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0001 #include "CalibTracker/SiStripAPVAnalysis/interface/ApvAnalysisFactory.h"
0002 //#include "DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/SiStripConstants.h"
0004 #include "CalibTracker/SiStripAPVAnalysis/interface/TT6NTPedestalCalculator.h"
0006 using namespace std;
0007 ApvAnalysisFactory::ApvAnalysisFactory(string theAlgorithmType,
0008                                        int theNumCMstripsInGroup,
0009                                        int theMaskCalcFlag,
0010                                        float theMaskNoiseCut,
0011                                        float theMaskDeadCut,
0012                                        float theMaskTruncCut,
0013                                        float theCutToAvoidSignal,
0014                                        int theEventInitNumber,
0015                                        int theEventIterNumber) {
0016   theAlgorithmType_ = theAlgorithmType;
0017   theNumCMstripsInGroup_ = theNumCMstripsInGroup;
0018   theMaskCalcFlag_ = theMaskCalcFlag;
0019   theMaskNoiseCut_ = theMaskNoiseCut;
0020   theMaskDeadCut_ = theMaskDeadCut;
0021   theMaskTruncCut_ = theMaskTruncCut;
0022   theCutToAvoidSignal_ = theCutToAvoidSignal;
0023   theEventInitNumber_ = theEventInitNumber;
0024   theEventIterNumber_ = theEventIterNumber;
0025 }
0027 ApvAnalysisFactory::ApvAnalysisFactory(const edm::ParameterSet& pset) {
0028   theCMType_ = pset.getParameter<string>("CMType");
0029   useDB_ = pset.getParameter<bool>("useDB");
0031   theAlgorithmType_ = pset.getParameter<string>("CalculatorAlgorithm");
0032   theNumCMstripsInGroup_ = pset.getParameter<int>("NumCMstripsInGroup");
0033   theMaskCalcFlag_ = pset.getParameter<int>("MaskCalculationFlag");
0035   theMaskNoiseCut_ = pset.getParameter<double>("MaskNoiseCut");
0036   theMaskDeadCut_ = pset.getParameter<double>("MaskDeadCut");
0037   theMaskTruncCut_ = pset.getParameter<double>("MaskTruncationCut");
0038   theCutToAvoidSignal_ = pset.getParameter<double>("CutToAvoidSignal");
0040   theEventInitNumber_ = pset.getParameter<int>("NumberOfEventsForInit");
0041   theEventIterNumber_ = pset.getParameter<int>("NumberOfEventsForIteration");
0042   apvMap_.clear();
0043 }
0044 //----------------------------------
0045 ApvAnalysisFactory::~ApvAnalysisFactory() {
0046   ApvAnalysisFactory::ApvAnalysisMap::iterator it = apvMap_.begin();
0047   for (; it != apvMap_.end(); it++) {
0048     vector<ApvAnalysis*>::iterator myApv = (*it).second.begin();
0049     for (; myApv != (*it).second.end(); myApv++)
0050       deleteApv(*myApv);
0051   }
0052   apvMap_.clear();
0053 }
0055 //----------------------------------
0057 bool ApvAnalysisFactory::instantiateApvs(uint32_t detId, int numberOfApvs) {
0058   ApvAnalysisFactory::ApvAnalysisMap::iterator CPos = apvMap_.find(detId);
0059   if (CPos != apvMap_.end()) {
0060     cout << " APVs for Detector Id " << detId << " already created !!!" << endl;
0061     ;
0062     return false;
0063   }
0064   vector<ApvAnalysis*> temp;
0065   for (int i = 0; i < numberOfApvs; i++) {
0066     ApvAnalysis* apvTmp = new ApvAnalysis(theEventIterNumber_);
0067     //      constructAuxiliaryApvClasses(apvTmp);
0068     constructAuxiliaryApvClasses(apvTmp, detId, i);
0069     temp.push_back(apvTmp);
0070   }
0071   apvMap_.insert(pair<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >(detId, temp));
0072   return true;
0073 }
0075 std::vector<ApvAnalysis*> ApvAnalysisFactory::getApvAnalysis(const uint32_t nDET_ID) {
0076   ApvAnalysisMap::const_iterator _apvAnalysisIter = apvMap_.find(nDET_ID);
0078   return apvMap_.end() != _apvAnalysisIter ? _apvAnalysisIter->second : std::vector<ApvAnalysis*>();
0079 }
0081 void ApvAnalysisFactory::constructAuxiliaryApvClasses(ApvAnalysis* theAPV, uint32_t detId, int thisApv) {
0082   //----------------------------------------------------------------
0083   // Create the ped/noise/CMN calculators, zero suppressors etc.
