File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:19:40
0001 //------------------------------------------------- 0002 // 0003 // Class: DTBtiHit 0004 // 0005 // Description: A class for hits in a drift cell 0006 // 0007 // 0008 // Author List: 0009 // C. Grandi 0010 // Modifications: 0011 // S. Vanini 0012 // 17/V/04 SV: tdrift in tdc units, phase is included!! 0013 // 22/VI/04 SV: last trigger code update 0014 // 05/II/07 SV: move setuptime to BtiCard 0015 //-------------------------------------------------- 0016 0017 //#include "Utilities/Configuration/interface/Architecture.h" 0018 0019 //----------------------- 0020 // This Class's Header -- 0021 //----------------------- 0022 #include "L1Trigger/DTBti/interface/DTBtiHit.h" 0023 0024 //------------------------------- 0025 // Collaborating Class Headers -- 0026 //------------------------------- 0027 #include <DataFormats/DTDigi/interface/DTDigiCollection.h> 0028 //#include "Utilities/UI/interface/SimpleConfigurable.h" 0029 //#include "Utilities/Notification/interface/Singleton.h" 0030 //#include "TestBeams/DTBXAnalysis/interface/DTBXCalibration.h" 0031 //--------------- 0032 // C++ Headers -- 0033 //--------------- 0034 0035 // Internal clock (time of a step: 12.5 ns or 16 tdc counts ==> 80 MHz) 0036 const float DTBtiHit::_stepTime = 12.5; 0037 const float DTBtiHit::_stepTimeTdc = 16.; 0038 //const float DTBtiHit::_stepTime = 6.25; 0039 0040 //SV only for TestBeam version 0041 //string DTBtiHit::t0envFlag = SimpleConfigurable<string>( " ", 0042 // "TestBeams:DTBXAnalysis:T0SetUpFlag" ); 0043 0044 //---------------- 0045 // Constructors -- 0046 //---------------- 0047 0048 DTBtiHit::DTBtiHit(const DTDigi* hitdigi, DTConfigBti* config) : _hitdigi(hitdigi), _config(config) { 0049 //SV tdcunits 11V04: time in tdc units! setup time too! 0050 _curTime = hitdigi->countsTDC(); //@@ only DT>0 0051 0052 /* 0053 // *** ATTENTION FOR RUNNING TESTBEAM DATA *** 0054 // SV 26/IX/03 if digi are corrected with wire t0s in DTBXDigitizer 0055 // tdrift values must be corrected with t0 mean instead because 0056 // trigger hardware don't see cable length ! 0057 _curTime = hitdigi->countsTDC(); 0058 0059 if( t0envFlag != " " ){ 0060 DTBXCalibration* calibration = Singleton<DTBXCalibration>::instance(); 0061 //the following for digitization procedure.... see DTBXDigitizer 0062 int bmax = calibration->bitMax(); 0063 if ( _curTime >= ( bmax + calibration->recMin() ) ) 0064 _curTime -= bmax; 0065 0066 //SV tdcunits 11V04: add t0 and trig to have raw time in tdcunits 0067 _curTime += ( calibration->t0( hitdigi->slayer(), hitdigi->layer(), hitdigi->wire() ) 0068 + calibration->tTrig() ); 0069 0070 //tdc clocks in 16 units 0071 int delay16 = int( ( calibration->t0mean(hitdigi->slayer()) + 0072 calibration->tTrig() ) 0073 /_stepTimeTdc ); 0074 0075 //bti clocks of 16 tdc units 0076 _clockTime = (int)( (_curTime + 0077 _config->SetupTime())/_stepTimeTdc) - delay16; 0078 } 0079 0080 */ 0081 //bti clocks of 16 tdc units : first clock is number 1! 0082 //_clockTime = (int)( (_curTime + _config->SetupTime()) / _stepTimeTdc ) + 1; 0083 _clockTime = (int)(_curTime / _stepTimeTdc) + 1; 0084 } 0085 0086 DTBtiHit::DTBtiHit(int clockTime, DTConfigBti* config) : _config(config) { 0087 _clockTime = clockTime; 0088 _hitdigi = nullptr; 0089 _curTime = 4000; 0090 } 0091 0092 DTBtiHit::DTBtiHit(const DTBtiHit& hit) 0093 : _hitdigi(hit._hitdigi), _config(hit._config), _curTime(hit._curTime), _clockTime(hit._clockTime) {} 0094 0095 //-------------- 0096 // Destructor -- 0097 //-------------- 0098 DTBtiHit::~DTBtiHit() {} 0099 0100 //-------------- 0101 // Operations -- 0102 //-------------- 0103 0104 DTBtiHit& DTBtiHit::operator=(const DTBtiHit& hit) { 0105 if (this != &hit) { 0106 _hitdigi = hit._hitdigi; 0107 _config = hit._config; 0108 _curTime = hit._curTime; 0109 _clockTime = hit._clockTime; 0110 } 0111 return *this; 0112 }
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