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0001 // Original Author: Gero Flucke
0002 // last change    : $Date: 2013/03/07 11:22:10 $
0003 // by             : $Author: flucke $
0005 #include "PlotMillePede.h"
0006 #include <TH1.h>
0007 #include <TH2.h>
0008 #include <TProfile.h>
0009 #include <TArrow.h>
0010 #include <TEllipse.h>
0011 #include <TF1.h>
0012 #include <TMath.h>
0013 #include <TTree.h>
0014 #include <TPaveText.h>
0015 #include <TObjString.h>
0016 #include <TError.h>
0017 #include <TROOT.h>
0018 #include <TCanvas.h>
0020 #include <iostream>
0022 #include "GFUtils/GFHistManager.h"
0024 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0025 PlotMillePede::PlotMillePede(const char *fileName, Int_t iov, Int_t hieraLevel, bool useDiff)
0026     : MillePedeTrees(fileName, iov),
0027       fHistManager(new GFHistManager),
0028       fHieraLevel(hieraLevel),
0029       fUseDiff(useDiff),
0030       fSubDetIds(),
0031       fAlignableTypeId(-1),
0032       fMaxDevUp(500.),
0033       fMaxDevDown(-500.),
0034       fNbins(101) {
0035   fHistManager->SetLegendX1Y1X2Y2(0.14, 0.7, 0.45, 0.9);
0036 }
0037 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0038 PlotMillePede::PlotMillePede(const char *fileName, Int_t iov, Int_t hieraLevel, const char *treeNameAdd)
0039     : MillePedeTrees(fileName, iov, treeNameAdd),
0040       fHistManager(new GFHistManager),
0041       fHieraLevel(hieraLevel),
0042       fUseDiff(false),
0043       fSubDetIds(),
0044       fAlignableTypeId(-1),
0045       fMaxDevUp(500.),
0046       fMaxDevDown(-500.),
0047       fNbins(101) {
0048   fHistManager->SetLegendX1Y1X2Y2(0.14, 0.7, 0.45, 0.9);
0049 }
0051 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0052 PlotMillePede::~PlotMillePede() { delete fHistManager; }
0054 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0055 void PlotMillePede::DrawAll(Option_t *opt) {
0056   const TString o(opt);
0057   bool wasBatch = fHistManager->SetBatch();
0058   fHistManager->Clear();
0060   //   if (o.Contains("d", TString::kIgnoreCase)) this->DrawParamDiff(true);
0061   if (o.Contains("r", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0062     this->DrawParamResult("add");
0063   if (o.Contains("o", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0064     this->DrawOrigParam(true);
0065   if (o.Contains("g", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0066     this->DrawGlobCorr(true);
0067   if (o.Contains("p", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0068     this->DrawPull("add");
0069   if (o.Contains("m", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0070     this->DrawMisVsLocation(true);
0071   if (o.Contains("e", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0072     this->DrawErrorVsHit(true);
0073   if (o.Contains("h", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0074     this->DrawHitMaps(true);
0076   fHistManager->SetBatch(wasBatch);
0077   if (!wasBatch)
0078     fHistManager->Draw();
0079 }
0081 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0082 void PlotMillePede::DrawParam(bool addPlots, const TString &sel) {
0083   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
0085   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
0086   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
0087   for (UInt_t iPar = 0; iPar < kNpar; ++iPar) {  //
0088     TString parSel(sel.Length() ? sel : Fixed(iPar, false));
0089     this->AddBasicSelection(parSel);
0090     const TString toMum(this->ToMumMuRad(iPar));
0091     //     const TString hNameA(Form("after%d(100, -500, 500)", iPar)); //
0092     //     const TString hNameB(Form("before%d(100, -500, 500)", iPar)); //
0093     const TString hNameA(this->Unique(Form("after%d", iPar)));   //
0094     const TString hNameB(this->Unique(Form("before%d", iPar)));  //
0095     TH1 *hAfter = this->CreateHist(FinalMisAlignment(iPar) += toMum, parSel, hNameA);
0096     TH1 *hBefore = this->CreateHist(Parenth(MisParT() += Par(iPar)) += toMum, parSel, hNameB);
0098     if (0. == hAfter->GetEntries())
0099       continue;
0100     hBefore->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += titleAdd + ";" + DelNameU(iPar) += ";#parameters");
0101     hAfter->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += titleAdd + ";" + DelNameU(iPar) += ";#parameters");
0102     fHistManager->AddHist(hBefore, layer, "before");
0103     fHistManager->AddHistSame(hAfter, layer, nPlot, "after");
0104     fHistManager->AddHist(static_cast<TH1 *>(hAfter->Clone()), layer + 1, "after");
0105     fHistManager->AddHistSame(static_cast<TH1 *>(hBefore->Clone()), layer + 1, nPlot, "before");
0106     ++nPlot;
0107   }
0109   fHistManager->Draw();
0110 }
0112 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0113 void PlotMillePede::DrawPedeParam(Option_t *option, unsigned int nNonRigidParam) {
0114   const bool addParVsPar = TString(option).Contains("vs", TString::kIgnoreCase);
0115   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(TString(option).Contains("add", TString::kIgnoreCase));
0116   const unsigned int nPar = kNpar + nNonRigidParam;
0117   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
0118   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
0119   TObjArray primitivesParVsPar;
0120   for (UInt_t iPar = 0; iPar < nPar; ++iPar) {  //
0121     TString parSel(Fixed(iPar, false) += AndL() += Valid(iPar));
0122     this->AddBasicSelection(parSel);
0123     const TString toMum(this->ToMumMuRadPede(iPar));
0124     const TString hName(this->Unique(Form("pedePar%d", iPar)));  //
0125     TH1 *h = this->CreateHist(Parenth(MpT() += Par(iPar)) += toMum, parSel, hName);
0127     if (0. == h->GetEntries())
0128       continue;
0130     TObjArray histsParVsPar;
0131     if (addParVsPar) {  // parameters vs each other
0132       for (UInt_t iPar2 = iPar + 1; iPar2 < nPar; ++iPar2) {
0133         const TString hNameVs(this->Unique(Form("pedePar%d_%d", iPar, iPar2)));  //
0134         const TString toMum2(this->ToMumMuRadPede(iPar2));
0135         TH2 *hVs = this->CreateHist2D(Parenth(MpT() += Par(iPar)) += toMum,
0136                                       Parenth(MpT() += Par(iPar2)) += toMum2,  // Valid(iPar2??)
0137                                       Parenth(parSel) += AndL() += Fixed(iPar2, false),
0138                                       hNameVs,
0139                                       "BOX");
0140         if (0. == hVs->GetEntries())
0141           continue;  // delete hVs;
0142         else {
0143           hVs->SetTitle("pede: " + NamePede(iPar2) += " vs. " + NamePede(iPar) += titleAdd + ";" + NamePede(iPar) +=
0144                         UnitPede(iPar) += ";" + NamePede(iPar2) += UnitPede(iPar2));
0145           histsParVsPar.Add(hVs);
0146           // add info about correlation factor
0147           TPaveText *pave = new TPaveText(.15, .15, .5, .25, "NDC");
0148           pave->SetBorderSize(1);
0149           pave->AddText(Form("#rho = %.3f", hVs->GetCorrelationFactor()));
0150           primitivesParVsPar.Add(pave);
0151         }
0152       }
0153     }
0155     // parameters and errors
0156     const TString hNameBySi(this->Unique(Form("pedeParBySi%d", iPar)));  //
0157     TH1 *hBySi = this->CreateHist(
0158         Parenth(MpT() += Par(iPar)) += Div() += ParSi(iPar), parSel + AndL() += ParSiOk(iPar), hNameBySi);
0159     TH1 *hBySiInv = 0;
0160     TH2 *hSiVsPar = 0;
0161     if (hBySi->GetEntries() == 0.) {
0162       delete hBySi;
0163       hBySi = 0;
0164     } else {
0165       const TString hNameBySiInv(this->Unique(Form("pedeParBySiInv%d", iPar)) += "(100,-20,20)");  //
0166       hBySiInv = this->CreateHist(
0167           ParSi(iPar) += Div() += Parenth(MpT() += Par(iPar)), parSel + AndL() += ParSiOk(iPar), hNameBySiInv);
0168       const TString hNameSiVsPar(this->Unique(Form("pedeParVsSi%d", iPar)));  //
0169       hSiVsPar = this->CreateHist2D(Parenth(MpT() += Par(iPar)) += toMum,
0170                                     ParSi(iPar) += toMum,
0171                                     parSel + AndL() += ParSiOk(iPar),
0172                                     hNameSiVsPar,
0173                                     "BOX");
0174     }
0176     // parameters vs hits
0177     const TString hNameH(this->Unique(Form("pedeParVsHits%d", iPar)));  //
0178     TH2 *hHits = this->CreateHist2D(HitsX(), Parenth(MpT() += Par(iPar)) += toMum, parSel, hNameH, "BOX");
0180     // parameters vs global correlation
0181     const TString hNameG(this->Unique(Form("pedeParVsGlob%d", iPar)));  //
0182     TH2 *hGlobCor = this->CreateHist2D(
0183         Cor(iPar), Parenth(MpT() += Par(iPar)) += toMum, parSel + AndL() += Cor(iPar) += ">-0.1999", hNameG, "BOX");
0184     if (!hGlobCor->GetEntries()) {
0185       delete hGlobCor;
0186       hGlobCor = 0;
0187     }
0189     h->SetTitle("determined pede " + NamePede(iPar) += titleAdd + ";" + NamePede(iPar) += UnitPede(iPar) +=
0190                 ";#alignables");
0191     hHits->SetTitle("determined pede " + NamePede(iPar) += titleAdd + " vs #n(hit_{x});N_{hit,x};" + NamePede(iPar) +=
0192                     UnitPede(iPar));
0193     if (hGlobCor)
0194       hGlobCor->SetTitle("determined pede " + NamePede(iPar) +=
0195                          titleAdd + " vs glob. corr;Global Correlation;" + NamePede(iPar) += UnitPede(iPar));
0196     fHistManager->AddHist(h, layer);
0197     fHistManager->AddHist(hHits, layer + 1);
0198     if (addParVsPar)
0199       fHistManager->AddHists(&histsParVsPar, layer + 2);
0200     if (hGlobCor)
0201       fHistManager->AddHist(hGlobCor, layer + (addParVsPar ? 3 : 2));
0203     if (hBySi) {
0204       const TString namI(NamePede(iPar));
0205       hBySi->SetTitle("pede: " + namI + "/#sigma_{" + namI + "}" + titleAdd + ";" + namI + Div() +=
0206                       Fun("#sigma", namI) += ";#alignables");
0207       fHistManager->AddHist(hBySi, layer + 2 + (hGlobCor ? 1 : 0) + addParVsPar);
0208       hBySiInv->SetTitle("pede: #sigma_{" + namI + "}/" + namI + titleAdd + ";" + Fun("#sigma", namI) += Div() +=
0209                          namI + ";#alignables");
0210       fHistManager->AddHist(hBySiInv, layer + 3 + (hGlobCor ? 1 : 0) + addParVsPar);
0211       hSiVsPar->SetTitle("pede: #sigma_{" + namI + " } vs " + namI + titleAdd + ";" + namI + UnitPede(iPar) + ";" +
0212                              Fun("#sigma", namI) += UnitPede(iPar));
0213       fHistManager->AddHist(hSiVsPar, layer + 4 + (hGlobCor ? 1 : 0) + addParVsPar);
0214     }
0215     ++nPlot;
0216   }
0218   if (addParVsPar) {
0219     for (Int_t i = 0; i < primitivesParVsPar.GetEntries(); ++i) {
0220       fHistManager->AddObject(primitivesParVsPar[i], layer + 2, i);
0221     }
0222   }
0224   fHistManager->Draw();
0225 }
0227 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0228 void PlotMillePede::DrawPedeParamVsLocation(Option_t *option, unsigned int nNonRigidParam) {
0229   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(TString(option).Contains("add", TString::kIgnoreCase));
0230   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
0232   const unsigned int nPar = kNpar + nNonRigidParam;
0233   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
0234   for (UInt_t iPar = 0; iPar < nPar; ++iPar) {  //
0235     TString parSel(Fixed(iPar, false) += AndL() += Valid(iPar));
0236     this->AddBasicSelection(parSel);
0237     const TString toMum(this->ToMumMuRadPede(iPar));
0238     const TString pedePar(Parenth(MpT() += Par(iPar)) += toMum);
0240     const TString nDpz(this->Unique(Form("pedeParZ%d", iPar)));
0241     TH2 *hPedeParZ = this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), pedePar, parSel, nDpz, "BOX");
0243     if (0. == hPedeParZ->GetEntries())
0244       continue;
0246     const TString nDpr(this->Unique(Form("pedeParR%d", iPar)));
0247     TH2 *hPedeParR = this->CreateHist2D(RPos(OrgPosT()), pedePar, parSel, nDpr, "BOX");
0249     const TString nDpp(this->Unique(Form("pedeParPhi%d", iPar)));
0250     TH2 *hPedeParPhi = this->CreateHist2D(Phi(OrgPosT()), pedePar, parSel, nDpp, "BOX");
0252     //     const TString nDpx(this->Unique(Form("pedeParX%d", iPar)));
0253     //     TH2 *hPedeParX = this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += XPos(), pedePar,
0254     //                  parSel, nDpx, "BOX");
0256     const TString nDpy(this->Unique(Form("pedeParY%d", iPar)));
0257     TH2 *hPedeParY = this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += YPos(), pedePar, parSel, nDpy, "BOX");
0258     // theta?
