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0001 // L1TGlobalSummary:  Use L1TGlobalUtils to print summary of L1TGlobal output
0002 //
0003 // author: Brian Winer Ohio State
0004 //
0006 #include <fstream>
0007 #include <iomanip>
0009 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/one/EDAnalyzer.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0012 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
0013 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDGetToken.h"
0014 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
0015 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0016 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0018 #include "DataFormats/L1TGlobal/interface/GlobalAlgBlk.h"
0019 #include "DataFormats/L1TGlobal/interface/GlobalExtBlk.h"
0021 #include "L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/interface/L1TGlobalUtil.h"
0023 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0025 using namespace edm;
0026 using namespace std;
0027 using namespace l1t;
0029 // class declaration
0030 class L1TGlobalSummary : public edm::one::EDAnalyzer<edm::one::WatchRuns> {
0031 public:
0032   explicit L1TGlobalSummary(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0033   ~L1TGlobalSummary() override {}
0034   void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
0035   void beginRun(Run const&, EventSetup const&) override;
0036   void endRun(Run const&, EventSetup const&) override;
0037   static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
0039 private:
0040   InputTag algInputTag_;
0041   InputTag extInputTag_;
0042   EDGetToken algToken_;
0043   EDGetToken extToken_;
0044   bool dumpRecord_;
0045   bool dumpTriggerResults_;
0046   bool dumpTriggerSummary_;
0047   bool readPrescalesFromFile_;
0048   int minBx_;
0049   int maxBx_;
0050   L1TGlobalUtil* gtUtil_;
0052   std::vector<int> decisionCount_;
0053   std::vector<int> intermCount_;
0054   std::vector<int> finalCount_;
0055   int finalOrCount;
0056 };
0058 L1TGlobalSummary::L1TGlobalSummary(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig) {
0059   algInputTag_ = iConfig.getParameter<InputTag>("AlgInputTag");
0060   extInputTag_ = iConfig.getParameter<InputTag>("ExtInputTag");
0061   algToken_ = consumes<BXVector<GlobalAlgBlk>>(algInputTag_);
0062   extToken_ = consumes<BXVector<GlobalExtBlk>>(extInputTag_);
0063   dumpRecord_ = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("DumpRecord");
0064   dumpTriggerResults_ = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("DumpTrigResults");
0065   dumpTriggerSummary_ = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("DumpTrigSummary");
0066   readPrescalesFromFile_ = iConfig.getParameter<bool>("ReadPrescalesFromFile");
0067   minBx_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("MinBx");
0068   maxBx_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("MaxBx");
0069   l1t::UseEventSetupIn useEventSetupIn = l1t::UseEventSetupIn::Run;
0070   if (dumpTriggerResults_ || dumpTriggerSummary_) {
0071     useEventSetupIn = l1t::UseEventSetupIn::RunAndEvent;
0072   }
0073   gtUtil_ = new L1TGlobalUtil(iConfig, consumesCollector(), *this, algInputTag_, extInputTag_, useEventSetupIn);
0074   finalOrCount = 0;
0076   if (readPrescalesFromFile_) {
0077     std::string preScaleFileName = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("psFileName");
0078     unsigned int preScColumn = iConfig.getParameter<int>("psColumn");
0079     gtUtil_->OverridePrescalesAndMasks(preScaleFileName, preScColumn);
0080   }
0081 }
0083 namespace {
0084   edm::ParameterSetDescription makeDesc(edm::InputTag const& alg, edm::InputTag const& ext, int minBx, int maxBx) {
0085     edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0086     // These parameters are part of the L1T/HLT interface, avoid changing if possible::
0087     desc.add<edm::InputTag>("AlgInputTag", alg)
0088         ->setComment("InputTag for uGT Algorithm Block (required parameter:  default value is invalid)");
0089     desc.add<edm::InputTag>("ExtInputTag", ext)
0090         ->setComment("InputTag for uGT External Block (required parameter:  default value is invalid)");
0091     // These parameters have well defined  default values and are not currently
0092     // part of the L1T/HLT interface.  They can be cleaned up or updated at will:
0093     desc.add<int>("MinBx", minBx);
0094     desc.add<int>("MaxBx", maxBx);
