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0001 #include "L1Trigger/DTTriggerPhase2/interface/MPQualityEnhancerFilter.h"
0002 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0004 using namespace edm;
0005 using namespace std;
0006 using namespace cmsdt;
0007 ;
0009 // ============================================================================
0010 // Constructors and destructor
0011 // ============================================================================
0012 MPQualityEnhancerFilter::MPQualityEnhancerFilter(const ParameterSet &pset)
0013     : MPFilter(pset), debug_(pset.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug")) {}
0015 // ============================================================================
0016 // Main methods (initialise, run, finish)
0017 // ============================================================================
0018 void MPQualityEnhancerFilter::initialise(const edm::EventSetup &iEventSetup) {}
0020 void MPQualityEnhancerFilter::run(edm::Event &iEvent,
0021                                   const edm::EventSetup &iEventSetup,
0022                                   std::vector<metaPrimitive> &inMPaths,
0023                                   std::vector<metaPrimitive> &outMPaths) {
0024   std::vector<metaPrimitive> buff;
0025   std::vector<metaPrimitive> buff2;
0027   filterCousins(inMPaths, buff);
0028   if (debug_) {
0029     LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "Ended Cousins Filter. The final primitives before Refiltering are: ";
0030     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buff.size(); i++) {
0031       printmP(buff[i]);
0032     }
0033     LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "Total Primitives = " << buff.size();
0034   }
0035   refilteringCousins(buff, buff2);
0036   if (debug_) {
0037     LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "Ended Cousins Refilter. The final primitives before UniqueFilter are: ";
0038     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buff2.size(); i++) {
0039       printmP(buff2[i]);
0040     }
0041     LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "Total Primitives = " << buff2.size();
0042   }
0043   filterUnique(buff2, outMPaths);
0045   if (debug_) {
0046     LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "Ended Unique Filter. The final primitives are: ";
0047     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < outMPaths.size(); i++) {
0048       printmP(outMPaths[i]);
0049       LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter");
0050     }
0051     LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "Total Primitives = " << outMPaths.size();
0052   }
0054   buff.clear();
0055   buff2.clear();
0056 }
0058 void MPQualityEnhancerFilter::finish() {}
0060 ///////////////////////////
0062 int MPQualityEnhancerFilter::areCousins(metaPrimitive mp, metaPrimitive second_mp) {
0063   if (mp.rawId != second_mp.rawId)
0064     return 0;
0065   if (mp.wi1 == second_mp.wi1 and mp.wi1 != -1 and mp.tdc1 != -1)
0066     return 1;
0067   if (mp.wi2 == second_mp.wi2 and mp.wi2 != -1 and mp.tdc2 != -1)
0068     return 2;
0069   if (mp.wi3 == second_mp.wi3 and mp.wi3 != -1 and mp.tdc3 != -1)
0070     return 3;
0071   if (mp.wi4 == second_mp.wi4 and mp.wi4 != -1 and mp.tdc4 != -1)
0072     return 4;
0073   return 0;
0074 }
0076 int MPQualityEnhancerFilter::rango(metaPrimitive mp) {
0077   if (mp.quality == 1 or mp.quality == 2)
0078     return 3;
0079   if (mp.quality == 3 or mp.quality == 4)
0080     return 4;
0081   return 0;
0082 }
0084 void MPQualityEnhancerFilter::filterCousins(std::vector<metaPrimitive> &inMPaths,
0085                                             std::vector<metaPrimitive> &outMPaths) {
0086   int primo_index = 0;
0087   bool oneof4 = false;
0088   int bestI = -1;
0089   double bestChi2 = 9999;
0090   if (inMPaths.size() == 1) {
0091     if (debug_) {
0092       printmP(inMPaths[0]);
0093     }
0094     outMPaths.push_back(inMPaths[0]);
0095   } else if (inMPaths.size() > 1) {
0096     for (int i = 0; i < int(inMPaths.size()); i++) {
0097       if (debug_) {
0098         printmP(inMPaths[i]);
0099       }
0100       if (areCousins(inMPaths[i], inMPaths[i - primo_index]) == 0) {
0101         if (oneof4) {
0102           outMPaths.push_back(inMPaths[bestI]);
0104           bestI = -1;
0105           bestChi2 = 9999;
0106           oneof4 = false;
0107         } else {
0108           for (int j = i - primo_index; j < i; j++) {
0109             outMPaths.push_back(inMPaths[j]);
0110           }
0111         }
0112         i--;
0113         primo_index = 0;
0114         continue;
0115       }
0116       if (rango(inMPaths[i]) == 4) {
0117         oneof4 = true;
0118         if (bestChi2 > inMPaths[i].chi2) {
0119           bestChi2 = inMPaths[i].chi2;
0120           bestI = i;
0121         }
0122       }
