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0001 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
0002 #include "SimMuon/RPCDigitizer/src/RPCDigiProducer.h"
0003 #include "SimMuon/RPCDigitizer/src/RPCDigitizer.h"
0004 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/MuonGeometryRecord.h"
0005 #include "SimDataFormats/CrossingFrame/interface/CrossingFrame.h"
0006 #include "SimDataFormats/CrossingFrame/interface/MixCollection.h"
0007 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
0008 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/MuonGeometryRecord.h"
0009 #include "MagneticField/Records/interface/IdealMagneticFieldRecord.h"
0010 #include "SimDataFormats/CrossingFrame/interface/MixCollection.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
0012 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/RandomNumberGenerator.h"
0013 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0014 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0015 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0016 #include "SimDataFormats/TrackingHit/interface/PSimHitContainer.h"
0017 #include "SimMuon/RPCDigitizer/src/RPCSimSetUp.h"
0018 #include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/RPCDetId.h"
0020 #include <cmath>
0021 #include <cmath>
0022 #include <fstream>
0023 #include <sstream>
0024 #include <iostream>
0025 #include <cstring>
0026 #include <string>
0027 #include <vector>
0028 #include <cstdlib>
0029 #include <utility>
0030 #include <map>
0032 using namespace std;
0034 RPCSimSetUp::RPCSimSetUp(const edm::ParameterSet& ps) {
0035   _mapDetIdNoise.clear();
0036   _mapDetIdEff.clear();
0037   _bxmap.clear();
0038   _clsMap.clear();
0039 }
0041 void RPCSimSetUp::setRPCSetUp(const std::vector<RPCStripNoises::NoiseItem>& vnoise, const std::vector<float>& vcls) {
0042   unsigned int counter = 1;
0043   unsigned int row = 1;
0044   std::vector<double> sum_clsize;
0046   for (unsigned int n = 0; n < vcls.size(); ++n) {
0047     sum_clsize.push_back(vcls[n]);
0049     if (counter == row * 20) {
0050       _clsMap[row] = sum_clsize;
0051       row++;
0052       sum_clsize.clear();
0053     }
0054     counter++;
0055   }
0057   unsigned int n = 0;
0058   uint32_t temp = 0;
0059   std::vector<float> veff, vvnoise;
0060   veff.clear();
0061   vvnoise.clear();
0063   for (std::vector<RPCStripNoises::NoiseItem>::const_iterator it = vnoise.begin(); it != vnoise.end(); ++it) {
0064     if (n % 96 == 0) {
0065       if (n > 0) {
0066         _mapDetIdNoise[temp] = vvnoise;
0067         _mapDetIdEff[temp] = veff;
0068         _bxmap[RPCDetId(it->dpid)] = it->time;
0070         veff.clear();
0071         vvnoise.clear();
0072         vvnoise.push_back((it->noise));
0073         veff.push_back((it->eff));
0074       } else if (n == 0) {
0075         vvnoise.push_back((it->noise));
0076         veff.push_back((it->eff));
0077         _bxmap[RPCDetId(it->dpid)] = it->time;
0078       }
0079     } else if (n == vnoise.size() - 1) {
0080       temp = it->dpid;
0081       vvnoise.push_back((it->noise));
0082       veff.push_back((it->eff));
0083       _mapDetIdNoise[temp] = vvnoise;
0084       _mapDetIdEff[temp] = veff;
0085     } else {
0086       temp = it->dpid;
0087       vvnoise.push_back((it->noise));
0088       veff.push_back((it->eff));
0089     }
0090     n++;
0091   }
0092 }
0094 void RPCSimSetUp::setRPCSetUp(const std::vector<RPCStripNoises::NoiseItem>& vnoise,
0095                               const std::vector<RPCClusterSize::ClusterSizeItem>& vClusterSize) {
0096   LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << "RPCSimSetUp::setRPCSetUp(vector<NoiseItem>, vector<ClusterSizeItem>)" << std::endl;
0098   uint32_t detId = 0, current_detId, this_detId;
0099   RPCDetId rpcId, current_rpcId, this_rpcId;
0100   const RPCRoll* current_roll = nullptr;
0101   const RPCRoll* this_roll = nullptr;
0102   unsigned int current_nStrips;
0104   LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << "RPCSimSetUp::setRPCSetUp :: ClusterSizeItem :: begin" << std::endl;
0105 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0106   std::stringstream sslogclsitem;
0107 #endif
0108   // ### ClusterSizeItem #######################################################
