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0001 #include <iostream>
0002 #include <string>
0003 #include <sstream>
0004 #include <vector>
0005 #include <time.h>
0006 #include <cstdlib>
0008 #include "OnlineDB/EcalCondDB/interface/EcalCondDBInterface.h"
0009 #include "OnlineDB/EcalCondDB/interface/all_monitoring_types.h"
0010 #include "OnlineDB/EcalCondDB/interface/all_fe_config_types.h"
0011 #include "OnlineDB/EcalCondDB/interface/RunDat.h"
0012 #include "OnlineDB/EcalCondDB/interface/RunList.h"
0013 #include "OnlineDB/EcalCondDB/interface/MonPedestalsDat.h"
0014 #include "TROOT.h"
0015 #include "TFile.h"
0016 #include "TDirectory.h"
0017 #include "TH2F.h"
0018 #include "TF1.h"
0020 using namespace std;
0022 class CondDBApp {
0023 public:
0024   /**
0025    *   App constructor; Makes the database connection
0026    */
0027   CondDBApp(string host, string sid, string user, string pass, int port) {
0028     try {
0029       cout << "Making " << port << flush;
0030       econn = new EcalCondDBInterface(host, sid, user, pass, port);
0031       cout << "Done." << endl;
0032     } catch (runtime_error& e) {
0033       cerr << e.what() << endl;
0034       exit(-1);
0035     }
0036   }
0037   CondDBApp(string sid, string user, string pass) {
0038     try {
0039       cout << "Making " << sid << endl;
0040       econn = new EcalCondDBInterface(sid, user, pass);
0041       cout << "Done." << endl;
0042     } catch (runtime_error& e) {
0043       cerr << e.what() << endl;
0044       exit(-1);
0045     }
0046   }
0048   /**
0049    *  App destructor;  Cleans up database connection
0050    */
0051   ~CondDBApp() { delete econn; }
0053   inline std::string to_string(char value[]) {
0054     std::ostringstream streamOut;
0055     streamOut << value;
0056     return streamOut.str();
0057   }
0059   void testReadOddWeights(int iconf_req) {
0060     // now we do something else
0061     // this is an example for reading the odd weights
0062     // for a given config iconf_req
0064     cout << "*****************************************" << endl;
0065     cout << "test reading odd weights with id=" << iconf_req << endl;
0066     cout << "*****************************************" << endl;
0068     FEConfigOddWeightInfo fe_wei_info;
0069     fe_wei_info.setId(iconf_req);
0070     econn->fetchConfigSet(&fe_wei_info);
0072     map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigOddWeightDat> dataset_wei;
0073     econn->fetchDataSet(&dataset_wei, &fe_wei_info);
0075     typedef map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigOddWeightDat>::const_iterator CIfewei;
0076     EcalLogicID ecid_xt;
0077     FEConfigOddWeightDat rd_wei;
0079     int rd_weiv[15176];
0080     for (int i = 0; i < 15176; i++) {
0081       rd_weiv[i] = 0;
0082     }
0083     int i = 0;
0084     for (CIfewei p = dataset_wei.begin(); p != dataset_wei.end(); p++) {
0085       ecid_xt = p->first;
0086       rd_wei = p->second;
0087       int sm_num = ecid_xt.getID1();
0088       int tow_num = ecid_xt.getID2();
0089       int strip_num = ecid_xt.getID3();
0090       rd_weiv[i] = rd_wei.getWeightGroupId();
0091       if (i < 10)
0092         std::cout << "here is the value for SM:" << sm_num << " tower:" << tow_num << " strip:" << strip_num
0093                   << " group id:" << rd_weiv[i] << endl;
0094       i = i + 1;
0095     }
0097     map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigOddWeightModeDat> dataset_mode;
0098     econn->fetchDataSet(&dataset_mode, &fe_wei_info);
0100     typedef map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigOddWeightModeDat>::const_iterator CIfem;
0101     FEConfigOddWeightModeDat rd_mode;
0103     int rd_modev[19] = {0};
0104     int k = 0;
0105     for (CIfem p = dataset_mode.begin(); p != dataset_mode.end(); p++) {
0106       rd_mode = p->second;
0107       rd_modev[0] = rd_mode.getEnableEBOddFilter();
0108       rd_modev[1] = rd_mode.getEnableEEOddFilter();
0109       // ...
