File indexing completed on 2024-09-24 22:51:39
0009 #include <memory>
0010 #include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
0011 #include <cmath>
0012 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/stream/EDProducer.h"
0013 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0014 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0015 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0016 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0017 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0018 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaR.h"
0019 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
0020 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
0021 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/isFinite.h"
0022 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0023 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
0024 #include "PhysicsTools/TensorFlow/interface/TensorFlow.h"
0025 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloCellGeometry.h"
0026 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloGeometry.h"
0027 #include "Geometry/CaloTopology/interface/HcalTopology.h"
0028 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/CaloGeometryRecord.h"
0029 #include "DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloRecHit.h"
0030 #include "DataFormats/EcalRecHit/interface/EcalRecHit.h"
0031 #include "DataFormats/EcalRecHit/interface/EcalRecHitCollections.h"
0032 #include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/EcalDetIdCollections.h"
0033 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
0034 #include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/HBHERecHit.h"
0035 #include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/HcalRecHitDefs.h"
0036 #include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/HFRecHit.h"
0037 #include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/HORecHit.h"
0038 #include "DataFormats/HLTReco/interface/TriggerTypeDefs.h"
0039 #include "DataFormats/HLTReco/interface/TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs.h"
0040 #include "TrackingTools/TrajectoryParametrization/interface/CurvilinearTrajectoryError.h"
0041 #include "RecoTracker/PixelTrackFitting/interface/FitUtils.h"
0042 #include "TrackingTools/TrajectoryParametrization/interface/GlobalTrajectoryParameters.h"
0043 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/HitPattern.h"
0044 #include "TrackingTools/AnalyticalJacobians/interface/JacobianLocalToCurvilinear.h"
0045 #include "DataFormats/TrajectoryState/interface/LocalTrajectoryParameters.h"
0046 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/Plane.h"
0047 #include "DataFormats/BeamSpot/interface/BeamSpot.h"
0048 #include "MagneticField/Records/interface/IdealMagneticFieldRecord.h"
0049 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelClusterSoA/interface/ClusteringConstants.h"
0051 #include "DataFormats/TrackSoA/interface/alpaka/TrackUtilities.h"
0052 #include "DataFormats/TrackSoA/interface/TracksHost.h"
0053 #include "DataFormats/VertexSoA/interface/ZVertexHost.h"
0055 namespace L2TauTagNNv1 {
0056 constexpr int nCellEta = 5;
0057 constexpr int nCellPhi = 5;
0058 constexpr int nVars = 31;
0059 constexpr float dR_max = 0.5;
0060 enum class NNInputs {
0061 nVertices = 0,
0062 l1Tau_pt,
0063 l1Tau_eta,
0064 l1Tau_hwIso,
0065 EcalEnergySum,
0066 EcalSize,
0067 EcalEnergyStdDev,
0068 EcalDeltaEta,
0069 EcalDeltaPhi,
0070 EcalChi2,
0071 EcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2,
0072 EcalSizeForPositiveChi2,
0073 HcalEnergySum,
0074 HcalSize,
0075 HcalEnergyStdDev,
0076 HcalDeltaEta,
0077 HcalDeltaPhi,
0078 HcalChi2,
0079 HcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2,
0080 HcalSizeForPositiveChi2,
0081 PatatrackPtSum,
0082 PatatrackSize,
0083 PatatrackSizeWithVertex,
0084 PatatrackPtSumWithVertex,
0085 PatatrackChargeSum,
0086 PatatrackDeltaEta,
0087 PatatrackDeltaPhi,
0088 PatatrackChi2OverNdof,
0089 PatatrackNdof,
0090 PatatrackDxy,
0091 PatatrackDz
0092 };
0094 const std::map<NNInputs, std::string> varNameMap = {
0095 {NNInputs::nVertices, "nVertices"},
0096 {NNInputs::l1Tau_pt, "l1Tau_pt"},
0097 {NNInputs::l1Tau_eta, "l1Tau_eta"},
0098 {NNInputs::l1Tau_hwIso, "l1Tau_hwIso"},
0099 {NNInputs::EcalEnergySum, "EcalEnergySum"},
0100 {NNInputs::EcalSize, "EcalSize"},
0101 {NNInputs::EcalEnergyStdDev, "EcalEnergyStdDev"},
0102 {NNInputs::EcalDeltaEta, "EcalDeltaEta"},
0103 {NNInputs::EcalDeltaPhi, "EcalDeltaPhi"},
0104 {NNInputs::EcalChi2, "EcalChi2"},
0105 {NNInputs::EcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2, "EcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2"},
0106 {NNInputs::EcalSizeForPositiveChi2, "EcalSizeForPositiveChi2"},
0107 {NNInputs::HcalEnergySum, "HcalEnergySum"},
0108 {NNInputs::HcalSize, "HcalSize"},
0109 {NNInputs::HcalEnergyStdDev, "HcalEnergyStdDev"},
0110 {NNInputs::HcalDeltaEta, "HcalDeltaEta"},
0111 {NNInputs::HcalDeltaPhi, "HcalDeltaPhi"},
0112 {NNInputs::HcalChi2, "HcalChi2"},
