File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:01:51
0001 #include "CondCore/CondDB/interface/Auth.h"
0002 #include "CondCore/CondDB/interface/Exception.h"
0003 #include "CondCore/CondDB/interface/CredentialStore.h"
0004 #include "CondCore/Utilities/interface/Utilities.h"
0006 #include "RelationalAccess/AuthenticationCredentials.h"
0007 #include "Utilities/Xerces/interface/Xerces.h"
0009 #include <iostream>
0010 #include <fstream>
0011 #include <iomanip>
0013 namespace coral_bridge {
0014 bool parseXMLAuthenticationFile(const std::string& inputFileName, coral_bridge::AuthenticationCredentialSet& data);
0017 class XMLAuthenticationFileContent {
0018 public:
0019 explicit XMLAuthenticationFileContent(std::ostream& out);
0021 bool openConnectionEntry(const std::string& pcs);
0023 bool closeConnectionEntry();
0025 bool openRoleEntry(const std::string& roleName);
0027 bool closeRoleEntry();
0029 bool addCredentialEntry(const std::string& userName, const std::string& password);
0031 void close();
0033 private:
0034 std::ostream& m_out;
0036 bool m_connectionListOpen;
0038 bool m_connectionEntryOpen;
0040 bool m_roleEntryOpen;
0042 unsigned int m_ind;
0043 };
0045 }
0047 namespace cond {
0048 class AuthenticationManager : public Utilities {
0049 public:
0050 AuthenticationManager();
0051 ~AuthenticationManager() override;
0052 int execute() override;
0053 };
0054 }
0056 cond::AuthenticationManager::AuthenticationManager() : Utilities("cmscond_authentication_manager") {
0057 addOption<std::string>("authPath", "P", "authentication path");
0058 addOption<bool>("create", "", "[-s a0 -u a1] create creds db");
0059 addOption<bool>("reset_admin", "", "[-s a0 -u a1] reset write credentials for admin");
0060 addOption<bool>("drop", "", "[-c a0 -u a1] drop creds db");
0061 addOption<bool>("update_princ", "", "[-s a0 -k a1 (-a)] add/update principal");
0062 addOption<bool>("update_conn", "", "[-s a0 -u a1 (-l a3)] add/update connection");
0063 addOption<bool>("set_perm", "", "[-s a0 -n a1 -r a2 -c a3 -l a4] set permission");
0064 addOption<bool>("unset_perm", "", "[-s a0 -n a1 -r a2 -c a3] unset permission");
0065 addOption<bool>("list_conn", "", "[-s arg ] list connections");
0066 addOption<bool>("list_perm", "", "[-s a0 (-n a1)(-r a2)(-c a3)] list permissions");
0067 addOption<bool>("list_princ", "", "[-s arg] list principals");
0068 addOption<bool>("remove_princ", "", "[-s a0 -n a1] remove principal");
0069 addOption<bool>("remove_conn", "", "[-s a0 -l a1] remove connection");
0070 addOption<bool>("admin", "a", "add admin privileges");
0071 addOption<bool>("force_update", "f", "force update");
0072 addOption<std::string>("import", "", "[a0 -s a1 -n a2 (-f)] import from the xml file");
0073 addOption<std::string>("export", "", "[a0 -s a1] export to the xml file");
0074 addOption<std::string>("service", "s", "service name");
0075 addOption<std::string>("princ_name", "n", "the principal");
0076 addOption<std::string>("key", "k", "the key filename");
0077 addOption<std::string>("role", "r", "the role");
0078 addOption<std::string>("connectionString", "c", "the connection string");
0079 addOption<std::string>("connectionLabel", "l", "the connection label");
0080 addOption<std::string>("userName", "u", "the user name");
0081 }
0083 cond::AuthenticationManager::~AuthenticationManager() {}
0085 int cond::AuthenticationManager::execute() {
0086 if (hasDebug())
0087 coral::MessageStream::setMsgVerbosity(coral::Debug);
0088 std::string authPath("");
0089 if (hasOptionValue("authPath"))
0090 authPath = getOptionValue<std::string>("authPath");
0091 if (authPath.empty()) {
0092 const char* authEnv = ::getenv(auth::COND_AUTH_PATH);
0093 if (authEnv) {
0094 authPath += authEnv;
0095 } else {
0096 authEnv = ::getenv("HOME");
0097 if (authEnv) {
0098 authPath += authEnv;