0259     const TString title("determined pede " + NamePede(iPar) += " vs. %s" + titleAdd + ";%s;" + NamePede(iPar) +=
0260                         UnitPede(iPar));
0261     hPedeParZ->SetTitle(Form(title.Data(), "z", "z [cm]"));
0262     hPedeParR->SetTitle(Form(title.Data(), "r", "r [cm]"));
0263     hPedeParPhi->SetTitle(Form(title.Data(), "#phi", "#phi"));
0264     //     hPedeParX->SetTitle(Form(title.Data(), "x", "x [cm]"));
0265     hPedeParY->SetTitle(Form(title.Data(), "y", "y [cm]"));
0267     fHistManager->AddHist(hPedeParR, layer + nPlot);
0268     fHistManager->AddHist(hPedeParZ, layer + nPlot);
0269     fHistManager->AddHist(hPedeParPhi, layer + nPlot);
0270     //     fHistManager->AddHist(hPedeParX, layer+nPlot);
0271     fHistManager->AddHist(hPedeParY, layer + nPlot);
0272     //     fHistManager->SetNumHistsXY(3, 2, layer+nPlot);
0274     ++nPlot;
0275   }
0277   fHistManager->Draw();
0278 }
0280 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0281 // void PlotMillePede::DrawTwoSurfaceDeltas(Option_t *option)
0282 // {
0283 //   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(TString(option).Contains("add", TString::kIgnoreCase));
0284 //   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
0285 //
0286 //   // TEC 7
0287 //   const double ySplit = .6;//;//really: 0.6;
0288 //   const double vLenH  = 20.4715/2.;
0289 //   const double uLenH  = 8.7961/2.;
0290 //   const double vLenH1 = (vLenH + ySplit)/2.;
0291 //   const double vLenH2 = (vLenH - ySplit)/2.;
0292 //   // derived constants
0293 //   const double yMean1 = -vLenH + vLenH1;// y of alpha1 rotation axis in module frame
0294 //   const double yMean2 =  vLenH - vLenH2;// y of alpha2 rotation axis in module frame
0295 //   const double gammaScale1 = vLenH1 + uLenH;
0296 //   const double gammaScale2 = vLenH2 + uLenH;
0297 //   // pede parameters
0298 //   const TString pedeU1(MpT() += Par(0));
0299 //   const TString pedeU2(MpT() += Par(9));
0300 //   const TString pedeW1(MpT() += Par(2));
0301 //   const TString pedeW2(MpT() += Par(11));
0302 //   const TString pedeUslope1(MpT() += Par(3));
0303 //   const TString pedeUslope2(MpT() += Par(12));
0304 //   const TString pedeVslope1(MpT() += Par(4));
0305 //   const TString pedeVslope2(MpT() += Par(13));
0306 //   const TString pedeRotZ1(MpT() += Par(5));
0307 //   const TString pedeRotZ2(MpT() += Par(14));
0308 //   // derived sensor/module orientations
0309 //   const TString alpha1(pedeVslope1 + Div() += Flt(vLenH1));
0310 //   const TString alpha2(pedeVslope2 + Div() += Flt(vLenH2));
0311 //   const TString gamma1(pedeRotZ1 + Div() += Flt(gammaScale1));
0312 //   const TString gamma2(pedeRotZ2 + Div() += Flt(gammaScale2));
0313 //   const TString moduleGamma(Parenth(gamma1 + Plu() += gamma2) += Div() += Flt(2.));
0314 //
0315 //   //Delta u = (u1 + gamma*yMean1 - (u2 - gamma*yMean2))/2;
0316 //   const TString deltaU(Parenth(Parenth(pedeU1 + Plu() += moduleGamma + Mal() += Flt(yMean1))
0317 //                 += Min() +=
0318 //                 Parenth(pedeU2 + Plu() += moduleGamma + Mal() += Flt(yMean2)))
0319 //             += Div() += Flt(2.));
0320 //
0321 //   TString parSelDu(Valid(0) += AndL() += Valid(5) += AndL() += Valid(9) += AndL() += Valid(14)
0322 //         += AndL() += Fixed(0, false) += AndL() += Fixed(5, false)
0323 //         += AndL() += Fixed(5, false) += AndL() += Fixed(14, false));
0324 //   this->AddBasicSelection(parSelDu);
0325 //   TH1 *hTmp = this->CreateHist(deltaU + this->ToMumMuRad(0), parSelDu, "utemp");
0326 //   const TString hNameU(this->Unique("h2BowDeltaU")
0327 //             += Form("(101,%f,%f)", hTmp->GetMean()-fMaxDev, hTmp->GetMean()+fMaxDev));
0328 //   delete hTmp;
0329 //   TH1 *hDeltaU = this->CreateHist(deltaU + this->ToMumMuRad(0), parSelDu, hNameU);
0330 //   hDeltaU->SetTitle("TwoBowed #deltau" + titleAdd + ";#deltau [#mum]");
0331 //   fHistManager->AddHist(hDeltaU, layer);
0332 //
0333 //   //Delta w = (w1 - alpha*yMean1 - (w2 - alpha*yMean1))/2
0334 //   const TString deltaW(Parenth(Parenth(pedeW1 + Min() += alpha1 + Mal() += Flt(yMean1))
0335 //                 += Min() +=
0336 //                 Parenth(pedeW2 + Min() += alpha2 + Mal() += Flt(yMean2)))
0337 //             += Div() += Flt(2.));
0338 //   TString parSelDw(Valid(2) += AndL() += Valid(4) += AndL() += Valid(11) += AndL() += Valid(13)
0339 //         += AndL() += Fixed( 2, false) += AndL() += Fixed( 4, false)
0340 //         += AndL() += Fixed(11, false) += AndL() += Fixed(13, false));
0341 //   this->AddBasicSelection(parSelDw);
0342 //   hTmp = this->CreateHist(deltaW + this->ToMumMuRad(0), parSelDw, "wtemp");
0343 //   const TString hNameW(this->Unique("h2BowDeltaW")
0344 //             += Form("(101,%f,%f)", hTmp->GetMean()-fMaxDev, hTmp->GetMean()+fMaxDev));
0345 //   delete hTmp;
0346 //   TH1 *hDeltaW = this->CreateHist(deltaW + this->ToMumMuRad(0), parSelDw, hNameW);
0347 //   hDeltaW->SetTitle("TwoBowed #deltaw" + titleAdd + ";#deltaw [#mum]");
0348 //   fHistManager->AddHist(hDeltaW, layer);
0349 //
0350 //   //Delta alpha = (alpha1 - alpha2)/2
0351 //   const TString deltaA(Parenth(alpha1 + Min() += alpha2) += Div() += Flt(2.));
0352 //   TString parSelDa(Valid(4) += AndL() += Valid(13) += AndL() +=
0353 //         Fixed(4, false) += AndL() += Fixed(13, false));
0354 //   this->AddBasicSelection(parSelDa);
0355 //   hTmp = this->CreateHist(deltaA + this->ToMumMuRad(3), parSelDa, "atemp");
0356 //   const TString hNameA(this->Unique("h2BowDeltaA")
0357 //             += Form("(101,%f,%f)", hTmp->GetMean()-fMaxDev, hTmp->GetMean()+fMaxDev));
0358 //   delete hTmp;
0359 //   TH1 *hDeltaA = this->CreateHist(deltaA + this->ToMumMuRad(3), parSelDa, hNameA);
0360 //   hDeltaA->SetTitle("TwoBowed #delta#alpha" + titleAdd + ";#delta#alpha [#murad]");
0361 //   fHistManager->AddHist(hDeltaA, layer);
0362 //
0363 //   //Delta beta = (beta1 - beta2)/2
0364 //   const TString deltaB(Parenth(pedeUslope1 + Min() += pedeUslope2) + Div() += Flt(-2.*uLenH));
0365 //   TString parSelDb(Valid(3) += AndL() += Valid(12) += AndL() +=
0366 //         Fixed(3, false) += AndL() += Fixed(12, false));
0367 //   this->AddBasicSelection(parSelDb);
0368 //   hTmp = this->CreateHist(deltaB + this->ToMumMuRad(3), parSelDb, "btemp");
0369 //   const TString hNameB(this->Unique("h2BowDeltaB")
0370 //             += Form("(101,%f,%f)", hTmp->GetMean()-fMaxDev, hTmp->GetMean()+fMaxDev));
0371 //   delete hTmp;
0372 //   TH1 *hDeltaB = this->CreateHist(deltaB + this->ToMumMuRad(3), parSelDb, hNameB);
0373 //   hDeltaB->SetTitle("TwoBowed #delta#beta" + titleAdd + ";#delta#beta [#murad]");
0374 //   fHistManager->AddHist(hDeltaB, layer);
0375 //
0376 //   //Delta gamma = (gamma1 - gamma2)/2
0377 //   const TString deltaG(Parenth(gamma1 + Min() += gamma2) += Div() += Flt(2.));
0378 //   TString parSelDg(Valid(5) += AndL() += Valid(14) += AndL() +=
0379 //         Fixed(5, false) += AndL() += Fixed(14, false));
0380 //   this->AddBasicSelection(parSelDg);
0381 //   hTmp = this->CreateHist(deltaG + this->ToMumMuRad(3), parSelDg, "gtemp");
0382 //   const TString hNameG(this->Unique("h2BowDeltaG")
0383 //             += Form("(101,%f,%f)", hTmp->GetMean()-fMaxDev, hTmp->GetMean()+fMaxDev));
0384 //   delete hTmp;
0385 //   TH1 *hDeltaG = this->CreateHist(deltaG + this->ToMumMuRad(3), parSelDg, hNameG);
0386 //   hDeltaG->SetTitle("TwoBowed #delta#gamma" + titleAdd + ";#delta#gamma [#murad]");
0387 //   fHistManager->AddHist(hDeltaG, layer);
0388 //
0389 //   TLine *lU = new TLine(-100., 0., -100., hDeltaU->GetMaximum() * 1.05);
0390 //   lU->SetLineColor(kRed);
0391 //   lU->SetLineWidth(3);
0392 //   fHistManager->AddObject(lU, layer, 0);
0393 //
0394 //   TLine *lW = new TLine(-150., 0., -150., hDeltaW->GetMaximum() * 1.05);
0395 //   lU->TAttLine::Copy(*lW);
0396 //   fHistManager->AddObject(lW, layer, 1);
0397 //
0398 //   TLine *lA = new TLine(-150., 0., -150., hDeltaA->GetMaximum() * 1.05);
0399 //   lU->TAttLine::Copy(*lA);
0400 //   fHistManager->AddObject(lA, layer, 2);
0401 //
0402 //   TLine *lB = new TLine(-300., 0., -300., hDeltaB->GetMaximum() * 1.05);
0403 //   lU->TAttLine::Copy(*lB);
0404 //   fHistManager->AddObject(lB, layer, 3);
0405 //
0406 //   TLine *lG = new TLine(-250., 0., -250., hDeltaG->GetMaximum() * 1.05);
0407 //   lU->TAttLine::Copy(*lG);
0408 //   fHistManager->AddObject(lG, layer, 4);
0409 //
0410 //   fHistManager->Draw();
0411 // }
0413 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0414 void PlotMillePede::DrawSurfaceDeformations(const TString &whichOne,
0415                                             Option_t *option,
0416                                             unsigned int maxNumPars,
0417                                             unsigned int firstPar) {
0418   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(TString(option).Contains("add", TString::kIgnoreCase));
0419   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
0420   const bool noLimit = TString(option).Contains("nolimit", TString::kIgnoreCase);
0422   TString parSel(Valid(0) += AndL() += Fixed(0, false));  // HACK: if u1 determination is fine
0423   if (TString(option).Contains("all", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0424     parSel = "";
0425   this->AddBasicSelection(parSel);
0427   TObjArray whichOnes;
0428   if (whichOne.Contains("result", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0429     whichOnes.Add(new TObjString("result"));
0430   if (whichOne.Contains("start", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0431     whichOnes.Add(new TObjString("start"));
0432   if (whichOne.Contains("diff", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0433     whichOnes.Add(new TObjString("diff"));
0435   for (Int_t wi = 0; wi < whichOnes.GetEntriesFast(); ++wi) {
0436     unsigned int nPlot = 0;
0437     for (unsigned int i = firstPar; i < maxNumPars; ++i) {
0438       TString hName(this->Unique(Form("hSurf%s%u", whichOnes[wi]->GetName(), i)));
0439       if (!noLimit)
0440         hName += Form("(%d,%f,%f)", fNbins, fMaxDevDown, fMaxDevUp);
0441       TH1 *h = this->CreateHist(DeformValue(i, whichOnes[wi]->GetName()) += this->ToMumMuRadSurfDef(i),
0442                                 parSel + AndL() += Parenth(NumDeformValues(whichOnes[wi]->GetName())),
0443                                 hName);
0445       if (!h || 0. == h->GetEntries())
0446         continue;
0447       h->SetTitle(Form("SurfaceDeformation %s ", whichOnes[wi]->GetName()) + NameSurfDef(i) +=
0448                   titleAdd + ";" + NameSurfDef(i) += UnitSurfDef(i));
0449       fHistManager->AddHistSame(h, layer, nPlot, whichOnes[wi]->GetName());
0450       //fHistManager->AddHistSame(hBef, layer, nPlot, "misaligned");
0451       ++nPlot;
0452     }
0453   }
0455   whichOnes.Delete();
0456   const bool old = fHistManager->SameWithStats(true);
0457   fHistManager->Draw();
0458   fHistManager->SameWithStats(old);
0459 }
0461 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0462 void PlotMillePede::DrawSurfaceDeformationsVsLocation(const TString &whichOne,
0463                                                       Option_t *option,
0464                                                       unsigned int maxNumPar,
0465                                                       unsigned int firstPar) {
0466   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(TString(option).Contains("add", TString::kIgnoreCase));
0467   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
0469   // TObjArray whichOnes;
0470   // if (whichOne.Contains("result", TString::kIgnoreCase)) whichOnes.Add(new TObjString("result"));
0471   // if (whichOne.Contains("start",  TString::kIgnoreCase)) whichOnes.Add(new TObjString("start"));
0472   // if (whichOne.Contains("diff",   TString::kIgnoreCase)) whichOnes.Add(new TObjString("diff"));
0473   // for (Int_t wi = 0; wi < whichOnes.GetEntriesFast(); ++wi) {
0474   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
0475   for (UInt_t iPar = firstPar; iPar <= maxNumPar; ++iPar) {  //
0476     TString parSel(Valid(0) += AndL() += Fixed(0, false));   // HACK: if u1 determination is fine
0477     if (TString(option).Contains("all", TString::kIgnoreCase))
0478       parSel = "";
0479     this->AddBasicSelection(parSel);
0481     //TString hNameR(this->Unique(Form("hSurfR%s%u", whichOnes[wi]->GetName(),i)));
0482     TString hNameR(this->Unique(Form("hSurfR%u", iPar)));
0484     TH1 *hR = this->CreateHist2D(RPos(OrgPosT()),
0485                                  DeformValue(iPar, whichOne) += this->ToMumMuRadSurfDef(iPar),
0486                                  parSel + AndL() += Parenth(NumDeformValues(whichOne)),
0487                                  hNameR,
0488                                  "BOX");
0490     if (!hR || 0. == hR->GetEntries())
0491       continue;
0493     TString hNameZ(this->Unique(Form("hSurfZ%u", iPar)));
0495     TH1 *hZ = this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += ZPos(),
0496                                  DeformValue(iPar, whichOne) += this->ToMumMuRadSurfDef(iPar),
0497                                  parSel + AndL() += Parenth(NumDeformValues(whichOne)),
0498                                  hNameZ,
0499                                  "BOX");
0501     const TString title("Surface deformation " + NameSurfDef(iPar) +=
0502                         " vs. %s" + titleAdd + ";%s;" + NameSurfDef(iPar) += UnitSurfDef(iPar));
0503     hR->SetTitle(Form(title.Data(), "r", "r [cm]"));
0504     hZ->SetTitle(Form(title.Data(), "z", "z [cm]"));
0506     fHistManager->AddHist(hR, layer + nPlot);
0507     fHistManager->AddHist(hZ, layer + nPlot);
0508     ++nPlot;
0509   }
0511   fHistManager->Draw();
0512 }
0514 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0515 void PlotMillePede::DrawSurfaceDeformationsLayer(Option_t *option,
0516                                                  const unsigned int firstDetLayer,
0517                                                  const unsigned int lastDetLayer,
0518                                                  const TString &whichOne,
0519                                                  unsigned int maxNumPars) {
0520   const TString opt(option);
0521   const Int_t firstLayer = this->PrepareAdd(opt.Contains("add", TString::kIgnoreCase));
0522   const bool noLimit = opt.Contains("nolimit", TString::kIgnoreCase);
0523   const bool spread = opt.Contains("spread", TString::kIgnoreCase);
0524   const bool verbose = opt.Contains("verbose", TString::kIgnoreCase);
0525   const bool verbose2 = opt.Contains("verboseByParam", TString::kIgnoreCase);
0527   this->SetDetLayerCuts(0, false);  // just to generate warnings if needed!
