Type |
Member of |
File |
Line |
class, struct, or union member |
TrackStruct::TrackParameterStruct |
/Alignment/APEEstimation/interface/EventVariables.h |
129 |
local variable |
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer/src/AlignmentTrackSelector.cc |
368 |
local variable |
/Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/src/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm.cc |
750 |
class, struct, or union member |
TrackerValidationVariables::AVTrackStruct |
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/interface/TrackerValidationVariables.h |
102 |
local variable |
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/PrimaryVertexValidation.cc |
683 |
local variable |
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/PrimaryVertexValidation.cc |
3560 |
local variable |
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/PrimaryVertexValidation.cc |
3604 |
local variable |
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/SagittaBiasNtuplizer.cc |
347 |
function prototype or declaration |
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ValidationMisalignedTracker.cc |
470 |
function prototype or declaration |
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ValidationMisalignedTracker.cc |
679 |
class, struct, or union member |
ValidationMisalignedTracker |
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ValidationMisalignedTracker.h |
86 |
local variable |
/Alignment/TrackerAlignment/macros/CosmicRateTool_Kinematics.C |
37 |
class, struct, or union member |
CosmicRateAnalyzer |
/Alignment/TrackerAlignment/plugins/CosmicRateAnalyzer.cc |
193 |
local variable |
/CommonTools/ParticleFlow/interface/IPCutPFCandidateSelectorDefinition.h |
66 |
class, struct, or union member |
RecoObj |
/CommonTools/PileupAlgos/interface/RecoObj.h |
37 |
function prototype or declaration |
/CondCore/CondDB/test/testReadWritePayloads.cpp |
35 |
local variable |
/DPGAnalysis/Skims/src/EcalTangentFilter.cc |
38 |
local variable |
/DQM/SiPixelMonitorTrack/src/SiPixelTrackResidualSource.cc |
1120 |
local variable |
/DQM/SiPixelPhase1Track/plugins/SiPixelPhase1TrackClusters.cc |
182 |
local variable |
/DQM/TrackingMonitor/src/TrackEfficiencyMonitor.cc |
390 |
local variable |
/DQM/TrackingMonitor/src/TrackEfficiencyMonitor.cc |
488 |
local variable |
/DQMOffline/Trigger/plugins/LepHTMonitor.cc |
162 |
local variable |
/DQMOffline/Trigger/plugins/LepHTMonitor.cc |
219 |
variable |
/DQMOffline/Trigger/python/HLTMuonOfflineAnalyzer_cfi.py |
48 |
function prototype or declaration |
TTTrack |
/DataFormats/L1TrackTrigger/interface/TTTrack.h |
115 |
function definition |
TTTrack |
/DataFormats/L1TrackTrigger/interface/TTTrack.h |
325 |
function definition |
ScoutingElectron |
/DataFormats/Scouting/interface/ScoutingElectron.h |
67 |
function prototype or declaration |
reco::TrackBase |
/DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackBase.h |
215 |
function definition |
reco::TrackBase |
/DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackBase.h |
611 |
local variable |
/FastSimulation/ForwardDetectors/plugins/CastorFastTowerProducer.cc |
177 |
local variable |
/FastSimulation/ForwardDetectors/plugins/CastorFastTowerProducer.cc |
208 |
local and common block variable |
/GeneratorInterface/GenExtensions/bin/EDDE/edde.f |
2995 |
local and common block variable |
/GeneratorInterface/GenExtensions/bin/EDDE/edde.f |
3924 |
local and common block variable |
/GeneratorInterface/GenExtensions/bin/EDDE/edde.f |
5107 |
function prototype or declaration |
/Geometry/EcalTestBeam/test/ee/CaloGeometryLoaderTest.icc |
163 |
function prototype or declaration |
/HLTrigger/Muon/plugins/HLTMuonDimuonL2Filter.cc |
201 |
function prototype or declaration |
/HLTrigger/Muon/plugins/HLTMuonDimuonL2FromL1TFilter.cc |