0099 }
0100 }
0101 }
0103 bool drop = hasOptionValue("drop");
0104 bool create = hasOptionValue("create");
0105 bool reset_admin = hasOptionValue("reset_admin");
0106 bool update_princ = hasOptionValue("update_princ");
0107 bool update_conn = hasOptionValue("update_conn");
0108 bool list_conn = hasOptionValue("list_conn");
0109 bool list_perm = hasOptionValue("list_perm");
0110 bool list_princ = hasOptionValue("list_princ");
0111 bool remove_princ = hasOptionValue("remove_princ");
0112 bool remove_conn = hasOptionValue("remove_conn");
0113 bool set_perm = hasOptionValue("set_perm");
0114 bool unset_perm = hasOptionValue("unset_perm");
0115 bool import = hasOptionValue("import");
0116 bool exp = hasOptionValue("export");
0118 bool not_exec = true;
0119 CredentialStore credDb;
0121 if (drop) {
0122 std::string connectionString = getOptionValue<std::string>("connectionString");
0123 std::string userName = getOptionValue<std::string>("userName");
0124 std::string password = cond::getpassForUser(userName);
0125 credDb.drop(connectionString, userName, password);
0126 std::cout << "Credential Repository in " << connectionString << " has been dropped." << std::endl;
0127 not_exec = false;
0128 }
0130 std::string service("");
0131 if (create && not_exec) {
0132 service = getOptionValue<std::string>("service");
0133 std::string userName = getOptionValue<std::string>("userName");
0134 std::string password = cond::getpassForUser(userName);
0135 std::string credsStore = credDb.setUpForService(service, authPath);
0136 credDb.createSchema(credsStore, userName, password);
0137 std::cout << "Credential Repository for service " << service << " has been created." << std::endl;
0138 not_exec = false;
0139 }
0141 if (reset_admin || update_princ || update_conn || remove_princ || remove_conn || set_perm || unset_perm || import ||
0142 list_conn || list_princ || list_perm || exp) {
0143 service = getOptionValue<std::string>("service");
0144 std::string credsStore = credDb.setUpForService(service, authPath);
0145 std::cout << "Authenticated principal " << credDb.keyPrincipalName() << std::endl;
0146 std::cout << "Connecting with credential repository in \"" << credsStore << "\"" << std::endl;
0147 }
0149 if (reset_admin && not_exec) {
0150 std::string userName = getOptionValue<std::string>("userName");
0151 std::string password = cond::getpassForUser(userName);
0152 credDb.resetAdmin(userName, password);
0153 std::cout << "Admin access to service " << credDb.serviceName() << " has been reset." << std::endl;
0154 not_exec = false;
0155 }
0157 if (update_princ && not_exec) {
0158 bool adminOpt = hasOptionValue("admin");
0159 std::string key = getOptionValue<std::string>("key");
0160 auth::DecodingKey pk;
0161 pk.init(key, auth::COND_KEY);
0162 credDb.updatePrincipal(pk.principalName(), pk.principalKey(), adminOpt);
0163 std::cout << "Principal " << pk.principalName() << " has been updated." << std::endl;
0164 not_exec = false;
0165 }
0167 if (update_conn && not_exec) {
0168 std::string userName = getOptionValue<std::string>("userName");
0169 std::string password = cond::getpassForUser(userName);
0170 std::string connectionLabel = schemaLabel(service, userName);
0171 if (hasOptionValue("connectionLabel")) {
0172 connectionLabel = getOptionValue<std::string>("connectionLabel");
0173 }
0174 credDb.updateConnection(connectionLabel, userName, password);
0175 std::cout << "Credentials for connection " << connectionLabel << " have been updated." << std::endl;
0176 not_exec = false;
0177 }
0179 if (remove_princ && not_exec) {
0180 std::string principal = getOptionValue<std::string>("princ_name");
0181 credDb.removePrincipal(principal);
0182 std::cout << "Principal " << principal << " has been removed." << std::endl;
0183 not_exec = false;
0184 }
0186 if (remove_conn && not_exec) {