0109   std::vector<RPCClusterSize::ClusterSizeItem>::const_iterator itCls;
0110   int clsCounter(1);
0111   std::vector<double> clsVect;
0112   // ### loop for New Format (120 entries)
0113   for (itCls = vClusterSize.begin(); itCls != vClusterSize.end(); ++itCls) {
0114     clsVect.push_back(((double)(itCls->clusterSize)));
0115 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0116     sslogclsitem << " Push back clustersize = " << itCls->clusterSize << std::endl;
0117     sslogclsitem << "Filling cls in _mapDetCls[detId,clsVect] :: detId = " << detId;
0118     sslogclsitem << " --> will it be accepted? clsCounter = " << clsCounter << " accepted?";
0119     sslogclsitem << " New Format ::" << ((!(clsCounter % 120)) && (clsCounter != 0));  // <<std::endl;
0120     sslogclsitem << " Old Format ::" << ((!(clsCounter % 100)) && (clsCounter != 0));  // <<std::endl;
0121     sslogclsitem << std::endl;
0122 #endif
0123     // New Format :: loop until 120
0124     if ((!(clsCounter % 120)) && (clsCounter != 0)) {
0125       detId = itCls->dpid;
0126       _mapDetClsMap[detId] = clsVect;
0127 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0128       std::stringstream LogDebugClsVectString;
0129       LogDebugClsVectString << "[";
0130       for (std::vector<double>::iterator itClsVect = clsVect.begin(); itClsVect != clsVect.end(); ++itClsVect) {
0131         LogDebugClsVectString << *itClsVect << ",";
0132       }
0133       LogDebugClsVectString << "]";
0134       std::string LogDebugClsVectStr = LogDebugClsVectString.str();
0135       LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << "Filling clsVect in _mapDetCls[detId,clsVect] :: detId = " << RPCDetId(detId) << " = "
0136                               << detId << " clsVec = " << LogDebugClsVectStr;
0138       sslogclsitem << " --> New Method ";
0139       sslogclsitem << " --> saved in map " << std::endl;
0140       sslogclsitem << "Filling cls in _mapDetClsMap[detId,clsVect] :: detId = " << detId;
0141       sslogclsitem << " --> will it be accepted? clsCounter = " << clsCounter << " accepted? "
0142                    << ((!(clsCounter % 120)) && (clsCounter != 0)) << std::endl;
0143 #endif
0144       clsVect.clear();
0145       clsCounter = 0;
0146     } else {
0147 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0148       sslogclsitem << " --> not saved in map " << std::endl;
0149 #endif
0150     }
0151     ++clsCounter;
0152   }
0153   // ### loop for Old Format (100 entries)
0154   for (itCls = vClusterSize.begin(); itCls != vClusterSize.end(); ++itCls) {
0155     clsVect.push_back(((double)(itCls->clusterSize)));
0156 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0157     sslogclsitem << " Push back clustersize = " << itCls->clusterSize << std::endl;
0158     sslogclsitem << "Filling cls in _mapDetClsMapLegacy[detId,clsVect] :: detId = " << detId;
0159     sslogclsitem << " --> will it be accepted? clsCounter = " << clsCounter << " accepted?";
0160     sslogclsitem << " New Format ::" << ((!(clsCounter % 120)) && (clsCounter != 0));  // <<std::endl;
0161     sslogclsitem << " Old Format ::" << ((!(clsCounter % 100)) && (clsCounter != 0));  // <<std::endl;
0162     sslogclsitem << std::endl;
0163 #endif
0164     // Old Format :: same until 100
0165     if ((!(clsCounter % 100)) && (clsCounter != 0)) {
0166       detId = itCls->dpid;
0167       _mapDetClsMapLegacy[detId] = clsVect;
0168 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0169       std::stringstream LogDebugClsVectString;
0170       LogDebugClsVectString << "[";
0171       for (std::vector<double>::iterator itClsVect = clsVect.begin(); itClsVect != clsVect.end(); ++itClsVect) {
0172         LogDebugClsVectString << *itClsVect << ",";
0173       }
0174       LogDebugClsVectString << "]";
0175       std::string LogDebugClsVectStr = LogDebugClsVectString.str();
0176       LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << "Filling clsVect in _mapDetClsLegacy[detId,clsVect] :: detId = " << RPCDetId(detId)
0177                               << " = " << detId << " clsVec = " << LogDebugClsVectStr;
0179       sslogclsitem << " --> Old Method ";
