
Changes since CMSSW_13_2_5_patch2:

compare to previous

  1. 42944 from @mandrenguyen: era to store ZDC digis for pp reco [13_2_X] operations reconstruction xpog created: 2023-10-04 11:07:43 merged: 2023-10-05 11:21:00

  2. 42925 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT menu development for 13_2_X (4/N) hlt created: 2023-10-02 10:23:50 merged: 2023-10-04 01:07:38

  3. 42912 from @mmusich: [13.2.X] Fix PixelCountFilter and introduce PixelOccupancyFilter reconstruction pdmv created: 2023-09-29 11:07:38 merged: 2023-10-02 14:38:27

  4. 42882 from @mmusich: [13.2.X] Add more diagnostics to SiStripMonitorApproximateCluster dqm trk created: 2023-09-27 08:02:09 merged: 2023-10-04 00:32:23

  5. 42864 from @lutuck: [13_2_X] EMTF add DQM plots for unconstrained pT and dxy dqm l1t created: 2023-09-26 03:51:23 merged: 2023-10-02 14:42:07

  6. 42861 from @thomreis: Enable ECAL reconstructions to use different time calibration records - 132x reconstruction ecal created: 2023-09-25 20:48:54 merged: 2023-10-02 14:42:47

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_13_2_5_patch2/el8_amd64_gcc11 and REL/CMSSW_13_2_5_patch3/el8_amd64_gcc11:

compare to previous