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0001 #ifndef simcalorimetry_hgcalsimalgos_hgcalsinoisemap
0002 #define simcalorimetry_hgcalsimalgos_hgcalsinoisemap
0004 #include "SimCalorimetry/HGCalSimAlgos/interface/HGCalRadiationMap.h"
0005 #include "SimCalorimetry/HGCalSimProducers/interface/HGCFEElectronics.h"
0006 #include "DataFormats/ForwardDetId/interface/HGCSiliconDetId.h"
0007 #include "DataFormats/ForwardDetId/interface/HFNoseDetId.h"
0008 #include "Geometry/HGCalGeometry/interface/HGCalGeometry.h"
0009 #include <string>
0010 #include <array>
0011 #include <unordered_map>
0013 /**
0014    @class HGCalSiNoiseMap
0015    @short derives from HGCalRadiation map to parse fluence parameters, provides Si-specific functions; see DN-19-045
0016 */
0017 template <typename T>
0018 class HGCalSiNoiseMap : public HGCalRadiationMap {
0019 public:
0020   enum GainRange_t { q80fC, q160fC, q320fC, AUTO };
0021   enum NoiseMapAlgoBits_t { FLUENCE, CCE, NOISE, PULSEPERGAIN, CACHEDOP };
0023   struct SiCellOpCharacteristicsCore {
0024     SiCellOpCharacteristicsCore() : cce(0.), noise(0.), gain(0), thrADC(0) {}
0025     float cce, noise;
0026     unsigned short gain, thrADC;
0027   };
0029   struct SiCellOpCharacteristics {
0030     SiCellOpCharacteristics() : lnfluence(0.), fluence(0.), ileak(0.), enc_s(0.), enc_p(0.), mipfC(0), mipADC(0) {}
0031     SiCellOpCharacteristicsCore core;
0032     double lnfluence, fluence, ileak, enc_s, enc_p, mipfC;
0033     unsigned int mipADC;
0034   };
0036   HGCalSiNoiseMap();
0037   ~HGCalSiNoiseMap() {}
0039   /**
0040      @short set the ileak parameters to use
0041   */
0042   void setIleakParam(const std::vector<double> &pars) { ileakParam_ = pars; }
0044   /**
0045      @short set the cce parameters to use
0046   */
0047   void setCceParam(const std::vector<double> &parsFine,
0048                    const std::vector<double> &parsThin,
0049                    const std::vector<double> &parsThick) {
0050     cceParam_.push_back(parsFine);   //120
0051     cceParam_.push_back(parsThin);   //200
0052     cceParam_.push_back(parsThick);  //300
0053   }
0055   /**
0056      @short overrides base class method with specifics for the configuration of the algo
0057   */
0058   void setDoseMap(const std::string &, const unsigned int &);
0060   /**
0061      @short specialization of the base class method which sets the geometry so that it can instantiate an operation
0062      cache the first time it is called - intrinsically related to the valid detIds in the geometry
0063      the filling of the cache is ignored by configuration or if it has already been filled
0064    */
0065   void setGeometry(const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *, GainRange_t gain = GainRange_t::AUTO, int aimMIPtoADC = 10);
0067   /**
0068      @short returns the charge collection efficiency and noise
0069      if gain range is set to auto, it will find the most appropriate gain to put the mip peak close to 10 ADC counts
0070   */
0071   const SiCellOpCharacteristicsCore getSiCellOpCharacteristicsCore(const T &did, GainRange_t gain, int aimMIPtoADC);
0072   const SiCellOpCharacteristicsCore getSiCellOpCharacteristicsCore(const T &did) {
0073     return getSiCellOpCharacteristicsCore(did, defaultGain_, defaultAimMIPtoADC_);
0074   }
0076   SiCellOpCharacteristics getSiCellOpCharacteristics(const T &did,
0077                                                      GainRange_t gain = GainRange_t::AUTO,
0078                                                      int aimMIPtoADC = 10);
0079   SiCellOpCharacteristics getSiCellOpCharacteristics(double &cellCap,
0080                                                      double &cellVol,
0081                                                      double &mipEqfC,
0082                                                      std::vector<double> &cceParam,
0083                                                      int &subdet,
0084                                                      int &layer,
0085                                                      double &radius,
0086                                                      GainRange_t &gain,
0087                                                      int &aimMIPtoADC);
0089   std::array<double, 3> &getMipEqfC() { return mipEqfC_; }
0090   std::array<double, 3> &getCellCapacitance() { return cellCapacitance_; }
0091   std::array<double, 3> &getCellVolume() { return cellVolume_; }
0092   std::vector<std::vector<double> > &getCCEParam() { return cceParam_; }
0093   std::vector<double> &getIleakParam() { return ileakParam_; }
0094   std::vector<std::vector<double> > &getENCsParam() { return encsParam_; }
0095   std::vector<double> &getLSBPerGain() { return lsbPerGain_; }
0096   void setDefaultADCPulseShape(const hgc_digi::FEADCPulseShape &adcPulse) { defaultADCPulse_ = adcPulse; };
0097   const hgc_digi::FEADCPulseShape &adcPulseForGain(GainRange_t gain) {
0098     if (ignoreGainDependentPulse_)
0099       return defaultADCPulse_;
0100     return adcPulses_[gain];
0101   };
0102   std::vector<double> &getMaxADCPerGain() { return chargeAtFullScaleADCPerGain_; }
0103   double getENCpad(double ileak);
0104   void setCachedOp(bool flag) { activateCachedOp_ = flag; }
0105   double getTDCOnsetAuto(uint32_t gainIdx);
0107   inline void setENCCommonNoiseSubScale(double val) { encCommonNoiseSub_ = val; }
0109 private:
0110   GainRange_t defaultGain_;
0111   int defaultAimMIPtoADC_;
0113   //cache of SiCellOpCharacteristics
0114   std::map<uint32_t, SiCellOpCharacteristicsCore> siopCache_;
0116   //vector of three params, per sensor type: 0:120 [mum], 1:200, 2:300
0117   std::array<double, 3> mipEqfC_, cellCapacitance_, cellVolume_;
0118   std::vector<std::vector<double> > cceParam_;
0120   //leakage current/volume vs fluence
0121   std::vector<double> ileakParam_;
0123   //common noise subtraction noise (final scaling value)
0124   double encCommonNoiseSub_;
0126   //electron charge in fC
0127   const double qe2fc_;
0129   //electronics noise (series+parallel) polynomial coeffs and ADC pulses;
0130   std::vector<std::vector<double> > encsParam_;
0131   hgc_digi::FEADCPulseShape defaultADCPulse_;
0132   std::vector<hgc_digi::FEADCPulseShape> adcPulses_;
0134   //lsb
0135   std::vector<double> lsbPerGain_, chargeAtFullScaleADCPerGain_;
0137   //conversions
0138   const double unitToMicro_ = 1.e6;
0139   const double unitToMicroLog_ = log(unitToMicro_);
0141   //flags used to disable specific components of the Si operation parameters or usage of operation cache
0142   bool ignoreFluence_, ignoreCCE_, ignoreNoise_, ignoreGainDependentPulse_, activateCachedOp_;
0143 };
0145 #include "HGCalSiNoiseMap.icc"
0147 template class HGCalSiNoiseMap<HGCSiliconDetId>;
0148 template class HGCalSiNoiseMap<HFNoseDetId>;
0150 #endif