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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for meas

Type Member of File Line
local variable /Alignment/APEEstimation/plugins/ 1315
local variable /Alignment/APEEstimation/plugins/ 1349
function definition OpticalObject /Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OpticalObject.h 200
local variable /Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 122
local variable /Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 152
local variable /Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 195
local variable /Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 219
local variable /Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 1426
local variable /Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 1436
local variable /Alignment/CocoaToDDL/src/ 640
local variable /Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/plugins/ 81
local variable /Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/plugins/ 1765
local variable /Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/plugins/ 105
local variable /Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/plugins/ 173
local variable /Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer/plugins/ 148
local variable /Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer/plugins/ 196
local variable /Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 804
local variable /CalibTracker/SiStripHitResolution/plugins/ 178
local variable /DPGAnalysis/SiStripTools/plugins/ 875
local variable /DQM/SiPixelPhase1Track/plugins/ 262
class, struct, or union member std /RecoMuon/CosmicMuonProducer/src/ 714
local variable /RecoMuon/CosmicMuonProducer/src/ 757
local variable /RecoMuon/GlobalTrackingTools/plugins/ 197
local variable /RecoMuon/GlobalTrackingTools/plugins/ 264
local variable /RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator/plugins/ 577
local variable /RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator/plugins/ 659
local variable /RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator/plugins/ 477
local variable /RecoTracker/CkfPattern/plugins/ 246
local variable /RecoTracker/CkfPattern/src/ 437
local variable /RecoTracker/CkfPattern/src/ 123
local variable /RecoTracker/DeDx/plugins/ 277
local variable /RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/bin/ 213
local variable /RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/src/ 297
local variable /RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/src/ 371
local variable /RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/test/ 229
local variable /RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/test/ 243
local variable /RecoTracker/SiTrackerMRHTools/src/ 23
local variable /RecoTracker/SiTrackerMRHTools/src/ 34
local variable /RecoTracker/SpecialSeedGenerators/src/ 114
local variable /RecoTracker/SpecialSeedGenerators/src/ 250
local variable /RecoTracker/TrackProducer/src/ 378
local variable /RecoTracker/TransientTrackingRecHit/interface/Traj2TrackHits.h 41
local variable /RecoTracker/TransientTrackingRecHit/interface/Traj2TrackHits.h 63
local variable /TrackingTools/TrackFitters/plugins/ 252
local variable /TrackingTools/TrackFitters/plugins/ 417

45 declarations in 32 files.

