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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:01:29

0002 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/PluginManager.h"
0003 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/standard.h"
0004 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/SharedLibrary.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/ServiceRegistry.h"
0007 //
0008 #include "CondCore/CondDB/interface/ConnectionPool.h"
0009 //
0010 #include "MyTestData.h"
0011 // #include "ArrayPayload.h"
0012 // #include "SimplePayload.h"
0013 //
0014 #include <fstream>
0015 #include <iomanip>
0016 #include <cstdlib>
0017 #include <iostream>
0019 using namespace cond::persistency;
0021 // define values here, so we can check them after reading back ...
0022 const int iVal0(18);                 // 17
0023 const int iVal1(909);                // 999
0024 const std::string sVal("7890abcd");  // "abcd1234"
0026 int doWrite(const std::string& connectionString) {
0027   try {
0028     //*************
0029     std::cout << "> Connecting for writing with db in " << connectionString << std::endl;
0030     ConnectionPool connPool;
0031     connPool.setMessageVerbosity(coral::Debug);
0032     Session session = connPool.createSession(connectionString, true);
0033     session.transaction().start(false);
0035     MyTestData d0(iVal0);
0036     MyTestData d1(iVal1);
0037     std::cout << "> Storing payload ptr=" << &d0 << std::endl;
0038     cond::Hash p0 = session.storePayload(d0, boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time());
0039     cond::Hash p1 = session.storePayload(d1, boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time());
0041     std::string d(sVal);
0042     cond::Hash p3 = session.storePayload(d, boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time());
0044     // ArrayPayload arrayPl( );
0045     // cond::Hash ap0 = session.storePayload( arrayPl, boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time() );
0047     // SimplePayload simplePl( 43 );
0048     // cond::Hash sp0 = session.storePayload( simplePl, boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time() );
0050     IOVEditor editor;
0051     if (!session.existsIov("MyNewIOV")) {
0052       editor = session.createIov<MyTestData>("MyNewIOV", cond::runnumber);
0053       editor.setDescription("Test with MyTestData class");
0054       editor.insert(1, p0);
0055       editor.insert(100, p1);
0056       std::cout << "> inserted 2 iovs..." << std::endl;
0057       editor.flush();
0058       std::cout << "> iov changes flushed..." << std::endl;
0059     }
0061     if (!session.existsIov("StringData")) {
0062       editor = session.createIov<std::string>("StringData", cond::timestamp);
0063       editor.setDescription("Test with std::string class");
0064       editor.insert(1000000, p3);
0065       editor.insert(2000000, p3);
0066       editor.flush();
0067     }
0069     session.transaction().commit();
0070     std::cout << "> iov changes committed!..." << std::endl;
0072     session.transaction().commit();
0073   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
0074     std::cout << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
0075     return -1;
0076   } catch (...) {
0077     std::cout << "UNEXPECTED FAILURE." << std::endl;
0078     return -1;
0079   }
0080   std::cout << "## Run successfully completed." << std::endl;
0081   return 0;
0082 }
0084 int doRead(const std::string& connectionString) {
0085   int nFail = 0;
0086   try {
0087     //*************
0088     std::cout << "> Connecting for reading with db in " << connectionString << std::endl;
0089     ConnectionPool connPool;
0090     connPool.setMessageVerbosity(coral::Debug);
0091     Session session = connPool.createSession(connectionString, true);
0092     session.transaction().start(false);
0094     session.transaction().start();
0096     IOVProxy proxy = session.readIov("MyNewIOV");
0097     std::cout << "> iov loaded size=" << proxy.loadedSize() << std::endl;
0098     std::cout << "> iov sequence size=" << proxy.sequenceSize() << std::endl;
0099     IOVArray iovs = proxy.selectAll();
0100     IOVArray::Iterator iovIt = iovs.find(57);
0101     if (iovIt == iovs.end()) {
0102       std::cout << ">[0] not found!" << std::endl;
0103     } else {
0104       cond::Iov_t val = *iovIt;
0105       std::cout << "#[0] iov since=" << val.since << " till=" << val.till << " pid=" << val.payloadId << std::endl;
0106       std::shared_ptr<MyTestData> pay0 = session.fetchPayload<MyTestData>(val.payloadId);
0107       pay0->print();
0108       if (*pay0 != MyTestData(iVal0)) {
0109         nFail++;