0110       std::cout << "here is the value for the weight mode: EnableEBOddFilter:" << rd_modev[0]
0111                 << " EnableEEOddFilter:" << rd_modev[1] << std::endl;
0112       k = k + 1;
0113     }
0115     cout << "*****************************************" << endl;
0116     cout << "test read done" << iconf_req << endl;
0117     cout << "*****************************************" << endl;
0118   }
0120   void testWriteOddWeights() {
0121     // now we do something else
0122     // this is an example for writing the odd weights
0124     cout << "*****************************************" << endl;
0125     cout << "************Inserting Odd weights************" << endl;
0126     cout << "*****************************************" << endl;
0128     FEConfigOddWeightInfo fe_wei_info;
0129     fe_wei_info.setNumberOfGroups(2);  // this eventually refers to some other table
0130     fe_wei_info.setConfigTag("my preferred odd weights");
0131     econn->insertConfigSet(&fe_wei_info);
0133     Tm tdb = fe_wei_info.getDBTime();
0134     //      tdb.dumpTm();
0136     vector<EcalLogicID> ecid_vec;
0137     ecid_vec = econn->getEcalLogicIDSet("EB_VFE", 1, 36, 1, 68, 1, 5);
0139     map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigOddWeightGroupDat> dataset;
0140     // we create 2 groups
0141     for (int ich = 0; ich < 2; ich++) {
0142       FEConfigOddWeightGroupDat wei;
0143       wei.setWeightGroupId(ich);
0144       if (ich == 0) {  // first group
0145         wei.setWeight0(0);
0146         wei.setWeight1(1);
0147         wei.setWeight2(2);
0148         wei.setWeight3(3);
0149         wei.setWeight4(4);
0150         wei.setWeight5(5);
0151       } else {  // second group
0152         wei.setWeight0(2);
0153         wei.setWeight1(3);
0154         wei.setWeight2(4);
0155         wei.setWeight3(5);
0156         wei.setWeight4(6);
0157         wei.setWeight5(7);
0158       }
0159       // Fill the dataset
0160       dataset[ecid_vec[ich]] = wei;  // we use any logic id, because it is in any case ignored...
0161     }
0163     // Insert the dataset
0164     econn->insertDataArraySet(&dataset, &fe_wei_info);
0166     vector<EcalLogicID> my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE;
0167     vector<EcalLogicID> my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE;
0169     // EE Strip identifiers
0170     // DCC=601-609 TT = ~40 EEstrip = 5
0171     my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE =
0172         econn->getEcalLogicIDSetOrdered("ECAL_readout_strip", 601, 609, 1, 100, 0, 5, "ECAL_readout_strip", 123);
0173     // EE Strip identifiers
0174     // DCC=646-654 TT = ~40 EEstrip = 5
0175     my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE =
0176         econn->getEcalLogicIDSetOrdered("ECAL_readout_strip", 646, 654, 1, 100, 0, 5, "ECAL_readout_strip", 123);
0178     // now we store in the DB the correspondence btw channels and odd weight groups
0179     map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigOddWeightDat> dataset2;
0180     // in this case I decide in a stupid way which channel belongs to which group
0181     for (int ich = 0; ich < (int)ecid_vec.size(); ich++) {
0182       FEConfigOddWeightDat weid;
0183       if (ecid_vec[ich].getID1() <= 609 || ecid_vec[ich].getID1() > 645) {
0184         weid.setWeightGroupId(0);  // EB
0185       }
0186       // Fill the dataset
0187       dataset2[ecid_vec[ich]] = weid;
0188     }
0190     // EE loop
0191     for (int ich = 0; ich < (int)my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE.size(); ich++) {
0192       FEConfigOddWeightDat wut;
0193       int igroup = 1;  // this group is for EE
0194       wut.setWeightGroupId(igroup);
0195       // Fill the dataset
0196       dataset2[my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE[ich]] = wut;
0197     }
0198     // EE loop 2 (we had to split the ids of EE in 2 vectors to avoid crash!)