0113 {NNInputs::HcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2, "HcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2"},
0114 {NNInputs::HcalSizeForPositiveChi2, "HcalSizeForPositiveChi2"},
0115 {NNInputs::PatatrackPtSum, "PatatrackPtSum"},
0116 {NNInputs::PatatrackSize, "PatatrackSize"},
0117 {NNInputs::PatatrackSizeWithVertex, "PatatrackSizeWithVertex"},
0118 {NNInputs::PatatrackPtSumWithVertex, "PatatrackPtSumWithVertex"},
0119 {NNInputs::PatatrackChargeSum, "PatatrackChargeSum"},
0120 {NNInputs::PatatrackDeltaEta, "PatatrackDeltaEta"},
0121 {NNInputs::PatatrackDeltaPhi, "PatatrackDeltaPhi"},
0122 {NNInputs::PatatrackChi2OverNdof, "PatatrackChi2OverNdof"},
0123 {NNInputs::PatatrackNdof, "PatatrackNdof"},
0124 {NNInputs::PatatrackDxy, "PatatrackDxy"},
0125 {NNInputs::PatatrackDz, "PatatrackDz"}};
0126 }
0127 namespace {
0128 inline float& getCellImpl(
0129 tensorflow::Tensor& cellGridMatrix, int tau_idx, int phi_idx, int eta_idx, L2TauTagNNv1::NNInputs NNInput_idx) {
0130 return cellGridMatrix.tensor<float, 4>()(tau_idx, phi_idx, eta_idx, static_cast<int>(NNInput_idx));
0131 }
0132 }
0133 struct normDictElement {
0134 float mean;
0135 float std;
0136 float min;
0137 float max;
0138 };
0140 struct L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData {
0141 L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData() : graphDef(nullptr), session(nullptr) {}
0142 tensorflow::GraphDef* graphDef;
0143 tensorflow::Session* session;
0144 std::vector<normDictElement> normVec;
0145 };
0147 class L2TauNNProducerAlpaka : public edm::stream::EDProducer<edm::GlobalCache<L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData>> {
0148 public:
0149 using TracksHost = pixelTrack::TracksHostPhase1;
0151 struct caloRecHitCollections {
0152 const HBHERecHitCollection* hbhe;
0153 const HORecHitCollection* ho;
0154 const EcalRecHitCollection* eb;
0155 const EcalRecHitCollection* ee;
0156 const CaloGeometry* geometry;
0157 };
0159 struct InputDescTau {
0160 std::string CollectionName;
0161 edm::EDGetTokenT<trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs> inputToken_;
0162 };
0164 static constexpr float dR2_max = L2TauTagNNv1::dR_max * L2TauTagNNv1::dR_max;
0165 static constexpr float dEta_width = 2 * L2TauTagNNv1::dR_max / static_cast<float>(L2TauTagNNv1::nCellEta);
0166 static constexpr float dPhi_width = 2 * L2TauTagNNv1::dR_max / static_cast<float>(L2TauTagNNv1::nCellPhi);
0168 explicit L2TauNNProducerAlpaka(const edm::ParameterSet&, const L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData*);
0169 static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions&);
0170 static std::unique_ptr<L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData> initializeGlobalCache(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0171 static void globalEndJob(L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData*);
0173 private:
0174 void checknan(tensorflow::Tensor& tensor, int debugLevel);
0175 void standardizeTensor(tensorflow::Tensor& tensor);
0176 std::vector<float> getTauScore(const tensorflow::Tensor& cellGridMatrix);
0177 void produce(edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& eventsetup) override;
0178 void fillL1TauVars(tensorflow::Tensor& cellGridMatrix, const std::vector<l1t::TauRef>& allTaus);
0179 void fillCaloRecHits(tensorflow::Tensor& cellGridMatrix,
0180 const std::vector<l1t::TauRef>& allTaus,
0181 const caloRecHitCollections& caloRecHits);
0182 void fillPatatracks(tensorflow::Tensor& cellGridMatrix,
0183 const std::vector<l1t::TauRef>& allTaus,
0184 const TracksHost& patatracks_tsoa,
0185 const ZVertexHost& patavtx_soa,
0186 const reco::BeamSpot& beamspot,
0187 const MagneticField* magfi);
0188 void selectGoodTracksAndVertices(const ZVertexHost& patavtx_soa,
0189 const TracksHost& patatracks_tsoa,
0190 std::vector<int>& trkGood,
0191 std::vector<int>& vtxGood);
0192 std::pair<float, float> impactParameter(int it,
0193 const TracksHost& patatracks_tsoa,
0194 float patatrackPhi,
0195 const reco::BeamSpot& beamspot,
0196 const MagneticField* magfi);
0197 template <typename VPos, typename LVec>
0198 std::tuple<float, float, int, int> getEtaPhiIndices(const VPos& position, const LVec& tau_p4);
0199 template <typename LVec>
0200 std::tuple<float, float, int, int> getEtaPhiIndices(float eta, float phi, const LVec& tau_p4);
0202 private:
0203 const int debugLevel_;
0204 const edm::EDGetTokenT<trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs> tauTriggerToken_;
0205 std::vector<InputDescTau> L1TauDesc_;
0206 const edm::EDGetTokenT<HBHERecHitCollection> hbheToken_;
0207 const edm::EDGetTokenT<HORecHitCollection> hoToken_;
0208 const edm::EDGetTokenT<EcalRecHitCollection> ebToken_;
0209 const edm::EDGetTokenT<EcalRecHitCollection> eeToken_;
0210 const edm::ESGetToken<CaloGeometry, CaloGeometryRecord> geometryToken_;
0211 const edm::ESGetToken<MagneticField, IdealMagneticFieldRecord> bFieldToken_;
0212 const edm::EDGetTokenT<ZVertexHost> pataVerticesToken_;