200 |
function prototype or declaration |
/HLTrigger/Muon/plugins/HLTMuonDimuonL3Filter.cc |
363 |
function prototype or declaration |
/HLTrigger/Muon/plugins/HLTMuonTrimuonL3Filter.cc |
262 |
function prototype or declaration |
/HLTrigger/btau/plugins/HLTDisplacedmumuVtxProducer.cc |
114 |
function prototype or declaration |
/HLTrigger/btau/plugins/HLTDisplacedmumumuVtxProducer.cc |
110 |
function prototype or declaration |
/HLTrigger/btau/plugins/HLTDisplacedmumumuVtxProducer.cc |
129 |
function prototype or declaration |
/HLTrigger/btau/plugins/HLTDisplacedtktkVtxProducer.cc |
128 |
function prototype or declaration |
/HLTrigger/btau/plugins/HLTDisplacedtktktkVtxProducer.cc |
159 |
local variable |
/HLTriggerOffline/SUSYBSM/src/SUSY_HLT_SingleLepton.cc |
52 |
class, struct, or union member |
/L1Trigger/L1CaloTrigger/interface/Phase2L1CaloEGammaUtils.h |
60 |
variable definition |
/L1Trigger/L1CaloTrigger/plugins/L1EGammaCrystalsEmulatorProducer.cc |
83 |
function definition |
Phase2L1GMT::ConvertedTTTrack |
/L1Trigger/Phase2L1GMT/interface/ConvertedTTTrack.h |
46 |
function definition |
Phase2L1GMT::PreTrackMatchedMuon |
/L1Trigger/Phase2L1GMT/interface/PreTrackMatchedMuon.h |
51 |
local variable |
/L1Trigger/Phase2L1GMT/plugins/Phase2L1TGMTFwdMuonTranslator.cc |
184 |
local variable |
/L1Trigger/Phase2L1GMT/plugins/Phase2L1TGMTFwdMuonTranslator.cc |
268 |
local variable |
/L1Trigger/Phase2L1GMT/src/TrackConverter.cc |
22 |
class, struct, or union member |
l1t::L1TGT_GMT_PromptDisplacedMuon |
/L1Trigger/Phase2L1GT/plugins/L1GTEvaluationInterface.h |
145 |
class, struct, or union member |
l1t::L1TGT_GMT_TrackMatchedmuon |
/L1Trigger/Phase2L1GT/plugins/L1GTEvaluationInterface.h |
187 |
enumerator |
tmtt::ChiSquaredFitBase::PAR_IDS |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/ChiSquaredFitBase.h |
23 |
function definition |
tmtt::DigitalTrack |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/DigitalTrack.h |
47 |
function definition |
tmtt::KFTrackletTrack |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/KFTrackletTrack.h |
115 |
enumerator |
tmtt::KFbase::PAR_IDS |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/KFbase.h |
33 |
function prototype or declaration |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/L1fittedTrack.h |
156 |
function definition |
tmtt::L1fittedTrack |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/L1fittedTrack.h |
236 |
function definition |
tmtt::L1track3D |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/L1track3D.h |
157 |
function definition |
tmtt::TP |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/TP.h |
63 |
local variable |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/src/ConverterToTTTrack.cc |
14 |
local variable |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/src/KFParamsComb.cc |
247 |
function prototype or declaration |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/src/KFbase.cc |
64 |
local variable |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/src/KFbase.cc |
81 |
local variable |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/src/KFbase.cc |
607 |
function definition |
trklet::L1SimTrack |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/L1SimTrack.h |
33 |
function definition |
trklet::Track |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/Track.h |
66 |
function definition |
trklet::TrackPars |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/TrackPars.h |
31 |
function definition |
trklet::TrackPars |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/TrackPars.h |
37 |
variable definition |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/HybridFit.cc |
199 |
function prototype or declaration |
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/test/fpga.cc |
135 |
local variable |