0180       sslogclsitem << " --> saved in map " << std::endl;
0181       sslogclsitem << "Filling cls in _mapDetClsMapLegacy[detId,clsVect] :: detId = " << detId;
0182       sslogclsitem << " --> will it be accepted? clsCounter = " << clsCounter << " accepted? "
0183                    << ((!(clsCounter % 120)) && (clsCounter != 0)) << std::endl;
0184 #endif
0185       clsVect.clear();
0186       clsCounter = 0;
0187     } else {
0188 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0189       sslogclsitem << " --> not saved in map " << std::endl;
0190 #endif
0191     }
0192     ++clsCounter;
0193   }
0194   // ###########################################################################
0195 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0196   std::string logclsitem = sslogclsitem.str();
0197   sslogclsitem.clear();
0198   LogDebug("RPCSimSetupClsLoopDetails") << logclsitem << std::endl;
0199   LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << "RPCSimSetUp::setRPCSetUp :: ClusterSizeItem :: end" << std::endl;
0201   LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << "RPCSimSetUp::setRPCSetUp :: NoiseItem :: begin" << std::endl;
0202   std::stringstream sslognoiseitem;
0203 #endif
0204   // ### NoiseItem #############################################################
0205   unsigned int count_strips = 1;
0206 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0207   unsigned int count_all = 1;
0208 #endif
0209   std::vector<float> vveff, vvnoise;
0211   // DetId to start with needs to be a DetId inside the Geometry used
0212   // Therefore loop on the NoiseItems and search for the first valid roll in the Geometry
0213   // Assign this as the DetId to start with (so called current_roll) and quit the loop
0214   bool quitLoop = false;
0215   current_detId = 0;
0216   current_nStrips = 0;  // current_rpcId = 0; current_roll = 0;
0217   for (std::vector<RPCStripNoises::NoiseItem>::const_iterator it = vnoise.begin(); it != vnoise.end() && !quitLoop;
0218        ++it) {
0219     // roll associated to the conditions of this strip (iterator)
0220     current_detId = it->dpid;
0221     current_rpcId = RPCDetId(current_detId);
0222     // Test whether this roll (picked up from the conditions) is inside the RPC Geometry
0223     const RPCRoll* roll = theGeometry->roll(current_rpcId);
0224     if (roll == nullptr) {
0225 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0226       sslognoiseitem << "Searching for first valid detid :: current_detId = " << current_detId;
0227       sslognoiseitem << " aka " << current_rpcId << " is not in current Geometry --> Skip " << std::endl;
0228 #endif
0229       continue;
0230     } else {
0231 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0232       sslognoiseitem << "Searching for first valid detid :: current_detId = " << current_detId;
0233       sslognoiseitem << " aka " << current_rpcId
0234                      << " is the first (valid) roll in the current Geometry --> Accept, Assign & Quit Loop"
0235                      << std::endl;
0236 #endif
0237       current_roll = theGeometry->roll(current_rpcId);
0238       current_nStrips = current_roll->nstrips();
0239       quitLoop = true;
0240     }
0241   }
0243 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0244   sslognoiseitem << "Start Position ::            current_detId = " << current_detId << " aka " << current_rpcId;
0245   sslognoiseitem << " is a valid roll with pointer " << current_roll << " and has "
0246                  << (current_roll ? current_roll->nstrips() : 0) << " strips" << std::endl;
0247   sslognoiseitem << " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
0248                     "------------------------------------ "
0249                  << std::endl;
0250 #endif
0251   for (std::vector<RPCStripNoises::NoiseItem>::const_iterator it = vnoise.begin(); it != vnoise.end(); ++it) {
0252     // roll associated to the conditions of this strip (iterator)
0253     this_detId = it->dpid;
0254     this_rpcId = RPCDetId(this_detId);
0255     // Test whether this roll (picked up from the conditions) is inside the RPC Geometry
0256     const RPCRoll* roll = theGeometry->roll(this_rpcId);
0257     if (roll == nullptr) {