0213 const edm::EDGetTokenT<TracksHost> pataTracksToken_;
0214 const edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::BeamSpot> beamSpotToken_;
0215 const unsigned int maxVtx_;
0216 const float fractionSumPt2_;
0217 const float minSumPt2_;
0218 const float trackPtMin_;
0219 const float trackPtMax_;
0220 const float trackChi2Max_;
0221 std::string inputTensorName_;
0222 std::string outputTensorName_;
0223 const L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData* L2cacheData_;
0224 };
0226 std::unique_ptr<L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData> L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::initializeGlobalCache(
0227 const edm::ParameterSet& cfg) {
0228 std::unique_ptr<L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData> cacheData = std::make_unique<L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData>();
0229 cacheData->normVec.reserve(L2TauTagNNv1::nVars);
0231 auto const graphPath = edm::FileInPath(cfg.getParameter<std::string>("graphPath")).fullPath();
0233 cacheData->graphDef = tensorflow::loadGraphDef(graphPath);
0234 cacheData->session = tensorflow::createSession(cacheData->graphDef);
0236 boost::property_tree::ptree loadPtreeRoot;
0237 auto const normalizationDict = edm::FileInPath(cfg.getParameter<std::string>("normalizationDict")).fullPath();
0238 boost::property_tree::read_json(normalizationDict, loadPtreeRoot);
0239 for (const auto& [key, val] : L2TauTagNNv1::varNameMap) {
0240 boost::property_tree::ptree var = loadPtreeRoot.get_child(val);
0241 normDictElement current_element;
0242 current_element.mean = var.get_child("mean").get_value<float>();
0243 current_element.std = var.get_child("std").get_value<float>();
0244 current_element.min = var.get_child("min").get_value<float>();
0245 current_element.max = var.get_child("max").get_value<float>();
0246 cacheData->normVec.push_back(current_element);
0247 }
0248 return cacheData;
0249 }
0250 void L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::globalEndJob(L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData* cacheData) {
0251 if (cacheData->graphDef != nullptr) {
0252 delete cacheData->graphDef;
0253 }
0254 tensorflow::closeSession(cacheData->session);
0255 }
0256 void L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0257 edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0258 desc.add<int>("debugLevel", 0)->setComment("set debug level for printing out info");
0259 edm::ParameterSetDescription l1TausPset;
0260 l1TausPset.add<std::string>("L1CollectionName", "DoubleTau")->setComment("Name of collections");
0261 l1TausPset.add<edm::InputTag>("L1TauTrigger", edm::InputTag("hltL1sDoubleTauBigOR"))
0262 ->setComment("Which trigger should the L1 Taus collection pass");
0263 edm::ParameterSet l1TausPSetDefault;
0264 l1TausPSetDefault.addParameter<std::string>("L1CollectionName", "DoubleTau");
0265 l1TausPSetDefault.addParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1TauTrigger", edm::InputTag("hltL1sDoubleTauBigOR"));
0266 desc.addVPSet("L1Taus", l1TausPset, {l1TausPSetDefault});
0267 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("hbheInput", edm::InputTag("hltHbhereco"))->setComment("HBHE recHit collection");
0268 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("hoInput", edm::InputTag("hltHoreco"))->setComment("HO recHit Collection");
0269 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("ebInput", edm::InputTag("hltEcalRecHit:EcalRecHitsEB"))->setComment("EB recHit Collection");
0270 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("eeInput", edm::InputTag("hltEcalRecHit:EcalRecHitsEE"))->setComment("EE recHit Collection");
0271 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("pataVertices", edm::InputTag("hltPixelVerticesSoA"))
0272 ->setComment("patatrack vertices collection");
0273 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("pataTracks", edm::InputTag("hltPixelTracksSoA"))->setComment("patatrack collection");
0274 desc.add<edm::InputTag>("BeamSpot", edm::InputTag("hltOnlineBeamSpot"))->setComment("BeamSpot Collection");
0275 desc.add<uint>("maxVtx", 100)->setComment("max output collection size (number of accepted vertices)");
0276 desc.add<double>("fractionSumPt2", 0.3)->setComment("threshold on sumPt2 fraction of the leading vertex");
0277 desc.add<double>("minSumPt2", 0.)->setComment("min sumPt2");
0278 desc.add<double>("track_pt_min", 1.0)->setComment("min track p_T");
0279 desc.add<double>("track_pt_max", 10.0)->setComment("max track p_T");
0280 desc.add<double>("track_chi2_max", 99999.)->setComment("max track chi2");
0281 desc.add<std::string>("graphPath", "RecoTauTag/TrainingFiles/data/L2TauNNTag/L2TauTag_Run3v1.pb")
0282 ->setComment("path to the saved CNN");
0283 desc.add<std::string>("normalizationDict", "RecoTauTag/TrainingFiles/data/L2TauNNTag/NormalizationDict.json")
0284 ->setComment("path to the dictionary for variable standardization");
0285 descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
0286 }
