
Changes since CMSSW_7_4_15:

compare to previous

  1. 11307 from @silviodonato: HLT BTV DQM offline - 74X backport dqm created: 2015-09-17 07:35:09 merged: 2015-10-28 06:56:37

  2. 11383 from @mrcarver: DQM module updates for Dilepton+HT250 and Dilepton+HT300 paths (CMSHLT587) dqm created: 2015-09-19 00:39:43 merged: 2015-10-28 06:56:31

  3. 11468 from @fioriNTU: BixPixEff dqm created: 2015-09-24 17:25:47 merged: 2015-10-28 06:56:25

  4. 11597 from @fioriNTU: Make average Fed Occupancy a TProfile dqm created: 2015-10-01 14:31:30 merged: 2015-10-28 06:56:20

  5. 11620 from @ndaci: Splitted HT category into CaloHT and PFHT categories. Added paths that are removde JetIdCleaned suffix (MonoJet, PhotonMET,and PureMET). Optimized binning of sumEt plot in MonoJet category. Added new paths in PFHT category. dqm created: 2015-10-02 11:02:13 merged: 2015-10-28 06:56:14

  6. 12103 from @vkhristenko: Fixing Offline DQM Bug dqm created: 2015-10-26 20:03:20 merged: 2015-10-28 06:51:14

  7. 11378 from @richard-cms: L1 Stage 1 MET fixes (74X backport of #11372 ) l1 created: 2015-09-18 19:08:04 merged: 2015-10-27 17:07:01

  8. 11435 from @cms-l1t-offline: Backport of PR #11253 - Updates to Tau and Jet calibration LUT, Alg fixes l1 created: 2015-09-23 15:43:40 merged: 2015-10-27 17:06:55

  9. 12069 from @gennai: Alca beam spot harvester fix v2 alca created: 2015-10-23 09:58:07 merged: 2015-10-27 17:06:36

  10. 11573 from @cms-tsg-storm: 74X hlt25ns round six fastsim hlt created: 2015-09-30 14:33:27 merged: 2015-10-25 15:06:48

  11. 11718 from @fwyzard: cmsCheckMultithreading replaced by edmCheckmultithreading hlt created: 2015-10-10 11:37:04 merged: 2015-10-25 15:06:37

  12. 12082 from @cms-sw: Revert “Removed inappropriate use of SerialTaskQueue from ClusterShap created: 2015-10-24 17:52:47 merged: 2015-10-24 17:53:01

  13. 11782 from @Dr15Jones: Removed inappropriate use of SerialTaskQueue from ClusterShapeLazyGetter reconstruction created: 2015-10-14 07:47:52 merged: 2015-10-24 17:51:27

  14. 11805 from @alja: 74x Fireworks: fix MuonDigi accessor type visualization created: 2015-10-14 22:39:45 merged: 2015-10-24 08:28:32

  15. 11802 from @mbandrews: Fix TestPulse RMS binning and output dqm created: 2015-10-14 21:58:59 merged: 2015-10-24 08:28:13

  16. 11792 from @fioriNTU: fix of TrackSplitting module dqm created: 2015-10-14 14:43:19 merged: 2015-10-24 08:27:44

  17. 12037 from @hardenbr: fixed digi search behavior to check for end of list hlt created: 2015-10-22 07:39:20 merged: 2015-10-24 08:22:34

  18. 11974 from @fojensen: push V0Producer from 75X and 76X into 74X reconstruction created: 2015-10-20 00:58:42 merged: 2015-10-22 07:26:47

  19. 11302 from @slava77: pick ecal fraction of 0 for a candidate with trackMomentum 0 reconstruction created: 2015-09-16 23:18:38 merged: 2015-10-20 17:22:41

  20. 11344 from @jasperlauwers: Update Higgs Dalitz paths (74X) dqm created: 2015-09-18 11:04:02 merged: 2015-10-20 17:22:24

  21. 11411 from @cms-btv-pog: Templated BVertex plugins (74X) reconstruction created: 2015-09-22 01:31:11 merged: 2015-10-20 17:22:18

  22. 11532 from @arcidiac: Fix for the Streams’ names to be monitored and protection for paths w dqm created: 2015-09-28 15:04:26 merged: 2015-10-20 17:22:13

  23. 11821 from @barvic: Fix for handling of extremely rare case of CFEB data corruption reconstruction created: 2015-10-15 15:01:55 merged: 2015-10-20 17:21:55

  24. 11424 from @hengne: backport: relval scripts update, 2015c data workflows, 75x 76x new workflows core generators hlt pdmv created: 2015-09-22 17:22:16 merged: 2015-10-12 20:31:24

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_7_4_15/slc6_amd64_gcc491 and REL/CMSSW_7_4_15_patch1/slc6_amd64_gcc491:

compare to previous