0095     desc.add<bool>("DumpTrigResults", false);
0096     desc.add<bool>("DumpRecord", false);
0097     desc.add<bool>("DumpTrigSummary", true);
0098     desc.add<bool>("ReadPrescalesFromFile", false);
0099     desc.add<std::string>("psFileName", "prescale_L1TGlobal.csv")
0100         ->setComment("File should be located in directory: L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/data/Luminosity/startup");
0101     desc.add<int>("psColumn", 0);
0103     return desc;
0104   }
0105 }  // namespace
0107 void L1TGlobalSummary::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0108   descriptions.add("L1TGlobalSummary", makeDesc(edm::InputTag("gtStage2Digis"), edm::InputTag("gtStage2Digis"), -2, 2));
0109   descriptions.addDefault(makeDesc(edm::InputTag(""), edm::InputTag(""), 0, 0));
0110 }
0112 void L1TGlobalSummary::beginRun(Run const&, EventSetup const& evSetup) {
0113   decisionCount_.clear();
0114   intermCount_.clear();
0115   finalCount_.clear();
0117   finalOrCount = 0;
0118   gtUtil_->retrieveL1Setup(evSetup);
0120   int size = gtUtil_->decisionsInitial().size();
0121   decisionCount_.resize(size);
0122   intermCount_.resize(size);
0123   finalCount_.resize(size);
0124   std::fill(decisionCount_.begin(), decisionCount_.end(), 0);
0125   std::fill(intermCount_.begin(), intermCount_.end(), 0);
0126   std::fill(finalCount_.begin(), finalCount_.end(), 0);
0127 }
0129 void L1TGlobalSummary::endRun(Run const&, EventSetup const&) {
0130   if (dumpTriggerSummary_) {
0131     LogVerbatim out("L1TGlobalSummary");
0132     if (gtUtil_->valid()) {
0133       out << "==================  L1 Trigger Report  "
0134              "=====================================================================\n";
0135       out << '\n';
0136       out << " L1T menu Name   : " << gtUtil_->gtTriggerMenuName() << '\n';
0137       out << " L1T menu Version: " << gtUtil_->gtTriggerMenuVersion() << '\n';
0138       out << " L1T menu Comment: " << gtUtil_->gtTriggerMenuComment() << '\n';
0139       out << '\n';
0140       out << "    Bit                  Algorithm Name                  Init    PScd  Final   PS Factor     Num Bx "
0141              "Masked\n";
0142       out << "========================================================================================================="
0143              "===\n";
0144       auto const& prescales = gtUtil_->prescales();
0145       auto const& masks = gtUtil_->masks();
0146       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prescales.size(); i++) {
0147         // get the prescale and mask (needs some error checking here)
0148         int resultInit = decisionCount_[i];
0149         int resultPre = intermCount_[i];
0150         int resultFin = finalCount_[i];
0152         auto const& name =;
0153         if (name != "NULL") {
0154           double prescale =;
0155           auto const& mask =;
0156           out << std::dec << setfill(' ') << "   " << setw(5) << i << "   " << setw(40) << name << "   " << setw(7)
0157               << resultInit << setw(7) << resultPre << setw(7) << resultFin << setw(10) << prescale << setw(11)
0158               << mask.size() << '\n';
0159         }
0160       }
0161       out << "                                                      Final OR Count = " << finalOrCount << '\n';
0162       out << "========================================================================================================="
0163              "===\n";
0164     } else {
0165       out << "==================  No Level-1 Trigger menu  "
0166              "===============================================================\n";
0167     }
0168   }
0169 }
0171 // loop over events
0172 void L1TGlobalSummary::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& evSetup) {
0173   Handle<BXVector<GlobalAlgBlk>> alg;
0174   iEvent.getByToken(algToken_, alg);
0176   Handle<BXVector<GlobalExtBlk>> ext;
0177   iEvent.getByToken(extToken_, ext);
0179   LogDebug("l1t|Global") << "retrieved L1 GT data blocks" << endl;
0181   if (dumpTriggerResults_ || dumpTriggerSummary_) {
0182     //Fill the L1 result maps
0183     gtUtil_->retrieveL1(iEvent, evSetup, algToken_);
0185     LogDebug("l1t|Global") << "retrieved L1 data from GT Util" << endl;
0187     // grab the map for the final decisions
0188     const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>> initialDecisions = gtUtil_->decisionsInitial();
0189     const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>> intermDecisions = gtUtil_->decisionsInterm();