/L1Trigger/TrackTrigger/src/Setup.cc |
653 |
enumerator |
trackerDTC::Efficiency |
/L1Trigger/TrackerDTC/test/Analyzer.cc |
60 |
local variable |
/L1Trigger/TrackerDTC/test/Analyzer.cc |
316 |
local variable |
/L1Trigger/TrackerTFP/src/DataFormats.cc |
506 |
local variable |
/L1Trigger/TrackerTFP/src/DataFormats.cc |
542 |
local variable |
/PhysicsTools/Heppy/src/Davismt2.cc |
347 |
local variable |
/PhysicsTools/Heppy/src/Davismt2.cc |
633 |
local variable |
/PhysicsTools/Heppy/src/mt2w_bisect.cc |
352 |
local variable |
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/BTVMCFlavourTableProducer.cc |
226 |
class, struct, or union member |
PatTrackAnalyzer::Plots |
/PhysicsTools/PatExamples/plugins/PatTrackAnalyzer.cc |
49 |
variable |
/PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils/python/wplusjetsAnalysis_cfi.py |
25 |
variable |
/PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils/python/wplusjetsAnalysis_cfi.py |
40 |
variable |
/PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils/python/wplusjetsAnalysis_cfi.py |
50 |
variable |
/PhysicsTools/SelectorUtils/python/wplusjetsAnalysis_cfi.py |
65 |
typedef |
funct::Divides |
/PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/Factorize.h |
124 |
typedef |
funct::Divides |
/PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/Factorize.h |
135 |
typedef |
funct::Divides |
/PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/Factorize.h |
147 |
function prototype or declaration |
/RecoBTag/BTagTools/src/SignedTransverseImpactParameter.cc |
38 |
variable |
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonProducers/python/allConversions_cfi.py |
30 |
local variable |
/RecoHI/HiTracking/src/HIPixelTrackFilter.cc |
55 |
local variable |
/RecoHI/HiTracking/src/HIProtoTrackFilter.cc |
30 |
local variable |
/RecoJets/JetProducers/plugins/QGTagger.cc |
214 |
local variable |
/RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelClusterizer/test/TestWithTracks.cc |
678 |
local variable |
/RecoMET/METAlgorithms/src/TCMETAlgo.cc |
578 |
local variable |
/RecoMET/METProducers/src/MuonTCMETValueMapProducer.cc |
194 |
local variable |
/RecoMET/METProducers/src/MuonTCMETValueMapProducer.cc |
279 |
local variable |
/RecoMuon/MuonIsolationProducers/plugins/MuIsolatorResultProducer.h |
399 |
local variable |
/RecoTracker/FinalTrackSelectors/plugins/CosmicTrackSelector.cc |
301 |
local variable |
/RecoTracker/FinalTrackSelectors/plugins/MultiTrackSelector.cc |
432 |
function prototype or declaration |
/RecoTracker/MkFitCMS/src/MkStdSeqs.cc |
142 |
function prototype or declaration |
/RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/src/TrackCleaner.cc |
258 |
function definition |
BSTrkParameters |
/RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer/interface/BSTrkParameters.h |
55 |
class, struct, or union member |
NtupleHelper |
/RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer/test/NtupleHelper.h |
36 |
function definition |
TrackingParticle |
/SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/interface/TrackingParticle.h |
196 |
local variable |
/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/EvolutionECAL.cc |
17 |
local variable |
/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/EvolutionECAL.cc |
130 |
local variable |
/SimG4CMS/Calo/src/EvolutionECAL.cc |
159 |
local variable |
/SimGeneral/GFlash/src/GflashTrajectory.cc |
34 |
local variable |
/SimTracker/TrackHistory/plugins/QualityCutsAnalyzer.cc |
344 |
local variable |
/TopQuarkAnalysis/TopKinFitter/src/TtFullLepKinSolver.cc |
317 |
local variable |
/Validation/RecoEgamma/plugins/TkConvValidator.cc |
1821 |
local variable |
/Validation/RecoEgamma/plugins/TkConvValidator.cc |
2185 |
local variable |
/Validation/RecoVertex/src/TrackParameterAnalyzer.cc |
188 |