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0001 #include "TrackingTools/KalmanUpdators/interface/Strip1DMeasurementTransformator.h"
0002 #include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GeomDet.h"
0003 #include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GeomDetType.h"
0004 // #include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/StripGeomDetType.h"
0005 #include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/RadialStripTopology.h"
0007 Strip1DMeasurementTransformator::Strip1DMeasurementTransformator(const TSOS& tsos, const TrackingRecHit& hit)
0008     : theRecHit(hit), theState(tsos), theTopology(nullptr) {
0009   init();
0010 }
0012 void Strip1DMeasurementTransformator::init() {
0013   theTopology = dynamic_cast<const StripTopology*>(&(hit().detUnit()->topology()));
0014   theIdealTopology = dynamic_cast<const StripTopology*>(&(hit().detUnit()->type().topology()));
0015 }
0017 double Strip1DMeasurementTransformator::hitParameters() const {
0018   return topology()->measurementPosition(hit().localPosition()).x();
0019 }
0021 AlgebraicVector5 Strip1DMeasurementTransformator::trajectoryParameters() const {
0022   return state().localParameters().vector();
0023 }
0025 double Strip1DMeasurementTransformator::projectedTrajectoryParameters() const {
0026   return topology()->measurementPosition(state().localPosition()).x();
0027 }
0029 double Strip1DMeasurementTransformator::hitError() const {
0030   return topology()->measurementError(hit().localPosition(), hit().localPositionError()).uu();
0031 }
0033 const AlgebraicSymMatrix55& Strip1DMeasurementTransformator::trajectoryError() const {
0034   return state().localError().matrix();
0035 }
0037 double Strip1DMeasurementTransformator::projectedTrajectoryError() const {
0038   return topology()->measurementError(state().localPosition(), state().localError().positionError()).uu();
0039 }
0041 AlgebraicMatrix15 Strip1DMeasurementTransformator::projectionMatrix() const {
0042   //  H(measurement <- local)
0043   //  m_meas = H*x_local + c
0044   AlgebraicMatrix15 H;
0045   if (const RadialStripTopology* tmp = dynamic_cast<const RadialStripTopology*>(idealTopology())) {
0046     double yHitToInter = tmp->yDistanceToIntersection(hit().localPosition().y());
0047     double t = tmp->yAxisOrientation() * hit().localPosition().x() / yHitToInter;
0048     double c2 = 1. / (1. + t * t);  // cos(angle)**2
0049     //double cs = t*c2;           // sin(angle)*cos(angle); tan carries sign of sin!
0050     double s2 = 1. - c2;  // sin(angle)**2
0051     double A = tmp->angularWidth();
0052     // D is distance from intersection of edges to hit on strip
0053     double D2 = hit().localPosition().x() * hit().localPosition().x() + yHitToInter * yHitToInter;
0054     double D = std::sqrt(D2);
0056     double cp = std::sqrt(c2);
0057     double sp;
0058     if (t > 0) {
0059       sp = std::sqrt(s2);
0060     } else {
0061       sp = -std::sqrt(s2);
0062     }
0063     H(0, 3) = cp / (D * A);
0064     H(0, 4) = -sp / (D * A);
0065   } else {
0066     double phi = topology()->stripAngle(topology()->strip(state().localPosition()));
0067     double pitch = topology()->localPitch(state().localPosition());
0068     H(0, 3) = cos(phi) / pitch;
0069     H(0, 4) = sin(phi) / pitch;
0070   }
0071   return H;
0072 }