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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:57:25

0001 #include <TH2.h>
0002 #include <TStyle.h>
0003 #include <TCanvas.h>
0004 #include <TMath.h>
0005 #include <cmath>
0006 #include <TString.h>
0008 void Get_Plot(TH1D, TString);
0010 void CosmicRateTool_Kinematics(const char *fileName) {
0011   TString InputFile = Form("%s", fileName);
0012   TFile *file = new TFile(InputFile);
0014   bool IsFileExist;
0015   IsFileExist = file->IsZombie();
0016   if (IsFileExist) {
0017     cout << endl
0018          << "====================================================================================================="
0019          << endl;
0020     cout << fileName << " is not found. Check the file!" << endl;
0021     cout << "====================================================================================================="
0022          << endl
0023          << endl;
0024     exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
0025   }
0027   TTree *tree = (TTree *)file->Get("cosmicRateAnalyzer/Event");
0029   vector<double> *pt;
0030   vector<double> *charge;
0031   vector<double> *chi2;
0032   vector<double> *chi2_ndof;
0033   vector<double> *eta;
0034   vector<double> *theta;
0035   vector<double> *phi;
0036   vector<double> *p;
0037   vector<double> *d0;
0038   vector<double> *dz;
0040   pt = 0;
0041   charge = 0;
0042   chi2 = 0;
0043   chi2_ndof = 0;
0044   eta = 0;
0045   theta = 0;
0046   phi = 0;
0047   p = 0;
0048   d0 = 0;
0049   dz = 0;
0051   tree->SetBranchAddress("pt", &pt);
0052   tree->SetBranchAddress("charge", &charge);
0053   tree->SetBranchAddress("chi2", &chi2);
0054   tree->SetBranchAddress("chi2_ndof", &chi2_ndof);
0055   tree->SetBranchAddress("eta", &eta);
0056   tree->SetBranchAddress("theta", &theta);
0057   tree->SetBranchAddress("phi", &phi);
0058   tree->SetBranchAddress("p", &p);
0059   tree->SetBranchAddress("d0", &d0);
0060   tree->SetBranchAddress("dz", &dz);
0062   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0063   //                    Various Kinematical Histograms Declerations
0064   //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0066   TH1D h_pt("h_pt", "h_pt", 100, 0, 100);
0067   TH1D h_charge("h_charge", "h_charge", 10, -5, 5);
0068   TH1D h_chi2("h_chi2", "h_chi2", 200, 0, 100);
0069   TH1D h_chi2_ndof("h_chi2_ndof", "h_chi2_ndof", 100, 0, 10);
0070   TH1D h_eta("h_eta", "h_eta", 500, -3, 3);
0071   TH1D h_theta("h_theta", "h_theta", 500, -3, 3);
0072   TH1D h_phi("h_phi", "h_phi", 400, -3.5, 3.5);
0073   TH1D h_d0("h_d0", "h_d0", 1000, -85, 85);
0074   TH1D h_dz("h_dz", "h_dz", 1500, -350, 350);
0076   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0078   int nTotalEvents = 0, nTotalTracks = 0;
0079   Long64_t n = tree->GetEntriesFast();
0080   for (Long64_t jentry = 0; jentry < n; jentry++)  // Loop over events
0081   {
0082     tree->GetEntry(jentry);
0084     for (int k = 0; k < pt->size(); k++)  // Loop over tracks
0085     {
0086       h_pt.Fill(pt->at(k));
0087       h_charge.Fill(charge->at(k));
0088       h_chi2.Fill(chi2->at(k));
0089       h_chi2_ndof.Fill(chi2_ndof->at(k));
0090       h_eta.Fill(eta->at(k));
0091       h_theta.Fill(theta->at(k));
0092       h_phi.Fill(phi->at(k));
0093       h_d0.Fill(d0->at(k));
0094       h_dz.Fill(dz->at(k));
0096       nTotalTracks++;
0097     }  // Tracks Loop
0099     nTotalEvents++;
0100   }  // Event Loop
0102   std::cout << "Total Events: " << nTotalEvents << std::endl;
0103   std::cout << "Total Tracks: " << nTotalTracks << std::endl;