0199     for (int ich = 0; ich < (int)my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE.size(); ich++) {
0200       FEConfigOddWeightDat wut;
0201       int igroup = 1;  // this group is for EE
0202       wut.setWeightGroupId(igroup);
0203       // Fill the dataset
0204       dataset2[my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE[ich]] = wut;
0205     }
0207     // Insert the dataset
0209     econn->insertDataArraySet(&dataset2, &fe_wei_info);
0211     map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigOddWeightModeDat> datasetmode;
0212     FEConfigOddWeightModeDat wei_mode;
0213     wei_mode.setEnableEBOddFilter(3);
0214     wei_mode.setDisableEBEvenPeakFinder(4);
0215     wei_mode.setFenixEEStripOutput(5);
0216     // this is just a test, I leave the other parameters at 0
0218     // Fill the dataset
0219     datasetmode[ecid_vec[0]] = wei_mode;  // we use any logic id, because it is in any case ignored...
0221     econn->insertDataSet(&datasetmode, &fe_wei_info);
0223     cout << "*****************************************" << endl;
0224     cout << "*********** odd weights done ************" << endl;
0225     cout << "*****************************************" << endl;
0226   }
0228 private:
0229   CondDBApp();  // hidden default constructor
0230   EcalCondDBInterface* econn;
0232   uint64_t startmicros;
0233   uint64_t endmicros;
0234   run_t startrun;
0235   run_t endrun;
0237   TFile* f;
0238   TH2F* mataq_vs_run;
0239   TH2F* apd_pn_mean_vs_run;
0241   void printTag(const RunTag* tag) const {
0242     cout << endl;
0243     cout << "=============RunTag:" << endl;
0244     cout << "GeneralTag:         " << tag->getGeneralTag() << endl;
0245     cout << "Location:           " << tag->getLocationDef().getLocation() << endl;
0246     cout << "Run Type:           " << tag->getRunTypeDef().getRunType() << endl;
0247     cout << "====================" << endl;
0248   }
0250   void printIOV(const RunIOV* iov) const {
0251     cout << endl;
0252     cout << "=============RunIOV:" << endl;
0253     RunTag tag = iov->getRunTag();
0254     printTag(&tag);
0255     cout << "Run Number:         " << iov->getRunNumber() << endl;
0256     cout << "Run Start:          " << iov->getRunStart().str() << endl;
0257     cout << "Run End:            " << iov->getRunEnd().str() << endl;
0258     cout << "====================" << endl;
0259   }
0260 };
0262 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
0263   string sid;
0264   string user;
0265   string pass;
0266   string cfg_str;
0267   string read_and_w_str;
0269   if (argc != 6) {
0270     cout << "Usage:" << endl;
0271     cout << "  " << argv[0] << " <SID> <user> <pass> <cfg_id> <read_or_write(0:read 1:write 2:read_and_write)>" << endl;
0272     exit(-1);
0273   }
0275   sid = argv[1];
0276   user = argv[2];
0277   pass = argv[3];
0278   cfg_str = argv[4];
0279   int cfg_id = atoi(cfg_str.c_str());
0280   read_and_w_str = argv[5];
0281   int rw_id = atoi(read_and_w_str.c_str());
0283   try {
0284     CondDBApp app(sid, user, pass);
0285     if (rw_id == 1 || rw_id == 2)
0286       app.testWriteOddWeights();
0287     if (rw_id == 0 || rw_id == 2)
0288       app.testReadOddWeights(cfg_id);
0289   } catch (exception& e) {
0290     cout << "ERROR:  " << e.what() << endl;
0291   } catch (...) {
0292     cout << "Unknown error caught" << endl;
0293   }
0295   cout << "All Done." << endl;
0297   return 0;
0298 }