecs(2,i,i1)
5187 c        enddo
5188 c      write(ifch,'(1x,a,i3,a,i6,a,6i2,3x,6i2)')
5189 c     *'i1:',i1,'   id1:',ispecs(i1),'   jc1:'
5190 c     *,(jspecs(1,i,i1),i=1,6),(jspecs(2,i,i1),i=1,6)
5191 c      write(ifch,'(a,6i2,3x,6i2)')' jc2:',jc2
5192 c        endif
5194       jcmi(1)=jc1mi2(1)-jspecs(1,1,i1)+jspecs(2,1,i1)
5195       jcmi(2)=jc1mi2(2)-jspecs(1,2,i1)+jspecs(2,2,i1)
5196       jcmi(3)=jc1mi2(3)-jspecs(1,3,i1)+jspecs(2,3,i1)
5197       jcmi(4)=0
5199       nids=0
5201       if(abs(jcmi(1)).gt.3)goto3
5202       if(abs(jcmi(2)).gt.3)goto3
5203       if(abs(jcmi(3)).gt.3)goto3
5205       if(jcmi(1).ne.0)goto111
5206       if(jcmi(2).ne.0)goto111
5207       if(jcmi(3).ne.0)goto111
5208       nids=nids+1
5209       ids(nids)=0
5210       iwts(nids)=iozero
5211   111 continue
5213       lkfok1=lkfok(1,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
5214       if(
5215        nids=nids+1
5216        ids(nids)=lkfok(2,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
5217        iwts(nids)=1
5218        if(
5219         nids=nids+1
5220         ids(nids)=lkfok(3,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
5221         iwts(nids)=1
5222         if(
5223          if(       !-charm
5224      *   stop'HNBPAJINI: dimension of lkfok too small'
5225          do ii=3,lkfok1
5226          nids=nids+1
5227          ids(nids)=lkfok(1+ii,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
5228          iwts(nids)=1
5229          enddo
5230         endif
5231        endif
5232       endif
5234 c             do j=1,nspecs
5235 c      if(jcmi(1).ne.ifok(1,j))goto222
5236 c      if(jcmi(2).ne.ifok(2,j))goto222
5237 c      if(jcmi(3).ne.ifok(3,j))goto222
5238 c      if(jcmi(4).ne.ifok(4,j))goto222
5239 c      if(jcmi(5).ne.ifok(5,j))goto222
5240 c      if(jcmi(6).ne.ifok(6,j))goto222
5241 c      nids=nids+1
5242 c      ids(nids)=ispecs(j)
5243 c      iwts(nids)=1
5244 c  222 continue
5245 c             enddo
5247       if(nids.eq.0)goto3
5248       if(
5249      &     call utstop('hnbpajini: mxpair too small&')
5250       do k=1,nids
5251       ipair=ipair+1
5252       idpairst(1,ipair,idx)=ispecs(i1)
5253       idpairst(2,ipair,idx)=ids(k)
5254       iwtpaist(ipair,idx)=iwts(k)
5255       iwtpaist(0,idx)=iwtpaist(0,idx)+iwtpaist(ipair,idx)
5256       enddo
5257       ipairst(idx)=ipair
5258     3 continue
5260         enddo
5262 c     no pair found
5263 c     -------------
5264       if(ipair.eq.0)then
5265       if(iwtpaist(0,idx).ne.0)call utstop('hnbpajini:')
5266       endif
5269                 enddo
5270               enddo
5271             enddo
5272           enddo
5273         enddo
5274       enddo
5276       return
5277       end
5279 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
5280       subroutine hnbraw(npx,npy,w)
5281 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
5282 c returns random walk fctn w=w(0,p_1,p_2,...,p_n) for noncovariant
5283 c phase space integral (see hagedorn, suppl nuov cim ix(x) (1958)646)
5284 c input: dimension np and momenta p_i=pcm(5,i) via /confg/
5285 c    1   < np <= npx : hagedorn method
5286 c    npx < np <= npy : integral method
5287 c    npy < np        : asymptotic method
5288 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
5289       include ''
5290       parameter(maxp=500)
5291       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
5292       integer ii(maxp),isi(maxp)
5293       double precision ppcm(maxp),ww,ppsum,ppmax
5294       external hnbrax
5295       common/cepsr/nepsr
5296       if(,*)('-',i=1,10)
5297      *,' entry sr hnbraw ',('-',i=1,30)
5299       if( utstop('hnbraw: np must be at least 3&')
5301       kper=5
5302       pi=3.1415927
5303       pmax=0
5304       do i=1,np
5305       pmax=pmax+pcm(5,i)
5306       enddo
5307       wio=0
5308       win=0
5309       whd=0
5311 c     sum p_i - 2*p_max not positive
5312 c     ------------------------------
5313       px=0
5314       ps=0
5315       do i=1,np
5316       px=max(px,pcm(5,i))
5317       ps=ps+pcm(5,i)
5318       enddo
5319       if(ps-2*px.le.0.)then
5320       w=0
5321       if(,'(1x,a,e12.5,4x)')
5322      *'sum p_i - 2*p_max not positive -->  w:',w
5323       goto1000
5324       endif
5326 c     asymptotic method
5327 c     -----------------
5328       was=0
5329       do i=1,np
5330       was=was+pcm(5,i)**2
5331       enddo
5332       was=(was*2*pi/3)**(-1.5)
5333       if(,'(1x,a,e12.5,4x)')
5334      *'asymptotic method: was:',was
5336       if(
5337       w=was
5338       goto1000
5339       endif
5341       if(np.le.npx)goto9
5343 c     integral method
5344 c     ---------------
5345       if(,*)'integral method...'
5346       itmax=8
5347       it=0
5348       b=pi*np*kper/pmax
5349       win=0
5350       nepsr=0
5351     3 continue
5352       it=it+1
5353       if(,*)'it:',it
5354       b=b*5./3.
5355       wio=win
5356       call uttrap(hnbrax,0.,b,win)
5357       iok=0
5358       if(abs(win-wio).le.epsr*abs((win+wio)/2))iok=1
5359       if(it.eq.itmax)iok=1
5360       if(
5361      *write(ifch,'(1x,2(a,e12.5,2x),a,i2,2x,a,i4)')
5362      *'integral method:   win:',win
5363      *,'upper limit:',b,'it:',it,'nepsr:',nepsr
5364            if(it.eq.itmax
5365      *.and.abs(win-wio).gt.epsr*abs((win+wio)/2))then
5366       nepsr=nepsr+1
5367       if(
5368       call utmsg('hnbraw')
5369       write(ifch,*)
5370      *'*****  requested accuracy could not be achieved'
5371       write(ifch,*)'achieved accuracy: '
5372      *,abs(win-wio)/abs((win+wio)/2)
5373       write(ifch,*)'requested accuracy:',epsr
5374       call utmsgf
5375       endif
5376            endif
5377       if(it.eq.1.or.iok.eq.0)goto3
5379       if(nepsr.eq.0)then
5380       w=win
5381       goto1000
5382       endif
5384       if(
5385         if(
5386           call utmsg('hnbraw')
5387           write(ifch,*)
5388      *         '*****  requested accuracy could not be achieved'
5389           write(ifch,*)'achieved accuracy: '
5390      *         ,abs(win-wio)/abs((win+wio)/2)
5391           write(ifch,*)'requested accuracy:',epsr
5392           call utmsgf
5393         endif
5394         w=win
5395         goto1000
5396       endif
5398 c     hagedorn method (double)
5399 c     ------------------------
5400     9 continue
5401       ppmax=0
5402       do i=1,np
5403       ppcm(i)=pcm(5,i)
5404       ppmax=ppmax+ppcm(i)
5405       enddo
5406       ww=0
5407       do i=1,np
5408       ii(i)=0
5409       isi(i)=1
5410       enddo
5411       ppsum=ppmax
5412       i=0
5413       iprosi=1
5414       ww=iprosi*(ppsum/ppmax)**(np-3)
5415       if(
5416      *write(ifch,'(4x,i5,12x,f7.2,i5,f11.2)')np,sngl(ppsum)
5417      *,iprosi,sngl(ww)
5418     5 continue
5419       i=i+1
5420       if(
5421       if(ii(i).eq.1)goto5
5422       iprosi=-iprosi
5423       isi(i)=-isi(i)
5424       ppsum=ppsum+2*isi(i)*ppcm(i)
5425            if(
5426       ww=ww+iprosi*(ppsum/ppmax)**(np-3)
5427       if(
5428      *write(ifch,'(4x,2i5,2f7.2,i5,f11.2)')
5429      *np,i,sngl(2*isi(i)*ppcm(i)),sngl(ppsum),iprosi,sngl(ww)
5430            else
5431       if(
5432      *write(ifch,'(4x,2i5,2f7.2,i5,4x,a)')
5433      *np,i,sngl(2*isi(i)*ppcm(i)),sngl(ppsum),iprosi,'not counted'
5434            endif
5435       ii(i)=1
5436       if(
5437       do j=1,i-1
5438       ii(j)=0
5439       enddo
5440       endif
5441       i=0
5442       goto5
5443     6 continue
5444       do i=1,np
5445       ww=ww*pmax/ppcm(i)/2./i
5446       enddo
5447       ww=-ww/pmax**3/pi/2.*np*(np-1)*(np-2)
5448       whd=ww
5449       if(,'(1x,a,e12.5,4x,a)')
5450      *'hagedorn method:   whd:',whd,'double precision'
5452       w=whd
5454 1000  continue
5455       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
5456      *,' exit sr hnbraw ',('-',i=1,10)
5457       return
5458       end
5460 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
5461       function hnbrax(x)
5462 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
5463 c returns integrand for random walk fctn w=w(0,p_1,p_2,...,p_n):
5464 c 1./(2*pi**2) * x**2 * prod[sin(p_i*x)/(p_i*x)]
5465 c input: dimension np and momenta p_i=pcm(5,i) via /confg/
5466 c--------------------------------------------------------------------
5467       parameter(maxp=500)
5468       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
5469       common/cnsta/pi,pii,hquer,prom,piom,ainfin
5470       hnbrax= pii * x**2
5471       do i=1,np
5472       px=pcm(5,i)*x
5473       if(*sin(px)/px
5474       enddo
5475       return
5476       end
5478 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5479       subroutine hnbrmz
5480 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5481 c  removes intermediate zeros from ident
5482 c  updates np
5483 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5484       include ''
5485       parameter(maxp=500)
5486       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
5487 c      integer identx(maxp)
5488       common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
5489       if(,*)('-',i=1,10)