0258 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0259       sslognoiseitem << "Inside Loop :: [" << std::setw(6) << count_all << "][" << std::setw(3) << count_strips
0260                      << "] :: this_detId = " << this_detId << " aka " << this_rpcId
0261                      << " which is not in current Geometry --> Skip " << std::endl;
0262 #endif
0263       continue;
0264     }
0266     // Case 1 :: FIRST ENTRY
0267     // ---------------------
0268     if (this_detId == current_detId && count_strips == 1) {
0269       // fill bx in map
0270       _bxmap[current_detId] = it->time;
0271       // clear vectors
0272       vveff.clear();
0273       vvnoise.clear();
0274       // fill the vectors
0275       vvnoise.push_back((it->noise));
0276       vveff.push_back((it->eff));
0277 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0278       sslognoiseitem << "RPCSimSetUp::setRPCSetUp :: NoiseItem :: case 1" << std::endl;
0279       sslognoiseitem << this_detId << " = " << this_rpcId << " with " << roll->nstrips() << " strips" << std::endl;
0280       sslognoiseitem << "[NoiseItem :: n = " << count_all
0281                      << "] Filling time in _bxmap[detId] :: detId = " << RPCDetId(it->dpid) << " time = " << it->time
0282                      << std::endl;
0283       sslognoiseitem << "First Value :: [" << std::setw(6) << count_all << "][" << std::setw(3) << count_strips
0284                      << "] :: this_detId = " << this_detId << " aka " << this_rpcId;
0285       sslognoiseitem << " Strip " << std::setw(3) << count_strips << " Noise = " << it->noise << " Hz/cm2" << std::endl;
0286       // update one counter
0287       ++count_all;
0288 #endif
0289       // update the other counter
0290       ++count_strips;
0291     }
0292     // Case 2 :: 2ND ENTRY --> LAST-1 ENTRY
0293     // ------------------------------------
0294     else if (this_detId == current_detId && count_strips > 1 && count_strips < current_nStrips) {
0295 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0296       sslognoiseitem << "RPCSimSetUp::setRPCSetUp :: NoiseItem :: case 2" << std::endl;
0297       sslognoiseitem << "Inside Loop :: [" << std::setw(6) << count_all << "][" << std::setw(3) << count_strips
0298                      << "] :: this_detId = " << this_detId << " aka " << this_rpcId;
0299       sslognoiseitem << " Strip " << std::setw(3) << count_strips << " Noise = " << it->noise << " Hz/cm2" << std::endl;
0300       // update one counter
0301       ++count_all;
0302 #endif
0303       // fill the vectors
0304       vvnoise.push_back((it->noise));
0305       vveff.push_back((it->eff));
0306       // update the other counter
0307       ++count_strips;
0308     }
0310     // Case 3 :: LAST ENTRY
0311     // --------------------
0312     else if (this_detId == current_detId && count_strips == current_nStrips) {
0313 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0314       sslognoiseitem << "RPCSimSetUp::setRPCSetUp :: NoiseItem :: case 3" << std::endl;
0315       sslognoiseitem << "Last Value ::  [" << std::setw(6) << count_all << "][" << std::setw(3) << count_strips
0316                      << "] :: this_detId = " << this_detId << " aka " << this_rpcId;
0317       sslognoiseitem << " Strip " << std::setw(3) << count_strips << " Noise = " << it->noise << " Hz/cm2" << std::endl;
0318       // update one counter
0319       ++count_all;
0320 #endif
0321       // fill last value in the vector
0322       vvnoise.push_back((it->noise));
0323       vveff.push_back((it->eff));
0324       // update the other counter
0325       ++count_strips;
0326       // fill vectors into map
0327       _mapDetIdNoise[current_detId] = vvnoise;
0328       _mapDetIdEff[current_detId] = vveff;
0330 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0331       sslognoiseitem << " fill vectors into map" << std::endl;
0332       std::stringstream LogDebugNoiVectString, LogDebugEffVectString;
0333       LogDebugNoiVectString << "[";
0334       for (std::vector<float>::iterator itNoiVect = vvnoise.begin(); itNoiVect != vvnoise.end(); ++itNoiVect) {
0335         LogDebugNoiVectString << (*itNoiVect) << ",";
0336       }
0337       LogDebugNoiVectString << "]";