0110         std::cout << "ERROR, pay0 found to be wrong, expected : " << iVal0 << " IOV: " << val.since << std::endl;
0111       }
0112       iovIt++;
0113     }
0114     if (iovIt == iovs.end()) {
0115       std::cout << "#[1] not found!" << std::endl;
0116     } else {
0117       cond::Iov_t val = *iovIt;
0118       std::cout << "#[1] iov since=" << val.since << " till=" << val.till << " pid=" << val.payloadId << std::endl;
0119       std::shared_ptr<MyTestData> pay1 = session.fetchPayload<MyTestData>(val.payloadId);
0120       pay1->print();
0121       if (*pay1 != MyTestData(iVal1)) {
0122         nFail++;
0123         std::cout << "ERROR, pay1 found to be wrong, expected : " << iVal1 << " IOV: " << val.since << std::endl;
0124       }
0125     }
0126     iovIt = iovs.find(176);
0127     if (iovIt == iovs.end()) {
0128       std::cout << "#[2] not found!" << std::endl;
0129     } else {
0130       cond::Iov_t val = *iovIt;
0131       std::cout << "#[2] iov since=" << val.since << " till=" << val.till << " pid=" << val.payloadId << std::endl;
0132       std::shared_ptr<MyTestData> pay2 = session.fetchPayload<MyTestData>(val.payloadId);
0133       pay2->print();
0134       if (*pay2 != MyTestData(iVal1)) {
0135         nFail++;
0136         std::cout << "ERROR, pay2 found to be wrong, expected : " << iVal1 << " IOV: " << val.since << std::endl;
0137       }
0138       iovIt++;
0139     }
0140     if (iovIt == iovs.end()) {
0141       std::cout << "#[3] not found!" << std::endl;
0142     } else {
0143       cond::Iov_t val = *iovIt;
0144       std::cout << "#[3] iov since=" << val.since << " till=" << val.till << " pid=" << val.payloadId << std::endl;
0145       std::shared_ptr<MyTestData> pay3 = session.fetchPayload<MyTestData>(val.payloadId);
0146       pay3->print();
0147       if (*pay3 != MyTestData(iVal1)) {
0148         nFail++;
0149         std::cout << "ERROR, pay3 found to be wrong, expected : " << iVal1 << " IOV: " << val.since << std::endl;
0150       }
0151     }
0153     proxy = session.readIov("StringData");
0154     iovs = proxy.selectAll();
0155     auto iov2It = iovs.find(1000022);
0156     if (iov2It == iovs.end()) {
0157       std::cout << "#[4] not found!" << std::endl;
0158     } else {
0159       cond::Iov_t val = *iov2It;
0160       std::cout << "#[4] iov since=" << val.since << " till=" << val.till << " pid=" << val.payloadId << std::endl;
0161       std::shared_ptr<std::string> pay4 = session.fetchPayload<std::string>(val.payloadId);
0162       std::cout << "#pay4=" << *pay4 << std::endl;
0163       if (*pay4 != sVal) {
0164         nFail++;
0165         std::cout << "ERROR, pay4 found to be " << *pay4 << " expected : " << sVal << " IOV: " << val.since
0166                   << std::endl;
0167       }
0168     }
0170     session.transaction().commit();
0171   } catch (const std::exception& e) {
0172     std::cout << "ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
0173     return -1;
0174   } catch (...) {
0175     std::cout << "UNEXPECTED FAILURE." << std::endl;
0176     return -1;
0177   }
0178   if (nFail == 0) {
0179     std::cout << "## Run successfully completed." << std::endl;
0180   } else {
0181     std::cout << "## Run completed with ERRORS. nFail = " << nFail << std::endl;
0182   }
0184   return nFail;
0185 }
0187 int run(const std::string& connectionString) {
0188   int ret = doWrite(connectionString);
0189   if (ret != 0)
0190     return ret;
0192   ::sleep(2);
0193   ret = doRead(connectionString);
0195   return ret;
0196 }
0198 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
0199   int ret = 0;
0200   edmplugin::PluginManager::Config config;
0201   edmplugin::PluginManager::configure(edmplugin::standard::config());
0202   std::cout << "## Running with CondDBV2 format..." << std::endl;
0204   if (argc < 3) {
0205     std::cout << "Not enough arguments given, assuming automatic run in unit-tests. Will not do anything. "
0206               << std::endl;
0207     std::cout << "If you did not expect this, please run it with the arguments as follows:" << std::endl;
0208     std::cout << "testReadWritePayloads (write|read) <dbName> " << std::endl;
0209     return 0;
0210   }
0212   std::string connectionString0("sqlite_file:cms_conditions_v2.db");
0213   if (std::string(argv[2]).size() > 3) {
0214     connectionString0 = std::string(argv[2]);
0215   }
0217   if (std::string(argv[1]) == "write") {
0218     ret = doWrite(connectionString0);
0219   } else if (std::string(argv[1]) == "read") {
0220     ret = doRead(connectionString0);
0221   } else {
0222     ret = run(connectionString0);
0223   }
0225   return ret;
0226 }