5490      *,' entry sr hnbrmz ',('-',i=1,30)
5491       if(np.eq.0)goto1000
5493 c      do i=1,np
5494 c      identx(i)=ident(i)
5495 c      enddo
5496 c      npx=np
5498       i=0
5499       np=nlattc+1
5501     1 i=i+1
5502       if(
5503       np=nlattc
5504       goto1000
5505       endif
5506       if(ident(i).ne.0)goto1
5507     2 np=np-1
5508       if(np.eq.0)goto1000
5509       if(ident(np).eq.0)goto2
5511       if(
5512       write(ifch,*)'ident:'
5513       write(ifch,'(1x,10i7)')(ident(j),j=1,nlattc)
5514       write(ifch,'(1x,a,i3,3x,a,i3)')'i:',i,'np:',np
5515       endif
5517       if(
5519       ident(i)=ident(np)
5520       ident(np)=0
5521       goto1
5523 1000  continue
5524       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
5525      *,' exit sr hnbrmz ',('-',i=1,10)
5526       end
5528 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5529       subroutine hnbrod
5530 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5531 c deformes polygon of a sequence of arbitrarily rotated momentum
5532 c vectors such that the polygon gets closed
5533 c    input: pcm(1-3,i) representing polygon
5534 c    output: pcm(1-3,i) representing closed polygon
5535 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5536       include ''
5537       parameter(maxp=500)
5538       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
5539       real x(3),y(3),z(3),w(3)
5540       if(,*)'sr hnbrod: polygon deformation:'
5542       err=0.01
5544       kmax=1000
5545       fac=0.30
5546       x2max=(err*tecm)**2
5548       if(,'(a,i4,a,f12.6)')
5549      *' kmax:',kmax,'   x2max:',x2max
5551       x(1)=0
5552       x(2)=0
5553       x(3)=0
5554       do i=1,np
5555       x(1)=x(1)+pcm(1,i)
5556       x(2)=x(2)+pcm(2,i)
5557       x(3)=x(3)+pcm(3,i)
5558       enddo ! i
5560       k=0
5561    1  continue
5563       x2=x(1)**2+x(2)**2+x(3)**2
5564       if(,'(a,i3,a,3f9.3,a,f12.6)')
5565      *' it',k,':   x:',x,'      x2:',x2
5566       if(x2.le.x2max)goto1000
5567       if(
5569       k=k+1
5570       ir=1+rangen()*np
5571       ir=min(ir,np)
5573       z(1)=-x(1)
5574       z(2)=-x(2)
5575       z(3)=-x(3)
5576       x(1)=x(1)-pcm(1,ir)
5577       x(2)=x(2)-pcm(2,ir)
5578       x(3)=x(3)-pcm(3,ir)
5579       y(1)=pcm(1,ir)
5580       y(2)=pcm(2,ir)
5581       y(3)=pcm(3,ir)
5582       if(,'(a,i3,a,3f9.3,a,3f9.3,a,i4)')
5583      *' it',k,':   x:',x,'   y:',y,'  ir:',ir
5584       xxx=x(1)**2+x(2)**2+x(3)**2
5585       yyy=y(1)**2+y(2)**2+y(3)**2
5586       zzz=z(1)**2+z(2)**2+z(3)**2
5587          if(
5588 c      xx=sqrt(xxx)
5589       yy=sqrt(yyy)
5590       zz=sqrt(zzz)
5591       a=min(fac,fac*yy/zz)
5592       w(1)=y(1)+a*z(1)
5593       w(2)=y(2)+a*z(2)
5594       w(3)=y(3)+a*z(3)
5595       www=w(1)**2+w(2)**2+w(3)**2
5596          if(
5597       ww=sqrt(www)
5598       y(1)=yy/ww*w(1)
5599       y(2)=yy/ww*w(2)
5600       y(3)=yy/ww*w(3)
5601       pcm(1,ir)=y(1)
5602       pcm(2,ir)=y(2)
5603       pcm(3,ir)=y(3)
5604          endif
5605          endif
5606       x(1)=x(1)+y(1)
5607       x(2)=x(2)+y(2)
5608       x(3)=x(3)+y(3)
5609       if(,'(a,i3,a,3f9.3,a,3f9.3,a,i4)')
5610      *' it',k,':   x:',x,'   y:',y,'  ir:',ir
5612       goto1
5614  1001 continue
5615       call utmsg('hnbrod')
5616       write(ifch,*)'*****  total 3-momentum nonzero'
5617       write(ifch,'(3f12.5,5x,2f12.5)')(x(j),j=1,3),x2,x2max
5618       call utmsgf
5620  1000 continue
5621       return
5623       end
5625 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5626       subroutine hnbrop(ishx,ichk)
5627 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5628 c  prints momenta of configuration (essentially to check rotation procedure)
5629 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5630       include ''
5631       parameter(maxp=500)
5632       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
5633       double precision ps(5)
5634       err=0.01
5635       do j=1,4
5636       ps(j)=0
5637       enddo
5638       do i=1,np
5639       do j=1,4
5640       ps(j)=ps(j)+pcm(j,i)
5641       enddo
5642       if(,'(1x,i3,5x,5f12.5)')i,(pcm(j,i),j=1,3)
5643      *,sqrt(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2+pcm(3,i)**2),pcm(5,i)
5644       enddo
5645       ps(5)=dsqrt(ps(1)**2+ps(2)**2+ps(3)**2)
5646       if(,'(1x,a4,8x,5f12.5)')
5647      *'sum:',(sngl(ps(j)),j=1,5)
5648            if(ichk.eq.1)then
5649            if(dabs(ps(1)).gt.err*tecm.or.dabs(ps(2)).gt.err*tecm
5650      *.or.dabs(ps(3)).gt.err*tecm)then
5651       call utmsg('hnbrop')
5652       write(ifch,*)'*****  total 3-momentum nonzero'
5653       write(ifch,'(9x,5f12.5)')(sngl(ps(j)),j=1,5)
5654       call utmsgf
5655            endif
5656            endif
5657       return
5658       end
5660 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5661       subroutine hnbrot
5662 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5663 c rotates momenta of /confg/ randomly
5664 c   input: pcm(5,i)
5665 c   output: pcm(1-3,i)
5666 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
5667       common/cnsta/pi,pii,hquer,prom,piom,ainfin
5668       parameter(maxp=500)
5669       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
5670       real u(3)
5672       do i=1,np
5673       u(3)=2.*rangen()-1.
5674       phi=2.*pi*rangen()
5675       u(1)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*cos(phi)
5676       u(2)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*sin(phi)
5677       pcm(1,i)=pcm(5,i)*u(1)
5678       pcm(2,i)=pcm(5,i)*u(2)
5679       pcm(3,i)=pcm(5,i)*u(3)
5680       enddo
5682       return
5683       end
5685 cc-------------------------------------------------------------------
5686 c      subroutine hnbrt2old(c,s,c2,s2,pr,i)
5687 cc-------------------------------------------------------------------
5688 cc  formerly subr rotes2 from cernlib
5689 cc  this subr now does two rotations (xy and xz)
5690 cc-------------------------------------------------------------------
5691 c      parameter(maxp=500)
5692 c      dimension pr(5*maxp)
5693 c      k1 = 5*i - 4
5694 c      k2 = k1 + 1
5695 c      sa = pr(k1)
5696 c      sb = pr(k2)
5697 c      a      = sa*c - sb*s
5698 c      pr(k2) = sa*s + sb*c
5699 c      k2 = k2 + 1
5700 c      b = pr(k2)
5701 c      pr(k1) = a*c2 - b*s2
5702 c      pr(k2) = a*s2 + b*c2
5703 c      return
5704 c      end
5705 c
5706 c-------------------------------------------------------------------
5707       subroutine hnbrt2(c,s,c2,s2,pr,i)
5708 c-------------------------------------------------------------------
5709 c  formerly subr rotes2 from cernlib
5710 c  this subr now does two rotations (xy and xz)
5711 c-------------------------------------------------------------------
5712       parameter(maxp=500)
5713       dimension pr(5,maxp)
5714       k1 = 5*i - 4
5715       k2 = k1 + 1
5716       sa = pr(1,i)
5717       sb = pr(2,i)
5718       a      = sa*c - sb*s
5719       pr(2,i) = sa*s + sb*c
5720       k2 = k2 + 1
5721       b = pr(3,i)
5722       pr(1,i) = a*c2 - b*s2
5723       pr(3,i) = a*s2 + b*c2
5724       return
5725       end
5727 cc-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5728 c      subroutine hnbsor(a,n)
5729 cc-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5730 cc cern proglib# m103    flpsor          .version kernfor  3.15  820113
5731 cc orig. 29/04/78
5732 cc-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5733 cc   sort the one-dimensional floating point array a(1),...,a(n) by
5734 cc   increasing values
5735 cc-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5736 c      dimension a(*)
5737 c      common /slate/ lt(20),rt(20)
5738 c      integer r,rt
5739 cc
5740 c      level=1
5741 c      lt(1)=1
5742 c      rt(1)=n
5743 c   10 l=lt(level)
5744 c      r=rt(level)
5745 c      level=level-1
5746 c   20 if( go to 200
5747 c      if(level) 50,50,10
5748 cc
5749 cc   subdivide the interval l,r
5750 cc     l : lower limit of the interval (input)
5751 cc     r : upper limit of the interval (input)
5752 cc     j : upper limit of lower sub-interval (output)
5753 cc     i : lower limit of upper sub-interval (output)
5754 cc
5755 c  200 i=l
5756 c      j=r
5757 c      m=(l+r)/2
5758 c      x=a(m)
5759 c  220 if(a(i).ge.x) go to 230
5760 c      i=i+1
5761 c      go to 220
5762 c  230 if(a(j).le.x) go to 231
5763 c      j=j-1
5764 c      go to 230
5765 cc
5766 c  231 if( go to 232
5767 c      w=a(i)
5768 c      a(i)=a(j)
5769 c      a(j)=w
5770 c      i=i+1
5771 c      j=j-1
5772 c      if(i.le.j) go to 220
5773 cc
5774 c  232 level=level+1
5775 c      if('level too large'
5776 c      if((r-i).ge.(j-l)) go to 30
5777 c      lt(level)=l
5778 c      rt(level)=j
5779 c      l=i
5780 c      go to 20
5781 c   30 lt(level)=i
5782 c      rt(level)=r
5783 c      r=j
5784 c      go to 20
5785 c   50 return
5786 c      end
5787 c
5788 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5789       subroutine hnbspd(iopt)
5790 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5791 c  defines particle species and masses and degeneracies.
