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0004 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
0005 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalElectronicsId.h"
0006 #include "DataFormats/HcalDigi/interface/HcalQIESample.h"
0007 #include <ostream>
0009 /** \class HBHEDataFrame
0011 Precision readout digi for HB and HE.
0013 */
0014 class HBHEDataFrame {
0015 public:
0016   typedef HcalDetId key_type;  ///< For the sorted collection
0018   constexpr HBHEDataFrame() : id_(0), size_(0), hcalPresamples_(0) {}
0019   constexpr explicit HBHEDataFrame(const HcalDetId& id) : id_(id), size_(0), hcalPresamples_(0) {
0020     // TODO : test id for HcalBarrel or HcalEndcap
0021   }
0023   constexpr const HcalDetId& id() const { return id_; }
0024   constexpr const HcalElectronicsId& elecId() const { return electronicsId_; }
0026   /// total number of samples in the digi
0027   constexpr int size() const { return size_ & 0xF; }
0028   /// number of samples before the sample from the triggered beam crossing (according to the hardware)
0029   constexpr int presamples() const { return hcalPresamples_ & 0xF; }
0030   /// was ZS MarkAndPass?
0031   constexpr bool zsMarkAndPass() const { return (hcalPresamples_ & 0x10); }
0032   /// was ZS unsuppressed?
0033   constexpr bool zsUnsuppressed() const { return (hcalPresamples_ & 0x20); }
0034   /// zs crossing mask (which sums considered)
0035   constexpr uint32_t zsCrossingMask() const { return (hcalPresamples_ & 0x3FF000) >> 12; }
0037   /// access a sample
0038   constexpr HcalQIESample const& operator[](int i) const { return data_[i]; }
0039   /// access a sample
0040   constexpr HcalQIESample const& sample(int i) const { return data_[i]; }
0042   /// offset of bunch number for this channel relative to nominal set in the unpacker (range is +7->-7.  -1000 indicates the data is invalid/unavailable)
0043   constexpr int fiberIdleOffset() const {
0044     int val = (hcalPresamples_ & 0xF00) >> 8;
0045     return (val == 0) ? (-1000) : (((val & 0x8) == 0) ? (-(val & 0x7)) : (val & 0x7));
0046   }
0048   /// validate appropriate DV and ER bits as well as capid rotation for the specified samples (default is all)
0049   constexpr bool validate(int firstSample = 0, int nSamples = 100) const {
0050     int capid = -1;
0051     bool ok = true;
0052     for (int i = 0; ok && i < nSamples && i + firstSample < size_; i++) {
0053       if (data_[i + firstSample].er() || !data_[i + firstSample].dv())
0054         ok = false;
0055       if (i == 0)
0056         capid = data_[i + firstSample].capid();
0057       if (capid != data_[i + firstSample].capid())
0058         ok = false;
0059       capid = (capid + 1) % 4;
0060     }
0061     return ok;
0062   }
0064   constexpr void setSize(int size) {
0065     if (size > MAXSAMPLES)
0066       size_ = MAXSAMPLES;
0067     else if (size <= 0)
0068       size_ = 0;
0069     else
0070       size_ = size;
0071   }
0072   constexpr void setPresamples(int ps) { hcalPresamples_ |= ps & 0xF; }
0073   constexpr void setZSInfo(bool unsuppressed, bool markAndPass, uint32_t crossingMask = 0) {
0074     hcalPresamples_ &= 0x7FC00F0F;  // preserve actual presamples and fiber idle offset
0075     if (markAndPass)
0076       hcalPresamples_ |= 0x10;
0077     if (unsuppressed)
0078       hcalPresamples_ |= 0x20;
0079     hcalPresamples_ |= (crossingMask & 0x3FF) << 12;
0080   }
0081   constexpr void setSample(int i, const HcalQIESample& sam) { data_[i] = sam; }
0082   constexpr void setReadoutIds(const HcalElectronicsId& eid) { electronicsId_ = eid; }
0083   constexpr void setFiberIdleOffset(int offset) {
0084     hcalPresamples_ &= 0x7FFFF0FF;
0085     if (offset >= 7)
0086       hcalPresamples_ |= 0xF00;
0087     else if (offset >= 0)
0088       hcalPresamples_ |= (0x800) | (offset << 8);
0089     else if (offset >= -7)
0090       hcalPresamples_ |= ((-offset) << 8);
0091     else
0092       hcalPresamples_ |= 0x700;
0093   }
0095   static const int MAXSAMPLES = 10;
0097 private:
0098   HcalDetId id_;
0099   HcalElectronicsId electronicsId_;
0100   int size_;
0101   int hcalPresamples_;
0102   HcalQIESample data_[MAXSAMPLES];
0103 };
0105 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const HBHEDataFrame&);
0107 #endif