0288 L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::L2TauNNProducerAlpaka(const edm::ParameterSet& cfg,
0289 const L2TauNNProducerAlpakaCacheData* cacheData)
0290 : debugLevel_(cfg.getParameter<int>("debugLevel")),
0291 hbheToken_(consumes<HBHERecHitCollection>(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hbheInput"))),
0292 hoToken_(consumes<HORecHitCollection>(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hoInput"))),
0293 ebToken_(consumes<EcalRecHitCollection>(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("ebInput"))),
0294 eeToken_(consumes<EcalRecHitCollection>(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("eeInput"))),
0295 geometryToken_(esConsumes<CaloGeometry, CaloGeometryRecord>()),
0296 bFieldToken_(esConsumes<MagneticField, IdealMagneticFieldRecord>()),
0297 pataVerticesToken_(consumes(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("pataVertices"))),
0298 pataTracksToken_(consumes(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("pataTracks"))),
0299 beamSpotToken_(consumes<reco::BeamSpot>(cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("BeamSpot"))),
0300 maxVtx_(cfg.getParameter<uint>("maxVtx")),
0301 fractionSumPt2_(cfg.getParameter<double>("fractionSumPt2")),
0302 minSumPt2_(cfg.getParameter<double>("minSumPt2")),
0303 trackPtMin_(cfg.getParameter<double>("track_pt_min")),
0304 trackPtMax_(cfg.getParameter<double>("track_pt_max")),
0305 trackChi2Max_(cfg.getParameter<double>("track_chi2_max")) {
0306 if (cacheData->graphDef == nullptr) {
0307 throw cms::Exception("InvalidCacheData") << "Invalid Cache Data.";
0308 }
0309 inputTensorName_ = cacheData->graphDef->node(0).name();
0310 outputTensorName_ = cacheData->graphDef->node(cacheData->graphDef->node_size() - 1).name();
0311 L2cacheData_ = cacheData;
0312 std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> L1TauCollections = cfg.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>>("L1Taus");
0313 L1TauDesc_.reserve(L1TauCollections.size());
0314 for (const auto& l1TauInput : L1TauCollections) {
0315 InputDescTau toInsert;
0316 toInsert.CollectionName = l1TauInput.getParameter<std::string>("L1CollectionName");
0317 toInsert.inputToken_ =
0318 consumes<trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs>(l1TauInput.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("L1TauTrigger"));
0319 L1TauDesc_.push_back(toInsert);
0320 }
0321 for (const auto& desc : L1TauDesc_)
0322 produces<std::vector<float>>(desc.CollectionName);
0323 }
0325 void L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::checknan(tensorflow::Tensor& tensor, int debugLevel) {
0326 using NNInputs = L2TauTagNNv1::NNInputs;
0327 std::vector<int> tensor_shape(tensor.shape().dims());
0328 for (int d = 0; d < tensor.shape().dims(); d++) {
0329 = tensor.shape().dim_size(d);
0330 }
0331 if (tensor_shape.size() != 4) {
0332 throw cms::Exception("InvalidTensor") << "Tensor shape does not have 4 dimensions!";
0333 }
0334 for (int tau_idx = 0; tau_idx <; tau_idx++) {
0335 for (int phi_idx = 0; phi_idx <; phi_idx++) {
0336 for (int eta_idx = 0; eta_idx <; eta_idx++) {
0337 for (int var_idx = 0; var_idx <; var_idx++) {
0338 auto getCell = [&](NNInputs input) -> float& {
0339 return getCellImpl(tensor, tau_idx, phi_idx, eta_idx, input);
0340 };
0341 auto nonstd_var = getCell(static_cast<NNInputs>(var_idx));
0342 if (edm::isNotFinite(nonstd_var)) {
0343 edm::LogWarning("InputVar") << "var is nan \nvar name= "
0344 <<<L2TauTagNNv1::NNInputs>(var_idx))
0345 << "\t var_idx = " << var_idx << "\t eta_idx = " << eta_idx
0346 << "\t phi_idx = " << phi_idx << "\t tau_idx = " << tau_idx;
0347 if (debugLevel > 2) {
0348 edm::LogWarning("InputVar") << "other vars in same cell \n";
0349 if (var_idx + 1 <
0350 edm::LogWarning("InputVar") <<<NNInputs>(var_idx + 1))
0351 << "\t = " << getCell(static_cast<NNInputs>(var_idx + 1));
0352 if (var_idx + 2 <
0353 edm::LogWarning("InputVar") <<<NNInputs>(var_idx + 2))
0354 << "\t = " << getCell(static_cast<NNInputs>(var_idx + 2));
0355 if (var_idx + 3 <
0356 edm::LogWarning("InputVar") <<<NNInputs>(var_idx + 3))
0357 << "\t = " << getCell(static_cast<NNInputs>(var_idx + 3));
0358 if (var_idx + 4 <
0359 edm::LogWarning("InputVar") <<<NNInputs>(var_idx + 4))
0360 << "\t = " << getCell(static_cast<NNInputs>(var_idx + 4));
0361 }
0362 }
0363 }
0364 }
0365 }
0366 }
0367 }
0369 void L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::standardizeTensor(tensorflow::Tensor& tensor) {
0370 using NNInputs = L2TauTagNNv1::NNInputs;
0371 std::vector<int> tensor_shape(tensor.shape().dims());
0372 for (int d = 0; d < tensor.shape().dims(); d++) {
0373 = tensor.shape().dim_size(d);
0374 }
0375 if (tensor_shape.size() != 4) {
0376 throw cms::Exception("InvalidTensor") << "Tensor shape does not have 4 dimensions!";
0377 }
0378 for (int tau_idx = 0; tau_idx <; tau_idx++) {
0379 for (int phi_idx = 0; phi_idx <; phi_idx++) {
0380 for (int eta_idx = 0; eta_idx <; eta_idx++) {
0381 for (int var_idx = 0; var_idx <; var_idx++) {
0382 auto getCell = [&](NNInputs input) -> float& {