0528   // loop on deformation parameters
0529   unsigned int iParUsed = 0;
0530   for (unsigned int iPar = 0; iPar < maxNumPars; ++iPar) {
0531     // create a hist to store the averages per layer
0532     const unsigned int numDetLayers = lastDetLayer - firstDetLayer + 1;
0533     TH1 *layerHist = new TH1F(
0534         this->Unique("hSurfAll" + whichOne += iPar),
0535         "Average deformations " + NameSurfDef(iPar) += ";;#LT" + (NameSurfDef(iPar) += "#GT") += UnitSurfDef(iPar),
0536         numDetLayers,
0537         0,
0538         numDetLayers);
0539     TH1 *layerHistWithSpread =
0540         (spread ? static_cast<TH1 *>(layerHist->Clone(Form("%s_spread", layerHist->GetName()))) : 0);
0541     if (spread)
0542       layerHistWithSpread->SetTitle(Form("%s (err is spread)", layerHist->GetTitle()));
0544     TH1 *layerHistRms = new TH1F(
0545         this->Unique("hSurfAllRms" + whichOne += iPar),
0546         "RMS of deformations " + NameSurfDef(iPar) += ";;RMS(" + (NameSurfDef(iPar) += ")") += UnitSurfDef(iPar),
0547         numDetLayers,
0548         0,
0549         numDetLayers);
0551     // loop on layers (i.e. subdet layers/rings)
0552     unsigned int iDetLayerUsed = 0;
0553     for (unsigned int iDetLayer = firstDetLayer; iDetLayer <= lastDetLayer; ++iDetLayer) {
0554       if (!this->SetDetLayerCuts(iDetLayer, true))
0555         continue;                    // layer cuts implemented?
0556       TString sel;                   //(Valid(0) += AndL() += Fixed(0, false)); // HACK: if u1 determination is fine
0557       this->AddBasicSelection(sel);  // append the cuts set
0558       // histo name with or without predefined limits:
0559       const TString hName(this->Unique(Form("hSurf%s%u_%u", whichOne.Data(), iPar, iDetLayer)) +=
0560                           (noLimit ? "" : Form("(%d,%f,%f)", fNbins, fMaxDevDown, fMaxDevUp)));
0561       // cut away values identical to zero:
0562       TH1 *h = this->CreateHist(DeformValue(iPar, whichOne) += this->ToMumMuRadSurfDef(iPar),
0563                                 (sel + AndL()) += Parenth(DeformValue(iPar, whichOne) += "!= 0."),
0564                                 hName);
0566       if (!h || 0. == h->GetEntries())
0567         continue;  // did something survive cuts?
0568       ++iDetLayerUsed;
0569       layerHist->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iDetLayerUsed, this->DetLayerLabel(iDetLayer));
0570       layerHist->SetBinContent(iDetLayerUsed, h->GetMean());
0571       layerHist->SetBinError(iDetLayerUsed, h->GetMeanError());  //GetRMS());
0572       layerHistRms->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(iDetLayerUsed, this->DetLayerLabel(iDetLayer));
0573       layerHistRms->SetBinContent(iDetLayerUsed, h->GetRMS());
0574       if (spread)
0575         layerHistWithSpread->SetBinContent(iDetLayerUsed, h->GetMean());
0576       if (spread)
0577         layerHistWithSpread->SetBinError(iDetLayerUsed, h->GetRMS());
0578       if (verbose) {
0579         h->SetTitle(("SurfaceDeformation " + whichOne) += " " + NameSurfDef(iPar) +=
0580                     this->TitleAdd() + ";" + NameSurfDef(iPar) += UnitSurfDef(iPar));
0581         if (verbose2)
0582           fHistManager->AddHist(h, firstLayer + 2 + iPar);
0583         else
0584           fHistManager->AddHist(h, firstLayer + 2 + iDetLayerUsed);
0585       } else
0586         delete h;
0587     }
0588     layerHist->LabelsDeflate();  // adjust to avoid empty bins
0589     if (spread)
0590       layerHistWithSpread->LabelsDeflate();  // dito
0591     layerHistRms->LabelsDeflate();           // dito
0592     if (layerHist->GetEntries()) {
0593       fHistManager->AddHistSame(layerHist, firstLayer, iParUsed, (spread ? "error: #sigma(mean)" : ""));
0594       if (spread)
0595         fHistManager->AddHistSame(layerHistWithSpread, firstLayer, iParUsed, "error: RMS");
0596       fHistManager->AddHist(layerHistRms, firstLayer + 1);
0598       ++iParUsed;
0599     } else {
0600       delete layerHist;  // v^{delta} usually is empty...
0601       delete layerHistRms;
0602     }
0603   }
0605   fHistManager->Draw();
0606   // now remove cuts implicitely set by SetDetLayerCuts(..):
0607   this->SetSubDetId(-1);
0608   this->ClearAdditionalSel();
0609 }
0611 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0612 bool PlotMillePede::SetDetLayerCuts(unsigned int detLayer, bool silent) {
0613   if (!silent) {
0614     // warn if setting subdet/r/z below overwrites any general settings
0615     if (fAdditionalSelTitle.Length()) {
0616       ::Warning("PlotMillePede::SetDetLayerCuts", "Clearing selection '%s'!", fAdditionalSelTitle.Data());
0617     }
0618     if (fSubDetIds.GetSize()) {
0619       ::Warning("PlotMillePede::SetDetLayerCuts", "Possibly changing subdet selection!");
0620     }
0621   }
0622   this->ClearAdditionalSel();
0624   switch (detLayer) {
0625     case 0:  // BPIX L1
0626       this->SetSubDetId(1);
0627       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 0., 5.5);
0628       return true;
0629     case 1:  // BPIX L2
0630       this->SetSubDetId(1);
0631       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 5.5, 8.5);
0632       return true;
0633     case 2:  // BPIX L3
0634       this->SetSubDetId(1);
0635       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 8.5, 12.);
0636       return true;
0637       // FPIX not implemented
0638     case 3:
0639     case 4:
0640       this->SetSubDetId(2);
0641       return false;
0642       break;
0644     case 5:  // TIB L1 rphi
0645       this->SetSubDetId(3);
0646       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 20., 30.);
0647       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripRphi");
0648       return true;
0649     case 6:  // TIB L1 stereo
0650       this->SetSubDetId(3);
0651       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 20., 30.);
0652       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripStereo");
0653       return true;
0654     case 7:  // TIB L2 rphi
0655       this->SetSubDetId(3);
0656       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 30., 38.);
0657       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripRphi");
0658       return true;
0659     case 8:  // TIB L2 stereo
0660       this->SetSubDetId(3);
0661       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 30., 38.);
0662       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripStereo");
0663       return true;
0664     case 9:  // TIB L3
0665       this->SetSubDetId(3);
0666       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 38., 46.);
0667       return true;
0668     case 10:  // TIB L4
0669       this->SetSubDetId(3);
0670       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 46., 55.);
0671       return true;
0673     case 11:  // TID R1 rphi
0674       this->SetSubDetId(4);
0675       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 20., 33.);
0676       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripRphi");
0677       return true;
0678     case 12:  // TID R1 stereo
0679       this->SetSubDetId(4);
0680       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 20., 33.);
0681       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripStereo");
0682       return true;
0683     case 13:  // TID R2 rphi
0684       this->SetSubDetId(4);
0685       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 33., 41.);
0686       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripRphi");
0687       return true;
0688     case 14:  //"TID R2 S";
0689       this->SetSubDetId(4);
0690       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 33., 41.);
0691       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripStereo");
0692       return true;
0693     case 15:  //"TID R3";
0694       this->SetSubDetId(4);
0695       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 41., 50.);
0696       return true;
0698       // TID followed by TEC and not TOB to be able to call
0699       // DrawSurfaceDeformationsLayer("", n1, n2) for layers with single
0700       // (n1=0 and n2=21) and double (n1=22 and n2=33) sensor modules separately
0701     case 16:  // TEC R1 #phi
0702       this->SetSubDetId(6);
0703       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 20., 33.);
0704       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripRphi");
0705       return true;
0706     case 17:  // TEC R1 S
0707       this->SetSubDetId(6);
0708       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 20., 33.);
0709       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripStereo");
0710       return true;
0711     case 18:  // TEC R2 #phi
0712       this->SetSubDetId(6);
0713       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 33., 41.);
0714       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripRphi");
0715       return true;
0716     case 19:  //"TEC R2 S";
0717       this->SetSubDetId(6);
0718       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 33., 41.);
0719       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripStereo");
0720       return true;
0721     case 20:  //"TEC R3";
0722       this->SetSubDetId(6);
0723       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 41., 50.);
0724       return true;
0725     case 21:  //"TEC R4";
0726       this->SetSubDetId(6);
0727       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 50., 60.);
0728       return true;
0729     case 22:  //"TEC R5 R";
0730       this->SetSubDetId(6);
0731       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 60., 75.);
0732       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripRphi");
0733       return true;
0734     case 23:  //"TEC R5 S";
0735       this->SetSubDetId(6);
0736       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 60., 75.);
0737       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripStereo");
0738       return true;
0739     case 24:  //"TEC R6";
0740       this->SetSubDetId(6);
0741       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 75., 90.);
0742       return true;
0743     case 25:  //"TEC R7";
0744       this->SetSubDetId(6);
0745       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 90., 120.);
0746       return true;
0748     case 26:  // TOB L1 R
0749       this->SetSubDetId(5);
0750       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 50., 65.);
0751       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripRphi");
0752       return true;
0753     case 27:  // TOB L1 S
0754       this->SetSubDetId(5);
0755       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 50., 65.);
0756       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripStereo");
0757       return true;
0758     case 28:  // TOB L2 R
0759       this->SetSubDetId(5);
0760       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 65., 73.);
0761       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripRphi");
0762       return true;
0763     case 29:  // TOB L2 S
0764       this->SetSubDetId(5);
0765       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 65., 73.);
0766       this->AddAdditionalSel("StripStereo");
0767       return true;
0768     case 30:  // TOB L3
0769       this->SetSubDetId(5);
0770       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 73., 82.5);
0771       return true;
0772     case 31:  // TOB L4
0773       this->SetSubDetId(5);
0774       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 82.5, 92.);
0775       return true;
0776     case 32:  // TOB L5
0777       this->SetSubDetId(5);
0778       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 92., 102.);
0779       return true;
0780     case 33:  // TOB L6
0781       this->SetSubDetId(5);
0782       this->AddAdditionalSel("r", 102., 120.);
0783       return true;
0784   }
0786   return false;
0787 }
0789 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0790 TString PlotMillePede::DetLayerLabel(unsigned int detLayer) const {
0791   switch (detLayer) {
0792     case 0:
0793       return "BPIX L1";
0794     case 1:
0795       return "BPIX L2";
0796     case 2:
0797       return "BPIX L3";
0798       //   case 3: return "FPIX";
0799       //   case 4: return "FPIX";
0801     case 5:
0802       return "TIB L1#phi";  //"TIB L1R";
0803     case 6:
0804       return "TIB L1s";  //"TIB L1S";
0805     case 7:
0806       return "TIB L2#phi";  //"TIB L2R";
0807     case 8:
0808       return "TIB L2s";  //"TIB L2S";
0809     case 9:
0810       return "TIB L3";
0811     case 10:
0812       return "TIB L4";
0814     case 11:
0815       return "TID R1#phi";  //"TID R1R";
0816     case 12:
0817       return "TID R1s";  //"TID R1S";
0818     case 13:
0819       return "TID R2#phi";  //"TID R2R";
0820     case 14:
0821       return "TID R2s";  //"TID R2S";
0822     case 15:
0823       return "TID R3";
0825     case 16:
0826       return "TEC R1#phi";  //"TEC R1R";
0827     case 17:
0828       return "TEC R1s";  //"TEC R1S";
0829     case 18:
0830       return "TEC R2#phi";  //"TEC R2R";
0831     case 19:
0832       return "TEC R2s";  //"TEC R2S";
0833     case 20:
0834       return "TEC R3";
0835     case 21:
0836       return "TEC R4";
0837     case 22:
0838       return "TEC R5#phi";  //"TEC R5R";
0839     case 23:
0840       return "TEC R5s";  //"TEC R5S";
0841     case 24:
0842       return "TEC R6";
0843     case 25:
0844       return "TEC R7";
0846     case 26:
0847       return "TOB L1#phi";  //"TOB L1R";
0848     case 27:
0849       return "TOB L1s";  //"TOB L1S";
0850     case 28:
0851       return "TOB L2#phi";  //"TOB L2R";
0852     case 29:
0853       return "TOB L2s";  //"TOB L2S";
0854     case 30:
0855       return "TOB L3";
0856     case 31:
0857       return "TOB L4";
0858     case 32:
0859       return "TOB L5";
0860     case 33:
0861       return "TOB L6";
0862   }
0864   return Form("unknown DetLayer %u", detLayer);
0865 }
0867 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0868 void PlotMillePede::DrawOrigParam(bool addPlots, const TString &sel) {
0869   // all alignables, even fixed...