0123       if (areCousins(inMPaths[i], inMPaths[i + 1]) != 0) {
0124         primo_index++;
0125       } else {  //areCousing==0
0126         if (oneof4) {
0127           outMPaths.push_back(inMPaths[bestI]);
0128           bestI = -1;
0129           bestChi2 = 9999;
0130           oneof4 = false;
0131         } else {
0132           for (int j = i - primo_index; j <= i; j++) {
0133             outMPaths.push_back(inMPaths[j]);
0134           }
0135         }
0136         primo_index = 0;
0137       }
0138     }
0139   }
0141 }  //End filterCousins
0143 void MPQualityEnhancerFilter::refilteringCousins(std::vector<metaPrimitive> &inMPaths,
0144                                                  std::vector<metaPrimitive> &outMPaths) {
0145   if (debug_)
0146     LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "filtering: starting cousins refiltering\n";
0147   int bestI = -1;
0148   double bestChi2 = 9999;
0149   bool oneOf4 = false;
0150   int back = 0;
0152   if (inMPaths.size() > 1) {
0153     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < inMPaths.size(); i++) {
0154       if (debug_) {
0155         LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "filtering: starting with mp " << i << ": ";
0156         printmP(inMPaths[i]);
0157         LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter");
0158       }
0159       if (rango(inMPaths[i]) == 4 && bestChi2 > inMPaths[i].chi2) {  // 4h prim with a smaller chi2
0160         if (debug_) {
0161           LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "filtering: mp " << i << " is the best 4h primitive";
0162         }
0163         oneOf4 = true;
0164         bestI = i;
0165         bestChi2 = inMPaths[i].chi2;
0166       }
0167       if (i == inMPaths.size() - 1) {  //You can't compare the last one with the next one
0168         if (oneOf4) {
0169           outMPaths.push_back(inMPaths[bestI]);
0170         } else {
0171           for (unsigned int j = i - back; j <= i; j++) {
0172             outMPaths.push_back(inMPaths[j]);
0173           }
0174         }
0175       } else {
0176         if (areCousins(inMPaths[i], inMPaths[i + 1]) == 0) {  //they arent cousins
0177           if (debug_) {
0178             LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "mp " << i << " and mp " << i + 1 << " are not cousins";
0179           }
0180           if (oneOf4) {
0181             outMPaths.push_back(inMPaths[bestI]);
0182             if (debug_)
0183               LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "kept4 mp " << bestI;
0184             oneOf4 = false;  //reset 4h variables
0185             bestI = -1;
0186             bestChi2 = 9999;
0187           } else {
0188             for (unsigned int j = i - back; j <= i; j++) {
0189               outMPaths.push_back(inMPaths[j]);
0190               if (debug_)
0191                 LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << "kept3 mp " << j;
0192             }
0193           }
0194           back = 0;
0195         } else {  // they are cousins
0196           back++;
0197         }
0198       }
0199     }
0200   } else if (inMPaths.size() == 1) {
0201     outMPaths.push_back(inMPaths[0]);
0202   }
0203 }
0205 void MPQualityEnhancerFilter::filterUnique(std::vector<metaPrimitive> &inMPaths,
0206                                            std::vector<metaPrimitive> &outMPaths) {
0207   constexpr double xTh = 0.001;
0208   constexpr double tPhiTh = 0.001;
0209   constexpr double t0Th = 0.001;
0210   for (size_t i = 0; i < inMPaths.size(); i++) {
0211     bool visto = false;
0212     for (size_t j = i + 1; j < inMPaths.size(); j++) {
0213       if ((std::abs(inMPaths[i].x - inMPaths[j].x) <= xTh) &&
0214           (std::abs(inMPaths[i].tanPhi - inMPaths[j].tanPhi) <= tPhiTh) &&
0215           (std::abs(inMPaths[i].t0 - inMPaths[j].t0) <= t0Th))
0216         visto = true;
0217     }
0218     if (!visto)
0219       outMPaths.push_back(inMPaths[i]);
0220   }
0221 }
0223 void MPQualityEnhancerFilter::printmP(metaPrimitive mP) {
0224   DTSuperLayerId slId(mP.rawId);
0225   LogDebug("MPQualityEnhancerFilter") << slId << "\t"
0226                                       << " " << setw(2) << left << mP.wi1 << " " << setw(2) << left << mP.wi2 << " "
0227                                       << setw(2) << left << mP.wi3 << " " << setw(2) << left << mP.wi4 << " " << setw(5)
0228                                       << left << mP.tdc1 << " " << setw(5) << left << mP.tdc2 << " " << setw(5) << left
0229                                       << mP.tdc3 << " " << setw(5) << left << mP.tdc4 << " " << setw(10) << right
0230                                       << mP.x << " " << setw(9) << left << mP.tanPhi << " " << setw(5) << left << mP.t0
0231                                       << " " << setw(13) << left << mP.chi2 << " r:" << rango(mP);
0232 }