0084   // (Is called by addDetUnitAndConstructApvs()).
0085   //
0086   // N.B. Don't call this twice for the same APV!
0087   //-----------------------------------------------------------------
0088   // cout<<"VirtualApvAnalysisFactory::constructAuxiliaryApvClasses"<<endl;
0089   TkPedestalCalculator* thePedestal = nullptr;
0090   TkNoiseCalculator* theNoise = nullptr;
0091   TkApvMask* theMask = nullptr;
0092   TkCommonModeCalculator* theCM = nullptr;
0094   TkCommonMode* theCommonMode = new TkCommonMode();
0095   TkCommonModeTopology* theTopology = new TkCommonModeTopology(128, theNumCMstripsInGroup_);
0096   theCommonMode->setTopology(theTopology);
0098   // Create desired algorithms.
0099   if (theAlgorithmType_ == "TT6") {
0100     theMask = new TT6ApvMask(theMaskCalcFlag_, theMaskNoiseCut_, theMaskDeadCut_, theMaskTruncCut_);
0101     theNoise = new TT6NoiseCalculator(theEventInitNumber_, theEventIterNumber_, theCutToAvoidSignal_);
0102     thePedestal = new TT6PedestalCalculator(theEventInitNumber_, theEventIterNumber_, theCutToAvoidSignal_);
0103     theCM = new TT6CommonModeCalculator(theNoise, theMask, theCutToAvoidSignal_);
0104   } else if ("TT6NT" == theAlgorithmType_) {
0105     theMask = new TT6ApvMask(theMaskCalcFlag_, theMaskNoiseCut_, theMaskDeadCut_, theMaskTruncCut_);
0106     theNoise = new TT6NoiseCalculator(theEventInitNumber_, theEventIterNumber_, theCutToAvoidSignal_);
0107     thePedestal = new TT6NTPedestalCalculator;
0108     theCM = new TT6CommonModeCalculator(theNoise, theMask, theCutToAvoidSignal_);
0109   } else if (theAlgorithmType_ == "MIX") {
0110     // the mask as to be defined also for SimplePedCalculator
0111     theMask = new TT6ApvMask(theMaskCalcFlag_, theMaskNoiseCut_, theMaskDeadCut_, theMaskTruncCut_);
0113     thePedestal = new SimplePedestalCalculator(theEventInitNumber_);
0115     theNoise = new SimpleNoiseCalculator(theEventInitNumber_, useDB_);
0117     if (theCMType_ == "Median") {
0118       theCM = new MedianCommonModeCalculator();
0119     } else {
0120       cout << "Sorry Only Median is available for now, Mean and FastLinear are coming soon" << endl;
0121     }
0122   }
0124   if (theCommonMode)
0125     theCM->setCM(theCommonMode);
0126   if (thePedestal)
0127     theAPV->setPedestalCalculator(*thePedestal);
0128   if (theNoise)
0129     theAPV->setNoiseCalculator(*theNoise);
0130   if (theMask)
0131     theAPV->setMask(*theMask);
0132   if (theCM)
0133     theAPV->setCommonModeCalculator(*theCM);
0134 }
0136 void ApvAnalysisFactory::updatePair(uint32_t detId, size_t pairNumber, const edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi>& in) {
0137   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator apvAnalysisIt = apvMap_.find(detId);
0138   if (apvAnalysisIt != apvMap_.end()) {
0139     size_t iter = 0;
0141     for (vector<ApvAnalysis*>::const_iterator apvIt = (apvAnalysisIt->second).begin();
0142          apvIt != (apvAnalysisIt->second).end();
0143          apvIt++) {
0144       if (iter == pairNumber * 2 || iter == (2 * pairNumber + 1)) {
0145         //      cout << "ApvAnalysisFactory::updatePair pair number " << pairNumber << endl;
0146         //      cout << "ApvAnlysis will be updated for the apv # " << iter << endl;
0148         edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi> tmpRawDigi;
0151         size_t startStrip = 128 * (iter % 2);