0383 return getCellImpl(tensor, tau_idx, phi_idx, eta_idx, input);
0384 };
0385 float mean = L2cacheData_->;
0386 float std = L2cacheData_->;
0387 float min = L2cacheData_->;
0388 float max = L2cacheData_->;
0389 float nonstd_var = getCell(static_cast<NNInputs>(var_idx));
0390 float std_var = static_cast<float>((nonstd_var - mean) / std);
0391 if (std_var > max) {
0392 std_var = static_cast<float>(max);
0393 } else if (std_var < min) {
0394 std_var = static_cast<float>(min);
0395 }
0396 getCell(static_cast<NNInputs>(var_idx)) = std_var;
0397 }
0398 }
0399 }
0400 }
0401 }
0403 void L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::fillL1TauVars(tensorflow::Tensor& cellGridMatrix, const std::vector<l1t::TauRef>& allTaus) {
0404 using NNInputs = L2TauTagNNv1::NNInputs;
0406 const int nTaus = allTaus.size();
0407 for (int tau_idx = 0; tau_idx < nTaus; tau_idx++) {
0408 for (int eta_idx = 0; eta_idx < L2TauTagNNv1::nCellEta; eta_idx++) {
0409 for (int phi_idx = 0; phi_idx < L2TauTagNNv1::nCellPhi; phi_idx++) {
0410 auto getCell = [&](NNInputs input) -> float& {
0411 return getCellImpl(cellGridMatrix, tau_idx, phi_idx, eta_idx, input);
0412 };
0413 getCell(NNInputs::l1Tau_pt) = allTaus[tau_idx]->pt();
0414 getCell(NNInputs::l1Tau_eta) = allTaus[tau_idx]->eta();
0415 getCell(NNInputs::l1Tau_hwIso) = allTaus[tau_idx]->hwIso();
0416 }
0417 }
0418 }
0419 }
0421 template <typename LVec>
0422 std::tuple<float, float, int, int> L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::getEtaPhiIndices(float eta, float phi, const LVec& tau_p4) {
0423 const float deta = eta - tau_p4.eta();
0424 const float dphi = reco::deltaPhi(phi, tau_p4.phi());
0425 const int eta_idx = static_cast<int>(floor((deta + L2TauTagNNv1::dR_max) / dEta_width));
0426 const int phi_idx = static_cast<int>(floor((dphi + L2TauTagNNv1::dR_max) / dPhi_width));
0427 return std::make_tuple(deta, dphi, eta_idx, phi_idx);
0428 }
0430 template <typename VPos, typename LVec>
0431 std::tuple<float, float, int, int> L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::getEtaPhiIndices(const VPos& position, const LVec& tau_p4) {
0432 return getEtaPhiIndices(position.eta(), position.phi(), tau_p4);
0433 }
0435 void L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::fillCaloRecHits(tensorflow::Tensor& cellGridMatrix,
0436 const std::vector<l1t::TauRef>& allTaus,
0437 const caloRecHitCollections& caloRecHits) {
0438 using NNInputs = L2TauTagNNv1::NNInputs;
0440 const int nTaus = allTaus.size();
0441 float deta, dphi;
0442 int eta_idx = 0;
0443 int phi_idx = 0;
0444 int tau_idx = 0;
0446 auto getCell = [&](NNInputs input) -> float& {
0447 return getCellImpl(cellGridMatrix, tau_idx, phi_idx, eta_idx, input);
0448 };
0449 for (tau_idx = 0; tau_idx < nTaus; tau_idx++) {
0451 for (const auto& caloRecHit_ee : * {
0452 if ( <= 0)
0453 continue;
0454 const auto& position = caloRecHits.geometry->getGeometry(>getPosition();
0455 const float eeCalEn =;
0456 const float eeCalChi2 = caloRecHit_ee.chi2();
0457 if (reco::deltaR2(position, allTaus[tau_idx]->polarP4()) < dR2_max) {
0458 std::tie(deta, dphi, eta_idx, phi_idx) = getEtaPhiIndices(position, allTaus[tau_idx]->polarP4());
0459 getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergySum) += eeCalEn;
0460 getCell(NNInputs::EcalSize) += 1.;
0461 getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergyStdDev) += eeCalEn * eeCalEn;
0462 getCell(NNInputs::EcalDeltaEta) += deta * eeCalEn;
0463 getCell(NNInputs::EcalDeltaPhi) += dphi * eeCalEn;
0464 if (eeCalChi2 >= 0) {
0465 getCell(NNInputs::EcalChi2) += eeCalChi2 * eeCalEn;
0466 getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2) += eeCalEn;
0467 getCell(NNInputs::EcalSizeForPositiveChi2) += 1.;
0468 }
0469 }
0470 }
0473 for (const auto& caloRecHit_eb : *caloRecHits.eb) {
0474 if ( <= 0)
0475 continue;
0476 const auto& position = caloRecHits.geometry->getGeometry(>getPosition();
0477 const float ebCalEn =;
0478 const float ebCalChi2 = caloRecHit_eb.chi2();
0479 if (reco::deltaR2(position, allTaus[tau_idx]->polarP4()) < dR2_max) {
0480 std::tie(deta, dphi, eta_idx, phi_idx) = getEtaPhiIndices(position, allTaus[tau_idx]->polarP4());
0481 getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergySum) += ebCalEn;
0482 getCell(NNInputs::EcalSize) += 1.;
0483 getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergyStdDev) += ebCalEn * ebCalEn;
0484 getCell(NNInputs::EcalDeltaEta) += deta * ebCalEn;
0485 getCell(NNInputs::EcalDeltaPhi) += dphi * ebCalEn;
0486 if (ebCalChi2 >= 0) {
0487 getCell(NNInputs::EcalChi2) += ebCalChi2 * ebCalEn;
0488 getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2) += ebCalEn;
0489 getCell(NNInputs::EcalSizeForPositiveChi2) += 1.;
0490 }
0491 }
0492 }
0495 for (const auto& caloRecHit_hbhe : *caloRecHits.hbhe) {
0496 if ( <= 0)
0497 continue;
0498 const auto& position = caloRecHits.geometry->getGeometry(>getPosition();
0499 const float hbheCalEn =;
0500 const float hbheCalChi2 = caloRecHit_hbhe.chi2();
0501 if (reco::deltaR2(position, allTaus[tau_idx]->polarP4()) < dR2_max) {
