
Changes since CMSSW_14_1_5:

compare to previous

  1. 46687 from @AdrianoDee: [14_1_X] Fix maxHitsInModule for SiPixelRecHitFromSoAAlpaka reconstruction trk created: 2024-11-13 08:09:27 merged: 2024-11-13 18:12:01

  2. 46672 from @perrotta: Update a few GTs in autoCond - CMSSW_14_1_X alca created: 2024-11-12 09:19:34 merged: 2024-11-13 18:13:45

  3. 46667 from @mmusich: [14.1.X] fix HLT online DQM client to cope with PbPb HLT strip collections dqm hlt created: 2024-11-12 08:11:48 merged: 2024-11-13 18:14:40

  4. 46664 from @ashleyahram: [14_1_X] update a vertex smearing parameters for 2024 pp ref MC operations simulation created: 2024-11-11 21:34:59 merged: 2024-11-12 15:52:05

  5. 46614 from @francescobrivio: [14_1_X] Update sourceFile of beamspotdip DQM client dqm created: 2024-11-06 14:33:03 merged: 2024-11-12 15:42:41

  6. 46605 from @rseidita: Adding HI MEs to per-LS scope in JetMET offline DQM - backport to 14_1_X dqm created: 2024-11-05 09:28:13 merged: 2024-11-12 15:39:28

  7. 46600 from @mmusich: [14.1.X] adjust the L1T seeds to be monitored from L1TStage2uGTTiming in Run3 PbPb modes dqm created: 2024-11-04 15:26:16 merged: 2024-11-12 15:37:55

  8. 46591 from @mmusich: [14.1.X] use ReadPrescalesFromFile=False in the GenericTriggerEventFlag of a bunch of DQM modules dqm trk created: 2024-11-02 16:02:16 merged: 2024-11-12 15:34:25

  9. 46534 from @alaperto: QTest Tracking Summary DQM (BP to 14_1_X) dqm tracking trk created: 2024-10-28 15:10:24 merged: 2024-11-12 15:26:05

  10. 46436 from @AdrianoDee: [14_1_X] New Inputs for D110 And Enabling HIN Phase2 Wf pdmv upgrade created: 2024-10-18 09:02:53 merged: 2024-11-12 15:33:02

  11. 46254 from @hqucms: [14_1_X] Fix memory leak in GenParticles2HepMCConverter generators xpog created: 2024-10-04 11:34:55 merged: 2024-11-12 15:31:14

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_14_1_5/el8_amd64_gcc12 and REL/CMSSW_14_1_5_patch1/el8_amd64_gcc12:

compare to previous