0152         size_t stopStrip = startStrip + 128;
0154         for (size_t istrip = startStrip; istrip < stopStrip; istrip++) {
0155           if ( <= istrip)
0156   ;
0157           else
0158   [istrip]);  //maybe dangerous
0159         }
0161         (*apvIt)->newEvent();
0162         (*apvIt)->updateCalibration(tmpRawDigi);
0163       }
0165       iter++;
0166     }
0167   }
0169 }  // void
0171 void ApvAnalysisFactory::update(uint32_t detId, const edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi>& in) {
0172   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator apvAnalysisIt = apvMap_.find(detId);
0173   if (apvAnalysisIt != apvMap_.end()) {
0174     size_t i = 0;
0175     for (vector<ApvAnalysis*>::const_iterator apvIt = (apvAnalysisIt->second).begin();
0176          apvIt != (apvAnalysisIt->second).end();
0177          apvIt++) {
0178       edm::DetSet<SiStripRawDigi> tmpRawDigi;
0179       //it is missing the detId ...
0181       size_t startStrip = 128 * i;
0182       size_t stopStrip = startStrip + 128;
0184       for (size_t istrip = startStrip; istrip < stopStrip; istrip++) {
0185         if ( <= istrip)
0186 ;
0187         else
0188 [istrip]);  //maybe dangerous
0189       }
0191       (*apvIt)->newEvent();
0192       (*apvIt)->updateCalibration(tmpRawDigi);
0193       i++;
0194     }
0195   }
0196 }
0198 void ApvAnalysisFactory::getPedestal(uint32_t detId, int apvNumber, ApvAnalysis::PedestalType& peds) {
0199   //Get the pedestal for a given apv
0200   peds.clear();
0201   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator apvAnalysisIt = apvMap_.find(detId);
0202   if (apvAnalysisIt != apvMap_.end()) {
0203     vector<ApvAnalysis*> myApvs = apvAnalysisIt->second;
0204     peds = myApvs[apvNumber]->pedestalCalculator().pedestal();
0205   }
0206 }
0208 void ApvAnalysisFactory::getPedestal(uint32_t detId, ApvAnalysis::PedestalType& peds) {
0209   //Get the pedestal for a given apv
0210   peds.clear();
0211   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator apvAnalysisIt = apvMap_.find(detId);
0212   if (apvAnalysisIt != apvMap_.end()) {
0213     vector<ApvAnalysis*> theApvs = apvAnalysisIt->second;
0214     for (vector<ApvAnalysis*>::const_iterator it = theApvs.begin(); it != theApvs.end(); it++) {
0215       ApvAnalysis::PedestalType tmp = (*it)->pedestalCalculator().pedestal();
0216       for (ApvAnalysis::PedestalType::const_iterator pit = tmp.begin(); pit != tmp.end(); pit++)
0217         peds.push_back(*pit);
0218     }
0219   }
0220 }
0221 float ApvAnalysisFactory::getStripPedestal(uint32_t detId, int stripNumber) {
0222   //Get the pedestal for a given apv
0223   ApvAnalysis::PedestalType temp;
0224   int apvNumb = int(stripNumber / 128.);
0225   int stripN = (stripNumber - apvNumb * 128);
0227   getPedestal(detId, apvNumb, temp);
0228   return temp[stripN];
0229 }
0230 void ApvAnalysisFactory::getNoise(uint32_t detId, int apvNumber, ApvAnalysis::PedestalType& noise) {
0231   //Get the pedestal for a given apv
0232   noise.clear();
0233   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator apvAnalysisIt = apvMap_.find(detId);
0234   if (apvAnalysisIt != apvMap_.end()) {
0235     vector<ApvAnalysis*> theApvs = apvAnalysisIt->second;
0237     noise = theApvs[apvNumber]->noiseCalculator().noise();
0238   }
0239 }
0241 float ApvAnalysisFactory::getStripNoise(uint32_t detId, int stripNumber) {
