
Changes since CMSSW_10_6_12:

compare to previous

  1. 30132 from @christopheralanwest: Update offline GT for Run 1 and Run 2 data, including special runs. [10_6_X] alca created: 2020-06-07 03:45:12 merged: 2020-06-08 07:51:38

  2. 30066 from @mbluj: Fix bug affecting boosted tau isolation (10_6_X) reconstruction created: 2020-06-01 11:55:26 merged: 2020-06-04 10:17:33

  3. 30053 from @colizz: ConcurrentHadronizerFilter (106X) core generators created: 2020-05-29 23:56:50 merged: 2020-06-01 07:09:39

  4. 30030 from @colizz: multi-thread support for MadGraph LO process (106X) generators created: 2020-05-28 18:57:27 merged: 2020-05-30 07:35:56

  5. 30019 from @ahinzmann: Allow running PUPPI v14 customizer on data analysis reconstruction created: 2020-05-28 14:50:20 merged: 2020-06-04 15:22:46

  6. 29919 from @slava77: optimize some hotspot use cases of deltaR and polar in reco/miniAOD (backport of #29918 ) analysis reconstruction created: 2020-05-20 03:04:54 merged: 2020-05-21 07:48:44

  7. 29901 from @srimanob: [backport] Disble illegal parameters when LHESource is used with steps operations created: 2020-05-19 07:49:48 merged: 2020-05-20 07:12:33

  8. 29808 from @intrepid42: Backport of #29567 (biased tau decayer) to CMSSW_10_6_X generators created: 2020-05-12 09:31:18 merged: 2020-05-12 17:54:15

  9. 29771 from @CTPPS: PPS: updates for re-miniAOD (backport of #29770) analysis dqm operations reconstruction created: 2020-05-08 07:53:03 merged: 2020-05-25 15:57:39

  10. 29739 from @cms-tau-pog: Restructured code of againstElectronDeadECAL tauID (10_6_X) analysis reconstruction created: 2020-05-05 14:31:07 merged: 2020-05-28 06:58:40

  11. 29619 from @smuzaffar: move TreeWriterForEcalCorrection in to a plugin directory fastsim created: 2020-05-02 04:32:07 merged: 2020-05-19 17:02:14

  12. 29618 from @smuzaffar: move EcalPedestalHistory in to plugins directory to avoid duplicate d db created: 2020-05-02 04:25:40 merged: 2020-05-05 14:36:10

  13. 29601 from @ahinzmann: PUPPI tune v14 [10_6_X] analysis reconstruction created: 2020-04-30 12:33:13 merged: 2020-05-14 18:51:58

  14. 29539 from @Dominic-Stafford: Herwig 7.2 Interface backport to CMSSW_10_6_X generators created: 2020-04-22 18:23:15 merged: 2020-04-23 14:21:14

  15. 29537 from @cericeci: Backport of #28753 (fix the sign of pat::Muon dxy to take the one from the track) analysis reconstruction created: 2020-04-22 15:56:23 merged: 2020-05-01 08:38:58

  16. 29529 from @sscruz: Update of the lostTrack collection for MUO (back-port of #29389) analysis reconstruction created: 2020-04-21 15:29:10 merged: 2020-04-23 17:07:33

  17. 29521 from @danbarto: keeping METsumPtUnclustered (backport of #28370) analysis reconstruction created: 2020-04-20 14:33:40 merged: 2020-04-21 17:15:51

  18. 29499 from @kpedro88: Speed up filesFromList and filesFromDASQuery in [106X] operations created: 2020-04-16 18:42:11 merged: 2020-04-17 11:33:10

  19. 29392 from @ahinzmann: Fix MET Significance, Covariance Matrix and unclustered energy lepton subtraction [10_6_X] analysis reconstruction created: 2020-04-03 22:04:34 merged: 2020-04-21 07:24:54

  20. 29324 from @cericeci: Backport of inverse beta variable in pat::Muons for 10_6_X analysis reconstruction created: 2020-03-27 16:42:30 merged: 2020-04-17 20:20:25

  21. 29062 from @hqucms: [10_6_X] MXNet-based implementation of the ParticleNet tagger analysis reconstruction created: 2020-02-29 01:02:25 merged: 2020-04-18 08:01:54

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_10_6_12/slc7_amd64_gcc700 and REL/CMSSW_10_6_13/slc7_amd64_gcc700:

compare to previous

  1. 5811 from @slava77: backport of EgammaAnalysis-ElectronTools for UL re-miniAOD created: 2020-05-09 13:35:13 merged: 2020-05-13 08:54:27

  2. 5775 from @Dominic-Stafford: Upgrade Herwig 7.1.4 to Herwig 7.2.0 created: 2020-04-22 18:23:33 merged: 2020-04-23 14:21:12