0105   //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++       Make Directory     ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0106   gSystem->Exec("mkdir -p Kinematical_Plots");
0108   //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++         Plotting         ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0109   Get_Plot(h_pt, "pt");
0110   Get_Plot(h_eta, "eta");
0111   Get_Plot(h_phi, "phi");
0112   Get_Plot(h_theta, "theta");
0113   Get_Plot(h_d0, "d0");
0114   Get_Plot(h_dz, "dz");
0115   Get_Plot(h_chi2, "chi2");
0116   Get_Plot(h_chi2_ndof, "chi2_ndof");
0117   Get_Plot(h_charge, "charge");
0118 }
0120 void Get_Plot(TH1D h1, TString variable) {
0121   TCanvas c("c", "c", 556, 214, 661, 641);
0122   gStyle->SetOptStat(0);   // Dont show statistics
0123   gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);  // Dont show Title
0124   c.Range(-7.156863, -810349, 5.764706, 4951034);
0125   c.SetFillColor(0);
0126   c.SetBorderMode(0);
0127   c.SetBorderSize(3);
0128   c.SetGridx();
0129   c.SetGridy();
0130   c.SetTickx(1);
0131   c.SetTicky(1);
0132   c.SetLeftMargin(0.1669196);
0133   c.SetRightMargin(0.05918058);
0134   c.SetTopMargin(0.08233276);
0135   c.SetBottomMargin(0.1406518);
0136   c.SetFrameLineWidth(3);
0137   c.SetFrameBorderMode(0);
0138   c.SetFrameLineWidth(3);
0139   c.SetFrameBorderMode(0);
0141   TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(3);
0143   h1.SetLineColor(kRed);
0144   h1.SetLineWidth(3);
0146   //---- X-axis Titles -----//
0147   TString TempEta = "eta", TempChi2 = "chi2";
0148   if (variable.Contains("pt")) {
0149     h1.SetXTitle("Track p_{T} (GeV)");
0150   } else if (variable.Contains("charge")) {
0151     h1.SetXTitle("Track charge (e)");
0152   } else if (variable.Data() == TempEta) {
0153     h1.SetXTitle("Track #eta");
0154   } else if (variable.Contains("phi")) {
0155     h1.SetXTitle("Track #phi (rad)");
0156   } else if (variable.Contains("theta")) {
0157     h1.SetXTitle("Track #theta (rad)");
0158   } else if (variable.Contains("d0")) {
0159     h1.SetXTitle("Track d_{0} (cm)");
0160   } else if (variable.Contains("dz")) {
0161     h1.SetXTitle("Track d_{z} (cm)");
0162   } else if (variable.Data() == TempChi2) {
0163     h1.SetXTitle("Track #chi^{2}");
0164   } else if (variable.Contains("ndof")) {
0165     h1.SetXTitle("Track #chi^{2} per NDF");
0166   } else {
0167     std::cout << "Title does not match anything in the categories defined!" << std::endl;
0168   }
0170   h1.SetYTitle("Tracks (#)");
0171   h1.SetLabelSize(0.05);
0172   h1.GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
0173   h1.GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
0174   h1.GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
0175   h1.GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.06);
0176   h1.GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.12);
0177   h1.Draw();
0179   // Text on upper right corner of plot //
0180   TLatex Title = TLatex();
0181   Title.SetTextFont(42);
0182   Title.SetTextSize(0.039);
0183   Title.DrawLatexNDC(0.76, 0.94, "cosmic rays");  //Bv1
0185   //============== Saving as PDF, png and C ============= //
0186   TString PlotFormat[] = {"png", "pdf", "C"};
0187   for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
0188     TString Format = variable + "." + PlotFormat[k];
0189     c.SaveAs(Format.Data());
0190     TString mv_folder_string = "mv " + Format + " Kinematical_Plots";
0191     gSystem->Exec(mv_folder_string.Data());
0192   }
0193   c.Close();
0194 }