0338       std::string LogDebugNoiVectStr = LogDebugNoiVectString.str();
0339       LogDebugEffVectString << "[";
0340       for (std::vector<float>::iterator itEffVect = vveff.begin(); itEffVect != vveff.end(); ++itEffVect) {
0341         LogDebugEffVectString << (*itEffVect) << ",";
0342       }
0343       LogDebugEffVectString << "]";
0344       std::string LogDebugEffVectStr = LogDebugEffVectString.str();
0345       LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << "Filling vvnoise in _mapDetIdNoise[detId] :: detId = " << RPCDetId(it->dpid) << " = "
0346                               << (RPCDetId(it->dpid)).rawId() << " vvnoise = " << LogDebugNoiVectStr;
0347       LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << "Filling veff    in _mapDetIdEff[detId]   :: detId = " << RPCDetId(it->dpid) << " = "
0348                               << (RPCDetId(it->dpid)).rawId() << " veff    = " << LogDebugEffVectStr;
0349 #endif
0350       // look for next different detId and rename it to the current_detId
0351       // at this point we skip all the conditions for the strips that are not in this roll
0352       // and we will go to the conditions for the first strip of the next roll
0353       bool next_detId_found = false;
0354 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0355       sslognoiseitem << "look for next different detId" << std::endl;
0356 #endif
0357       while (next_detId_found == 0 && it != vnoise.end() - 1) {
0358         ++it;
0359         this_detId = it->dpid;
0360         this_rpcId = RPCDetId(this_detId);
0361         this_roll = theGeometry->roll(this_rpcId);
0362         if (!this_roll)
0363           continue;
0364 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0365         sslognoiseitem << "Inside While:: [" << std::setw(6) << count_all << "][" << std::setw(3) << count_strips
0366                        << "] :: this_detId = " << this_detId << " aka " << this_rpcId << " Noise = " << it->noise
0367                        << " Hz/cm2" << std::endl;
0368 //  ++count_all;
0369 #endif
0370         ++count_strips;
0371         if (this_detId != current_detId) {
0372 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0373           sslognoiseitem << "Different detId is found ::                  " << this_detId << " aka " << this_rpcId
0374                          << " Noise = " << it->noise << " Hz/cm2";
0375 #endif
0376           // next roll is found. update current_detId to this newly found detId
0377           // and update also the number of strips
0378           current_detId = this_detId;
0379           current_rpcId = RPCDetId(current_detId);
0380           next_detId_found = true;
0381           current_nStrips = (theGeometry->roll(current_rpcId))->nstrips();
0382 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0383           sslognoiseitem << " with " << current_nStrips << " strips" << std::endl;
0384 #endif
0385           --it;  // subtract one, because at the end of the loop the iterator will be increased with one
0386                  // in fact the treatment for roll N stops when we find the first occurence of roll N+1
0387                  // however we want to start the treatment for roll N+1 with the first occurence of roll N+1
0388           // so the first entry of each new roll N+1 is manipulated twice in the loop (once as a stop, once as a start)
0389           // therefore we have to manipulate the iterator here, subtracting one, to treat again this entry
0390         }
0391       }
0392       // reset count_strips
0393       count_strips = 1;
0394     }
0395     // There should be no Case 4
0396     // -------------------------
0397     else {
0398     }
0399   }
0400   // ###########################################################################
0401 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0402   std::string lognoiseitem = sslognoiseitem.str();
0403   sslognoiseitem.clear();
0404   LogDebug("RPCSimSetupNoiseLoopDetails") << lognoiseitem << std::endl;
0405   LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << "RPCSimSetUp::setRPCSetUp :: NoiseItem :: end" << std::endl;
0407   LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << "RPCSimSetUp::setRPCSetUp :: end" << std::endl;
0408 #endif