0242   //Get the pedestal for a given apv
0243   ApvAnalysis::PedestalType temp;
0244   int apvNumb = int(stripNumber / 128.);
0245   int stripN = (stripNumber - apvNumb * 128);
0247   getNoise(detId, apvNumb, temp);
0248   return temp[stripN];
0249 }
0251 void ApvAnalysisFactory::getNoise(uint32_t detId, ApvAnalysis::PedestalType& peds) {
0252   //Get the pedestal for a given apv
0253   peds.clear();
0254   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator theApvs_map = apvMap_.find(detId);
0255   if (theApvs_map != apvMap_.end()) {
0256     vector<ApvAnalysis*>::const_iterator theApvs = (theApvs_map->second).begin();
0257     for (; theApvs != (theApvs_map->second).end(); theApvs++) {
0258       ApvAnalysis::PedestalType tmp = (*theApvs)->noiseCalculator().noise();
0259       for (ApvAnalysis::PedestalType::const_iterator pit = tmp.begin(); pit != tmp.end(); pit++)
0260         peds.push_back(*pit);
0261     }
0262   }
0263 }
0265 void ApvAnalysisFactory::getRawNoise(uint32_t detId, int apvNumber, ApvAnalysis::PedestalType& noise) {
0266   //Get the pedestal for a given apv
0267   noise.clear();
0268   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator apvAnalysisIt = apvMap_.find(detId);
0269   if (apvAnalysisIt != apvMap_.end()) {
0270     vector<ApvAnalysis*> theApvs = apvAnalysisIt->second;
0272     noise = theApvs[apvNumber]->pedestalCalculator().rawNoise();
0273   }
0274 }
0276 float ApvAnalysisFactory::getStripRawNoise(uint32_t detId, int stripNumber) {
0277   //Get the pedestal for a given apv
0278   ApvAnalysis::PedestalType temp;
0279   int apvNumb = int(stripNumber / 128.);
0280   int stripN = (stripNumber - apvNumb * 128);
0282   getRawNoise(detId, apvNumb, temp);
0283   return temp[stripN];
0284 }
0286 void ApvAnalysisFactory::getRawNoise(uint32_t detId, ApvAnalysis::PedestalType& peds) {
0287   //Get the pedestal for a given apv
0288   peds.clear();
0289   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator theApvs_map = apvMap_.find(detId);
0290   if (theApvs_map != apvMap_.end()) {
0291     vector<ApvAnalysis*>::const_iterator theApvs = (theApvs_map->second).begin();
0292     for (; theApvs != (theApvs_map->second).end(); theApvs++) {
0293       ApvAnalysis::PedestalType tmp = (*theApvs)->pedestalCalculator().rawNoise();
0294       for (ApvAnalysis::PedestalType::const_iterator pit = tmp.begin(); pit != tmp.end(); pit++)
0295         peds.push_back(*pit);
0296     }
0297   }
0298 }
0300 vector<float> ApvAnalysisFactory::getCommonMode(uint32_t detId, int apvNumber) {
0301   vector<float> tmp;
0302   tmp.clear();
0303   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator theApvs_map = apvMap_.find(detId);
0304   if (theApvs_map != apvMap_.end()) {
0305     vector<ApvAnalysis*> theApvs = theApvs_map->second;
0307     tmp = theApvs[apvNumber]->commonModeCalculator().commonMode()->returnAsVector();
0308   }
0309   return tmp;
0310 }
0311 void ApvAnalysisFactory::getCommonMode(uint32_t detId, ApvAnalysis::PedestalType& tmp) {
0312   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator apvAnalysisIt = apvMap_.find(detId);
0313   if (apvAnalysisIt != apvMap_.end()) {
0314     vector<ApvAnalysis*> theApvs = apvAnalysisIt->second;
0315     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theApvs.size(); i++) {
0316       //To be fixed. We return only the first one in the vector.