0870   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
0871   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
0872   TString aSel(sel);
0873   this->AddBasicSelection(aSel);
0875   for (UInt_t iPar = 0; iPar < kNpar; ++iPar) {  //
0876     const TString toMum(this->ToMumMuRad(iPar));
0877     //     const TString hNameB(Form("beforeO%d(100, -500, 500)", iPar)); //
0878     const TString hNameB(this->Unique(Form("beforeO%d", iPar)));  //
0879     TH1 *hBefore = this->CreateHist(Parenth(MisParT() += Par(iPar)) += toMum, aSel, hNameB);
0880     if (0. == hBefore->GetEntries())
0881       continue;
0882     hBefore->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += ": misplacement" + titleAdd + ";" + DelNameU(iPar) += ";#parameters");
0883     fHistManager->AddHist(hBefore, layer);  //, "before");
0884   }
0886   fHistManager->Draw();
0887 }
0889 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0890 void PlotMillePede::DrawOrigPos(bool addPlots, const TString &sel) {
0891   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
0892   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
0893   TString aSel(sel);
0894   this->AddBasicSelection(aSel);
0896   const TString posNames[] = {"phi", "r", "x", "y", "z"};
0897   for (UInt_t iPos = 0; iPos < sizeof(posNames) / sizeof(posNames[0]); ++iPos) {
0898     const TString &pos = posNames[iPos];
0899     TH1 *h = this->CreateHist(OrgPos(pos), aSel, this->Unique("org_" + pos));
0900     h->SetTitle("original position " + Name(pos) + titleAdd + ";" + Name(pos) + ";#alignables");
0901     fHistManager->AddHist(h, layer);
0902   }
0904   fHistManager->Draw();
0905 }
0907 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0908 void PlotMillePede::DrawParamResult(Option_t *option) {
0909   const TString opt(option);
0910   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(opt.Contains("add", TString::kIgnoreCase));
0912   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
0913   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
0914   for (UInt_t iPar = 0; iPar < kNpar; ++iPar) {  //
0915     TString sel(opt.Contains("withfixed", TString::kIgnoreCase) ? "" : Fixed(iPar, false).Data());
0916     this->AddBasicSelection(sel);
0918     const TString toMu(this->ToMumMuRad(iPar));
0919     const TString finalMis(this->FinalMisAlignment(iPar) += toMu);
0920     const TString startMis(Parenth(MisParT() += Par(iPar)) += toMu);
0922     const TString hNameB(this->Unique(Form("before%d", iPar)) += Form("(%d,%f,%f)", fNbins, fMaxDevDown, fMaxDevUp));
0923     TH1 *hBef = this->CreateHist(startMis, sel, hNameB);
0924     const TString hNameD(
0925         this->Unique(Form("end%d", iPar)) +=
0926         Form("(%d,%f,%f)", hBef->GetNbinsX(), hBef->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), hBef->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()));
0927     TH1 *hEnd = this->CreateHist(finalMis, sel, hNameD);
0928     const TString hName2D(this->Unique(Form("vs%d", iPar)) += Form("(30,%f,%f,30,-500,500)", fMaxDevDown, fMaxDevUp));
0929     TH1 *hVs = this->CreateHist(startMis + ":" + finalMis, sel, hName2D, "BOX");
0930     if (0. == hEnd->GetEntries())
0931       continue;
0932     hEnd->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += titleAdd + ";" + DelNameU(iPar) += ";#parameters");
0933     hVs->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += titleAdd + ";" + DelNameU(iPar) += "(end);" + DelNameU(iPar) += "(start)");
0934     if (this->GetTitle().Length() != 0) {
0935       fHistManager->AddHist(hEnd, layer, this->GetTitle());
0936     } else {
0937       fHistManager->AddHist(hEnd, layer, "remaining misal.");
0938     }
0939     fHistManager->AddHistSame(hBef, layer, nPlot, "misaligned");
0940     fHistManager->AddHist(hVs, layer + 1);
0942     ++nPlot;
0943   }
0945   fHistManager->Draw();
0946 }
0948 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0949 void PlotMillePede::DrawPosResult(bool addPlots, const TString &selection) {
0950   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
0951   TString sel(selection);
0952   this->AddBasicSelection(sel);
0954   const TString posNames[] = {"rphi", "r", "z", "phi", "x", "y"};
0956   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
0957   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
0958   for (UInt_t iPos = 0; iPos < sizeof(posNames) / sizeof(posNames[0]); ++iPos) {
0959     const TString &posName = posNames[iPos];
0961     const TString toMu(this->ToMumMuRad(posName));
0962     const TString hNameB(this->Unique(posName + "Before") += Form("(%d,%f,%f)", fNbins, fMaxDevDown, fMaxDevUp));
0963     const TString misPos(Parenth(DeltaPos(posName, MisPosT())) += toMu);
0964     TH1 *hBef = this->CreateHist(misPos, sel, hNameB);
0965     if (0. == hBef->GetEntries()) {
0966       delete hBef;
0967       continue;
0968     }
0969     TString hNameD(this->Unique(posName + "End"));
0970     this->CopyAddBinning(hNameD, hBef);
0971     const TString endPos(Parenth(DeltaPos(posName, PosT())) += toMu);
0972     TH1 *hEnd = this->CreateHist(endPos, sel, hNameD);
0973     const TString hName2D(this->Unique(posName + "Vs(30,-100,100,30,-500,500)"));
0974     TH1 *hVs = this->CreateHist2D(endPos, misPos, sel, hName2D, "BOX");
0976     hEnd->SetTitle(DelName(posName) += titleAdd + ";" + DelNameU(posName) += ";#alignables");
0977     hVs->SetTitle(DelName(posName) += titleAdd + ";" + DelNameU(posName) += "(end);" + DelNameU(posName) += "(start)");
0979     fHistManager->AddHist(hVs, layer);
0980     if (this->GetTitle().Length() != 0) {
0981       fHistManager->AddHist(hEnd, layer + 1, this->GetTitle());
0982     } else {
0983       fHistManager->AddHist(hEnd, layer + 1, "remaining misal.");
0984     }
0986     fHistManager->AddHistSame(hBef, layer + 1, nPlot, "misaligned");
0988     ++nPlot;
0989   }
0991   fHistManager->Draw();
0992 }
0994 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0995 void PlotMillePede::DrawMisVsLocation(bool addPlots, const TString &sel, Option_t *option) {
0996   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
0998   TString opt(option);
0999   opt.ToLower();
1000   int vsEuler = -1;
1001   if (opt.Contains("vse0"))
1002     vsEuler = 0;  // also vs euler angle, definition a)...
1003   else if (opt.Contains("vse1"))
1004     vsEuler = 1;  //... or b)
1005   // profile of starting misalignment? (But not for euler stuff...)
1006   const bool addStartMis = (opt.Contains("mis") ? true : false);
1007   const bool addFixed = opt.Contains("withfixed");
1009   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
1010   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
1011   for (UInt_t iPar = 0; iPar < kNpar; ++iPar) {  //
1012     TString fixSel(sel);
1013     if (!addFixed) {
1014       if (fixSel.Length())
1015         fixSel.Prepend(Fixed(iPar, false) += AndL());
1016       else
1017         fixSel = Fixed(iPar, false);
1018     }
1019     this->AddBasicSelection(fixSel);
1021     const TString misPar(this->FinalMisAlignment(iPar) += ToMumMuRad(iPar));
1022     const TString startMisPar(MisParT() += Par(iPar) += ToMumMuRad(iPar));
1024     const TString nDpr(this->Unique(Form("misParR%d", iPar)));  //  (100, -500, 500)
1025     TH2 *hMisParR = this->CreateHist2D(RPos(OrgPosT()), misPar, fixSel, nDpr, "BOX");
1026     TProfile *hProfParR = this->CreateHistProf(RPos(OrgPosT()), misPar, fixSel, "prof" + nDpr);
1027     if (0. == hMisParR->GetEntries())
1028       continue;
1029     //hMisParR->RebinX(2);
1030     //    TH2 *hMisParStartR = this->CreateHist2D(RPos(OrgPosT()), startMisPar, fixSel, "start"+nDpr, "BOX");
1031     TProfile *hProfParStartR =
1032         !addStartMis ? 0 : this->CreateHistProf(RPos(OrgPosT()), startMisPar, fixSel, "profStart" + nDpr);
1034     const TString nDpz(this->Unique(Form("misParZ%d", iPar)));  //  (100, -500, 500)
1035     TH2 *hMisParZ = this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), misPar, fixSel, nDpz, "BOX");
1036     TProfile *hProfParZ = this->CreateHistProf(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), misPar, fixSel, "prof" + nDpz);
1037     //hMisParZ->RebinX(2);
1038     TProfile *hProfParStartZ =
1039         !addStartMis ? 0 : this->CreateHistProf(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), startMisPar, fixSel, "profStart" + nDpz);
1041     const TString nDpp(this->Unique(Form("misParPhi%d", iPar)));  //  (100, -500, 500)
1042     TH2 *hMisParPhi = this->CreateHist2D(Phi(OrgPosT()), misPar, fixSel, nDpp, "BOX");
1043     TProfile *hProfParPhi = this->CreateHistProf(Phi(OrgPosT()), misPar, fixSel, "prof" + nDpp);
1044     //hMisParPhi->RebinX(2);
1045     TProfile *hProfParStartPhi =
1046         !addStartMis ? 0 : this->CreateHistProf(Phi(OrgPosT()), startMisPar, fixSel, "profStart" + nDpp);
1048     //     const TString nDpth(this->Unique(Form("misParTheta%d", iPar))); //  (100, -500, 500)
1049     //     TH2 *hMisParTheta = this->CreateHist2D(Theta(OrgPosT()), misPar, fixSel, nDpth, "BOX");
1050     //     TProfile *hProfParTheta = this->CreateHistProf(Theta(OrgPosT()), misPar, fixSel, "prof"+nDpth);
1051     //     //hMisParTheta->RebinX(2);
1052     //     TProfile *hProfParStartTheta = !addStartMis ? 0 :
1053     //       this->CreateHistProf(Theta(OrgPosT()), startMisPar, fixSel, "profStart" + nDpth);
1055     // euler angles with 0
1056     const TString nDpa0(this->Unique(Form("misParAlpha%d%d", vsEuler, iPar)));  //  (100, -500, 500)
1057     TH2 *hMisParAl0 = 0;
1058     if (vsEuler >= 0)
1059       hMisParAl0 = this->CreateHist2D(Alpha(OrgPosT(), (vsEuler == 0)), misPar, fixSel, nDpa0, "BOX");
1060     TProfile *hProfParAl0 = 0;
1061     if (vsEuler >= 0)
1062       hProfParAl0 = this->CreateHistProf(Alpha(OrgPosT(), (vsEuler == 0)), misPar, fixSel, "prof" + nDpa0);
1063     //hMisParAl0->RebinX(2);
1065     const TString nDpb0(this->Unique(Form("misParBeta%d%d", vsEuler, iPar)));  //  (100, -500, 500)
1066     TH2 *hMisParBet0 = 0;
1067     if (vsEuler >= 0)
1068       hMisParBet0 = this->CreateHist2D(Beta(OrgPosT(), (vsEuler == 0)), misPar, fixSel, nDpb0, "BOX");
1069     TProfile *hProfParBet0 = 0;
1070     if (vsEuler >= 0)
1071       hProfParBet0 = this->CreateHistProf(Beta(OrgPosT(), (vsEuler == 0)), misPar, fixSel, "prof" + nDpb0);
1072     //hMisParBet0->RebinX(2);
1074     const TString nDpg0(this->Unique(Form("misParGamma%d%d", vsEuler, iPar)));  //  (100, -500, 500)
1075     TH2 *hMisParGam0 = 0;
1076     if (vsEuler >= 0)
1077       hMisParGam0 = this->CreateHist2D(Gamma(OrgPosT(), (vsEuler == 0)), misPar, fixSel, nDpg0, "BOX");
1078     TProfile *hProfParGam0 = 0;
1079     if (vsEuler >= 0)
1080       hProfParGam0 = this->CreateHistProf(Gamma(OrgPosT(), (vsEuler == 0)), misPar, fixSel, "prof" + nDpg0);
1081     //hMisParGam0->RebinX(2);
