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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for theTopology

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member CaloTPGTranscoderULUT /CalibCalorimetry/CaloTPG/interface/CaloTPGTranscoderULUT.h 75
class, struct, or union member HBHEDarkeningAnalyzer /CalibCalorimetry/HcalPlugins/test/ 60
local variable /CalibTracker/SiStripAPVAnalysis/src/ 95
class, struct, or union member final /Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/PixelGeomDetType.h 29
class, struct, or union member final /Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/PixelGeomDetUnit.h 52
class, struct, or union member CastorGeometry /Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/CastorGeometry.h 69
class, struct, or union member CastorHardcodeGeometryLoader /Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/CastorHardcodeGeometryLoader.h 25
class, struct, or union member ZdcGeometry /Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/ZdcGeometry.h 73
class, struct, or union member HcalTrigTowerGeometry /Geometry/HcalTowerAlgo/interface/HcalTrigTowerGeometry.h 50
class, struct, or union member final /Geometry/MTDGeometryBuilder/interface/MTDGeomDetType.h 31
class, struct, or union member final /Geometry/MTDGeometryBuilder/interface/MTDGeomDetUnit.h 52
class, struct, or union member final /Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/StripGeomDetType.h 30
class, struct, or union member final /Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/StripGeomDetUnit.h 52
class, struct, or union member final /RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/plugins/TkGluedMeasurementDet.h 59
class, struct, or union member StripSubClusterShapeFilterBase /RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/interface/StripSubClusterShapeTrajectoryFilter.h 82
local variable /RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/src/ 81
class, struct, or union member SimpleDAFHitCollector /RecoTracker/SiTrackerMRHTools/interface/SimpleDAFHitCollector.h 89
class, struct, or union member Strip1DMeasurementTransformator /TrackingTools/KalmanUpdators/interface/Strip1DMeasurementTransformator.h 47

18 declarations in 18 files.

References to theTopology

File Line
/CalibCalorimetry/CaloTPG/interface/CaloTPGTranscoderULUT.h 75
/CalibCalorimetry/CaloTPG/src/ 20 34 64 209 212 216 219 223 228 232 235 240 247 253 255 260 270 273 275 280 304 315 316 320 323
/CalibCalorimetry/HcalPlugins/test/ 60 72 87 93 96 98 98 99 99 109 110 119 120
/CalibTracker/SiStripAPVAnalysis/src/ 95 96
/FastSimulation/CalorimeterProperties/src/ 127 128 129
/Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/PixelGeomDetType.h 16 18 21 23 29
/Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/PixelGeomDetUnit.h 44 52
/Geometry/CommonTopologies/src/ 7 11 13 15 17 20
/Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/CastorGeometry.h 69
/Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/CastorHardcodeGeometryLoader.h 15 25
/Geometry/ForwardGeometry/interface/ZdcGeometry.h 67 73
/Geometry/ForwardGeometry/src/ 13 16 20
/Geometry/ForwardGeometry/src/ 13 13 18
/Geometry/ForwardGeometry/src/ 24 34 42 88
/Geometry/HcalTowerAlgo/interface/HcalTrigTowerGeometry.h 29 50
/Geometry/HcalTowerAlgo/src/ 9 10 53 55 57 65 67 114 115 123 124 132 132 133 137 155 168 192 206 214 222 242 255 256
/Geometry/MTDGeometryBuilder/interface/MTDGeomDetType.h 17 22 24 31
/Geometry/MTDGeometryBuilder/interface/MTDGeomDetUnit.h 44 52
/Geometry/MTDGeometryBuilder/src/ 7 11 13 15 17 20
/Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/StripGeomDetType.h 16 18 21 23 30
/Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/StripGeomDetUnit.h 44 52
/Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/src/ 4 5 6
/Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/src/ 7 11 13 15 17 20
/RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/plugins/ 70 77 126
/RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/plugins/TkGluedMeasurementDet.h 59
/RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/interface/StripSubClusterShapeTrajectoryFilter.h 82
/RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/src/ 81 117 117 145 150 154 155 158 159
/RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/src/ 242 351
/RecoTracker/SiTrackerMRHTools/interface/SimpleDAFHitCollector.h 26 89
/RecoTracker/SiTrackerMRHTools/src/ 173 176 179 182 185 188
/TrackingTools/KalmanUpdators/interface/Strip1DMeasurementTransformator.h 42 47
/TrackingTools/KalmanUpdators/src/ 8 13

154 references in 32 files.