0317       vector<float> tmp_cm = theApvs[i]->commonModeCalculator().commonMode()->returnAsVector();
0318       for (unsigned int it = 0; it < tmp_cm.size(); it++)
0319         tmp.push_back(tmp_cm[it]);
0320     }
0321   }
0322 }
0324 void ApvAnalysisFactory::getMask(uint32_t det_id, TkApvMask::MaskType& tmp) {
0325   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator apvAnalysisIt = apvMap_.find(det_id);
0326   if (apvAnalysisIt != apvMap_.end()) {
0327     vector<ApvAnalysis*> theApvs = apvAnalysisIt->second;
0328     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theApvs.size(); i++) {
0329       TkApvMask::MaskType theMaskType = (theApvs[i]->mask()).mask();
0330       //cout <<"theMaskType size "<<theMaskType.size()<<endl;
0332       for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < theMaskType.size(); ii++) {
0333         tmp.push_back(theMaskType[ii]);
0334         //cout <<"The Value "<<theMaskType[ii]<<" "<<ii<<endl;
0335       }
0336     }
0337   }
0338 }
0339 bool ApvAnalysisFactory::isUpdating(uint32_t detId) {
0340   bool updating = true;
0341   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator apvAnalysisIt = apvMap_.find(detId);
0342   if (apvAnalysisIt != apvMap_.end()) {
0343     for (vector<ApvAnalysis*>::const_iterator apvIt = (apvAnalysisIt->second).begin();
0344          apvIt != (apvAnalysisIt->second).end();
0345          apvIt++) {
0346       if (!((*apvIt)->pedestalCalculator().status()->isUpdating()))
0347         updating = false;
0348     }
0349   }
0350   return updating;
0351 }
0353 void ApvAnalysisFactory::deleteApv(ApvAnalysis* apv) {
0354   delete &(apv->pedestalCalculator());
0355   delete &(apv->noiseCalculator());
0356   delete &(apv->mask());
0357   delete &(apv->commonModeCalculator().commonMode()->topology());
0358   delete (apv->commonModeCalculator().commonMode());
0359   delete &(apv->commonModeCalculator());
0360   delete apv;
0361 }
0362 //
0363 // -- Get Common Mode Slope
0364 //
0365 float ApvAnalysisFactory::getCommonModeSlope(uint32_t detId, int apvNumber) {
0366   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator theApvs_map = apvMap_.find(detId);
0367   float tmp = -100.0;
0368   if (theApvs_map != apvMap_.end()) {
0369     vector<ApvAnalysis*> theApvs = theApvs_map->second;
0370     tmp = theApvs[apvNumber]->commonModeCalculator().getCMSlope();
0371     return tmp;
0372   }
0373   return tmp;
0374 }
0375 void ApvAnalysisFactory::getCommonModeSlope(uint32_t detId, ApvAnalysis::PedestalType& tmp) {
0376   tmp.clear();
0377   map<uint32_t, vector<ApvAnalysis*> >::const_iterator apvAnalysisIt = apvMap_.find(detId);
0378   if (apvAnalysisIt != apvMap_.end()) {
0379     vector<ApvAnalysis*> theApvs = apvAnalysisIt->second;
0380     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theApvs.size(); i++) {
0381       tmp.push_back(theApvs[i]->commonModeCalculator().getCMSlope());
0382     }
0383   }
0384 }