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0001 #include "EventFilter/Phase2TrackerRawToDigi/interface/Phase2TrackerFEDHeader.h"
0002 #include "EventFilter/Phase2TrackerRawToDigi/interface/utils.h"
0003 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0004 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0006 namespace Phase2Tracker {
0008   Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::Phase2TrackerFEDHeader(const uint8_t* headerPointer) : trackerHeader_(headerPointer) {
0009     header_first_word_ = read64(0, trackerHeader_);
0010     header_second_word_ = read64(8, trackerHeader_);
0011     // decode the Tracker Header and store info
0012     init();
0013   }
0015   void Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::init() {
0016     dataFormatVersion_ = dataFormatVersion();
0017     debugMode_ = debugMode();
0018     // WARNING: eventType must be called before
0019     // readoutMode, conditionData and dataType
0020     // as this info is stored in eventType
0021     eventType_ = eventType();
0022     readoutMode_ = readoutMode();
0023     conditionData_ = conditionData();
0024     dataType_ = dataType();
0026     glibStatusCode_ = glibStatusCode();
0027     // numberOfCBC must be called before pointerToData
0028     numberOfCBC_ = numberOfCBC();
0029     pointerToData_ = pointerToData();
0031     LogTrace("Phase2TrackerFEDBuffer") << "[Phase2Tracker::Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::" << __func__ << "]: \n"
0032                                        << " Tracker Header contents:\n"
0033                                        << "  -- Data Format Version : " << uint32_t(dataFormatVersion_) << "\n"
0034                                        << "  -- Debug Level         : " << debugMode_ << "\n"
0035                                        << "  -- Operating Mode      : " << readoutMode_ << "\n"
0036                                        << "  -- Condition Data      : " << (conditionData_ ? "Present" : "Absent")
0037                                        << "\n"
0038                                        << "  -- Data Type           : " << (dataType_ ? "Real" : "Fake") << "\n"
0039                                        << "  -- Glib Stat registers : " << std::hex << std::setw(16) << glibStatusCode_
0040                                        << "\n"
0041                                        << "  -- connected CBC       : " << std::dec << numberOfCBC_ << "\n";
0042   }
0044   uint8_t Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::dataFormatVersion() const {
0045     uint8_t Version = static_cast<uint8_t>(extract64(VERSION_M, VERSION_S, header_first_word_));
0046     if (Version != 1) {
0047       std::ostringstream ss;
0048       ss << "[Phase2Tracker::Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::" << __func__ << "] ";
0049       ss << "Invalid Data Format Version in Traker Header : ";
0050       printHex(&header_first_word_, 1, ss);
0051       throw cms::Exception("Phase2TrackerFEDBuffer") << ss.str();
0052     }
0053     return Version;
0054   }
0056   READ_MODE Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::debugMode() const {
0057     // Read debugMode in Tracker Header
0058     uint8_t mode = static_cast<uint8_t>(extract64(HEADER_FORMAT_M, HEADER_FORMAT_S, header_first_word_));
0060     switch (mode) {  // check if it is one of correct modes
0061       case SUMMARY:
0062         return READ_MODE(SUMMARY);
0063       case FULL_DEBUG:
0064         return READ_MODE(FULL_DEBUG);
0065       case CBC_ERROR:
0066         return READ_MODE(CBC_ERROR);
0067       default:  // else create Exception
0068         std::ostringstream ss;
0069         ss << "[Phase2Tracker::Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::" << __func__ << "] ";
0070         ss << "Invalid Header Format in Traker Header : ";
0071         printHex(&header_first_word_, 1, ss);
0072         throw cms::Exception("Phase2TrackerFEDBuffer") << ss.str();
0073     }
0076   }
0078   uint8_t Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::eventType() const {
0079     return static_cast<uint8_t>(extract64(EVENT_TYPE_M, EVENT_TYPE_S, header_first_word_));
0080   }
0082   // decode eventType_. Read: readoutMode, conditionData and dataType
0083   FEDReadoutMode Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::readoutMode() const {