5792 c  input:
5793 c    iopt=odd number: massless
5794 c    iopt=even number: same as iopt-1, but massive
5795 c    iopt= 1: pi0 (massless)
5796 c    iopt= 2: pi0
5797 c    iopt= 3: pi-,pi0,pi+ (massless)
5798 c    iopt= 4: pi-,pi0,pi+
5799 c    iopt= 5: pi-,pi0,pi+,prt,aprt,ntr,antr (massless)
5800 c    iopt= 6: pi-,pi0,pi+,prt,aprt,ntr,antr
5801 c    iopt= 7: 25 hadrons (massless)
5802 c    iopt= 8: 25 hadrons
5803 c    iopt= 9: 54 hadrons (massless)
5804 c    iopt=10: 54 hadrons
5805 c    iopt=11:  3 quarks  (massless)
5806 c    iopt=12:  3 quarks
5807 c    iopt=13:  54 hadrons + J/psi   (massless)
5808 c    iopt=14:  54 hadrons + J/psi
5809 c    iopt=15:  54 hadrons + J/psi + H  (massless)
5810 c    iopt=16:  54 hadrons + J/psi + H
5811 c  output:
5812 c    nspecs: nr of species
5813 c    ispecs: id's
5814 c    aspecs: masses
5815 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5816       parameter (mspecs=56)
5817       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
5818       parameter (nflav=6)
5819       integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
5820       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
5821       common/cspec2/jspecs(2,nflav,mspecs)
5822       common/cspec3/lkfok(8,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3)  !-charm
5823       common/cspec4/lkfoi(8,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3)  !-charm
5824       parameter(nspe01=1,nspe03=3,nspe05=7,nspe07=25,nspe09=54)
5825       parameter(nspe11=6,nspe13=55,nspe15=56)
5826       real jspe01(nspe01),jspe03(nspe03),jspe05(nspe05),jspe07(nspe07)
5827      *,jspe09(nspe09),jspe11(nspe11),jspe13(nspe13),jspe15(nspe15)
5828       data jspe01/   110 /
5829       data jspe03/   110,  120, -120 /
5830       data jspe05/   110,  120, -120, 1120,-1120, 1220,-1220 /
5831       data jspe07/
5832      *   110,  120, -120,  130, -130,  230, -230,  220,  330
5833      *, 1120,-1120, 1220,-1220, 1130,-1130, 2130,-2130
5834      *, 1230,-1230, 2230,-2230, 1330,-1330, 2330,-2330 /
5835       data jspe09/
5836      *   110,  120, -120,  130, -130,  230, -230,  220,  330
5837      *,  111,  121, -121,  131, -131,  231, -231,  221,  331
5838      *, 1120,-1120, 1220,-1220, 1130,-1130, 2130,-2130
5839      *, 1230,-1230, 2230,-2230, 1330,-1330, 2330,-2330
5840      *, 1111,-1111, 1121,-1121, 1221,-1221, 2221,-2221, 1131,-1131
5841      *, 1231,-1231, 2231,-2231, 1331,-1331, 2331,-2331, 3331,-3331 /
5842       data jspe11/
5843      *     1,   -1,    2,   -2,    3,   -3   /
5844       data jspe13/
5845      *   110,  120, -120,  130, -130,  230, -230,  220,  330
5846      *,  111,  121, -121,  131, -131,  231, -231,  221,  331
5847      *, 1120,-1120, 1220,-1220, 1130,-1130, 2130,-2130
5848      *, 1230,-1230, 2230,-2230, 1330,-1330, 2330,-2330
5849      *, 1111,-1111, 1121,-1121, 1221,-1221, 2221,-2221, 1131,-1131
5850      *, 1231,-1231, 2231,-2231, 1331,-1331, 2331,-2331, 3331,-3331
5851      *, 441 /
5852       data jspe15/
5853      *   110,  120, -120,  130, -130,  230, -230,  220,  330
5854      *,  111,  121, -121,  131, -131,  231, -231,  221,  331
5855      *, 1120,-1120, 1220,-1220, 1130,-1130, 2130,-2130
5856      *, 1230,-1230, 2230,-2230, 1330,-1330, 2330,-2330
5857      *, 1111,-1111, 1121,-1121, 1221,-1221, 2221,-2221, 1131,-1131
5858      *, 1231,-1231, 2231,-2231, 1331,-1331, 2331,-2331, 3331,-3331
5859      *, 441 , 30 /
5861       if( utstop('hnbspd: invalid option&')
5862       ioptx=(1+iopt)/2*2-1
5864       if(ioptx.eq.1)nspecs=nspe01
5865       if(ioptx.eq.3)nspecs=nspe03
5866       if(ioptx.eq.5)nspecs=nspe05
5867       if(ioptx.eq.7)nspecs=nspe07
5868       if(ioptx.eq.9)nspecs=nspe09
5869       if(ioptx.eq.11)nspecs=nspe11
5870       if(ioptx.eq.13)nspecs=nspe13
5871       if(ioptx.eq.15)nspecs=nspe15
5872            do i=1,nspecs
5873       if(ioptx.eq.1)ispecs(i)=jspe01(i)
5874       if(ioptx.eq.3)ispecs(i)=jspe03(i)
5875       if(ioptx.eq.5)ispecs(i)=jspe05(i)
5876       if(ioptx.eq.7)ispecs(i)=jspe07(i)
5877       if(ioptx.eq.9)ispecs(i)=jspe09(i)
5878       if(ioptx.eq.11)ispecs(i)=jspe11(i)
5879       if(ioptx.eq.13)ispecs(i)=jspe13(i)
5880       if(ioptx.eq.15)ispecs(i)=jspe15(i)
5881       if(ioptx.eq.iopt)then
5882       aspecs(i)=0
5883       else
5884         id=ispecs(i)
5885         call idmass(id,am)
5886         aspecs(i)=am
5887       endif
5888       call hnbspi(ispecs(i),gg)
5889       gspecs(i)=gg
5890            enddo
5892       do nf=1,nflav
5893       ifoa(nf)=0
5894       enddo
5895       do iic=-3, 3                !-charm
5896       do iis=-3, 3
5897       do iid=-3, 3
5898       do iiu=-3, 3
5899       do ii=1,7
5900       lkfok(ii,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=0   !-charm
5901       lkfoi(ii,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=0   !-charm
5902       enddo
5903       enddo
5904       enddo
5905       enddo
5906       enddo
5907            do i=1,nspecs
5908       id=ispecs(i)
5909       call idtr4(id,ic)
5910       call iddeco(ic,jc)
5911       do nf=1,nflav
5912       ifok(nf,i)=jc(nf,1)-jc(nf,2)
5913       ifoa(nf)=ifoa(nf)+iabs(ifok(nf,i))
5914       jspecs(1,nf,i)=jc(nf,1)
5915       jspecs(2,nf,i)=jc(nf,2)
5916       enddo
5917       iiu=ifok(1,i)
5918       iid=ifok(2,i)
5919       iis=ifok(3,i)
5920       iic=ifok(4,i)  !-charm
5921       if(abs(iiu).gt.3)stop'HNBSPD: u-dimension of lkfok too small'
5922       if(abs(iid).gt.3)stop'HNBSPD: d-dimension of lkfok too small'
5923       if(abs(iis).gt.3)stop'HNBSPD: s-dimension of lkfok too small'
5924       if(abs(iic).gt.3)stop'HNBSPD: c-dimension of lkfok too small'   !-charm
5925 c-charm      if(ifok(4,i).ne.0)stop'HNBSPD: lkfok needs index for c'
5926       if(ifok(5,i).ne.0)stop'HNBSPD: lkfok needs index for b'
5927       if(ifok(6,i).ne.0)stop'HNBSPD: lkfok needs index for t'
5928       lkfok(1,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=lkfok(1,iiu,iid,iis,iic)+1             !-charm
5929       lkfoi(1,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=lkfoi(1,iiu,iid,iis,iic)+1             !-charm
5930       ii=lkfok(1,iiu,iid,iis,iic)                                      !-charm
5931       if('HNBSPD: ii-dimension of lkfok too small'
5932       lkfok(1+ii,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=id                                 !-charm
5933       lkfoi(1+ii,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=i                                 !-charm
5934 c       write(6,'(i5,5x,3i5,5x,i5,5x,6i5)')
5935 c     * id,iiu,iid,iis,(lkfok(iiu,iid,iis,kk),kk=1,7)
5936            enddo
5938       return
5939       end
5941 c-------------------------------------------------------------
5942       subroutine hnbspf(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,n,spelog)
5943 c-------------------------------------------------------------
5944 c  returns spelog = log of factor for consid. different species
5945 c  spelog is double precision
5946 c  option ioflac determines the method:
5947 c     ioflac=1: ignore flavour conservation
5948 c     ioflac=2: flavour conservation implemented straightforward
5949 c                 (only for nspecs=3,7)
5950 c     ioflac=3: flavour conservation via generating fctn
5951 c  further input:
5952 c     ku,...,kt (integer) : flavour
5953 c     j (integer) : excluded species
5954 c     n (integer) : multiplicity
5955 c-------------------------------------------------------------
5956       include ''
5957       parameter (mspecs=56)
5958       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
5959       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
5960       integer m(7),l(7),ifot(nflav)
5961       common/csph/ifox(nflav),ifoy(nflav),jx,nx,ifom(nflav,mspecs)
5962       parameter(mxfacu=200)
5963       double precision faci(0:mxfacu)
5964       double precision utgam2,spelog,spe
5965 c      parameter(numax=100,kqmax=100)
5966 c      parameter(mxhh=200)
5967       if(,*)('-',i=1,10)
5968      *,' entry sr hnbspf ',('-',i=1,30)
5969       if(,'(1x,a,9x,a,4x,a)')
5970      *' ku kd ks kc kb kt','j','n'
5971       if(,'(1x,6i3,5x,2i5)')
5972      *ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,n
5973       k=nspecs
5974       jx=j
5975       nx=n
5976       ifot(1)=ku
5977       ifot(2)=kd
5978       ifot(3)=ks
5979       ifot(4)=kc
5980       ifot(5)=kb
5981       ifot(6)=kt
5983            if(ioflac.eq.1)then
5985       if(,'(1x,a,i1)')'ioflac=',ioflac
5986       g=0
5987       do i=1,nspecs
5988       if(
5989       enddo
5990       spelog=n*dlog(1.d0*g)
5992            elseif(ioflac.eq.2)then
5994       if(,'(1x,a,i2)')'ioflac:',ioflac
5995            if(k.eq.3)then
5996       if(,'(1x,a,i2)')'nspecs:',nspecs
5997       spe=0d0
5998            if(
5999       do 1 n1=0,n
6000       do 2 n2=0,n-n1
6001       n3=n-n1-n2
6002       do 5 nf=1,nflav
6003       if(ifoa(nf).eq.0.and.ifot(nf).eq.0)goto5
6004       if(n1*ifok(nf,1)+n2*ifok(nf,2)+n3*ifok(nf,3).ne.ifot(nf))goto2
6005     5 continue
6006       spe=spe+utgam2(1.d0+n)
6007      &/utgam2(1.d0+n1)/utgam2(1.d0+n2)/utgam2(1.d0+n3)
6008      &*gspecs(1)**n1*gspecs(2)**n2*gspecs(3)**n3
6009     2 continue
6010     1 continue
6011            else
6012       do 3 i1=0,n
6013       i2=n-i1
6014       m(1)=0
6015       m(2)=i1
6016       m(3)=i2
6017       do i=1,3
6018       ii=1+mod(j-2+i,3)
6019       l(ii)=m(i)
6020       enddo
6021       n1=l(1)
6022       n2=l(2)
6023       n3=l(3)
6024       do 6 nf=1,nflav
6025       if(ifoa(nf).eq.0.and.ifot(nf).eq.0)goto6
6026       if(n1*ifok(nf,1)+n2*ifok(nf,2)+n3*ifok(nf,3).ne.ifot(nf))goto3
6027     6 continue
6028       spe=spe+utgam2(1.d0+n)
6029      &/utgam2(1.d0+n1)/utgam2(1.d0+n2)/utgam2(1.d0+n3)
6030      &*gspecs(1)**n1*gspecs(2)**n2*gspecs(3)**n3
6031     3 continue
6032            endif
6033       if(,*)'spe:',spe
6034       spelog=-1000
6035       if(
6036       if(,*)'spelog:',spelog
6037            elseif(k.eq.7)then
6038       if(,'(1x,a,i2)')'nspecs:',nspecs
6039       if( utstop('hnbspf: mxfacu too small&')
6040       do lf=0,n
6041       faci(lf)=1.d0/utgam2(1d0+lf)
6042       enddo
6043       spe=0
6044            if(
6045       do n1=0,n
6046       do n2=0,n-n1
6047       do n3=0,n-n1-n2
6048       do n4=0,n-n1-n2-n3
6049       do n5=0,n-n1-n2-n3-n4
6050       do 12 n6=0,n-n1-n2-n3-n4-n5
6051       n7=n-n1-n2-n3-n4-n5-n6
6052       do 15 nf=1,nflav
6053       if(ifoa(nf).eq.0.and.ifot(nf).eq.0)goto15
6054       if(n1*ifok(nf,1)+n2*ifok(nf,2)+n3*ifok(nf,3)+n4*ifok(nf,4)
6055      *+n5*ifok(nf,5)+n6*ifok(nf,6)+n7*ifok(nf,7).ne.ifot(nf))goto12
6056    15 continue
6057       spe=spe+1d0/faci(n)*faci(n1)*faci(n2)*faci(n3)*faci(n4)
6058      &*faci(n5)*faci(n6)*faci(n7)
6059      &*gspecs(1)**n1*gspecs(2)**n2*gspecs(3)**n3*gspecs(4)**n4
6060      &*gspecs(5)**n5*gspecs(6)**n6*gspecs(7)**n7
6061    12 continue
6062       enddo
6063       enddo
6064       enddo
6065       enddo
6066       enddo
6067            else
6068       do i1=0,n
6069       do i2=0,n-i1
6070       do i3=0,n-i1-i2
6071       do i4=0,n-i1-i2-i3
6072       do 13 i5=0,n-i1-i2-i3-i4
6073       i6=n-i1-i2-i3-i4-i5
6074       m(1)=0
6075       m(2)=i1
6076       m(3)=i2
6077       m(4)=i3
6078       m(5)=i4
6079       m(6)=i5
6080       m(7)=i6
6081       do i=1,7
6082       ii=1+mod(j-2+i,7)
6083       l(ii)=m(i)
6084       enddo
6085       n1=l(1)
6086       n2=l(2)
6087       n3=l(3)
6088       n4=l(4)
6089       n5=l(5)
6090       n6=l(6)
6091       n7=l(7)
6092       do 16 nf=1,nflav
6093       if(ifoa(nf).eq.0.and.ifot(nf).eq.0)goto16
6094       if(n1*ifok(nf,1)+n2*ifok(nf,2)+n3*ifok(nf,3)+n4*ifok(nf,4)
6095      *+n5*ifok(nf,5)+n6*ifok(nf,6)+n7*ifok(nf,7).ne.ifot(nf))goto13
6096    16 continue
6097       spe=spe+1d0/faci(n)*faci(n1)*faci(n2)*faci(n3)*faci(n4)
6098      &*faci(n5)*faci(n6)*faci(n7)
6099      &*gspecs(1)**n1*gspecs(2)**n2*gspecs(3)**n3*gspecs(4)**n4
6100      &*gspecs(5)**n5*gspecs(6)**n6*gspecs(7)**n7
6101    13 continue
6102       enddo
6103       enddo
6104       enddo
6105       enddo
6106            endif
6107       if(,*)'spe:',spe
6108       spelog=-1000
6109       if(
6110       if(,*)'spelog:',spelog
6111            else
6112       call utstop('hnbspf: ioflac=2 only for nspecs=3,7&')
6113            endif
6115            elseif(ioflac.eq.3)then
6117       call utstop('hnbspf: ioflac must be 1 or 2&')
6119            endif
6121       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
6122      *,' exit sr hnbspf ',('-',i=1,10)
6123       return
6124       end
6126 c-------------------------------------------------------------
6127       subroutine hnbspg(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,n,spelog)
6128 c-------------------------------------------------------------
6129       include ''
6130       double precision spelog,spalog
6131       if(
6132       ioflac=2
6133       call hnbspf(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,n,spalog)
6134       ioflac=3
6135       call hnbspf(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,n,spelog)
6136       ioflac=0
6137       write(ifch,*)'ioflac=2/3:',spalog,spelog
6138       return
6139       end
6141 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6142       subroutine hnbspi(id,spideg)
6143 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6144 c  returns spin degeneracy spideg for particle id-code id
6145 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6146       include ''
6147       parameter (nspec=62)
6148       dimension ispec(nspec),spid(nspec)
6149       data ispec/
6150      *     1,   -1,    2,   -2,    3,   -3
6151      *,  110,  120, -120,  220,  130, -130,  230, -230,  330
6152      *,  111,  121, -121,  221,  131, -131,  231, -231,  331
6153      *, 1120, 1220, 1130, 2130, 1230, 2230, 1330, 2330
6154      *, 1111, 1121, 1221, 2221, 1131, 1231, 2231, 1331, 2331, 3331
6155      *,-1120,-1220,-1130,-2130,-1230,-2230,-1330,-2330
6156      *,-1111,-1121,-1221,-2221,-1131,-1231,-2231,-1331,-2331,-3331
6157      *,441,30/
6158       data spid/
6159      *  6*6.
