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0001 from builtins import range
0002 main_page_template = '''<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
0003 <html>
0004 <head>
0005   <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet">
0006   <title>Tau ID Validation</title>
0007 </head>
0008 <body class="index">
0009   <div id="header">
0010     <A href="">Home</A>
0011     <A href="">Wiki</A>
0012   </div>
0013   <hr>
0014   <div id="title">
0015     <h1>Tau ID Validation</h1>
0016   </div>
0017   <hr>
0018   <h2>Official releases validated:</h2>
0019   <ul>
0020 %s
0021   </ul>
0022   <h2>Special RelVal Validation:</h2>
0023   <ul>
0024 %s
0025   </ul>
0026   <h2>Custom validation, tests and other stuff:</h2>
0027   <ul>
0028 %s
0029   </ul>
0030 </body>
0031 </html>
0032 '''
0033 create_main_list_element = lambda x: '    <li><a href="%s/">%s</a></li>\n' % (x,x)
0035 from string import Template
0036 usual_validation_template = Template('''<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
0037 <html>
0038 <head>
0039   <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet">
0040   <title>$THIS_RELEASE Validation Results</title>
0041 </head>
0042 <body class="index">
0043   <div id="header">
0044     <A href="">Home</A>
0045     <A href="">Wiki</A>
0046   </div>
0047   <hr>
0048   <div id="title">
0049     <h1>$THIS_RELEASE Validation Results</h1>
0050   </div>
0051   <hr>
0052   <h2>Configuration:</h2>
0053   <pre>
0054 $CONFIG
0055   </pre>
0056   <h2>Datasets:</h2>
0058 </body>
0059 </html>
0060 ''')
0062 def usual_validation_dataset_template(dataset_name, root_link, ref_file, dir_link, paths_to_pictures, source_file):
0063     chunk_list     = lambda l,n: [l[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)]
0064     rows_paths     = chunk_list(paths_to_pictures,2)
0065     cell_template  = '        <td style="width: 640px;"><A href=%s><IMG src="%s" width="640" align="center" border="0"></A></td>'
0066     row_template   = '''      <tr>
0067 %s      </tr>\n'''
0068     rows           = ''.join([row_template % ''.join([ cell_template % (path,path) for path in row]) for row in rows_paths])
0069     reference      = '<A href=%s>Reference</A>' % ref_file if ref_file else 'Reference not available'
0070     source         = '<A href=%s>Input Source</A>'    % source_file if ref_file else 'Source not available' #ALL source files seem empty... need to check
0071     return '''  <h3>%s ( <A href=%s>Root File</A> ) ( %s ) ( %s ) ( <A href=%s>Full Directory Content</A> )</h3>
0072   <table style="text-align: left; " border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">
0073     <tbody>
0074 %s
0075     </tbody>
0076   </table>
0077 ''' % (dataset_name, root_link, reference, source, dir_link, rows)