0187 std::string connectionLabel = getOptionValue<std::string>("connectionLabel");
0188 credDb.removeConnection(connectionLabel);
0189 std::cout << "Connection " << connectionLabel << " has been removed." << std::endl;
0190 not_exec = false;
0191 }
0193 if (set_perm && not_exec) {
0194 std::string principal = getOptionValue<std::string>("princ_name");
0195 std::string role = getOptionValue<std::string>("role");
0196 std::string connectionString = getOptionValue<std::string>("connectionString");
0197 std::string connectionLabel = getOptionValue<std::string>("connectionLabel");
0198 credDb.setPermission(principal, role, connectionString, connectionLabel);
0199 std::cout << "Permission for principal " << principal << " to access resource " << connectionString << " with role "
0200 << role << " has been set." << std::endl;
0201 not_exec = false;
0202 }
0204 if (unset_perm && not_exec) {
0205 std::string connectionString = getOptionValue<std::string>("connectionString");
0206 std::string principal("");
0207 if (hasOptionValue("princ_name"))
0208 principal = getOptionValue<std::string>("princ_name");
0209 std::string role("");
0210 if (hasOptionValue("role"))
0211 role = getOptionValue<std::string>("role");
0212 size_t n = credDb.unsetPermission(principal, role, connectionString);
0213 if (n) {
0214 std::cout << n << " permissions to access resource " << connectionString;
0215 if (!role.empty())
0216 std::cout << " with role " << role;
0217 std::cout << " have been unset";
0218 if (!principal.empty())
0219 std::cout << " for principal " << principal << " ";
0220 } else {
0221 std::cout << "No Permission found to access resource " << connectionString;
0222 if (!role.empty())
0223 std::cout << " with role " << role;
0224 if (!principal.empty())
0225 std::cout << " for principal " << principal << " ";
0226 }
0227 std::cout << "." << std::endl;
0228 not_exec = false;
0229 }
0231 if (import && not_exec) {
0232 bool forceUp = hasOptionValue("force_update");
0233 std::string fileName = getOptionValue<std::string>("import");
0234 std::string principal = getOptionValue<std::string>("princ_name");
0235 coral_bridge::AuthenticationCredentialSet source;
0236 if (!coral_bridge::parseXMLAuthenticationFile(fileName, source)) {
0237 std::cout << "Error: XML parsing failed." << std::endl;
0238 return 1;
0239 }
0240 std::cout << "Importing " << << " connection items." << std::endl;
0241 credDb.importForPrincipal(principal, source, forceUp);
0242 std::cout << "Credential set for principal " << principal << " has been imported from file " << fileName
0243 << std::endl;
0244 not_exec = false;
0245 }
0247 if (list_conn && not_exec) {
0248 std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, std::string> > data;
0249 credDb.listConnections(data);
0250 std::cout << "Found " << data.size() << " connection(s)." << std::endl;
0251 std::cout << std::endl;
0252 static std::string connectionLabelH("connection label");
0253 static std::string userNameH("username");
0254 static std::string passwordH("password");
0255 size_t connectionLabelW = connectionLabelH.size();
0256 size_t userNameW = 0;
0257 size_t passwordW = 0;
0258 for (std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::const_iterator iC = data.begin();
0259 iC != data.end();
0260 ++iC) {
0261 const std::string& userName = iC->second.first;
0262 const std::string& password = iC->second.second;
0263 const std::string& connectionLabel = iC->first;
0264 if (connectionLabelW < connectionLabel.size())
0265 connectionLabelW = connectionLabel.size();
0266 if (userNameW < userName.size())
0267 userNameW = userName.size();
0268 if (passwordW < password.size())
0269 passwordW = password.size();
0270 }
0271 if (userNameW > 0 && userNameW < userNameH.size())
0272 userNameW = userNameH.size();