0409 }
0411 const std::vector<float>& RPCSimSetUp::getNoise(uint32_t id) {
0412   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<float> >::iterator iter = _mapDetIdNoise.find(id);
0413   if (iter == _mapDetIdNoise.end()) {
0414     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - no noise information for DetId\t" << id
0415                                         << std::endl;
0416   }
0417   LogDebug("RPCSimSetupChecks") << "All OK from RPCSimSetUp - noise information for DetId\t" << id << std::endl;
0418   return iter->second;
0419 }
0421 const std::vector<float>& RPCSimSetUp::getEff(uint32_t id) {
0422   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<float> >::iterator iter = _mapDetIdEff.find(id);
0423   if (iter == _mapDetIdEff.end()) {
0424     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - no efficiency information for DetId\t" << id
0425                                         << std::endl;
0426   }
0428   RPCDetId rpcId = RPCDetId(id);
0429   const RPCRoll* roll = theGeometry->roll(rpcId);
0430   unsigned int numbStrips = roll->nstrips();
0432   if ((iter->second).size() < numbStrips) {
0433     LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - efficiency information in a wrong format for DetId\t" << id
0434                             << " aka " << RPCDetId(id) << std::endl;
0435     LogDebug("RPCSimSetup") << " number of strips in Conditions\t" << (iter->second).size()
0436                             << " number of strips in Geometry\t" << numbStrips << std::endl;
0437     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt")
0438         << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - efficiency information in a wrong format for DetId\t" << id << std::endl;
0439   }
0441   return iter->second;
0442 }
0444 float RPCSimSetUp::getTime(uint32_t id) {
0445   RPCDetId rpcid(id);
0446   std::map<RPCDetId, float>::iterator iter = _bxmap.find(rpcid);
0447   if (iter == _bxmap.end()) {
0448     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - no timing information for rpcid.rawId()\t"
0449                                         << rpcid.rawId() << std::endl;
0450   }
0451   return iter->second;
0452 }
0454 const std::map<int, std::vector<double> >& RPCSimSetUp::getClsMap() {
0455   if (_clsMap.size() != 5) {
0456     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - cluster size - a wrong format " << std::endl;
0457   }
0458   return _clsMap;
0459 }
0461 //const std::map<int, std::vector<double> >& RPCSimSetUp::getClsMap(uint32_t id)
0462 const std::vector<double>& RPCSimSetUp::getCls(uint32_t id)  //legacy member function
0463 {
0464   LogDebug("RPCSimSetupChecks") << "RPCSimSetUp::getCls" << std::endl;
0466   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<double> >::iterator iter = _mapDetClsMapLegacy.find(id);
0467   if (iter == _mapDetClsMapLegacy.end()) {
0468     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - no cluster size information for DetId\t" << id
0469                                         << std::endl;
0470   }
0471   if ((iter->second).size() != 100) {
0472     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt")
0473         << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - _mapDetClsMapLegacy - cluster size information in a wrong format for DetId\t"
0474         << id << std::endl;
0475   }
0476   LogDebug("RPCSimSetupChecks")
0477       << "All OK from RPCSimSetUp - _mapDetClsMapLegacy - cluster size information for DetId\t" << id << std::endl;
0478   return iter->second;
0479 }
0481 const std::vector<double>& RPCSimSetUp::getAsymmetricClsDistribution(uint32_t id, uint32_t slice) {
0482   LogDebug("RPCSimSetupChecks") << "RPCSimSetUp::getAsymmetricClsDistribution" << std::endl;
0484   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<double> >::const_iterator iter = _mapDetClsMap.find(id);
0485   if (iter == _mapDetClsMap.end()) {
0486     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt")
0487         << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - _mapDetClsMap - no cluster size information for DetId\t" << id << std::endl;
0488   }
0489   if ((iter->second).size() != 120) {
0490     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt")