1083     hMisParR->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += " vs. r" + titleAdd + ";r[cm];" + DelNameU(iPar));
1084     // hMisParStartR->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += " vs. r (start);r[cm];" + DelNameU(iPar));
1085     hMisParZ->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += " vs. z" + titleAdd + ";z[cm];" + DelNameU(iPar));
1086     hMisParPhi->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += +" vs. #phi" + titleAdd + ";#phi;" + DelNameU(iPar));
1087     //     hMisParTheta->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += " vs. #theta" + titleAdd + ";#theta;" + DelNameU(iPar));
1088     if (hMisParAl0)
1089       hMisParAl0->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) +=
1090                            Form(" vs. euler #alpha^{%d};#alpha^{%d};", vsEuler, vsEuler) + DelNameU(iPar));
1091     if (hMisParBet0)
1092       hMisParBet0->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) +=
1093                             Form(" vs. euler #beta^{%d};#beta^{%d};", vsEuler, vsEuler) + DelNameU(iPar));
1094     if (hMisParGam0)
1095       hMisParGam0->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) +=
1096                             Form(" vs. euler #gamma^{%d};#gamma^{%d};", vsEuler, vsEuler) + DelNameU(iPar));
1097     hProfParR->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(iPar) += "#GT vs. r" + titleAdd + ";r[cm];" + DelNameU(iPar));
1098     hProfParZ->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(iPar) += "#GT vs. z" + titleAdd + ";z[cm];" + DelNameU(iPar));
1099     hProfParPhi->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(iPar) += "#GT vs. #phi" + titleAdd + ";#phi;" + DelNameU(iPar));
1100     //     hProfParTheta->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(iPar) += "#GT vs. #theta" + titleAdd + ";#theta;" + DelNameU(iPar));
1101     if (hProfParAl0)
1102       hProfParAl0->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(iPar) +=
1103                             Form("#GT vs. euler #alpha^{%d};#alpha^{%d};", vsEuler, vsEuler) + DelNameU(iPar));
1104     if (hProfParBet0)
1105       hProfParBet0->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(iPar) +=
1106                              Form("#GT vs. euler #beta^{%d};#beta^{%d};", vsEuler, vsEuler) + DelNameU(iPar));
1107     if (hProfParGam0)
1108       hProfParGam0->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(iPar) +=
1109                              Form("#GT vs. euler #gamma^{%d};#gamma^{%d};", vsEuler, vsEuler) + DelNameU(iPar));
1110     if (addStartMis) {
1111       hProfParStartR->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(iPar) += "#GT vs. r (start);r[cm];" + DelNameU(iPar));
1112       hProfParStartZ->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(iPar) += "#GT vs. z (start);z[cm];" + DelNameU(iPar));
1113       hProfParStartPhi->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(iPar) += "#GT vs. #phi (start);#phi;" + DelNameU(iPar));
1114       //       hProfParStartTheta->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(iPar) += "#GT vs. #theta;#theta;" + DelNameU(iPar));
1115     }
1117     fHistManager->AddHist(hMisParR, layer + nPlot);   //, "diff. to misal.");
1118     fHistManager->AddHist(hProfParR, layer + nPlot);  //, "diff. to misal.");
1119     if (addStartMis)
1120       fHistManager->AddHist(hProfParStartR, layer + nPlot);  //, "diff. to misal.");
1122     fHistManager->AddHist(hMisParZ, layer + nPlot);   //, "misaligned");
1123     fHistManager->AddHist(hProfParZ, layer + nPlot);  //, "misaligned");
1124     if (addStartMis)
1125       fHistManager->AddHist(hProfParStartZ, layer + nPlot);  //, "misaligned");
1127     fHistManager->AddHist(hMisParPhi, layer + nPlot);   //, "misaligned");
1128     fHistManager->AddHist(hProfParPhi, layer + nPlot);  //, "misaligned");
1129     if (addStartMis)
1130       fHistManager->AddHist(hProfParStartPhi, layer + nPlot);  //, "misaligned");
1132     //     fHistManager->AddHist(hMisParTheta, layer+nPlot);//, "misaligned");
1133     //     fHistManager->AddHist(hProfParTheta, layer+nPlot);//, "misaligned");
1134     //     if (addStartMis) fHistManager->AddHist(hProfParStartTheta, layer+nPlot);//, "misaligned");
1136     if (hMisParAl0)
1137       fHistManager->AddHist(hMisParAl0, layer + nPlot + 1);
1138     if (hProfParAl0)
1139       fHistManager->AddHist(hProfParAl0, layer + nPlot + 1);
1141     if (hMisParBet0)
1142       fHistManager->AddHist(hMisParBet0, layer + nPlot + 1);
1143     if (hProfParBet0)
1144       fHistManager->AddHist(hProfParBet0, layer + nPlot + 1);
1146     if (hMisParGam0)
1147       fHistManager->AddHist(hMisParGam0, layer + nPlot + 1);
1148     if (hProfParGam0)
1149       fHistManager->AddHist(hProfParGam0, layer + nPlot + 1);
1151     fHistManager->SetNumHistsXY((addStartMis ? 3 : 2), 4, layer + nPlot);
1152     if (vsEuler >= 0) {
1153       fHistManager->SetNumHistsXY(2, 3, layer + nPlot + 1);
1154       ++nPlot;
1155     }
1156     ++nPlot;
1157   }
1159   fHistManager->Draw();
1160 }
1162 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1163 void PlotMillePede::DrawPosMisVsLocation(bool addPlots, const TString &selection, Option_t *option) {
1164   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
1166   TString opt(option);
1167   opt.ToLower();
1168   const bool addStart = (opt.Contains("start") ? true : false);  // profile of starting misalignment?
1170   TString sel(selection);
1171   this->AddBasicSelection(sel);
1173   const TString posNames[] = {"rphi", "r", "z", "x", "y", "phi"};
1175   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
1176   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
1177   for (UInt_t iPos = 0; iPos < sizeof(posNames) / sizeof(posNames[0]); ++iPos) {
1178     const TString &posName = posNames[iPos];
1180     const TString toMu(this->ToMumMuRad(posName));
1181     const TString startPos(Parenth(DeltaPos(posName, MisPosT())) += toMu);
1182     const TString endPos(Parenth(DeltaPos(posName, PosT())) += toMu);
1184     const TString nDpr(this->Unique(posName + "MisPosR"));  //  (100, -500, 500)
1185     TH2 *hEndPosR = this->CreateHist2D(RPos(OrgPosT()), endPos, sel, nDpr, "BOX");
1186     if (0. == hEndPosR->GetEntries()) {
1187       delete hEndPosR;
1188       continue;
1189     }
1190     TProfile *hProfPosR = this->CreateHistProf(RPos(OrgPosT()), endPos, sel, "prof" + nDpr);
1191     TProfile *hProfPosStartR = !addStart ? 0 : this->CreateHistProf(RPos(OrgPosT()), startPos, sel, "profStart" + nDpr);
1193     const TString nDpz(this->Unique(posName + "MisPosZ"));  //  (100, -500, 500)
1194     TH2 *hEndPosZ = this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), endPos, sel, nDpz, "BOX");
1195     TProfile *hProfPosZ = this->CreateHistProf(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), endPos, sel, "prof" + nDpz);
1196     TProfile *hProfPosStartZ =
1197         !addStart ? 0 : this->CreateHistProf(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), startPos, sel, "profStart" + nDpz);
1199     const TString nDpp(this->Unique(posName + "MisPosPhi"));  //  (100, -500, 500)
1200     TH2 *hEndPosPhi = this->CreateHist2D(Phi(OrgPosT()), endPos, sel, nDpp, "BOX");
1201     TProfile *hProfPosPhi = this->CreateHistProf(Phi(OrgPosT()), endPos, sel, "prof" + nDpp);
1202     TProfile *hProfPosStartPhi =
1203         !addStart ? 0 : this->CreateHistProf(Phi(OrgPosT()), startPos, sel, "profStart" + nDpp);
1205     const TString nDpy(this->Unique(posName + "MisPosY"));  //  (100, -500, 500)
1206     TH2 *hEndPosY = this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += YPos(), endPos, sel, nDpy, "BOX");
1207     TProfile *hProfPosY = this->CreateHistProf(OrgPosT() += YPos(), endPos, sel, "prof" + nDpy);
1208     TProfile *hProfPosStartY =
1209         !addStart ? 0 : this->CreateHistProf(OrgPosT() += YPos(), startPos, sel, "profStart" + nDpy);
1211     hEndPosR->SetTitle(DelName(posName) += " vs. r" + titleAdd + ";r[cm];" + DelNameU(posName));
1212     hEndPosZ->SetTitle(DelName(posName) += " vs. z" + titleAdd + ";z[cm];" + DelNameU(posName));
1213     hEndPosPhi->SetTitle(DelName(posName) += " vs. #phi" + titleAdd + ";#phi;" + DelNameU(posName));
1214     hEndPosY->SetTitle(DelName(posName) += " vs. y" + titleAdd + ";y[cm];" + DelNameU(posName));
1215     hProfPosR->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(posName) += "#GT vs. r" + titleAdd + ";r[cm];" + DelNameU(posName));
1216     hProfPosZ->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(posName) += "#GT vs. z" + titleAdd + ";z[cm];" + DelNameU(posName));
1217     hProfPosPhi->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(posName) += "#GT vs. #phi" + titleAdd + ";#phi;" + DelNameU(posName));
1218     hProfPosY->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(posName) += "#GT vs. y" + titleAdd + ";y[cm];" + DelNameU(posName));
1219     if (addStart) {
1220       hProfPosStartR->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(posName) +=
1221                                "#GT vs. r (start)" + titleAdd + ";r[cm];" + DelNameU(posName));
1222       hProfPosStartZ->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(posName) += "#GT vs. z" + titleAdd + ";z[cm];" + DelNameU(posName));
1223       hProfPosStartPhi->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(posName) += "#GT vs. #phi" + titleAdd + ";#phi;" + DelNameU(posName));
1224       hProfPosStartY->SetTitle("#LT" + DelName(posName) += "#GT vs. y" + titleAdd + ";y[cm];" + DelNameU(posName));
1225     }
1227     fHistManager->AddHist(hEndPosR, layer + nPlot);   //, "diff. to misal.");
1228     fHistManager->AddHist(hProfPosR, layer + nPlot);  //, "diff. to misal.");
1229     if (addStart)
1230       fHistManager->AddHist(hProfPosStartR, layer + nPlot);  //, "diff. to misal.");
1232     fHistManager->AddHist(hEndPosZ, layer + nPlot);   //, "misaligned");
1233     fHistManager->AddHist(hProfPosZ, layer + nPlot);  //, "misaligned");
1234     if (addStart)
1235       fHistManager->AddHist(hProfPosStartZ, layer + nPlot);  //, "misaligned");
1237     fHistManager->AddHist(hEndPosPhi, layer + nPlot);   //, "misaligned");
1238     fHistManager->AddHist(hProfPosPhi, layer + nPlot);  //, "misaligned");
1239     if (addStart)
1240       fHistManager->AddHist(hProfPosStartPhi, layer + nPlot);  //, "misaligned");
1242     fHistManager->AddHist(hEndPosY, layer + nPlot);   //, "misaligned");
1243     fHistManager->AddHist(hProfPosY, layer + nPlot);  //, "misaligned");
1244     if (addStart)
1245       fHistManager->AddHist(hProfPosStartY, layer + nPlot);  //, "misaligned");
1247     fHistManager->SetNumHistsXY((addStart ? 3 : 2), 4, layer + nPlot);
1249     ++nPlot;
1250   }
1252   fHistManager->Draw();
1253 }