0273 if (passwordW > 0 && passwordW < passwordH.size())
0274 passwordW = passwordH.size();
0275 std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios_base::left);
0276 std::cout << std::setw(connectionLabelW) << connectionLabelH;
0277 if (userNameW) {
0278 std::cout << " " << std::setw(userNameW) << userNameH;
0279 }
0280 if (passwordW) {
0281 std::cout << " " << std::setw(passwordW) << passwordH;
0282 }
0283 std::cout << std::endl;
0284 std::cout << std::setfill('-');
0285 std::cout << std::setw(connectionLabelW) << "";
0286 if (userNameW) {
0287 std::cout << " " << std::setw(userNameW) << "";
0288 }
0289 if (passwordW) {
0290 std::cout << " " << std::setw(passwordW) << "";
0291 }
0292 std::cout << std::endl;
0293 std::cout << std::setfill(' ');
0294 for (std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::const_iterator iC = data.begin();
0295 iC != data.end();
0296 ++iC) {
0297 const std::string& connectionLabel = iC->first;
0298 const std::string& userName = iC->second.first;
0299 const std::string& password = iC->second.second;
0300 std::cout << std::setw(connectionLabelW) << connectionLabel << " " << std::setw(userNameW) << userName << " "
0301 << std::setw(passwordW) << password << std::endl;
0302 }
0303 not_exec = false;
0304 }
0306 if (list_princ && not_exec) {
0307 std::vector<std::string> data;
0308 credDb.listPrincipals(data);
0309 std::cout << "Found " << data.size() << " principal(s)." << std::endl;
0310 std::cout << std::endl;
0311 static std::string principalH("principal name");
0312 size_t principalW = principalH.size();
0313 for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iP = data.begin(); iP != data.end(); ++iP) {
0314 const std::string& principal = *iP;
0315 if (principalW < principal.size())
0316 principalW = principal.size();
0317 }
0318 std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios_base::left);
0319 std::cout << std::setw(principalW) << principalH << std::endl;
0320 std::cout << std::setfill('-');
0321 std::cout << std::setw(principalW) << "" << std::endl;
0322 std::cout << std::setfill(' ');
0323 for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iP = data.begin(); iP != data.end(); ++iP) {
0324 std::cout << std::setw(principalW) << *iP << std::endl;
0325 }
0326 not_exec = false;
0327 }
0329 if (list_perm && not_exec) {
0330 std::vector<CredentialStore::Permission> data;
0331 std::string pName("");
0332 std::string role("");
0333 std::string conn("");
0334 if (hasOptionValue("connectionString"))
0335 conn = getOptionValue<std::string>("connectionString");
0336 if (hasOptionValue("princ_name"))
0337 pName = getOptionValue<std::string>("princ_name");
0338 if (hasOptionValue("role"))
0339 role = getOptionValue<std::string>("role");
0340 credDb.selectPermissions(pName, role, conn, data);
0341 std::cout << "Found " << data.size() << " permission(s)." << std::endl;
0342 std::cout << std::endl;
0343 static std::string connectionStringH("connection string");
0344 static std::string principalH("principal name");
0345 static std::string roleH("role");
0346 static std::string connectionLabelH("connection label");
0347 size_t connectionStringW = connectionStringH.size();
0348 size_t principalW = principalH.size();
0349 size_t roleW = roleH.size();
0350 size_t connectionLabelW = connectionLabelH.size();
0351 for (std::vector<CredentialStore::Permission>::const_iterator iP = data.begin(); iP != data.end(); ++iP) {
0352 const std::string& connectionString = iP->connectionString;
0353 if (connectionStringW < connectionString.size())
0354 connectionStringW = connectionString.size();
0355 const std::string& principal = iP->principalName;
0356 if (principalW < principal.size())
0357 principalW = principal.size();
0358 const std::string& role = iP->role;
0359 if (roleW < role.size())
0360 roleW = role.size();