0084     // readout mode is first bit of event type
0085     uint8_t mode = static_cast<uint8_t>(eventType_ >> 2) & 0x3;
0087     switch (mode) {  // check if it is one of correct modes
0088       case 2:
0089         return FEDReadoutMode(READOUT_MODE_PROC_RAW);
0090       case 1:
0091         return FEDReadoutMode(READOUT_MODE_ZERO_SUPPRESSED);
0092       default:  // else create Exception
0093         std::ostringstream ss;
0094         ss << "[Phase2Tracker::Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::" << __func__ << "] ";
0095         ss << "Invalid Readout Mode in Traker Header : ";
0096         printHex(&header_first_word_, 1, ss);
0097         throw cms::Exception("Phase2TrackerFEDBuffer") << ss.str();
0098     }
0099   }
0101   uint8_t Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::conditionData() const { return static_cast<uint8_t>(eventType_ >> 1) & 0x1; }
0103   uint8_t Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::dataType() const { return static_cast<uint8_t>(eventType_) & 0x1; }
0105   uint64_t Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::glibStatusCode() const {
0106     return extract64(GLIB_STATUS_M, GLIB_STATUS_S, header_first_word_);
0107   }
0109   std::vector<bool> Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::frontendStatus() const {
0110     uint16_t FE_status = static_cast<uint16_t>(extract64(FRONTEND_STAT_M, FRONTEND_STAT_S, header_first_word_));
0111     std::vector<bool> status(16, false);
0112     for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
0113       status[i] = (FE_status >> i) & 0x1;
0114     }
0115     return status;
0116   }
0118   uint16_t Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::numberOfCBC() const {
0119     if (debugMode_ != SUMMARY) {
0120       return static_cast<uint16_t>(extract64(CBC_NUMBER_M, CBC_NUMBER_S, header_second_word_));
0121     } else {
0122       return 0;
0123     }
0124   }
0126   // pending too
0127   std::vector<uint8_t> Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::CBCStatus() const {
0128     // set offset and data to begining of second header 64 bit word
0129     int offset = 8;
0130     uint64_t data64 = header_second_word_;
0131     // number of CBC:
0132     uint16_t cbc_num = numberOfCBC();
0133     // size of data per CBC (in bits)
0134     int status_size = 0;
0135     if (debugMode_ == FULL_DEBUG) {
0136       status_size = 8;
0137     } else if (debugMode_ == CBC_ERROR) {
0138       status_size = 1;
0139     }
0140     // starting byte for CBC status bits
0141     std::vector<uint8_t> cbc_status;
0142     if (status_size == 8) {
0143       int num_bytes = cbc_num;
0144       int current_byte = 5;
0145       while (num_bytes > 0) {
0146         cbc_status.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((data64 >> current_byte * 8) & 0xFF));
0147         if (current_byte == 0) {
0148           current_byte = 8;
0149           offset += 8;
0150           data64 = read64(offset, trackerHeader_);
0151         }
0152         current_byte--;
0153         num_bytes--;
0154       }
0155     } else if (status_size == 1) {
0156       int current_bit = 47;
0157       int num_bits = cbc_num;
0158       while (num_bits > 0) {
0159         cbc_status.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>((data64 >> current_bit) & 0x1));
0160         if (current_bit == 0) {
0161           current_bit = 64;
0162           offset += 8;
0163           data64 = read64(offset, trackerHeader_);
0164         }
0165         current_bit--;
0166         num_bits--;
0167       }
0168     }
0170     return cbc_status;
0171   }
0173   const uint8_t* Phase2TrackerFEDHeader::pointerToData() {
0174     int status_size = 0;
0175     int cbc_num = numberOfCBC();
0176     // CAUTION: we express all sizes in bits here
0177     if (debugMode_ == FULL_DEBUG) {
0178       status_size = 8;
0179     } else if (debugMode_ == CBC_ERROR) {
0180       status_size = 1;
0181     }
0182     // compute number of additional 64 bit words before payload
0183     int num_add_words64 = (cbc_num * status_size - 48 + 64 - 1) / 64;
0184     // back to bytes
0185     trackerHeaderSize_ = (2 + num_add_words64) * 8;
0186     return &trackerHeader_[trackerHeaderSize_];
0187   }
0189 }  // namespace Phase2Tracker