6160      *, 9*1.
6161      *, 9*3.
6162      *, 8*2.
6163      *,10*4.
6164      *, 8*2.
6165      *,10*4.
6166      *,1*3
6167      *,1*3/
6168       do i=1,nspec
6169       if(id.eq.ispec(i))then
6170       spideg=spid(i)
6171       fac=1
6172       !factb ... not used
6173       !factq ... not used
6174       call idflav(id,ifl1,ifl2,ifl3,jspin,index)
6175       ifls=0
6176       if(abs(ifl1).eq.3)ifls=ifls+1
6177       if(abs(ifl2).eq.3)ifls=ifls+1
6178       if(abs(ifl3).eq.3)ifls=ifls+1
6179       if(iLHC.eq.1)then
6180       if(
6181         if(abs(id).gt.1000)then
6182           fac=fac*(1+facts)
6183         elseif(abs(id).lt.1000)then
6184           fac=fac*(1-facts)
6185         endif
6186       elseif(abs(id).gt.1000)then
6187         fac=fac*(1+factb)
6188       endif
6189       else
6190       if(
6191         if(abs(id).gt.1000)then
6192           fac=fac*(1+facts)
6193         elseif(abs(id).lt.1000)then
6194           fac=fac*(1-facts)
6195         endif
6196       endif
6197       endif
6198       spideg=spideg*fac
6199       goto1
6200       endif
6201       enddo
6202       call utstop('hnbspi: id not found&')
6203     1 continue
6204       return
6205       end
6207 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6208       subroutine hnbtst(iof12)
6209 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6210 c  calculates logs of prefactors and phase space integral
6211 c  for ultrarelativistic limit (massless particles) and (2*s_i+1)=1
6212 c  f12log and w15log=w35log+f12log not calculated calculated for iof12=0
6213 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6214       include ''
6215       parameter(maxp=500)
6216       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
6217       common/ctst/psulog,wtulog
6218       integer ii(maxp)
6219       common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
6221       pi=3.1415927
6222       hquer=0.197327
6223       ish0=ish
6224       if(ishsub/100.eq.23)ish=mod(ishsub,100)
6225       do i=1,np
6226       ii(i)=1
6227       enddo
6229       if(,*)('-',i=1,10)
6230      *,' entry sr hnbtst ',('-',i=1,30)
6231       if(,*)'configuration:'
6232       if(,*)(ident(i),i=1,np)
6233       if(,*)'n_l:',nlattc,'   n_0:',nlattc-np
6235 c log of prod m_i*volu/4/pi**3/hquer**3 -> f5log
6236       f5log=0
6237       do i=1,np
6238       call hnbfaf(i,gg,am,ioma)
6239       f5log=f5log+alog(gg*am*volu/4/pi**3/hquer**3)
6240       enddo
6241       if(,*)'log(f5):',f5log
6243 c log f4log=0
6244       f4log=0
6245       if(,*)'log(f4):',f4log
6247 c log of 1/prod n_alpha! -> f3log
6248       dbllog=0
6249       n1=1
6250       nx=1
6251     1 continue
6252       i=0
6253       x=0
6254       do n2=n1,np
6255       if(ident(n2).eq.ident(n1))then
6256       ii(n2)=0
6257       i=i+1
6258       x=x+alog(i*1.)
6259       endif
6260       if(ii(n2)
6261      *.and.ident(n2).ne.ident(n1))nx=n2
6262       enddo
6263       dbllog=dbllog+x
6264       if(
6265       n1=nx
6266       goto1
6267       endif
6268       f3log=-dbllog
6269       if(,*)'log(f3):'
6270      *,f3log
6272 c log of f3 * f4 * f5
6273       f35log=f5log+f4log+f3log
6274       if(,*)'log(f3*f4*f5):',f35log
6276 c log of phase space integral --> psilog
6277 c ... initialization
6278       psilog=0.0
6279       if(iocova.eq.1)then
6280       psilog=alog(2.*np*np*(np-1)/tecm**4/pi)
6281       do i=1,np
6282       psilog=psilog+alog(tecm**2*pi/2./i/i)
6283       enddo
6284            elseif(iocova.eq.2)then
6285       psilog=-alog(2.*np-1)
6286       psilog=psilog+(np-1)*alog(pi/2.)
6287       do i=1,2*np-2
6288       psilog=psilog+alog((2.*np+i-2)/i)
6289       enddo
6290       do i=1,3*np-4
6291       psilog=psilog+alog(tecm/i)
6292       enddo
6293            endif
6294       if(,*)'log(psi):',psilog
6296 c log of phase space integral * f3 * f4 * f5
6297       w35log=f35log+psilog
6298       if(,*)'log(f35*psi):',w35log
6300            if(
6302 c log of macro/micro factor (f1*f2) --> f12log
6303       deglog=0
6304       do i=1,np
6305       deglog=deglog+alog(1.*i)
6306       enddo
6307       deglog=deglog+f3log
6308       do i=1,np
6309       deglog=deglog+alog(nlattc+1.-i)-alog(1.*i)
6310       enddo
6311       f12log=-deglog
6313       w15log=w35log+f12log
6314       if(
6315         write(ifch,*)'log(f1*f2):',f12log
6316         write(ifch,*)'log(f15*psi):',w15log
6317         write(ifch,'(1x,4(a,3x))')
6318      *'log(fac):','log(psi):',' log(wt):','log(wta):'
6319         write(ifch,'(1x,4(f9.3,3x))')
6320      *f12log+f35log,psilog,w15log,w15log-f12log
6321       endif
6323            endif
6325       psulog=psilog
6326       wtulog=w35log
6328       if(,*)('-',i=1,30)
6329      *,' exit sr hnbtst ',('-',i=1,10)
6330       ish=ish0
6331       return
6332       end
6334 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
6335 c      subroutine hnbuex(x,e)
6336 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
6337 cc  x --> x*10.**e with**10.
6338 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
6339 c           if(x.eq.0.)then
6340 c      e=0.
6341 c           else
6342 c      e=int(alog10(abs(x)))/10*10
6343 c      x=x/10.**e
6344 c           endif
6345 c      return
6346 c      end
6347 c
6348 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
6349 c      subroutine hnbwin(n,w,q,i)
6350 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
6351 cc  returns random index i according to weight w(i)
6352 cc----------------------------------------------------------------------
6353 c      real w(n),q(n)
6354 c      q(1)=w(1)
6355 c      do k=2,n
6356 c      q(k)=q(k-1)+w(k)
6357 c      enddo
6358 c      y=rangen()*q(n)
6359 c      do k=1,n
6360 c      i=k
6361 c      if(q(k).ge.y)goto1000
6362 c      enddo
6363 c      i=n
6364 c1000  return
6365 c      end
6366 c
6367 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6368       subroutine hnbwri
6369 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6370 c  writes (to ifch) an configuration
6371 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6372       include ''
6373       parameter(maxp=500)
6374       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
6375       common/cfact/faclog
6376       write(ifch,'(1x,a,i5)')'np:',np
6377       write(ifch,'(1x,3(a,3x))')
6378      *'log(fac):','log(psi):',' log(wt):'
6379       if(
6380       write(ifch,'(1x,3(f9.3,3x))')faclog,wtxlog,wtlog
6381       else
6382       write(ifch,*)faclog,wtxlog,wtlog
6383       endif
6384       if(np.le.1)return
6385       call hnbtst(1)
6386       write(ifch,*)'particle id codes:'
6387       write(ifch,'(1x,10i6)')(ident(n),n=1,np)
6388       write(ifch,*)'particle masses:'
6389       write(ifch,'(1x,10f6.3)')(amass(n),n=1,np)
6390       end
6392 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6393       subroutine hnbzen(iii)
6394 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6395 c analysis of events. energy spectra.
6396 c for iii>0: filling histogram considering ptl iii
6397 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6398       parameter(maxp=500)
6399       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
6400       parameter (mspecs=56)
6401       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
6402       parameter (nhise=100)
6403       common/chise/hise(mspecs,nhise)
6404       de=2./nhise/2.
6406       j=0
6408            if(
6410       i=iii
6411       do l=1,nspecs
6412       if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(l))then
6413       j=l
6414       goto1
6415       endif
6416       enddo
6417     1 continue
6418       am=aspecs(j)
6419       e=pcm(4,i)
6420       ke=1+int((e-am)/(2*de))
6421       if(,ke)=hise(j,ke)+1
6422       return
6424            else
6426       stop'STOP in hnbzen: iii=0'
6428            endif
6430       end
6432 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6433       subroutine hnbzmu(iii)
6434 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6435 c analysis of events. multiplicity spectra.
6436 c for iii<0: settting histograms to zero (should be first call)
6437 c for iii>0: filling histogram considering ptl iii
6438 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
6439       parameter(maxp=500)
6440       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
6441       parameter (mspecs=56)
6442       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
6443       parameter (nhismu=500)
6444       common/chismu/hismu(mspecs,0:nhismu),hismus(nhismu)
6446            if(
6448       do i=1,nhismu
6449       hismus(i)=0
6450       enddo
6451       do j=1,nspecs
6452       do i=0,nhismu
6453       hismu(j,i)=0
6454       enddo
6455       enddo
6456       goto1000
6458            elseif(
6460       if(
6461       do j=1,nspecs
6462       mu=0
6463       do i=1,np
6464       if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(j))mu=mu+1
6465       enddo
6466       if(,mu)=hismu(j,mu)+1
6467       enddo
6468       goto1000
6470            else
6472       stop'STOP in sr hnbzmu: iii must not be 0'
6474            endif
6476 1000  continue
6477       return
6478       end
6480 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6481       subroutine xhgcam(amt,iii)
6482 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6483 c creates unnormalized histogram for total mass of grand
6484 c canonically generated sample
6485 c xpar1: nr. of bins
6486 c xpar2: m_1 (lower boundary)
6487 c xpar3: m_2 (upper boundary)
6488 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6489       include ''
6490       parameter(nbmx=200)
6491       common/camdat/data(nbmx),datb(nbmx)
6492       parameter(mxclu=10000)
6493       real am(mxclu)
6494       character cen*6,cvol*6
6495 c     the code needs am to be kept between calls
6496       save am
6497       data am /mxclu*0/
6499       if(iii.eq.0)then
6500       am(nrclu)=amt
6502       return
6504       elseif(
6506       nbin=nint(xpar3)
6507       x1=xpar1
6508       x2=xpar2
6509       dam=(x2-x1)/nbin
6510       write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
6511       write(cvol,'(f6.1)')volu
6513       do i=1,nbin
6514       data(i)=x1+(i-1)*dam
6515       datb(i)=0.0
6516       enddo
6518       do i=1,nrclu
6519       xnb=(am(i)-x1)/dam+1.