0190     const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>> finalDecisions = gtUtil_->decisionsFinal();
0191     const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>> prescales = gtUtil_->prescales();
0192     const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<int>>> masks = gtUtil_->masks();
0194     if ((decisionCount_.size() != gtUtil_->decisionsInitial().size()) ||
0195         (intermCount_.size() != gtUtil_->decisionsInterm().size()) ||
0196         (finalCount_.size() != gtUtil_->decisionsFinal().size())) {
0197       LogError("l1t|Global") << "gtUtil sizes inconsistent across run." << endl;
0198       return;
0199     }
0201     if (dumpTriggerResults_) {
0202       cout << "\n===================================== Trigger Results for BX=0 "
0203               "=============================================\n"
0204            << endl;
0205       cout << "    Bit                  Algorithm Name                  Init    aBXM  Final   PS Factor     Num Bx "
0206               "Masked"
0207            << endl;
0208       cout << "========================================================================================================"
0209               "===="
0210            << endl;
0211     }
0212     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < initialDecisions.size(); i++) {
0213       // get the name and trigger result
0214       std::string name = (;
0215       if (name == "NULL")
0216         continue;
0218       bool resultInit = (;
0220       // get prescaled and final results (need some error checking here)
0221       bool resultInterm = (;
0222       bool resultFin = (;
0224       // get the prescale and mask (needs some error checking here)
0225       double prescale = (;
0226       std::vector<int> mask = (;
0228       if (resultInit)
0229         decisionCount_[i]++;
0230       if (resultInterm)
0231         intermCount_[i]++;
0232       if (resultFin)
0233         finalCount_[i]++;
0235       //cout << i << " " << decisionCount_[i] << "\n";
0237       if (dumpTriggerResults_) {
0238         cout << std::dec << setfill(' ') << "   " << setw(5) << i << "   " << setw(40) << name.c_str() << "   "
0239              << setw(7) << resultInit << setw(7) << resultInterm << setw(7) << resultFin << setw(10) << prescale
0240              << setw(11) << mask.size() << endl;
0241       }
0242     }
0243     bool finOR = gtUtil_->getFinalOR();
0244     if (finOR)
0245       finalOrCount++;
0246     if (dumpTriggerResults_) {
0247       cout << "                                                                FinalOR = " << finOR << endl;
0248       cout << "========================================================================================================"
0249               "==="
0250            << endl;
0251     }
0252   }
0254   if (dumpRecord_) {
0255     //int i = 0; // now now just printing BX=0...
0256     for (int i = minBx_; i <= maxBx_; i++) {
0257       // Dump the coutput record
0258       cout << " ------ Bx= " << i << " ext ----------" << endl;
0259       if (ext.isValid()) {
0260         if (i >= ext->getFirstBX() && i <= ext->getLastBX()) {
0261           for (std::vector<GlobalExtBlk>::const_iterator extBlk = ext->begin(i); extBlk != ext->end(i); ++extBlk) {
0262             extBlk->print(cout);
0263             cout << std::dec;
0264           }
0265         } else {
0266           cout << "No Ext Conditions stored for this bx " << i << endl;
0267         }
0268       } else {
0269         LogError("L1TGlobalSummary") << "No ext Data in this event " << endl;
0270       }
0272       // Dump the coutput record
0273       cout << " ------ Bx= " << i << " alg ----------" << endl;
0274       if (alg.isValid()) {
0275         if (i >= alg->getFirstBX() && i <= alg->getLastBX()) {
0276           for (std::vector<GlobalAlgBlk>::const_iterator algBlk = alg->begin(i); algBlk != alg->end(i); ++algBlk) {
0277             algBlk->print(cout);
0278             cout << std::dec;
0279           }
0280         } else {
0281           cout << "No Alg Decisions stored for this bx " << i << endl;
0282         }
0283       } else {
0284         LogError("L1TGlobalSummary") << "No alg Data in this event " << endl;
0285       }
0286     }
0287   }
0288 }
0290 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0291 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(L1TGlobalSummary);