1255 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1256 void PlotMillePede::DrawLabelDiffAbove(UInt_t iPar, float minDiff, bool addPlots) {
1257   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
1258   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
1259   const TString misPar(this->FinalMisAlignment(iPar) += ToMumMuRad(iPar));
1261   TString fixSel(Fixed(iPar, false) += AndL() += Abs(misPar)  //+=Div()+=ParSi(iPar))
1262                  += Form(">%f", minDiff));
1263   this->AddBasicSelection(fixSel);
1265   const TString name(this->Unique(Form("labelBigMis%d(100000,0,100000)", iPar)));
1267   TH1 *hLabel = this->CreateHist(MpT() += "Label", fixSel, name);
1268   //  this->GetMainTree()->Scan("Id:" + MpT() += "Label:" + misPar, fixSel);
1270   if (0. == hLabel->GetEntries())
1271     return;
1273   hLabel->SetTitle("Label, " + Abs(DelNameU(iPar)) += Form(">%f", minDiff) + titleAdd + ";label");
1275   fHistManager->AddHist(hLabel, layer);
1277   fHistManager->Draw();
1278 }
1280 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1281 void PlotMillePede::DrawGlobCorr(bool addPlots, const TString &sel, Option_t *option, Float_t min, Float_t max) {
1282   // options:
1283   // "nal": no axis limit
1284   const TString opt(option);
1285   const bool nal = opt.Contains("nal", TString::kIgnoreCase);
1286   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
1287   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
1289   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
1290   for (UInt_t iPar = 0; iPar < kNpar; ++iPar) {  //
1291     TString aSel(sel);
1292     if (aSel.Length())
1293       aSel.Prepend(Fixed(iPar, false) += AndL());
1294     else
1295       aSel = Fixed(iPar, false);
1296     if (opt.Contains("valid", TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
1297       if (aSel.Length())
1298         aSel.Prepend(Valid(iPar) += AndL());
1299       else
1300         aSel = Valid(iPar);
1301     }
1303     this->AddBasicSelection(aSel);
1305     const TString limits(nal ? "" : Form("(100,%f,%f)", min, max));
1306     const TString hName(this->Unique(Form("globCor%d", iPar)) += limits);
1307     TH1 *h = this->CreateHist(Cor(iPar), aSel, hName);
1308     if (0. == h->GetEntries())
1309       continue;
1311     const TString limits2dR(nal ? "" : Form("(110,0,110, 100,%f,%f)", min, max));
1312     const TString hNameR(this->Unique(Form("rGlobCor%d", iPar)) += limits2dR);
1313     TH1 *hR = this->CreateHist2D(RPos(OrgPosT()), Cor(iPar), aSel, hNameR, "BOX");
1315     const TString limits2dZ(nal ? "" : Form("(110,-275,275,100,%f,%f)", min, max));
1316     const TString hNameZ(this->Unique(Form("zGlobCor%d", iPar)) += limits2dZ);
1317     TH1 *hZ = this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), Cor(iPar), aSel, hNameZ, "BOX");
1319     const TString limits2dPhi(nal ? "" : Form("(100,-3.15,3.15,100,%f,%f)", min, max));
1320     const TString hNamePhi(this->Unique(Form("phiGlobCor%d", iPar)) += limits2dPhi);
1321     TH1 *hPhi = this->CreateHist2D(Phi(OrgPosT()), Cor(iPar), aSel, hNamePhi, "BOX");
1323     h->SetTitle(this->DelName(iPar) += titleAdd + ";Global Correlation;#parameters");
1324     hR->SetTitle(this->DelName(iPar) += titleAdd + ";r[cm];Global Correlation");
1325     hZ->SetTitle(this->DelName(iPar) += titleAdd + ";z[cm];Global Correlation");
1326     hPhi->SetTitle(this->DelName(iPar) += titleAdd + ";#phi;Global Correlation");
1327     fHistManager->AddHist(h, layer);
1328     fHistManager->AddHist(hR, layer + nPlot + 1);
1329     fHistManager->AddHist(hZ, layer + nPlot + 1);
1330     fHistManager->AddHist(hPhi, layer + nPlot + 1);
1331     ++nPlot;
1332   }
1334   fHistManager->Draw();
1335 }
1337 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1338 void PlotMillePede::DrawPull(Option_t *option) {
1339   const TString opt(option);
1340   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(opt.Contains("add", TString::kIgnoreCase));
1342   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
1343   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
1344   for (UInt_t iPar = 0; iPar < kNpar; ++iPar) {
1345     const TString misPar(this->FinalMisAlignment(iPar));
1347     TString sel(Fixed(iPar, false));
1348     if (opt.Contains("valid", TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
1349       sel += AndL() += Valid(iPar);
1350     }
1351     this->AddBasicSelection(sel);
1353     const TString hNameS(this->Unique(Form("sigma%d", iPar)));
1354     TH1 *hSi = this->CreateHist(ParSi(iPar) += ToMumMuRad(iPar), sel, hNameS);
1355     const TString hNameP(this->Unique(Form("pull%d", iPar)) +=
1356                          (opt.Contains("nolimit", TString::kIgnoreCase) ? "" : "(100,-6,6)"));
1357     TH1 *hPull = this->CreateHist(misPar + Div() += ParSi(iPar), sel, hNameP);
1358     if (0. == hPull->GetEntries())
1359       continue;
1361     hPull->SetTitle("pull " + DelName(iPar) += titleAdd + ";#Delta/" + Fun("#sigma", DelName(iPar)) += ";#parameters");
1362     hPull->Fit("gaus", "Q0L");  // "0": do not directly draw, "Q": quiet, "L" likelihood for bin=0 treatment
1363     hPull->GetFunction("gaus")->ResetBit(TF1::kNotDraw);
1364     hSi->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += titleAdd + ";" + Fun("#sigma", DelName(iPar)) += Unit(iPar) += ";#parameters");
1366     fHistManager->AddHist(hPull, layer);    //, 0, "diff. to misal.");
1367     fHistManager->AddHist(hSi, layer + 1);  //, 0, "diff. to misal.");
1368     ++nPlot;
1369   }
1371   fHistManager->Draw();
1372 }
1374 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1375 void PlotMillePede::DrawErrorVsHit(bool addPlots, const TString &sel) {
1376   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
1377   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
1379   TString andSel(sel);
1380   if (andSel.Length())
1381     andSel.Prepend(AndL());
1383   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
1384   for (UInt_t iPar = 0; iPar < kNpar; ++iPar) {  //
1385     TString aSel(sel);
1386     if (aSel.Length())
1387       aSel.Prepend(Fixed(iPar, false) += AndL());
1388     else
1389       aSel = Fixed(iPar, false);
1390     this->AddBasicSelection(aSel);
1392     const TString toMum(this->ToMumMuRad(iPar));
1393     const TString nMiPaHit(this->Unique(Form("mis%dVsHit", iPar)));
1394     const TString misPar(this->FinalMisAlignment(iPar) += toMum);
1396     TH2 *hDParVsHit = this->CreateHist2D(misPar, HitsX(), aSel, nMiPaHit, "BOX");
1397     if (0. == hDParVsHit->GetEntries())
1398       continue;
1400     const TString nSiHit(this->Unique(Form("sigmaVsHit%d", iPar)));
1401     TH2 *hSiVsHit = this->CreateHist2D(ParSi(iPar) += toMum, HitsX(), ParSiOk(iPar) += AndL() += aSel, nSiHit, "BOX");
1403     const TString nSiDiHit(this->Unique(Form("sigmaByHit%d", iPar)));
1404     TH1 *hSiByHit =
1405         this->CreateHist((ParSi(iPar) += toMum) += Div() += Sqrt(HitsX()), ParSiOk(iPar) += AndL() += aSel, nSiDiHit);
1407     hDParVsHit->SetTitle(DelName(iPar) += ": remaining misalign vs. N_{hit,x}" + titleAdd + ";" +
1408                                           Fun("#Delta", DelName(iPar)) += Unit(iPar) += ";N_{hit,x}");
1409     hSiVsHit->SetTitle(Fun("#sigma", DelName(iPar)) +=
1410                        " vs. N_{hit,x}" + titleAdd + ";" + Fun("#sigma", DelName(iPar)) += Unit(iPar) += ";N_{hit,x}");
1411     hSiByHit->SetTitle(Fun("#sigma", DelName(iPar)) += Div() += Sqrt("N_{hit,x}") +=
1412                        titleAdd + ";" + Fun("#sigma", DelName(iPar)) += Div() += Sqrt("N_{hit,x}") += Unit(iPar) +=
1413                        ";#parameters");
1415     fHistManager->AddHist(hDParVsHit, layer);
1416     // check that we have sigma determined by pede:
1417     if (hSiVsHit->GetEntries())
1418       fHistManager->AddHist(hSiVsHit, layer + 1);
1419     if (hSiByHit->GetEntries())
1420       fHistManager->AddHist(hSiByHit, layer + 2);
1422     ++nPlot;
1423   }
1425   fHistManager->Draw();
1426 }
1428 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1429 void PlotMillePede::DrawHitMaps(bool addPlots, bool inclFullFixed) {
1430   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
1431   TString sel(inclFullFixed ? "" : AnyFreePar().Data());
1432   this->AddBasicSelection(sel);
1433   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
1435   Option_t *drawOpt = "BOX";
1437   TH2 *hRx = this->CreateHist2D(RPos(OrgPosT()), HitsX(), sel, this->Unique("xHitsR"), drawOpt);
1438   TProfile *hRxProf = this->CreateHistProf(RPos(OrgPosT()), HitsX(), sel, this->Unique("profxHitsR"));
1439   //hRx->ProfileX("profHitsXR");
1440   TH2 *hRy = this->CreateHist2D(RPos(OrgPosT()), HitsY(), sel, this->Unique("yHitsR"), drawOpt);
1441   TProfile *hRyProf = this->CreateHistProf(RPos(OrgPosT()), HitsY(), sel, this->Unique("profyHitsR"));
1442   //hRy->ProfileX("profHitsYR");
1444   TH2 *hZx = this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), HitsX(), sel, this->Unique("xHitsZ"), drawOpt);
1445   TProfile *hZxProf = this->CreateHistProf(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), HitsX(), sel, this->Unique("profxHitsZ"));
1446   //hZx->ProfileX("profHitsXZ");
1447   TH2 *hZy = this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), HitsY(), sel, this->Unique("yHitsZ"), drawOpt);
1448   TProfile *hZyProf = this->CreateHistProf(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), HitsY(), sel, this->Unique("profyHitsZ"));
1449   //hZy->ProfileX("profHitsYZ");
1451   TH2 *hPhiX = this->CreateHist2D(Phi(OrgPosT()), HitsX(), sel, this->Unique("xHitsPhi"), drawOpt);
1452   TProfile *hPhixProf = this->CreateHistProf(Phi(OrgPosT()), HitsX(), sel, this->Unique("profxHitsPhi"));
1453   //hPhiX->ProfileX("profHitsXPhi");
1454   TH2 *hPhiY = this->CreateHist2D(Phi(OrgPosT()), HitsY(), sel, this->Unique("yHitsPhi"), drawOpt);
1455   TProfile *hPhiyProf = this->CreateHistProf(Phi(OrgPosT()), HitsY(), sel, this->Unique("profyHitsPhi"));
1456   //hPhiY->ProfileX("profHitsYPhi");
1458   TString selHitY(HitsY());
1459   if (!sel.IsNull())
1460     selHitY += AndL() += sel;
1461   TH1 *hNhitXlog = this->CreateHist(Fun("TMath::Log10", HitsX()),  // ignore 0 entries for log
1462                                     sel + AndL() += Parenth(HitsX() += ">0"),
1463                                     this->Unique("NhitXlog"));
1464   TH1 *hNhitX = this->CreateHist(HitsX(), sel, this->Unique("NhitX"));
1465   TH1 *hNhitY = this->CreateHist(HitsY(), sel, this->Unique("NhitY"));
1466   TH2 *hNhitXvsY = this->CreateHist2D(HitsX(), HitsY(), sel, this->Unique("NhitXvsY"), drawOpt);
1467   TH1 *hNhitDiffXy = this->CreateHist(HitsX() += Min() += HitsY(), selHitY, this->Unique("NhitDiffXy"));
1468   TH1 *hNhitDiffXyVsR =
1469       this->CreateHist2D(RPos(OrgPosT()), HitsX() += Min() += HitsY(), selHitY, this->Unique("NhitDiffXyVsR"), drawOpt);
1471   //hits= weight: i.e. sum!
