Warning, /Validation/RecoTau/test/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 The validation TauTagVal.cfg file was created to run on a Tau sample. It
0002 is recommended to use it on a pure diTau sample or a Z->TauTau sample. As
0003 it is, it will produce a root file called "tautag_IsoEfValid.root" that
0004 stores histograms in different folders. The naming of the folder and what they
0005 contain is the following:
0007 - DQMData/TausAtGenLevel_ConeIsolationForValidation
0008 Contains histograms of the Taus at Generator Level and histograms of
0009 the Tau Jets at Generator level. Tau Jets, are the decay products of
0010 the orginal Taus minus the momentum of the Neutrino_Tau. They are
0011 required to be in a visible part of the detector (|eta| < 2.5 and
0012 Pt > 5.0 GeV
0014 - DQMData/ReconstructedJet_ConeIsolationForValidation
0015 Contains histograms of the reconstructed Jets that are matched to a
0016 generator level jet for a deltaR < 0.15
0019 - DQMData/ReconstructedJetWithLeadingTrack_ConeIsolationForValidation
0020 Contains histograms of the reconstructed jets with a leading track
0021 with more than 6 GeV and within a matching cone of 0.1 around the jet
0022 momentum
0024 - DQMData/TauTaggedJets_ConeIsolationForValidation
0025 Contains histograms of the reconstructed jets with a leading track
0026 that are tagged with the following description:
0027 Signal cone = 0.07
0028 Isolation cone = 0.45
0029 # of tracks in Isolation Ring = 0
0030 Minimum Pt of tracks = 1.0 GeV
0032 - DQMData/LeadingTrackPtAndDeltaRStudies_ConeIsolationForValidation
0033 This contains histograms of the behaviour of different leading track
0034 Pts and the DeltaR of the Leading Track with respect to the direction
0035 direction of the Jet Momentum. (leading track searching for 1.0 GeV
0036 minimum Pt and 0.15 matching cone)
0038 - DQMData/TaggingStudies_ConeIsolationForValidation
0039 Contains studdies on the behaviour of the efficiency changing:
0040 - Isolation Cone Size (0.2, 0.25, .., 0.45)
0041 - Signal Cone Size (0.07, 0.08,..,0.12)
0042 - Leading Track Pt (2, 3, .. , 7 GeV)
0043 - Matching Cone Size (0.07, 0.08,..,0.12)
0045 Some plots can be produced by typing in root the following command:
0046 ".x tauTag_IsoEffValid.C"
0048 The values of the isolation parameters can be modified in the config file
0049 they are passed to the analyzer through it.
0051 If there are any questions please contact me at ricardo@fnal.gov