6520       nb=nint(xnb)
6521       if(
6522       enddo
6524       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'newpage zone 1 2 1'
6526       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
6527       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
6528       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
6529       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
6530       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis total mass"'
6531       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis N"'
6532       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
6533       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
6534       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
6536          do j=1,nbin
6537       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')data(j),datb(j)
6538          enddo
6540       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
6541       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
6544       return
6546            endif
6548        end
6550 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6551       subroutine xhgccc(chi)
6552 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6553 c creates unnormalized histogram for chi-squared test of initial
6554 c configuration (grand-canonical results are used)
6555 c for chi>0: chi-squared for each droplet configuration is written
6556 c            to /cchi/
6557 c for chi<0: creates histogram
6558 c            xpar1 specifies lower limit
6559 c            xpar2 specifies upper limit
6560 c            xpar3 specifies bin width
6561 c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
6562 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6563       include ''
6564       parameter(nbin=200)
6565       common/chidat/data(nbin),datb(nbin)
6566       parameter(mxclu=10000)
6567       common/cchi/chi2(mxclu)
6568       character cnu*2,cinco*1,cen*6,cvol*6
6569       parameter (mspecs=56)
6570       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
6572          if(
6574       nrclu=nrclu+1
6575       chi2(nrclu)=chi
6577       return
6579          elseif(
6581       x1=nint(xpar1)
6582       x2=nint(xpar2)
6583       da=xpar3
6584       write(cnu,'(i2)')nspecs
6585       write(cinco,'(i1)')ioinco
6586       write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
6587       write(cvol,'(f6.1)')volu
6589       if(x2.eq.0)x2=50.0
6590       da=max(0.1,da)
6591       a0=x1
6593       do i=1,nbin
6594       data(i)=a0+(i-1)*da
6595       datb(i)=0.0
6596       enddo
6598       do i=1,nrclu
6599       nb=(chi2(i)+da/2.-a0)/da
6600       if(
6601       enddo
6603       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
6604       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
6605       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
6606       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
6607       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis [V]^2"'
6608       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis f([V]^2,n?eff!)"'
6609       if(iappl.eq.4)write(ifhi,'(a,a)')'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
6610       if(iappl.eq.4)write(ifhi,'(a,a)')'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
6611       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
6613          do j=1,nbin
6614       dat=datb(j)/nevent/da
6615       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')data(j),dat
6616          enddo
6618       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
6619       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
6621       return
6623            endif
6625        end
6627 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6628       subroutine xhgcen
6629 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6630 c  creates energy spectrum plot for decayed QM-droplet
6631 c  using grand canonical results
6632 c input:
6633 c  xpar1 specifies particle species by paige id, 0 for all
6634 c  xpar2 and xpar3 specify xrange of plot
6635 c  xpar4 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2) dado (3)
6636 c  xpar5 specifies statistics to be used ,(0) same as iostat
6637 c                                         (1) boltzmann
6638 c output:
6639 c  histo-file
6640 c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
6641 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6642       include ''
6643       common/citer/iter,itermx
6644       parameter (nbin=200)
6645       real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
6646       parameter (mspecs=56)
6647       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
6648       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
6649       common/cbol/rmsbol(mspecs),ptlbol(mspecs),chebol(mspecs),tembol
6650       character ctem*5,cit*5,cen*6,cvo*6,chem*5
6652       idpa=nint(xpar1)
6653       x1=xpar2
6654       x2=xpar3
6655       ltyp=nint(xpar4)
6656       ist=nint(xpar5)
6657       if(ist.eq.0.and.iostat.eq.1)ist=1
6659       id=0
6660       jx=100
6661       do i=1,nspecs
6662       if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
6663       enddo
6665       dx=(x2-x1)/2./jx
6666       x0=x1+dx
6668          do j=1,jx
6669          datx(j)=x0+(j-1)*dx*2.
6670          daty(j)=0.0
6672        if(id.eq.0)then
6674       do 10 i=1,nspecs
6675       dnde=0.0
6676         if(datx(j).ge.aspecs(i))then
6677       x=100.
6678       if(
6679       if(
6680       igsp=gspecs(i)
6681        if(
6682        if(mod(igsp,2)
6683       dnde=1./(exp(x)+1.)
6684        elseif(
6685       dnde=1.e7
6686        elseif(ist.eq.0)then
6687       dnde=1./(exp(x)-1.)
6688        elseif(ist.eq.1)then
6689       dnde=exp(-x)
6690        endif
6691         endif
6692       daty(j)=daty(j)+dnde*gspecs(i)*volu/hquer**3/8./pi**3
6693 10    continue
6695        else
6697       dnde=0.0
6698         if(datx(j).ge.aspecs(id))then
6699       x=100.
6700       if(
6701       if(
6702       igsp=gspecs(id)
6703        if(
6704        if(mod(igsp,2)
6705       dnde=1./(exp(x)+1.)
6706        elseif(
6707       dnde=1.e7
6708        elseif(ist.eq.0)then
6709       dnde=1./(exp(x)-1.)
6710        elseif(ist.eq.1)then
6711       dnde=exp(-x)
6712        endif
6713         endif
6714 11    daty(j)=dnde*gspecs(id)*volu/hquer**3/8./pi**3
6716        endif
6718          enddo
6720       ctem='     '
6721       chem='     '
6722       if(,'(f5.3)')tem
6723       write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
6724       write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
6725       if(,'(f5.3)')chemgc(id)
6726       write(cit,'(i5)')itermx
6727       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
6728       if(ltyp.eq.0)then
6729       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
6730       elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
6731       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
6732       elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
6733       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
6734       elseif(ltyp.eq.3)then
6735       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldd'
6736       endif
6737       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
6738       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
6739       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis E?[n]! (GeV)"'
6740       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dN?[n]!/d^3!p"'
6741       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.10 "T='//ctem//'"'
6742       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.20 "[m]?[n]!='//chem//'"'
6743       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.20 "i?max!='//cit//'"'
6744       if(
6745       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
6746       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
6747       endif
6748       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
6750          do j=1,jx
6751       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
6752          enddo
6754       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
6755       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
6757       return
6758       end
6760 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6761       subroutine xhgcfl(u,d,s,iii)
6762 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6763 c creates unnormalized histogram for net flavor content of grand
6764 c canonically generated sample
6765 c xpar1: specifies width of plot, netflavor centered
6766 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6767       include ''
6768       parameter(nb=200)
6769       common/cfldat/data(nb),datb(nb),datc(nb),datu(nb)
6770      *,datd(nb),dats(nb)
6771       parameter(mxclu=10000)
6772       integer ku(mxclu),kd(mxclu),ks(mxclu)
6773       character cfl*3,cen*6,cvol*6
6774       save ku,kd,ks
6775       data ku/mxclu*0/,kd/mxclu*0/,ks/mxclu*0/
6777       if(iii.eq.0)then
6779       ku(nrclu)=u
6780       kd(nrclu)=d
6781       ks(nrclu)=s
6783       return
6785       elseif(
6787       kwid=nint(xpar1)
6788       nbin=2*kwid+1
6789       x1u=keu-kwid
6790       x2u=keu+kwid
6791       x1d=ked-kwid
6792       x2d=ked+kwid
6793       x1s=kes-kwid
6794       x2s=kes+kwid
6795       write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
6796       write(cvol,'(f6.1)')volu
6798       do i=1,nbin
6799       data(i)=x1u+(i-1)
6800       datb(i)=x1d+(i-1)
6801       datc(i)=x1s+(i-1)
6802       datu(i)=0.0
6803       datd(i)=0.0
6804       dats(i)=0.0
6805       enddo
6807       do i=1,nrclu
6808       nbu=(ku(i)-x1u+1)
6809       nbd=(kd(i)-x1d+1)
6810       nbs=(ks(i)-x1s+1)
6811       if(
6812       if(
6813       if(
6814       enddo
6816       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'newpage zone 1 3 1'
6818       write(cfl,'(i3)')keu
6819       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
6820       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
6821       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
6822       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1u,x2u
6823       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis net u content"'
6824       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis N"'
6825       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
6826       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
6827       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.65 0.91 "N?u!='//cfl//'"'
6828       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
6830          do j=1,nbin
6831       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')data(j),datu(j)
6832          enddo
6834       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
6835       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
6837       write(cfl,'(i3)')ked
6838       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
6839       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
6840       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
6841       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1d,x2d
6842       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis net d content"'
6843       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis N"'
6844       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
6845       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
6846       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.65 0.91 "N?d!='//cfl//'"'
6847       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
6849          do j=1,nbin
6850       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')datb(j),datd(j)
6851          enddo
6853       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
6854       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
6856       write(cfl,'(i3)')kes
6857       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
6858       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
6859       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
6860       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1s,x2s
6861       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis net s content"'
6862       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis N"'
6863       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
6864       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
6865       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.65 0.91 "N?s!='//cfl//'"'
6866       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
6868          do j=1,nbin
6869       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')datc(j),dats(j)
6870          enddo
6872       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
6873       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
6875       return
6877            endif
6879        end
6881 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6882       subroutine xhgcmt
6883 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6884 c creates transverse mass spectrum for QM-droplet decay
6885 c according to grand canonical results
6886 c input:
6887 c  xpar1 specifies particle species by paige id, 0 for all
6888 c  xpar2 and xpar3 specify xrange of plot
6889 c  xpar4 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2)
6890 c output:
6891 c  histo-file
6892 c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
6893 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6894       include ''
6895       common/citer/iter,itermx
6896       parameter (nbin=200)
6897       real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
6898       parameter (mspecs=56)
6899       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
6900       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
6901       character cen*6,cvo*6,cit*5,ctem*5
6903       idpa=nint(xpar1)
6904       x1=xpar2
6905       x2=xpar3
6906       ltyp=nint(xpar4)
6908       id=0
6909       jx=100
6910       do i=1,nspecs
6911       if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
6912       enddo
6914       dx=(x2-x1)/2./jx
6915       x0=x1+dx
6917          do j=1,jx
6918          datx(j)=x0+(j-1)*dx*2.
6919          daty(j)=0.0
6921        if(id.eq.0)then
6923       do 10 i=1,nspecs
6924       dndmt=0.0
6925       if(datx(j).ge.aspecs(i))then
6926       x=100.
6927       xx=100.
6928       if(
6929       if(
6930       if(abs(xx).le.60)dndmt=gspecs(i)*volu/hquer**3*exp(xx)*datx(j)
6931      */4./pi**3*hgcbk1(x)
6932       endif
6933       daty(j)=daty(j)+dndmt
6934 10    continue
6936        else
6938       dndmt=0.0
6939       if(datx(j).ge.aspecs(id))then
6940       x=100.
6941       xx=100.
6942       if(
6943       if(
6944       if(abs(xx).le.60)dndmt=gspecs(id)*volu/hquer**3*exp(xx)*datx(j)
6945      */4./pi**3*hgcbk1(x)
6946       endif
6947       daty(j)=dndmt
6949        endif
6951          enddo
6953       write(cit,'(i5)')itermx
6954       write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
6955       write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
6956       write(ctem,'(f5.3)')tem
6957       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
6958       if(ltyp.eq.0)then
6959       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
6960       elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
6961       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
6962       elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
6963       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
6964       endif
6965       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
6966       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
6967       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis m?t! (GeV)"'
6968       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dN?[n]!/d^2!m?t! "'
6969       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.10 "T='//ctem//'"'
6970       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.20 "i?max!='//cit//'"'
6971       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
6972       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
6973       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
6975          do j=1,jx
6976       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
6977          enddo
6979       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
6980       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
6982       return
6983       end
6985 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6986       subroutine xhgcmu
6987 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
6988 c creates multiplicity plot for decayed QM-droplet
6989 c according to grand canonical results
6990 c input:
6991 c  xpar1 specifies species by paige id, 0 for total multiplicity
6992 c  xpar2 specifies xrange to be set automatically (0) or by hand (1)
6993 c  xpar3 and xpar4 xrange if xpar2 ne 0
6994 c  xpar5 xrange = average+-sigma*xpar5
6995 c  xpar6 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2)
6996 c  xpar7 specifies statistics : same as iostat (0)
6997 c                               boltzmann (1)
6998 c output:
6999 c  histo-file
7000 c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
7001 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7002       include ''
7003       parameter (nbin=200)
7004       real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
7005       parameter (mspecs=56)
7006       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
7007       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
7008       common/cbol/rmsbol(mspecs),ptlbol(mspecs),chebol(mspecs),tembol
7009       common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
7010       character cyield*8,cen*6,cvo*6,cinco*1
7013       idpa=nint(xpar1)
7014       ixra=nint(xpar2)
7015       iwid=nint(xpar5)
7016       ltyp=nint(xpar6)
7017       ist=nint(xpar7)
7018       if(ist.eq.0.and.iostat.eq.1)ist=1
7021       pn=0.0
7022       id=0
7023       jx=100
7024       ymin=1./nevent/10.