0361 const std::string& connectionLabel = iP->connectionLabel;
0362 if (connectionLabelW < connectionLabel.size())
0363 connectionLabelW = connectionLabel.size();
0364 }
0365 std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios_base::left);
0366 std::cout << std::setw(connectionStringW) << connectionStringH << " " << std::setw(principalW) << principalH
0367 << " ";
0368 std::cout << std::setw(roleW) << roleH << " " << std::setw(connectionLabelW) << connectionLabelH << std::endl;
0369 std::cout << std::setfill('-');
0370 std::cout << std::setw(connectionStringW) << ""
0371 << " " << std::setw(principalW) << ""
0372 << " " << std::setw(roleW) << ""
0373 << " " << std::setw(connectionLabelW) << "" << std::endl;
0374 std::cout << std::setfill(' ');
0375 for (std::vector<CredentialStore::Permission>::const_iterator iP = data.begin(); iP != data.end(); ++iP) {
0376 std::cout << std::setw(connectionStringW) << iP->connectionString << " " << std::setw(principalW)
0377 << iP->principalName << " ";
0378 ;
0379 std::cout << std::setw(roleW) << iP->role << " " << std::setw(connectionLabelW) << iP->connectionLabel
0380 << std::endl;
0381 }
0382 not_exec = false;
0383 }
0385 if (exp && not_exec) {
0386 std::string fileName = getOptionValue<std::string>("export");
0387 coral_bridge::AuthenticationCredentialSet data;
0388 credDb.exportAll(data);
0389 std::ofstream outFile(fileName);
0390 coral_bridge::XMLAuthenticationFileContent xmlFile(outFile);
0391 const std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, coral::AuthenticationCredentials*>& creds =;
0392 std::set<std::string> connections;
0393 bool started = false;
0394 for (std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, coral::AuthenticationCredentials*>::const_iterator iEntry =
0395 creds.begin();
0396 iEntry != creds.end();
0397 iEntry++) {
0398 const std::string& connectStr = iEntry->first.first;
0399 std::set<std::string>::iterator iConn = connections.find(connectStr);
0400 if (iConn == connections.end()) {
0401 if (started)
0402 xmlFile.closeConnectionEntry();
0403 xmlFile.openConnectionEntry(connectStr);
0404 started = true;
0405 connections.insert(connectStr);
0406 std::pair<std::string, std::string> defRoleKey(connectStr, auth::COND_DEFAULT_ROLE);
0407 std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, coral::AuthenticationCredentials*>::const_iterator iDef =
0408 creds.find(defRoleKey);
0409 if (iDef != creds.end()) {
0410 xmlFile.addCredentialEntry(iDef->second->valueForItem(coral::IAuthenticationCredentials::userItem()),
0411 iDef->second->valueForItem(coral::IAuthenticationCredentials::passwordItem()));
0412 }
0413 }
0414 const std::string& role = iEntry->first.second;
0415 if (role != auth::COND_DEFAULT_ROLE) {
0416 xmlFile.openRoleEntry(role);
0417 xmlFile.addCredentialEntry(iEntry->second->valueForItem(coral::IAuthenticationCredentials::userItem()),
0418 iEntry->second->valueForItem(coral::IAuthenticationCredentials::passwordItem()));
0419 xmlFile.closeRoleEntry();
0420 }
0421 }
0422 xmlFile.close();
0423 not_exec = false;
0424 }
0426 if (not_exec) {
0427 std::cout << "ERROR: no command specified." << std::endl;
0428 return 1;
0429 }
0430 if (hasDebug()) {
0431 std::cout << "LOGS from the Credential Store:" << std::endl;
0432 std::cout << credDb.log() << std::endl;
0433 }
0434 return 0;
0435 }
0437 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
0438 cond::AuthenticationManager mgr;
0439 return, argv);
0440 }
0442 #include "xercesc/parsers/XercesDOMParser.hpp"
0443 #include "xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp"
0444 #include "xercesc/sax/HandlerBase.hpp"
0445 #include "xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp"
0446 #include "xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp"
0448 #if defined __SUNPRO_CC