1472   drawOpt = "COLZ";
1473   if (!sel.IsNull())
1474     sel = Parenth(sel).Prepend(Mal());
1475   TH2 *hTotPhiRx = this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += XPos(),
1476                                       OrgPosT() += YPos(),
1477                                       HitsX() += sel,
1478                                       this->Unique("totXvsXY"),
1479                                       drawOpt);  //+="(100,-110,110,100,110,110"
1480   TH2 *hTotPhiRy =
1481       this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += XPos(), OrgPosT() += YPos(), HitsY() += sel, this->Unique("totYvsXY"), drawOpt);
1482   TH2 *hTotRzX =
1483       this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), RPos(OrgPosT()), HitsX() += sel, this->Unique("totXvsZR"), drawOpt);
1484   TH2 *hTotRzY =
1485       this->CreateHist2D(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), RPos(OrgPosT()), HitsY() += sel, this->Unique("totYvsZR"), drawOpt);
1487   hRx->SetTitle("#hits_{x} vs. r" + titleAdd + ";r[cm];N_{hit,x}");
1488   hRxProf->SetTitle("#LT#hits_{x}> vs. r" + titleAdd + ";r[cm];N_{hit,x}");
1489   hRy->SetTitle("#hits_{y} vs. r" + titleAdd + ";r[cm];N_{hit,y}");
1490   hRyProf->SetTitle("#LT#hits_{y}> vs. r" + titleAdd + ";r[cm];N_{hit,y}");
1491   hZx->SetTitle("#hits_{x} vs. z" + titleAdd + ";z[cm];N_{hit,x}");
1492   hZxProf->SetTitle("#LT#hits_{x}> vs. z" + titleAdd + ";z[cm];N_{hit,x}");
1493   hZy->SetTitle("#hits_{y} vs. z" + titleAdd + ";z[cm];N_{hit,y}");
1494   hZyProf->SetTitle("#LT#hits_{y}> vs. z" + titleAdd + ";z[cm];N_{hit,y}");
1495   hPhiX->SetTitle("#hits_{x} vs. #phi" + titleAdd + ";#phi;N_{hit,x}");
1496   hPhixProf->SetTitle("#LT#hits_{x}> vs. #phi" + titleAdd + ";#phi;N_{hit,x}");
1497   hPhiY->SetTitle("#hits_{y} vs. #phi" + titleAdd + ";#phi;N_{hit,y}");
1498   hPhiyProf->SetTitle("#LT#hits_{y}> vs. #phi" + titleAdd + ";#phi;N_{hit,y}");
1500   hNhitXlog->SetTitle("#hits_{x}: log_{10}" + titleAdd + ";log_{10}(N_{hit,x})");
1501   hNhitX->SetTitle("#hits_{x}" + titleAdd + ";N_{hit,x}");
1502   hNhitY->SetTitle("#hits_{y}" + titleAdd + ";N_{hit,y}");
1503   hNhitXvsY->SetTitle("#hits_{x} vs. #hits_{y}" + titleAdd + ";N_{hit,x};N_{hit,y}");
1504   hNhitDiffXy->SetTitle("#hits_{x} - #hits_{y} (#hits_{y}#neq0)" + titleAdd + ";N_{hit,x}-N_{hit,y};#alignables");
1505   hNhitDiffXyVsR->SetTitle("#hits_{x} - #hits_{y} vs. r (#hits_{y}#neq0)" + titleAdd + ";r[cm];N_{hit,x}-N_{hit,y}");
1507   hTotPhiRx->SetTitle("#hits_{x}" + titleAdd + ";x [cm];y [cm]");
1508   hTotPhiRy->SetTitle("#hits_{y}" + titleAdd + ";x [cm];y [cm]");
1509   hTotRzX->SetTitle("#hits_{x}" + titleAdd + ";z [cm];r [cm]");
1510   hTotRzY->SetTitle("#hits_{y}" + titleAdd + ";z [cm];r [cm]");
1512   const bool addYhists = (hNhitY->GetMean() || hNhitY->GetRMS());
1514   fHistManager->AddHist(hRx, layer);
1515   fHistManager->AddHist(hRxProf, layer + 1);
1516   if (addYhists) {
1517     fHistManager->AddHist(hRy, layer);
1518     fHistManager->AddHist(hRyProf, layer + 1);
1519   }
1520   fHistManager->AddHist(hZx, layer);
1521   fHistManager->AddHist(hZxProf, layer + 1);
1522   if (addYhists) {
1523     fHistManager->AddHist(hZy, layer);
1524     fHistManager->AddHist(hZyProf, layer + 1);
1525   }
1526   fHistManager->AddHist(hPhiX, layer);
1527   fHistManager->AddHist(hPhixProf, layer + 1);
1528   if (addYhists) {
1529     fHistManager->AddHist(hPhiY, layer);
1530     fHistManager->AddHist(hPhiyProf, layer + 1);
1531   }
1533   fHistManager->AddHist(hNhitXlog, layer + 2);
1534   fHistManager->AddHist(hNhitX, layer + 2);
1535   fHistManager->AddHist(hNhitY, layer + 2);  // add always to show that no y-hit
1536   if (addYhists) {
1537     fHistManager->AddHist(hNhitXvsY, layer + 2);
1538     fHistManager->AddHist(hNhitDiffXy, layer + 2);
1539     fHistManager->AddHist(hNhitDiffXyVsR, layer + 2);
1540   }
1542   fHistManager->AddHist(hTotPhiRx, layer + 3);
1543   if (addYhists)
1544     fHistManager->AddHist(hTotPhiRy, layer + 3);
1545   fHistManager->AddHist(hTotRzX, layer + 3);
1546   if (addYhists)
1547     if (hNhitY->GetEntries())
1548       fHistManager->AddHist(hTotRzY, layer + 3);
1550   fHistManager->Draw();
1551 }
1553 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1554 void PlotMillePede::DrawBigPullLabel(float minPull, bool addPlots) {
1555   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
1557   //  UInt_t nPlot = 0;
1558   for (UInt_t iPar = 0; iPar < kNpar; ++iPar) {
1559     const TString misPar(this->FinalMisAlignment(iPar));
1561     const TString hNameL(Form("bigPullLabel%d(100000,0,100000)", iPar));
1562     const TString isBigPull(Abs(misPar + Div() += ParSi(iPar)) += Form(" > %f", minPull));
1563     TString sel(isBigPull + AndL() += Fixed(iPar, false));
1564     this->AddBasicSelection(sel);
1566     TH1 *hLabel = this->CreateHist(Label(iPar), sel, hNameL);
1567     if (0. == hLabel->GetEntries())
1568       continue;
1570     hLabel->SetTitle((DelName(iPar) += Form(": |pull| > %f", minPull)) += ";Label");
1571     fHistManager->AddHist(hLabel, layer);
1572     //    ++nPlot;
1573   }
1575   fHistManager->Draw();
1576 }
1578 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1579 void PlotMillePede::DrawBigPullPos(float minPull, bool addPlots) {
1580   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
1581   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
1583   UInt_t nPlot = 0;
1584   for (UInt_t iPar = 0; iPar < kNpar; ++iPar) {
1585     const TString misPar(this->FinalMisAlignment(iPar));
1587     const TString isBigPull(Abs(misPar + Div() += ParSi(iPar)) += Form(" > %f", minPull));
1588     TString sel(isBigPull + AndL() += Fixed(iPar, false));
1589     this->AddBasicSelection(sel);
1591     const TString hNameR(this->Unique(Form("bigPullR%d", iPar)));
1593     TH1 *hR = this->CreateHist(RPos(OrgPosT()), sel, hNameR);
1594     if (0. == hR->GetEntries())
1595       continue;
1596     const TString hNameZ(this->Unique(Form("bigPullZ%d", iPar)));
1597     TH1 *hZ = this->CreateHist(OrgPosT() += ZPos(), sel, hNameZ);
1598     const TString hNameP(this->Unique(Form("bigPullP%d", iPar)));
1599     TH1 *hPhi = this->CreateHist(Phi(OrgPosT()), sel, hNameP);
1601     hR->SetTitle((DelName(iPar) += Form(": |pull| > %f", minPull)) += titleAdd + ";r[cm]");
1602     hZ->SetTitle((DelName(iPar) += Form(": |pull| > %f", minPull)) += titleAdd + ";z[cm]");
1603     hPhi->SetTitle((DelName(iPar) += Form(": |pull| > %f", minPull)) += titleAdd + ";#phi");
1604     fHistManager->AddHist(hR, layer + nPlot);
1605     fHistManager->AddHist(hZ, layer + nPlot);
1606     fHistManager->AddHist(hPhi, layer + nPlot);
1607     ++nPlot;
1608   }
1610   fHistManager->Draw();
1611 }
1613 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1614 // void PlotMillePede::DrawShiftsImprovement()
1615 // {
1616 //
1617 //   fHistManager->Clear();
1618 //
1619 //   Int_t nPlot = 0;
1620 //   for (UInt_t iPar = kLocX; iPar <= kLocZ; ++iPar) { //
1621 //     const TString hNameB(Form("before%d(100, -500, 500)", iPar));//
1622 //     const TString hNameA(Form("after%d(100, -500, 500)", iPar));//(100, -50, 50)
1623 //     const TString hNameAs(Form("shouldafter%d(100, -500, 500)", iPar));//(100, -50, 50)
1624 //     TH1 *hBefore = this->CreateHist(MisRelPosT()+=Pos(iPar) += "*10000",
1625 //                  "!" + Fixed(iPar), hNameB);
1626 //     TH1 *hAfter = this->CreateHist(RelPosT()+=Pos(iPar) += "*10000",
1627 //                 "!" + Fixed(iPar), hNameA);
1628 //     TH1 *hShouldAfter = this->CreateHist(Parenth(MisRelPosT()+=Pos(iPar)+=Plu()
1629 //                                                  +=ParT()+=Par(iPar)) += "*10000",
1630 //                                          "!" + Fixed(iPar), hNameAs);
1631 //     //    if (0. == hAfter->GetEntries()) continue;
1632 //     if (0. == hBefore->GetEntries()) continue;
1633 //     fHistManager->AddHist(hBefore, 0, "Before");
1634 //     fHistManager->AddHist(hAfter, 1, "After");
1635 //     fHistManager->AddHistSame(hShouldAfter, 1, nPlot, "ShouldAfter");
1636 //     fHistManager->AddHist(hBefore, 2, "Before");
1637 //     fHistManager->AddHistSame(hAfter, 2, nPlot, "After");
1638 //     ++nPlot;
1639 //   }
1640 //
1641 //   fHistManager->Draw();
1642 // }
1644 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1645 void PlotMillePede::DrawSubDetId(bool addPlots) {
1646   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(addPlots);
1647   const TString titleAdd = this->TitleAdd();
1649   const TString nameAll(this->Unique("subDetId"));
1650   const TString nameAct(this->Unique("subDetIdActive"));
1652   TString sel;
1653   this->AddBasicSelection(sel);
1654   TH1 *hAll = this->CreateHist(SubDetId(), sel, nameAll);
1656   if (!sel.IsNull())
1657     sel = Parenth(sel) += AndL();
1658   sel += AnyFreePar();
1659   TH1 *hAct = this->CreateHist(SubDetId(), sel, nameAct);
1661   if (hAll->GetEntries()) {
1662     hAll->SetTitle("subDetId" + titleAdd + ";ID(subdet)");
1663     fHistManager->AddHist(hAll, layer);
1664   }
1665   if (hAct->GetEntries()) {
1666     hAct->SetTitle("subDetId (any free param)" + titleAdd + ";ID(subdet)");
1667     fHistManager->AddHist(hAct, layer);
1668   }
1670   fHistManager->Draw();
1671 }
1673 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1674 void PlotMillePede::DrawXyArrow(Double_t factor, Option_t *option) {
1675   const TString opt(option);
1676   const Int_t layer = this->PrepareAdd(opt.Contains("add", TString::kIgnoreCase));
1678   // prepare selection
1679   TString sel;
1680   this->AddBasicSelection(sel);
1681   // Draw command for populating tree->GetV1/2() - resulting hist is not of interest!
1682   delete this->Draw(OrgPosT() += XPos() += ":" + OrgPosT() += YPos(), sel, "", "goff");
1684   TTree *tree = this->GetMainTree();
1685   const Long64_t size = tree->GetSelectedRows();
1687   if (size == 0)
1688     return;  // nothing survived...
1690   // get min/max x/y for frame
1691   Double_t maxX = tree->GetV1()[TMath::LocMax(size, tree->GetV1())];
1692   maxX *= (maxX < 0 ? 0.9 : 1.1);
1693   Double_t minX = tree->GetV1()[TMath::LocMin(size, tree->GetV1())];
1694   minX *= (minX > 0 ? 0.9 : 1.1);
1695   Double_t maxY = tree->GetV2()[TMath::LocMax(size, tree->GetV2())];
1696   maxY *= (maxY < 0 ? 0.9 : 1.1);
1697   Double_t minY = tree->GetV2()[TMath::LocMin(size, tree->GetV2())];
1698   minY *= (minY > 0 ? 0.9 : 1.1);
1699   TH1 *hFrame = new TH2F(this->Unique("frame"),
1700                          Form("scale %g%s;x [cm];y [cm]", factor, this->TitleAdd().Data()),
1701                          10,
1702                          minX,
1703                          maxX,
1704                          10,
1705                          minY,
1706                          maxY);
1707   hFrame->SetOption("AXIS");
1708   hFrame->SetEntries(size);  // entries shows number of plotted arrows
1709   fHistManager->AddHist(hFrame, layer);
1711   // copy arrays from TTree:
1712   const std::vector<double> xs(tree->GetV1(), tree->GetV1() + size);
1713   const std::vector<double> ys(tree->GetV2(), tree->GetV2() + size);
1715   // Now draw for deltas (even GetV3()!) - again return value irrelevant
1716   delete this->Draw(
1717       DeltaPos("x", PosT()) += ":" + DeltaPos("y", PosT()) += ":" + DeltaPos("z", PosT()), sel, "", "goff");
1718   // copy delta x's and y's
1719   const std::vector<double> deltaXs(tree->GetV1(), tree->GetV1() + size);
1720   const std::vector<double> deltaYs(tree->GetV2(), tree->GetV2() + size);
1722   if (opt.Contains("zcirc", TString::kIgnoreCase)) {  // circles for z to be drawn
1723     // get delta z from tree
1724     const std::vector<double> deltaZs(tree->GetV3(), tree->GetV3() + size);
1725     const Double_t rootFactor = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(factor));  //area grows ^2...
1726     // add z positions via coloured circles
1727     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
1728       if (deltaZs[i] == 0.)
1729         continue;
1730       TEllipse *circ = new TEllipse(xs[i], ys[i], TMath::Abs(rootFactor * deltaZs[i]));
1731       // circ->SetLineStyle(0); // no line at border
1732       if (deltaZs[i] < 0.)