0502 std::tie(deta, dphi, eta_idx, phi_idx) = getEtaPhiIndices(position, allTaus[tau_idx]->polarP4());
0503 getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergySum) += hbheCalEn;
0504 getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergyStdDev) += hbheCalEn * hbheCalEn;
0505 getCell(NNInputs::HcalSize) += 1.;
0506 getCell(NNInputs::HcalDeltaEta) += deta * hbheCalEn;
0507 getCell(NNInputs::HcalDeltaPhi) += dphi * hbheCalEn;
0508 if (hbheCalChi2 >= 0) {
0509 getCell(NNInputs::HcalChi2) += hbheCalChi2 * hbheCalEn;
0510 getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2) += hbheCalEn;
0511 getCell(NNInputs::HcalSizeForPositiveChi2) += 1.;
0512 }
0513 }
0514 }
0517 for (const auto& caloRecHit_ho : *caloRecHits.ho) {
0518 if ( <= 0)
0519 continue;
0520 const auto& position = caloRecHits.geometry->getGeometry(>getPosition();
0521 const float hoCalEn =;
0522 if (reco::deltaR2(position, allTaus[tau_idx]->polarP4()) < dR2_max) {
0523 std::tie(deta, dphi, eta_idx, phi_idx) = getEtaPhiIndices(position, allTaus[tau_idx]->polarP4());
0524 getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergySum) += hoCalEn;
0525 getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergyStdDev) += hoCalEn * hoCalEn;
0526 getCell(NNInputs::HcalSize) += 1.;
0527 getCell(NNInputs::HcalDeltaEta) += deta * hoCalEn;
0528 getCell(NNInputs::HcalDeltaPhi) += dphi * hoCalEn;
0529 }
0530 }
0533 for (eta_idx = 0; eta_idx < L2TauTagNNv1::nCellEta; eta_idx++) {
0534 for (phi_idx = 0; phi_idx < L2TauTagNNv1::nCellPhi; phi_idx++) {
0536 if (getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergySum) > 0.) {
0537 getCell(NNInputs::EcalDeltaEta) /= getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergySum);
0538 getCell(NNInputs::EcalDeltaPhi) /= getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergySum);
0539 }
0540 if (getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2) > 0.) {
0541 getCell(NNInputs::EcalChi2) /= getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2);
0542 }
0543 if (getCell(NNInputs::EcalSize) > 1.) {
0545 getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergyStdDev) =
0546 (getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergyStdDev) -
0547 (getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergySum) * getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergySum)) / getCell(NNInputs::EcalSize)) /
0548 (getCell(NNInputs::EcalSize) - 1);
0549 } else {
0550 getCell(NNInputs::EcalEnergyStdDev) = 0.;
0551 }
0553 if (getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergySum) > 0.) {
0554 getCell(NNInputs::HcalDeltaEta) /= getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergySum);
0555 getCell(NNInputs::HcalDeltaPhi) /= getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergySum);
0556 }
0557 if (getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2) > 0.) {
0558 getCell(NNInputs::HcalChi2) /= getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergySumForPositiveChi2);
0559 }
0560 if (getCell(NNInputs::HcalSize) > 1.) {
0562 getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergyStdDev) =
0563 (getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergyStdDev) -
0564 (getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergySum) * getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergySum)) / getCell(NNInputs::HcalSize)) /
0565 (getCell(NNInputs::HcalSize) - 1);
0566 } else {
0567 getCell(NNInputs::HcalEnergyStdDev) = 0.;
0568 }
0569 }
0570 }
0571 }
0572 }
0574 void L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::selectGoodTracksAndVertices(const ZVertexHost& patavtx_soa,
0575 const TracksHost& patatracks_tsoa,
0576 std::vector<int>& trkGood,
0577 std::vector<int>& vtxGood) {
0578 using patatrackHelpers = TracksUtilities<pixelTopology::Phase1>;
0579 const auto maxTracks = patatracks_tsoa.view().metadata().size();
0580 const int nv = patavtx_soa.view().nvFinal();
0581 trkGood.clear();
0582 trkGood.reserve(maxTracks);
0583 vtxGood.clear();
0584 vtxGood.reserve(nv);
0585 auto const* quality = patatracks_tsoa.view().quality();
0588 std::vector<float> pTSquaredSum(nv, 0);
0589 std::vector<int> nTrkAssociated(nv, 0);
0591 for (int32_t trk_idx = 0; trk_idx < maxTracks; ++trk_idx) {
0592 auto nHits = patatrackHelpers::nHits(patatracks_tsoa.view(), trk_idx);
0593 if (nHits == 0) {
0594 break;
0595 }
0596 int vtx_ass_to_track = patavtx_soa.view<reco::ZVertexTracksSoA>()[trk_idx].idv();
0597 if (vtx_ass_to_track >= 0 && vtx_ass_to_track < nv) {
0598 auto patatrackPt = patatracks_tsoa.view()[trk_idx].pt();
0599 ++nTrkAssociated[vtx_ass_to_track];
0600 if (patatrackPt >= trackPtMin_ && patatracks_tsoa.const_view()[trk_idx].chi2() <= trackChi2Max_) {
0601 patatrackPt = std::min(patatrackPt, trackPtMax_);
0602 pTSquaredSum[vtx_ass_to_track] += patatrackPt * patatrackPt;
0603 }
0604 }
0605 if (nHits > 0 and quality[trk_idx] >= pixelTrack::Quality::loose) {
0606 trkGood.push_back(trk_idx);
0607 }
0608 }
0609 if (nv > 0) {
