The validation TauTagVal.cfg file was created to run on a Tau sample. It
is recommended to use it on a pure diTau sample or a Z->TauTau sample. As
it is, it will produce a root file called "tautag_IsoEfValid.root" that
stores histograms in different folders. The naming of the folder and what they
contain is the following:
- DQMData/TausAtGenLevel_ConeIsolationForValidation
Contains histograms of the Taus at Generator Level and histograms of
the Tau Jets at Generator level. Tau Jets, are the decay products of
the orginal Taus minus the momentum of the Neutrino_Tau. They are
required to be in a visible part of the detector (|eta| < 2.5 and
Pt > 5.0 GeV