7025       if(nevent.le.10)ymin=ymin/10.
7026       do i=1,nspecs
7027       if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
7028       enddo
7030        if(ixra.eq.1)then
7031       x1=anint(xpar3)
7032       x2=anint(xpar4)
7033        else
7034       if(id.eq.0)then
7035       x1=anint(ptltot-iwid*rmstot)
7036       x2=anint(ptltot+iwid*rmstot)
7037       else
7038       x1=anint(ptlngc(id)-iwid*rmsngc(id))
7039       x2=anint(ptlngc(id)+iwid*rmsngc(id))
7040       endif
7041       x2=max(x2,3.0)
7042        endif
7044       x1=max(x1,0.0)
7045       dx=(x2-x1)/2./jx
7046       x0=x1+dx
7047       pn=0.0
7049       do j=1,jx
7050       datx(j)=x0+(j-1)*dx*2.
7051       if(id.eq.0)then
7053 c     total multiplicity
7054 c     ------------------
7055       x=100.
7056       if(**2/rmstot**2/2.
7058        if(
7059       pn=0.0
7060        else
7061       pn=exp(-x)/rmstot/sqrt(2.*pi)
7062        endif
7064       daty(j)=pn
7066          else
7068 c     one species (specified by id)
7069 c     ------------------------------
7070       x=100.
7071       if(rmsngc(id)
7072      *x=(datx(j)-ptlngc(id))**2/rmsngc(id)**2/2.
7073       if(rmsbol(id)
7074      *x=(datx(j)-ptlbol(id))**2/rmsbol(id)**2/2.
7076        if(
7077       pn=0.0
7078        else
7079       if(ist.eq.0)pn=exp(-x)/rmsngc(id)/sqrt(2*pi)
7080       if(ist.eq.1)pn=exp(-x)/rmsbol(id)/sqrt(2*pi)
7081        endif
7083       daty(j)=pn
7085          endif
7086          enddo
7088       if(id.eq.0)then
7089       write(cyield,'(f8.3)')ptltot
7090       else
7091       write(cyield,'(f8.3)')ptlngc(id)
7092       endif
7093       write(cinco,'(i1)')ioinco
7094       write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
7095       write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
7096       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
7097       if(ltyp.eq.0)then
7098       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
7099       elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
7100       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
7101       elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
7102       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
7103       elseif(ltyp.eq.3)then
7104       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldd'
7105       endif
7106       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
7107       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
7108       write(ifhi,'(a,e11.3,a)')'yrange',ymin,'  auto'
7109       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis N?[n]!"'
7110       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(N?[n]!)"'
7111       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')'text 0.3 0.10 "" "L#N?[n]!"G#='//cyield//'""'
7112       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.2 "conf?in!='//cinco//'"'
7113       if(
7114       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
7115       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
7116       endif
7117       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
7119          do j=1,jx
7120       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
7121          enddo
7123       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
7124       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
7127       return
7128       end
7131 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7132       subroutine xhgcmx
7133 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7134 c creates multiplicity plot for decayed QM-droplet
7135 c according to grand canonical results POISSON DISTRIB.!!!!
7136 c input:
7137 c  xpar1 specifies species by paige id, 0 for total multiplicity
7138 c  xpar2 specifies xrange to be set automatically (0) or by hand (1)
7139 c  xpar3 and xpar4 xrange if xpar2 ne 0
7140 c  xpar5 xrange = average+-sigma*xpar5
7141 c  xpar6 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2) dado (3)
7142 c  xpar7 specifies statistics : same as iostat (0)
7143 c                               boltzmann (1)
7144 c output:
7145 c  histo-file
7146 c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
7147 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7148       include ''
7149       parameter (nbin=200)
7150       real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
7151       parameter (mspecs=56)
7152       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
7153       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
7154       common/cbol/rmsbol(mspecs),ptlbol(mspecs),chebol(mspecs),tembol
7155       common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
7156       character cyield*8,cen*6,cvo*6,cinco*1
7159       idpa=nint(xpar1)
7160       ixra=nint(xpar2)
7161       iwid=nint(xpar5)
7162       ltyp=nint(xpar6)
7163       ist=nint(xpar7)
7164       if(ist.eq.0.and.iostat.eq.1)ist=1
7165       pn=0.
7168       id=0
7169       ymin=1./nevent/10.
7170       if(nevent.le.10)ymin=ymin/10.
7171       do i=1,nspecs
7172       if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
7173       enddo
7175        if(ixra.eq.1)then
7176       n1=nint(xpar3)
7177       n2=nint(xpar4)
7178        else
7179       if(id.eq.0)then
7180       n1=nint(ptltot-iwid*rmstot)
7181       n2=nint(ptltot+iwid*rmstot)
7182       else
7183       n1=nint(ptlngc(id)-iwid*rmsngc(id))
7184       n2=nint(ptlngc(id)+iwid*rmsngc(id))
7185       endif
7186       n2=max(n2,3)
7187        endif
7189       n1=max(n1,0)
7190       jx=n2+1
7192       do j=1,jx
7193       datx(j)=j-1
7194       jf=1
7195       if(
7196       do i=1,j-1
7197       jf=jf*i
7198       enddo
7199       endif
7200       if(id.eq.0)then
7202 c     total multiplicity
7203 c     ------------------
7205       daty(j)=1./jf*ptltot**(j-1)*exp(-ptltot)
7207          else
7209 c     one species (specified by id)
7210 c     ------------------------------
7212       if(ist.eq.0)pn=1./jf*ptlngc(id)**(j-1)*exp(-ptlngc(id))
7213       if(ist.eq.1)pn=1./jf*ptlbol(id)**(j-1)*exp(-ptlbol(id))
7215       daty(j)=pn
7217          endif
7218          enddo
7220       if(id.eq.0)then
7221       write(cyield,'(f8.3)')ptltot
7222       else
7223       write(cyield,'(f8.3)')ptlngc(id)
7224       endif
7225       write(cinco,'(i1)')ioinco
7226       write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
7227       write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
7228       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
7229       if(ltyp.eq.0)then
7230       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
7231       elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
7232       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
7233       elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
7234       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
7235       elseif(ltyp.eq.3)then
7236       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldd'
7237       endif
7238       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
7239       write(ifhi,'(a,2i3)')'xrange',n1,n2
7240       write(ifhi,'(a,e11.3,a)')'yrange',ymin,'  auto'
7241       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis N?[n]!"'
7242       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(N?[n]!)"'
7243       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')'text 0.3 0.10 "" "L#N?[n]!"G#='//cyield//'""'
7244       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.2 "conf?in!='//cinco//'"'
7245       if(
7246       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
7247       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
7248       endif
7249       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
7251          do j=1,jx
7252       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
7253          enddo
7255       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
7256       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
7259       return
7260       end
7262 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7263       subroutine xhgcpt
7264 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7265 c creates transverse momentum spectrum for decayed QM-droplet
7266 c according to grand canonical results
7267 c input:
7268 c  xpar1 specifies particle species by paige id, 0 for all
7269 c  xpar2 rapidity window
7270 c  xpar3 and xpar4 specify xrange of plot
7271 c  xpar5 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2)
7272 c output:
7273 c  histo-file
7274 c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
7275 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7276       include ''
7277       common/citer/iter,itermx
7278       parameter (nbin=200)
7279       real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
7280       parameter (mspecs=56)
7281       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
7282       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
7283       character crap*5,cen*6,cvo*6,cit*5
7285       idpa=nint(xpar1)
7286       y=xpar2
7287       x1=xpar3
7288       x2=xpar4
7289       ltyp=xpar5
7291       write(crap,'(f5.1)')y
7292       id=0
7293       jx=100
7294       do i=1,nspecs
7295       if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
7296       enddo
7298       dx=(x2-x1)/2./jx
7299       x0=x1+dx
7301          do j=1,jx
7302          datx(j)=x0+(j-1)*dx*2.
7303          daty(j)=0.0
7305        if(id.eq.0)then
7307       do 10 i=1,nspecs
7308       x=100.
7309       if(
7310      *x=(sqrt(aspecs(i)**2+datx(j)**2)*cosh(y)-chemgc(i))/tem
7311        if(
7312       dndpt=0.0
7313        else
7314       dndpt=exp(-x)
7315        endif
7316       dndpt=dndpt*gspecs(i)*volu/hquer**3*cosh(y)
7317      **sqrt(aspecs(i)**2+datx(j)**2)/8./pi**3
7318       daty(j)=daty(j)+dndpt
7319 10    continue
7321        else
7323       x=100.
7324       if(
7325      *x=(sqrt(aspecs(id)**2+datx(j)**2)*cosh(y)-chemgc(id))/tem
7326        if(
7327       dndpt=0.0
7328        else
7329       dndpt=exp(-x)
7330        endif
7331       dndpt=dndpt*gspecs(id)*volu/hquer**3*cosh(y)
7332      **sqrt(aspecs(id)**2+datx(j)**2)/8./pi**3
7333       daty(j)=dndpt
7335        endif
7337          enddo
7339       write(cit,'(i5)')itermx
7340       write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
7341       write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
7342       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
7343       if(ltyp.eq.0)then
7344       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
7345       elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
7346       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
7347       elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
7348       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
7349       endif
7350       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
7351       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
7352       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis p?t! (GeV/c)"'
7353       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dN?[n]!/dyd^2!p?t!"'
7354       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.10 0.10 "y = '//crap//'"'
7355       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.10 0.30 "i?max! = '//cit//'"'
7356       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
7357       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
7358       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
7360          do j=1,jx
7361       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
7362          enddo
7364       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
7365       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
7367       return
7368       end
7370 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7371       subroutine xhgcra
7372 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7373 c creates rapidity distribution for decayed QM-droplet
7374 c according to grand canonical results
7375 c input:
7376 c  xpar1 specifies particle species by paige id, 0 for all
7377 c  xpar2 and xpar3 specify xrange of plot
7378 c  xpar4 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2)
7379 c output:
7380 c  histo-file
7381 c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
7382 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7383       include ''
7384       parameter (nbin=200)
7385       real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
7386       parameter (mspecs=56)
7387       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
7388       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
7389       common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
7390       character cen*6,cvo*6,cng*8
7392       idpa=nint(xpar1)
7393       x1=nint(xpar2)
7394       x2=nint(xpar3)
7395       ltyp=nint(xpar4)
7397       id=0
7398       jx=100
7399       ymin=1./nevent/10.
7400       if(nevent.le.10)ymin=ymin/10.
7401       do i=1,nspecs
7402       if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
7403       enddo
7405       dx=(x2-x1)/2./jx
7406       x0=x1+dx
7408          do j=1,jx
7410          datx(j)=x0+(j-1)*dx*2.
7411          daty(j)=0.0
7412          y=datx(j)
7413          if(,*)'cosh y:',cosh(y)
7415        if(id.eq.0)then
7417       do 10 i=1,nspecs
7418       dndy=0.0
7419       sum=aspecs(i)**2*tem+2.*aspecs(i)*tem**2/cosh(y)
7420      *+2.*tem**3/cosh(y)**2
7421       x=100.