1733         circ->SetFillColor(kRed);
1734       else
1735         circ->SetFillColor(kGreen);
1736       fHistManager->AddObject(circ, layer, 0);
1737     }
1738   }
1740   // xy-arrows on top
1741   TArrow::SetDefaultAngle(30.);
1742   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
1743     TArrow *arr = new TArrow(xs[i], ys[i], xs[i] + factor * deltaXs[i], ys[i] + factor * deltaYs[i], 0.01, "|>");
1744     fHistManager->AddObject(arr, layer, 0);
1745   }
1747   fHistManager->Draw();
1748 }
1750 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1751 void PlotMillePede::ScanSelection(const char *sel, const char *addColumns) {
1752   TString realSel;
1753   if (sel) {
1754     realSel = sel;
1755   } else {
1756     this->AddBasicSelection(realSel);
1757     const TString titleAdd(this->TitleAdd());
1758     if (titleAdd.Length()) {
1759       std::cout << "Active selection: " << titleAdd << std::endl;
1760     }
1761   }
1763   const TString mpPar(MpT() += Par());  // += this->ToMumMuRad(iPar));
1764   //  this->GetMainTree()->Scan("Id:Pos:" + mpPar += Form(":HitsX:Sigma[%u]:Label", iPar), sel);
1765   TString scan("Id:Pos:" + mpPar += ":HitsX:Sigma:Label");
1766   if (addColumns)
1767     scan += addColumns;
1768   this->GetMainTree()->Scan(scan, realSel);
1769 }
1771 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1772 void PlotMillePede::ScanPedeParAbove(UInt_t iPar, float absMinInMuMm) {
1773   const TString mpPar(MpT() += Par(iPar));  // += this->ToMumMuRad(iPar));
1774   TString sel(Fixed(iPar, false) += AndL() += Abs(mpPar) += Form(">%f", absMinInMuMm));
1775   this->AddBasicSelection(sel);
1776   const TString titleAdd(this->TitleAdd());
1777   if (titleAdd.Length())
1778     std::cout << titleAdd << std::endl;
1780   this->ScanSelection(sel);
1781   //    this->GetMainTree()->Scan("Id:Pos:" + mpPar += Form(":HitsX:Sigma[%u]:Label", iPar), sel);
1782 }
1784 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1785 void PlotMillePede::DrawCheck() {
1786   fHistManager->Clear();
1788   const TString allTreeNames[] = {OrgPosT(), MisPosT(), PosT(), MisParT(), ParT(), MpT()};
1790   const unsigned int nTree = sizeof(allTreeNames) / sizeof(allTreeNames[0]);
1791   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nTree; ++i) {
1792     TH1 *hId = this->CreateHist((PosT() += "Id - ") + allTreeNames[i] + "Id", "");
1793     TH1 *hObjId = this->CreateHist((PosT() += "ObjId - ") + allTreeNames[i] + "ObjId", "");
1794     fHistManager->AddHist(hId, i);
1795     fHistManager->AddHist(hObjId, i);
1796   }
1798   fHistManager->Draw();
1799 }
1801 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1802 Int_t PlotMillePede::PrepareAdd(bool addPlots) {
1803   if (addPlots) {
1804     return fHistManager->GetNumLayers();
1805   } else {
1806     fHistManager->Clear();
1807     return 0;
1808   }
1809 }
1811 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1812 TString PlotMillePede::Unique(const char *name) const {
1813   if (!gROOT->FindObject(name))
1814     return name;
1816   UInt_t i = 1;
1817   while (gROOT->FindObject(Form("%s_%u", name, i)))
1818     ++i;
1820   return Form("%s_%u", name, i);
1821 }
1823 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1824 void PlotMillePede::AddBasicSelection(TString &sel) const {
1825   // hierarchy level if selected
1826   if (fHieraLevel >= 0) {
1827     if (sel.IsNull())
1828       sel = HieraLev(fHieraLevel);
1829     else
1830       sel = Parenth(sel) += AndL() += HieraLev(fHieraLevel);
1831   }
1833   // selected subdets ony (all if none selected)
1834   TString subDetSel;  // first create or of subdets
1835   for (Int_t iSub = 0; iSub < fSubDetIds.GetSize(); ++iSub) {
1836     const TString newSubDetSel(Parenth(SubDetId()) += Form("==%d", fSubDetIds[iSub]));
1837     if (subDetSel.IsNull())
1838       subDetSel = newSubDetSel;
1839     else
1840       subDetSel = Parenth(subDetSel) += OrL() += newSubDetSel;
1841   }
1842   if (!subDetSel.IsNull()) {
1843     if (sel.IsNull())
1844       sel = Parenth(subDetSel);
1845     else
1846       sel = Parenth(sel) += AndL() += Parenth(subDetSel);
1847   }
1849   // alignbale type (rod, det, petal...) if selected
1850   if (fAlignableTypeId >= 0) {
1851     const TString alignableTypeSel(Parenth(AlignableTypeId() += Form("==%d", fAlignableTypeId)));
1852     if (sel.IsNull())
1853       sel = alignableTypeSel;
1854     else
1855       sel = Parenth(sel) += AndL() += alignableTypeSel;
1856   }
1858   if (fAdditionalSel.Length()) {
1859     if (sel.IsNull())
1860       sel = fAdditionalSel;
1861     else
1862       sel = Parenth(sel) += AndL() += fAdditionalSel;
1863   }
1864 }
1866 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1867 void PlotMillePede::SetMaxDev(Float_t maxDev) {
1868   // set symmetric x-axis range for result plots (around 0)
1869   fMaxDevUp = TMath::Abs(maxDev);
1870   fMaxDevDown = -TMath::Abs(maxDev);
1871 }
1873 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1874 void PlotMillePede::SetMaxDev(Float_t maxDevDown, Float_t maxDevUp) {
1875   // set x-axis range for result plots
1876   if (maxDevUp < maxDevDown) {
1877     ::Error(
1878         "PlotMillePede::SetMaxDev", "Upper limit %f smaller than lower limit %f => Swap them!", maxDevUp, maxDevDown);
1879     fMaxDevUp = maxDevDown;
1880     fMaxDevDown = maxDevUp;
1881   } else {
1882     fMaxDevUp = maxDevUp;
1883     fMaxDevDown = maxDevDown;
1884   }
1885 }
1887 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1888 void PlotMillePede::SetSubDetId(Int_t subDetId) {
1889   // select a single subdet, 1-6 are TPB, TPE, TIB, TID, TOB, TEC, -1 means: take all
1890   if (subDetId == -1) {
1891     fSubDetIds.Set(0);
1892   } else {
1893     fSubDetIds.Set(1, &subDetId);  // length 1, value of subDetId
1894   }
1895 }
1897 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1898 void PlotMillePede::AddSubDetId(Int_t subDetId) {
1899   // add subdet to selection, 1-6 are TPB, TPE, TIB, TID, TOB, TEC
1900   const Int_t last = fSubDetIds.GetSize();
1901   fSubDetIds.Set(last + 1);  // enlarge by one
1902   fSubDetIds[last] = subDetId;
1903 }
1905 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1906 void PlotMillePede::SetSubDetIds(Int_t id1, Int_t id2, Int_t id3, Int_t id4, Int_t id5) {
1907   this->SetSubDetId(id1);
1908   const Int_t ids[] = {id2, id3, id4, id5};
1909   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(ids) / sizeof(ids[0]); ++i) {
1910     if (ids[i] > 0)
1911       this->AddSubDetId(ids[i]);
1912   }
1913 }
1915 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1916 TString PlotMillePede::TitleAdd() const {
1917   // add something to title that describes general selection
1918   TString result;
1919   for (Int_t i = 0; i < fSubDetIds.GetSize(); ++i) {
1920     if (result.Length())
1921       result += " + ";
1922     switch (fSubDetIds[i]) {
1923       case 1:
1924         result += "BPIX";
1925         break;
1926       case 2:
1927         result += "FPIX";
1928         break;
1929       case 3:
1930         result += "TIB";
1931         break;
1932       case 4:
1933         result += "TID";
1934         break;
1935       case 5:
1936         result += "TOB";
1937         break;
1938       case 6:
1939         result += "TEC";
1940         break;
1941       default:
1942         // ::Warning("PlotMillePede::SubDetTitleAdd", "unknown subDetId %d", fSubDetIds[i]);
1943         result += "unknown subDet";
1944     }
1945   }
1947   if (fAlignableTypeId >= 0) {
1948     if (result.Length())
1949       result += ", ";
1950     //result += Form("type %d", fAlignableTypeId);
1951     result += this->AlignableObjIdString(fAlignableTypeId);
1952   }
1954   if (fHieraLevel != 0) {
1955     if (result.Length())
1956       result += ", ";
1957     if (fHieraLevel < 0)
1958       result += Form("all hierar. levels");
1959     else
1960       result += Form("hier. level %d", fHieraLevel);
1961   }
1963   if (fAdditionalSelTitle.Length()) {
1964     if (result.Length())
1965       result += ", ";
1966     result += fAdditionalSelTitle;
1967   }
1969   if (fTitle.Length()) {
1970     if (result.Length())
1971       result.Prepend(fTitle + ", ");
1972     else
1973       result.Prepend(fTitle);
1974   }
1976   if (result.Length())
1977     result.Prepend(": ");
1979   return result;
1980 }
1982 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1983 TString PlotMillePede::AlignableObjIdString(Int_t objId) const {
1984   switch (objId) {  // see StructureType.h in CMSSW
1985     case 1:
1986       return "DetUnit";
1987     case 2:
1988       return "Det";
1989       //
1990     case 5:
1991       return "BPIXLayer";
1992     case 6:
1993       return "BPIXHalfBarrel";
1994       //
1995     case 11:
1996       return "FPIXHalfDisk";
1997       //
1998     case 15:
1999       return "TIBString";
2000       //
2001     case 19:
2002       return "TIBHalfBarrel";
2003     case 20:
2004       return "TIBBarrel";
2005       //
2006     case 25:
2007       return "TIDEndcap";
2008       //
2009     case 29:
2010       return "TOBHalfBarrel";
2011     case 30:
2012       return "TOBBarrel";
2013       //
2014     case 36:
2015       return "TECEndcap";
2016     default:
2017       ::Error("PlotMillePede::AlignableObjIdString",
2018               "Missing implementation for ObjId %d, see "
2019               "Alignment/CommonAlignment/interface/StructureType.h",
2020               objId);
2021       return Form("alignable obj id %d", objId);
2022   }
2023 }
2025 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2026 Int_t PlotMillePede::SetHieraLevel(Int_t hieraLevel) {  // select hierarchical level (-1: all)
2027   const Int_t oldLevel = fHieraLevel;
2028   fHieraLevel = hieraLevel;
2029   return oldLevel;
2030 }
2032 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2033 Int_t PlotMillePede::SetAlignableTypeId(
2034     Int_t alignableTypeId) {  // select ali type id, i.e. rod, det, petal etc. (-1: take all)
2035   const Int_t oldTypeId = fAlignableTypeId;
2036   fAlignableTypeId = alignableTypeId;
2037   return oldTypeId;
2038 }
2040 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2041 void PlotMillePede::AddAdditionalSel(const char *selection) {
2042   if (!selection || selection[0] == '\0') {
2043     ::Warning("PlotMillePede::AddAdditionalSel", "Ignore empty selection.");
2044   } else {
2045     if (fAdditionalSel.Length())
2046       fAdditionalSel = Parenth(fAdditionalSel) += AndL();
2047     // Add to title for hists as well :
2048     if (fAdditionalSelTitle.Length())
2049       fAdditionalSelTitle += ", ";
2050     const TString sel(selection);
2051     // stereo/rphi etc. selections:
2052     if (sel == "StripDoubleOr1D") {
2053       fAdditionalSel += "(Id&3)==0";
2054       fAdditionalSelTitle += "Double sided or 1D layer/ring";
2055     } else if (sel == "StripRphi") {
2056       fAdditionalSel += "(Id&3)==2";
2057       fAdditionalSelTitle += "R#phi";
2058     } else if (sel == "StripStereo") {
2059       fAdditionalSel += "(Id&3)==1";
2060       fAdditionalSelTitle += "Stereo";
2061       // anti stereo/rphi etc. selections:
2062     } else if (sel == "NotStripDoubleOr1D") {
2063       fAdditionalSel += "(Id&3)!=0";
2064       fAdditionalSelTitle += "!(Double sided or 1D layer/ring)";
2065     } else if (sel == "NotStripRphi") {
2066       fAdditionalSel += "(Id&3)!=2";
2067       fAdditionalSelTitle += "!R#phi";
2068     } else if (sel == "NotStripStereo") {
2069       fAdditionalSel += "(Id&3)!=1";
2070       fAdditionalSelTitle += "!Stereo";
2071       // genericaly add
2072     } else {
2073       fAdditionalSel += selection;
2074       fAdditionalSelTitle += selection;
2075     }
2076   }
2077 }
2079 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2080 void PlotMillePede::AddAdditionalSel(const TString &xyzrPhiNhit, Float_t min, Float_t max) {
2081   const TString oldTitle = fAdditionalSelTitle;  // backup
2082   if (xyzrPhiNhit == "Nhit") {
2083     this->AddAdditionalSel(HitsX() += Form(">=%f && ", min) + HitsX() += Form("<%f", max));
2084   } else {
2085     this->AddAdditionalSel(OrgPos(xyzrPhiNhit) += Form(">=%f && ", min) + OrgPos(xyzrPhiNhit) += Form("<%f", max));
2086   }
2087   // add to title in readable format
2088   fAdditionalSelTitle = oldTitle;  // first remove what was added in unreadable format...
2089   if (fAdditionalSelTitle.Length())
2090     fAdditionalSelTitle += ", ";
2091   fAdditionalSelTitle += Form("%g #leq %s < %g", min, xyzrPhiNhit.Data(), max);
2092 }
2094 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2095 TString PlotMillePede::FinalMisAlignment(UInt_t iPar) const {
2096   return (fUseDiff ? DiffPar(ParT(), MisParT(), iPar) : Parenth(ParT() += Par(iPar)));
2097 }
2099 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2100 void PlotMillePede::CopyAddBinning(TString &name, const TH1 *h) const {
2101   if (!h)
2102     return;
2104   name += Form("(%d,%f,%f", h->GetNbinsX(), h->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), h->GetXaxis()->GetXmax());
2105   if (h->GetDimension() > 1) {
2106     name += Form(",%d,%f,%f", h->GetNbinsY(), h->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(), h->GetYaxis()->GetXmax());
2107   }
2108   if (h->GetDimension() > 2) {
2109     name += Form(",%d,%f,%f", h->GetNbinsZ(), h->GetZaxis()->GetXmin(), h->GetZaxis()->GetXmax());
2110   }
2112   name += ')';
2113 }
2115 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2116 void PlotMillePede::SetOutName(const TString &name) { fHistManager->SetCanvasName(name); }