References to meas

File Line
/Alignment/APEEstimation/plugins/ 1315 1316 1321 1321 1349 1350 1352 1352
/Alignment/APEEstimation/test/autoSubmitter/ 554 556
/Alignment/CocoaFit/interface/Fit.h 157
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/Measurement.h 77 175
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOCOPS.h 29 31
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOCameraDetector.h 27
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptODistancemeter.h 27 30
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptODistancemeter3dim.h 27 30
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOLaser.h 27
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOLens.h 27
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOMirror.h 28
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOPinhole.h 27
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptORisleyPrism.h 27
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOScreen.h 27
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOSensor2D.h 28 30
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOSource.h 32
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOTiltmeter.h 27 29
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOUserDefined.h 31
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOXLaser.h 27
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OpticalObject.h 124 126 137 140 199 199 200
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 122 124 125 131 145 147 152 154 155 161 188 190 195 197 198 204 212 214 219 221 222 228 236 238
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 427 429 429 621 622 623 624 630 631 635 636 637 643
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 1426 1428 1429 1436 1438 1441 1452 1456 1456 1458 1464 1466 1470 1474
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 33 36 42 183 298 299 314 316 316 331 349 349 350 350 352 355 358 361
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 17
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 24 24 29 30 67 69 70
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 23 23 28 29 40 42 43
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 22
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 27
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 24
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 25
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 17
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 23
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 35 35 40 66 67 78 78 83 86 89 89 90 90 91 91 92 95 110 111
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 30
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 24 24 30 52 58 60
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 24 39 50
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 21
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 850 852 854 864 866 873 923 930
/Alignment/CocoaToDDL/src/ 640 641 643 647 649 652 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/plugins/ 81 82 90 90
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/plugins/ 1765 1766 1770 1770
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/plugins/ 105 106 112 112
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/plugins/ 173 174 179
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer/plugins/ 148 149 154 156 161 162 164 166 168 179 179 196 197 204 204
/Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 804 808 868 868
/CalibTracker/SiStripChannelGain/src/ 215 216 221
/CalibTracker/SiStripCommon/src/ 32 33 38 43 44 46 48
/CalibTracker/SiStripHitResolution/plugins/ 178 181 187 192 193 199
/CalibTracker/SiStripLorentzAngle/plugins/ 266 267 272 277 278 280 282
/CommonTools/Clustering1D/interface/Cluster1D.h 16 34 35
/DPGAnalysis/SiStripTools/plugins/ 144 144 144 145 148 148 149
/DPGAnalysis/SiStripTools/plugins/ 127 127 127 128 131 131 132
/DPGAnalysis/SiStripTools/plugins/ 875 876 877 1142 1142 1142 1143 1144 1273 1273 1273 1274 1277
/DQM/SiPixelPhase1Track/plugins/ 262 264
/DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/LookupTableRecord.h 24 25 25
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/src/ 72 73 74 75
/RecoBTag/SecondaryVertex/src/ 111 112 114
/RecoMuon/CosmicMuonProducer/src/ 465 469 714 715 715 757 759 759
/RecoMuon/GlobalTrackingTools/plugins/ 197 199 199 264 266 266
/RecoMuon/StandAloneTrackFinder/interface/StandAloneMuonFilter.h 139
/RecoMuon/StandAloneTrackFinder/src/ 349 356
/RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator/plugins/ 577 589 596 597 597 600 659 676 682 685 685 691
/RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator/plugins/ 477 490 497 498 498 501 501
/RecoTracker/CkfPattern/interface/BaseCkfTrajectoryBuilder.h 114 122
/RecoTracker/CkfPattern/plugins/GroupedCkfTrajectoryBuilder.h 92
/RecoTracker/CkfPattern/plugins/ 246 247 249 251
/RecoTracker/CkfPattern/src/ 437 438 439 439
/RecoTracker/CkfPattern/src/ 123 124 128 132 137 139 140 140 140 140 142 145
/RecoTracker/DeDx/plugins/ 277 279 280
/RecoTracker/DebugTools/plugins/CkfDebugTrajectoryBuilder.h 22 28 31 37
/RecoTracker/DebugTools/plugins/ 197 203 204 204 237 237 239 254 258 258
/RecoTracker/FinalTrackSelectors/plugins/ 156 162 1009 1012 1034 1066 1073 1082
/RecoTracker/NuclearSeedGenerator/src/ 136 136
/RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/bin/ 213 216 217 218 218 219 219 221 224 224
/RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/interface/ClusterShapeHitFilter.h 198 214 217 218
/RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/src/ 236 259 260 262 265 297 301 302 334 340 346 371 379 380
/RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/test/ 229 232 233 234 243 246 247 248 248 249 249 457 458 459 460 464
/RecoTracker/SiTrackerMRHTools/interface/MultiRecHitCollector.h 12 12
/RecoTracker/SiTrackerMRHTools/src/ 23 30 35 109
/RecoTracker/SiTrackerMRHTools/src/ 34 37 41 46 46 68
/RecoTracker/SpecialSeedGenerators/src/ 114 115 123
/RecoTracker/SpecialSeedGenerators/src/ 250 268 272 272 273 273
/RecoTracker/TrackProducer/src/ 378 379 379
/RecoTracker/TransientTrackingRecHit/interface/Traj2TrackHits.h 41 42 42 45 45 47 47 51 51 53 53 63 64 65 67 67 69 69
/RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer/scripts/root/BxAnalysis/ 229 231 233 242
/TrackingTools/MeasurementDet/interface/TrajectoryMeasurementGroup.h 20 21 23 24 25 26
/TrackingTools/PatternTools/src/ 14 16 16
/TrackingTools/PatternTools/src/ 15 17 17
/TrackingTools/TrackFitters/plugins/ 252 253 253 254 417 418 419 425

478 references in 90 files.