0449 #pragma enable_warn
0450 #elif defined _MSC_VER
0451 #pragma warning(pop)
0452 #endif
0454 bool coral_bridge::parseXMLAuthenticationFile(const std::string& inputFileName, AuthenticationCredentialSet& data) {
0455 try {
0456 cms::concurrency::xercesInitialize();
0457 } catch (const xercesc::XMLException& toCatch) {
0458 char* message = xercesc::XMLString::transcode(toCatch.getMessage());
0461 xercesc::XMLString::release(&message);
0462 return false;
0463 }
0465 bool result = true;
0466 try {
0467 xercesc::XercesDOMParser parser;
0468 parser.setValidationScheme(xercesc::XercesDOMParser::Val_Always);
0469 parser.setDoNamespaces(true);
0471 xercesc::HandlerBase errorHandler;
0472 parser.setErrorHandler(&errorHandler);
0474 parser.parse(inputFileName.c_str());
0476 xercesc::DOMDocument* document = parser.getDocument();
0478 XMLCh tempStr[20];
0479 xercesc::XMLString::transcode("connection", tempStr, 19);
0481 xercesc::DOMNodeList* connectionList = document->getElementsByTagName(tempStr);
0483 if (connectionList) {
0484 XMLSize_t numberOfConnections = connectionList->getLength();
0486 for (XMLSize_t iConnection = 0; iConnection < numberOfConnections; ++iConnection) {
0487 xercesc::DOMNode* connectionNode = connectionList->item(iConnection);
0489 if (connectionNode) {
0490 char* connectionName =
0491 xercesc::XMLString::transcode(connectionNode->getAttributes()->item(0)->getNodeValue());
0492 std::string sConnectionName = connectionName;
0493 xercesc::XMLString::release(&connectionName);
0495 xercesc::DOMNodeList* parameterList = connectionNode->getChildNodes();
0497 if (parameterList) {
0498 XMLSize_t numberOfParameters = parameterList->getLength();
0500 for (XMLSize_t iParameter = 0; iParameter < numberOfParameters; ++iParameter) {
0501 xercesc::DOMNode* parameterNode = parameterList->item(iParameter);
0503 if (parameterNode && parameterNode->getNodeType() == xercesc::DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
0504 char* nodeName = xercesc::XMLString::transcode(parameterNode->getNodeName());
0505 std::string sNodeName = nodeName;
0506 xercesc::XMLString::release(&nodeName);
0508 if (sNodeName == "parameter") {
0509 char* parameterName =
0510 xercesc::XMLString::transcode(parameterNode->getAttributes()->item(0)->getNodeValue());
0511 std::string sParameterName = parameterName;
0512 xercesc::XMLString::release(¶meterName);
0513 char* parameterValue =
0514 xercesc::XMLString::transcode(parameterNode->getAttributes()->item(1)->getNodeValue());
0515 std::string sParameterValue = parameterValue;
0516 xercesc::XMLString::release(¶meterValue);
0518 data.registerItem(sConnectionName, sParameterName, sParameterValue);
0519 } else if (sNodeName == "role") {
0520 char* roleName =
0521 xercesc::XMLString::transcode(parameterNode->getAttributes()->item(0)->getNodeValue());
0522 std::string sRoleName = roleName;
0523 xercesc::XMLString::release(&roleName);
0526 xercesc::DOMNodeList* roleParameterList = parameterNode->getChildNodes();
0528 if (roleParameterList) {
0529 XMLSize_t numberOfRoleParameters = roleParameterList->getLength();
0531 for (XMLSize_t iRoleParameter = 0; iRoleParameter < numberOfRoleParameters; ++iRoleParameter) {
0532 xercesc::DOMNode* roleParameterNode = roleParameterList->item(iRoleParameter);
0533 if (roleParameterNode && roleParameterNode->getNodeType() == xercesc::DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) {
0534 char* roleNodeName = xercesc::XMLString::transcode(roleParameterNode->getNodeName());
0535 std::string sRoleNodeName = roleNodeName;
0536 xercesc::XMLString::release(&roleNodeName);
0538 if (sRoleNodeName == "parameter") {
0539 char* roleParameterName = xercesc::XMLString::transcode(
0540 roleParameterNode->getAttributes()->item(0)->getNodeValue());
0541 std::string sRoleParameterName = roleParameterName;