0491         << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - _mapDetClsMap - cluster size information in a wrong format for DetId\t" << id
0492         << std::endl;
0493   }
0494   //  return iter->second;
0496   std::vector<double> dataForAsymmCls = iter->second;
0497   if (slice > 4) {
0498     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - slice variable not in the range" << std::endl;
0499   }
0501   _DetClsAsymmetric.clear();
0503   std::vector<double> clsFewStripsDistribution;
0504   std::vector<double> clsDistribution;
0505   std::vector<double> clsAccumulativeDistribution;
0507   std::map<int, std::vector<double> > mapSliceVsDistribution;
0509   const int slices = 5;
0510   const int distributionFewStrips = 24;
0512   double sliceVsFewStripsDistribution[slices][distributionFewStrips];
0514   for (int j = 0; j < distributionFewStrips; j++) {
0515     for (int i = 0; i < slices; i++) {
0516       sliceVsFewStripsDistribution[i][j] = dataForAsymmCls[j * slices + i];
0517     }
0518   }
0520   int i = slice;
0521   double sum = 0;
0522   int counter = 0;
0523   for (int j = 0; j < distributionFewStrips; j++) {
0524     counter++;
0525     sum += sliceVsFewStripsDistribution[i][j];
0526     if (counter % 4 == 0) {
0527       _DetClsAsymmetric.push_back(sum);
0528     }
0529   }
0530   return _DetClsAsymmetric;
0531 }
0533 const std::vector<double>& RPCSimSetUp::getAsymmetryForCls(uint32_t id, uint32_t slice, uint32_t cls) {
0534   LogDebug("RPCSimSetupChecks") << "RPCSimSetUp::getAsymmetryForCls" << std::endl;
0536   std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<double> >::const_iterator iter = _mapDetClsMap.find(id);
0537   if (iter == _mapDetClsMap.end()) {
0538     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt")
0539         << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - _mapDetClsMap - no cluster size information for DetId\t" << id << std::endl;
0540   }
0541   if ((iter->second).size() != 120) {
0542     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt")
0543         << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - _mapDetClsMap - cluster size information in a wrong format for DetId\t" << id
0544         << '\t' << (iter->second).size() << std::endl;
0545   }
0547   std::vector<double> dataForAsymmCls = iter->second;
0549   if (slice > 4) {
0550     throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt") << "Exception from RPCSimSetUp - slice variable not in the range" << std::endl;
0551   }
0553   _DetAsymmetryForCls.clear();
0555   std::vector<double> clsFewStripsDistribution;
0556   std::vector<double> clsDistribution;
0557   std::vector<double> clsAccumulativeDistribution;
0558   std::vector<double> clsDetAsymmetryForCls;
0559   clsDetAsymmetryForCls.clear();
0561   std::map<int, std::vector<double> > mapSliceVsDistribution;
0563   const int slices = 5;
0564   const int distributionFewStrips = 24;
0566   double sliceVsFewStripsDistribution[slices][distributionFewStrips];
0568   for (int j = 0; j < distributionFewStrips; j++) {
0569     for (int i = 0; i < slices; i++) {
0570       sliceVsFewStripsDistribution[i][j] = dataForAsymmCls[j * slices + i];
0571     }
0572   }
0574   int vector_lenght;
0575   switch (cls) {
0576     case 1:
0577     case 3:
0578     case 5:
0579       vector_lenght = 3;
0580       break;
0581     case 2:
0582     case 4:
0583       vector_lenght = 4;
0584       break;
0585     case 6:
0586     default:
0587       vector_lenght = 1;
0588       break;
0589   }
0591   float sum = 0;
0592   float value;
0593   for (int i = 0; i < vector_lenght; i++) {
0594     value = sliceVsFewStripsDistribution[slice][(cls - 1) * 4 + i];
0595     clsDetAsymmetryForCls.push_back(value);
0596     sum += value;
0597     //     LogDebug ("RPCSimSetup")<<"value\t"<<value<<std::endl;
0598     //    LogDebug ("RPCSimSetup")<<"sum\t"<<sum<<std::endl;
0599   }
0601   float accum = 0;
0602   for (int i = clsDetAsymmetryForCls.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
0603     accum += clsDetAsymmetryForCls[i];
0604     _DetAsymmetryForCls.push_back(accum / sum);
0605   }
0606   return _DetAsymmetryForCls;
0607 }
0609 RPCSimSetUp::~RPCSimSetUp() {}