7422       if(
7423      *x=(aspecs(i)*cosh(y)-chemgc(i))/tem
7425        if(
7426       pro=0.0
7427        else
7428       pro=exp(-x)
7429       endif
7431       pro=pro*gspecs(i)*volu/hquer**3/4./pi**2
7433       if(
7434       che=alog(pro)+alog(sum)
7435       else
7436       che=-61.0
7437       endif
7438       if(*sum
7439 c     if(
7441       daty(j)=daty(j)+dndy
7443 10    continue
7445        else
7447       dndy=0.0
7448       sum=aspecs(id)**2*tem+2.*aspecs(id)*tem**2/cosh(y)
7449      *+2.*tem**3/cosh(y)**2
7450       x=100.
7451       if(
7452      *x=(aspecs(id)*cosh(y)-chemgc(id))/tem
7454        if(
7455       pro=0.0
7456        else
7457       pro=exp(-x)
7458       endif
7460       pro=pro*gspecs(id)*volu/hquer**3/4./pi**2
7462       if(
7463       che=alog(pro)+alog(sum)
7464       else
7465       che=-61.0
7466       endif
7467       if(*sum
7469       daty(j)=dndy
7471        endif
7473          enddo
7475       write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
7476       write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
7477       if(id.eq.0)then
7478       write(cng,'(f8.3)')ptltot
7479       else
7480       write(cng,'(f8.3)')ptlngc(id)
7481       endif
7482       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
7483       if(ltyp.eq.0)then
7484       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
7485       elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
7486       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
7487       elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
7488       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
7489       endif
7491       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
7492       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
7493       write(ifhi,'(a,e11.3,a)')'yrange',ymin,'  auto'
7494       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis y"'
7495       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dN?[n]!/dy"'
7496       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
7497       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
7498       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.10 "N?[n]!='//cng//'"'
7499       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
7501          do j=1,jx
7502       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
7503          enddo
7505       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
7506       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
7508       return
7509       end
7511 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7512       subroutine xhnben
7513 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7514 c produces histogram of energy spectrum (after metropolis run)
7515 c complete histogram: openhisto ... closehisto
7516 c iocite=1 required
7517 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7518 c xpar1: particle species (venus id-code)
7519 c xpar2: 1: actual spectrum 2: fit
7520 c xpar3: 1: de/d3p 2: ede/d3e
7521 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7522       include ''
7523       parameter (mspecs=56)
7524       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
7525       parameter (nhise=100)
7526       common/chise/hise(mspecs,nhise)
7527       parameter (literm=500)
7528       common/cmet/kspecs(mspecs),liter,lspecs(literm,mspecs)
7529      *,iterl(literm),iterc(literm)
7530       real datx(nhise),daty(nhise),dats(nhise)
7531       common/citer/iter,itermx
7532       character ch*1,chid*5,cyield*9,ctem*5
7533       de=2./nhise/2.
7535       if('STOP: xhnben: iocite=1 required'
7537       idcode=nint(xpar1)
7538       mode=nint(xpar2)
7539       kind=nint(xpar3)
7541            do j=1,nspecs
7542            if(idcode.eq.ispecs(j))then
7544       id=idcode
7545       am=aspecs(j)
7546       yield=1.*kspecs(j)/(itermx-iternc)
7547       if(kind.eq.1)ch=' '
7548       if(kind.eq.2)ch='e'
7549       ll=kind-1
7550       e0=am+de
7551       nebins=0
7552         do i=1,nhise
7553       e=e0+(i-1)*2*de
7554       p1=sqrt((e-de)**2-am**2)
7555       p2=sqrt((e+de)**2-am**2)
7556       d3p=4*pi*(p2**3-p1**3)/3
7557       datx(i)=e
7558       y=(1-ll+ll*e)*hise(j,i)/(itermx-iternc)/d3p
7559       if(
7560       nebins=nebins+1
7561       daty(i)=alog(y)
7562       d=y/sqrt(hise(j,i))
7563       dats(i)=1e10
7564       if(
7565       else
7566       daty(i)=-100
7567       dats(i)=1e10
7568       endif
7569 c-c   if(
7570         enddo
7571       a=0.
7572       b=0.
7573         if(
7574       call utfit(datx,daty,nhise,dats,1,a,b,siga,sigb,chi2,q)
7575       tem=-1./b
7576       if(
7577       tem=0.
7578       a=0.
7579       b=0.
7580       endif
7581         endif
7582       do i=1,nhise
7583       daty(i)=exp(daty(i))
7584       enddo
7585       write(chid,'(i5)')id
7586       write(cyield,'(f9.4)')yield
7587       ctem='     '
7588       if(,'(f5.3)')tem
7589       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto xrange 0 3'
7590       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'htyp lin xmod lin ymod log'
7591       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')  'text 0 0 "title id='//chid
7592      *                           ,'   N='//cyield//'   T='//ctem//'"'
7593       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis energy (GeV)"'
7594       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis '//ch//' dn/d3p (GeV-3)"'
7595       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'array 2'
7596       do i=1,nhise
7597       if(mode.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(i),daty(i)
7598       if(mode.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(i),exp(a+b*datx(i))
7599       enddo
7600       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
7601       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
7603            endif
7604            enddo
7606       return
7607       end
7609 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7610       subroutine xhnbit
7611 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7612 c produces histogram of multiplicity versus iterations (after metropolis run)
7613 c complete histogram: openhisto ... closehisto
7614 c iocite=1 required
7615 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7616 c xpar1: particle species (0=all, else venus id-code)
7617 c xpar2: 1:actual multiplicity 2:average multiplicity 3:grand canonical
7618 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7619       include ''
7620       parameter (mspecs=56)
7621       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
7622       parameter (literm=500)
7623       common/cmet/kspecs(mspecs),liter,lspecs(literm,mspecs)
7624      *,iterl(literm),iterc(literm)
7625       real datlx(literm),datly(literm)
7626       common/citer/iter,itermx
7627       character chid*5,ctecm*5,cvolu*6
7628       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
7629       common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
7631       if('STOP: xhnbit: iocite=1 required'
7633       idcode=nint(xpar1)
7634       mode=nint(xpar2)
7636            if(idcode.eq.0)then
7638       yield=0
7639       do j=1,nspecs
7640       yield=yield+1.*kspecs(j)/(itermx-iternc)
7641       enddo
7642       datlx(1)=(iterl(1)+1)/2.
7643       do li=2,liter-1
7644       datlx(li)=(iterl(li)+iterl(li-1)+1)/2.
7645       enddo
7646       x1=0
7647       x2=iterl(liter-1)
7648       do li=1,liter-1
7649       y=0
7650       do j=1,nspecs
7651       y=y+lspecs(li,j)
7652       enddo
7653       if(mode.eq.1)datly(li)=y/iterc(li)
7654       if(mode.eq.2)datly(li)=yield
7655       if(mode.eq.3)datly(li)=ptltot
7656       enddo
7657       write(ctecm,'(f5.1)')tecm
7658       write(cvolu,'(f6.1)')volu
7659       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
7660       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
7661       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0 0 "title E = '//ctecm//'   V = '
7662      *                                 ,cvolu//'"'
7663       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis iterations"'
7664       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis multiplicity"'
7665       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
7666       do i=1,liter-1
7667       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datlx(i),datly(i)
7668       enddo
7669       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
7670       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
7672            else
7674            do j=1,nspecs
7675            if(idcode.eq.ispecs(j))then
7677       yield=1.*kspecs(j)/(itermx-iternc)
7678       write(chid,'(i5)')idcode
7679       do li=1,liter-1
7680       datlx(li)=iterl(li)
7681       enddo
7682       x1=0
7683       x2=datlx(liter-1)
7684       do li=1,liter-1
7685       if(mode.eq.1)datly(li)=lspecs(li,j)*1./iterc(li)
7686       if(mode.eq.2)datly(li)=yield
7687       if(mode.eq.3)datly(li)=ptlngc(j)
7688       enddo
7689       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
7690       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
7691       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "title id='//chid//'"'
7692       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis iterations "'
7693       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis multiplicity"'
7694       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
7695       do i=1,liter-1
7696       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datlx(i),datly(i)
7697       enddo
7698       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
7699       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
7701            endif
7702            enddo
7704            endif
7706       return
7707       end
7709 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7710       subroutine xhnbmu
7711 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7712 c produces histogram of multiplicity distribution (after metropolis run)
7713 c complete histogram: openhisto ... closehisto
7714 c iocite=1 required
7715 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7716 c xpar1: particle species (0=all, else venus id-code)
7717 c xpar2: xrange automatic (0) or given via xpar3,4 (else)
7718 c xpar3,4: xrange
7719 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7720       include ''
7721       parameter (mspecs=56)
7722       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
7723       parameter (nhismu=500)
7724       common/chismu/hismu(mspecs,0:nhismu),hismus(nhismu)
7725       parameter (literm=500)
7726       common/cmet/kspecs(mspecs),liter,lspecs(literm,mspecs)
7727      *,iterl(literm),iterc(literm)
7728       real datx(nhismu),daty(nhismu)
7729       common/citer/iter,itermx
7730       common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
7731       character chid*5,cyield*9,ctecm*5,cvolu*6
7733       if('STOP: xhnbmu: iocite=1 required'
7735       idcode=nint(xpar1)
7736       ixr=nint(xpar2)
7737       xx1=xpar3
7738       xx2=xpar4
7740       write(ctecm,'(f5.1)')tecm
7741       write(cvolu,'(f6.1)')volu
7743            if(idcode.eq.0)then
7745       yield=0
7746       do j=1,nspecs
7747       yield=yield+1.*kspecs(j)/(itermx-iternc)
7748       enddo
7749       write(cyield,'(f9.4)')yield
7750       i1=0
7751       i2=nlattc
7752       mus=0
7753       do i=1,nhismu
7754       if(i1.eq.0.and.nint(hismus(i)).gt.0)i1=i
7755       if(nint(hismus(i)).gt.0)i2=i
7756       mus=mus+hismus(i)
7757       enddo
7758       ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*0.20
7759       if(itermx.le.1000)ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*0.40
7760       if(itermx.le.100)ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*0.80
7761       i1=i1-ij
7762       i1=max(i1,2)
7763       i2=i2+ij
7764       ii=10
7765       if(i1.le.50)ii=5
7766       if(i1.le.20)ii=2
7767       i1=i1/ii*ii
7768       i2=i2/ii*ii+ii
7769            do i=i1,i2
7770       l=1+i-i1
7771       datx(l)=i
7772       daty(l)=hismus(i)/mus
7773            enddo
7774       jx=1+i2-i1
7775       if(ixr.eq.0)then
7776       x1=i1
7777       x2=i2
7778       else
7779       x1=xx1
7780       x2=xx2
7781       endif
7782       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
7783       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod log'
7784       write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0 0 "title E = '//ctecm//'   V = '
7785      *                              ,cvolu//'"'
7786       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis multiplicity n  "'
7787       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis dN/dn"'
7788       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.30 0.25 "N?MC!='//cyield//'"'
7789       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
7790       do i=1,jx
7791       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datx(i),daty(i)
7792       enddo
7793       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
7794       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
7796            else
7798            do j=1,nspecs
7799            if(idcode.eq.ispecs(j))then
7801       yield=1.*kspecs(j)/(itermx-iternc)
7802       write(cyield,'(f9.4)')yield
7803       write(chid,'(i5)')idcode
7804       i1=0
7805       i2=nlattc
7806       mus=0
7807       do i=0,nhismu
7808       if(i1.eq.0.and.nint(hismu(j,i)).gt.0)i1=i
7809       if(nint(hismu(j,i)).gt.0)i2=i
7810       mus=mus+hismu(j,i)
7811       enddo
7812       ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*0.30
7813       if(itermx.le.1000)ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*0.60
7814       if(itermx.le.100)ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*1.20
7815       i1=i1-ij
7816       i1=max(i1,0)
7817       i2=i2+ij
7818       ii=10
7819       if(i1.le.50)ii=5
7820       if(i1.le.20)ii=2
7821       i1=i1/ii*ii
7822       i2=i2/ii*ii+ii
7823            do i=i1,i2
7824       l=1+i-i1
7825       datx(l)=i
7826       daty(l)=hismu(j,i)/mus
7827            enddo
7828       jx=1+i2-i1
7829       if(ixr.eq.0)then
7830       x1=i1
7831       x2=i2
7832       else
7833       x1=xx1
7834       x2=xx2
7835       endif
7836       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
7837       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod log'
7838       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "title id='//chid//'"'
7839       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis multiplicity n  "'
7840       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis dN/dn"'
7841       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.30 0.25 "N?MC!='//cyield//'"'
7842       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
7843       do i=1,jx
7844       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datx(i),daty(i)
7845       enddo
7846       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
7847       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
7849            endif
7850            enddo
7852            endif
7854       return
7855       end
7857 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7858       subroutine xhnbmz
7859 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7860 c produces histogram of multiplicity distribution from droplet decay
7861 c or average multiplicity versus iterations
7862 c for massless hadrons
7863 c complete histogram: openhisto ... closehisto
7864 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7865 c xpar1: particle species (0=all, else venus id-code)
7866 c xpar2: lower limit multiplicity
7867 c xpar3: upper limit multiplicity
7868 c xpar4: lower limit total multiplicity   (also necc for
7869 c xpar5: upper limit  "      "            (also necc for
7870 c xpar6: sets htyp: 1->lfu, 2->ldo, 3->lda, 4->ldd
7871 c xpar7: 0: multiplicity distribution
7872 c        >0: av multiplicity vs iterations (itermx=xpar7)
7873 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
7874       include ''
7875       parameter(maxp=500)
7876       common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
7877       common/ctst/psulog,wtulog
7878       parameter (mspecs=56)
7879       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
7880       parameter (nhismu=500)
7881       common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
7882       real datx(nhismu),datyu(nhismu)
7883       character cyieur*9
7884       real pzlog(nhismu)
7885       double precision spelog,cc,bb,dsu
7886       common/cyield/yield
7887       character*3 htyp
7889       idcode=nint(xpar1)
7890       x1=xpar2
7891       x2=xpar3
7892       i1=nint(xpar2)
7893       i2=nint(xpar3)
7894       ii1=nint(xpar4)
7895       ii2=nint(xpar5)
7896       ih=nint(xpar6)
7897       htyp='lin'
7898       if(ih.eq.1)htyp='lfu'
7899       if(ih.eq.2)htyp='ldo'
7900       if(ih.eq.3)htyp='lda'
7901       if(ih.eq.4)htyp='ldd'
7902       itmax=nint(xpar7)
7904       wtrlog=-1e30
7905            do i=ii1,ii2
7906       if(
7907       np=i
7908       do k=1,np
7909       ident(k)=110
7910       enddo
7911       call hnbtst(0)
7912       wtzlog=wtulog
7913       if(ioflac.eq.0)call hnbspg(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,0,np,spelog)
7914       if( hnbspf(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,0,np,spelog)
7915       wtulog=wtulog+spelog
7916       else
7917       wtzlog=-1000
7918       wtulog=-1000
7919       endif
7920       pzlog(1+i-ii1)=wtzlog
7921       datyu(1+i-ii1)=wtulog
7922       wtrlog=max(wtrlog,wtulog)
7923            enddo
7924       yield=0
7925       su=0
7926            do i=ii1,ii2
7927       l=1+i-ii1
7928       pzlog(l)=pzlog(l)-wtrlog
7929       datyu(l)=datyu(l)-wtrlog
7930       if(datyu(l).gt.-50.)then
7931       datyu(l)=exp(datyu(l))
7932       else
7933       datyu(l)=exp(-50.)