0610 const auto minFOM_fromFrac = (*std::max_element(pTSquaredSum.begin(), pTSquaredSum.end())) * fractionSumPt2_;
0611 for (int j = nv - 1; j >= 0 && vtxGood.size() < maxVtx_; --j) {
0612 auto vtx_idx = patavtx_soa.view()[j].sortInd();
0613 assert(vtx_idx < nv);
0614 if (nTrkAssociated[vtx_idx] >= 2 && pTSquaredSum[vtx_idx] >= minFOM_fromFrac &&
0615 pTSquaredSum[vtx_idx] > minSumPt2_) {
0616 vtxGood.push_back(vtx_idx);
0617 }
0618 }
0619 }
0620 }
0622 std::pair<float, float> L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::impactParameter(int it,
0623 const TracksHost& patatracks_tsoa,
0624 float patatrackPhi,
0625 const reco::BeamSpot& beamspot,
0626 const MagneticField* magfi) {
0628 riemannFit::Vector5d ipar, opar;
0629 riemannFit::Matrix5d icov, ocov;
0630 TracksUtilities<pixelTopology::Phase1>::copyToDense(patatracks_tsoa.view(), ipar, icov, it);
0631 riemannFit::transformToPerigeePlane(ipar, icov, opar, ocov);
0632 LocalTrajectoryParameters lpar(opar(0), opar(1), opar(2), opar(3), opar(4), 1.);
0633 float sp = std::sin(patatrackPhi);
0634 float cp = std::cos(patatrackPhi);
0635 Surface::RotationType Rotation(sp, -cp, 0, 0, 0, -1.f, cp, sp, 0);
0636 GlobalPoint BeamSpotPoint(beamspot.x0(), beamspot.y0(), beamspot.z0());
0637 Plane impPointPlane(BeamSpotPoint, Rotation);
0638 GlobalTrajectoryParameters gp(
0639 impPointPlane.toGlobal(lpar.position()), impPointPlane.toGlobal(lpar.momentum()), lpar.charge(), magfi);
0640 GlobalPoint vv = gp.position();
0641 math::XYZPoint pos(vv.x(), vv.y(), vv.z());
0642 GlobalVector pp = gp.momentum();
0643 math::XYZVector mom(pp.x(), pp.y(), pp.z());
0644 auto lambda = M_PI_2 - pp.theta();
0645 auto phi = pp.phi();
0646 float patatrackDxy = -vv.x() * std::sin(phi) + vv.y() * std::cos(phi);
0647 float patatrackDz =
0648 (vv.z() * std::cos(lambda) - (vv.x() * std::cos(phi) + vv.y() * std::sin(phi)) * std::sin(lambda)) /
0649 std::cos(lambda);
0650 return std::make_pair(patatrackDxy, patatrackDz);
0651 }
0653 void L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::fillPatatracks(tensorflow::Tensor& cellGridMatrix,
0654 const std::vector<l1t::TauRef>& allTaus,
0655 const TracksHost& patatracks_tsoa,
0656 const ZVertexHost& patavtx_soa,
0657 const reco::BeamSpot& beamspot,
0658 const MagneticField* magfi) {
0659 using NNInputs = L2TauTagNNv1::NNInputs;
0660 using patatrackHelpers = TracksUtilities<pixelTopology::Phase1>;
0661 float deta, dphi;
0662 int eta_idx = 0;
0663 int phi_idx = 0;
0664 int tau_idx = 0;
0666 auto getCell = [&](NNInputs input) -> float& {
0667 return getCellImpl(cellGridMatrix, tau_idx, phi_idx, eta_idx, input);
0668 };
0670 std::vector<int> trkGood;
0671 std::vector<int> vtxGood;
0673 selectGoodTracksAndVertices(patavtx_soa, patatracks_tsoa, trkGood, vtxGood);
0675 const int nTaus = allTaus.size();
0676 for (tau_idx = 0; tau_idx < nTaus; tau_idx++) {
0677 const float tauEta = allTaus[tau_idx]->eta();
0678 const float tauPhi = allTaus[tau_idx]->phi();
0680 for (const auto it : trkGood) {
0681 const float patatrackPt = patatracks_tsoa.const_view()[it].pt();
0682 if (patatrackPt <= 0)
0683 continue;
0684 const float patatrackPhi = reco::phi(patatracks_tsoa.const_view(), it);
0685 const float patatrackEta = patatracks_tsoa.const_view()[it].eta();
0686 const float patatrackCharge = reco::charge(patatracks_tsoa.const_view(), it);
0687 const float patatrackChi2OverNdof = patatracks_tsoa.view()[it].chi2();
0688 const auto nHits = patatrackHelpers::nHits(patatracks_tsoa.const_view(), it);
0689 if (nHits <= 0)
0690 continue;
0691 const int patatrackNdof = 2 * std::min(6, nHits) - 5;
0693 const int vtx_idx_assTrk = patavtx_soa.view<reco::ZVertexTracksSoA>()[it].idv();
0694 if (reco::deltaR2(patatrackEta, patatrackPhi, tauEta, tauPhi) < dR2_max) {
0695 std::tie(deta, dphi, eta_idx, phi_idx) =
0696 getEtaPhiIndices(patatrackEta, patatrackPhi, allTaus[tau_idx]->polarP4());
0697 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackPtSum) += patatrackPt;
0698 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackSize) += 1.;
0699 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackChargeSum) += patatrackCharge;
0700 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackDeltaEta) += deta * patatrackPt;
0701 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackDeltaPhi) += dphi * patatrackPt;
0702 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackChi2OverNdof) += patatrackChi2OverNdof * patatrackPt;
0703 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackNdof) += patatrackNdof * patatrackPt;
0704 std::pair<float, float> impactParameters = impactParameter(it, patatracks_tsoa, patatrackPhi, beamspot, magfi);
0705 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackDxy) += impactParameters.first * patatrackPt;
0706 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackDz) += impactParameters.second * patatrackPt;
0707 if ((std::find(vtxGood.begin(), vtxGood.end(), vtx_idx_assTrk) != vtxGood.end())) {
0708 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackPtSumWithVertex) += patatrackPt;
