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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:04:52

0001 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/interface/PFBlockElementSuperCluster.h"
0002 #include "DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/SuperCluster.h"
0003 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Ref.h"
0004 #include "Math/Vector3D.h"
0006 #include <iomanip>
0008 using namespace reco;
0009 using namespace std;
0011 void PFBlockElementSuperCluster::Dump(ostream& out, const char* tab) const {
0012   if (!out)
0013     return;
0014   // need to convert the math::XYZPoint data member of the PFCluster class=
0015   // to a displacement vector:
0016   ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double>, ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag> clusterPos(
0017       superClusterRef_->position().X(), superClusterRef_->position().Y(), superClusterRef_->position().Z());
0019   clusterPos = clusterPos.Unit();
0020   double E = superClusterRef_->energy();
0021   clusterPos *= E;
0022   double ET = sqrt(clusterPos.X() * clusterPos.X() + clusterPos.Y() * clusterPos.Y());
0024   out << setprecision(3);
0025   out << setiosflags(ios::right);
0026   out << setiosflags(ios::fixed);
0027   out << setw(4) << ", ET =" << setw(7) << ET;
0028   out << setw(4) << ", E =" << setw(7) << E;
0029   out << " (eta,phi,z)= (";
0030   out << superClusterRef_->position().Eta() << ",";
0031   out << superClusterRef_->position().Phi() << ",";
0032   out << superClusterRef_->position().Z() << ")";
0033   out << resetiosflags(ios::right | ios::fixed);
0034 }