0542 xercesc::XMLString::release(&roleParameterName);
0543 char* roleParameterValue = xercesc::XMLString::transcode(
0544 roleParameterNode->getAttributes()->item(1)->getNodeValue());
0545 std::string sRoleParameterValue = roleParameterValue;
0546 xercesc::XMLString::release(&roleParameterValue);
0548 data.registerItem(sConnectionName, sRoleName, sRoleParameterName, sRoleParameterValue);
0549 }
0550 }
0551 }
0552 }
0553 }
0554 }
0555 }
0556 }
0557 }
0558 }
0559 }
0561 parser.reset();
0562 } catch (const xercesc::XMLException& toCatch) {
0563 char* message = xercesc::XMLString::transcode(toCatch.getMessage());
0566 xercesc::XMLString::release(&message);
0567 result = false;
0568 } catch (const xercesc::DOMException& toCatch) {
0569 char* message = xercesc::XMLString::transcode(toCatch.msg);
0572 xercesc::XMLString::release(&message);
0573 result = false;
0574 } catch (...) {
0577 result = false;
0578 }
0580 cms::concurrency::xercesTerminate();
0582 return result;
0583 }
0585 #include "RelationalAccess/IAuthenticationCredentials.h"
0586 #include <iomanip>
0588 coral_bridge::XMLAuthenticationFileContent::XMLAuthenticationFileContent(std::ostream& out)
0589 : m_out(out), m_connectionListOpen(false), m_connectionEntryOpen(false), m_roleEntryOpen(false), m_ind(0) {
0590 m_out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>" << std::endl;
0591 m_out << "<connectionlist>" << std::endl;
0592 m_connectionListOpen = true;
0593 }
0595 bool coral_bridge::XMLAuthenticationFileContent::openConnectionEntry(const std::string& pcs) {
0596 bool ret = false;
0597 if (m_connectionListOpen && !m_connectionEntryOpen) {
0598 m_out << std::endl;
0599 m_ind += 2;
0600 m_out << std::setw(m_ind) << "";
0601 m_out << "<connection name=\"" << pcs << "\" >" << std::endl;
0602 m_connectionEntryOpen = true;
0603 ret = true;
0604 }
0605 return ret;
0606 }
0608 bool coral_bridge::XMLAuthenticationFileContent::closeConnectionEntry() {
0609 bool ret = false;
0610 if (m_connectionEntryOpen) {
0611 m_out << std::setw(m_ind) << "";
0612 m_out << "</connection>" << std::endl;
0613 m_ind -= 2;
0614 ret = true;
0615 m_connectionEntryOpen = false;
0616 }
0617 return ret;
0618 }
0620 bool coral_bridge::XMLAuthenticationFileContent::openRoleEntry(const std::string& roleName) {
0621 bool ret = false;
0622 if (m_connectionEntryOpen && !m_roleEntryOpen) {
0623 m_ind += 2;
0624 m_out << std::setw(m_ind) << "";
0625 m_out << "<role name=\"" << roleName << "\" >" << std::endl;
0626 m_roleEntryOpen = true;
0627 ret = true;
0628 }
0629 return ret;
0630 }
0632 bool coral_bridge::XMLAuthenticationFileContent::closeRoleEntry() {
0633 bool ret = false;
0634 if (m_roleEntryOpen) {
0635 m_out << std::setw(m_ind) << "";
0636 m_out << "</role>" << std::endl;
0637 m_ind -= 2;
0638 ret = true;
0639 m_roleEntryOpen = false;
0640 }
0641 return ret;
0642 }
0644 bool coral_bridge::XMLAuthenticationFileContent::addCredentialEntry(const std::string& userName,
0645 const std::string& password) {
0646 bool ret = false;
0647 if (m_connectionEntryOpen) {
0648 m_out << std::setw(m_ind + 2) << "";
0649 m_out << "<parameter name=\"" << coral::IAuthenticationCredentials::userItem() << "\" value=\"" << userName
0650 << "\" />" << std::endl;
0651 m_out << std::setw(m_ind + 2) << "";
0652 m_out << "<parameter name=\"" << coral::IAuthenticationCredentials::passwordItem() << "\" value=\"" << password
0653 << "\" />" << std::endl;
0654 ret = true;
0655 }
0656 return ret;
0657 }
0659 void coral_bridge::XMLAuthenticationFileContent::close() {
0660 if (m_connectionListOpen) {
0661 if (m_connectionEntryOpen) {
0662 if (m_roleEntryOpen) {
0663 closeRoleEntry();
0664 }
0665 closeConnectionEntry();
0666 }
0667 m_out << std::endl;
0668 m_out << "</connectionlist>" << std::endl;
0669 }
0670 m_connectionListOpen = false;
0671 }