7934       endif
7935       yield=yield+i*datyu(l)
7936       su=su+datyu(l)
7937            enddo
7938       yield=yield/su
7939            do i=ii1,ii2
7940       l=1+i-ii1
7941       datx(l)=i
7942       datyu(l)=datyu(l)/su
7943            enddo
7944       jx=1+ii2-ii1
7945       write(cyieur,'(f9.4)')yield
7946 c     ---
7947         if(idcode.eq.0.and.itmax.eq.0)then
7948       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
7949       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp '//htyp//' xmod lin ymod log'
7950       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.30 0.15 "N?ana!='//cyieur//'"'
7951       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
7952       do i=1,jx
7953       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datx(i),datyu(i)
7954       enddo
7955       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
7956       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
7957         elseif(idcode.eq.0)then
7958       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',0.,itmax*1.
7959       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp '//htyp//' xmod lin ymod lin'
7960       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
7961       itm=20
7962       do i=1,itm
7963       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   (i-1.)*itmax/(itm-1.),yield
7964       enddo
7965       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
7966       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
7967         endif
7968 c     ---
7969       if(idcode.eq.0)return
7971            do j=1,nspecs
7972            if(idcode.eq.ispecs(j))then
7974       wtrlog=-1e30
7975            do i=i1,i2
7976       l=1+i-i1
7977       datx(l)=i
7978            enddo
7979       yield=0
7980       suj=0
7981       dsu=su
7982            do i=i1,i2
7983       l=1+i-i1
7984       bb=0
7985       nfi=0
7986       do ntot=max(i+1,ii1),min(i2*nspecs,ii2)
7987       nfi=nfi+1
7988       cc=1d0
7989       do kc=1,i
7990       cc=cc*(1.+ntot-kc)/kc*gspecs(j)
7991       enddo
7992       ku=keu-i*ifok(1,j)
7993       kd=ked-i*ifok(2,j)
7994       ks=kes-i*ifok(3,j)
7995       kc=kec-i*ifok(4,j)
7996       kb=keb-i*ifok(5,j)
7997       kt=ket-i*ifok(6,j)
7998       if(ioflac.eq.0)call hnbspg(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,ntot-i,spelog)
7999       if( hnbspf(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,ntot-i,spelog)
8000       cc=cc*dexp(spelog)
8001       bb=bb+cc*dexp(1.d0*pzlog(1+ntot-ii1))/dsu
8002       enddo
8003       datyu(l)=bb
8004       yield=yield+i*datyu(l)
8005       suj=suj+datyu(l)
8006            enddo
8007       yield=yield/suj
8008       jx=1+i2-i1
8009       write(cyieur,'(f9.4)')yield
8010 c     ---
8011         if(itmax.eq.0)then
8012       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
8013       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp '//htyp//' xmod lin ymod log'
8014       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.30 0.15 "N?ana!='//cyieur//'"'
8015       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
8016       do i=1,jx
8017       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datx(i),datyu(i)
8018       enddo
8019       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
8020       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
8021         else
8022       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',0.,itmax*1.
8023       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp '//htyp//' xmod lin ymod lin'
8024       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
8025       itm=20
8026       do i=1,itm
8027       write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   (i-1.)*itmax/(itm-1.),yield
8028       enddo
8029       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
8030       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
8031         endif
8032 c     ---
8033       return
8035            endif
8036            enddo
8038       end
8040 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
8041       subroutine xhnbte(iii)
8042 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
8043 c fills histograms (iii>=0) or writes histogram to histo-file (iii<0)
8044 c regarding exponential autocorrelation time and acceptance rate
8045 c
8046 c input:
8047 c   requires complete run with application hadron (iappl=1)
8048 c   or application metropolis (iappl=4)
8049 c   ioceau=1 necessary
8050 c
8051 c  output:
8052 c   for iii=0 (only valid for iappl=4):
8053 c     data(nrevt): nrevt  (event number)               /cdat/
8054 c     datb(nrevt): taui   (calculated corr time)       /cdat/
8055 c     datc(nrevt): accrat (acceptance rate)            /cdat/
8056 c     datd(nrevt): taue   (parametrized corr time)     /cdat/
8057 c   for iii>0 (only valid for iappl=1):
8058 c     nrclu=nrclu+1                                    /cnrclu/
8059 c     data(nrclu): nrclu  (droplet number)             /cdat/
8060 c     datb(nrclu): taui-taue (calc - param corr time)  /cdat/
8061 c     datc(nrclu): accrat (acceptance rate)            /cdat/
8062 c     datd(nrclu): avnp (average particle number)      /cdat/
8063 c   for iii<0:
8064 c     writes complete histogram (openhisto ... closehisto) to histofile
8065 c       for iappl=4:                for iappl=1:
8066 c         xpar1=1: (data,datb,datd) xpar1=1: (data,datb)
8067 c         xpar1=2: (data,datc)      xpar1=2: (data,datd)
8068 c                                   xpar1=3: (data,datc)
8069 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
8070       include ''
8071       parameter(maxit=50000)
8072       common/count/nacc,nrej,naccit(maxit),nptot,npit(maxit)
8073       common/citer/iter,itermx
8074       common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
8075       common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
8076       parameter (mspecs=56)
8077       common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
8078       common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
8079       parameter (nbin=500)
8080       common/cdat/ data(nbin),datb(nbin),datc(nbin),datd(nbin)
8081       real dev(maxit)
8082       character cobs*5,cnc*5,cdz*5,czer*5
8083      *,cmom*5,cnp*7,cen*7,cvol*7,clatt*5,cit*5
8084       common/ctaue/taue
8086       if('STOP: ioceau=1 required'
8087       if('STOP: iappl=4 required'
8088       if('STOP: iappl=1 required'
8090       if(
8092       id=0
8093       ish0=ish
8094 c     ish=98
8096 c          ----------------
8097            if(
8098 c          ----------------
8100       if(
8101       if(
8103 c     mean
8104 c     ----
8105       xnptot=nptot
8106       avnp=xnptot/(itermx-iternc)
8107       if(,*)'event:',nrevt,'   droplet:',nrclu
8108      *,'   avnp:',avnp
8110 c     calculate corfct_0
8111 c     ------------------
8112       corzer=0.0
8113       do i=iternc+1,itermx
8114       dev(i)=npit(i)-avnp
8115       corzer=corzer+dev(i)**2
8116       enddo
8117       corzer=corzer/(itermx-iternc)
8118       if(,*)'c_0:',corzer
8120 c     calculate corfct_1
8121 c     ------------------
8122       corone=0.0
8123       do i=iternc+1,itermx-1
8124       corone=corone+dev(i)*dev(i+1)
8125       enddo
8126       corone=corone/(itermx-iternc-1)
8128 c     calculate initial autocorrelation time
8129 c     -----------------------------------------
8130       if(
8131       r=alog(corone)-alog(corzer)
8132       if(,*)'log rho_1:',r
8133       taui=(-1.)/r
8134       else
8135       taui=0.
8136       endif
8137       if(,*)'tau_init:',taui
8139 c     calculate parametrized autocorrelation time (if necessary)
8140 c     ----------------------------------------------------------
8141       if(taue.eq.0.0)then
8142       e=tecm/volu
8143       b=1.1*(e+0.33)**0.66
8144       a=13.*(e+0.13)**(-0.65)
8145       tm=34.*(e+0.65)**(-0.61)
8146       t=a+b*volu
8147       taue=max(t,tm)
8148       endif
8150 c     calculate acceptance rate
8151 c     -------------------------
8152       xa=nacc
8153       ya=itermx
8154       accrat=xa/ya
8156 c     write to data/b/c/d
8157 c     -------------------
8158        if(iii.eq.0)then
8159       if(
8160       data(nrevt)=iozero
8161       else
8162       data(nrevt)=nrevt
8163       endif
8164       datb(nrevt)=taui
8165       datc(nrevt)=accrat
8166       datd(nrevt)=taue
8167        else
8168       data(nrclu)=nrclu
8169       datb(nrclu)=taui-taue
8170       datc(nrclu)=accrat
8171       datd(nrclu)=avnp
8172        endif
8174 c          -----------------------------------
8175            elseif(
8176 c          -----------------------------------
8178       write(cmom,'(i3)')iomom
8179       write(cen,'(f7.3)')tecm
8180        if(ioobsv.eq.0)then
8181       write(cnp,'(f7.3)')ptltot
8182        else
8183        do i=1,nspecs
8184        if(ioobsv.eq.ispecs(i))id=i
8185        enddo
8186       write(cnp,'(f7.3)')ptlngc(id)
8187        endif
8188       write(cvol,'(f7.3)')volu
8189       write(clatt,'(i3)')nlattc
8190       write(cit,'(i5)')itermx
8191       if(ioobsv.eq.0)then
8192       write(cobs,'(a)')'all'
8193       else
8194       write(cobs,'(i5)')ioobsv
8195       endif
8196       write(cnc,'(i5)')iternc
8197       if(iozevt.eq.0)write(czer,'(i5)')iozero
8198       if(,'(i5)')iozinc
8200       x1=1
8201       x2=nevent
8203       if(jjj.eq.1)then
8205       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
8206       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
8207       if(
8208       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis iozero"'
8209       else
8210       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis event"'
8211       endif
8212       write(ifhi,'(a)