0709 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackSizeWithVertex) += 1.;
0710 }
0711 }
0712 }
0715 for (eta_idx = 0; eta_idx < L2TauTagNNv1::nCellEta; eta_idx++) {
0716 for (phi_idx = 0; phi_idx < L2TauTagNNv1::nCellPhi; phi_idx++) {
0717 getCell(NNInputs::nVertices) = vtxGood.size();
0718 if (getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackPtSum) > 0.) {
0719 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackDeltaEta) /= getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackPtSum);
0720 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackDeltaPhi) /= getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackPtSum);
0721 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackChi2OverNdof) /= getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackPtSum);
0722 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackNdof) /= getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackPtSum);
0723 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackDxy) /= getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackPtSum);
0724 getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackDz) /= getCell(NNInputs::PatatrackPtSum);
0725 }
0726 }
0727 }
0728 }
0729 }
0731 std::vector<float> L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::getTauScore(const tensorflow::Tensor& cellGridMatrix) {
0732 const int nTau = cellGridMatrix.shape().dim_size(0);
0733 if (nTau == 0) {
0734 return std::vector<float>();
0735 } else {
0736 std::vector<tensorflow::Tensor> pred_tensor;
0737 tensorflow::run(L2cacheData_->session, {{inputTensorName_, cellGridMatrix}}, {outputTensorName_}, &pred_tensor);
0738 std::vector<float> pred_vector(nTau);
0739 for (int tau_idx = 0; tau_idx < nTau; ++tau_idx) {
0740 pred_vector[tau_idx] = pred_tensor[0].matrix<float>()(tau_idx, 0);
0741 }
0743 return pred_vector;
0744 }
0745 }
0747 void L2TauNNProducerAlpaka::produce(edm::Event& event, const edm::EventSetup& eventsetup) {
0748 std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> TauCollectionMap(L1TauDesc_.size());
0749 l1t::TauVectorRef allTaus;
0751 for (size_t inp_idx = 0; inp_idx < L1TauDesc_.size(); inp_idx++) {
0752 l1t::TauVectorRef l1Taus;
0753 auto const& l1TriggeredTaus = event.get(L1TauDesc_[inp_idx].inputToken_);
0754 l1TriggeredTaus.getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1Tau, l1Taus);
0757 for (size_t l1_idx = 0; l1_idx < l1Taus.size(); l1_idx++) {
0758 size_t tau_idx;
0759 const auto iter = std::find(allTaus.begin(), allTaus.end(), l1Taus[l1_idx]);
0760 if (iter != allTaus.end()) {
0761 tau_idx = std::distance(allTaus.begin(), iter);
0762 } else {
0763 allTaus.push_back(l1Taus[l1_idx]);
0764 tau_idx = allTaus.size() - 1;
0765 }
0766 = tau_idx;
0767 }
0768 }
0769 const auto ebCal = event.getHandle(ebToken_);
0770 const auto eeCal = event.getHandle(eeToken_);
0771 const auto hbhe = event.getHandle(hbheToken_);
0772 const auto ho = event.getHandle(hoToken_);
0773 auto const& patatracks_SoA = event.get(pataTracksToken_);
0774 auto const& vertices_SoA = event.get(pataVerticesToken_);
0775 const auto bsHandle = event.getHandle(beamSpotToken_);
0777 auto const fieldESH = eventsetup.getHandle(bFieldToken_);
0778 auto const geometry = eventsetup.getHandle(geometryToken_);
0780 caloRecHitCollections caloRecHits;
0781 caloRecHits.hbhe = &*hbhe;
0782 caloRecHits.ho = &*ho;
0783 caloRecHits.eb = &*ebCal;
0784 = &*eeCal;
0785 caloRecHits.geometry = &*geometry;
0787 const int nTaus = allTaus.size();
0788 tensorflow::Tensor cellGridMatrix(tensorflow::DT_FLOAT,
0789 {nTaus, L2TauTagNNv1::nCellEta, L2TauTagNNv1::nCellPhi, L2TauTagNNv1::nVars});
0790 const int n_inputs = nTaus * L2TauTagNNv1::nCellEta * L2TauTagNNv1::nCellPhi * L2TauTagNNv1::nVars;
0791 for (int input_idx = 0; input_idx < n_inputs; ++input_idx) {
0792 cellGridMatrix.flat<float>()(input_idx) = 0;
0793 }
0794 fillL1TauVars(cellGridMatrix, allTaus);
0796 fillCaloRecHits(cellGridMatrix, allTaus, caloRecHits);
0798 fillPatatracks(cellGridMatrix, allTaus, patatracks_SoA, vertices_SoA, *bsHandle, fieldESH.product());
0800 standardizeTensor(cellGridMatrix);
0802 if (debugLevel_ > 0) {
0803 checknan(cellGridMatrix, debugLevel_);
0804 }
0806 std::vector<float> tau_score = getTauScore(cellGridMatrix);
0808 for (size_t inp_idx = 0; inp_idx < L1TauDesc_.size(); inp_idx++) {
0809 const size_t nTau = TauCollectionMap[inp_idx].size();
0810 auto tau_tags = std::make_unique<std::vector<float>>(nTau);
0811 for (size_t tau_pos = 0; tau_pos < nTau; ++tau_pos) {
0812 const auto tau_idx = TauCollectionMap[inp_idx][tau_pos];
0813 if (debugLevel_ > 0) {
0814 edm::LogInfo("DebugInfo") << << " \t " << (allTaus[tau_idx])->pt() << " \t "
0815 << << std::endl;
0816 }
0817 (*tau_tags)[tau_pos] =;
0818 }
0819 event.put(std::move(tau_tags), L1TauDesc_[inp_idx].CollectionName);
0820 }
0821 }
0823 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0824 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(L2TauNNProducerAlpaka);